// ==ClosureCompiler== // @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS // @output_file_name tg_radar_database_minified.js // ==/ClosureCompiler== // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // License (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) // // "Tropical Globe's Database of Publicly Accessible Weather Radars" is // released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) // as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or at your option, any later version. // // Our map display online: // http://tropicalglobe.com/radar_database/ // // A more general listing of radar data by country: // http://tropicalatlantic.com/radars/ // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // To link to our display, you can choose the basemap, center and zoom on // startup like this: // // http://tropicalglobe.com/radar_database/?basemap=gray-vector&zoom=4¢er=20,-80 // // You can use any basemap that is in our "mapBasemapsArray" variable. // // We may remove it, but you can also use "light_gray_no_labels" or // "dark_gray_no_labels" for now too. // // // // Other info that is not included in our info section HTML: // // Baltic Sea Region // http://baltrad.eu/ // http://se.baltrad.eu/ // Previously had data from Finland, Norway and Sweden. // // // // // JSZip // // https://github.com/Stuk/jszip/ // https://github.com/Stuk/jszip-utils/ // // Used to create a KMZ file of the radar database for use in Google Earth. // // // // WARNING! // // // MAKE SURE TO SAVE THE ORIGINAL CODE WHEN YOU // OPTIMIZE / MINIFY THIS SCRIPT!!! // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Code Checking Configurations // // https://jshint.com/ // https://eslint.org/demo // https://jslint.com/ // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*global require */ /*jshint sub: true */ /*eslint indent: "error" */ /* eslint-env browser */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Start of Configuration Section // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ArcGIS Map Details // // Example of 2D/3D button: // https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/views-switch-2d-3d/ // var arcGisMapVersion = "4.24"; var arcGisMapTheme = "light"; // Will be "dark" for dark mode var arcGisMapSceneViewButtonButtonClass = "esri-component esri-widget--button esri-widget esri-interactive"; var arcGisMapBasemapSelectClass = "esri-component esri-widget esri-interactive esri-select"; var arcGisMapBasemapId = "gray-vector"; var mapCenterLatitude = 35; var mapCenterLongitude = -95; var mapZoom = 2; var allow3DOption = 1; var load3DView = 0; // // Vector tile layers with no labels // // Light: // https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=291da5eab3a0412593b66d384379f89f // // Dark: // https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=5e9b3685f4c24d8781073dd928ebda50 // // var loadVectorTileLayerOnLoad = 1; var useNoLabelLightGrayVectorTileLayer = 1; var useNoLabelDarkGrayVectorTileLayer = 1; var lightGrayVectorTileLayerUrl = "https://jsapi.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/291da5eab3a0412593b66d384379f89f/resources/styles/root.json"; var darkGrayVectorTileLayerUrl = "https://jsapi.maps.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/5e9b3685f4c24d8781073dd928ebda50/resources/styles/root.json"; var showRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOption = 1; var rangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryVisibility = 0; var showUsaTDWRSitesOption = 1; var usaTDWRSitesVisibility = 1; var showUsaTvStationsOption = 1; var usaTvStationsVisibility = 0; var showClosedStationsOption = 1; var closedStationsVisibility = 0; var showExportOptions = 1; var showAdminOptions = 0; var isTropicalGlobe = 0; var isHurricaneCity = 0; var siteLogoBase64 = ""; var siteLogoMainLink = ""; var databaseBaseLink = ""; if ( (window.location.hostname === "tropicalglobe.com") || (window.location.hostname === "") ) { isTropicalGlobe = 1; // 125px x 13px siteLogoBase64 = ""; siteLogoMainLink = "http://tropicalglobe.com/"; databaseBaseLink = "http://tropicalglobe.com/radar_database/"; } else if (window.location.hostname === "hurricanecity.com") { isHurricaneCity = 1; // 125px x 13px siteLogoBase64 = ""; siteLogoMainLink = "https://hurricanecity.com/"; databaseBaseLink = "https://hurricanecity.com/radar_database/"; } if (window.location.hostname === "") { // For testing purposes offline mapCenterLatitude = 50.152987; mapCenterLongitude = -97.780586; mapZoom = 2; usaTvStationsVisibility = 1; closedStationsVisibility = 1; showAdminOptions = 1; rangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryVisibility = 0; } if (!showClosedStationsOption) { closedStationsVisibility = 0; } var urlVariablesObject = {}; var urlHash = {}; // --------------------------------------- // // Radar Site Icon Size // // --------------------------------------- var radarSiteLocationPointSize = "3px"; var radarSiteLocationPointOutlineWidth = "0.5"; if (isHurricaneCity) { radarSiteLocationPointSize = "4px"; } // radarSiteLocationPointSize = "4px"; // --------------------------------------- // // Radar Site Icon and Range Circle Colors // // --------------------------------------- // // Radar Site Point Colors // var radarSiteLocationPointFillColorAndAlpha = { // Red "r": 204, "g": 0, "b": 0, "a": 0.3 }; var radarSiteLocationPointOutlineColorAndAlpha = { // Red "r": 204, "g": 0, "b": 0, "a": 0.35 }; /* var radarSiteLocationPointFillColorAndAlpha = { // Blue "r": 63, "g": 72, "b": 204, "a": 0.8 }; var radarSiteLocationPointOutlineColorAndAlpha = { // Blue "r": 157, "g": 139, "b": 126, "a": 0.55 }; */ // // Invisible Point Colors // // For testing, I can make them visible. // var radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointFillColorAndAlpha = { // Invisible "r": 0, "g": 0, "b": 0, "a": 0 }; // // Normal Range Circle Colors // var radarSiteNormalRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha = { // Green "r": 0, "g": 153, "b": 0, "a": 0.12, "a_for_google_earth": 0.60 }; var radarSiteNormalRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha = { // Dark Green "r": 0, "g": 102, "b": 0, "a": 0.15, "a_for_google_earth": 1 }; // // Not Available Range Circle Colors // var radarSiteNotAvailableRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha = { // Red "r": 255, "g": 0, "b": 0, "a": 0.05, "a_for_google_earth": 0.5 }; var radarSiteNotAvailableRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha = { // Dark Red "r": 128, "g": 0, "b": 0, "a": 0.07, "a_for_google_earth": 0.5 }; // --------------------------------------- // // WMO Radar Database Base Link // // If there is a WMO WIGOS (WMO Integrated Global Observing System) Id for the // radar site we will link to it at the WMO Radar Database. // var wmoRadarDatabaseBaseLink = "https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/"; // --------------------------------------- // // Basemap Options // // These are the backgrounds someone can choose for the map. The background // on map load is chosen in "arcGisMapBasemapId" in the HTML of the page. // // Basemap IDs: // https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-Map.html#basemap // // Order of the basemap options: // var mapBasemapsArray = [ "satellite", "hybrid", "streets-navigation-vector", "streets-night-vector", "streets-vector", "streets-relief-vector", "osm", "topo-vector", "gray-vector", "dark-gray-vector", "terrain", "oceans" // ,"national-geographic" ]; var mapBasemapsArrayToUse = mapBasemapsArray.slice(); // // Name displayed for each basemap option: // var mapBasemapsObject = { "satellite": "Satellite (no labels)", "hybrid": "Satellite (with labels)", "streets-navigation-vector": "Streets (light for daytime)", "streets-night-vector": "Streets (dark for nighttime)", "streets-vector": "Streets (Esri style)", "streets-relief-vector": "Streets (Esri style with relief)", "osm": "OpenStreetMap", "topo-vector": "Topographic", "gray-vector": "Light Gray (minimal labels)", "dark-gray-vector": "Dark Gray (minimal labels)", "terrain": "Terrain", "oceans": "Oceans" // ,"national-geographic": "National Geographic", }; // --------------------------------------- // // NOAA Base Radar Link // // This is for NOAA radar links in the USA. // var noaaBaseStandardRadarLinkFirstPart = "https://radar.weather.gov/station/"; var noaaBaseStandardRadarLinkSecondPart = "/standard"; // --------------------------------------- // // MRMS Display Options // // // var includeMrmsDisplayLinksForUSA = 1; // // MRMS Display Main Base Radar Link // // This is for radar links in the USA. // var mrmsDisplayMainBaseRadarLinkInUSA = "https://mrms.nssl.noaa.gov/qvs/product_viewer/index.php?time_mode=update&product_type=crefls&product=CREF&opacity=0.7&looping_active=on&num_frames=6&seconds_step=600"; var mrmsDisplayZoom = 8; // --------------------------------------- // // Weather Underground Options // // In May 2019 their site was not working well after updating some of it. // Most of the TDWR options no longer worked. Data for Canada and Australia // were also not working so we eventually removed links to their site for // those countries. In July 2022 we finally removed Weather Underground // from our map. Their NEXRAD radar display has been down most of the year. // var includeWundergroundNexradLinksForUSA = 0; // // Weather Underground Main Base Radar Link // // This is for radar links in the USA. // var wundergroundMainBaseNexradRadarLink = "https://www.wunderground.com/radar/us/"; // --------------------------------------- // // Plymouth State Options For TDWR in USA // var includePlymouthStateLinksForTdwrInUSA = 1; var plymouthStateMainBaseRadarLinkForTdwrInUSA = "https://vortex.plymouth.edu/wxp/cgi-bin/rad/gen-ltdwr.cgi?"; // --------------------------------------- var fullUnitNameObject = { "km": "kilometers", "nm": "nautical miles" }; var fontFamiliesArray = [ "default", "Arial", "Calibri", "Montserrat", "Roboto", "Segoe UI", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Verdana" ]; var fontSizeMinimum = 12; var fontSizeMaximum = 30; var earthRadiusConversionObject = { // "km": 6378.137, // "nm": 3443.918 "km": 6371.0087714, "nm": 3440.0695310 }; var mathPi = Math.PI; var csvFileFieldsArray = [ "country_id", "state_or_province_id", "radar_site_name", "radar_site_alt_name", "latitude", "longitude", "range", "range_unit", "agency", "agency_html", "country_full_name", "country_full_name_html", "country_short_name", "country_associated_with_id", "country_associated_with_full_name", "country_associated_with_full_name_html", "country_associated_with_short_name", "state_or_province_full_name", "wrd_page_id", "radar_site_name_html", "radar_site_alt_name_html", "imagery_id", "alt_imagery_id", "imagery_url", "alt_imagery_url", "alt_imagery_url_text", "usa_nexrad", "usa_tdwr", // "usa_gov_other", // "edu", "usa_tv", // "other", "secondary", "not_available", "do_not_draw_range", "closed", "review_needed", "window_content" ]; var wundergroundPartialLinkForNexradObject = { // --------------------------------------- // // USA // // --------------------------------------- // -------------------- // // States - NEXRAD // // -------------------- "bmx": "al/birmingham", "eox": "al/fort-rucker", "htx": "al/hytop", "mxx": "al/carrville", "mob": "al/mobile", "abc": "ak/bethel", "apd": "ak/fairbanks", "ahg": "ak/anchorage", "akc": "ak/king-salmon", "aih": "ak/middleton-island", "aec": "ak/nome", "acg": "ak/sitka", "fsx": "az/flagstaff", "iwa": "az/phoenix-mesa", "emx": "az/tucson", "yux": "az/yuma", "srx": "ar/slatington-mountain", "lzk": "ar/north-little%20rock", "bbx": "ca/marysville", "eyx": "ca/edwards-afb", "bhx": "ca/eureka", "vtx": "ca/los-angeles", "dax": "ca/sacramento", "nkx": "ca/san-diego", "mux": "ca/san-francisco", "hnx": "ca/san-joaquin%20valley", "sox": "ca/santa-ana%20mountain", "vbx": "ca/lompoc", "ftg": "co/denver", "gjx": "co/grand-junction", "pux": "co/pueblo", "dox": "de/dover-afb", "evx": "fl/red_bay", "jax": "fl/jacksonville", "byx": "fl/key-west", "mlb": "fl/melbourne", "amx": "fl/miami", "tlh": "fl/tallahassee", "tbw": "fl/tampa", "ffc": "ga/atlanta", "vax": "ga/valdosta", "jgx": "ga/warner-robins", "hki": "hi/south-kauai", "hmo": "hi/molokai", "hkm": "hi/kamuela", "hwa": "hi/south-hawaii", "cbx": "id/boise", "sfx": "id/pocatello", "lot": "il/chicago", "ilx": "il/lincoln", "vwx": "in/evansville", "ind": "in/indianapolis", "iwx": "in/north-webster", "dvn": "ia/quad-cities", "dmx": "ia/des-moines", "ddc": "ks/dodge-city", "gld": "ks/goodland", "twx": "ks/topeka-alma", "ict": "ks/wichita", "hpx": "ky/fort-campbell", "jkl": "ky/jackson", "lvx": "ky/louisville", "pah": "ky/paducah", "poe": "la/fort-polk", "lch": "la/lake-charles", "lix": "la/new-orleans", "shv": "la/shreveport", "cbw": "me/caribou", "gyx": "me/portland-gray", "box": "ma/boston", "dtx": "mi/detroit-pontiac", "apx": "mi/gaylord", "grr": "mi/grand-rapids", "mqt": "mi/marquette", "dlh": "mn/duluth", "mpx": "mn/minneapolis", "dgx": "ms/brandon", "gwx": "ms/columbus-afb", "eax": "mo/kansas-city", "sgf": "mo/springfield", "lsx": "mo/st.-louis", "blx": "mt/billings", "ggw": "mt/glasgow", "tfx": "mt/great-falls", "msx": "mt/missoula", "uex": "ne/hastings", "lnx": "ne/north-platte", "oax": "ne/omaha-valley", "lrx": "nv/elko", "esx": "nv/las_vegas", "rgx": "nv/reno", "dix": "pa/philadelphia", "abx": "nm/albuquerque", "fdx": "nm/clovis", "hdx": "nm/alamogordo", "epz": "tx/el_paso", "enx": "ny/albany", "bgm": "ny/binghamton", "buf": "ny/buffalo", "tyx": "ny/montague", "okx": "ny/new-york%20city", "mhx": "nc/morehead-city", "rax": "nc/raleigh-durham", "ltx": "nc/wilmington", "bis": "nd/bismarck", "mvx": "nd/fargo-grand-forks", "mbx": "nd/minot-afb", "iln": "oh/cincinnati", "cle": "oh/cleveland", "fdr": "ok/frederick", "tlx": "ok/oklahoma-city", "inx": "ok/tulsa-inola", "vnx": "ok/vance-afb", "max": "or/medford", "pdt": "or/pendleton", "rtx": "or/portland", "pbz": "pa/pittsburgh", "ccx": "pa/state-college", "clx": "sc/charleston", "cae": "sc/columbia", "gsp": "sc/greenville", "abr": "sd/aberdeen", "udx": "sd/rapid-city", "fsd": "sd/sioux-falls", "mrx": "tn/knoxville", "nqa": "tn/memphis", "ohx": "tn/nashville", "ama": "tx/amarillo", "ewx": "tx/austin-san-antonio", "bro": "tx/brownsville", "crp": "tx/corpus-christi", "fws": "tx/dallas-fort-worth", "dyx": "tx/abilene", "grk": "tx/killeen", "hgx": "tx/houston-galveston", "dfx": "tx/del-rio", "lbb": "tx/lubbock", "maf": "tx/midland-odessa", "sjt": "tx/san-angelo", "icx": "ut/cedar-city", "mtx": "ut/salt-lake%20city", "cxx": "vt/burlington", "akq": "va/norfolk", "fcx": "va/roanoke", "lwx": "va/sterling", "lgx": "wa/langley-hill", "atx": "wa/seattle-tacoma", "otx": "wa/spokane", "rlx": "wv/charleston", "grb": "wi/green-bay", "arx": "wi/la-crosse", "mkx": "wi/milwaukee", "cys": "wy/cheyenne", "riw": "wy/riverton", // -------------------- // // States - TDWR // // -------------------- "phx": "az/prescott", "den": "co/denver", "fll": "fl/key-west", "mia": "fl/key-west", "mco": "fl/key-west", "tpa": "fl/key-west", "pbi": "fl/key-west", "atl": "ga/columbus", "mdw": "il/springfield", "ord": "il/springfield", "ids": "ia/des-moines", "ich": "ks/salina", "cvg": "oh/dayton", "sdf": "ky/bowling-green", "msy": "la/new-orleans", "adw": "ct/hartford", "bos": "ct/hartford", "dtw": "mi/cadillac", "msp": "mn/saint-cloud", "mci": "mo/jefferson-city", "stl": "mo/jefferson-city", "rdu": "nc/charlotte", "las": "nv/reno", "ewr": "ct/hartford", "jfk": "ny/binghamton", "lve": "oh/dayton", "cmh": "oh/dayton", "day": "oh/dayton", "okc": "ok/lawton", "tul": "ok/lawton", "phl": "ct/hartford", "pit": "ct/hartford", "clt": "nc/charlotte", "mem": "ar/little-rock", "bna": "ar/little-rock", "dfw": "tx/san-antonio", "dal": "tx/san-antonio", "hou": "tx/brownsville", "iah": "tx/brownsville", "slc": "ut/provo", "bwi": "ct/hartford", "iad": "va/roanoke", "dca": "ct/hartford", "mke": "ia/des-moines", // -------------------- // // Guam (USA) // // -------------------- // "gua": "gu/agana", // -------------------- // // Puerto Rico (USA) - NEXRAD // // -------------------- "jua": "pr/san-juan", // -------------------- // // Puerto Rico (USA) - TDWR // // -------------------- "sju": "pr/san-juan", }; // á \u00E1 // é \u00E9 // í \u00ED // ó \u00F3 // ú \u00FA // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Object of Continents // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var continentDataObject = { "continents": { "AF": { "name": "Africa" }, "AN": { "name": "Antarctica" }, "AS": { "name": "Asia" }, "EU": { "name": "Europe" }, "NA": { "name": "North America" }, "OC": { "name": "Oceania" }, "SA": { "name": "South America" } } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Object of Countries // // Sources: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-3 // https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var countryDataObject = { "countries": { "AFG": { "name": "Afghanistan" }, // Akrotiri (United Kingdom) // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akrotiri_and_Dhekelia // https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ax.html "ALA": { "name": "Aland Islands", "name_html": "Åland Islands", "associate_with": "FIN" }, "ALB": { "name": "Albania" }, "DZA": { "name": "Algeria" }, "ASM": { "name": "American Samoa", "associate_with": "USA" }, "AND": { "name": "Andorra" }, "AGO": { "name": "Angola" }, "AIA": { "name": "Anguilla", "associate_with": "GBR" }, // "ATA": { // "name": "Antarctica" // }, "ATG": { "name": "Antigua and Barbuda" }, "ARG": { "name": "Argentina" }, "ARM": { "name": "Armenia" }, "ABW": { "name": "Aruba", "associate_with": "NLD" }, "AUS": { "name": "Australia" // Includes: // Ashmore and Cartier Islands // Coral Sea Islands // Lord Howe Island // Macquarie Island }, "AUT": { "name": "Austria" }, "AZE": { "name": "Azerbaijan" }, "BHS": { "name": "Bahamas" }, "BHR": { "name": "Bahrain" }, "BGD": { "name": "Bangladesh" }, "BRB": { "name": "Barbados" }, "BLR": { "name": "Belarus" }, "BEL": { "name": "Belgium" }, "BLZ": { "name": "Belize" }, "BEN": { "name": "Benin" }, "BMU": { "name": "Bermuda", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "BTN": { "name": "Bhutan" }, "BOL": { "name": "Bolivia" }, "BES": { "name": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", "associate_with": "NLD" }, "BIH": { "name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina" }, "BWA": { "name": "Botswana" }, "BVT": { "name": "Bouvet Island", "associate_with": "NOR" }, "BRA": { "name": "Brazil" }, "IOT": { "name": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "VGB": { "name": "British Virgin Islands", // "list_name": "Virgin Islands, British", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "BRN": { "name": "Brunei" }, "BGR": { "name": "Bulgaria" }, "BFA": { "name": "Burkina Faso" }, "BDI": { "name": "Burundi" }, "CPV": { "name": "Cabo Verde" }, "KHM": { "name": "Cambodia" }, "CMR": { "name": "Cameroon" }, "CAN": { "name": "Canada" }, "CYM": { "name": "Cayman Islands", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "CAF": { "name": "Central African Republic" }, "TCD": { "name": "Chad" }, "CHL": { "name": "Chile" }, "CHN": { "name": "China" }, "CXR": { "name": "Christmas Island", "associate_with": "AUS" }, "CCK": { "name": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "associate_with": "AUS" }, "COL": { "name": "Colombia" }, "COM": { "name": "Comoros" }, "COD": { "name": "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "list_name": "Congo, Democratic Republic of the" }, "COG": { "name": "Republic of the Congo", "list_name": "Congo, Republic of the" }, "COK": { "name": "Cook Islands", "associate_with": "NZL" }, "CRI": { "name": "Costa Rica" }, "CIV": { "name": "Cote d'Ivoire", "name_html": "Côte d'Ivoire" // Ivory Coast }, "HRV": { "name": "Croatia" }, "CUB": { "name": "Cuba" }, "CUW": { "name": "Curacao", "name_html": "Curaçao", "associate_with": "NLD" }, "CYP": { "name": "Cyprus" }, "CZE": { "name": "Czechia" }, "DNK": { "name": "Denmark" }, // Dhekelia // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akrotiri_and_Dhekelia // https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/dx.html "DJI": { "name": "Djibouti" }, "DMA": { "name": "Dominica" }, "DOM": { "name": "Dominican Republic" }, "ECU": { "name": "Ecuador" }, "EGY": { "name": "Egypt" }, "SLV": { "name": "El Salvador" }, "GNQ": { "name": "Equatorial Guinea" }, "ERI": { "name": "Eritrea" }, "EST": { "name": "Estonia" }, "ETH": { "name": "Ethiopia" }, "FLK": { "name": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "FRO": { "name": "Faroe Islands", "associate_with": "DNK" }, "FJI": { "name": "Fiji" }, "FIN": { "name": "Finland" }, "FRA": { "name": "France" // Includes: // Clipperton Island }, "GUF": { "name": "French Guiana", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "PYF": { "name": "French Polynesia", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "ATF": { "name": "French Southern Territories", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "GAB": { "name": "Gabon" }, "GMB": { "name": "Gambia" }, "GEO": { "name": "Georgia" }, "DEU": { "name": "Germany" }, "GHA": { "name": "Ghana" }, "GIB": { "name": "Gibraltar", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "GRC": { "name": "Greece" }, "GRL": { "name": "Greenland", "associate_with": "DNK" }, "GRD": { "name": "Grenada" }, "GLP": { "name": "Guadeloupe", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "GUM": { "name": "Guam", "associate_with": "USA" }, "GTM": { "name": "Guatemala" }, "GGY": { "name": "Guernsey", "associate_with": "GBR" // Crown dependency (U.K.) }, "GIN": { "name": "Guinea" }, "GNB": { "name": "Guinea-Bissau" }, "GUY": { "name": "Guyana" }, "HTI": { "name": "Haiti" }, "HMD": { "name": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "associated_with": "AUS" }, "VAT": { "name": "Holy See (Vatican City)", "list_name": "Vatican City (Holy See)" }, "HND": { "name": "Honduras" }, "HKG": { "name": "Hong Kong", "associate_with": "CHN" }, "HUN": { "name": "Hungary" }, "ISL": { "name": "Iceland" }, "IND": { "name": "India" }, "IDN": { "name": "Indonesia" }, "IRN": { "name": "Iran" }, "IRQ": { "name": "Iraq" }, "IRL": { "name": "Ireland" }, "IMN": { "name": "Isle of Man", "associate_with": "GBR" // Crown dependency (U.K.) }, "ISR": { "name": "Israel" }, "ITA": { "name": "Italy" }, "JAM": { "name": "Jamaica" }, "JPN": { "name": "Japan" }, "JEY": { "name": "Jersey", "associate_with": "GBR" // Crown dependency (U.K.) }, "JOR": { "name": "Jordan" }, "KAZ": { "name": "Kazakhstan" }, "KEN": { "name": "Kenya" }, "KIR": { "name": "Kiribati" }, "PRK": { "name": "North Korea" }, "KOR": { "name": "South Korea" }, // Kosovo // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosovo // https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/kv.html "KWT": { "name": "Kuwait" }, "KGZ": { "name": "Kyrgyzstan" }, "LAO": { "name": "Laos" }, "LVA": { "name": "Latvia" }, "LBN": { "name": "Lebanon" }, "LSO": { "name": "Lesotho" }, "LBR": { "name": "Liberia" }, "LBY": { "name": "Libya" }, "LIE": { "name": "Liechtenstein" }, "LTU": { "name": "Lithuania" }, "LUX": { "name": "Luxembourg" }, "MAC": { "name": "Macau", "associate_with": "CHN" // Macao }, "MKD": { "name": "North Macedonia" // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Macedonia }, "MDG": { "name": "Madagascar" }, "MWI": { "name": "Malawi" }, "MYS": { "name": "Malaysia" }, "MDV": { "name": "Maldives" }, "MLI": { "name": "Mali" }, "MLT": { "name": "Malta" }, "MHL": { "name": "Marshall Islands", "associate_with": "USA" }, "MTQ": { "name": "Martinique", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "MRT": { "name": "Mauritania" }, "MUS": { "name": "Mauritius" }, "MYT": { "name": "Mayotte", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "MEX": { "name": "Mexico" }, "FSM": { "name": "Federated States of Micronesia", "list_name": "Micronesia, Federated States of" }, "MDA": { "name": "Moldova" }, "MCO": { "name": "Monaco" }, "MNG": { "name": "Mongolia" }, "MNE": { "name": "Montenegro" }, "MSR": { "name": "Montserrat", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "MAR": { "name": "Morocco" }, "MOZ": { "name": "Mozambique" }, "MMR": { "name": "Myanmar" // Burma }, "NAM": { "name": "Namibia" }, "NRU": { "name": "Nauru" }, "NPL": { "name": "Nepal" }, "NLD": { "name": "Netherlands" }, "NCL": { "name": "New Caledonia", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "NZL": { "name": "New Zealand" }, "NIC": { "name": "Nicaragua" }, "NER": { "name": "Niger" }, "NGA": { "name": "Nigeria" }, "NIU": { "name": "Niue", "associate_with": "NZL" }, "NFK": { "name": "Norfolk Island", "associate_with": "AUS" }, "MNP": { "name": "Northern Mariana Islands", "associate_with": "USA" }, "NOR": { "name": "Norway" }, "OMN": { "name": "Oman" }, "PAK": { "name": "Pakistan" }, "PLW": { "name": "Palau" }, "PSE": { "name": "Palestine" }, "PAN": { "name": "Panama" }, "PNG": { "name": "Papua New Guinea" }, // Paracel Islands (disputed) // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paracel_Islands // https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/pf.html "PRY": { "name": "Paraguay" }, "PER": { "name": "Peru" }, "PHL": { "name": "Philippines" }, "PCN": { "name": "Pitcairn Islands", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "POL": { "name": "Poland" }, "PRT": { "name": "Portugal" // Includes: // Azores // Madeira }, "PRI": { "name": "Puerto Rico", "associate_with": "USA" }, "QAT": { "name": "Qatar" }, "REU": { "name": "Reunion", "name_html": "Réunion", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "ROU": { "name": "Romania" }, "RUS": { "name": "Russia" }, "RWA": { "name": "Rwanda" }, "BLM": { "name": "Saint Barthelemy", "name_html": "Saint Barthélemy", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "SHN": { "name": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "KNA": { "name": "Saint Kitts and Nevis" }, "LCA": { "name": "Saint Lucia" }, "MAF": { "name": "Saint Martin", "list_name": "Saint Martin (French part)", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "SPM": { "name": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "VCT": { "name": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" }, "WSM": { "name": "Samoa" }, "SMR": { "name": "San Marino" }, "STP": { "name": "Sao Tome and Principe" }, "SAU": { "name": "Saudi Arabia" }, "SEN": { "name": "Senegal" }, "SRB": { "name": "Serbia" }, "SYC": { "name": "Seychelles" }, "SLE": { "name": "Sierra Leone" }, "SGP": { "name": "Singapore" }, "SXM": { "name": "Sint Maarten", "list_name": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)", "associate_with": "NLD" }, "SVK": { "name": "Slovakia" }, "SVN": { "name": "Slovenia" }, "SLB": { "name": "Solomon Islands" }, "SOM": { "name": "Somalia" }, "ZAF": { "name": "South Africa" }, "SGS": { "name": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "SSD": { "name": "South Sudan" }, "ESP": { "name": "Spain" }, // Spratly Islands (disputed) // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spratly_Islands // https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/pg.html "LKA": { "name": "Sri Lanka" }, "SDN": { "name": "Sudan" }, "SUR": { "name": "Suriname" }, "SJM": { "name": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "associate_with": "NOR" }, "SWZ": { "name": "Swaziland" }, "SWE": { "name": "Sweden" }, "CHE": { "name": "Switzerland" }, "SYR": { "name": "Syria" }, "TWN": { "name": "Taiwan" }, "TJK": { "name": "Tajikistan" }, "TZA": { "name": "Tanzania" }, "THA": { "name": "Thailand" }, "TLS": { "name": "Timor-Leste" }, "TGO": { "name": "Togo" }, "TKL": { "name": "Tokelau", "associate_with": "NZL" }, "TON": { "name": "Tonga" }, "TTO": { "name": "Trinidad and Tobago" }, "TUN": { "name": "Tunisia" }, "TUR": { "name": "Turkey" }, "TKM": { "name": "Turkmenistan" }, "TCA": { "name": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "associate_with": "GBR" }, "TUV": { "name": "Tuvalu" }, "UGA": { "name": "Uganda" }, "UKR": { "name": "Ukraine" }, "ARE": { "name": "United Arab Emirates" }, "GBR": { "name": "United Kingdom", "short_name": "U.K." }, "USA": { "name": "United States", "short_name": "U.S." }, "UMI": { "name": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "associate_with": "USA" // In Pacific Ocean: // Baker Island // Howland Island // Jarvis Island // Johnston Atoll // Kingman Reef // Midway Atoll // Palmyra Atoll // Wake Island // In Caribbean Sea // Navassa Island }, "VIR": { "name": "U.S. Virgin Islands", "list_name": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "associate_with": "USA" }, "URY": { "name": "Uruguay" }, "UZB": { "name": "Uzbekistan" }, "VUT": { "name": "Vanuatu" }, "VEN": { "name": "Venezuela" }, "VNM": { "name": "Vietnam" }, "WLF": { "name": "Wallis and Futuna", "associate_with": "FRA" }, "ESH": { "name": "Western Sahara" }, "YEM": { "name": "Yemen" }, "ZMB": { "name": "Zambia" }, "ZWE": { "name": "Zimbabwe" } } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Object of States in the United States // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var usaStateObject = { "AL": { "name": "Alabama", "type": "state" }, "AK": { "name": "Alaska", "type": "state" }, "AS": { "name": "American Samoa", "type": "territory" }, "AZ": { "name": "Arizona", "type": "state" }, "AR": { "name": "Arkansas", "type": "state" }, "CA": { "name": "California", "type": "state" }, "CO": { "name": "Colorado", "type": "state" }, "CT": { "name": "Connecticut", "type": "state" }, "DE": { "name": "Delaware", "type": "state" }, "DC": { // "name": "District of Columbia", "name": "Washington, D.C.", "type": "district" }, "FL": { "name": "Florida", "type": "state" }, "GA": { "name": "Georgia", "type": "state" }, "GU": { "name": "Guam", "type": "territory" }, "HI": { "name": "Hawaii", "type": "state" }, "ID": { "name": "Idaho", "type": "state" }, "IL": { "name": "Illinois", "type": "state" }, "IN": { "name": "Indiana", "type": "state" }, "IA": { "name": "Iowa", "type": "state" }, "KS": { "name": "Kansas", "type": "state" }, "KY": { "name": "Kentucky", "type": "state" }, "LA": { "name": "Louisiana", "type": "state" }, "ME": { "name": "Maine", "type": "state" }, "MD": { "name": "Maryland", "type": "state" }, "MA": { "name": "Massachusetts", "type": "state" }, "MI": { "name": "Michigan", "type": "state" }, "MN": { "name": "Minnesota", "type": "state" }, "MS": { "name": "Mississippi", "type": "state" }, "MO": { "name": "Missouri", "type": "state" }, "MT": { "name": "Montana", "type": "state" }, "NE": { "name": "Nebraska", "type": "state" }, "NV": { "name": "Nevada", "type": "state" }, "NH": { "name": "New Hampshire", "type": "state" }, "NJ": { "name": "New Jersey", "type": "state" }, "NM": { "name": "New Mexico", "type": "state" }, "NY": { "name": "New York", "type": "state" }, "NC": { "name": "North Carolina", "type": "state" }, "ND": { "name": "North Dakota", "type": "state" }, "MP": { "name": "Northern Mariana Islands", "type": "territory" }, "OH": { "name": "Ohio", "type": "state" }, "OK": { "name": "Oklahoma", "type": "state" }, "OR": { "name": "Oregon", "type": "state" }, "PA": { "name": "Pennsylvania", "type": "state" }, "PR": { "name": "Puerto Rico", "type": "territory" }, "RI": { "name": "Rhode Island", "type": "state" }, "SC": { "name": "South Carolina", "type": "state" }, "SD": { "name": "South Dakota", "type": "state" }, "TN": { "name": "Tennessee", "type": "state" }, "TX": { "name": "Texas", "type": "state" }, "VI": { "name": "U.S. Virgin Islands", "list_name": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "type": "territory" }, "UT": { "name": "Utah", "type": "state" }, "VT": { "name": "Vermont", "type": "state" }, "VA": { "name": "Virginia", "type": "state" }, "WA": { "name": "Washington", "type": "state" }, "WV": { "name": "West Virginia", "type": "state" }, "WI": { "name": "Wisconsin", "type": "state" }, "WY": { "name": "Wyoming", "type": "state" }, "GITMO": { "name": "Guantanamo Bay", "type": "other" } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Object of Provinces and Territories in Canada // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var canadaProvinceObject = { "AB": { "name": "Alberta", "type": "province" }, "BC": { "name": "British Columbia", "type": "province" }, "MB": { "name": "Manitoba", "type": "province" }, "NB": { "name": "New Brunswick", "type": "province" }, "NL": { "name": "Newfoundland and Labrador", "type": "province" }, "NT": { "name": "Northwest Territories", "type": "territory" }, "NS": { "name": "Nova Scotia", "type": "province" }, "NU": { "name": "Nunavut", "type": "territory" }, "ON": { "name": "Ontario", "type": "province" }, "PE": { "name": "Prince Edward Island", "type": "province" }, "QC": { "name": "Quebec", "type": "province" }, "SK": { "name": "Saskatchewan", "type": "province" }, "YT": { "name": "Yukon", "type": "territory" } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Object of States and Territories in Australia // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var australiaStateObject = { "ACT": { "name": "Australian Capital Territory", "type": "territory" }, "JBT": { "name": "Jervis Bay Territory", "type": "territory" }, "NSW": { "name": "New South Wales", "type": "state" }, "NT": { "name": "Northern Territory", "type": "territory" }, "QLD": { "name": "Queensland", "type": "state" }, "SA": { "name": "South Australia", "type": "state" }, "TAS": { "name": "Tasmania", "type": "state" }, "VIC": { "name": "Victoria", "type": "state" }, "WA": { "name": "Western Australia", "type": "state" } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default Links for Countries Radar // // Sources: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-3 // https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var defaultLinksForCountryObject = { "countries": { "AFG": { // Afghanistan }, "ALA": { // Aland Islands }, "ALB": { // Albania }, "DZA": { // Algeria }, "ASM": { // American Samoa }, "AND": { // Andorra }, "AGO": { // Angola }, "AIA": { // Anguilla }, "ATG": { // Antigua and Barbuda }, "ARG": { // Argentina "radar_url": "https://www.smn.gob.ar/radar", "agency": "Ministry of Public Works (Ministerio de Obras Publicas)", "agency_html": "Ministry of Public Works (Ministerio de Obras Públicas)" }, "ARM": { // Armenia "main_site": "http://mes.am/en/weather/", "agency": "Armenian State Hydrometeorological and Monitoring Service / Ministry of Emergency Situations" }, "ABW": { // Aruba "radar_url": "http://www.meteo.aw/radar3.php", "agency": "Meteorological Department of Aruba (Departamento Meteorologico Aruba)" }, "AUS": { // Australia "radar_url": "http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/radar/", "radar_url2": "http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/meteye/", "base_link": "http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR", "base_link_ending": "2.loop.shtml", "agency": "Bureau of Meteorology" }, "AUT": { // Austria "radar_url": "https://www.austrocontrol.at/en/weather/weather_for_all/weather_radar", "agency": "Austro Control" }, "AZE": { // Azerbaijan "main_site": "https://meteo.az/", "base_link": "https://meteo.az/index.php?ln=az&pg=", "agency": "National Hydrometeorology Service / Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources" }, "BHS": { // Bahamas "main_site": "https://met.gov.bs/", "radar_url": "https://radars.bahamasweather.org.bs/", "agency": "Bahamas Meteorology Department" }, "BHR": { // Bahrain "radar_url": "https://www.bahrainweather.gov.bh/radar", "agency": "Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications - Meteorological Directorate", "agency_html": "Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications - Meteorological Directorate (وزارة المواصلات والاتصالات - مديرية الأرصاد الجوية)" }, "BGD": { // Bangladesh "radar_url": "https://live.bmd.gov.bd/radar", "base_link": "https://live.bmd.gov.bd/radar/v/radar_", "agency": "Bangladesh Meteorological Department", "agency_html": "Bangladesh Meteorological Department (বাংলাদেশ আবহাওয়া অধিদপ্তর)" }, "BRB": { // Barbados "radar_url": "https://www.barbadosweather.org/Radars/LeafScripts/BMSRadarProducts.php", "agency": "Barbados Meteorological Services" }, "BLR": { // Belarus "radar_url": "https://pogoda.by/observation/radars", "base_link": "https://pogoda.by/observation/radars/", "agency": "State institution \"Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Control of Radioactive Contamination and Environmental Monitoring\" (Belhydromet)" }, "BEL": { // Belgium "radar_url": "https://www.meteo.be/en/weather/observations/precipitation/lightning", "agency": "Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut van Belgie)", "agency_html": "Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut van België)" }, "BLZ": { // Belize "radar_url": "https://nms.gov.bz/sensors/radar-imagery/", "agency": "National Meteorological Service of Belize" }, "BEN": { // Benin }, "BMU": { // Bermuda "radar_url": "http://www.weather.bm/radar.asp", "agency": "Bermuda Weather Service" }, "BTN": { // Bhutan }, "BOL": { // Bolivia }, "BES": { // Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba }, "BIH": { // Bosnia and Herzegovina }, "BWA": { // Botswana "main_site": "http://www.info.bw/", "agency": "" }, "BVT": { // Bouvet Island }, "BRA": { // Brazil // There are multiple sites with imagery. }, "IOT": { // British Indian Ocean Territory }, "VGB": { // British Virgin Islands }, "BRN": { // Brunei "radar_url": "http://www.bruneiweather.com.bn/weather#colorTab", "agency": "Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department" }, "BGR": { // Bulgaria "base_link": "https://weathermod-bg.eu/wr/", "radar_url": "https://weathermod-bg.eu/", "agency": "Hail Suppression Agency", "agency_html": "Hail Suppression Agency (Изпълнителна Агенция Борба с градушките)" }, "BFA": { // Burkina Faso }, "BDI": { // Burundi }, "CPV": { // Cabo Verde }, "KHM": { // Cambodia "radar_url": "http://www.cambodiameteo.com/slideshow?menu=117&lang=en&domain=CAMBODIA", "agency": "Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology" }, "CMR": { // Cameroon }, "CAN": { // Canada "alt_base_link": "https://climate.weather.gc.ca/radar/index_e.html?site=", "radar_url": "https://weather.gc.ca/?layers=radar", "radar_url2": "https://climate.weather.gc.ca/radar/index_e.html", "agency": "Environment Canada" }, "CYM": { // Cayman Islands "radar_url": "https://www.weather.gov.ky/radar", "agency": "Cayman Islands National Weather Service" }, "CAF": { // Central African Republic }, "TCD": { // Chad }, "CHL": { // Chile }, "CHN": { // China "base_link": "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/radar/", "base_link_ending": ".htm", "radar_url": "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/radar/chinaall.html", "agency": "China Meteorological Administration", "agency_html": "China Meteorological Administration (Chinese: 中国气象局)" }, "CXR": { // Christmas Island }, "CCK": { // Cocos (Keeling) Islands }, "COL": { // Colombia // There are multiple sites with imagery. }, "COM": { // Comoros }, "COD": { // Democratic Republic of the Congo }, "COG": { // Republic of the Congo }, "COK": { // Cook Islands }, "CRI": { // Costa Rica "radar_url": "https://www.imn.ac.cr/radar", "agency": "National Meteorological Institute of Costa Rica (Instituto Meteorologico Nacional de Costa Rica)", "agency_html": "National Meteorological Institute of Costa Rica (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional de Costa Rica)" }, "CIV": { // Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) }, "HRV": { // Croatia "base_link": "https://meteo.hr/podaci_e.php?section=podaci_mjerenja¶m=radari&acto=anim&el=", "radar_url": "https://meteo.hr/podaci_e.php?section=podaci_mjerenja¶m=radari&acto=anim", "agency": "Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (Drzavni hidrometeoroloski zavod, DHMZ)", "agency_html": "Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (Državni hidrometeorološki zavod, DHMZ)" }, "CUB": { // Cuba "base_link": "http://www.insmet.cu/asp/genesis.asp?TB0=PLANTILLAS&TB1=RADAR&TB2=", "radar_url": "http://www.insmet.cu/asp/genesis.asp?TB0=PLANTILLAS&TB1=RADARES", "mosaic_url": "http://www.insmet.cu/asp/genesis.asp?TB0=PLANTILLAS&TB1=RADAR&TB2=../Radar/NacComp200Km.gif", "agency": "Cuban Institute of Meteorology (Instituto de Meteorologia de Cuba, INSMET)", "agency_html": "Cuban Institute of Meteorology (Instituto de Meteorología de Cuba, INSMET)" }, "CUW": { // Curacao "radar_url": "https://www.meteo.cw/rad_loop_ppi.php?Lang=Eng&St=TNCC&Sws=R11", "agency": "Meteorological Department Curacao", "agency_html": "Meteorological Department Curaçao" }, "CYP": { // Cyprus "radar_url": "http://weather.cyi.ac.cy/en/radar/", "agency": "Department of Meteorology of Cyprus", "agency_html": "Department of Meteorology of Cyprus (Τμήμα Μετεωρολογίας της Κύπρου)" }, "CZE": { // Czechia "radar_url": "https://www.chmi.cz/files/portal/docs/meteo/rad/inca-cz/short.html", "radar_url2": "https://radar.bourky.cz/", "agency": "Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Cesky Hydrometeorologicky Ustav, CHMI)", "agency_html": "Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Český Hydrometeorologický Ústav, CHMI)" }, "DNK": { // Denmark "radar_url": "https://www.dmi.dk/", "agency": "Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)" }, "DJI": { // Djibouti }, "DMA": { // Dominica }, "DOM": { // Dominican Republic "radar_url": "https://idac.gob.do/radar-meteorologico/", "agency": "Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (Instituto Dominicano de Aviacion Civil, IDAC) / National Office of Meteorology (Oficina Nacional de Meteorologia, ONAMET)", "agency_html": "Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (Instituto Dominicano de Aviación Civíl, IDAC) / National Office of Meteorology (Oficina Nacional de Meteorología, ONAMET)" }, "ECU": { // Ecuador "radar_url": "", "agency": "National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia, INAMHI)", "agency_html": "National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología, INAMHI)" }, "EGY": { // Egypt }, "SLV": { // El Salvador "base_link": "https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radar", "radar_url": "https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radaresSV.php", "agency": "Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of El Salvador (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de El Salvador, MARN)" }, "GNQ": { // Equatorial Guinea }, "ERI": { // Eritrea }, "EST": { // Estonia "radar_url": "https://www.ilmateenistus.ee/ilm/ilmavaatlused/radar/?lang=en", "agency": "Estonian Weather Service (Riigi Ilmateenistus)" }, "ETH": { // Ethiopia }, "FLK": { // Falkland Islands (Malvinas) }, "FRO": { // Faroe Islands }, "FJI": { // Fiji "base_link": "https://www.met.gov.fj/index.php?page=radar#", "radar_url": "https://www.met.gov.fj/radar.php", "agency": "Fiji Meteorological Service" }, "FIN": { // Finland "radar_url": "https://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/rain-and-cloudiness/finland", "agency": "Finnish Meteorological Institute (Ilmatieteen laitos)" }, "FRA": { // France "radar_url": "https://meteofrance.com/images-radar", "agency": "Meteo-France", "agency_html": "Météo-France" }, "GUF": { // French Guiana "radar_url": "http://www.meteo.fr/temps/domtom/antilles/pack-public/animation/anim_radar_guya_mf_com.html" }, "PYF": { // French Polynesia }, "ATF": { // French Southern Territories }, "GAB": { // Gabon }, "GMB": { // Gambia }, "GEO": { // Georgia }, "DEU": { // Germany "radar_url": "https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radarbild_film/radarbild_film.html", "agency": "German Weather Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD)" }, "GHA": { // Ghana }, "GIB": { // Gibraltar }, "GRC": { // Greece "radar_url": "http://www.hnms.gr/emy/en/observation/eikones_radar", "agency": "Hellenic National Meteorological Service, HNMS (Greek: Εθνική Μετεωρολογική Υπηρεσία)" }, "GRL": { // Greenland }, "GRD": { // Grenada }, "GLP": { // Guadeloupe }, "GUM": { // Guam }, "GTM": { // Guatemala "radar_url": "https://insivumeh.gob.gt/?p=937", "agency": "National Institute of Seismology, Vulcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Instituto Nacional de Sismologia, Vulcanologia, Meteorologia e Hidrologia, INSIVUMEH)", "agency_html": "National Institute of Seismology, Vulcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología, INSIVUMEH)" }, "GGY": { // Guernsey }, "GIN": { // Guinea }, "GNB": { // Guinea-Bissau }, "GUY": { // Guyana "radar_url": "https://hydromet.gov.gy/400km-radar-image/", "agency": "Hydrometeorological Service" }, "HTI": { // Haiti }, "HMD": { // Heard Island and McDonald Islands }, "VAT": { // Holy See (Vatican City) }, "HND": { // Honduras "main_site": "http://cenaos.copeco.gob.hn/", // "radar_url": "http://copeco.gob.hn/Radar-PPI", // "agency": "Permanent Commission of Contingency (Comision Permanente de Contingencias, COPECO)", // "agency_html": "Permanent Commission of Contingency (Comisión Permanente de Contingencias, COPECO)" "agency": "Center for Atmospheric, Oceanographic and Seismic Studies (Centro de Estudios Atmosfericos, Oceanograficos y Sismicos, CENAOS)", "agency_html": "Center for Atmospheric, Oceanographic and Seismic Studies (Centro de Estudios Atmosféricos, Oceanográficos y Sísmicos, CENAOS)" }, "HKG": { // Hong Kong "radar_url": "https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/wxinfo/radars/radar.htm", "agency": "Hong Kong Observatory", "agency_html": "Hong Kong Observatory (香港天文台)" }, "HUN": { // Hungary "radar_url": "https://www.met.hu/en/idojaras/aktualis_idojaras/radar/", "agency": "Hungarian Meteorological Service (Orszagos Meteorologiai Szolgalat, OMSZ)", "agency_html": "Hungarian Meteorological Service (Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat, OMSZ)" }, "ISL": { // Iceland "radar_url": "https://en.vedur.is/weather/observations/radar/", "radar_url2": "https://brunnur.vedur.is/radar/", "agency": "Icelandic Meteorological Office (Vedurstofa Islands)", "agency_html": "Icelandic Meteorological Office (Veðurstofa Íslands)" }, "IND": { // India "base_link": "https://mausam.imd.gov.in/imd_latest/contents/index_radar.php?id=", "alt_base_link": "https://mausam.imd.gov.in/imd_latest/contents/index_radar_animation.php?id=", "radar_url": "https://mausam.imd.gov.in/imd_latest/contents/index_radar.php", "agency": "India Meteorological Department (IMD)" }, "IDN": { // Indonesia "radar_url": "https://www.bmkg.go.id/cuaca/citra-radar.bmkg?lang=EN", "agency": "Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika, BMKG)" }, "IRN": { // Iran "radar_url": "http://radar.irimo.ir/", "alt_base_link": "http://radar.irimo.ir/index.php/2018-06-08-07-25-53/", "agency": "Islamic Republic of Iran Meteorological Organization" }, "IRQ": { // Iraq }, "IRL": { // Ireland "radar_url": "https://www.met.ie/rainfall-radar", "agency": "Irish Meteorological Service (Met Eireann)", "agency_html": "Irish Meteorological Service (Met Éireann)" }, "IMN": { // Isle of Man }, "ISR": { // Israel }, "ITA": { // Italy "radar_url": "https://mappe.protezionecivile.gov.it/it/mappe-rischi/piattaforma-radar" }, "JAM": { // Jamaica "radar_url": "https://metservice.gov.jm/weather-radar/weather-480km/", "agency": "Meteorological Service of Jamaica" }, "JPN": { // Japan "radar_url": "https://www.jma.go.jp/bosai/en_nowc/", "agency": "Japan Meteorological Agency", "agency_html": "Japan Meteorological Agency (気象庁)" }, "JEY": { // Jersey "radar_url": "https://www.gov.je/weather/radar/", "agency": "Jersey Met Office" }, "JOR": { // Jordan }, "KAZ": { // Kazakhstan "main_site": "https://kazhydromet.kz/en/", "agency": "National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan (KAZHYDROMET)" }, "KEN": { // Kenya "main_site": "https://meteo.go.ke/", "agency": "Kenya Meteorological Department" }, "KIR": { // Kiribati }, "PRK": { // North Korea }, "KOR": { // South Korea // Other data is also in the popup window. "radar_url": "https://radar.kma.go.kr/eng/radar/main.do", "agency": "Korea Meteorological Administration" }, "KWT": { // Kuwait "radar_url": "https://www.met.gov.kw/Radar/maxz.php?lang=eng", "agency": "Directorate General of Civil Aviation - Meteorological Department" }, "KGZ": { // Kyrgyzstan }, "LAO": { // Laos "agency": "Department of Meteorology and Hydrology" }, "LVA": { // Latvia "radar_url": "https://videscentrs.lvgmc.lv/karte/meteorologiska-radara-informacija", "agency": "Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center (Latvijas Vides, Geologijas un Meteorologijas Centrs)", "agency_html": "Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center (Latvijas Vides, Ģeoloģijas un Meteoroloģijas Centrs)" }, "LBN": { // Lebanon "radar_url": "https://www.meteo.gov.lb/radar.php?code_lang=en", "agency": "Lebanon Meteorological Service (Meteo Liban)", "agency_html": "Lebanon Meteorological Service (Météo Liban)" }, "LSO": { // Lesotho }, "LBR": { // Liberia }, "LBY": { // Libya }, "LIE": { // Liechtenstein }, "LTU": { // Lithuania "radar_url": "http://www.meteo.lt/en/web/guest/radar-information", "agency": "Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service (Lietuvos Hidrometeorologijos Tarnyba)" }, "LUX": { // Luxembourg }, "MAC": { // Macau }, "MKD": { // North Macedonia "radar_url": "https://uhmr.gov.mk/?lang=en", "agency": "National Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of North Macedonia", "agency_html": "National Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of North Macedonia (Управа за хидрометеоролошки работи, УХМР)" }, "MDG": { // Madagascar }, "MWI": { // Malawi }, "MYS": { // Malaysia "radar_url": "https://www.met.gov.my/en/pencerapan/radar-malaysia/", "agency": "Malaysian Meteorological Department (Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia)" }, "MDV": { // Maldives "main_site": "https://meteorology.gov.mv/", "agency": "Maldives Meteorological Service" }, "MLI": { // Mali "main_site": "https://malimeteo.ml/", "agency": "Mali Meteo" }, "MLT": { // Malta "radar_url": "https://www.maltairport.com/weather/radar-images/", "agency": "Malta Airport MetOffice" }, "MHL": { // Marshall Islands "radar_url": "https://www.rts-wx.com/radar" }, "MTQ": { // Martinique }, "MRT": { // Mauritania }, "MUS": { // Mauritius "radar_url": "http://radar.metservice.intnet.mu/radar-image-viewer/", "main_site": "http://metservice.intnet.mu/", "agency": "Mauritius Meteorological Services" }, "MYT": { // Mayotte }, "MEX": { // Mexico "radar_url": "https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/en/observando-el-tiempo/radares-meteorologicos-separador/visor-radares", // "alt_base_link": "https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/Visor.php?panelHusosHorarios=0&panelFechaHora=0&id=", "agency": "National Meteorological Service (Servicio Meteorologico Nacional, SMN)", "agency_html": "National Meteorological Service (Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, SMN)" }, "FSM": { // Federated States of Micronesia }, "MDA": { // Moldova "main_site": "https://www.meteo.md/", "agency": "State Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Moldova (Serviciul Hidrometeorologic de Stat din Republica Moldova)" }, "MCO": { // Monaco }, "MNG": { // Mongolia "radar_url": "http://www.tsag-agaar.gov.mn/eng", "agency": "National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring", "agency_html": "National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring (Цаг уур, Орчны Шинжилгээний Газар)" }, "MNE": { // Montenegro }, "MSR": { // Montserrat }, "MAR": { // Morocco "radar_url": "https://www.marocmeteo.ma/fr/observation", "agency": "Morocco Weather (Maroc Meteo)", "agency_html": "Morocco Weather (Maroc Météo)" }, "MOZ": { // Mozambique "main_site": "https://www.inam.gov.mz/", "agency": "" }, "MMR": { // Myanmar "base_link": "https://www.moezala.gov.mm/radar-image?qt-radar_image=", "radar_url": "https://www.moezala.gov.mm/radar-image", "agency": "Department of Meteorology and Hydrology" }, "NAM": { // Namibia }, "NRU": { // Nauru }, "NPL": { // Nepal "main_site": "https://www.dhm.gov.np/", "radar_url": "https://www.dhm.gov.np/mfd/radar", "agency": "Nepalese Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM)" }, "NLD": { // Netherlands "radar_url": "https://www.knmi.nl/nederland-nu/weer/actueel-weer/neerslagradar", "agency": "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut, KNMI)" }, "NCL": { // New Caledonia "radar_url": "https://www.meteo.nc/nouvelle-caledonie/observations/images-radars" }, "NZL": { // New Zealand "base_link": "https://www.metservice.com/maps-radar/rain/radar/", "radar_url": "https://www.metservice.com/maps-radar/rain/radar", "agency": "Meteorological Service of New Zealand" }, "NIC": { // Nicaragua "main_site": "https://www.ineter.gob.ni/", "radar_url": "", "agency": "Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies (Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales, INETER)", "agency_html": "Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies (Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales, INETER)" }, "NER": { // Niger }, "NGA": { // Nigeria "main_site": "https://nimet.gov.ng/", "agency": "Nigerian Meteorological Agency" }, "NIU": { // Niue }, "NFK": { // Norfolk Island }, "MNP": { // Northern Mariana Islands }, "NOR": { // Norway "main_site": "https://www.yr.no/en", "base_link": "https://www.yr.no/en/map/radar/", "agency": "Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Meteorologisk institutt)" }, "OMN": { // Oman "radar_url": "https://met.gov.om/", "agency": "Directorate General of Meteorology", "agency_html": "Directorate General of Meteorology (المديرية العامة للأرصاد الجوية)" }, "PAK": { // Pakistan "radar_url": "https://www.pmd.gov.pk/Electronic-Met/Radar-images.html", "agency": "Pakistan Meteorological Department" }, "PLW": { // Palau }, "PSE": { // Palestine }, "PAN": { // Panama }, "PNG": { // Papua New Guinea }, "PRY": { // Paraguay "radar_url": "https://www.meteorologia.gov.py/radar/", "agency": "Directorate of Meteorology and Hydrology (Direccion de Meteorologia e Hidrologia)", "agency_html": "Directorate of Meteorology and Hydrology (Dirección de Meteorología e Hidrología)" }, "PER": { // Peru }, "PHL": { // Philippines "radar_url": "https://www.panahon.gov.ph/", "main_site": "https://bagong.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/", "agency": "Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)" }, "PCN": { // Pitcairn Islands }, "POL": { // Poland "radar_url": "https://awiacja.imgw.pl/?product=burzrad", "agency": "Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (Instytutu Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej)" }, "PRT": { // Portugal "radar_url": "https://www.ipma.pt/en/otempo/obs.radar/", "agency": "Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera, IPMA)", "agency_html": "Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, IPMA)" }, "PRI": { // Puerto Rico }, "QAT": { // Qatar "radar_url": "https://qweather.gov.qa/CAA/RadImages.aspx", "agency": "Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA)" }, "REU": { // Reunion "radar_url": "https://meteofrance.re/fr/images-radar" }, "ROU": { // Romania "radar_url": "https://www.meteoromania.ro/radarm/radar.index.php", "agency": "National Meteorological Administration of Romania (Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie de Romania, ANM)", "agency_html": "National Meteorological Administration of Romania (Administrația Națională de Meteorologie de România, ANM)" }, "RUS": { // Russia "radar_url": "https://meteoinfo.ru/en/radanim", "agency": "Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russia (Roshydromet)", "agency_html": "Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russia, Roshydromet (Russian: Федеральная служба по гидрометеорологии и мониторингу окружающей среды России, Росгидромет)" }, "RWA": { // Rwanda "main_site": "https://meteorwanda.gov.rw/", "agency": "Rwanda Meteorology Agency (Meteo Rwanda)" }, "BLM": { // Saint Barthelemy }, "SHN": { // Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha }, "KNA": { // Saint Kitts and Nevis }, "LCA": { // Saint Lucia }, "MAF": { // Saint Martin }, "SPM": { // Saint Pierre and Miquelon }, "VCT": { // Saint Vincent and the Grenadines }, "WSM": { // Samoa }, "SMR": { // San Marino }, "STP": { // Sao Tome and Principe }, "SAU": { // Saudi Arabia // "base_link": "https://www.pme.gov.sa/Ar/Weather/IRISRadarImages/Pages/", // "base_link_ending": ".aspx", "radar_url": "https://ncm.gov.sa/Ar/Weather/IRISRadarImages/Pages/ksa.aspx", "agency": "General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection", "agency_html": "General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection (Arabic: الهيئة العامة للأرصاد وحماية البيئة)" }, "SEN": { // Senegal }, "SRB": { // Serbia "radar_url": "https://www.hidmet.gov.rs/eng/osmotreni/radarska3.php", "agency": "Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMS)", "agency_html": "Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, RHMS (Serbian: Републички Хидрометеоролошки завод Србије, РХМЗ; Croatian: Republički Hidrometeorološki Zavod Srbije, RHMZ)" }, "SYC": { // Seychelles }, "SLE": { // Sierra Leone }, "SGP": { // Singapore "agency": "Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS)" }, "SXM": { // Sint Maarten "main_site": "https://www.meteosxm.com/", "agency": "Meteorological Department of St. Maarten (MDS)", }, "SVK": { // Slovakia "base_link": "https://www.shmu.sk/en/?page=65&c=12&mt=", "radar_url": "https://www.shmu.sk/en/?page=1&id=meteo_radar", "agency": "Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (Slovensky Hydrometeorologicky Ustav, SHMU)", "agency_html": "Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (Slovenský Hydrometeorologický Ústav, SHMÚ)" }, "SVN": { // Slovenia "radar_url": "https://meteo.arso.gov.si/met/sl/weather/observ/radar/", "radar_url2": "https://www.meteo.si/uploads/meteo/app/inca/?par=si0zm", "agency": "Slovenian Environment Agency (Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje, ARSO)" }, "SLB": { // Solomon Islands }, "SOM": { // Somalia }, "ZAF": { // South Africa "radar_url": "https://www.weathersa.co.za/home/radarst", "agency": "South African Weather Service" }, "SGS": { // South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands }, "SSD": { // South Sudan }, "ESP": { // Spain "base_link": "https://www.aemet.es/en/eltiempo/observacion/radar?w=1&p=", "radar_url": "https://www.aemet.es/en/eltiempo/observacion/radar", "catalonia_radar_url": "https://www.meteo.cat/observacions/radar", "agency": "State Meteorological Agency (Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia, AEMET)", "agency_html": "State Meteorological Agency (Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, AEMET)" }, "LKA": { // Sri Lanka "main_site": "http://www.meteo.gov.lk/index.php?lang=en", "agency": "Department of Meteorology - Sri Lanka", "agency_html": "Department of Meteorology - Sri Lanka (කාලගුණ විද්‍යා දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව - ශ්‍රී ලංකා)" }, "SDN": { // Sudan }, "SUR": { // Suriname "radar_url": "http://www.meteosur.sr/RADAR450.html", "agency": "Suriname Meteorological Service (Meteorologische Dienst Suriname)" }, "SJM": { // Svalbard and Jan Mayen }, "SWZ": { // Swaziland }, "SWE": { // Sweden "radar_url": "https://www.smhi.se/vader/radar-och-satellit/radar-blixt", "agency": "Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut, SMHI)" }, "CHE": { // Switzerland "radar_url": "https://www.meteoswiss.admin.ch/home.html?tab=rain", "agency": "MeteoSwiss" }, "SYR": { // Syria }, "TWN": { // Taiwan "radar_url": "https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V8/E/W/OBS_Radar.html", "agency": "Central Weather Bureau, CWB", "agency_html": "Central Weather Bureau, CWB (交通部中央氣象局)" }, "TJK": { // Tajikistan "main_site": "http://www.meteo.tj/en/", "agency": "National Agency for Hydrometeorology of Republic of Tajikistan" }, "TZA": { // Tanzania "main_site": "https://www.meteo.go.tz/", "agency": "Tanzania Meteorological Authority" }, "THA": { // Thailand // There are multiple sites with imagery. "base_link": "https://weather.tmd.go.th/", "base_link_ending": ".php", "alt_base_link": "" }, "TLS": { // Timor-Leste }, "TGO": { // Togo }, "TKL": { // Tokelau }, "TON": { // Tonga }, "TTO": { // Trinidad and Tobago "radar_url": "https://www.metoffice.gov.tt/Radar_Imagery", "agency": "Trinidad & Tobago Meteorological Service", "agency_html": "Trinidad & Tobago Meteorological Service" }, "TUN": { // Tunisia }, "TUR": { // Turkey "base_link": "https://mgm.gov.tr/eng/radar.aspx?rG=anm&rU=ppi&rR=", "radar_url": "https://mgm.gov.tr/eng/radar.aspx", "agency": "Turkish State Meteorological Service, TSMS (Meteoroloji Genel Mudurlugu, MGM)", "agency_html": "Turkish State Meteorological Service, TSMS (Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü, MGM)" }, "TKM": { // Turkmenistan }, "TCA": { // Turks and Caicos Islands }, "TUV": { // Tuvalu }, "UGA": { // Uganda }, "UKR": { // Ukraine "radar_url": "https://meteo.gov.ua/en/33345/radar", "agency": "Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center", "agency_html": "Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center (Український Гідрометеорологічний Центр)" }, "ARE": { // United Arab Emirates "radar_url": "https://www.ncm.ae/en#!/Radar_UAE_Merge", "agency": "National Center of Meteorology (NCM)", "agency_html": "National Center of Meteorology, NCM (Arabic: المركز الوطني للأرصاد)" }, "GBR": { // United Kingdom "radar_url": "https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/observation/rainfall-radar", "agency": "Met Office" }, "USA": { // United States "radar_url": "https://radar.weather.gov/", "agency": "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)" }, "URY": { // Uruguay }, "UZB": { // Uzbekistan "main_site": "https://www.meteo.uz/#/en", "agency": "Centre of Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzhydromet)" }, "VUT": { // Vanuatu }, "VEN": { // Venezuela "main_site": "http://www.inameh.gob.ve/", // "radar_url": "http://www.inameh.gob.ve/web/imagenes.php", "agency": "National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Hidrologia, INAMEH)", "agency_html": "National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología, INAMEH)" }, "VNM": { // Vietnam "base_link": "http://amo.gov.vn/radar/", "radar_url": "http://amo.gov.vn/radar/", "agency": "Aero Meteorological Observatory, AMO (Dai Khi Tuong Cao Khong, KTCK)", "agency_html": "Aero Meteorological Observatory, AMO (Đài Khí Tượng Cao Không, KTCK)" }, "WLF": { // Wallis and Futuna }, "ESH": { // Western Sahara }, "YEM": { // Yemen }, "ZMB": { // Zambia }, "ZWE": { // Zimbabwe "agency": "Zimbabwe Meteorological Services Department" } } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Variables Used for Multiple Countries // // - Includes Central America and all the islands in the Caribbean. // - Hawaii and Guam are also included here. // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------- // // Barbados // // --------------------------------------- var barbadosWeatherRadarCompositeUrl = "https://www.barbadosweather.org/BMS_Radar_Composite_Resp.php"; var barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml = "Barbados' site has Caribbean Radar Composites:"; var barbadosWeatherEntireCaribbeanHtml = "
  • Entire Caribbean
  • "; var barbadosWeatherEasternCaribbeanAndPartOfSouthAmericaHtml = "
  • Eastern Caribbean and part of South America
  • "; var barbadosWeatherEasternCaribbeanOnlyHtml = "
  • Eastern Caribbean
  • "; var barbadosWeatherNorthwestCaribbeanHtml = "
  • Northwest Caribbean
  • "; // --------------------------------------- // // Curacao // // --------------------------------------- var curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml = "Curaçao's site has a Caribbean Radar Composite page."; // --------------------------------------- // // Martinique and Guadeloupe // // --------------------------------------- var martiniqueAndGuadeloupeRadarSiteImageryUrl = "https://meteofrance.gp/fr/images-radar/mosaique-antilles"; // --------------------------------------- // // Nordic Region // // --------------------------------------- var nordicCompositeHtml = "Composite images of the Nordic region are available from the following meteorological services:" + ""; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // North America // // - Includes Central America and all the islands in the Caribbean. // - Hawaii and Guam are also included here. // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------- // // Bahamas // // --------------------------------------- var bahamasSiteHtml = ""; if (isTropicalGlobe || isHurricaneCity) { bahamasSiteHtml += "You can view a mirror of their radar at HurricaneCity here. That display contains a longer loop than what the Bahamas radar display has. It also has controls that allow you to pause the image loop, choose the length of the loop and control its speed.

    "; } bahamasSiteHtml += "The Bahamas has upgraded its radar capability. In 2016 they signed a contract for four new Doppler radars. As of updating this page for this country in February 2022, three radars are usually available in their composite. While the other two radars seem to have been constructed, we don't know when the data will be available.

    " + "While it is difficult to tell what radar sites are available in their radar display because it is all displayed on a map together, their Facebook page has at times shown composite imagery from three radar sites. In a March 2017 press release from the Bahamas government they said \"The first one has been established on New Providence and the other three will be in Grand Bahama, Abaco, and Long Island.\" The first new radar was built about 50 meters southwest from where the old radar was on the island of New Providence. The old radar \"will be refurbished and upgraded and then installed in Ragged Island, bringing the total to five Doppler radar, covering the entire country.\"

    " + "You can view their main site here."; // --------------------------------------- // // Canada // // --------------------------------------- var canadaWindowHtml = "Canada's main radar display is on a dynamic map. We link to that as the first link for each radar site. You can also view imagery in their older radar display here. That section of their site is where individual imagery is available and where historical imagery for each radar site is.

    " + "Canada is modernizing their radar network. Most of the radars have already been replaced. You can view information about the overall progress at the previous link or on their radar outages and maintenance page for specific information about radars that are in the process of being replaced. A list of coordinates for their radars is regularly updated on their site here. (linked from this page)

    " + "You can also access radar data through Nav Canada here."; var canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml = "

    " + "This is a new radar. It replaced an older radar. We don't usually include links to the WMO Radar Database for radars that replaced an older one since the page might continue to reflect the older radar."; // --------------------------------------- // // Cuba // // --------------------------------------- var cubaSiteHtml = "Some radar sites in Cuba are often unavailable. To view a map that usually shows what sites are available, click here. To view a mosaic of all the active radars across the country, click here. For radar sites that were not available as of updating this page for this country, no range is shown."; // --------------------------------------- // // El Salvador // // --------------------------------------- var elSalvadorSiteHtml = "The radar network in El Salvador is made up of short range (120km) Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) X-band FURUNO radars. You can view a composite here. These radars are very small and most can't be found using satellite imagery. (Many are installed on top of ordinary buildings.) We were able to visually locate all of them except for Zacatecoluca. The coordinates we use for that site come from the JavaScript code of their radar map for that site. We used the coordinates in their scripting to find all of their sites, combined with images from the PDF file here, to find the more precise coordinates."; // --------------------------------------- // // Mexico // // --------------------------------------- var mexicoSiteHtml = "Radar sites in Mexico are often unavailable. To view a page or map that usually shows what sites are available, click here

    " + "For radar sites that were not available as of updating this page for this country, no range is shown."; // Guanajuato var guanajuatoMexicoRadarUrl = "https://seguridad.guanajuato.gob.mx/proteccion-civil/estado-del-tiempo-guanajuato/"; var guanajuatoMexicoRadarAgency = "Secretaria de Seguridad Publica del Estado de Guanajuato, Proteccion Civil (Secretary of Public Security of the State of Guanajuato, Civil Protection)"; var guanajuatoMexicoRadarAgencyHtml = "Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del Estado de Guanajuato, Protección Civil (Secretary of Public Security of the State of Guanajuato, Civil Protection)"; var guanajuatoMexicoSiteHtml = "In October 2022, when we reviewed the radar data for Guanajuato, current imagery was available.

    " + "This radar is one of two radars in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. The data from both radars are in a single composite image. The image says the range is 100 nautical miles. In measuring some of the returns it does seem like this is the range of at least one of the radars, if not both. However, the range of the El Moro radar goes beyond what the composite image has, extending further south. A circle on the image of the composite doesn't represent the true range of available data. In testing, we found returns in the lower left corner of the image that were beyond the circle and measured 100 nautical miles from the El Moro radar site. For simplicity, we still show a 100 nautical mile circle for the El Moro radar."; // --------------------------------------- // // Trinidad and Tobago // // --------------------------------------- var trinidadAndTobagoWindowHtml = "When we checked Trinidad and Tobago's site in October 2022, their main radar on Trinidad island wasn't working. You could view an image on the page here that said \"Radar is currently down for repair & maintenance. Apologies for any inconvenience.\" The main link for the radar gives an \"Access denied\" message. We do not draw the range on the map.

    " + "They are trying to repair their main radar based on articles here and here. The first article also mentions an X-band Ranger X5 radar from Enterprise Electronics Corporation (EEC). This is a radar in Crown Point on Tobago island. A PDF document here (PDF page 131) shows a close-up picture of it. A new meteorological building opened in 2017. You can view some pictures and video here of the building. We were able to find satellite imagery from December 2021 that showed some additional detail that other satellite imagery didn't provide of the top of that new building. While not clear, it seemed like there might have been a tile path on top of the building. If so, that matches with the image of the small X-band radar in the PDF file. In satellite imagery from April 2022, a small object appeared on the roof that is likely the X-band radar, but it wasn't detailed enough to determine definitively. Therefore, it remains a little uncertain. Data from this radar did not seem to be online when we checked.

    " + "For the range of the X-band radar, we use a range of 150km that was mentioned in the first article, though we're uncertain what it might be if imagery is eventually made available online.

    " + barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml; // --------------------------------------- // // United States // // --------------------------------------- var faaAgencyName = "Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)"; var dodAgencyName = "U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)"; // Nexrad Radar Site Selection // Lower 48 and Puerto Rico var mainNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl = "https://radar.weather.gov/?settings=v1_eyJhZ2VuZGEiOnsiaWQiOiJsb2NhbCIsImNlbnRlciI6Wy05NSwzN10sInpvb20iOjQsImZpbHRlciI6IldTUi04OEQiLCJ0cmFuc3BhcmVudCI6dHJ1ZSwiYWxlcnRzT3ZlcmxheSI6dHJ1ZSwic3RhdGlvbkljb25zT3ZlcmxheSI6dHJ1ZX0sImJhc2UiOiJzdGFuZGFyZCIsImNvdW50eSI6ZmFsc2UsImN3YSI6ZmFsc2UsInN0YXRlIjpmYWxzZSwibWVudSI6dHJ1ZSwic2hvcnRGdXNlZE9ubHkiOnRydWV9#/"; // Alaska var alaskaNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl = "https://radar.weather.gov/?settings=v1_eyJhZ2VuZGEiOnsiaWQiOiJsb2NhbCIsImNlbnRlciI6Wy0xNDkuMTMzLDYxLjcyOF0sInpvb20iOjQsImZpbHRlciI6IldTUi04OEQiLCJ0cmFuc3BhcmVudCI6dHJ1ZSwiYWxlcnRzT3ZlcmxheSI6dHJ1ZSwic3RhdGlvbkljb25zT3ZlcmxheSI6dHJ1ZX0sImJhc2UiOiJzdGFuZGFyZCIsImNvdW50eSI6ZmFsc2UsImN3YSI6ZmFsc2UsInN0YXRlIjpmYWxzZSwibWVudSI6dHJ1ZSwic2hvcnRGdXNlZE9ubHkiOnRydWV9#/"; // Hawaii var hawaiiNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl = "https://radar.weather.gov/?settings=v1_eyJhZ2VuZGEiOnsiaWQiOiJsb2NhbCIsImNlbnRlciI6Wy0xNTcuNjQzLDIwLjU4OF0sInpvb20iOjYsImZpbHRlciI6IldTUi04OEQiLCJ0cmFuc3BhcmVudCI6dHJ1ZSwiYWxlcnRzT3ZlcmxheSI6dHJ1ZSwic3RhdGlvbkljb25zT3ZlcmxheSI6dHJ1ZX0sImJhc2UiOiJzdGFuZGFyZCIsImNvdW50eSI6ZmFsc2UsImN3YSI6ZmFsc2UsInN0YXRlIjpmYWxzZSwibWVudSI6dHJ1ZSwic2hvcnRGdXNlZE9ubHkiOnRydWV9#/"; // Guam, Japan and South Korea var asiaNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl = "https://radar.weather.gov/?settings=v1_eyJhZ2VuZGEiOnsiaWQiOiJsb2NhbCIsImNlbnRlciI6WzEzNC41MDYsMjcuMzA5XSwiem9vbSI6NCwiZmlsdGVyIjoiV1NSLTg4RCIsInRyYW5zcGFyZW50Ijp0cnVlLCJhbGVydHNPdmVybGF5Ijp0cnVlLCJzdGF0aW9uSWNvbnNPdmVybGF5Ijp0cnVlfSwiYmFzZSI6InN0YW5kYXJkIiwiY291bnR5IjpmYWxzZSwiY3dhIjpmYWxzZSwic3RhdGUiOmZhbHNlLCJtZW51Ijp0cnVlLCJzaG9ydEZ1c2VkT25seSI6dHJ1ZX0%3D#/"; // TDWR var tdwrNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl = "https://radar.weather.gov/?settings=v1_eyJhZ2VuZGEiOnsiaWQiOiJsb2NhbCIsImNlbnRlciI6Wy05MC43NTEsMzMuMzU4XSwiem9vbSI6NCwiZmlsdGVyIjoiVERXUiIsImxheWVyIjoiYnJlZl9yYXciLCJzdGF0aW9uIjoiS1RCVyIsInRyYW5zcGFyZW50Ijp0cnVlLCJhbGVydHNPdmVybGF5Ijp0cnVlLCJzdGF0aW9uSWNvbnNPdmVybGF5Ijp0cnVlfSwiYmFzZSI6InN0YW5kYXJkIiwiY291bnR5IjpmYWxzZSwiY3dhIjpmYWxzZSwic3RhdGUiOmZhbHNlLCJtZW51Ijp0cnVlLCJzaG9ydEZ1c2VkT25seSI6dHJ1ZX0%3D#/"; var usaNonGovRadarNote = "

    " + "Note: We only draw ranges for NEXRAD and TDWR radars in the United States. Most of the other radars in the United States are from television stations. It is too difficult to determine what the range of publicly available imagery is for other radars. It is often difficult to even determine if the other radars have data available online. Many of the television station websites use interactive maps that contain data from across the United States. Their websites often do not seem to include data from their own radar. Even if they have other imagery, it is not always clear if it is from their own radar. It would also make the map too cluttered to draw even more ranges on the map for the United States."; var usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent = "The following is a default message we include for many of the television station radars in the United States. For many of these radars, we are unable to determine if the radar is still in use. It's also difficult to determine if data from these radars is available online. Many of the TV stations have websites that have dynamic maps, usually from The Weather Company. These maps usually do not contain an overlay that contains radar data for the radar that the TV station may own. Sometimes the TV stations also have additional radar imagery, such as an image loop of their area. They might have multiple images with various close-up views in their viewing area. In these instances it's often very difficult to determine which TV stations have radar data from their own radar online. (unless we can determine from the imagery where the data seems to be originating from, either by the radar site being marked or through radar returns) For these stations we usually link to their website's main weather page. The main weather page may have multiple radar views, including an interactive radar map and possibly other radar imagery as well. Even though some of these sites have a dedicated radar page, often that radar page only has the interactive radar map and not the other radar imagery that could contain data from their radar. Just because we link to a site doesn't mean that the radar data from that radar is available online. It's too complex to try to determine definitively, without contacting various TV stations, if their radar data is available online. If we did additional research, we may also include that additional information before this paragraph. Some of these TV stations will use their radar data in their own coverage, either on television or through their social media. If we come across information that suggests that, we will provide it. But due to the number of stations, we don't do much research trying to determine if these radars are used in that way. We do not draw ranges on the map for these radars."; var usaCertainNbcTvStations = "When viewing the radar layer on their interactive map, you can view data from their radar when zoomed in. When you zoom out, it defaults to a national radar view from The Weather Company. For some of the NBC stations that are owned by NBCUniversal, there are multiple other local radars on the map. When you zoom in to them, you will then get local radar data. The top of the map will say if it is the \"National Radar\" or the name of the local radar you are viewing. The range we note comes from the code of the page. We do not draw the range on the map."; var usNexradSitesAtUSMilitaryBasesInternationallyWindowContent = "There are two NEXRAD radar sites in South Korea, and one in Japan, at U.S. military bases. When working, radar data from these sites is available in real time, but not many sites have the imagery and underlying basemap. NOAA's radar display, which we link to, lists these three radar sites. However, we have never been able to view radar returns in that display. (even when the icon in the display isn't red) We last tested their display in October 2022. Also, there is no low-bandwidth imagery for these radar sites on their standard display page page like for radar sites in U.S. states and territories.

    " + "The only site we have found that has had current data in the past, and an underlying basemap, is the one we link to in the alternate link, but the ability to view a loop doesn't work.

    " + "The July 30th, 2019 installation date noted on the WMO Radar Database page for these radars is likely when the page was updated since four radars share that same date, in Japan, South Korea and Guam, and these radars existed before then." // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // South America // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------- // // Argentina // // --------------------------------------- var argentinaSmnRadarSiteImageryUrl = "https://www.smn.gob.ar/radar"; var argentinaDaccRadarSiteImageryUrl = "https://www.mendoza.gov.ar/contingencias/radar/"; var argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml = "Argentina is expanding its radar network. Most of the radars in the National Weather Radar System (Sistema Nacional de Radares Meteorológicos, SiNaRaMe) are owned by the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Water Policy (Secretaría de Infraestructura y Política Hídrica), part of the Ministry of Public Works (Ministerio de Obras Públicas). They were installed by INVAP. You can learn more about their radar network here. In 2023 and 2024, they will be adding ten new radars that will also be installed by INVAP. You can learn more here (with a map of where the sites will be located), here and here. The new radars will be located in the following locations:" + ""; var argentinaIntaAgencyName = "National Agricultural Technology Institute (Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, INTA)"; var argentinaIntaAgencyNameHtml = "National Agricultural Technology Institute (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, INTA)"; var argentinaDaccAgencyName = "Directorate of Agriculture and Climate Contingencies (Direccion de Agricultura y Contingencias Climaticas, DACC) of the Mendoza province government"; var argentinaDaccAgencyNameHtml = "Directorate of Agriculture and Climate Contingencies (Dirección de Agricultura y Contingencias Climáticas, DACC) of the Mendoza province government"; var argentinaDaccWindowContent = "Like in the Jujuy province, the radars in the Mendoza province are for help with monitoring and combating hail. These radars do not operate all the time. They may operate during hail season or just for storms. The range of these radars is uncertain. The imagery available is rectangular. There may also be two mobile radars as well. This makes it difficult to determine the range of imagery. The San Martin and San Rafael radars might be S-band and have a shorter range. The Tunuyán radar might be C-band and have a longer range. That is based on this page and this one which shows GIF images that indicate that the Tunuyán radar might have a longer range. The range shown in those images differ between the images available. Additionally, the positioning of those GIF Images don't match up too well for some of the radars. It's unclear if all three of the radar sites shown on our map are still operational. Additionally, some of the imagery shown might be from mobile radars. This 2017 document also has some information about these radars. That document talks about these radars being Russian MRL-5 S-Band radars. Therefore, it's confusing as to what band the Tunuyán radar is or if there is another newer radar.

    " + "Because imagery is not always available, and the range is uncertain, the range for these radars are not shown on the map."; // --------------------------------------- // // Brazil // // --------------------------------------- var cemadenRadarSiteImageryUrl = "http://www.cemaden.gov.br/mapainterativo/"; var daeeRadarSiteImageryUrl = "https://www.saisp.br/"; var deceaRadarSiteImageryUrl = "https://redemet.decea.gov.br/"; var deceaRadarSiteMirrorImageryUrl = "https://www.redemet.aer.mil.br/"; var epagriRadarSiteImageryUrl = "https://ciram.epagri.sc.gov.br/radar/"; // Or: // https://ciram.epagri.sc.gov.br/index.php/radar/ // http://sifap.defesacivil.sc.gov.br/radarsc/ var funcemeRadarSiteImageryUrl = "http://www.funceme.br/radar"; var georioRadarSiteImageryUrl = "http://alertario.rio.rj.gov.br/radar-meteorologico-do-sumare/imgens-recentes/"; var georioRadarSiteMirrorImageryUrl = "https://www.climatempo.com.br/alerta-rio/radar"; var ineaRadarSiteImageryUrl = "http://alertadecheias.inea.rj.gov.br/radar.php"; var ipmetRadarSiteImageryUrl = "https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/"; var sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl = "http://sosamazonia.sipam.gov.br/sosmanaus/"; var simeparRadarSiteImageryUrl = "http://www.simepar.br/prognozweb/simepar/radar_msc"; // -------------------- var inpeRadarSiteDisplay1ImageryUrl = "http://sigma.cptec.inpe.br/radar/"; var inpeRadarSiteDisplay2ImageryUrl = "https://sigma2.cptec.inpe.br/"; // -------------------- var deceaRadarSiteInfo = "Department of Airspace Control. (DECEA, Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo) A mirror of this site is here. Click \"Radares\" in the menu on the display. To access historical radar imagery, go to \"Produtos\" and select \"Radares\" in the menu. After then clicking \"Radar\" in the new display, click \"Clique aqui.\" under \"Imagens anteriores\" to select the date. You can also access that other display here."; // -------------------- var deceaRadarSiteOptionHtml = "

    " + "- 400km range radar from the " + deceaRadarSiteInfo; var inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml = "

    " + "- 250km range radar from this radar display and this other radar display from Brazil's Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies (CPTEC, Centro de Previsão do Tempo e Estudos Climáticos), part of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais). To toggle imagery, select \"Menu\" in the top left corner."; // -------------------- var cemadenRadarSitePartialHtml = "This radar site is from the National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters. (CEMADEN, Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais) When available, a 250km range radar is available at the link above."; var deceaRadarSitePartialHtml = "This radar site is from the " + deceaRadarSiteInfo; var ipmetRadarSitePartialHtml = "There are several options for viewing radar data on this site:

    " + "- Radar Animation
    " + "- Interactive Map
    " + "- Radar Image
    " + "- Radar Image (with city names on mouse hover)

    " + "This radar site can also be found at:"; var sipamRadarSiteHtml = "This radar site can also be found at " + deceaRadarSiteInfo; // -------------------- var daeeRadarSiteHtml = "The radar from the state of Sao Paulo's Department of Water and Electricity (DAEE, Departamento de Águas e Energia Elétrica) can't be directly linked to. After clicking the first link in this popup, click \"PRODUTOS SAISP\" in the top menu or any of the links under \"Produtos do SAISP\". Near the top of the next page look for \"Para visualizar nosso menu de produtos, clique aqui.\" In the left column, select \"Radar CAPPI de Precipitação 3Km 2x2Km (mm/h)\"."; // -------------------- var cemadenAgencyName = "National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters (Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais, CEMADEN)"; var daeeAgencyName = "Department of Water and Electricity in the state of Sao Paulo (Departamento de Aguas e Energia Eletrica, DAEE)"; var daeeAgencyNameHtml = "Department of Water and Electricity in the state of São Paulo (Departamento de Águas e Energia Elétrica, DAEE)"; var deceaAgencyName = "Department of Airspace Control (Departamento de Controle do Espaco Aereo, DECEA)"; var deceaAgencyNameHtml = "Department of Airspace Control (Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo, DECEA)"; var epagriAgencyName = "Agricultural Research and Rural Extension of the state of Santa Catarina (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuaria e Extensao Rural de Santa Catarina, EPAGRI)"; var epagriAgencyNameHtml = "Agricultural Research and Rural Extension of the state of Santa Catarina (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina, EPAGRI)"; var funcemeAgencyName = "Foundation for Meteorology and Water Resources in the state of Ceara (Fundacao Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hidricos, FUNCEME)"; var funcemeAgencyNameHtml = "Foundation for Meteorology and Water Resources in the state of Ceará (Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hídricos, FUNCEME)"; var ineaAgencyName = "State Environmental Institute in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Instituto Estadual do Ambiente, INEA)"; var ipmetAgencyName = "Meteorological Research Institute in the state of Sao Paulo (Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorologicas, IPMet) / Sao Paulo State University (Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP)"; var ipmetAgencyNameHtml = "Meteorological Research Institute in the state of São Paulo (Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas, IPMet) / São Paulo State University (Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP)"; var sipamAgencyName = "Amazon Protection System (Sistema de Protecao da Amazonia, SIPAM)"; var sipamAgencyNameHtml = "Amazon Protection System (Sistema de Proteção da Amazônia, SIPAM)"; var simeparAgencyName = "Parana Meteorological System in the state of Parana (Sistema Meteorologico Do Parana, SIMEPAR)"; var simeparAgencyNameHtml = "Paraná Meteorological System in the state of Paraná (Sistema Meteorológico Do Paraná, SIMEPAR)"; // -------------------- var inpeAgencyName = "National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, INPE)"; var redemetAgencyName = "Meteorological Network of Aeronautics Command (Rede de Meteorologia do Comando da Aeronautica, REDEMET)"; var redemetAgencyNameHtml = "Meteorological Network of Aeronautics Command (Rede de Meteorologia do Comando da Aeronáutica, REDEMET)"; // -------------------- var brazilWhenAvailableText = "

    " + "This radar site can also be found, when available, at:"; // -------------------- var cemadenRadarInformationPageUrl = "http://www2.cemaden.gov.br/radares-meteorologicos-2/"; // --------------------------------------- // // Colombia // // --------------------------------------- var ideamColombiaRadarSiteImageryUrl = "http://www.pronosticosyalertas.gov.co/archivos-radar"; var ideamColombiaAgencyName = "Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Instituto de Hidrologia, Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales, IDEAM)"; var ideamColombiaAgencyNameHtml = "Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales, IDEAM)"; var ideamColombiaSiteHtml = "You can view IDEAM's radar page here with other radar sites. For a composite loop, click here."; var aeroCivilColombiaMosaicImageryUrl = "http://meteorologia.aerocivil.gov.co/radar/loop/aoi/CRM/Reflectividad%20de%20Base%200.5%20deg"; var aeroCivilColombiaAgencyName = "Civil Aviation Authority of Colombia (Aeronautica Civil de Colombia)"; var aeroCivilColombiaAgencyNameHtml = "Civil Aviation Authority of Colombia (Aeronáutica Civil de Colombia)"; var aeroCivilColombiaSiteHtml = "When available, you can view a composite of the radars available through Aeronáutica Civil by clicking here. However, while San Andres Island and Corozal had been on this site, they are no longer listed. We don't know if that composite works like it used to since individual radar site data is no longer on the site for those two sites. Some radar ranges shown on the composite image may not have current radar data. Some radar ranges shown on the composite image may not have current radar data."; var curacaoRadarSiteHtmlFromColombia = ""; // --------------------------------------- // // Ecuador // // --------------------------------------- var ecuadorSiteHtml = "When we tested their site in October 2022, their site wouldn't load. Therefore, we do not draw the range for any of Ecuador's radars.

    " + "The radars around Quito, Ecuador are short range X-band FURUNO radars. These radars are very small and can't be clearly found using satellite imagery. (Most are installed on top of ordinary buildings.) The coordinates for their radars have come from the JavaScript code of their radar maps and some could not be verified visually. The radar page is difficult to navigate to from their site. Their main site is here."; // --------------------------------------- // // Venezuela // // --------------------------------------- var venezuelaSiteHtml = "Radar sites from Venezuela appear to no longer be available. Their site now links to composite radar imagery from Barbados which contains radar data from Curaçao."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Africa // // Canary Islands are grouped with Spain under Europe. // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------- // // Kenya // // --------------------------------------- var kenyaWindowContentForMultipleSites = "It doesn't appear as though data from Kenya's two radars is available online. The WMO Radar Database says both were installed in 2005."; // --------------------------------------- // // Mali // // --------------------------------------- var maliWindowContentForMultipleSites = "It doesn't appear as though Mali's radars are currently available online. The link to their meteorological service is located above, although as of October 2019 their website hasn't been updated since 2017. Their Facebook page does have current information that they post, with less information available on their Twitter page.

    " + "In 2010, based on the Internet Archive, radar data from the Bamako, Manantali and Mopti radars was available here on the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research's (UCAR) site. You can still learn more on that site about the project the radars were a part of.

    " + "It appears that these radars might be used in part for cloud seeding efforts. The page here has pictures of what appears to be another radar, one in Koutiala, though I didn't know where to look so I couldn't find it in satellite imagery and it is therefore not on the map.

    " + "Because we couldn't find current imagery, the range is not noted."; // --------------------------------------- // // Morocco // // --------------------------------------- var moroccoRadarSiteHtml = "Radar imagery does not seem to be publicly available as of updating this page for this country in October 2022. Looking back in the Internet Archive to their older meteorological service's site, from since at least 2011 to sometime in 2020, their site had the same message on this page about needing to upgrade their radar network. You can find example imagery from their radar here, again from an older version of their site, which talks about a range of 240km, at least for some of their radars.

    " + "A previous version of their site made it seem like imagery might be available, but you had to add it to their cart, which wasn't working when we tried it at that time. On their current site, we could not find that option. We do see a brief mention of their radars on the page we link to, but no imagery is available on that page.

    " + "A new radar might have been installed, or may be installed, around Tan Tan Airport according to the WMO Radar Database. A new structure was constructed nearby, at 28.443259N 11.158071W, that could be the new radar. However, nothing has appeared on the tower yet. There was nothing there in June 2020. In October 2020 there was. In July 2021, there was a tower. In July 2022, there was still nothing on the tower when we checked in October 2022. There is also some kind of object, which could be a small radar, at 28.444860N 11.158182W. It's only 18 meters from the WMO's coordinates, but we couldn't find any pictures of the parking lot at Tan Tan Airport to see.

    " + "The WMO Radar Database also mentions a radar for Arfoud (Erfoud) on the page here, but the coordinates are for Tan Tan, so we don't know where this one might be."; // --------------------------------------- // // Mozambique // // --------------------------------------- var mozambiqueRadarSiteHtml = "The radars from Mozambique (Beira and Xai-Xai) were last available on South Africa's site in 2007. This country does not appear to have the radar data on their own site as of updating this page for this country. You can click here to view their meteorological service. The location of these radars were found visually in satellite imagery after using old radar images to determine where the radars should be."; // --------------------------------------- // // Nigeria // // --------------------------------------- var nigeriaRadarSiteHtml = "It doesn't appear as though Nigeria's radars are currently available online. In checking this country's website for radar data in March 2021, a radar loop on their front page from their Port Harcourt radar was from 2019. Based on the name and directory of the video file, it may have been posted in January or February of 2020.

    " + "There are weather radars at Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (Abuja) and Port Harcourt International Airport (Port Harcourt). There may be four additional radars that are not mapped. (based on undated information here and from other sources) They may be in Kano, Lagos, Maiduguri and Yola. Because we couldn't find imagery online, the ranges are not known."; // --------------------------------------- // // Reunion (France) // // This territory has a special range rectangle. // // --------------------------------------- var reunionWindowContentForMultipleSites = "The link above links to a composite of Réunion's radars."; // --------------------------------------- // // South Africa // // --------------------------------------- var southAfricaRadarSiteHtml = "Radar data from South Africa does not appear to be available freely to the general public in a way like other countries provide data. A radar storm tracker page exists, but it only draws, in red, the shape of where a current storm is. In orange is what appears to be where the storm is forecast to be in 30 minutes. In yellow is what appears to be where the storm is forecast to be in 60 minutes. (This seems to be explained on this page when talking about the weather API they have through their partner AfriGIS) They also have a satellite page here that has an image that has some data colored like rain, but it might just be colorized based on satellite IR data.

    It appears that you need to be a \"Valid Aviation User\" in order to register for the site to view more detailed imagery. You can read more about that on their subscription page here. It says that \"until a pay-portal is implemented access to the site will be limited to aviation users meeting the requirements above.\" In the charts on that page it says that radar imagery, either national or provincial, will not be free when the pay-portal is implemented. For now someone can access that data only if they are a \"Valid Aviation User\" which is defined as \"Operating in or from South African Airspace\" and seems to apply to people, such as pilots, and businesses related to aviation. Our map does not display the ranges of the radar sites from their meteorological service since the data is not the same as what is freely available from other countries. Their radar sites seem to each have \"a range of about 200 km\" based on the radar section of the weather API they have through their partner AfriGIS. In 2010 and earlier they did provide radar data similar to other countries. At that time, some radar sites had imagery that had a range of 300km."; // --------------------------------------- // // Tanzania // // --------------------------------------- var tanzaniaWindowContentForMultipleSites = "It doesn't appear as though data from Tanzania's radars is available online. Tanzania is expanding its radar network. In April 2019, some websites reported that two more radars were going to be installed, one in Mbeya and one in Kigoma, and it would take 14 months. Some sites have also mentioned that an additional two radars may also be installed bringing the network total to at least seven."; // --------------------------------------- // // Zimbabwe // // --------------------------------------- var zimbabweWindowContentForMultipleSites = "Zimbabwe is installing five new radars according to Baron Weather. You can learn more here. According to the article here, these radars \"will be situated at the MSD headquarters in Harare, Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo International Airport in Bulawayo, Buffalo Range, Victoria Falls and Kariba airports\". While we have found what appears to be the new radar at their headquarters and Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo International Airport, we have not yet found the radars at Buffalo Range Airport, Victoria Falls Airport and Kariba Airport. They might not have been constructed yet. Satellite imagery wasn't recent enough at these airports to find them when we checked.

    " + "As of October 2022, when we reviewed the radars in Zimbabwe, we are unsure what their official website is. Their older website, listed with the WMO, now redirects to an adult website. Their most recent website now has ads and doesn't seem to be their site any longer. (even though it is linked from their social media channels) Based on archived pages at the Internet Archive and a document from the WMO that mentions their Twitter account, their official pages on social media can be found here: Twitter | Facebook

    " + "We have not seen imagery from their new radars online."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Europe // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------- // // Austria // // --------------------------------------- var austriaWindowContentForMultipleSites = "The OPERA (Operational Programme for the Exchange of Weather Radar Information) database gives a maximum range of 224km for each of Austria's radars. Overlaying the available composite imagery in Google Earth seems to indicate a range around that as well. A document here has pictures of the radar network and gives a range of 220/224 km, though it doesn't specify which radar(s) might have a range of 220km."; // --------------------------------------- // // Bulgaria // // --------------------------------------- var bulgariaRadarSiteHtml = "Each of Bulgaria's radar sites are available on an interactive map, where a loop is available. The range is longer there than on the single site images that have a range of 150km, with a longer range in the corners of each image."; var bulgariaMeteorologicalServiceAgency = "National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH)"; var bulgariaMeteorologicalServiceAgencyHtml = "National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, NIMH (Национален Институт По Метеорология И Хидрология)"; var bulgariaMeteorologicalServiceUrl = "https://www.meteo.bg/en"; // --------------------------------------- // // Czechia // // --------------------------------------- var czechiaWindowContentForMultipleSites = "The page here has the range listed as both 256km and 260km. The OPERA (Operational Programme for the Exchange of Weather Radar Information) database lists the range as 260km. The imagery seems to measure around that so that is what is used for their radars on the map. These image links come from the page here."; // --------------------------------------- // // Denmark // // --------------------------------------- var denmarkSiteHtml = "The front page of their site has a map where you can add the radar layer. Click \"Radar og lyn\" (radar and lightning) to view the radar composite.

    " + nordicCompositeHtml; // --------------------------------------- // // Estonia // // --------------------------------------- var estoniaSiteHtml = nordicCompositeHtml; // --------------------------------------- // // Finland // // --------------------------------------- var finlandSiteHtml = nordicCompositeHtml; // --------------------------------------- // // Greece // // --------------------------------------- var greeceRadarSiteNotAvailableWindowHtml = "When we checked the composite imagery for Greece in October 2022, it didn't appear as though this radar site was available. Because we don't know what the range is of publicly available imagery, the range is not available. For that reason as well, the range is not included on the map."; // --------------------------------------- // // Ireland // // --------------------------------------- var irelandSiteHtml = "You can also view imagery at the United Kingdom's Met Office."; // --------------------------------------- // // Italy // // --------------------------------------- var dpcItalyAgencyName = "Civil Protection Department (Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, DPC)"; var italyLammaConsortiumRadarUrl = "https://www.lamma.rete.toscana.it/meteo/osservazioni-e-dati/radar"; var venetoRadarSitesHtml = "

    " + "An interactive radar composite of their radar sites can be found here."; var italyItalianAirForceAgency = "Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare Italiana)"; var italyItalianAirForceUnknownStatusWindowHtml = "We're not sure if the radar data from most of the Italian Air Force's radars is available online. The locations for these radars come from the WMO Radar Database. We do not know the ranges of these radars and we therefore do not draw the ranges on the map."; // --------------------------------------- // // Moldova // // --------------------------------------- var moldovaMrl5RadarHtml = "The WMO Radar Database has nine MRL-5 radars listed for Moldova, though we don't know which, if any, of those radars might still be in use. As of October 2022, the only other radar we know of in Moldova was built at Chișinău International Airport in 2013."; // --------------------------------------- // // North Macedonia // // --------------------------------------- var northMacedoniaRadarSiteHtml = "Their radars are on their meteorological service's front page. Because the imagery doesn't show the entire range of the radar for each radar site, the range on our map has an unusual shape for each of their radars."; // --------------------------------------- // // Norway // // --------------------------------------- var norwaySiteHtml = nordicCompositeHtml; // --------------------------------------- // // Poland // // --------------------------------------- var polandSiteHtml = "You can view their dynamic radar mosaic here, on a Google Map."; // --------------------------------------- // // Portugal // // --------------------------------------- var portugalSiteHtml = "You can view their dynamic radar mosaic here, on a Google Map."; // --------------------------------------- // // Romania // // --------------------------------------- var romaniaCBandRadarSitesWindowHtml = "The radars for Bucharest and Craiova are of a different type, C-band, than the S-band radars in their network. The OPERA database gives a range of 240km, but we measured returns for the Bucharest radar site that seemed to only go as far as 230km on their radar imagery. We assume that the Craiova radar is also 230km in their imagery, which is the range for all the S-band radars in their network."; // --------------------------------------- // // Serbia // // --------------------------------------- var serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml = "Kovačica (Samoš), Novi Sad (Fruška Gora) and Velika Plana (Jastrebac) are the three main radars. When available, a short range radar (LAWR: Local Area Weather Radar) is available in Belgrade. The other radars are older, but still listed on the map of radars on their site. For those first four radars mentioned, ranges are based on publicly available imagery. For the other radars, the range noted is the range from the OPERA database. The range is not drawn for those radars."; // --------------------------------------- // // Slovenia // // --------------------------------------- var sloveniaWindowContentForMultipleSites = "The links above link to imagery that contains composite imagery of the radar sites for this country. Using old radar imagery from Archive.org, which at times had the range of available imagery colored on the image, we estimated the range when overlaying the imagery in Google Earth."; // --------------------------------------- // // Spain // // --------------------------------------- var aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml = "From AEMET, the meteorological service of Spain."; var cataloniaSpainRadarSiteHtml = "From the meteorological service of Catalonia."; // --------------------------------------- // // Sweden // // --------------------------------------- var swedenSiteHtml = nordicCompositeHtml; // --------------------------------------- // // Switzerland // // --------------------------------------- var switzerlandWindowContentForMultipleSites = "Switzerland's meteorological service includes both the current radar and forecast radar in their radar product."; // --------------------------------------- // // Ukraine // // --------------------------------------- var ukraineRadarSitesWindowHtml = "Radar data for Ukraine is unavailable. We continue to link to the sites that previously had data. We do not draw the range for their radars on our map."; var ukraineRadarSitesInCrimeaWindowHtml = "There are two radar sites in the WMO Radar Database that are located on the Crimean Peninsula. I don't know if these two sites are still active or if data is available from them. No range is shown on the map. This region is controlled by Russia."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Asia // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------- // // Armenia // // --------------------------------------- var armeniaWindowContentForMultipleSites = "We haven't been able to find radar imagery from Armenia online. We also don't know if these MRL-5 radars are still operational. A PDF file here from September 2018 from World Bank says: \"Armenia has three (outdated) meteorological radars that provide images to the AHS: one for aviation and two for hail suppression.\"

    " + "We don't know what their official website is. The WMO links to a site that no longer exists (http://www.meteo.am/) on their page that lists \National Services\" for WMO members. That older site was for the \"Ministry of Emergency Situations\". We link to their current site, a web address that was also included on the old site that no longer exists. We also don't know the current name of their meteorological service. You can view a page here that says in 2002 that an older organization was reorganized into two organizations, one of them being the \"State hydrometeorological and monitoring service\". The WMO also uses that name."; // --------------------------------------- // // Azerbaijan // // --------------------------------------- var azerbaijanWindowContentForMultipleSites = "Azerbaijan does not seem to provide radar data in real time. However, they do describe what they see on the radar, sometimes throughout the day. We link to that page for each of the two new Baron radars they have. They also occasionally link to their YouTube channel which has animation of the radar sometimes. Based on a Facebook post here and some news articles, the range of the radar is 250km. Because the clips online can vary in what they show, we don't know what range is available to the public, when it is made available. Because they often describe, and sometimes show radar data, we do show the range on our map for the two Baron radars. A brief info page on their radars is here on their site. Some pictures of the radars are here.

    " + "A page here from Baron Weather, from April 5th, 2021, says that Azerbaijan installed two new Baron radars. It says \"Leaders in the county of Azerbaijan are celebrating the installation of two Baron C-band doppler radars that will help modernize the nation's hydrometeorological network. The radars have been strategically placed to provide high-quality data, one in the Goygol region the other in the Shamakhi region. The dual-polarization radars will provide a much more accurate and in-depth picture of precipitation in the atmosphere compared to the MRL-5 radars the nation had been using for more than 40 years.\" From a picture on that page, we can see that the Goygol radar is located next to what looks to be an older MRL-5 radar that was not in the WMO Radar Database. We include one MRL-5 radar that is in the WMO Radar Database and the two newer radars on our map. We do not know if any MRL-5 radars are still used.

    " + "A PDF file here (PDF page 226) from 2021 indicates that three more doppler radars may be planned to bring the total to 5. They don't seem to count the MRL-5 radars."; // --------------------------------------- // // Bangladesh // // --------------------------------------- var bangladeshAirForceAgencyName = "Bangladesh Air Force, Directorate of Meteorology"; var bangladeshAirForceAgencyNameHtml = "Bangladesh Air Force (বাংলাদেশ বিমান বাহিনী), Directorate of Meteorology"; // --------------------------------------- // // Cyprus // // --------------------------------------- var cyprusRadarSitesWindowHtml = "When we checked the radar sites for Cyprus in October 2022, most of the imagery wasn't available. Reflectivity imagery was only available for Larnaca (Aradippou). However, it was only short range imagery with a range of about 175km. Previously, at times, long range imagery was sometimes available that measured around 350km to 360km for the radar sites." + "In January 2022, reflectivity imagery was current for the Paphos (Nata) radar site and radar data from Larnaca (Aradippou) did not appear to be available on the imagery. Earlier in 2021, imagery did measure about 350km for that radar site as well. Doppler imagery available on that page, which was only shown for the Larnaca (Aradippou) radar site and had a range of 250km, was two weeks old at the time. In October 2022, doppler imagery was from July 2022. Previously, imagery for these radar sites showed a range of 150km.

    " + "As of October 2022, we only show a range of 175km for Larnaca.

    " + "You can visit Cyprus' meteorological website here."; // --------------------------------------- // // Georgia // // --------------------------------------- var georgiaRadarSitesWindowHtml = "While Georgia has multiple radars, I couldn't find current data from them online. Sakaeronavigatsia, a Georgian air navigation service provider, seems to own the radars in Tbilisi and Poti. Georgia's National Environment Agency (NEA) seems to operate these radars with them.

    " + "An additional radar that seems like it will be owned by Sakaeronavigatsia and operated by NEA, for Kutaisi, is too recent to find on the latest publicly available high resolution satellite imagery. Based on some information, it seems like the radar was to be built at the Kutaisi airport. Some documentation indicates that it was to be built at the old airport. Based on some low resolution imagery we could find and some pictures that might show the radar site under construction, it's possible that radar might be around 42.247689 42.624574 at the old airport. We don't currently have that radar site on the map.

    " + "A radar for anti-hail purposes is located near Sighnaghi and seems to be managed by the Ministry of Defense of Georgia. Information can be found here and here.

    " + "Because imagery doesn't appear to currently be online, we don't have and ranges drawn for the radars on the map.

    " + "If imagery ever becomes available online, one of the following sites might possibly have it: " + "https://airnav.ge/, " + "https://meteo.airnav.ge/, " + "https://nea.gov.ge/ge/, " + "http://meteo.gov.ge/ " + "and " + "https://www.hydromet.ge/" + "

    " + "Various information can be found in the PDF files here, here and here."; var georgiaANSPAndNEAAgency = "Sakaeronavigatsia (Georgian air navigation service provider) / National Environment Agency (NEA)"; var georgiaANSPAndNEAAgencyHtml = "Sakaeronavigatsia (Georgian air navigation service provider) / National Environment Agency, NEA (გარემოს ეროვნული სააგენტოს)"; // --------------------------------------- // // Hong Kong // // --------------------------------------- var hongKongSiteHtml = "For Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) sites in Hong Kong, it is likely that this imagery is not included in the imagery available on their website. As of us updating information for their radar sites, they have two TDWR sites, Tai Lam Chung and Brothers Point, and two normal Doppler radar sites. The imagery we link to is a composite of the two normal Doppler radar sites based on information on the page here and measuring the 256km range from the two radar sites."; var hongKongInteractiveMapUrl = "https://maps.weather.gov.hk/gis-portal/web/index_e.html"; // --------------------------------------- // // India // // --------------------------------------- var indiaWindowHtml = "250km range loops are available for many radars in India, with a shorter range loop also usually available. Most radars have a range of 500km that you can view imagery for in the image section, which we link to in the first link. That is separate from the \"animations\" section where you can view loops, which we link to in the second link. The image section contains additional imagery for the radars."; // --------------------------------------- // // Indonesia // // --------------------------------------- var indonesiaSiteHtml = "Indonesia has been expanding their radar network. Documents from 2017 (here and here) show some of the existing radars at the time and some of the planned radars. While some of the radars have now been built, and we have added some to our map, there are others in those documents that have not yet been built as of updating the radars for this country in October 2022."; // --------------------------------------- // // Iran // // --------------------------------------- var iranWindowContentForMultipleSites = "When we tested Iran's site in January and February 2022 it would not load."; // --------------------------------------- // // Japan // // This country has a special range polygon. // // --------------------------------------- // // Japan Meteorological Agency // var japanWindowContentForMultipleSites = "The Japan Meteorological Agency has their radar data on a dynamic map. The range of imagery we show on our map reflects the estimated range of imagery on their site. We don't know which radar sites in Japan are included in their map and which are not."; // // Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) // var japanMlitImageryUrl = "https://www.river.go.jp/kawabou/pc/rd"; var japanMlitAltImageryUrl = "https://www.river.go.jp/e/"; var japanMlitAltImageryUrlText = "English display" var japanMlitAgency = "Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)"; var japanMlitAgencyHtml = "Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT; Japanese: 国土交通省)"; var japanMlitWindowHtml = "Japan's main radar display can be found through the Japan Meteorological Agency's (JMA) website. MLIT has their own radar network which you can access data for in Japan, with C-band and X-band radars. We only draw the range on the map for JMA's radars. We do not know the range of all of MLIT's radars."; // // National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) // var japanNictPawrRadarsAgency = "National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)"; var japanNictPawrRadarsAgencyHtml = "National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT; Japanese: 情報通信研究機構)"; var japanNictPawrRadarsWindowHtml = "The main page for NICT's four radars is here. You can view a PDF file here about their radars.

    " + "We only draw the range on the map for the Japan Meteorological Agency's radars."; // --------------------------------------- // // Kazakhstan // // --------------------------------------- var kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites = "We have not been able to find radar imagery online from Kazakhstan. You can view their meteorological service here.

    " + "In 2022, a radar is planned to be built in Balkhash (Karaganda Region) based on the information here."; // --------------------------------------- // // Nepal // // --------------------------------------- var nepalSiteHtml = "As of checking Nepal's site in October 2022, radar imagery on their site was last updated on August 24th, 2021 for their Birendranagar radar site. That older imagery did not include imagery from their other radar sites, though we link to that radar page for all Nepal radar sites. We do not draw the range on the map for any of Nepal's sites.

    " + "Their radar network is new, with the three radars currently on our map seemingly built in 2019 or 2020. You can click here for their Department of Hydrology and Meteorology and here for their Meteorological Forecasting Division.

    " + "The first radar built, in Ratanangla, Surkhet, was dedicated on December 3rd, 2019. Because the radars are so new, recent enough free high resolution satellite imagery wasn't clear enough to determine the exact location of the other two radar sites. Since we could see construction at the other two site on satellite imagery, the actual coordinates are likely less than 25 meters from the coordinates we selected."; // --------------------------------------- // // Oman // // --------------------------------------- var omanRadarSites = "When we checked the radar on the front page for this country in October 2022, February 2022 and September 2020, imagery wasn't currently available. The composite image on their site wasn't appearing. We don't currently draw the range for their radar sites. The ranges listed for the radar sites come from older imagery that we measured the range of."; // --------------------------------------- // // Pakistan // // --------------------------------------- var pakistanWindowHtml = "For Pakistan's radars, we link to their main radar page in the first link. The second link is a direct link to that same imagery. In case the location of imagery changes, we include both links. Most of Pakistan's radars do not have imagery that is automatically posted. It must be posted manually. As of checking the radar data for this country in September 2022, only Islamabad and Karachi, had imagery that was automatically updated. We only drew the range on the map for radars that had data from the past day when we checked them.

    " + "The document here has a plan to construct additional radars, with ones in Multan (2023) and Sukkur (2024) planned. Additional radars are planned, but the \"prospect of funding is not yet confirmed\" for the others listed in that document."; // --------------------------------------- // // Philippines // // --------------------------------------- var philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites = "You can view their main site here. Their interactive map contains a composite of their radars. The ranges of their radars seem to vary. Because they no longer seem to have the ability to view imagery for a radar site individually, we're unsure of the range of available imagery for many of their radar sites.

    " + "PAGASA's old site had individual imagery for each radar site in which the range was clear. While the current site does have the ability to view individual imagery for each radar site, it's on a dynamic map. Some of the individual sites have showed small returns well away from a radar site. We haven't been able to observe enough returns to determine if some of the furthest returns are accurate. For some radar sites we will have additional information preceding this section that is specific to a radar site.

    " + "Ranges we use either come from the document here, are an educated guess or are estimated based on measuring radar returns in the composite. If using the PDF document, we use the \"Volume Range\" in the PDF file. The \"Max Range\" might be 440km, 480km or 500km, depending on the radar site, but we don't know if they have that range available publicly.

    " + "We do not know which of their sites are active, and which are not, since the imagery appears in a composite. A meteorologist at a news network in the Philippines said in a tweet here in July 2022 that 7 radars were down at that time. They were: Basco, Aparri, Baguio, Virac, Iloilo, Zamboanga, Tampakan. We still draw the range for all their radars unless otherwise noted."; // --------------------------------------- // // Russia // // --------------------------------------- // Oryol // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/dStQbXhJdHlxT08vcnRmd1BZK0tHZz09 // Imprecise coordindates: 53 36 var russianWindowHtml = "Russia's radar data has become less public than it used to be. For the most part, only a composite is available for radars in western Russia. Russia is upgrading their radar network and there is likely many radars we do not include on our map. We assume that every range is 250km for all active radars. This is based on measuring some of the radar ranges in the composite imagery. It was too difficult to determine which radars were active by looking at just the composite imagery. We instead used the first quarter of 2022 report on the page here. Out of the radars in that report, we do not know the locations of the Oryol, Pskov, Chelyabinsk, Perm (a newer one) and Yoshkar-Ola radars and they are therefore not on our map. As for old radars, we never could find the radar for Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk which was referenced on the old page archived here."; var russianPsynaboRadarsWindowHtml = "There are two Psynabo MRL-5 radars. They are about 60 meters apart. Both radars are in the WMO Radar Database, but the coordinates are too close together, and the details not clear enough, to know which page id represents which in the database. One page is here and the other page is here. You can view a photo of both here from Google Street View.

    "; // --------------------------------------- // // Saudi Arabia // // --------------------------------------- /* var saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl = "https://met.gamep.gov.sa/maps/iris.php"; // Old link: // https://www.pme.gov.sa/Ar/Weather/RadarImages/TITANRadar/Pages/ksa.aspx // https://www.pme.gov.sa/Ar/Weather/IRISRadarImages/Pages/ksa.aspx var saudiArabiaPmeTitanUrl = "https://ncm.gov.sa/Ar/Weather/IRISRadarImages/Pages/ksa.aspx"; var saudiArabiaMetGamepTitanUrl = "https://met.gamep.gov.sa/maps/titan.php"; var saudiArabiaWindowContent = "In January and February 2022, when we tested sites from Saudi Arabia, their websites would not load radar imagery. We don't draw the range for any of their radars currently.

    " + "Saudi Arabia's radar data is available on two sites. The data is the same on both sites. The first site we link to has a unique link to each individual radar site. The drawback, in order to view their imagery you need to solve a reCAPTCHA from Google. Translating the page doesn't translate the instructions to that. If you can't understand what it wants, and can't easily copy the text and translate it, you can instead choose the headphones icon to hear a phrase that you can then type. The loops on this site are shorter than the loops on the second site. The second site doesn't seem to have the ability to directly link to an individual radar site. You will need to navigate to the radar you want. You can use the controls at the bottom of the page to select up to a 40 image loop. You can also control the speed of the loop.

    " + "The imagery we link to is from their \"IRIS\" display. The imagery from this software has a range of 250km. They also have, on both sites, imagery from their \"TITAN\" display. The imagery from this software has a range of about 180km to the north, south, east and west, and then a range of up to 250km in each corner of the image. You can access that imagery below:

    " + "First site (with reCAPTCHA): " + saudiArabiaPmeTitanUrl + "
    " + "Second site (longer loops): " + saudiArabiaMetGamepTitanUrl + ""; */ var saudiArabiaWindowContent = "While Saudi Arabia previously had single site radar imagery available, their imagery might only be in a composite now. When we tested their sites in October 2022, we could no longer load imagery on the pages here and here."; // --------------------------------------- // // South Korea // // --------------------------------------- var southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites = "South Korea has data in a variety of different radar displays. The main site we link to has composite imagery having a range of at least 240km for individual radar sites. To get single site radar imagery, hover over \"Radar Images\" in the menu and then click \"Individual Images\". You can then click an \"id\" to get data for that particular radar site.

    " + "KWK: Mt. Gwanak
    " + "BRI: Baengnyeongdo
    " + "GDK: Mt. Gwangdeok
    " + "GNG: Gangneung
    " + "KSN: Mt. Oseong
    " + "JNI: Jindo
    " + "MYN: Mt. Myeonbong
    " + "PSN: Mt. Gudeok
    " + "GSN: Gosan
    " + "SSP: Seongsan
    " + "Individual imagery usually has a range of 240km unless we note otherwise. You can find the Korean version of the main site we link to here. For 480km range composite imagery, click here. The range we show on our map is usually 480km for their radar sites.

    " + "You can find an interactive display here.

    " + "You can view more information about their radar network here."; // --------------------------------------- // // Taiwan // // --------------------------------------- var taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites = "A journal article here from 2021 discusses the radars in Taiwan's radar network. We heavily rely on some of the information in that document. From that article:

    " + "The \"Taiwan weather radar network started with four S-band Doppler single-polarization radars (RCWF, RCCG, RCKT, and RCHL; Fig. 1), which were deployed between 1996 and 2002.\"

    " + "\"The first three C-band dual-polarization (C-pol) radars (RCCK, RCMK, and RCGI; Fig. 1) being integrated into the CWB weather radar network were from the Taiwan Air Force, two of them (RCCK and RCMK) in 2009 and one (RCGI) in 2016. Since 2016, four additional C-pol radars (RCMD, RCLY, RCNT, RCSL; Fig. 1) have been deployed island-wide to further improve the low-level radar coverage, among which the RCMD is a special radar collocated with RCWF for the calibration, training, and scan strategy design of the C-pol radars. Two more C-pol radars (RCYU, RCYI; Fig. 1) will be deployed in the next 3 years.\"

    " + "\"The current operational network (Table 1) consists of one S-band dual-polarization (RCWF), three S-band single-polarization (RCHL, RCCG, and RCKT) and six C-pol (RCCK, RCMK, RCGI, RCLY, RCNT, and RCSL) radars.\"

    " + "\"And all radars are maintained by CWB except for RCCK, RCMK, and RCGI, which are maintained by the Taiwan Air Force.\"" + "In the document here you can find information on the ranges of some of the radars which we don't include ranges for."; // --------------------------------------- // // Tajikistan // // --------------------------------------- var tajikistanWindowHtml = "It doesn't appear as though Tajikistan's radars are available online. We link to their meteorological service above. It's not clear if they are still active. The WMO Radar Database lists each of their radars as a MRL-5 radar. Since we don't know the range, and imagery doesn't appear to be available publicly, we do not have a range shown on the map."; // --------------------------------------- // // Thailand // // --------------------------------------- var thailandMetDeptName = "Thai Meteorological Department"; var thailandBangkokMetAdminAgencyName = "Bangkok Metropolitan Administration"; var thailandHuaHinAgencyName = "Hua-Hin Royal Rainmaking Center"; var thailandBaseLink = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["THA"]["base_link"]; var thailandBaseLinkEnding = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["THA"]["base_link_ending"]; var thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites = "The first link for each radar site is usually from the " + thailandMetDeptName + ".

    " + "The second link for each radar site is usually from the " + thailandHuaHinAgencyName + " at the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation. A newer page links to some of the radar data on that site here. You can view some of the radar imagery here too. This page has information about their mobile radars which are not included on our map."; // --------------------------------------- // // United Arab Emirates // // --------------------------------------- var unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml = "Radar data from the United Arab Emirates is available in composite imagery on an interactive map. This makes it hard to determine which radar sites are active. However, the code of their page does allow them to note which radars are not working. While they don't denote a status of \"on\" or \"off\" for their radars, and do for international radars, we do draw the range for each of their radars listed on their map. The code of the page indicates the range of each radar listed is 250km, aside Gasyoura which is 220km."; // --------------------------------------- // // Uzbekistan // // --------------------------------------- var uzbekistanWindowHtml = "It doesn't appear as though their radars are publicly available. We link to their meteorological service above. The ranges we use come from the file here. We did not draw the range on the map for their radars."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Oceania // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------- // // Australia // // --------------------------------------- var australiaDpirdAgencyName = "Government of Western Australia's Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD)"; var australiaNswAgencyName = "Government of New South Wales (NSW Government)"; var australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites = "Australia is adding radars and upgrading older radars. You can learn more here about the new radars and here about project details, which also includes brief information on upgrades.

    " + "A dynamic map here contains a composite of Australia's radars, though when we tried it you could not view a loop. (If you use an ad blocker, you may need to turn it off for map layers to show) You will need to select \"Current Temp, Rain, Wind ...\" data in the left column and then select \"Latest rain radar\". To view just the radar data, you might need to then click the \"Clear\" button to remove other overlays."; // --------------------------------------- // // New Caledonia (France) // // This territory has a special range polygon. // // --------------------------------------- var newCaledoniaWindowContentForMultipleSites = "The link above links to a page that contains a composite of all of New Caledonia's radars. To view a specific radar site, select the radar site under the composite image on that page. While Tiébaghi's radar is noted on the map, as of updating the map for this territory that radar site is not available."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Multi-Country // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------- // // Meteopress / Idokep.hu // // --------------------------------------- var meteopressAgency = "Meteopress"; var meteopressRadarUrl = "https://www.meteopress.cz/radar/"; var idokepHuRadarUrl = "https://www.idokep.hu/radarhd"; var meteopressWindowContentForMultipleSitesInVariousCountries = "Meteopress and Idokep.hu have installed over two dozen weather radars. We have very few on our map because we don't know where they are. The WMO Radar Database had some of them listed and those are the ones we have added.

    " + "From the page here, their network may not operate unless there are strong storms. Part of it seems to translate to: \"When do we launch our weather radar: when there are strong storms or heavy precipitation over the Czech Republic\". That page also says the range of their radars is 250km, though we don't know if that is the range they display. An older post here goes into more detail on their network. From that page it doesn't seem like all of their radars, if any, have a range of 250km when it comes to what they actually display. But that page is older and their newer radars might have a greater range. We do not draw the range on our map, but we do list the ranges as 250km for now.

    " + "When we checked that first page in October 2022, they listed the radars they have as:" + "" + "When we checked for their radar data in October 2022, it was blank on the site of Idokep.hu. It wasn't clear if it was integrated into Meteopress' display, as it also includes data from other countries in Europe that have their own radars."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Special Radar Range Polygon Paths Object // // Depending on the ArcGIS version, these might need to be done in // clockwise order to work in 3D view. "If working in a SceneView, polygons // are only supported when their vertices are defined in clockwise order." // From: // // https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-geometry-Polygon.html // // Format: [lon, lat] // // Or: // // Format: [lon, lat, m-value] // // M-value: // // https://support.esri.com/en/other-resources/gis-dictionary/term/71469c4a-4f97-4640-9c21-03888c6a8df6 // http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/10.3/guide-books/linear-referencing/linear-referencing-datasets-in-arcgis.htm // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var specialRadarRangeDataObject = { "countries": { // --------------------------------------- // // North America // // --------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------- // // South America // // --------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------- // // Africa // // --------------------------------------- // Reunion (France) "REU": [ { "secondary": 0, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "path": [ [53.169947, -18.773405], [58.018217, -18.773405], [58.018217, -23.329722], [53.169947, -23.329722], [53.169947, -18.773405] ] } ], // --------------------------------------- // // Europe // // --------------------------------------- // Netherlands "NLD": [ { "secondary": 0, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "path": [ [2.348480, 54.028723], [1.842110, 50.579031], [7.135179, 50.286639], [7.641512, 53.736349], [2.348480, 54.028723] ] } ], // North Macedonia "MKD": [ { "secondary": 0, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "path": [ [19.2404, 41.9726], [19.2870, 42.0526], [19.3885, 42.1901], [19.5061, 42.3205], [19.6392, 42.4426], [19.7867, 42.5556], [19.9476, 42.6584], [20.1205, 42.7503], [20.3041, 42.8304], [20.4970, 42.8982], [20.6975, 42.9531], [20.9042, 42.9946], [21.1152, 43.0225], [21.3288, 43.0363], [21.5434, 43.0361], [21.7570, 43.0219], [21.9679, 42.9937], [22.3748, 42.8966], [22.5674, 42.8284], [22.7507, 42.7479], [22.9233, 42.6557], [23.0838, 42.5526], [23.2309, 42.4394], [23.3636, 42.3170], [23.4809, 42.1865], [23.5818, 42.0487], [23.6659, 41.9049], [23.7324, 41.7562], [23.7810, 41.6036], [23.8115, 41.4485], [23.8237, 41.2920], [23.8178, 41.1353], [23.7938, 40.9795], [23.7602, 40.8605], [19.2395, 40.8617], [19.2404, 41.9726] ] }, { "secondary": 0, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "path": [ [23.3711, 42.6232], [23.4496, 42.5209], [23.5155, 42.4139], [23.5683, 42.3030], [23.6077, 42.1892], [23.6334, 42.0732], [23.6453, 41.9560], [23.6434, 41.8385], [23.6279, 41.7215], [23.5988, 41.6060], [23.5565, 41.4929], [23.5014, 41.3829], [23.4338, 41.2768], [23.3545, 41.1756], [23.2641, 41.0798], [23.1631, 40.9903], [23.0525, 40.9077], [22.9331, 40.8325], [22.8056, 40.7653], [22.6712, 40.7067], [22.5308, 40.6570], [22.3854, 40.6165], [22.2360, 40.5857], [22.0838, 40.5646], [21.9298, 40.5535], [21.7752, 40.5525], [21.6209, 40.5614], [21.4682, 40.5804], [21.3182, 40.6092], [21.1718, 40.6476], [21.0303, 40.6953], [20.8945, 40.7521], [20.7655, 40.8175], [20.6443, 40.8910], [20.5317, 40.9721], [20.4287, 41.0602], [20.3359, 41.1547], [20.2542, 41.2549], [20.1841, 41.3599], [20.1263, 41.4692], [20.0812, 41.5817], [20.0493, 41.6968], [20.0308, 41.8135], [20.0260, 41.9310], [20.0350, 42.0483], [20.0578, 42.1646], [20.0943, 42.2790], [20.1443, 42.3906], [20.2074, 42.4985], [20.2833, 42.6019], [20.3713, 42.6999], [20.3920, 42.7186], [23.2806, 42.7192] ] } ], // Ukraine "UKR": [ { "secondary": 0, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "path": [ [28.1054, 51.76454084764413], [33.6105, 51.76943889118026], [33.6098, 48.75767995235621], [28.1095, 48.75693570040814], [28.1054, 51.76454084764413] ] } ], // Slovenia "SVN": [ { "secondary": 0, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "path": [ [12.09, 47.40], [17.40, 47.40], [17.30, 44.71], [12.23, 44.71], [12.09, 47.40] ] } ], // --------------------------------------- // // Asia // // --------------------------------------- // Bangladesh // // "BGD": [ // Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) // // Jashore (a.k.a. Jessore) { "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "path": [ [91.763158, 26.803659], [92.103225, 26.580399], [92.418922, 26.330853], [92.707831, 26.057081], [92.967806, 25.761322], [93.196980, 25.445976], [93.393778, 25.113576], [93.556919, 24.766771], [93.685415, 24.408297], [93.778573, 24.040957], [93.835986, 23.667595], [93.857526, 23.291077], [93.843339, 22.914267], [93.793826, 22.540007], [93.709642, 22.171097], [93.591676, 21.810277], [93.441040, 21.460206], [93.259058, 21.123449], [93.047250, 20.802457], [92.845917, 20.548355], [85.455057, 20.548355], [85.242353, 20.819430], [85.032121, 21.141338], [84.851803, 21.478882], [84.702908, 21.829603], [84.586748, 22.190931], [84.504424, 22.560203], [84.456814, 22.934673], [84.444557, 23.311541], [84.468042, 23.687961], [84.527400, 24.061069], [84.622489, 24.428001], [84.752886, 24.785913], [84.917880, 25.132006], [85.116471, 25.463547], [85.347360, 25.777895], [85.608955, 26.072521], [85.899375, 26.345035], [86.216459, 26.593205], [86.540139, 26.803554], [91.763158, 26.803659] ] } ], // Japan // // Japan has their radar data on a dynamic map. The range of // imagery we show on our map reflects the estimated range of // imagery on their site. "JPN": [ { "secondary": 0, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "path": [ [136.020137, 41.060443, 0], [136.016649, 40.291006, 0], [135.539009, 40.297632, 0], [135.524353, 39.658865, 0], [135.019839, 39.656011, 0], [135.025924, 39.333422, 0], [134.021187, 39.321918, 0], [134.010726, 39.007781, 0], [132.013115, 39.009033, 0], [132.022024, 38.693271, 0], [131.053759, 38.680935, 0], [131.035861, 38.355433, 0], [130.560352, 38.354570, 0], [130.547398, 37.995100, 0], [130.029244, 37.992079, 0], [130.038871, 37.589978, 0], [129.545776, 37.587147, 0], [129.545794, 36.626599, 0], [128.551479, 36.624211, 0], [128.555832, 36.305954, 0], [128.039425, 36.294372, 0], [128.039527, 36.005118, 0], [127.565817, 36.001006, 0], [127.560629, 35.532543, 0], [127.020770, 35.527658, 0], [127.005786, 34.914717, 0], [126.504153, 34.912491, 0], [126.496520, 31.840913, 0], [127.007831, 31.839628, 0], [127.025530, 30.482907, 0], [126.511688, 30.484011, 0], [126.517400, 29.925485, 0], [126.012495, 29.932844, 0], [126.008350, 28.957582, 0], [125.533600, 28.955471, 0], [125.517548, 28.551716, 0], [125.034877, 28.553741, 0], [125.023560, 27.836792, 0], [124.021336, 27.820461, 0], [124.002574, 27.518578, 0], [122.530466, 27.521747, 0], [122.517848, 27.260452, 0], [122.047967, 27.256442, 0], [122.028917, 26.947819, 0], [121.528056, 26.937210, 0], [121.536321, 26.294983, 0], [121.029849, 26.287309, 0], [121.030390, 25.620871, 0], [120.523950, 25.606029, 0], [120.543864, 23.278805, 0], [121.020682, 23.280259, 0], [121.044431, 22.341869, 0], [121.539466, 22.340357, 0], [121.540885, 22.040412, 0], [122.028140, 22.027422, 0], [122.019902, 21.726060, 0], [122.509547, 21.710094, 0], [122.530284, 21.406384, 0], [123.015677, 21.404731, 0], [123.029688, 21.110777, 0], [125.040747, 21.095813, 0], [125.045372, 21.417304, 0], [126.049298, 21.428149, 0], [126.055730, 21.710292, 0], [126.526609, 21.728225, 0], [126.524996, 22.016522, 0], [127.029168, 22.029177, 0], [127.018442, 22.653634, 0], [128.520260, 22.644830, 0], [128.524041, 22.967770, 0], [129.528937, 22.975435, 0], [129.521581, 23.429094, 0], [130.025676, 23.431499, 0], [130.031436, 23.747911, 0], [130.518957, 23.749884, 0], [130.515037, 24.444727, 0], [130.998537, 24.437640, 0], [131.000503, 25.130204, 0], [131.534823, 25.126005, 0], [131.546572, 25.722034, 0], [132.022855, 25.728301, 0], [132.025483, 26.104798, 0], [132.505181, 26.096646, 0], [132.496841, 26.837226, 0], [133.016392, 26.833848, 0], [132.995227, 27.766450, 0], [133.499544, 27.766754, 0], [133.504575, 28.452539, 0], [134.001775, 28.452549, 0], [134.020860, 29.220836, 0], [134.496116, 29.232386, 0], [134.484190, 30.094259, 0], [136.014669, 30.094523, 0], [136.011415, 30.376109, 0], [136.493918, 30.378347, 0], [136.491607, 30.671780, 0], [136.989285, 30.682555, 0], [137.009085, 30.971615, 0], [137.503298, 30.970640, 0], [137.493192, 31.333959, 0], [139.499880, 31.350675, 0], [139.510720, 31.755644, 0], [139.993210, 31.766163, 0], [140.004711, 32.084505, 0], [140.500133, 32.075006, 0], [140.515310, 32.391043, 0], [141.006170, 32.390048, 0], [141.021931, 32.662310, 0], [141.500092, 32.659226, 0], [141.522453, 33.021513, 0], [142.482071, 33.025242, 0], [142.489499, 33.421846, 0], [142.987922, 33.420922, 0], [143.018572, 34.014201, 0], [143.485260, 34.016363, 0], [143.515417, 34.657683, 0], [143.997330, 34.652799, 0], [144.043338, 36.369291, 0], [144.517202, 36.368705, 0], [144.499310, 37.065638, 0], [145.020343, 37.056917, 0], [145.016888, 39.656149, 0], [146.028062, 39.648836, 0], [146.039829, 39.977873, 0], [146.991826, 39.977212, 0], [147.006227, 40.304574, 0], [147.501626, 40.318833, 0], [147.499156, 40.674255, 0], [147.988618, 40.679394, 0], [148.000209, 41.018635, 0], [148.260067, 41.024790, 0], [148.479565, 41.376836, 0], [148.480362, 41.690979, 0], [148.665068, 41.707895, 0], [148.822666, 42.065733, 0], [148.900636, 42.389288, 0], [148.952065, 42.807660, 0], [148.944619, 43.156461, 0], [148.875603, 43.571995, 0], [148.772844, 43.977125, 0], [148.624080, 44.343552, 0], [148.467486, 44.346989, 0], [148.485682, 44.588482, 0], [148.161745, 45.019381, 0], [147.978537, 45.028464, 0], [147.976390, 45.217239, 0], [147.863211, 45.348900, 0], [147.487330, 45.348370, 0], [147.491560, 45.696958, 0], [146.958021, 45.694395, 0], [146.959518, 46.044677, 0], [145.985346, 46.040810, 0], [145.983383, 46.402302, 0], [141.961180, 46.403798, 0], [141.964864, 46.749695, 0], [139.998302, 46.756508, 0], [140.004327, 46.403693, 0], [138.975328, 46.403629, 0], [138.978876, 46.045040, 0], [137.982884, 46.025769, 0], [137.970394, 45.706063, 0], [137.522650, 45.690836, 0], [137.486959, 45.406885, 0], [137.482552, 45.008507, 0], [137.154249, 45.000110, 0], [136.853616, 44.511242, 0], [136.662775, 44.079464, 0], [136.564793, 43.638501, 0], [136.544494, 43.093304, 0], [136.475876, 42.961884, 0], [136.480051, 42.364153, 0], [136.327246, 42.343082, 0], [136.280668, 41.655152, 0], [136.338590, 41.562428, 0], [136.020137, 41.060443, 0] ] } ], // --------------------------------------- // // Oceania // // --------------------------------------- // New Caledonia (France) "NCL": [ { "secondary": 0, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "path": [ [161.836001, -18.237653], [166.632231, -18.237653], [166.632231, -18.632686], [169.500286, -18.633605], [169.500286, -23.233530], [168.957075, -23.233530], [168.957075, -23.754511], [163.949161, -23.754511], [163.949161, -22.750489], [161.835994, -22.750489], [161.836001, -18.237653] ] } ] } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Radar Object // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var radarDataObject = { "radars": { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // North America // // - Includes Central America and all the islands in the Caribbean. // - Hawaii and Guam are also included here. // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Bahamas // // Information from 2016 through 2018 about the upgrade on Bahamas' // radar network: // // https://www.vaisala.com/en/stock-exchange-releases/2016-10/vaisala-signs-usd-19-million-contract // https://www.bahamas.gov.bs/wps/portal/public/gov/government/news/four%20doppler%20radars%20to%20be%20installed%20by%20mid-april // PDF page 60: // http://www.thebahamasweekly.com/publish/bis-news-updates/Budget_Contribution_of_Minister_of_Transport_and_Local_Government_the_Hon_Frankie_Campbell58561.shtml // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BHS": [ // New Providence Island (Nassau) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.052085, "lon": -77.462384, "name": "Nassau", "alt_name": "New Providence Island", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "window_content": bahamasSiteHtml }, // Marsh Harbour (Great Abaco Island) // // Leonard M. Thompson International Airport // (Marsh Harbour International Airport) // // Video on YouTube of a plane landing shows the radar: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iweVeZ0h7J8 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.513907, "lon": -77.079461, "name": "Marsh Harbour", "alt_name": "Great Abaco Island", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "window_content": bahamasSiteHtml }, // Millerton (Long Island) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.534709, "lon": -75.250596, "name": "Millerton", "alt_name": "Long Island", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "window_content": bahamasSiteHtml }, // // First 3 of 5 radars installed // // http://www.tribune242.com/news/2019/may/31/nema-urges-preparedness-hurricane-season/ // // Fourth Radar Site: // // Mayaguana Island // // Very close-up picture: // http://www.tribune242.com/news/2021/mar/08/new-radar-equipment-installed-former-us-missile-tr/ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.367660, "lon": -73.023597, "name": "Mayaguana Island", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "window_content": "When we reviewed this radar site in August 2023, we didn't see any range shown in Bahamas' composite images posted on their Facebook page that would indicate that data is available for this radar. We therefore do not draw any range on the map.

    " + bahamasSiteHtml }, // Fifth Radar Site: // // Ragged Island // // Based on prior information, the old radar that was at Nassau // was to be moved here. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.187687, "lon": -75.724623, "name": "Ragged Island", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "window_content": "When we reviewed this radar site in August 2023, we didn't see any range shown in Bahamas' composite images posted on their Facebook page that would indicate that data is available for this radar. We therefore do not draw any range on the map.

    " + bahamasSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Barbados // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BRB": [ { "wrd_page": "S1Z1bkl5RFdGWUp1RnFVTHFCOEhmdz09", "lat": 13.194226, "lon": -59.551274, "name": "Bridgetown", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Barbados Meteorological Services", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "Barbados also has an excellent Caribbean Radar Composites page. Be sure to check the imagery there if the Barbados radar has issues:" + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Belize // // http://nms.gov.bz/sensors/radars/ // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BLZ": [ { "wrd_page": "bGVubGxGTzk4UWQzODVyZCtOWjZsUT09", "lat": 17.534423, "lon": -88.312878, "name": "Belize City", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "National Meteorological Service of Belize", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Bermuda (U.K.) // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BMU": [ { "wrd_page": "eitHR1hDWHAvZHBnSWJDdjZPa0JFZz09", "lat": 32.351169, "lon": -64.657962, "name": "Hamilton", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Bermuda Airport Authority / Bermuda Weather Service", } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Canada // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on August 20th, 2023. // // They are modernizing their network: // https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/weather-general-tools-resources/radar-overview/modernizing-network.html // // Radar outages and maintenance: // https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/weather-general-tools-resources/radar-overview/outages-maintenance.html // // When looking for radar site photographs, I've looked on Twitter // like this: // https://twitter.com/search?q=environmentca+[RADAR SITE NAME] // // Canadian weather radar network: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_weather_radar_network // // Canadian Historical Weather Radar and individual radar sites: // http://climate.weather.gc.ca/radar/index_e.html // // Radar sites: // https://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/cmos/public_doc/msc-data/obs_radar/radars_list.pdf // Linked from: // https://eccc-msc.github.io/open-data/msc-data/obs_radar/readme_radarimage-datamart_en/ // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "CAN": { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Alberta // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "AB": [ // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/c3kxVlZ2NDE2QVJ3d05yTEc1emNidz09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 51.206130, "lon": -113.399386, "name": "Calgary", "alt_name": "Strathmore", "alt_imagery_id": "CASSM", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/dktjRjNBYldCQnV6bk9pTitBTGZaQT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. // // Pictures: // https://twitter.com/HouckisPokisewx/status/1486743298991525892 // Video: https://twitter.com/GlobalEdmonton/status/1483984546659975169 // Maybe: https://twitter.com/ECCCWeatherAB/status/1468648056547594245 // // Street View of older radar: // https://www.google.com/maps/@53.5619322,-114.140934,3a,15y,239.78h,93.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMcKbPgXWqs5TtIue8DvBZQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 53.560610, "lon": -114.144470, "name": "Edmonton", "alt_name": "Carvel", "alt_imagery_id": "CASCV", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // TO REVIEW: // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. // // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/OFFyMGxLdTZNb1ZWZlprTzhYWVJ5dz09 // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 54.378790, "lon": -110.061490, "name": "Cold Lake", "alt_name": "Jimmy Lake", "alt_imagery_id": "CASCL", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is a new radar. It was constructed in a different location than the old radar. The old radar was located at 54.913217N 109.959821W. This new radar is about 60km south of where that older radar was. A PDF file here, from November 2018, indicated a few potential sites where the new radar might be built. This radar was built in the backup location noted in that file, Cherry Grove. We haven't been able to find pictures of the new radar. Using coarse satellite imagery from the Sentinel Hub EO Browser, we found a bright spot close to where the new radar was supposed to be built. We used that for the coordinates we chose. In the PDF file on Canada's site, which has coordinates for each radar site, they give coordinates of 54.37888N 110.06138W. Those are less than 15 meters from the coordinates we chose.

    " + canadaWindowHtml }, // TO REVIEW: // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. // // This is a new radar. It did not replace an older radar, // it's an radditional site. // // Possible picture: // https://www.theweathernetwork.com/en/news/weather/forecasts/new-weather-radar-begins-operations-in-alberta // https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/canada-s-newest-weather-radar-in-alberta-begins-operation-here-s-why-that-s-important-1.6608516 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 56.375642, "lon": -111.215177, "name": "Fort McMurray", "alt_name": "", "alt_imagery_id": "CASFM", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is an addition to Canada's radar network. It did not replace an older radar.

    " + "The coordinates for this radar come from a PDF file on Canada's site and we haven't been able to verify them with satellite imagery. Based on the imagery available, it should be rather accurate as there was some activity in the area, some dirt moved, and it should not be more than a few dozen meters off. Also, a picture in the video here of the radar seems to match an existing road seen in satellite imagery and the radar looks to be where the coordinates are.

    " + canadaWindowHtml }, // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. // // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database has been updated // for this radar. // // Announcement of new radar being available: // https://twitter.com/environmentca/status/1110874517042356226 // // What might be a picture of the new radar: // https://twitter.com/_curtisreimer/status/1107014211895320576 { "wrd_page": "Q2RLVzhLdDRvQkN3YUxuQ3krVnd5QT09", "lat": 55.694914, "lon": -119.230441, "name": "Grande Prairie", "alt_name": "Spirit River", "alt_imagery_id": "CASSR", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is a new radar. It replaced an older radar. We still include a link to the WMO Radar Database for this radar since the page was updated with an installation date of February 1st, 2019. We don't know which details might have been modified on that page.

    " + canadaWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/UFpWMmJZOVZlZTJnc1pXaHhDV1hPQT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 50.312551, "lon": -110.195243, "name": "Medicine Hat", "alt_name": "Schuler", "alt_imagery_id": "CASSU", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // British Columbia // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "BC": [ // TO REVIEW: // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. // // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/SWlsbStkRnExVElrMGo0eEVKeVlidz09 // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 53.615408, "lon": -122.954708, "name": "Prince George", "alt_imagery_id": "CASPG", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is a new radar. It replaced an older radar that had been at this location. The old radar had to be removed before a new one could be built in its place, so it's likely the coordinates of the newer radar are very close to where the older one was. We still use the coordinates of the older radar.

    " + canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/MlVsWUdiUXg2dENIVDJXbVNKdSs4QT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. // // Pictures: // https://twitter.com/RyanVoutilainen/status/1439430390058405894 // https://twitter.com/RandySmall/status/1416490863090274306 // https://twitter.com/MetPeak/status/1414344811323162624 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.016442, "lon": -122.487389, "name": "Vancouver", "alt_name": "Aldergrove", "alt_imagery_id": "CASAG", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // TO REVIEW: // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. // // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/MHd4dHczTU5xcEFmTy9EUDBVU3V1UT09 // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 50.369064, "lon": -119.064238, "name": "Vernon", "alt_name": "Silver Star Mountain", "alt_imagery_id": "CASSS", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is a new radar. The coordinates are estimated based on video here. Two angles in the video were compared to other pictures and older satellite imagery to estimate the location of the new radar. It seems like the new radar is about 35 meters south of the old radar. Publicly available high resolution satellite imagery isn't recent enough to see the new radar. Coordinates on Canada's website for the radar are about 5 meters away from the location we chose.

    " + canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // TO REVIEW: // Update information when radar replacement is completed. // // Replacement timeframe: Nov 2022 - Aug 2023 // // This site is no longer available. (as of 2017-11-18) // // WMO Radar database page for older Mount Sicker radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/eXplSTNIaFRCTDZCVldrcTREa0pxQT09 // (based on if "Halfmoon Peak, BC (Vancouver Island // replacement site)" listing will be replacement site) { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.526953, "lon": -123.853638, "name": "Halfmoon Peak", "alt_name": "", "alt_imagery_id": "", // later to CASHP // "range": 256, // "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked for information about this radar site in August 2023, the page about modernizing their radar network had a replacement site listed as \"Halfmoon Peak, BC (Vancouver Island replacement site) (CASHP)\". It seems as though this is the replacement site for the Mount Sicker radar. That site indicated that the radar is on track to be replaced from November 2022 to August 2023. That page also says that \"Some radars, such as Mt Sicker (near Victoria BC) will be relocated to improve coverage or for operational reasons.\"

    " + "The coordinates for this radar come from a PDF file on Canada's site and we haven't been able to verify them with satellite imagery.

    " + "About the Mount Sicker radar: \"Suffered a major hardware failure, will be replaced with a new modern radar and moved to a better location providing improved coverage for the area. The new radar is tentatively planned to be operational in 2023. Until then, the radar image will be displaying data combined from seven neighbouring radar sites (including US radars).\" Quote from the \"Radar outages and maintenance\" page. The date that older radar became unavailable was November 18th, 2017. It used to be located at 48.860914N 123.756639W, about 75km south of the newer radar being built.

    " + canadaWindowHtml } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Manitoba // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "MB": [ // TO REVIEW: // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. // // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database has been updated // for this radar, though the install date was before it // should have been actually installed. // // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. // // Photographs from the radar site: // https://twitter.com/environmentca/status/1032356886702694400 // https://twitter.com/DusterMB/status/1031935782137864192 // https://www.google.com/maps/@50.5487743,-101.0847544,3a,58.2y,255.21h,103.97t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNvM5aAMkx1SYcRaqbZUISxWco8rHaqHDIRIT6M!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNvM5aAMkx1SYcRaqbZUISxWco8rHaqHDIRIT6M%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya191.73567-ro-0-fo100!7i10240!8i5120 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNvM5aAMkx1SYcRaqbZUISxWco8rHaqHDIRIT6M=w5000 // https://bulletin.cmos.ca/canadian-weather-radar-network/ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "K0hkUFlqb3NxWFg4SkxrWCtxcENaQT09", "lat": 50.548646, "lon": -101.085631, "name": "Brandon", "alt_name": "Foxwarren", "alt_imagery_id": "CASFW", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This newer radar is around 25 meters south of the previous radar and the coordinates are estimated based on the pictures here and here. In the PDF file on Canada's site, which has coordinates for each radar site, they give coordinates of 50.548748N 101.085630W. Those are about 10 meters north of the coordinates we chose.

    " + "This radar replaced an older radar. We still include a link to the WMO Radar Database for this radar since the page was updated with an installation date of January 1st, 2018 and it is listed as an S-band radar. We don't know which details might have been modified on that page. However, the old radar stopped being available on May 14th, 2018 when the new radar installation began. That means the installation date noted is wrong.

    " + canadaWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/WkZaTUhSOHBFRnhOd3JnNWsxeURXZz09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 50.152992, "lon": -97.780521, "name": "Winnipeg", "alt_name": "Woodlands", "alt_imagery_id": "CASWL", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // New Brunswick // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NB": [ // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/SkZiN1ZEc1JFRm1OS0RpeHZmdWFaZz09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 46.222304, "lon": -65.699251, "name": "Frederiction", "alt_name": "Chipman", "alt_imagery_id": "CASCM", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Newfoundland and Labrador // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NL": [ // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/Wm5rc3plOHV0Z1BqQjZ6QjBoZXJYQT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 48.930236, "lon": -57.834599, "name": "Corner Brook", "alt_name": "Marble Mountain", "alt_imagery_id": "CASMM", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/c0lGRmFQY1dMMjgrVlpva1dnZzU5Zz09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.326550, "lon": -53.126659, "name": "St. John's", "alt_name": "Holyrood", "alt_imagery_id": "CASHR", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Nova Scotia // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NS": [ // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/YXpNMXRuTVJxQ2FsM1Rta3NwaVVaZz09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.098189, "lon": -63.704936, "name": "Halifax", "alt_name": "Gore", "alt_imagery_id": "CASGO", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/TUgzeXBhcnhCV2dDM0Y3S1ZWSzNkUT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.949682, "lon": -60.205237, "name": "Sydney", "alt_name": "Marion Bridge", "alt_imagery_id": "CASMB", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ontario // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "ON": [ // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/V3lDWXVrK21RS1lTWmk1eWpvanhaZz09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.858099, "lon": -92.797581, "name": "Dryden", "alt_imagery_id": "CASDR", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/L01YNlloZ0VLNjlrVGhYU2hpaU5CZz09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.372438, "lon": -81.380749, "name": "London", "alt_name": "Exeter", "alt_imagery_id": "CASET", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/dVMzQnE3SlNMYjd5S0JoMWQ3Wlh0QT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.041122, "lon": -76.116397, "name": "Ottawa", "alt_name": "Franktown", "alt_imagery_id": "CASFT", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/b2NaZ2RTbW52eE9qWG9BeGp5UlFDUT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. // // WMO Name: Montreal River Harbour // Canada Site Name: Montreal River (near Sault Ste Marie) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.247706, "lon": -84.596624, "name": "Sault Ste. Marie", "alt_name": "Montreal River Harbour", "alt_imagery_id": "CASMR", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/ODhyTDFMb0FKalliamIyUUd3ci9ZUT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.793081, "lon": -80.534130, "name": "Sudbury", "alt_name": "Britt", "alt_imagery_id": "CASBI", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // TO REVIEW: // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. // // WMO Radar database page for older radar that had been at // a different location: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/ZXJZR3YrYUx0ZEVlc3dGVlk5MmV3dz09 // // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 48.595876, "lon": -89.100129, "name": "Thunder Bay", "alt_name": "Shuniah / Superior West", "alt_imagery_id": "CASSN", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is a new radar. It replaced an older radar that had been about 29km north. (coordinates of older radar were 48.853489N 89.121554W)br/>
    " + "The coordinates for this radar come from a PDF file on Canada's site and we haven't been able to verify them with satellite imagery yet.

    " + canadaWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/QWI3aFdFY21ubjc5eDJJWE01NmxYUT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. // // WMO Name: Timmins // Canada Site Name: Northeast Ontario (near Timmins) // Replacement Page: Smooth Rock Falls (Timmins) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.281202, "lon": -81.793849, "name": "Timmins", "alt_name": "Smooth Rock Falls", "alt_imagery_id": "CASRF", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/MENKUHFtbHpiR1RtYlVXUnJUL0ZNZz09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "MENKUHFtbHpiR1RtYlVXUnJUL0ZNZz09", "lat": 43.963669, "lon": -79.572896, "name": "Toronto", "alt_name": "King City", "alt_imagery_id": "CASKR", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Quebec // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "QC": [ // This radar replaced a radar at McGill University that was // being used as part of Canada's radar network. That older // radar is about 32km south. // // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. // // WMO Name: N/A // Canada Site Name: Blainville (near Montreal) // // Photographs from the radar site: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CASBV_radar_de_Blainville_bis.jpg // https://twitter.com/environmentca/status/1052250319076253696 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.706344, "lon": -73.858529, "name": "Montreal", "name_html": "Montréal", "alt_name": "Blainville", "alt_imagery_id": "CASBV", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "In 2018, the Blainville radar replaced a radar at McGill University that was being used as part of Canada's radar network. That older radar (45.424193N 73.937372W) is about 32km south.

    " + canadaWindowHtml }, // This radar was replaced by the Blainville radar. That // newer radar is about 32km north. { "wrd_page": "c0JKS2xVVkl3b1pIbyswSDZ0THJtdz09", "lat": 45.424193, "lon": -73.937372, "name": "Montreal", "alt_name": "McGill University", "imagery_url": "https://radar.mcgill.ca/", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "edu": 1, "window_content": "In 2018, the Blainville radar replaced this radar at McGill University in Canada's radar network. The newer radar is about 32km north. View that location for radar data.

    " + "This older radar might still be used for research purposes, but we don't know if typical radar imagery is available online. We link to the main site for the radar. Reflectivity data is no longer on the page it used to be on. (The page no longer exists: https://radar.mcgill.ca/imagery/radar-animation.html) When we checked for imagery in October 2022, we found that while there was current data for some radar products, we don't know if it is from this radar. They have a product, \"Nowcasting\", that has future radar data for a large area, well beyond the radar site. It's unclear if their radar is integrated into this product to create the forecast. They have radar data for a product called \"VertiX\", both for a X-band radar and another radar, though it is unclear if that is for the S-band radar or another X-band radar. We do not include the range of this radar on our map.

    " + "You can view an article on Wikipedia about this radar here." }, // This is a new radar. // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. // // This is a training radar. // // Pictures: // https://twitter.com/liisajay/status/1317250524882882561 // https://twitter.com/JuanitaBorland/status/1321974556911951872 // https://twitter.com/liisajay/status/1365703075760123911 // https://twitter.com/liisajay/status/1359282364355117060 // https://twitter.com/liisajay/status/1359010387518238722 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.230363, "lon": -79.780921, "name": "Egbert", "alt_name": "radar for training", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This is a training radar that was built in 2020 at the Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE). We could not find radar data online for this radar site. It's possible it might be incorporated into the main display for Canada, but we don't know if it is since it is for training purposes." }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/KzdIWGtmbUNtMysvSXczYW1UWXZVQT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 48.480475, "lon": -67.601025, "name": "Mont-Joli", "alt_name": "Val d'Irene", "alt_name_html": "Val d'Irène", "alt_imagery_id": "CASVD", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // TO REVIEW: // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. // // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/ZmFwK1I2L3dnSGVwRG5FVEsrN0NGdz09 // Coordinates of new radar NOT verified by satellite. // // Photographs from the radar site: // https://twitter.com/yannis_v/status/1375495204820631558 // https://twitter.com/yannis_v/status/1375521873115643906 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 48.551326, "lon": -77.808093, "name": "Rouyn-Noranda", "alt_name": "Landrienne", "alt_imagery_id": "CASLA", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This newer radar is around 15 meters south of the previous radar and the coordinates are estimated based on the picture here. In the PDF file on Canada's site, which has coordinates for each radar site, they give coordinates of 48.551355N 77.808086W. Those are less than 5 meters from the coordinates we chose.

    " + canadaWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar that had been at a different location: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/MENKUHFtbHpiR1RtYlVXUnJUL0ZNZz09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.977902, "lon": -71.430995, "name": "Saguenay", "alt_name": "Mont Apica / Lac Castor", "alt_imagery_id": "CASMA", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is a new radar. It replaced an older radar that had been about 87km northeast. (coordinates of older radar were 48.575532N 70.667836W)br/>
    " + canadaWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/bEVXU252SU9hTjBxWEU3Z2NpS1ZPQT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 46.449485, "lon": -71.913788, "name": "Trois-Rivieres", "name_html": "Trois-Rivières", "alt_name": "Sainte-Francoise / Villeroy", "alt_name_html": "Sainte-Françoise / Villeroy", "alt_imagery_id": "CASSF", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Saskatchewan // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "SK": [ { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "OFFyMGxLdTZNb1ZWZlprTzhYWVJ5dz09", "lat": 54.913217, "lon": -109.959821, "name": "Jimmy Lake", "alt_imagery_id": "WHN", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar is closed. A new one was built in another location.

    " + canadaWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older // radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/ekFITkFSSllEWlh5Y1RzaUZFSlFsUT09 // Coordinates of new radar verified by satellite. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 50.571208, "lon": -105.182906, "name": "Regina", "alt_name": "Bethune", "alt_imagery_id": "CASBE", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml }, // This is a new radar. The WMO Radar database page for the older // radar might be here: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/TDJXK3BwMndLRFRldXFXU29jbWdNQT09 // But it was 64km off from the original WMO coordinates, so // we have never been sure whether it was the older radar or // another located at 52.169718N 106.707495W. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 52.520495, "lon": -107.442725, "name": "Saskatoon", "alt_name": "Radisson", "alt_imagery_id": "CASRA", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": canadaWindowHtml + canadaRadarHasBeenReplacedWindowHtml } ] }, // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Cayman Islands (U.K.) // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "CYM": [ { "wrd_page": "UUx4R1V0RzNtbGZ2RUxSWXBSYUZBUT09", "lat": 19.328897, "lon": -81.142934, "name": "George Town", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Costa Rica // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Photograph: // https://www.google.com/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x8fa0e362b3690adf%3A0x213a82ab64337c18!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!15sCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipMVOfB1TwqaiR1UsGztbQS5IekMAV34pGzuf0QH "CRI": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 9.937967, "lon": -84.069713, "name": "San Jose", "name_html": "San José", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "A loop is available. Sometimes the imagery on the site has had a range of 80km and at times 120km. The map denotes a range of 120km." } /* , // WMO installation date: 2014-04-16 // WMO Coord: 9.98 -84.208611 // // It is not 9.984610 -84.205658 (Sistema de Abastecimiento Sonia // Araujo): // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sistema+de+Abastecimiento+Sonia+Araujo/@9.984626,-84.2057721,70m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!1m2!3m1!2sCondominio+La+Riviera!3m4!1s0x8fa0f975419cf955:0x80d6219acfcc7f08!8m2!3d9.9846088!4d-84.2056251 // https://www.facebook.com/297039407300035/photos/pb.100063597129131.-2207520000./328055107531798/?type=3 // https://scontent.ftpa1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/14124468_328055107531798_7640520708125095340_o.jpg?_nc_ohc=OQeqz1_y2ugAX9QwysB&_nc_ht=scontent.ftpa1-2.fna&oh=00_AT--SA2k0XLlhqcvkvtzHz5PL0A491hhn11YoUxRxiCg8w&oe=637C89DE // // Likely not these either: // 9.969571 -84.212499 (2009) // 9.984049 -84.203193 (<2009) // // What is this one? (but predated 2014 if that part is correct) // 9.983130 -84.205261 (<2003) { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "VnJhNStpL2lxdlVJWVFOaU9nd3VxUT09", "lat": , "lon": , "name": "Juan Santamaria International Airport", "name_html": "Juan Santamaría International Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": "This radar comes from the WMO radar database. We're not sure where that radar is." } */ ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Cuba // // http://www.radioangulo.cu/en/cuba-2/23306-cuba-works-on-its-weather-radar-network // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "CUB": [ { "wrd_page": "UmRkQWpwM1JmWVFQVnZlTE5zbE5LUT09", "lat": 21.423301, "lon": -77.848732, "name": "Camaguey", "name_html": "Camagüey", "imagery_id": "../Radar/04Camaguey/cmwMAXw01a.gif", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": cubaSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "REZROVNaaUJURyt3ZGNVZFdHUE11UT09", "lat": 23.143895, "lon": -82.342077, "name": "Casablanca", "imagery_id": "../Radar/01Casablanca/csbMAXw01a.gif", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": cubaSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "VUJpTkkxaWRyVWI0MVl6QTQxQ1huQT09", "lat": 20.011586, "lon": -75.626596, "name": "Gran Piedra", "imagery_id": "../Radar/06Gran%20Piedra/gpdMAXw01a.gif", "range": 450, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": cubaSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "ZXNjdTBBaTJDWXRhK1hPZzVRUXZxdz09", "lat": 20.920774, "lon": -76.235993, "name": "Holguin", "name_html": "Holguín", "imagery_id": "../Radar/07Holguin/hlgMAXw01a.gif", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": cubaSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "M0JMZm1XWHRtYWVNWWNHVHR4bHRTZz09", "lat": 21.921729, "lon": -84.477206, "name": "La Bajada", "imagery_id": "../Radar/00Pinar%20del%20Rio/lbjMAXw01a.gif", "range": 450, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": cubaSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "UGJzMnQ0cHdHMExCa0VFaUdGSjB3Zz09", "lat": 21.989871, "lon": -80.147381, "name": "Pico San Juan", "imagery_id": "../Radar/03Cienfuegos/psjMAXw01a.gif", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": cubaSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "aHR2TUNGT3E0ZFRPWERwdmJjNFNuQT09", "lat": 19.914073, "lon": -77.408304, "name": "Pilon", "name_html": "Pilón", "imagery_id": "../Radar/05Pilon/plnMAXw01a.gif", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": cubaSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "VWVEbUFnU1duQVhGWTFYZ3JBN0xmZz09", "lat": 21.562899, "lon": -82.557361, "name": "Punta del Este", "imagery_id": "../Radar/02IJuventud/pdeMAXw01a.gif", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": cubaSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Curacao // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "CUW": [ { "wrd_page": "TVM0ZXFHZnFpNHRyRTY3UG81aFBTUT09", "lat": 12.178389, "lon": -68.949429, "name": "Willemstad", "range": 450, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml + curacaoRadarSiteHtmlFromColombia } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Dominican Republic // // Old radar link: // http://www.onamet.gov.do/?s=web&p=1078 // // See window content for info. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "DOM": [ { "wrd_page": "TUx3VXcrbkhzYTlkZ24wMGpQREhWUT09", "lat": 18.522197, "lon": -68.392656, "name": "Punta Cana", "range": "450", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "You can view their meteorological service here. The Twitter profile for their meteorological service is here." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // El Salvador // // http://www.meteo.fr/cic/meetings/2012/ERAD/presentations/thursday/13A-6.pdf // https://old.wmo.int/extranet/pages/prog/www/IMOP/AWS-conference/Papers/Topic_4/P4_4_Escobar_AWSs%20and%20X-band%20radars%20supporting%20early%20warning%20systems.pdf // // Older radar displays: // // http://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radaresSVn2.php // http://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radaresSVn3.php // http://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radaresSVn4.php // https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radaresSVn5.php // https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radaresSV8.php // // FURUNO radars: // // https://www.furuno.com/en/systems/meteorological-monitoring/ // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "SLV": [ // https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radarCHA.php?id=CHA // // WMO: 14.162778 -88.944722 // Weather Service JS: 14.1627 -88.9446 // // Picture: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOmFKBPwEvvnoID-UdWeXVmj7cLAfNE12fOIWHU=h4000 { "wrd_page": "RmYxRVY1Y0Fzai8wQzAwTTRhVXRrZz09", "lat": 14.162639, "lon": -88.944491, "name": "La Laguna", "alt_name": "Chalatenango", "imagery_id": "CHA.php", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "A picture of this radar site is here.

    " + elSalvadorSiteHtml }, // https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radarPPDA.php?id=PPDA // // WMO: N/A // Weather Service JS: 13.252 -88.44 // // Pictures: // https://doc-0s-98-mymaps.googleusercontent.com/untrusted/hostedimage/l6g5ndp3jkqtbhkj1l07plc9fc/o2buqcdv5r8eb9odmik85l8o60/1665907200000/Tpe3PU2i5YgKGhaMqURrmb5aBA3rPGFo/*/6AKgB-9kAn00-AxSAWuQl525WRtCEtDeVZTBTzNuqs8_6wUMrQwZA1mtzgA-ViaaslF4nQx-3X2yZM1-7FqiW3tENl1C3dBmtbhnrMByEXzH-lIPkJycsk1MnK5f2HuQZ3y5eeZKmXAhkBrG9-ONMjVlDpv19ha8ZH1nq0wCZUHP3uw4I5MNtbpYpwcunMTwUjEn33lyv?fife=s4000 // https://www.mitur.gob.sv/franja-costero-marina/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/DJI_0603.jpg // https://www.mitur.gob.sv/franja-costero-marina/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/DJI_0619.jpg // https://www.mitur.gob.sv/franja-costero-marina/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/DJI_0610.jpg // https://www.mitur.gob.sv/franja-costero-marina/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/DJI_0606.jpg // https://www.mitur.gob.sv/franja-costero-marina/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/DJI_0617.jpg // // From: // https://www.mitur.gob.sv/franja-costero-marina/proyectos-en-ejecucion/boulevard-y-muelle-de-puerto-parada/ // https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1VLnOr43RvqH5tuoeZ5TYdzpuJ7BUartV&ll=13.250869978718294%2C-88.4392821406548&z=19 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 13.250618, "lon": -88.439703, "name": "Puerto Parada", "imagery_id": "PPDA.php", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "A picture of this radar site is here and here.

    " + elSalvadorSiteHtml }, // https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radarSM.php?id=SM // // WMO: 13.498611 -88.1625 // Weather Service JS: 13.4989 -88.16276 // // Picture: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPjiaIDL2EmO7tad_eC7FEmIvp9TuEojWV5P5aY=w3600 { "wrd_page": "ODN5T3FNY3prQjVNODlDVkVPdi9Sdz09", "lat": 13.498717, "lon": -88.162605, "name": "San Miguel", "imagery_id": "SM.php", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "A picture of this radar site is here.

    " + elSalvadorSiteHtml }, // Hidden single site URL doesn't load that site: // https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radar.php?id=SAN // Just shows composite. // // WMO: 13.6875 -89.228611 // Weather Service JS: 13.687 -89.231 // // Picture: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOVKiqn3MuXV3YVXRB4RBFgdz-w7C2uVpgv8qP0=w8192 // Close-up: // http://www.meteo.fr/cic/meetings/2012/ERAD/short_abs/NET_154_sh_abs.pdf { "wrd_page": "VDlxWWhxZHJEZUM3d0tJR3NRLzMwQT09", "lat": 13.687385, "lon": -89.231036, "name": "San Salvador", "imagery_id": "", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "A picture of this radar site is here.

    " + elSalvadorSiteHtml }, // https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radarSA.php?id=SA // // WMO: 13.978611 -89.564722 // Weather Service JS: 13.978564 -89.564656 // // Historical satellite imagery in Google Earth is clear enough // to determine that the FURNO radar spins. { "wrd_page": "eEgrSFZlT05LdGQwRnFwaTZHbVM5QT09", "lat": 13.978552, "lon": -89.564759, "name": "Santa Ana", "imagery_id": "SA.php", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "Using historical satellite imagery in Google Earth, we could see that the radar was in different positions depending on what imagery we were looking at. Therefore, we were able to confirm that the radar is on top of the building.

    " + elSalvadorSiteHtml }, // https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radarSON.php?id=SON // // WMO: 13.709167 -89.731389 // Weather Service JS: 13.709144 -89.731283 // // This one has been verified visually. Building in picture in // PDF file matches the building that is seen in Google Earth. { "wrd_page": "KzNrWUQ2RTIyZm1zY0gxOGVseU9Hdz09", "lat": 13.709088, "lon": -89.731243, "name": "Sonsonate", "imagery_id": "SON.php", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "Using the picture in the PDF file, we were able to confirm that the radar is on top of this building. We could see it well enough in Google Earth.

    " + elSalvadorSiteHtml }, // https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radarVI.php?id=VI // // WMO: N/A // Weather Service JS: 13.965 -88.641 // // Based on a picture, these coordinates were selected using // Google Earth. // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Iglesia+Cat%C3%B3lica+Caserio+El+Ocotillo./@13.96185,-88.6340635,38a,24.6y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPHyTTFj1u_Lzl9y_zZHdGOVgDIhtcRmcaCRV2_!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPHyTTFj1u_Lzl9y_zZHdGOVgDIhtcRmcaCRV2_%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i3648!8i2736!4m5!3m4!1s0x8f6499fa4f395a85:0x22c3a9532054f50b!8m2!3d13.9619274!4d-88.6347546 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPHyTTFj1u_Lzl9y_zZHdGOVgDIhtcRmcaCRV2_=w3648 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNXQtyQ9ptmza443isYVK12a6hO-xdCyzL8qbNh=w4032 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 13.959696, "lon": -88.638398, "name": "Victoria", "imagery_id": "VI.php", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "A picture of this radar site is here.

    " + elSalvadorSiteHtml }, // https://www.snet.gob.sv/googlemaps/radares/radarZAC.php?id=ZAC // // WMO: 13.505278 -88.875833 // Weather Service JS: 13.505225 -88.875714 // // Not enough to match the picture to the building. // // Photos of building from street: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMMakOA3pvXsbV3ptLck_0LXP95hcKJIdi0G3RL=w2048 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPvS9LKYs9ouvrM0sYvzeAeGx0yL3XdZbp_X2Rt=w3968 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "cHNDVjJiMGZEYUpIR1AxemdlM2tTQT09", "lat": 13.505225, "lon": -88.875714, "name": "Zacatecoluca", "imagery_id": "ZAC.php", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "We were unable to verify the location of this radar. While a few aspects of the picture in the PDF file matches pictures and satellite imagery of the coordinates in the scripting of their website, many don't. It's possible that the top of the building has changed since the picture was taken. Even a building across the street has similar features on top, so it's possible this radar might not be on the building noted.

    " + "The WMO Radar Database coordinates are only about 15 meters away from the ones from El Salvador. We use the coordinates from El Salvador.

    " + elSalvadorSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Guadeloupe // // Picture of site (Le Moule, Guadeloupe): // http://www.meteo.fr/temps/domtom/antilles/pack-public/meteoPLUS/Leradar/info_radar.html // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "GLP": [ { "wrd_page": "WmNFVmRiVjl5RXpWTElEMXdKaXp3dz09", "lat": 16.314150, "lon": -61.348928, "name": "Basse-Terre", "imagery_url": martiniqueAndGuadeloupeRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "A close-up image centered on " + countryDataObject["countries"]["GLP"]["name"] + " is also available on this page.

    " + barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Guatemala // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on August 23rd, 2023. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Old links: // https://insivumeh.gob.gt/meteorologia/radar/radar-meteorologico/rango-largo-465km/ // https://insivumeh.gob.gt/meteorologia/radar/radar-meteorologico/rango-corto-147km/ "GTM": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 14.551998, "lon": -90.316012, "name": "Guatemala City", "range": 465, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The radar was unavailable when we tested this radar site in August 2023, October 2022, February 2022 and September 2021. When available, a 465km range image is available. This radar data is available on a new page. A loop was previously available, but we couldn't determine if one is still available when data is available. Data includes rain intensity (Intensidad de Lluvia). The 147km range imagery here has radial velocity (Velocidad Radial) imagery." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Honduras // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // These both link to Nicaragua's site: // http://cenaos.copeco.gob.hn/ // // // This page: // http://cenaos.copeco.gob.hn/productos.html // Tries to show these images: // http://cenaos.copeco.gob.hn/imagenes/SRI_.png // http://cenaos.copeco.gob.hn/imagenes/PPI_.png // And link to: // // // But none exist. (and last two gave security warning with browser // security extension I have) // // This site also had data but no longer exists: // http://www.copeco.gob.hn/Cenaos-online // Or: // 250km: http://www.copeco.gob.hn/Radar-SRI // http://www.copeco.gob.hn/Radar-PPI // // This image does exist, but data is from 2018: // http://cenaos.copeco.gob.hn/imagenes/SRI_.gif "HND": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 13.907858, "lon": -87.131051, "name": "Tegucigalpa", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "250km and 500km range loops had been available here. The page no longer exists. You can view their main site here. Their product page here links to radar data in the HTML of the page but the links don't appear because the images they show with the links don't appear. The images they try to show, and the images they try to link to, do not exist.

    " + "You can also visit the main page of the site the radar had been on by clicking here. The range is not drawn on the map. An image loop from 2018 is available here for an example of what imagery had been available." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Jamaica // // PDF page 133 has picture of site: // http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/754521468039544577/pdf/SFG1015-EA-P129633-EMF-Box391450B-PUBLIC-Disclosed-05-11-2015.pdf // A new radar was mentioned in 2016 to replace old one: // https://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/829-m-project-to-boost-climate-change-fight/ // Could it be moved to here based on satellite imagery? 18.071954 -76.850825 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "JAM": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "dUszaHVWbHJ0R1RrYTFIZEk3cUVIQT09", "lat": 18.073256, "lon": -76.852721, "name": "Kingston", // "imagery_url": "", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "240km and 480km range loops are available at times. Make sure the time is current if imagery is available as this site in the past has had imagery that is outdated. In recent times, it might just be unavailable rather than showing outdated imagery. The link to the page also changes at times.

    " + barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Martinique // // Picture of site (Diamant, Martinique): // http://www.meteo.fr/temps/domtom/antilles/pack-public/meteoPLUS/Leradar/info_radar.html // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MTQ": [ { "wrd_page": "YTJxeXZpZEZVMGYxOWtBc2U1RGJlZz09", "lat": 14.501445, "lon": -61.017572, "name": "Fort-de-France", "alt_name": "Le Diamant", "imagery_url": martiniqueAndGuadeloupeRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "A close-up image centered on " + countryDataObject["countries"]["MTQ"]["name"] + " is also available on this page.

    " + barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Mexico // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 8th, 2022. // // // http://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/PHP/ConsultaCapas.php?tipo=RDR // // I used to have links to alternate pages for the radars on their // older site. A Google cache shows at least some of the links // active on March 19th, 2019 but by May 2019 the pages were gone. // For now, those links are commented out below and will likely be // removed since they are not likely to appear again. // // Older site example, with loop and single image: // http://smn1.conagua.gob.mx/radares/sabancuy/sabancuy_anima.php // http://smn1.conagua.gob.mx/radares/sabancuy/sabancuy_ultima.php // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MEX": [ // Acapulco, Guerrero // // https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/acapulco/acapulco_ppi_gif.php // // Latest imagery as of: // 2021-04-07: Current // 2021-09-10: Current // 2022-02-26: Image not shown. // 2022-10-08: Image not shown. { "wrd_page": "aVQ5ZEdLanB2WWxESEN5azQxQkd0Zz09", "lat": 16.763266, "lon": -99.749453, "name": "Acapulco", // "alt_imagery_id": 28, "alt_imagery_url": "https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/acapulco/acapulco_ppi_gif.php", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022 and February 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was not available. In September 2021 when we reviewed this site, imagery had been available.

    " + "Imagery on an older version of their site had a range of 480km. The most recent imagery appeared to have a range of 250km.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Altamira, Tamaulipas // // https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/altamira/altamira_ppi_gif.php // // Latest imagery as of: // 2018-07-01: January 20, 2016 // 2019-05-25: Image not shown. // 2021-04-07: Current // 2021-09-10: Current // 2022-02-26: Current // 2022-10-08: Current { "wrd_page": "UGpGSkNlcmpLK3ZBVFJlSTVieno5QT09", "lat": 22.387647, "lon": -97.925488, "name": "Altamira", // "alt_imagery_id": 29, "alt_imagery_url": "https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/altamira/altamira_ppi_gif.php", "range": 350, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was available.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Alvarado, Veracruz // // Latest imagery as of: // 2019-05-25: August 6, 2016 // 2021-04-07: Image not shown. // 2021-09-10: Image not shown. // 2022-02-26: Image not shown. // 2022-10-08: Image not shown. { "wrd_page": "OENRWjFYRXNIbFBWT2lYZExHaUNZUT09", "lat": 18.715972, "lon": -95.632622, "name": "Alvarado", // "alt_imagery_id": 30, "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022 and September 2021, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was not available. In previous testing in 2019, imagery that we could find at the time indicated imagery may have been last available in 2016.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Cancun, Quintana Roo // (Cancún, Quintana Roo) // // https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/cancun/cancun_ppi_gif.php // // Latest imagery as of: // 2019-05-25: Current // 2021-04-07: February 19th, 2020 // 2021-09-10: Image not shown. // 2022-02-26: Current // 2022-10-08: Current { "wrd_page": "Z3QyYVlFamhVRWdSZ0xGWGJlMDVSZz09", "lat": 21.029026, "lon": -86.852090, "name": "Cancun", "name_html": "Cancún", // "alt_imagery_id": 31, "alt_imagery_url": "https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/cancun/cancun_ppi_gif.php", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was available.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Cerro de la Estrella, Ciudad de Mexico (CDMX) // (Cerro de la Estrella, Ciudad de México) // // https://twitter.com/SacmexCDMX/ // https://twitter.com/FaustoLugo/status/1005480999994691584 // http://www.gobiernosmexico.com.mx/gobiernos-estatales/cdmx-nuevo-radar-contribuira-a-prever-afectaciones-por-lluvias-en-cdmx/ // https://noticieros.televisa.com/ultimas-noticias/radar-meteorologico-cdmx-ayudara-prevenir-inundaciones/ // http://elnovedades.com/2018/06/inicia-operaciones-nuevo-radar-meteorologico/ // // The range on the image says 60km. A previous version said // 31.34 nautical miles. // // Latest imagery as of: // 2019-05-25: Current // 2021-04-07: Image not shown. // 2021-09-10: Current // 2022-02-26: Current // 2022-10-08: Current { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 19.342699, "lon": -99.089558, "name": "Mexico City", "alt_name": "Cerro de la Estrella", "imagery_url": "https://aplicaciones.sacmex.cdmx.gob.mx/radar-meteorologico/", "range": 60, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was available." }, // Cerro El Mozotal, Chiapas // // Latest imagery as of: // 2018-07-01: Current // 2019-05-25: Image not shown. // 2021-04-07: Image not shown. // 2021-09-10: Image not shown. // 2022-02-26: Image not shown. // 2022-10-08: Image not shown. { "wrd_page": "a0s2aUhkai9uUXExUVJ0bkt0WTVsZz09", "lat": 15.426078, "lon": -92.342992, "name": "Cerro El Mozotal", // "alt_imagery_id": 51, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was not available. In previous testing in 2019, imagery was also not available. When we tested this radar site in July 2018 we were able to find current imagery.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Cerro la Catedral, State of Mexico // // https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/catedral/catedral_ppi_gif.php // // Latest imagery as of: // 2019-05-25: December 15, 2017 // 2020-08-22: Current // 2021-04-07: Current // 2021-09-10: Current // 2022-02-26: Current // 2022-10-08: Current { "wrd_page": "a2M0MzBFWDZ3VFdLV0VBeWhzWUdpdz09", "lat": 19.550151, "lon": -99.520706, "name": "Cerro la Catedral", // "alt_imagery_id": 32, "alt_imagery_url": "https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/catedral/catedral_ppi_gif.php", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was available.

    " + "We were able to measure radar returns out to at least 220km. Since some of Mexico's radar sites have a lower range of publicly available imagery than they used to, we will revisit this radar site in the future.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Ciudad Obregon, Sonora // (Ciudad Obregón, Sonora) // // Latest imagery as of: // 2019-05-25: February 23, 2018 // 2021-04-07: February 23, 2018 // 2021-09-10: Image not shown. // 2022-02-26: Image not shown. // 2022-10-08: Image not shown. { "wrd_page": "UHNIaE5aME16VkNOalFzaHRaclZJUT09", "lat": 27.481798, "lon": -109.945579, "name": "Ciudad Obregon", "name_html": "Ciudad Obregón", // "alt_imagery_id": 34, "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was not available. In previous testing in 2021, imagery that we could find at the time indicated imagery may have been last available in February 2018.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Cuyutlan, Colima // (Cuyutlán, Colima) // // Based on Google Street View, this radar site no longer // exists. Here is how it looked in July 2014: // https://www.google.com/maps/@18.9375082,-104.0991172,3a,15y,209.8h,91.75t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0yNHFYBKnfRFjieW-gabCA!2e0!5s20140701T000000!7i13312!8i6656 // // Imagery could have last been from 2013 or earlier. // Uncertain. // // Since imagery on the older site is gone, and the new site // doesn't have the older imagery, there is nothing to link // to. // // Radar and range verified with old radar images: // 480km: https://web.archive.org/web/20070630112201/http://smn.cna.gob.mx/radares/rad-cuyu.gif // 300km: https://web.archive.org/web/20100622131615/http://smn.cna.gob.mx/radares/rad-cuyu.gif // // Most recent was 300km. { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "V3dldGl2T243SFBZMmF4aU5QMng2QT09", "lat": 18.936187, "lon": -104.099918, "name": "Cuyutlan", "name_html": "Cuyutlán", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar is no longer active. Based on satellite imagery, the dome of the radar tower was taken off the tower sometime between January 2014 and October 2015. It seemed to be placed on the ground about 20 meters away. Google Street View imagery from July 2019 confirms that the tower is no longer there." }, // El Palmito, Durango // // Latest imagery as of: // 2018-07-01: July 3/7, 2015 // 2019-05-25: Image not shown. // 2021-04-07: Image not shown. // 2021-09-10: Image not shown. // 2022-02-26: Image not shown. // 2022-10-08: Image not shown. // // Radar says 480km range and that is within the square // bounds of the radar image. Not based on precipitation away // from the radar since old imagery has only a few showers on // it. { "wrd_page": "dS9xSjRQcHN3Z3ZVZzJBSmZQU1JGZz09", "lat": 25.755880, "lon": -104.904773, "name": "El Palmito", // "alt_imagery_id": 35, "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was not available. In previous testing in 2018, imagery that we could find at the time indicated imagery may have been last available in 2015.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Guadalajara // // http://iam.cucei.udg.mx/meteorologia-y-climatologia/radar-meteorologico-doppler // // https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/udg/udg_ppi_gif.php // // Latest imagery as of: // 2021-04-07: Current // 2021-09-10: Current // 2022-02-26: Current // 2022-10-08: Current { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 20.674843, "lon": -103.384331, "name": "Guadalajara", "imagery_url": "https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/udg/udg_ppi_gif.php", "alt_imagery_url": "http://astro.iam.udg.mx/radar/iam/", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Instituto de Astronomia y Meteorologia - Universidad de Guadalajara (Institute of Astronomy and Meteorology - University of Guadalajara)", "agency_html": "Instituto de Astronomía y Meteorología - Universidad de Guadalajara (Institute of Astronomy and Meteorology - University of Guadalajara", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "edu": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, recent imagery was available.

    " + "On the radar page for Mexico, this radar seems to be listed under \"Radar UDG\" (Universidad de Guadalajara). The second link is for the radar display at UDG. That display doesn't seem to display the current time of the imagery, though you can look at historical data and it will display the time of that imagery.

    " + "Information about this C-band radar can be found here." }, // Guasave, Sinaloa // // Latest imagery as of: // 2018-07-02: September 26, 2017 // 2019-05-25: Image not shown. // 2021-04-07: Image not shown. // 2021-09-10: Image not shown. // 2022-02-26: Image not shown. // 2022-10-08: Image not shown. { "wrd_page": "N1l0azhzWHFzUmExbUlqREJ0Ly9UZz09", "lat": 25.567451, "lon": -108.463307, "name": "Guasave", // "alt_imagery_id": "33", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was not available. In previous testing in 2021, imagery that we could find at the time indicated imagery may have been last available in September 2017.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Los Cabos, Baja California Sur // // "imagery_id" of "49" says "Los Cabos" but shows Acapulco. // // https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/cabos/cabos_ppi_gif.php // https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/cabos/cabos_ppi_450_gif.php // Latest imagery as of: // 2018-07-02: March 8, 2016 // 2021-04-07: Current // 2021-09-10: Current // 2022-02-26: Current // 2022-10-08: Current { "wrd_page": "dmk2Y1J4VzVKaU1ZZlRWeFgzaXgrdz09", "lat": 22.881219, "lon": -109.926753, "name": "Los Cabos", "alt_imagery_url": "https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/cabos/cabos_ppi_gif.php", "range": 450, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, recent imagery was available.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Mexico City area (listed as Seneam) // // Servicios a la Navegacion en el Espacio Aereo Mexicano (SENEAM) // Servicios a la Navegación en el Espacio Aéreo Mexicano (SENEAM) // // Latest imagery as of: // 2019-08-20: December 31, 2019 // 2021-04-07: December 31, 2019 // 2021-09-10: Not current or image not shown. // 2022-02-26: Image not shown. // 2022-10-08: Image not shown. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 19.465541, "lon": -98.925874, "name": "Mexico City", "alt_name": "SENEAM", "imagery_url": "https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/es/radar-seneam", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar is from the Servicios a la Navegación en el Espacio Aéreo Mexicano. (SENEAM)

    " + "In February 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was not available. In previous testing, the date of the last available imagery was from December 2019. In October 2022 and February 2022 when we tried the link, the page was not found." }, // Puerto Angel, Oaxaca // (Puerto Ángel, Oaxaca) // // Latest imagery as of: // 2019-05-25: Current // 2021-04-07: Image not shown. // 2021-09-10: Image not shown. // 2022-02-26: Image not shown. // 2022-10-08: Image not shown. { "wrd_page": "ZUo4VmxkR1N0VFBPZ1lOMlJubkNHdz09", "lat": 15.671350, "lon": -96.497446, "name": "Puerto Angel", "name_html": "Puerto Ángel", // "alt_imagery_id": 36, "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022 and February 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was not available. When we tested this radar site in May 2019 we were able to find current imagery.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // Queretaro // (Querétaro) // // https://www.ceaqueretaro.gob.mx/clima/radar.php // // Latest imagery as of: // 2018-07-02: Current // 2019-05-25: Imagery not showing // 2021-04-07: Imagery not showing // 2021-09-10: ? // 2022-02-26: ? // 2022-10-08: Current { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 20.780098, "lon": -100.550425, "name": "Queretaro", "name_html": "Querétaro", "alt_name": "CEA", "imagery_url": "https://www.ceaqueretaro.gob.mx/radar_cea/", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "This radar is from the Comisión Estatal de Aguas (CEA) Querétaro. (State Water Commission of Querétaro)

    " + "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, recent imagery was available.

    " + "While the imagery for this radar site says it has a range of 250km, it measures around 240km when overlaying the imagery in Google Earth." }, // Sabancuy, Campeche // // https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/sabancuy/sabancuy_ppi_gif.php // https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/sabancuy/sabancuy_ppi_450_gif.php // Latest imagery as of: // 2019-05-25: Current // 2021-04-07: Image not shown. // 2021-09-10: Image not shown. // 2022-02-26: Current // 2022-10-08: Current { "wrd_page": "YVFIVFZreDc5R251dlU2U1dteEJpZz09", "lat": 18.972479, "lon": -91.172679, "name": "Sabancuy", "alt_imagery_url": "https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/tools/GUI/visor_radares_v2/radares/sabancuy/sabancuy_ppi_450_gif.php", // "alt_imagery_id": 37, "range": 450, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we reviewed this radar site, current imagery was available.

    " + mexicoSiteHtml }, // // // Guanajuato Radars // // 2 radars // // https://www.congresogto.gob.mx/informe/sexto_informe.pdf // https://web.archive.org/web/20201031110146/http://seguridad.guanajuato.gob.mx/2016/09/presenta-la-sspe-su-nuevo-portal-web/ // // Coordinates and pictures of both: // https://www1.cenapred.unam.mx/COORDINACION_ADMINISTRATIVA/RF/FRACC_IX/A/2016/2016I/2016I_2.pdf // Though coordinates are not complete on one. // // Latest imagery as of: // 2020-08-22: Current // 2021-04-07: Current // 2021-09-10: Current // 2022-02-26: Current // 2022-10-08: Current // El Moro { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 20.214081, "lon": -100.641524, "name": "El Moro", "imagery_url": guanajuatoMexicoRadarUrl, "range": 100, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": guanajuatoMexicoRadarAgency, "agency_html": guanajuatoMexicoRadarAgencyHtml, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": guanajuatoMexicoSiteHtml }, // Villalpando // // Photo of Radar Villalpando: // http://www1.cenapred.unam.mx/DIR_SERVICIOS_TECNICOS/SANI/XXIX/369-INFORMEDEACTIVIDADES2016.PDF { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 21.031274, "lon": -101.171931, "name": "Villalpando", "imagery_url": guanajuatoMexicoRadarUrl, "range": 100, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": guanajuatoMexicoRadarAgency, "agency_html": guanajuatoMexicoRadarAgencyHtml, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": guanajuatoMexicoSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Panama // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "PAN": [ // A new radar perhaps? // https://baronweather.com/news/radar-at-the-panama-canal/ // "The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has selected Baron // Weather, Inc, the worldwide leader in superior weather // intelligence, to provide a cutting-edge weather radar system // and data display technology that will play a vital role in // the safety of shipping operations. In 2023, Baron will // install a GEN3 850kW S-band dual-polarization radar. The // radar will be located in south-central Panama, near where // the Panama Canal and the Pacific Ocean meet." { "wrd_page": "cWVCVnpON0doWGYraU1qakFQWmRwZz09", "lat": 8.979110, "lon": -79.565334, "name": "Panama Canal", "imagery_url": "https://pancanal.com/en/weather-radar/", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Panama Canal Authority (Autoridad del Canal de Panama)", "agency_html": "Panama Canal Authority (Autoridad del Canal de Panamá)", "window_content": "A news release here from Baron Weather seems to indicate that there might be a new radar in 2023. It says: \"The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has selected Baron Weather, Inc, the worldwide leader in superior weather intelligence, to provide a cutting-edge weather radar system and data display technology that will play a vital role in the safety of shipping operations. In 2023, Baron will install a GEN3 850kW S-band dual-polarization radar. The radar will be located in south-central Panama, near where the Panama Canal and the Pacific Ocean meet.\" We don't know if it would replace this one or if it would be in addition to this one." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 8.266981, "lon": -81.671472, "name": "Veladero", "alt_name": "Chiriqui province", "alt_name_html": "Chiriquí province", "imagery_url": "https://www.hidromet.com.pa/es/radar-meteorologico", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Panama's Electricity Transmission Company (Empresa de Transmision Electrica, S.A. - ETESA)", "agency_html": "Panama's Electricity Transmission Company (Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica, S.A. - ETESA)", "window_content": "While the imagery lists a range of 200km, the four corners of the image contain radar data that goes out up to about 280km.

    " + "The coordinates for this radar come from the page here and were also verified using satellite imagery." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Puerto Rico // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "PRI": [ // WMO: San Juan // NOAA Site: Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands // (Virgin Islands also in dropdown box) // NEXRAD List: SAN JUAN // WUnderground: San Juan { "wrd_page": "YkY3WUI4ZUJBaCtBdGt5bWJrWHlLZz09", "lat": 18.115599, "lon": -66.078234, "name": "San Juan", // "alt_name": "Virgin Islands", "imagery_id": "jua", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1, "extra_window_content": barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 18.473997, "lon": -66.179532, "name": "San Juan", "imagery_id": "sju", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sint Maarten // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "SXM": [ // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Radio+Tower+Outlook/@18.0505678,-63.0731251,79a,5.3y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPiT5xIhr8wfy5j_0c0dkKWr01gjry7GQvdSuPF!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPiT5xIhr8wfy5j_0c0dkKWr01gjry7GQvdSuPF%3Dw203-h270-k-no!7i3024!8i4032!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x0:0x9711844bc9835669!2zMTjCsDAzJzAyLjEiTiA2M8KwMDQnMjcuMSJX!3b1!8m2!3d18.050585!4d-63.074205!3m4!1s0x8c0e6f246b3dc813:0x2c9cae0e2066940f!8m2!3d18.050489!4d-63.0740893 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPiT5xIhr8wfy5j_0c0dkKWr01gjry7GQvdSuPF=w3024 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "QjZBeHAzMitRa2ZKaE9HVU41WjZsZz09", "lat": 18.050585, "lon": -63.074205, "name": "Philipsburg", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "According to the WMO Radar Database, this is a WSR-74S radar. The WMO Radar Database lists Princess Juliana International Airport in the name, specifically Juliana Airport, and it seems to sit on a hill about 3km east-northeast of the airport. We do not know if it is still in use. We could not find imagery for it online and do not know its range. We link to their meteorological service. The Facebook page for their meteorological service is here." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Trinidad and Tobago // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "TTO": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "T2dBbDYycTZ6UmlUWGxFTmdMaEVnZz09", "lat": 10.426701, "lon": -61.284546, "name": "Port of Spain", "alt_name": "Brasso Venado", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": trinidadAndTobagoWindowHtml }, // X-band radar installed in either late 2021 or 2022 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 11.151284, "lon": -60.830634, "name": "Tobago island", "alt_name": "Crown Point", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": trinidadAndTobagoWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // United States // // https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/homr/file/nexrad-stations.txt // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEXRAD#Operational_locations // https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/radar-data/radar-map-tool // https://www.roc.noaa.gov/WSR88D/Maps.aspx // https://www.roc.noaa.gov/wsr88d/Program/NetworkSites.aspx // https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/nexradinv/map.jsp // https://www.weather.gov/about/radar // // Radar status: // https://radar2pub.ncep.noaa.gov/ // https://radar3pub.ncep.noaa.gov/ // // The "imagery_id" is the last three letters of the four // character ICAO airport code: // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICAO_airport_code // // The first letter of the ICAO airport code is based on these // prefixes (second letter we already have in "imagery_id"): // // K Contiguous United States // PA Alaska // PH Hawaii // TJ Puerto Rico // PG Guam // LP Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira) // RK Republic of Korea (South Korea) // RO Okinawa (Japan) // // Guantanamo Bay doesn't have an ICAO code that uses "gmo". // // Puerto Rico and Guam are handled as countries and do not // appear here. // // A list of what radar sites are from NOAA and which are from // the Department of Transportation and Department of Defense are // available here: // https://www.roc.noaa.gov/WSR88D/Program/SiteID.aspx // https://www.roc.noaa.gov/WSR88D/Maps.aspx // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "USA": { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Alabama // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "AL": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "ZW5XRUhncUZVNzhYcTRTWXQrbkgvUT09", "lat": 33.172186, "lon": -86.769760, "name": "Birmingham", "imagery_id": "bmx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Ft Rucker (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Fort Rucker // NEXRAD List: FORT RUCKER // WUnderground: Fort Rucker { "wrd_page": "UzlvcmlYOEhmMFNBN2hVa0dieUt2UT09", "lat": 31.460541, "lon": -85.459378, "name": "Fort Rucker", "imagery_id": "eox", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "T2FXd2I2ZUlkZWN3N1U1amJHRFZKQT09", "lat": 34.930531, "lon": -86.083485, "name": "Huntsville", "imagery_id": "htx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Maxwell Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: East Alabama // NEXRAD List: MAXWELL AFB // WUnderground: Carrville { "wrd_page": "aUpQYlF6YStIcm5RNy9vSnZBb1dXZz09", "lat": 32.536643, "lon": -85.789749, "name": "Auburn / Montgomery", "alt_name": "Maxwell AFB", "imagery_id": "mxx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "QVpTQmhpT0FKeXlaWkI5MklvaXgvQT09", "lat": 30.679498, "lon": -88.239798, "name": "Mobile", "imagery_id": "mob", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "NWZXSmQ1TGJlclVmMG4yZnVEYlM0QT09", "lat": 34.602887, "lon": -86.631216, "name": "Redstone Arsenal (RSA)", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "U.S. Army", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This is a Baron Weather S-Band radar for Redstone Arsenal, a U.S. Army post. We have not found data online for this radar.

    " + "A PDF document here says Baron Weather \"worked with the U.S. Army's Redstone Arsenal to upgrade their legacy radar to a Baron S-band system, then to dual-polarization on a staged multi-year plan\". An article here from Baron Weather said \"Baron has supported military operations globally with radars and other weather technology, including the installation of radars at Fort Greely in Alaska and Redstone Arsenal in Alabama.\"" + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2668312 // // https://impact.earthdata.nasa.gov/casei/instrument/ARMOR // https://whnt.com/news/50-years-of-whnt-weather/ { "wrd_page": "YXBEVHpwc25oYzNSTkhmWHkyTVV3dz09", "lat": 34.646145, "lon": -86.771481, "name": "UAH ARMOR Radar / WHNT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nsstc.uah.edu/armor/webimage/armor.html", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) / WHNT-TV", "edu": 1, "usa_tv": 1, "not_available": 0, "window_content": "ARMOR stands for \"Advanced Radar for Meteorological and Operational Research\".

    " + "You can learn more about this radar here. You can view a Wikipedia article on this radar here. A PDF file here says that this radar is \"used concurrently by operational meteorologists at WHNT-TV (partner in upgrade) and the Huntsville National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Office. Radar data and derived products are provided to WHNT and NWS for warning decision support and training purposes.\"

    " + "Based on radar returns, and the size of the radar imagery, both as measured in Google Earth, it seems the range of available imagery for this radar is about 120km. That is based on imagery from UAH at the link above. If imagery from this radar is available elsewhere, the available range might be more.

    " + "The FCC license for this radar is here.

    " + "We were unable to find radar data on WHNT's weather page that looks to come from this radar site. Based on the FCC license here, WHNT also has their own radar as well." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAAY-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=4191178 // // Became live in 2020: // https://twitter.com/eecweathertech/status/1428731369711149059 // Video of installation: // https://www.waaytv.com/content/radar-content/574296022.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.605106, "lon": -86.984796, "name": "WAAY-TV (Decatur / Huntsville)", "imagery_url": "https://www.waaytv.com/weather/huntsville-radar/", "agency": "WAAY-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "For information about their radar network, click here." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAAY-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=4282049 // // Video of installation: // Video of installation: // https://www.waaytv.com/content/radar-content/574296082.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.392532, "lon": -86.204711, "name": "WAAY-TV (Guntersville)", "imagery_url": "https://www.waaytv.com/weather/guntersville-radar/", "agency": "WAAY-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "For information about their radar network, click here." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAAY-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=4282097 // // Video of installation: // https://www.waaytv.com/content/radar-content/574296082.html // Photo: // https://twitter.com/MikeWAAY31/status/1318632045816532996 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.754100, "lon": -87.679657, "name": "WAAY-TV (Muscle Shoals)", "imagery_url": "https://www.waaytv.com/weather/shoals-radar/", "agency": "WAAY-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "For information about their X-band radar network, click here." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAAY-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2410082 // // Photo of tower: // https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/WAAY-TV?file=Doppler.jpg { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.737536, "lon": -86.532413, "name": "WAAY-TV", "imagery_url": "", "agency": "WAAY-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "not_available": 1, "window_content": "It's uncertain if this is a weather radar currently in use. They now have a network of X-band radars that you can learn about here. This radar is at their studios." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAFF_(TV) // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3320170 // // In April 2011, their radar was destroyed by a tornado. // We're unsure if WMO Radar Database reflects the old or new // radar built after that, so we don't include the id. // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/V3lDWXVrK21RS1lTWmk1eWpvanhaZz09 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.765807, "lon": -86.868207, "name": "WAFF-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.waff.com/radar/", "agency": "WAFF-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHNT-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146727 // // https://whnt.com/news/50-years-of-whnt-weather/ // https://www.fybush.com/site-020612.html // Old radar image: // https://web.archive.org/web/20190517111257/http://cache.ltvcms.com/whnt/weather/local_radar_640.jpg { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.738730, "lon": -86.532648, "name": "WHNT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://whnt.com/weather/", "agency": "WHNT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "not_available": 1, "window_content": "WHNT invested, in part, in upgrading the UAH ARMOR Radar. That took place after this radar had already existed. You can view the FCC license for this radar here." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WKRG-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147594 // // Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@30.68166,-87.8274835,3a,28.6y,236.63h,101.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sY98MfoamSFQ8xG_zln3sqQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.680943, "lon": -87.828662, "name": "WKRG-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wkrg.com/weather/", "agency": "WKRG-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WSFA // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147248 // // Likely on top of a building at the coordinates we // selected. // // Likely picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@32.3676034,-86.1738133,3a,15y,274.14h,95.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLqm6cU4GQSM5EEpjCgCmPA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.367714, "lon": -86.177571, "name": "WSFA-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wsfa.com/weather/", "agency": "WSFA-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "The coordinates we selected are about 120 meters from where the FCC license here has this radar at. There is a dome, which you can see here, on a tall building that is likely the radar. The FCC license says this radar is on a building and it seems that the building is about 49 meters tall. That matches well with this building.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTVY_(TV) // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146668 // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@31.2265183,-85.3929873,3a,77.2y,115.58h,134.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snzOyppvrJEIakGGV26mHLg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.226371, "lon": -85.392673, "name": "WTVY-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wtvy.com/weather/", "agency": "WTVY-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WVTM-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3908442 // // https://www.wvtm13.com/article/wvtm-13-live-doppler-to-provide-exclusive-real-time-storm-tracking-for-central-alabama/9560227 // https://www.wvtm13.com/article/wvtm-13-live-doppler-seeing-the-storm-first-to-air-on-6th-anniversary-of-deadly-tornado-outbreak/9559504 // // They have an older radar here: 33.604889N 86.419979W // License for older radar: // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2646599 // Expiration: 02/09/2005 // Cancellation: 04/16/2005 // But it doesn't seem like they still use it. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.211324, "lon": -87.207471, "name": "WVTM-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wvtm13.com/weather", "agency": "WVTM-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Alaska // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "AK": [ { "wrd_page": "RnpveURJQmFHd1ZXei8rQ3I1Ty9rUT09", "lat": 60.791964, "lon": -161.876611, "name": "Bethel", "imagery_id": "abc", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "cUFXRk9FZWdodHJVc210TjduMGV2UT09", "lat": 65.035030, "lon": -147.502143, "name": "Fairbanks", "alt_name": "Pedro Dome", "imagery_id": "apd", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO Coordinates: 60.72580000 -151.36440000 // NOAA Coordinates: 60.725914 -151.35146 // // You can see a little bit of the dome here on Google Street // View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@60.7144753,-151.3508063,3a,15y,359.91h,91.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0QhVfFgySSJNBgsZRtTzEQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 60.725823, "lon": -151.351338, "name": "Anchorage", "alt_name": "Kenai", "imagery_id": "ahg", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "K1dWOTdZZU5jcUVqbkZxREhtVnJ6Zz09", "lat": 58.679444, "lon": -156.629444, "name": "King Salmon", "imagery_id": "akc", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "aC9WQ1RVUndsY1d1c3puUGRTL1hyQT09", "lat": 59.460747, "lon": -146.303464, "name": "Middleton Island", "imagery_id": "aih", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "YkpoNzU5RDFLa2hnVjNjc0RXUHVwdz09", "lat": 64.511456, "lon": -165.295011, "name": "Nome", "imagery_id": "aec", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "MXRZenpXeWtXbG1QY0xsVjBsT0pzQT09", "lat": 56.852747, "lon": -135.529143, "name": "Sitka", "alt_name": "Biorka Island", "imagery_id": "acg", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Arizona // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "AZ": [ { "wrd_page": "RVNUZ0tYV1Z3VGo5MzVrVmlmdVRUUT09", "lat": 34.574411, "lon": -111.198395, "name": "Flagstaff", "imagery_id": "fsx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "cXhNWWxzbHdPNURQRnN2QjltYjNTdz09", "lat": 33.289269, "lon": -111.669927, "name": "Phoenix", "imagery_id": "iwa", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.420477, "lon": -112.162883, "name": "Phoenix", "imagery_id": "phx", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "VExTSEtoaXRBRG9xVXlETVRZZVVIZz09", "lat": 31.893652, "lon": -110.630290, "name": "Tucson", "imagery_id": "emx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "Q0NqMS8rY2NVejQxWFJUeVJxTTVFQT09", "lat": 32.495338, "lon": -114.656711, "name": "Yuma", "imagery_id": "yux", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Arkansas // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "AR": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Western Arkansas // NOAA Site: Western Arkansas/Ft. Smith // NEXRAD List: FORT SMITH // WUnderground: Slatington Mountain { "wrd_page": "RTQvbTU4RVdvbEV2TTRYS0FyamorZz09", "lat": 35.2904423, "lon": -94.3619075, "name": "Fort Smith", "imagery_id": "srx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "Y2padDFVQ01pN3ZKakVhWStBck9xUT09", "lat": 34.8365261, "lon": -92.2621697, "name": "Little Rock", "imagery_id": "lzk", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KAIT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147760 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.907354, "lon": -90.693366, "name": "KAIT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kait8.com/weather/", "agency": "KAIT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KARK-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147255 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.799660, "lon": -92.500275, "name": "KARK-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kark.com/weather/", "agency": "KARK-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KFTA-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147742 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 08/09/2025 // Cancellation: 12/26/2018 // // While the FCC license has KPOM, the station is now KFTA. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.710054, "lon": -94.138003, "name": "KFTA-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nwahomepage.com/weather/", "agency": "KFTA-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "not_available": 1, "window_content": "A FCC license here was granted for this radar in 2015. While it was set to expire in 2025, it was canceled in 2018. This radar might no longer be used.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WMC-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2882448 // // https://www.actionnews5.com/weather/radar/ // https://www.actionnews5.com/weather/maps/ // https://www.actionnews5.com/story/34119485/a-look-inside-wmc-action-news-5s-storm-tracking-center/ // https://www.actionnews5.com/story/30012071/first-look-stormtracker-5-revolutionizes-severe-weather-coverage/ { "wrd_page": "enk4ayt4bTJIbkZaVE45Ymc5eWpDdz09", "lat": 35.135380, "lon": -90.229353, "name": "WMC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.actionnews5.com/weather/", "agency": "WMC-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "The radar imagery on their weather page, and on the radar page here, is an interactive map from The Weather Company. Since a lot of TV stations have similar site formats, we also tried this page by guessing at it and it only had current temperatures. The only way we were able to view data from this radar was by downloading their weather app here. Rather than using the default \"Precipitation (Radar)\" option under \"Weather Conditions\", you have to select \"First Alert Doppler 5\" to view data. We last tried this in September 2021. There were no radar returns to view at the time, though it did appear to be working." + usaNonGovRadarNote } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // California // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "CA": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Beale Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Beale Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: BEALE AFB // WUnderground: Marysville { "wrd_page": "ZFBYbDZGUDkvelF0b2huSEtNMnc2dz09", "lat": 39.495664, "lon": -121.631646, "name": "Oroville", "alt_name": "Beale AFB", "imagery_id": "bbx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Edwards Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Edwards Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: EDWARDS AFB // WUnderground: Edwards AFB { "wrd_page": "Vm1EYjdOaW9jVFljVkpxMVVXOFR1QT09", "lat": 35.097825, "lon": -117.560911, "name": "Edwards AFB", "imagery_id": "eyx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "K01qL0VKNXltWlJQa1JJa3hBUjZwZz09", "lat": 40.498629, "lon": -124.292171, "name": "Eureka", "imagery_id": "bhx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "ZVZLYy80T1JoOUZSRlZkU0hzc0lOQT09", "lat": 34.411631, "lon": -119.179628, "name": "Los Angeles", "imagery_id": "vtx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "eVZCbUhUdGpZZS9QK0MzTmtFTjB0UT09", "lat": 38.501154, "lon": -121.677876, "name": "Sacramento", "imagery_id": "dax", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "QUQ5UElIZUM5eEcwaTNOcC8vbm5Hdz09", "lat": 32.918989, "lon": -117.041814, "name": "San Diego", "imagery_id": "nkx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "aTlEbTN4R0RIbTR1S2FyVlBzaVk3UT09", "lat": 37.155175, "lon": -121.898467, "name": "San Francisco", "imagery_id": "mux", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: San Joaquin Valy // NOAA Site: San Joaquin Valley // (Hanford also in dropdown box) // NEXRAD List: SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY // WUnderground: San Joaquin Valley { "wrd_page": "N0E3OVFLcWZHQmQ2UVhicFVYL2NjQT09", "lat": 36.314211, "lon": -119.632148, "name": "San Joaquin Valley", "alt_name": "Hanford", "imagery_id": "hnx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "Nk5aZm9IQ2FMN3RZMHpiamlMMmNMQT09", "lat": 33.817670, "lon": -117.635988, "name": "Santa Ana Mountains", "imagery_id": "sox", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Vandenberg Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Vandenberg Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: VANDENBERG AFB // WUnderground: Lompoc { "wrd_page": "Mk9yT2ZSZGRZMGIxNXhveGRiM3E0dz09", "lat": 34.838312, "lon": -120.397918, "name": "Vandenberg AFB", // "name": "Santa Maria", // "alt_name": "Vandenberg AFB", "imagery_id": "vbx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KABC-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2370887 // // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrLqReNmCyo { "wrd_page": "endBSldzZnJxSTExU2JJQjFkYkp3QT09", "lat": 34.329805, "lon": -118.601007, "name": "KABC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://abc7.com/weather/doppler/", "agency": "KABC-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KCRA-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146617 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 12/20/2021 // Cancellation: 10/14/2021 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.264920, "lon": -121.490254, "name": "KCRA-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kcra.com/weather", "agency": "KCRA-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "A FCC license here was canceled in 2021. This radar might no longer be used.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KGO-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3046514 // // Example of radar imagery: // https://www.facebook.com/abc7news/videos/live-doppler-7/2253790088165863/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.667776, "lon": -122.627479, "name": "KGO-TV", "imagery_url": "https://abc7news.com/weather/", "agency": "KGO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KNBC // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3820322 // // KNBC has three radars. // // About: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgC4bJrotPs // Coordinates: // https://config.media.weather.com/api/v1/radars/status?map_id=0004&service_id=369362872 // Northern two radars on radar image: // https://twitter.com/ShannaNBCLA/status/892769111410753536 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.268582, "lon": -118.237386, "name": "KNBC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nbclosangeles.com/weather/", "range": 119.00229, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "KNBC-TV", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaCertainNbcTvStations + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KNBC // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3820321 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.799047, "lon": -117.623404, "name": "KNBC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nbclosangeles.com/weather/", "range": 29.758884, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "KNBC-TV", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "We checked this radar site in February 2022. From the code of the page, it seemed to have last had data in May 2021.

    " + usaCertainNbcTvStations + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KNBC // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=4039556 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.697651, "lon": -116.934185, "name": "KNBC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nbclosangeles.com/weather/", "range": 138.78, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "KNBC-TV", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "While this radar is associated with KNBC, the Los Angeles NBC affiliate, it's actually in the market of KNSD, the San Diego NBC affiliate. They are both owned by the same company, NBCUniversal.

    " + usaCertainNbcTvStations + usaNonGovRadarNote }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "ZitSdGtPR09VbDA1VCtsUjIvZzRLQT09", "lat": 38.398302, "lon": -122.103192, "name": "KPIX-TV", "agency": "KPIX-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Even though the tower still exists as of February 2022, sometime between April 2020 and August 2020 the dome was removed." }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KXTV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147316 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 11/12/2012 // Cancellation: 02/05/2009 // // Picture: // https://www.flickr.com/photos/infrastructure/49130485558 // https://www.google.com/maps/@38.2337724,-121.5047482,3a,15.2y,23.53h,90.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCb55h9zszRPimdWl6U1MXA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.239495, "lon": -121.501606, "name": "KXTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.abc10.com/weather/", "agency": "KXTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Colorado // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "CO": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Denver // NOAA Site: Denver/Boulder // NEXRAD List: DENVER FRONT RANGE AP // (Front Range Airport) // WUnderground: Denver { "wrd_page": "VEx3dWV0RnU5cFhURHg4bmNSYUo5QT09", "lat": 39.786616, "lon": -104.545813, "name": "Denver / Boulder", "imagery_id": "ftg", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.727488, "lon": -104.526466, "name": "Denver", "imagery_id": "den", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "ZkNtQld3ei9LQkpnTDVjdmJEUHBXZz09", "lat": 39.062150, "lon": -108.213782, "name": "Grand Junction", "imagery_id": "gjx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "MExobjFHYlk3Rk1zRWlmUklXY3doQT09", "lat": 38.459562, "lon": -104.181365, "name": "Pueblo", "imagery_id": "pux", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KCNC-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2515553 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 05/21/2023 // Cancellation: 10/14/2014 // // Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@39.855235,-104.564246,3a,15y,351.4h,90.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTDn6mvjQyhBzUYp_h_L_ag!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 // https://www.ibm.com/case-studies/kcnc-tv-watson-weather-co-max { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "MGZ3TkhTYzA3RUFrRzhXSit1NktaUT09", "lat": 39.860119, "lon": -104.565127, "name": "KCNC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://denver.cbslocal.com/category/weather/", "agency": "KCNC-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDVR // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2960896 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.786812, "lon": -104.560422, "name": "KDVR-TV", "imagery_url": "https://kdvr.com/weather/", "agency": "KDVR-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KKTV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3093416 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.815033, "lon": -104.199441, "name": "KKTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kktv.com/weather/", "agency": "KKTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KMGH-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147105 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.798238, "lon": -104.581056, "name": "KMGH-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.thedenverchannel.com/weather", "agency": "KMGH-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KOAA-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3028160 { "wrd_page": "RmlFQ3phaFRNTU90VmZ5bkFIb1Q4Zz09", "lat": 38.373606, "lon": -104.558684, "name": "KOAA-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.koaa.com/weather/radar", "agency": "KOAA-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Connecticut // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "CT": [ // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WFSB // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147730 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.940032, "lon": -72.699752, "name": "WFSB-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wfsb.com/weather/radar/", "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.wfsb.com/weather/pinpoint-doppler-loop/", "agency": "WFSB-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "To view data from this radar, click the \"WFSB RADAR\" layer in their interactive map display. In addition to their interactive display, their \"Pinpoint Doppler Loop\", available as an image loop, also has their radar data. You can view it under the interactive map or by viewing that at the alternate link we provide." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTNH // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147135 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.426842, "lon": -72.950470, "name": "WTNH-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wtnh.com/weather/", "agency": "WTNH-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Delaware // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "DE": [ // WMO: Dover Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Dover Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: DOVER AFB // WUnderground: Dover AFB { "wrd_page": "TTc5UmVLYlNPLy9jRXZUbkNKZTlFZz09", "lat": 38.825765, "lon": -75.440076, "name": "Dover AFB", "imagery_id": "dox", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Florida // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "FL": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Eglin Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Northwest Florida // NEXRAD List: EGLIN AFB // WUnderground: Red Bay { "wrd_page": "T0tIOGtveDU5OXBJcWt2M0IwTEtKZz09", "lat": 30.565013, "lon": -85.921641, "name": "Eglin AFB", "alt_name": "Northwest Florida", "imagery_id": "evx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.143228, "lon": -80.344004, "name": "Fort Lauderdale", "imagery_id": "fll", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "aGYzSldaWmtZRW1MeG9Md2JVS0l5UT09", "lat": 30.484595, "lon": -81.701900, "name": "Jacksonville", "imagery_id": "jax", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "Vk5PSzcycVF0ZjBQSmpCaVN4WEJtUT09", "lat": 24.597449, "lon": -81.703184, "name": "Key West", "imagery_id": "byx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "ZlVzekFreUdFUmg5SEo5ZkQvK3hrZz09", "lat": 28.113128, "lon": -80.654099, "name": "Melbourne", "imagery_id": "mlb", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "THNnbjBaWUsrU1crNkxTT0h4RDgyQT09", "lat": 25.611090, "lon": -80.412710, "name": "Miami", "imagery_id": "amx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.757551, "lon": -80.491169, "name": "Miami", "imagery_id": "mia", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.343690, "lon": -81.325750, "name": "Orlando International", "imagery_id": "mco", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "SkhESWlXUXBtdkJLNTRwc1FrQUtlUT09", "lat": 30.397568, "lon": -84.328912, "name": "Tallahassee", "imagery_id": "tlh", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.859566, "lon": -82.517825, "name": "Tampa", "imagery_id": "tpa", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "RnE0cktXUzJON25ubDFGenRtOHdxQT09", "lat": 27.705462, "lon": -82.401800, "name": "Tampa", "imagery_id": "tbw", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.687920, "lon": -80.273169, "name": "West Palm Beach", "imagery_id": "pbi", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_News_9 // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3099752 // // https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/weather/about-klystron-9 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.843712, "lon": -82.727831, "name": "Spectrum Bay News 9 (TV)", "imagery_url": "https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/weather/radar", "agency": "Spectrum Bay News 9 / Charter Communications", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectrum_News_13 // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2377439 // // https://www.mynews13.com/fl/orlando/weather/klystron-13 { "wrd_page": "VUI1dTBZSVF6NlMvNENjL2k5TEE2UT09", "lat": 28.353979, "lon": -80.815338, "name": "Spectrum News 13 (TV)", "imagery_url": "https://www.mynews13.com/fl/orlando/weather/radar", "agency": "Spectrum News 13 / Charter Communications", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WBBH-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1124803 // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@26.607128,-81.8638529,3a,49.4y,45.06h,105.86t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sC4H887UjvKwS0VD5e348gg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1124803 { "wrd_page": "TUdNTDJ5VWFVODFtSFA3VUVuSmtKZz09", "lat": 26.607703, "lon": -81.863245, "name": "WBBH-TV", "imagery_url": "https://nbc-2.com/weather/radar/", "agency": "WBBH-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WCTV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2822021 { "wrd_page": "RUVXRXpjWkJIeUMzdDRYL2M3LzcrUT09", "lat": 30.502775, "lon": -84.246354, "name": "WCTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wctv.tv/weather/", "agency": "WCTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WESH // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147175 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.612684, "lon": -81.385860, "name": "WESH-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wesh.com/weather/radar", "agency": "WESH-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "To view their radar data, click on the \"Layers\" icon in the bottom right corner on their interactive radar. Then click the layer \"First Warning Live Doppler Radar\" in the layers section. When we measured the range of imagery when a lot of rain was in the area, the imagery seemed to have a range of about 210km." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WFLA-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3694926 // // License for newer radar (2015). // Grant: 04/27/2015 - 04/27/2025 // // License for older radar: // // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146749 // Grant: 10/31/2013 - 12/07/2023 // // About newer radar: // https://www.wfla.com/news/watch-wfla-to-launch-max-defender-8-radar-most-powerful-in-the-world/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.840667, "lon": -82.262898, "name": "WFLA-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wfla.com/interactive-radar/", "agency": "WFLA-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "The FCC license for this radar, granted in 2015, is here. An older radar, a license for which you can find here, was granted for a radar at 27.841978N 82.262831W, which is about 145 meters north of the newer radar. We don't include that older radar on our map." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WFOR-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147301 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 10/06/2012 // Cancellation: 12/08/2012 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.968675, "lon": -80.221434, "name": "WFOR-TV", "imagery_url": "https://miami.cbslocal.com/video/category/news-weather/", "agency": "WFOR-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "dlFFRTFKbHBoTzV2NFN5aUJZRStKdz09", "lat": 27.815601, "lon": -82.271678, "name": "WFTS-TV", "agency": "WFTS-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Sometime between January 2019 and November 2019 the radar disappeared from satellite imagery." }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WFTV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147169 { "wrd_page": "Q3htN2RhLzRNSjQ3bkx1QUUvTTRwZz09", "lat": 28.602535, "lon": -81.093502, "name": "WFTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wftv.com/weather/", "agency": "WFTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "To view their radar data, click on the \"Layers\" icon in the bottom right corner on their interactive radar. Then click the layer \"Local Radar\" in the layers section. You can also view a live stream of their radar here.

    " + "There are two radars at this location. We picked the one with the larger dome for the coordinates we use. The other is about 45 meters to the south. Based on the FCC license here, when comparing to the other radar, the height of their tower is shorter than the other. By measuring shadows, we determined this is the shorter radar." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WPOZ // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147496 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.602148, "lon": -81.093472, "name": "WPOZ-FM", "imagery_url": "https://zradio.org/storm-center/", "agency": "Central Florida Educational Foundation, Inc.", "other": 1, "secondary": 1, "window_content": "We could not find any radar data from their radar on their site. While they have a section on \"Maps and Radar for Active Storms\", when looking at some of the past history at the Internet Archive, they had data from NOAA and not their radar.

    " + "There are two radars at this location. The other is about 45 meters to the north. Based on the FCC license here, when comparing to the other radar, the height of their tower is taller than the other. By measuring shadows, we determined this is the taller radar." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WOFL // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3139867 // // Even though the coordinates are a bit off at the FCC, // the address is correct: 4504 North Fort Christmas Road // // https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-xpm-2009-08-28-0908270156-story.html // // Video: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpda1T0W6fo { "wrd_page": "SmR0U1ozU0xJNmRQTUJYVi9GNyt2Zz09", "lat": 28.603534, "lon": -81.086414, "name": "WOFL-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.fox35orlando.com/weather", "agency": "WOFL-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WPBF // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146495 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 11/26/2020 // Cancellation: 09/24/2015 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.835533, "lon": -80.096835, "name": "WPBF-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wpbf.com/weather", "agency": "WPBF-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WPTV-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147331 { "wrd_page": "NENVTXdEMkRkK28rd0ZaNXhGejBBQT09", "lat": 26.589658, "lon": -80.213302, "name": "WPTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wptv.com/weather", "agency": "WPTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTVJ // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2326994 { "wrd_page": "ZGZRVHlJMDVUdEpNODRncTlrT1puQT09", "lat": 25.984714, "lon": -80.346047, "name": "WTVJ-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nbcmiami.com/weather/", "range": 321.19608, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "WTVJ-TV", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaCertainNbcTvStations + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTVT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2758642 // // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opNnnPuhoAU { "wrd_page": "cTVRUkFXUlk4OEVuQ0xlWFZwUHJqdz09", "lat": 27.945222, "lon": -82.496914, "name": "WTVT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.fox13news.com/skytower-radar", "agency": "WTVT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Georgia // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "GA": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "cmFQeU5DTUJTTEM4NkExYXhBdGU1Zz09", "lat": 33.363545, "lon": -84.565920, "name": "Atlanta", "imagery_id": "ffc", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.646615, "lon": -84.262078, "name": "Atlanta", "imagery_id": "atl", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // WMO: Moody Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Moody Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: MOODY AFB // WUnderground: Valdosta { "wrd_page": "OTF5ZkprWE1PT0pzT1FKSFVMcnpuUT09", "lat": 30.890291, "lon": -83.001696, "name": "Valdosta", "alt_name": "Moody AFB", "imagery_id": "vax", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Robins AFB (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Robins Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: ROBINS AFB // WUnderground: Warner Robins { "wrd_page": "QnJCY0trYWlGaGJ0RDJ1NjA4bCtpZz09", "lat": 32.675618, "lon": -83.350791, "name": "Warner Robins", "alt_name": "Robins AFB", "imagery_id": "jgx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WJBF // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147529 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.371433, "lon": -81.973852, "name": "WJBF-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wjbf.com/weather/", "agency": "WJBF-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WSB-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147235 // // https://www.wsbtv.com/news/wsb-tv-installs-worlds-most-advanced-radar/241762204/ // Video of installation: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s62lxmwJCug { "wrd_page": "QzdrOUJmLzRRRmsxN3hmSU8xQjdoZz09", "lat": 33.783995, "lon": -85.161507, "name": "WSB-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wsbtv.com/weather/", "agency": "WSB-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "To view their radar data, click on the \"Layers\" icon in the bottom right corner on their interactive radar. Then click the layer \"STORMTRACKER2 HD\" in the layers section. When we checked this radar on February 7th, 2022, the radar data was old. Only the time is noted, not the date, so we weren't sure how old the data was at that time." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTOC-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2389539 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 09/08/2002 // Cancellation: 01/12/2003 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.067214, "lon": -81.156193, "name": "WTOC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wtoc.com/weather/", "agency": "WTOC-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTVM // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2486339 // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@32.4628522,-84.9899758,3a,15y,315.96h,124.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s52xNoCssBCR-HQsrz2Bi5g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.463529, "lon": -84.990775, "name": "WTVM-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wtvm.com/weather/", "agency": "WTVM-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Hawaii // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "HI": [ // WMO: South Kauai // NOAA Site: Kauai // NEXRAD List: SOUTH KAUAI // WUnderground: South Kauai { "wrd_page": "WUtqRmZpTXBhN2VIV1p5ZG1nR2hiZz09", "lat": 21.893923, "lon": -159.552439, "name": "Kauai", "alt_name": "Southern Kauai Island", "imagery_id": "hki", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Molokai // NOAA Site: Molokai // NEXRAD List: MOLOKAI // WUnderground: Molokai { "wrd_page": "ancwTEN3U2pMaTJ0N1N4NnVUNHdUZz09", "lat": 21.132832, "lon": -157.180208, "name": "Molokai Island", "imagery_id": "hmo", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Kamuela/Kohala Apt // NOAA Site: Kohala // NEXRAD List: KAMUELA // WUnderground: Kamuela { "wrd_page": "WGs4K2tBcWYyeTNheFFQOTVoVVNjZz09", "lat": 20.125378, "lon": -155.777712, "name": "Kamuela", "alt_name": "Waimea / Northern Hawaii Island", "imagery_id": "hkm", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: South Shore // NOAA Site: South Shore Hawaii // NEXRAD List: SOUTH SHORE // WUnderground: South Hawaii { "wrd_page": "bXhLVythdFliTURTdGs2bk1NdEdRdz09", "lat": 19.094996, "lon": -155.568897, "name": "Naalehu", "alt_name": "Southern Hawaii Island", "imagery_id": "hwa", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Idaho // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "ID": [ { "wrd_page": "MWtsTyt0WE4rdVBhbjllbm1FOTZOUT09", "lat": 43.490279, "lon": -116.235981, "name": "Boise", "imagery_id": "cbx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Pocatello // NOAA Site: Pocatello/Idaho Falls // NEXRAD List: POCATELLO // WUnderground: Pocatello { "wrd_page": "QmNaYm5QelAraU1reVEzUlVlcFpIUT09", "lat": 43.105584, "lon": -112.686195, "name": "Pocatello / Idaho Falls", "imagery_id": "sfx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Illinois // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "IL": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "eU9MZlZBZUNCNVJiL05SUFRuQ2Vrdz09", "lat": 41.604450, "lon": -88.084502, "name": "Chicago", "imagery_id": "lot", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.651359, "lon": -87.729585, "name": "Chicago Midway", "imagery_id": "mdw", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.797107, "lon": -87.858288, "name": "Chicago O'Hare", "imagery_id": "ord", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // WMO: Lincoln // NOAA Site: Central Illinois // NEXRAD List: LINCOLN // WUnderground: Lincoln { "wrd_page": "ZGtJeVVwODN5OExpbTlqaFFqYVVKQT09", "lat": 40.150557, "lon": -89.336805, "name": "Lincoln", "alt_name": "Central Illinois", "imagery_id": "ilx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WBBM-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146950 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 06/07/2015 // Cancellation: 08/03/2011 // // Picture on top of tower: // https://www.google.com/maps/@41.615866,-88.200057,3a,15.3y,162.83h,115t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZj7qfZk3z99kzKcWwJNOIQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.615133, "lon": -88.199748, "name": "WBBM-TV", "imagery_url": "https://chicago.cbslocal.com/category/weather/", "agency": "WBBM-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WFLD // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2909072 { "wrd_page": "WWI5ZTdSUXpmZGxKSnRCNkszK013dz09", "lat": 41.613241, "lon": -88.014504, "name": "WFLD-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.fox32chicago.com/weather", "agency": "WFLD-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WLS-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3669794 // // https://www.newscaststudio.com/2016/03/22/chicago-station-debuts-snazzy-radar-on-severe-weather-less-day/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.937317, "lon": -88.477979, "name": "WLS-TV", "imagery_url": "https://abc7chicago.com/weather/doppler/chicago-area-weather-radar/", "agency": "WLS-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2564977 // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WMAQ-TV { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.779176, "lon": -88.224958, "name": "WMAQ-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nbcchicago.com/weather/", "range": 402.48007, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "WMAQ-TV", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaCertainNbcTvStations + usaNonGovRadarNote } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Indiana // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "IN": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "UWZRWnNPVHNzLzVXVEZWUE4vNHlqdz09", "lat": 38.260395, "lon": -87.724676, "name": "Evansville", "imagery_id": "vwx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "R2tDRWZvSkxXZnpwQU9qNjZlODBnZz09", "lat": 39.707496, "lon": -86.280368, "name": "Indianapolis", "imagery_id": "ind", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.637248, "lon": -86.435453, "name": "Indianapolis", "imagery_id": "ids", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // WMO: Northern Indiana // NOAA Site: Northern Indiana // NEXRAD List: FORT WAYNE // WUnderground: North Webster // WMO Radar Database has invalid coordinates. This site has // been at this location since at least 1998. (and // installation may have begun in 1996) { "wrd_page": "N3FmY0lWNmcvYmlnN04wdHBFMnk4UT09", "lat": 41.358643, "lon": -85.700014, "name": "Fort Wayne", "alt_name": "Northern Indiana", "imagery_id": "iwx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.430154, "lon": -86.912162, "name": "Purdue University", "imagery_url": "https://xtrra.eaps.purdue.edu/", "range": 50, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Purdue University", "edu": 1, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WANE-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146771 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.094261, "lon": -85.179726, "name": "WANE-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wane.com/weather/interactive-radar/", "agency": "WANE-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WFIE // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1128017 // // There is also a radar in Owensboro, Kentucky. // Old radar image from 2007 showing both radars: // https://web.archive.org/web/20070402204806/http://www.14wfie.com/Global/category.asp?C=3975 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.988912, "lon": -87.594352, "name": "WFIE-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.14news.com/weather/", "agency": "WFIE-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "WFIE also has a radar in Owensboro, Kentucky, according to the FCC license here, but we haven't found it yet.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WLFI-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1943572 // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@40.4554553,-86.925484,3a,18.9y,354.63h,100.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGrP3HaSWAxwuC7Wk9vtAcQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.456018, "lon": -86.925551, "name": "WLFI-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wlfi.com/weather/", "agency": "WLFI-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WRTV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1122941 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.785141, "lon": -86.158645, "name": "WRTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wrtv.com/weather", "agency": "WRTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTWO // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147628 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.242136, "lon": -87.390716, "name": "WTWO-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.mywabashvalley.com/weather/", "agency": "WTWO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Iowa // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "IA": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Quad Cities // NOAA Site: Quad Cities // NEXRAD List: Davenport // WUnderground: Quad Cities { "wrd_page": "QitDK2d6YkhxdW5haVMxUGxoaWZTdz09", "lat": 41.611576, "lon": -90.580866, "name": "Davenport", "alt_name": "Quad Cities", "imagery_id": "dvn", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "dVJrWnhCTEM2UTVpVTVBSmUwSkw4Zz09", "lat": 41.731205, "lon": -93.722921, "name": "Des Moines", "imagery_id": "dmx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KCCI // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1114709 // // May 15, 2013: // https://www.kcci.com/article/crews-work-to-install-new-kcci-radar/6879803 // https://www.kcci.com/article/photos-new-kcci-radar-being-installed/6821809 // A tower used to transmit KCCI's signal is located at // 41.809581N 93.621553W, about 300 meters away. { "wrd_page": "Q0JNcTFlMjI0eFA4ZEkvazVDa0Jodz09", "lat": 41.806714, "lon": -93.621272, "name": "KCCI-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kcci.com/article/local-radar/7024452", "agency": "KCCI-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This radar is about 500 meters away from WHO-TV's radar." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KCRG-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1125404 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 07/11/2020 // Cancellation: 06/12/2020 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.057055, "lon": -91.695375, "name": "KCRG-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kcrg.com/weather/", "agency": "KCRG-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHO-DT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1126901 // // Pictues: // https://publicpaulandmedia.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/is-that-irony-when-the-weather-radar-is-knocked-out-by-a-storm/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.806354, "lon": -93.615282, "name": "WHO-TV", "imagery_url": "", "agency": "WHO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This radar is about 500 meters away from KCCI-TV's radar." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WQAD-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147732 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 07/19/2015 // Cancellation: 08/16/2011 // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@40.8221295,-91.137709,3a,15.1y,34.2h,102.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sltfpVtGPWmdcIGcFYbI5iw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.822905, "lon": -91.137077, "name": "WQAD-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wqad.com/weather", "agency": "WQAD-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WQAD-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1128380 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 08/01/2017 // Cancellation: 08/16/2011 // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@41.4821255,-90.5117719,3a,42.6y,255.65h,128.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srxnJwRDJUB8FEa8LX-7tsA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 // // Based on FCC license, radar is at this address and at a // height of 33.8m, so it must be on this tower. It still // appears on the tower. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.482044, "lon": -90.512231, "name": "WQAD-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wqad.com/weather", "agency": "WQAD-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Kansas // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "KS": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "dzcvd2JKK283Y05KdzF4dzlKNHg0UT09", "lat": 37.760861, "lon": -99.968774, "name": "Dodge City", "imagery_id": "ddc", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "dlJEaHRPU0l0UkY4YjFkbkorZGtKUT09", "lat": 39.366845, "lon": -101.700397, "name": "Goodland", "imagery_id": "gld", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Topeka // NOAA Site: Topeka // NEXRAD List: TOPEKA // WUnderground: Topeka-Alma { "wrd_page": "dVAyc3dvY1FpY1ZrUDVQR3BuNlZVZz09", "lat": 38.996964, "lon": -96.232557, "name": "Topeka", "imagery_id": "twx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "MUQzaENxbFdPTkJNNVd1R1UwSUdXUT09", "lat": 37.654580, "lon": -97.443130, "name": "Wichita", "imagery_id": "ict", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.507135, "lon": -97.436993, "name": "Wichita", "imagery_id": "ich", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KMBC-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147621 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.835158, "lon": -94.905065, "name": "KMBC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kmbc.com/weather", "agency": "KMBC-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KWCH-DT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147240 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.060316, "lon": -97.763483, "name": "KWCH-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kwch.com/weather/", "agency": "KWCH-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KAKE_(TV) // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1126440 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 01/09/2015 // Cancellation: 12/03/2014 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.710778, "lon": -97.388807, "name": "KAKE-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kake.com/weather", "agency": "KAKE-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WIBW-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2331653 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 07/09/2011 // Cancellation: 05/02/2011 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.006529, "lon": -96.049600, "name": "WIBW-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wibw.com/weather/", "agency": "WIBW-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "ZEhPSkhmcmptMktvRU5lTHJlb3dUUT09", "lat": 37.898151, "lon": -97.790274, "name": "KSNW-TV", "agency": "KSNW-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Even though the tower still exists as of June 2019, sometime between June 2011 and March 2015 the dome was removed." } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Kentucky // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "KY": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.898093, "lon": -84.579845, "name": "Covington", "imagery_id": "cvg", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // WMO: Ft Campbell (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Fort Campbell // NEXRAD List: FORT CAMPBELL // WUnderground: Fort Campbell { "wrd_page": "SmkxM09IYVlMeU9xRjdaZE0xeDFCdz09", "lat": 36.736978, "lon": -87.285568, "name": "Fort Campbell", "imagery_id": "hpx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "ODlIYmo5ZWhWTSs2cE5XUGpNdFA0UT09", "lat": 37.590789, "lon": -83.313034, "name": "Jackson", "imagery_id": "jkl", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "L1RIWDNUdjNqNUhFZGVvc1pMbXJFdz09", "lat": 37.975293, "lon": -85.943774, "name": "Louisville", "imagery_id": "lvx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.045907, "lon": -85.610502, "name": "Louisville", "imagery_id": "sdf", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "eGZWc01neHM2dWVqZGoxOENBalIydz09", "lat": 37.068355, "lon": -88.772030, "name": "Paducah", "imagery_id": "pah", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WBKO // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147533 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 04/21/2014 // Cancellation: 03/07/2014 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.960555, "lon": -86.493303, "name": "WBKO-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wbko.com/weather/", "agency": "WBKO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WEHT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1124091 // // Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@37.8655585,-87.5687566,3a,15.7y,155.33h,113.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sssQ6dGTsiYoVsUwLSbeI6w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.864879, "lon": -87.568325, "name": "WEHT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.tristatehomepage.com/weather/", "agency": "WEHT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WKYT-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3085216 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.040067, "lon": -84.402535, "name": "WKYT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wkyt.com/weather/", "agency": "WKYT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WLEX-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2530416 // // https://www.lex18.com/weather/bill-meck-explains-what-makes-maxtrack-2-0-the-most-accurate-radar-in-lexington // Photo: // https://www.google.com/maps/@38.0670723,-84.4880866,3a,15y,191.44h,98.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sksJbbd_vHwcWPRMWUNeyMg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DksJbbd_vHwcWPRMWUNeyMg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D303.40387%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "TkNLcjVQVzZ2OFlDZm0zZitaclgvUT09", "lat": 38.065509, "lon": -84.488470, "name": "WLEX-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.lex18.com/weather/radars-and-forecast", "agency": "WLEX-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WLKY // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1114708 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.263504, "lon": -85.710299, "name": "WLKY-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wlky.com/weather", "agency": "WLKY-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Louisiana // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "LA": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Ft Polk (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Fort Polk // NEXRAD List: FORT POLK // WUnderground: Fort Polk { "wrd_page": "dDJVYWJKcGNhOFo0bjk5WFdjejIvZz09", "lat": 31.155729, "lon": -92.976127, "name": "Fort Polk", "imagery_id": "poe", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "SEoxRFF1TEZNSFFqV2FBRzcyVFh5Zz09", "lat": 30.125320, "lon": -93.215897, "name": "Lake Charles", "imagery_id": "lch", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Slidell // NOAA Site: New Orleans/Baton Rouge // NEXRAD List: NEW ORLEANS // WUnderground: New Orleans // // This radar is moving: // https://twitter.com/NWSNewOrleans/status/1424729435404705795 // https://www.weather.gov/lix/klixradarmove // https://www.wafb.com/2021/08/09/planned-nws-radar-move-great-news-baton-rouge-much-our-area/ // https://www.roc.noaa.gov/WSR88D/PublicDocs/Safety/KLIX%20WSR-88D%20Draft%20EA%2020200713.pdf { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "bjhEYXZjNDRqSUtmbDRmWkN2MDVndz09", "lat": 30.336724, "lon": -89.825473, "name": "New Orleans / Baton Rouge", "alt_name": "Slidell", "imagery_id": "lix", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1, "extra_window_content": "At the end of 2022, this radar will be moved to Hammond, Louisiana. You can learn more here. A quote from that page: \"The KLIX WSR-88D radar is moving! The KLIX radar is currently co-located with the National Weather Service (NWS) in Slidell, LA. At the end of 2022, the radar will be moving west to Hammond, LA. During the move, the radar will be down for approximately three months.\"

    " + "Based on PDF page 186 in the detailed document here, this radar is likely to be moved to around 30.5193374N 90.407554W. That location is at Hammond North Shore Regional Airport and is about 59.5km west-northwest of the existing radar site." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.021640, "lon": -90.403180, "name": "New Orleans", "imagery_id": "msy", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "NmZnQTJScG9uTGp1ai9uRUFacHNyUT09", "lat": 32.450813, "lon": -93.841277, "name": "Shreveport", "imagery_id": "shv", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "b3pHUTVESFJmYk44L3J4M3M5dmExUT09", "lat": 31.323351, "lon": -92.558316, "name": "KALB-TV", "agency": "KALB-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Sometime between October 2014 and March 2019 the radar disappeared from satellite imagery." }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KATC_(TV) // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2619186 // // https://1079ishot.com/katcs-rob-perillo-gives-vip-tour-from-inside-new-doppler-dome-video/ { "wrd_page": "YkwxZUhScmh4NUdwRUc3ZEZMUlFqUT09", "lat": 30.222822, "lon": -92.055548, "name": "KATC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.katc.com/weather/radars-and-futurecast", "agency": "KATC-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KLFY-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1108689 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.220064, "lon": -92.065952, "name": "KLFY-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.klfy.com/weather/", "agency": "KLFY-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KTBS-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1947431 // // https://www.ktbs.com/news/arklatex-indepth/doppler-radar-1-million-watts-of-power-to-track-storms-in-the-arklatex/article_131936d4-78ba-11e9-ba5b-6737f8ccc060.html // Example: // https://twitter.com/ktbs/status/1019582673029943298 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.689802, "lon": -93.936210, "name": "KTBS-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.ktbs.com/weather/mega-3-radar/", "agency": "KTBS-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3821769 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.529389, "lon": -92.012065, "name": "University of Louisiana Monroe", "imagery_url": "http://wxdata.geos.ulm.edu/ULMradar/loops.html", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "University of Louisiana Monroe", "edu": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The range of this radar is based on the size of the circle on the radar imagery. Radar returns extend further in each corner of the image. At times, we have also seen the range of this radar seem to only extend about 135km based on radar returns." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WDSU // // They built a radar in either late 2015 or early 2016. The // old radar had been about 25 meters south and was either // torn down or moved. WMO Radar Database page for old radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/dUk2aEVBWmtsQlM3TFBrK21NUFVWQT09 // // Tweet from August 31st, 2021 indicates they do use the // radar, even if not on their website: // https://twitter.com/MargaretOrr/status/1432774793489752066 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.950223, "lon": -89.957896, "name": "WDSU-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wdsu.com/weather", "agency": "WDSU-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Maine // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "ME": [ { // WMO: Caribou // NOAA Site: Caribou // NEXRAD List: HOULTON // WUnderground: Caribou "wrd_page": "cXl3N3ZLOXlrNTZNN0dDUWo3d2JIdz09", "lat": 46.039263, "lon": -67.806529, "name": "Caribou", "alt_name": "Houlton", "imagery_id": "cbw", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Portland, Me // NOAA Site: Portland // NEXRAD List: PORTLAND // WUnderground: Portland-Gray // // Eventually the radar tower will need to be higher. // // https://www.wmtw.com/article/national-weather-service-gray-radar-blockage/37809293 // https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/weather/weather-blog/weather-radar-blocked-trees/97-28b256a1-cf5d-4397-8cc7-5f831975840c // https://wgme.com/news/local/tall-trees-interfering-with-nws-radar // https://www.wmtw.com/article/an-inside-look-at-the-national-weather-service-radar-in-gray/25364048 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "K3VCM2RDVjZobHl6NWZja0pjdUNVQT09", "lat": 43.891364, "lon": -70.256510, "name": "Portland", "imagery_id": "gyx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Maryland // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "MD": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.695322, "lon": -76.844992, "name": "Andrews AFB", "imagery_id": "adw", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.089629, "lon": -76.630171, "name": "Baltimore / Washington International", "imagery_id": "bwi", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WJLA-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1943747 // // Old radar images: // https://wjla.com/newschannel-8/doppler-radar // https://twitter.com/JacquiJerasTV/status/517291509570215936 // // Facebook post from 2020 from a meteologist there uses // NWS site in an image, but maybe they still use theirs // on air. // https://www.facebook.com/1594729454138404/photos/a.1595094797435203/2700675356877136/ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "T2Rra2dLWVFGS0lkT2tCc0I0MVE3dz09", "lat": 38.943960, "lon": -76.775255, "name": "WJLA-TV", "imagery_url": "https://wjla.com/weather", "agency": "WJLA-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "We're unsure if this radar is still active. A page here, that is no longer in use on their website, had radar imagery from their own radar and it is dated August 31st, 2015. Their normal weather page has the standard interactive radar map that many TV stations across the country use.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WJZ-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147284 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 08/21/2022 // Cancellation: 11/13/2018 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.334490, "lon": -76.652277, "name": "WJZ-TV", "imagery_url": "https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/category/weather/", "agency": "WJZ-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // As of 2020, still active with Fox (WTTG): // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2679019 // // Howard University Beltsville Campus // // "Curriculum Vitae" document downloaded here: // https://isearch.asu.edu/profile/3692921/ // Says: "Negotiated a Doppler Radar transfer from the // local Fox affiliate to the Howard University North // campus - valued at $2M." // // Article on Howard University's website mentions radar: // https://ncas.howard.edu/news/the-howard-university-program-in-atmospheric-sciences-hupas-a-program-exemplifying-diversity-and-opportunity/ // If not available, try: // https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258663169_The_Howard_University_Program_in_Atmospheric_Sciences_HUPAS_A_Program_Exemplifying_Diversity_and_Opportunity // // PDF file here says radar is C-band: // https://www.gruan.org/gruan/editor/documents/meetings/lindenberg/pres/GIM_S02_Demoz_1.pdf // // A Washington Post article from May 2014 mentioned that // WTTG had a radar at the time in College Park: // https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/weather-forecasters-fire-up-their-radar-to-probe-the-skies-in-search-of-storm-info/2014/05/31/5a794fb2-e73f-11e3-a86b-362fd5443d19_story.html // College Park is about 9km from this radar, so we don't // know if they were talking about this one or another radar // WTTG might own. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "Z2hZSjZ1NjRlOExWRDhzNnN1ZFBBZz09", "lat": 39.056890, "lon": -76.875092, "name": "WTTG-TV / Howard University Beltsville Campus", "imagery_url": "https://www.fox5dc.com/weather", "agency": "WTTG-TV / Howard University Beltsville Campus", "usa_tv": 1, // "edu": 1, // "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database says that this is WTTG's radar, a local Fox affiliate. As of 2020, Fox still had an active license from the FCC to operated this radar. This radar is on land at the Howard University Beltsville Campus. A \"Curriculum Vitae\" document downloaded from the page here says \"Negotiated a Doppler Radar transfer from the local Fox affiliate to the Howard University North campus - valued at $2M.\". An article here from February 2012, mentions the Beltsville Campus having a Doppler radar. A PDF file here says the radar is a C-band radar. For now, we continue to list this as WTTG's radar.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "WkZ2NnZPd0UwWmgwWm9WcjBubEVqQT09", "lat": 39.001268, "lon": -76.961767, "name": "WUSA-TV", "agency": "WUSA-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Even though the tower still exists as of May 2022, sometime between October 2017 and April 2018 the dome was removed. It may be lying in pieces on the ground." }, ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Massachusetts // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "MA": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "cExFY3VBR2hWbzJYeHQrZVlrdnZlUT09", "lat": 41.955873, "lon": -71.136965, "name": "Boston", "imagery_id": "box", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.158265, "lon": -70.933429, "name": "Boston", "imagery_id": "bos", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WBZ-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2499553 // // Photo: // https://twitter.com/ericfisher/status/687704305269358592 { "wrd_page": "akhLWnh6aFN5SXFHaGZ6QWxjeklBUT09", "lat": 42.271815, "lon": -71.871071, "name": "WBZ-TV", "imagery_url": "https://boston.cbslocal.com/category/weather/", "agency": "WBZ-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WCVB-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2361657 { "wrd_page": "dG56V0M3V2xTUDFUUzJBUnMyWFBTUT09", "lat": 42.244394, "lon": -71.517323, "name": "WCVB-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wcvb.com/weather", "agency": "WCVB-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WWLP // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2552707 // // Photo: // https://www.facebook.com/WWLP22News/photos/a.10150723903414099/10158203325529099/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.084751, "lon": -72.703978, "name": "WWLP-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wwlp.com/weather/interactive-radars/", "agency": "WWLP-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "The location of this radar is a little uncertain. Based on coordinates from the FCC, and other information, this radar is on Provin Mountain. The only thing that looks like a radar is a small dome on top of what might be the older transmitter tower. That tower is what we use for coordinates. We viewed imagery from Microsoft Bing's \"bird's eye\" imagery for close-up imagery at this location. You can also view a picture here.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Michigan // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "MI": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Detroit // NOAA Site: Detroit // NEXRAD List: DETROIT // WUnderground: Detroit-Pontiac { "wrd_page": "MFhrTG0yRytvbmdBZGdrNEJZN29TUT09", "lat": 42.699968, "lon": -83.471809, "name": "Detroit", "imagery_id": "dtx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.111351, "lon": -83.514982, "name": "Detroit", "imagery_id": "dtw", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "ZHBGTERYZjdjVE9CN08xQW9kOGkyZz09", "lat": 44.907119, "lon": -84.719816, "name": "Gaylord", "imagery_id": "apx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Grand Rapids // NOAA Site: Grand Rapids/Muskegon // NEXRAD List: GRAND RAPIDS // WUnderground: Grand Rapids { "wrd_page": "S2dUcVdPc2N2WUlvY0FUdUJmNVJzUT09", "lat": 42.893895, "lon": -85.544930, "name": "Grand Rapids / Muskegon", "imagery_id": "grr", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "c3Z5SjVDU2Z6elJBcHRzMkkyVG9TQT09", "lat": 46.531144, "lon": -87.548461, "name": "Marquette", "imagery_id": "mqt", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WILX-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2546931 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.662270, "lon": -84.549402, "name": "WILX-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wilx.com/weather/", "agency": "WILX-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WJRT-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2527555 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.230918, "lon": -84.058621, "name": "WJRT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.abc12.com/weather/", "agency": "WJRT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WLNS-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1934234 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.788371, "lon": -84.676349, "name": "WLNS-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wlns.com/forecast/", "agency": "WLNS-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WNEM-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2370124 { "wrd_page": "MnE4ZFlWS25wclZQTm5pUGdSWjk3UT09", "lat": 43.539313, "lon": -84.056243, "name": "WNEM-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wnem.com/weather/", "agency": "WNEM-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WOTV // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WOOD-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2448503 // // FCC license mentions WOTV, but WOOD seems to be the one // that has a news division. Both are owned by same // company. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.570878, "lon": -85.469165, "name": "WOTV-TV / WOOD-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.woodtv.com/weather/radar-and-satellite/", "agency": "WOTV-TV / WOOD-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Minnesota // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "MN": [ { "wrd_page": "TG01a2xRWDFaL3JvNWpqcmdWME5QUT09", "lat": 46.836899, "lon": -92.209774, "name": "Duluth", "imagery_id": "dlh", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "UXY5OE4yY0Iyb2tOZGlNNVoxalEwUT09", "lat": 44.848815, "lon": -93.565520, "name": "Minneapolis", "imagery_id": "mpx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.871429, "lon": -92.932818, "name": "Minneapolis", "imagery_id": "msp", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "TWFGakVtMm9LaDBGUzhCV2hkU3BnUT09", "lat": 44.797554, "lon": -93.256120, "name": "KARE-TV", "agency": "KARE-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Sometime between September 2013 and October 2014 the dome was removed. Sometime between March 2016 and April 2017 the tower was taken down." }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "N3E3U1ZTQTg2OTF2THphZ2pUU1ZHZz09", "lat": 45.132298, "lon": -93.095653, "name": "WCCO-TV", "agency": "WCCO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Even though the tower still exists as of August 2021, sometime between August 2015 and March 2016 the dome was removed." } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Mississippi // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "MS": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Jackson/Brandon, Ms // NOAA Site: Brandon/Jackson // NEXRAD List: JACKSON BRANDON // WUnderground: Brandon { "wrd_page": "cHNrOElTOXhEMi9NNTBLTmhpaEpYQT09", "lat": 32.279816, "lon": -89.984461, "name": "Jackson / Brandon", "imagery_id": "dgx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Columbus Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Columbus Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: COLUMBUS AFB // WUnderground: Columbus AFB { "wrd_page": "SEd2MU1sNG01aGl4S2UxQWt2TWRNZz09", "lat": 33.896925, "lon": -88.329236, "name": "Columbus AFB", "imagery_id": "gwx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WLBT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1943445 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.290971, "lon": -90.179871, "name": "WLBT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wlbt.com/weather/", "agency": "WLBT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WLOX // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147443 // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@30.3933655,-88.999614,3a,15y,314.08h,110.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBu5R-iKoW7KWaQXCJwccuQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.393977, "lon": -89.000343, "name": "WLOX-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wlox.com/weather/", "agency": "WLOX-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Missouri // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "MO": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Pleasant Hill // NOAA Site: Kansas City/Pleasant Hill // NEXRAD List: KANSAS CITY // WUnderground: Kansas City { "wrd_page": "bVlVTjA0VlBKeEhZMkt3eGJRdW80QT09", "lat": 38.810240, "lon": -94.264474, "name": "Kansas City", "alt_name": "Pleasant Hill", "imagery_id": "eax", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.498515, "lon": -94.742086, "name": "Kansas City", "imagery_id": "mci", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "N0VVZjMxdysraE9ZVjVqWk9rSUdGZz09", "lat": 37.235216, "lon": -93.400430, "name": "Springfield", "imagery_id": "sgf", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "dHpZRkhNZDVNcjJScXZLT1VIMm5pZz09", "lat": 38.698686, "lon": -90.682877, "name": "St. Louis", "imagery_id": "lsx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.805392, "lon": -90.489029, "name": "St. Louis", "imagery_id": "stl", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KCTV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147479 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.813919, "lon": -94.572250, "name": "KCTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kctv5.com/weather/", "agency": "KCTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KFVS-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1124071 // // On top of building: // https://www.google.com/maps/@37.3067529,-89.5205852,3a,15y,236.74h,118.96t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4LOU8eFohefCUFSSbLYY7Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.306384, "lon": -89.521268, "name": "KFVS-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kfvs12.com/weather/", "agency": "KFVS-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KSNF // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147420 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.025142, "lon": -94.388429, "name": "KSNF-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.fourstateshomepage.com/weather/", "agency": "KSNF-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KYTV_(TV_station) // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147738 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.174000, "lon": -92.944823, "name": "KYTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.ky3.com/weather/", "agency": "KYTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // Info: // https://missouriepscor.org/about/videos/mizzou-radar // https://cafnr.missouri.edu/2015/02/closing-a-radar-gap/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.907131, "lon": -92.267676, "name": "University of Missouri", "imagery_url": "http://weather.missouri.edu/radar/MZZU.html", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "University of Missouri / Missouri EPSCoR", "edu": 1, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "You can learn more about this radar here and here." + usaNonGovRadarNote } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Montana // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "MT": [ { "wrd_page": "RlozaXhHcVl0SWtpYkpEL2tPdWpDdz09", "lat": 45.853783, "lon": -108.606813, "name": "Billings", "imagery_id": "blx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "VVcwZ25mVUZCVUJHWDZjdStkZzRqUT09", "lat": 48.206465, "lon": -106.624912, "name": "Glasgow", "imagery_id": "ggw", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "ZUZmSkpiSC94MTdZYlBkSTIvRGtyQT09", "lat": 47.459656, "lon": -111.385328, "name": "Great Falls", "imagery_id": "tfx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "djlxWFprNjVqUzFPSFFyTUpRbDJkUT09", "lat": 47.041022, "lon": -113.986225, "name": "Missoula", "imagery_id": "msx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Nebraska // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NE": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Grand Island // NOAA Site: Hastings // NEXRAD List: HASTINGS // WUnderground: Hastings { "wrd_page": "VTkyd0RtYndQWE1CQjdDZWZHdWJ0Zz09", "lat": 40.320896, "lon": -98.441984, "name": "Hastings / Grand Island", "imagery_id": "uex", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "OHcyMHMzQ25uWEREZ2dVNjREaWVaQT09", "lat": 41.957869, "lon": -100.576258, "name": "North Platte", "imagery_id": "lnx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Omaha // NOAA Site: Omaha // NEXRAD List: OMAHA // WUnderground: Omaha-Valley { "wrd_page": "dFhLVGdvTmE3VnI4bSthdHhOTmRkUT09", "lat": 41.320307, "lon": -96.366801, "name": "Omaha", "imagery_id": "oax", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KETV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2925469 // Old radar image from 2012: // https://web.archive.org/web/20120301233447/http://images.ibsys.com/oma/images/weather/auto/radar_640x480.jpg { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.308864, "lon": -96.027947, "name": "KETV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.ketv.com/liveradar", "agency": "KETV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "We link to a live stream of their radar. They have an interactive display too, but that doesn't contain their radar data." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KMTV-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1122816 // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KMTV-TV // // Old image from radar: // https://web.archive.org/web/20080816065658/http://kmtv.images.worldnow.com/images/incoming/Radar-10.jpg { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.208323, "lon": -96.079563, "name": "KMTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.3newsnow.com/weather", "agency": "KMTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WOWT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2435859 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.311770, "lon": -96.026009, "name": "WOWT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wowt.com/weather/", "agency": "WOWT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Nevada // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NV": [ { "wrd_page": "SjZ3eWpwOVd3ZytKWHZZVVRWOEttdz09", "lat": 40.739739, "lon": -116.802692, "name": "Elko", "imagery_id": "lrx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "REtqalhzVldYcjlDOThPMW5iRzhIdz09", "lat": 35.701337, "lon": -114.891620, "name": "Las Vegas", "imagery_id": "esx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.143562, "lon": -115.007293, "name": "Las Vegas", "imagery_id": "las", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "NUI2aENaQ0JoaE1kVUVrR21vN3d1UT09", "lat": 39.754142, "lon": -119.462048, "name": "Reno", "imagery_id": "rgx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // ------------------------------------------------------------- // // U.S. Navy // // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Possible picture: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOLCHYT0ZidIb12A3J25zz8YY925GaQRub51ybP=w2048 // From: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Naval+Aviation+Warfare+Development+Command+(NAWDC)/@39.4207043,-118.7132104,41a,22.1y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOLCHYT0ZidIb12A3J25zz8YY925GaQRub51ybP!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOLCHYT0ZidIb12A3J25zz8YY925GaQRub51ybP%3Dw114-h86-k-no!7i2048!8i1536!4m5!3m4!1s0x809886d9cdd8213d:0x3e782d16421ba5cd!8m2!3d39.4207035!4d-118.7126271 // Another object nearby (39.416913 -118.705066) with no // clear picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Fallon+Station,+NV/@39.4091501,-118.7254339,3a,15y,63.9h,89.78t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s5nIGR7vLi1b8MDO5tBMI2w!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D5nIGR7vLi1b8MDO5tBMI2w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D41.101284%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x0:0xc9302ed78872108e!2zMznCsDI1JzEwLjkiTiAxMTjCsDQzJzE2LjYiVw!3b1!8m2!3d39.419682!4d-118.721283!3m4!1s0x80987e52b224268d:0x46a354e0661fd641!8m2!3d39.416154!4d-118.7139702 // Even worse view: // https://www.google.com/maps/@39.4166388,-118.7254781,3a,15y,87.6h,89.79t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sfxQEarsq9HTsat8w4X41BQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DfxQEarsq9HTsat8w4X41BQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D270.24658%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.420962, "lon": -118.713256, "name": "Naval Air Station Fallon", "imagery_url": "https://www.metoc.navy.mil/fwcn/fwcn.html#!/swr.html", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "U.S. Navy", "secondary": 1, "usa_gov_other": 1, "window_content": "The location of the Fallon Supplemental Weather Radar (SWR) is uncertain. We chose a tower at the Naval Air Station that could be the radar based on being close to the center of the imagery. There is a picture here from 2004. A PDF here has imagery from 2005 for this radar site, so the radar existed at least since then and it's possible the tower we chose is the radar. There are other possibilities and the radar could be somewhere else nearby." } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // New Jersey // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NJ": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.593574, "lon": -74.270301, "name": "Newark", "imagery_id": "ewr", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WNYW // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2942944 { "wrd_page": "Y3BDQ2FiZzhxelNMOUQ4bTlIalBPZz09", "lat": 40.604863, "lon": -74.559303, "name": "WNYW-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.fox5ny.com/weather", "agency": "WNYW-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // New Mexico // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NM": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "NHcwWkJCUFVEbU5MN3lIU1hZWkJ1Zz09", "lat": 35.149755, "lon": -106.823966, "name": "Albuquerque", "imagery_id": "abx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Cannon Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Cannon Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: CANNON AFB // WUnderground: Clovis { "wrd_page": "SG04V1F5QUdqMW45Z29ZM2NWTkRTQT09", "lat": 34.634022, "lon": -103.618935, "name": "Clovis", "alt_name": "Cannon AFB", "imagery_id": "fdx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Holloman AFB (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Holloman Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: HOLLOMAN AFB // WUnderground: Alamogordo { "wrd_page": "b1NOS3pxY2ZiVDcrdEhoaG5sR25tZz09", "lat": 33.077011, "lon": -106.120077, "name": "Alamogordo", "alt_name": "Holloman AFB", "imagery_id": "hdx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KOAT-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147345 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.056092, "lon": -106.845257, "name": "KOAT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.koat.com/weather", "agency": "KOAT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // New York // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NY": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "TzJNcVVXRCsyTHdSRWc2T25mYVNGZz09", "lat": 42.586522, "lon": -74.063987, "name": "Albany", "imagery_id": "enx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "RlE1alM3ZnRraFZJZFNIRCtnV0c3Zz09", "lat": 42.199713, "lon": -75.984719, "name": "Binghamton", "imagery_id": "bgm", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "aFJKM0JKY3pyRHlDS1UrOUVvcmp0dz09", "lat": 42.948781, "lon": -78.736784, "name": "Buffalo", "imagery_id": "buf", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Ft Drum (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Montague // NEXRAD List: FORT DRUM // WUnderground: Montague { "wrd_page": "R3NEenNqaTZyUENrK0VaR1RPaDdYQT09", "lat": 43.755650, "lon": -75.679887, "name": "Watertown", "alt_name": "Fort Drum", "imagery_id": "tyx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Brookhaven // NOAA Site: Upton // NEXRAD List: NEW YORK CITY // WUnderground: New York City { "wrd_page": "NnVPVkJDb291Tk9LL2ZWbkJodlhvdz09", "lat": 40.865546, "lon": -72.863910, "name": "New York City", "alt_name": "Upton", "imagery_id": "okx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.588859, "lon": -73.880309, "name": "New York City (JFK)", "imagery_id": "jfk", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WCBS-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2720958 // // https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265198714_Lincoln_Laboratory_Redeployment_of_the_New_York_TDWR_Technical_Analysis_of_Candidate_Sites_and_Alternative_Wind_Shear_Sensors // https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/armstrongpapers/2010/11/10/alpine-new-jersey-my-recent-visit/ // http://nparc.org/2006/Armstrong/armstrongtower.htm // http://w2dtc.com/2009-0814-w2a-page.htm // https://www.cscmgt.net/tower.php { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "bVF6ZUVXaHhZYklJUEM5T1I1YWszZz09", "lat": 40.961244, "lon": -73.922918, "name": "WCBS-TV", "imagery_url": "https://newyork.cbslocal.com/category/weather/", "agency": "WCBS-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WIVB-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1114516 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.953729, "lon": -78.877612, "name": "WIBV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wivb.com/weather/current-radar/", "agency": "WIBV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "We link to their current radar page, which might contain data from their radar. They also have an interactive weather radar page from The Weather Company like many other stations." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WNYT_(TV) // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2597703 // // Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@42.785196,-73.6288344,3a,75y,0.94h,105.17t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYK4g_ZP3uLrfoGIxfd120Q!2e0!7i3328!8i1664 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.785812, "lon": -73.628927, "name": "WNYT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://wnyt.com/weather/", "agency": "WNYT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WRGB // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1941148 // // About: // https://cbs6albany.com/newsletter-daily/history-of-the-cbs6-instant-doppler-weather-radar { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.813191, "lon": -73.891428, "name": "WRGB-TV", "imagery_url": "https://cbs6albany.com/weather", "agency": "WRGB-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WSYR-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147655 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.944615, "lon": -76.025002, "name": "WSYR-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.localsyr.com/weather/doppler-radar/", "agency": "WSYR-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "You can also view a live stream of their radar here." + usaNonGovRadarNote } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // North Carolina // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NC": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.337360, "lon": -80.885057, "name": "Charlotte", "imagery_id": "clt", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // WMO: Morehead City // NOAA Site: Newport/Morehead // NEXRAD List: MOREHEAD CITY // WUnderground: Morehead City { "wrd_page": "MmNkK3B6cXFra2ZGQklYVmVyVFFSZz09", "lat": 34.775948, "lon": -76.876194, "name": "Morehead City", "alt_name": "Newport", "imagery_id": "mhx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Raleigh/Durham // NOAA Site: Raleigh/Durham // NEXRAD List: RALEIGH DURHAM // WUnderground: Raleigh-Durham { "wrd_page": "REE3ayswVnk3aVFSUGpOQWRIa2kzdz09", "lat": 35.665497, "lon": -78.489786, "name": "Raleigh / Durham", "imagery_id": "rax", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.002078, "lon": -78.697310, "name": "Raleigh", "imagery_id": "rdu", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "b0RtYU5rdWI4L0N0a0N2NWxSVXoxQT09", "lat": 33.989163, "lon": -78.429106, "name": "Wilmington", "imagery_id": "ltx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WITN-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147625 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 12/27/2014 // Cancellation: 12/03/2014 // // Their station moved from the location that the radar is // at. The previous building was torn down in 2017 or 2018. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.517220, "lon": -77.093024, "name": "WITN-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.witn.com/weather/", "agency": "WITN-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "Their station moved from the location that the radar is at. The previous building was torn down in 2017 or 2018. As of April 2022, it was still there. However, the license expired in 2014 and we couldn't find an updated one when we looked in October 2022.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WRAL-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147250 { "wrd_page": "Wk54WmdLaHo2RHgwc1MwbEFaZUJDQT09", "lat": 35.677076, "lon": -78.525975, "name": "WRAL-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wral.com/weather/page/8106570/", "agency": "WRAL-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "When we checked their radar page, we couldn't determine which radar, or radars, their imagery was coming from. A link below their radar imagery, \"WATCH: DUALDoppler 5000 radar livestream\", also contained radar data in a live video stream. While the animation includes a rotating line that usually makes it easy to see where the radar is coming from, the NWS radar is only about 3.5km away from the WRAL radar. It seemed that the line was rotating around where the NWS radar is. A message on that page said \"Livestream from WRAL's DUALDoppler5000 and Fayetteville Doppler radars. Video switches every 15 seconds between Central and Eastern North Carolina, Wake County and Sandhills areas.\" A video here, from when their radar was upgraded, indicates they call their Doppler radar \"DUALDoppler5000\". It might be that their website may have both, or either one, at times." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WSOC-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147468 // // Video about radar: // https://www.wsoctv.com/video/archive/new-radar-tells-you-first-when-storms-are-coming-charlotte/GXGZPRLZXEKUWVZQLHYZBZWSAU/ // // They previously had one at 35.243275N 80.825232W. (their // station) It was removed in either 2017 or 2018. The // license for that one was here: // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1109440 { "wrd_page": "ai90MHkwWnJta0d5NzVIZTlBNnJuQT09", "lat": 35.226698, "lon": -80.638090, "name": "WSOC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wsoctv.com/weather/", "agency": "WSOC-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "To view their radar data, click on the \"Layers\" icon in the bottom right corner on their interactive radar. Then click the layer \"Local Radar\" in the layers section. When we checked this radar on February 7th, 2022, the radar data was old. Only the time is noted, not the date, so we weren't sure how old the data was at that time." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTVD // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147399 { "wrd_page": "U3lXblpNV3JZOWlVcHpoeG9PQjJGZz09", "lat": 35.669460, "lon": -78.531938, "name": "WTVD-TV", "imagery_url": "https://abc11.com/weather/", "agency": "WTVD-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WXII-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2931926 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 07/25/2017 // Cancellation: 06/13/2017 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.122830, "lon": -80.262580, "name": "WXII-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wxii12.com/weather", "agency": "WXII-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // North Dakota // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "ND": [ { "wrd_page": "U0RHNjZCRUkzSnUrL0RsdWVPdkNxZz09", "lat": 46.770933, "lon": -100.760553, "name": "Bismarck", "imagery_id": "bis", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Fargo/Grand Forks // NOAA Site: Grand Forks // NEXRAD List: GRAND FORKS // WUnderground: Fargo-Grand Forks { "wrd_page": "eUVYTXpzN2hjbVRSaXJWSkMwR1UwQT09", "lat": 47.527919, "lon": -97.325491, "name": "Grand Forks / Fargo", "imagery_id": "mvx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Minot AFB (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Minot Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: MINOT AFB // WUnderground: Minot AFB { "wrd_page": "SHBDcEZhd3YxMEY4NVN1MjUzY2Fmdz09", "lat": 48.393030, "lon": -100.864539, "name": "Minot AFB", "imagery_id": "mbx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ohio // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "OH": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "b1NNaTRxdDg1bWdHNWdXOTdHalVvQT09", "lat": 41.413188, "lon": -81.859745, "name": "Cleveland", "imagery_id": "cle", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.289791, "lon": -82.007569, "name": "Cleveland", "imagery_id": "lve", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.005660, "lon": -82.715130, "name": "Columbus", "imagery_id": "cmh", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // WMO: Cincinnati // NOAA Site: Wilmington // (Dayton and Cincinnati also in // dropdown box) // NEXRAD List: CINCINNATI // WUnderground: Cincinnati { "wrd_page": "ckFBdWxlY0VGTFRGTENDSktkamJXQT09", "lat": 39.420246, "lon": -83.821635, "name": "Dayton / Cincinnati", "alt_name": "Wilmington", "imagery_id": "iln", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.022131, "lon": -84.123126, "name": "Dayton", "imagery_id": "day", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WCPO-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2538402 // // A website here mentions an upgrade and it was dated in 2020: // https://sportysacademy.com/august-31-2020/ { "wrd_page": "eWZXYUhMU2dUZ0J3MUFHYk5XRUNSZz09", "lat": 39.076463, "lon": -84.207067, "name": "WCPO-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wcpo.com/weather", "agency": "WCPO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "They also seem to have a radar on their transmission tower which we also include on our map.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WCPO-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146638 // // From another FCC license granted in 2012, and effective in // 2015, and now extended to 2032, WCPO seems to have another // radar on or around their transmission tower: // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146638 // We don't know if it might be a small one perhaps on their // transmission tower, which might be something you can see // in Microsoft bird's eye imagery, or another small white // dome closer to ground level. (39.124700N 84.498708W) // Wikipedia indicates that maybe it doesn't, without a // source. (that might be the tower with no dome) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.125107, "lon": -84.498918, "name": "WCPO-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wcpo.com/weather", "agency": "WCPO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "From a FCC license granted in 2012, and effective in 2015, and now extended to 2032, WCPO seems to have another radar on their transmission tower about two-thirds of the way up, which is something you can see in Microsoft bird's eye imagery. There is what seems to be an old tower, that might have had a radar, about 60 meters away, but it has no dome on it. About 10 meters from that there is a dome, but we don't know if that is a radar. We chose the object on the transmission tower because the height listed at the FCC is 277 meters.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WDTN // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2627533 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.717948, "lon": -84.256100, "name": "WDTN-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wdtn.com/weather/map-center/", "agency": "WDTN-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WHIO-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1124802 // // Video: // https://www.whio.com/videos/news/check-out-live-doppler-7-radar/vDqgBB/ // https://www.whio.com/videos/news/drone-video-live-doppler-7-radar/vDqgXF/ // News story from 2018: // https://www.whio.com/news/local/live-doppler-radar-theonlylocal-radar-that-warns-you-faster-saves-lives/xxSwjIxDoB42Z09wUchQSK/ // // The Wikipedia article says: "The radar was used in every // weathercast and, for several years, on the station's // website, but, though retaining the "Live Doppler 7" name // on-air, WHIO discontinued operation of its radar in June // 2021." // // We have not found the source of that information so we // still continue to list this radar. // // We only found one tweet here that also mentions it: // https://twitter.com/BrianConard/status/1406221376298573824 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "Q0czak5Mbk5OMmRvU2pNMS9icWt4Zz09", "lat": 39.734127, "lon": -84.248350, "name": "WHIO-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.whio.com/weather/", "agency": "WHIO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WKYC // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1986692 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 05/02/2021 // Cancellation: 04/28/2021 // First Use: 05/02/2001 // // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/@41.3855037,-81.684768,3a,15.1y,269.42h,96.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5f9vFRD7BdAKsv8F1l0tTw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 // https://www.fybush.com/site-of-the-week-462012-clevelands-seven-hillsparma-tower-farm-revisited/ // https://www.necrat.us/wkyc.html { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "Wnp2cG0ySEU2bUNtYXlIaTNGc0x4Zz09", "lat": 41.385438, "lon": -81.688987, "name": "WKYC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wkyc.com/radar", "agency": "WKYC-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WKYC // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146524 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 08/26/2012 // Cancellation: 10/27/2012 // First Use: 08/26/1992 // // Pictures and video: // https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WKYC_weather_beacon.png // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rl08v1-sgTw // https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/local/cleveland/al-roker-tower-wkyc-channel-3/95-612f2f2f-ac70-48df-80b2-57ace2583ab8 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.508519, "lon": -81.688112, "name": "WKYC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wkyc.com/radar", "agency": "WKYC-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTVG // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2807756 { "wrd_page": "ZFNtUGxWS0NLZlRMZUdKekZTcUZrUT09", "lat": 41.683552, "lon": -83.413177, "name": "WTVG-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.13abc.com/weather/", "agency": "WTVG-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Oklahoma // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "OK": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Altus Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Frederick // NEXRAD List: ALTUS AFB // WUnderground: Frederick { "wrd_page": "NDVhUG1zM1hncGpmcjhIbHNILzhKQT09", "lat": 34.362181, "lon": -98.976699, "name": "Frederick", "alt_name": "Altus AFB", "imagery_id": "fdr", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Norman // NOAA Site: Oklahoma City, OK (Norman) // NEXRAD List: OKLAHOMA CITY // WUnderground: Oklahoma City { "wrd_page": "V3lLTHlOTUt5dmpzNWFmSUFCRHBDZz09", "lat": 35.333367, "lon": -97.277820, "name": "Oklahoma City", "alt_name": "Norman", "imagery_id": "tlx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // KCRI - ROC FAA REDUNDANT RDA 1 // // https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/datasets/NEXRAD2/stations/NEXRAD:KCRI/detail // // The start and end date for this radar is 2014-10-31. // // Name: ROC FAA REDUNDANT RDA 1 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.238282, "lon": -97.460270, "name": "Norman (Radar Operations Center)", "imagery_id": "cri", "range": "", "range_unit": "nm", "agency": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "nexrad": 1, "window_content": "This seems to be a redundant FAA radar located at NOAA's Radar Operations Center. I don't know if data is available from this radar. The period of record for this radar site at NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) was for a single day in 2014. An active TDWR site is about 6 km NW of this radar site." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.276080, "lon": -97.509847, "name": "Oklahoma City", // Norman "imagery_id": "okc", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // WMO: Tulsa // NOAA Site: Tulsa // NEXRAD List: TULSA // WUnderground: Tulsa-Inola { "wrd_page": "TnZFaEg2aytjdEZscGsvUWs0T0tTUT09", "lat": 36.175111, "lon": -95.564147, "name": "Tulsa", "imagery_id": "inx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.070532, "lon": -95.826332, "name": "Tulsa", "imagery_id": "tul", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // WMO: Vance Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Vance Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: VANCE AFB // WUnderground: Enid/Vance AFB { "wrd_page": "MGV5NDVqbXRRSVIvV0VHYUlQVDNmZz09", "lat": 36.740595, "lon": -98.127727, "name": "Enid", "alt_name": "Vance AFB", "imagery_id": "vnx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KFOR-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1104776 // // Grant: 11/26/2013 // Expiration: 01/03/2024 // // They had another radar too according to FCC. // // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2714578 // // Grant: 04/28/2015 // Expiration: 05/02/2025 // // Coordinates: 35.201803 -97.600775 // // When checking in February 2022, satellite imagery // indicated the dome on that other radar disappeared // sometime after January 2018. (it was gone by November // 2018 and still gone in September 2020) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.568165, "lon": -97.489848, "name": "KFOR-TV", "imagery_url": "https://kfor.com/weather/", "agency": "KFOR-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // There are two radars for KJRH // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KJRH-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2527593 { "wrd_page": "ZE5Kc1VvZGFDMFZCNnhwK0xYYUVEQT09", "lat": 36.019868, "lon": -95.675310, "name": "KJRH-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kjrh.com/weather", "agency": "KJRH-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KJRH-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1107281 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.109494, "lon": -95.975455, "name": "KJRH-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kjrh.com/weather", "agency": "KJRH-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KOCO-TV // { "wrd_page": "TW9VQjA4bCtocUlXSDdmMHpubHh0QT09", "lat": 35.564189, "lon": -97.488814, "name": "KOCO-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.koco.com/weather", "agency": "KOCO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KOKI-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2964677 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 11/28/2017 // Cancellation: 09/13/2017 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.257355, "lon": -95.990856, "name": "KOKI-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.fox23.com/weather/", "agency": "KOKI-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KOTV-DT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147241 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.021603, "lon": -95.675676, "name": "KOTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.newson6.com/warn-interactive-live-radar", "agency": "KOTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KWTV-DT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147350 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.549629, "lon": -97.495263, "name": "KWTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.news9.com/nextgen-live-radar", "agency": "KWTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KXII // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2826438 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.032498, "lon": -96.800053, "name": "KXII-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kxii.com/weather/", "agency": "KXII-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Oregon // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "OR": [ { "wrd_page": "OHZieCs4eC9KanNCUnozeTBCVGRZdz09", "lat": 42.081088, "lon": -122.717448, "name": "Medford", "imagery_id": "max", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "eStoZDlIY25TTWZsbENxQlFMMWpxUT09", "lat": 45.690604, "lon": -118.852906, "name": "Pendleton", "imagery_id": "pdt", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "WHBpelhJcG1keEt5ZnlMUkRJVTBMZz09", "lat": 45.715030, "lon": -122.965068, "name": "Portland", "imagery_id": "rtx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Pennsylvania // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "PA": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Philadelphia // NOAA Site: Mt. Holly, NJ // NEXRAD List: PHILADELPHIA // WUnderground: Philadelphia // // Radar site is in New Jersey { "wrd_page": "VXRuNDZJOHB3YXJ0cFRtQi8xb3VwUT09", "lat": 39.947049, "lon": -74.410750, "name": "Philadelphia", "alt_name": "Mount Holly, NJ", "imagery_id": "dix", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // Radar site is in New Jersey { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.949223, "lon": -75.069984, "name": "Philadelphia", "imagery_id": "phl", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "WUgvRGFORWlYcit6RTlEd3c1Nmd6Zz09", "lat": 40.531696, "lon": -80.217942, "name": "Pittsburgh", "imagery_id": "pbz", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.501325, "lon": -80.486094, "name": "Pittsburgh", "imagery_id": "pit", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "YnNldXUwVk9NSUtjdzZYMmpoSXVOUT09", "lat": 40.923181, "lon": -78.003738, "name": "State College", "imagery_id": "ccx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDKA-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147272 // // Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@40.4936968,-80.0175755,3a,43.5y,323.18h,140.86t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4L5PL7xQ5e3Jmg0Qy_3nvQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "dTFDOFlDSExISlNzY1FPaWpMd0RtQT09", "lat": 40.493983, "lon": -80.017799, "name": "KDKA-TV", "imagery_url": "https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/category/weather-radars/", "agency": "KDKA-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This is a small radar located on a tower at a broadcast facility. You can view it on Google Street View here.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KYW-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2476449 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.045610, "lon": -75.240903, "name": "KYW-TV", "imagery_url": "https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/category/weather/", "agency": "KYW-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGAL // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147278 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.034383, "lon": -76.617859, "name": "WGAL-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wgal.com/weather", "agency": "WGAL-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WJET-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147600 { "wrd_page": "OGp3OER5VHVxWi8wV0dob3BXVEFNZz09", "lat": 42.040330, "lon": -80.070030, "name": "WJET-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.yourerie.com/weather/", "agency": "WJET-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WNBC // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1126562 // // About: // https://www.nbcnewyork.com/weather/weather-stories/stormtracker-4-the-most-powerful-radar-in-new-york/889305/ // https://www.nj.com/education/2017/02/rutgers_gets_powerful_new_weather_radar_in_nbc_dea.html // https://www.newscaststudio.com/2017/02/01/nbc-new-york-storm-tracker-radar/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.470796, "lon": -74.435628, "name": "WNBC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nbcnewyork.com/weather/", "range": 360.17825, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "WNBC-TV", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaCertainNbcTvStations + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WPVI-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2547704 // // https://6abc.com/philadelphia-news-6abc-drone-6-action/1961790/ { "wrd_page": "VGM0TkdLZzZES2gyb1ZEUEhlc2htdz09", "lat": 40.202339, "lon": -75.080297, "name": "WPVI-TV", "imagery_url": "https://6abc.com/weather/doppler/stormtracker-6---regional-view/", "agency": "WPVI-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WPXI // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147298 { "wrd_page": "R3NWc1RTeGZpWC9ZUU05ay8wcGQwdz09", "lat": 40.293544, "lon": -80.051646, "name": "WPXI-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wpxi.com/weather/", "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.wpxi.com/weather/wpxi-doppler-radar/eacbf5c7-d760-481d-84b1-4115a50548d3/", "agency": "WPXI-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "A live video stream on their website, which we link to as the alternate link, also has radar data. It might be from their radar. Their normal weather page has the standard interactive radar map that many TV stations across the country use.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTAE-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147724 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 06/20/2015 // Cancellation: 09/26/2013 { "wrd_page": "Zk52WHN1TzVGYWZXZVlFYjhKZUNoUT09", "lat": 40.436416, "lon": -79.866806, "name": "WTAE-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wtae.com/weather", "agency": "WTAE-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // South Carolina // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "SC": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "WlI3a3NqTGp1Ry9GMTZneEE4R0Nudz09", "lat": 32.655454, "lon": -81.042269, "name": "Charleston", "imagery_id": "clx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "MklIcTNVRS9Ea2FZOWdZU29pUlp3QT09", "lat": 33.948743, "lon": -81.118313, "name": "Columbia", "imagery_id": "cae", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Greer // NOAA Site: Greer // (Greenville also in dropdown box) // NEXRAD List: GREER // WUnderground: Greenville { "wrd_page": "V0F0SDludVhUSnA0ZnVjb3laek9MUT09", "lat": 34.883301, "lon": -82.219857, "name": "Greenville", "alt_name": "Greer", "imagery_id": "gsp", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WCSC-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147657 // // Photo: // https://www.live5news.com/story/35695622/live-5-news-celebrates-64th-birthday/ // https://www.google.com/maps/@32.8133184,-80.0462827,3a,15y,294.35h,130.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skX4MIT_J4J3TOLvWLbgyMw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 // https://www.live5news.com/story/8893348/about-doppler-radar/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.813557, "lon": -80.046911, "name": "WCSC-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.live5news.com/weather/", "agency": "WCSC-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WIS_(TV) // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147185 // // Likely on top of a building at the coordinates we // selected. // // Likely picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@34.0664088,-80.9136186,3a,15.3y,324.31h,107.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7nZh8Yj2k3zLN_BDNEaCYg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.067769, "lon": -80.914704, "name": "WIS-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wistv.com/weather/", "agency": "WIS-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "The location of this radar is uncertain. The coordinates we selected are about 2.1km from where the FCC license here has this radar at. There is a dome, which you can see here, on a tall building that is likely the radar. The FCC license says this radar is on a building and it seems that the building is about 56 meters tall. That matches well with this building.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // South Dakota // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "SD": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "QmJqSFphSWdGQUduZFBJZ1pIaytOZz09", "lat": 45.455814, "lon": -98.413428, "name": "Aberdeen", "imagery_id": "abr", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "Y2dvalRMdDBoQVA0b1g3ZS9vNUR2dz09", "lat": 44.124870, "lon": -102.829836, "name": "Rapid City", "imagery_id": "udx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "bzFjMFNYWUp1a2VranFPOHk1di9TZz09", "lat": 43.587747, "lon": -96.729367, "name": "Sioux Falls", "imagery_id": "fsd", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KELO-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147323 // FCC says that this is for KDLO-TV and KPLO-TV as well. // (semi-satellite stations) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.158987, "lon": -96.786060, "name": "KELO-TV (Beresford)", "imagery_url": "https://www.keloland.com/weather/interactive-radar/", "agency": "KELO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "To view the data from this particular radar site, select the layers icon in the left corner of the map and click \"Beresford Radar\"." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KELO-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147308 // FCC says that this is for KDLO-TV and KPLO-TV as well. // (semi-satellite stations) // // From 2002: // https://web.archive.org/web/2002*/http://radar.broadcastwebnetwork.com/images/160_Latest.gif { "wrd_page": "ZW56RUYxbEJwVUdCR2N5alZLOUNEQT09", "lat": 44.384848, "lon": -98.218649, "name": "KELO-TV (Huron)", "imagery_url": "https://www.keloland.com/weather/interactive-radar/", "agency": "KELO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "To view the data from this particular radar site, select the layers icon in the left corner of the map and click \"Huron Radar\"." + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KELO-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1168957 // FCC says that this is for KDLO-TV and KPLO-TV as well. // (semi-satellite stations) // // From 2002: // https://web.archive.org/web/2002*/http://radar.broadcastwebnetwork.com/images/159_Latest.gif { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.084752, "lon": -102.315469, "name": "KELO-TV (Wall)", "imagery_url": "https://www.keloland.com/weather/interactive-radar/", "agency": "KELO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "not_available": 1, "window_content": "To view the data from this particular radar site, select the layers icon in the left corner of the map and click \"Wall Radar\".

    " + "When we tried this radar site in September 2021, data was not available for the \"Wall\" radar. We found this radar site by searching satellite imagery for it after viewing older imagery from the archived site here." + usaNonGovRadarNote } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Tennessee // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "TN": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Knoxville // NOAA Site: Knoxville/Tri Cities // (Morristown also in dropdown box) // NEXRAD List: KNOXVILLE // WUnderground: Knoxville { "wrd_page": "TDJmcHhOU0M0VlBpMmtiUlBWVXkwZz09", "lat": 36.168530, "lon": -83.401784, "name": "Knoxville / Tri Cities", "alt_name": "Morristown", "imagery_id": "mrx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "RFZyeElWL1ZEUHc4dnp0MkZFY3BnUT09", "lat": 35.344762, "lon": -89.873384, "name": "Memphis", "imagery_id": "nqa", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.895811, "lon": -89.992692, "name": "Memphis", "imagery_id": "mem", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "U0dsb3JJTllRaEhhRGFmTHNVQVBmdz09", "lat": 36.247245, "lon": -86.562488, "name": "Nashville", "imagery_id": "ohx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.979663, "lon": -86.661702, "name": "Nashville", "imagery_id": "bna", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennessee_Valley_Weather // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1127593 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.254984, "lon": -87.325458, "name": "Tennessee Valley Weather Channel", "imagery_url": "https://www.tnvalleyweather.com/radar", "agency": "Tennessee Valley Weather / Radio 7 Media", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "While the interactive display might not have imagery from this Furuno X-band radar, the page does have a single image available below the interactive display that does. They have a YouTube channel that has a live stream from their weather channel that occasionally displays radar data from this site, as well as others in the region.

    " + "The range of this radar seems to be about 70km based on measuring the range of the radar beam that is drawn on their imagery. A video of this radar being installed in May 2020 is here.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WATN-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2481848 // // Previously had the call letters WPTY. { "wrd_page": "dnF2NitTdTNVR2JJZ05NblhZODFDdz09", "lat": 35.188487, "lon": -89.810428, "name": "WATN-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.localmemphis.com/weather", "agency": "WATN-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This station previously had the call letters WPTY.

    " + usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WREG-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146918 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.181398, "lon": -89.832706, "name": "WREG-TV", "imagery_url": "https://wreg.com/weather/", "agency": "WREG-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WSMV-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1124066 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.920820, "lon": -86.666501, "name": "WSMV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wsmv.com/weather/", "agency": "WSMV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTVF // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1109448 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.267193, "lon": -86.786035, "name": "WTVF-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.newschannel5.com/weather", "agency": "WTVF-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Texas // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "TX": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "RjVGN1Y2aDU1S2xEdGJCVFZGcWpKZz09", "lat": 35.233447, "lon": -101.709315, "name": "Amarillo", "imagery_id": "ama", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Austin/San Antonio // NOAA Site: Austin/San Antonio // NEXRAD List: AUSTIN SAN ANTONIO // WUnderground: Austin-San Antonio { "wrd_page": "U0plM3g1d2NjSzV2QTdrdWkzbDZJQT09", "lat": 29.703947, "lon": -98.028491, "name": "San Antonio", "alt_name": "Austin", "imagery_id": "ewx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "aTdQZUlWSlp5Y0JBdDNHRGtmNnVLUT09", "lat": 25.916008, "lon": -97.418932, "name": "Brownsville", "imagery_id": "bro", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "alFWRnRzUXZrbEs3K1lSMkdWU2Zudz09", "lat": 27.784019, "lon": -97.511249, "name": "Corpus Christi", "imagery_id": "crp", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: DALLAS // NOAA Site: Dallas/Fort Worth // NEXRAD List: DALLAS // WUnderground: Dallas-Fort Worth { "wrd_page": "cXUxTVlZMkhqYkV5d0pzTUpyU3dUZz09", "lat": 32.573010, "lon": -97.303178, "name": "Dallas / Fort Worth", "imagery_id": "fws", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.064795, "lon": -96.918059, "name": "Dallas / Fort Worth", "imagery_id": "dfw", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.925759, "lon": -96.968261, "name": "Dallas Love Field", "imagery_id": "dal", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // WMO: Dyess Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Dyess Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: DYESS AFB // WUnderground: Abilene { "wrd_page": "MGM1LzEvL1k2WFNnR2daQ0hqT0Qydz09", "lat": 32.538601, "lon": -99.254286, "name": "Abilene", "alt_name": "Dyess AFB", "imagery_id": "dyx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: El Paso // NOAA Site: El Paso, TX // NEXRAD List: EL PASO // WUnderground: El_Paso // // Radar site is in New Mexico // // Coordinates are wrong in WMO Radar Database. { "wrd_page": "Nmh2djM5V083ZXRUUHRBS2EwK2MzQT09", "lat": 31.873124, "lon": -106.698014, "name": "El Paso", "alt_name": "Santa Teresa, NM", "imagery_id": "epz", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Ft Hood (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Central Texas // NEXRAD List: FORT HOOD // WUnderground: Killeen { "wrd_page": "Z1k5UkErVm5GMnRmSjB4aVh5UTJPQT09", "lat": 30.721786, "lon": -97.382966, "name": "Killeen", "alt_name": "Fort Hood", "imagery_id": "grk", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Houston // NOAA Site: Houston/Galveston // NEXRAD List: HOUSTON // WUnderground: Houston-Galveston { "wrd_page": "U3VHdVlBemlFN3h5Qi9GR2RjU212UT09", "lat": 29.471906, "lon": -95.078721, "name": "Houston / Galveston", "imagery_id": "hgx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.516344, "lon": -95.241623, "name": "Houston Hobby", "imagery_id": "hou", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.064827, "lon": -95.566994, "name": "Houston International", "imagery_id": "iah", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // WMO: Laughlin Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Laughlin Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: LAUGHLIN AFB // WUnderground: Del Rio { "wrd_page": "RlY5RGhDb05iVFJBeWdnbkFLbFV5Zz09", "lat": 29.273067, "lon": -100.280336, "name": "Del Rio", "alt_name": "Laughlin AFB", "imagery_id": "dfx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "cFk2VXBnR0dLbEUzQWJwbDE0cS85QT09", "lat": 33.654119, "lon": -101.814158, "name": "Lubbock", "imagery_id": "lbb", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Midland/Odessa // NOAA Site: Midland/Odessa // NEXRAD List: MIDLAND ODESSA // WUnderground: Midland-Odessa { "wrd_page": "ZjZWZFdYcjViUGtpYmdGSDQrZ015dz09", "lat": 31.943422, "lon": -102.189256, "name": "Midland / Odessa", "imagery_id": "maf", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "SUpVMWtoVlFIUkM0RGprZStMMnFqZz09", "lat": 31.371279, "lon": -100.492540, "name": "San Angelo", "imagery_id": "sjt", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KBTV-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2461629 // // KBTV used to have a radar at 29.899690N 93.928933W, about // 29km south. Their studios used to be there before they // moved from that location. (they were an NBC affiliate at // the time) The radar disappeared between 2009 and 2010 // based on satellite imagery. The radar at the location we // found appeared between 2010 and 2011. It's possible the // radar dome may have been sitting on the ground near the // new coordinates in 2010. We don't know if they moved the // radar or if it is a new radar. // // Expired FCC license for previous KBTV radar location // (29.899713N 93.928936W): // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2446957 // // Old station burned down. Radar had been at that location: // https://web.archive.org/web/20091103053858/http://www.panews.com/local/local_story_033160832.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.155737, "lon": -93.986435, "name": "KBTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://fox4beaumont.com/weather", "agency": "KBTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KENS // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2618668 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 05/07/2005 // Cancellation: 07/09/2005 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "ejY3alN3RkxFRmF1b2taYVNWRDJ0UT09", "lat": 29.508123, "lon": -98.561291, "name": "KENS-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kens5.com/radar", "agency": "KENS-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KETK-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147252 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.302834, "lon": -95.307146, "name": "KETK-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.ketk.com/weather/", "agency": "KETK-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KEYE-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2496160 { "wrd_page": "ZFlsNmVmSFVKTzRtV0tsdWVISytkUT09", "lat": 30.633939, "lon": -98.061624, "name": "KEYE-TV", "imagery_url": "https://cbsaustin.com/weather/maps", "agency": "KEYE-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KFDA-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1103506 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.292599, "lon": -101.847629, "name": "KFDA-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.newschannel10.com/weather/", "agency": "KFDA-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KLTV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3647885 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.426059, "lon": -95.213062, "name": "KLTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kltv.com/weather/", "agency": "KLTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KRIV_(TV) // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2822247 { "wrd_page": "NHdDY1VRSVNUd0JUNkVyMHRMWHNJZz09", "lat": 29.574042, "lon": -95.488369, "name": "KRIV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.fox26houston.com/weather", "agency": "KRIV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KSWO-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147487 // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147488 // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@34.5924864,-98.3173165,3a,39.9y,277.11h,95.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYWY0pNpneOeYJLegIF8QCw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.592619, "lon": -98.318505, "name": "KSWO-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kswo.com/weather/", "agency": "KSWO-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KTRE // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2546900 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.419088, "lon": -94.801735, "name": "KTRE-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.ktre.com/weather/", "agency": "KTRE-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "QndRV1VqNU1mNXNxWDdPdE1kTlRXQT09", "lat": 29.574026, "lon": -95.474618, "name": "KTRK-TV", "agency": "KTRK-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Sometime between March 2011 and October 2012 the radar disappeared from satellite imagery. However, sometime between that same period a radar appeared in a different location for this TV station. It may have been moved." }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KTRK-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147629 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.634880, "lon": -95.525393, "name": "KTRK-TV", "imagery_url": "https://abc13.com/weather/", "agency": "KTRK-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KTVT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2496159 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.787116, "lon": -97.637614, "name": "KTVT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://dfw.cbslocal.com/category/weather/", "agency": "KTVT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KTXS-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1114524 // // License canceled. // // Expiration: 04/11/2021 // Cancellation: 06/12/2021 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.505824, "lon": -99.755414, "name": "KTXS-TV", "imagery_url": "https://ktxs.com/weather", "agency": "KTXS-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KXAN-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146782 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.283812, "lon": -97.747562, "name": "KXAN-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kxan.com/weather/radar/", "agency": "KXAN-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KXAS-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2741195 // // March 16, 2021 video: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLUel0YpWOM { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.463083, "lon": -96.574861, "name": "KXAS-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nbcdfw.com/weather/", "range": 297.10123, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "KXAS-TV", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaCertainNbcTvStations + usaNonGovRadarNote }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KWTX-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1146869 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.321778, "lon": -97.318428, "name": "KWTX-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kwtx.com/weather/", "agency": "KWTX-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KXXV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147045 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.507227, "lon": -97.155284, "name": "KXXV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.kxxv.com/weather", "agency": "KXXV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.617694, "lon": -96.336630, "name": "Texas A&M University", "name_html": "Texas A&M University", "imagery_url": "https://hdwx.tamu.edu/product.php?productID=258", "range": 260, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Texas A&M University", "agency_html": "Texas A&M University", "edu": 1, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar doesn't always operate. A note at times says:

    " + "\"ADRAD is operational, but not currently scanning. Check again when the weather is interesting!\"

    " + "You can learn more about this radar here. The range for this radar is not shown on our map." + usaNonGovRadarNote } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Utah // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "UT": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "SGR6YXhBODAxMExySjVRaHNFcU83QT09", "lat": 37.591009, "lon": -112.862244, "name": "Cedar City", "imagery_id": "icx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "cVVrWW03Tm0wSk9CQnh4NWRlWUVOUT09", "lat": 41.262784, "lon": -112.447801, "name": "Salt Lake City", "imagery_id": "mtx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.967334, "lon": -111.929759, "name": "Salt Lake City", "imagery_id": "slc", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KUTV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2825839 // // Even though these coordinates are 2.8km from the FCC // coordinates, nothing else is around. The address at the // FCC is only 1.9km away. (9600 West 900 South; // West Warren, UT WEBER County) // // Property record: // https://www3.co.weber.ut.us/psearch/summary.php?id=100390001 // They might lease the land. { "wrd_page": "R21TWkVhYzBNL1pLaGlXT3F5RmtvZz09", "lat": 41.254095, "lon": -112.237344, "name": "KUTV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://kutv.com/weather", "agency": "KUTV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Vermont // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "VT": [ { "wrd_page": "cmZtdzFqUGx3bkx4MTRJTHlZMVpJUT09", "lat": 44.510994, "lon": -73.166424, "name": "Burlington", "imagery_id": "cxx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Virginia // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "VA": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // // WMO: Norfolk // NOAA Site: Wakefield // NEXRAD List: NORFOLK RICH // WUnderground: Norfolk { "wrd_page": "a2xKQ2Zrb2Qza3I3L1o5WTVtcXhsUT09", "lat": 36.984048, "lon": -77.007342, "name": "Norfolk / Richmond", "alt_name": "Wakefield", "imagery_id": "akq", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Roanoke // NOAA Site: Blacksburg // (Roanoke also in dropdown box) // NEXRAD List: ROANOKE // WUnderground: Roanoke { "wrd_page": "QVJhMlNaNURCNmttVjBWa201NTVHZz09", "lat": 37.024421, "lon": -80.273966, "name": "Blacksburg / Roanoke", "imagery_id": "fcx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Sterling // NOAA Site: Sterling // (Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, // Maryland also in dropdown box) // NEXRAD List: STERLING // WUnderground: Sterling { "wrd_page": "a005N3R2c2dmbXh4UTAyVGtpZUY2QT09", "lat": 38.976280, "lon": -77.487603, "name": "Sterling", "alt_name": "Washington, D.C. / Baltimore, Maryland", "imagery_id": "lwx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.083805, "lon": -77.529431, "name": "Washington Dulles", "imagery_id": "iad", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // Radar site is in Maryland { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.759020, "lon": -76.961711, "name": "Washington National", "imagery_id": "dca", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTKR // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1125406 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.816973, "lon": -76.465098, "name": "WTKR-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wtkr.com/weather", "agency": "WTKR-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTVR-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147701 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.720535, "lon": -77.771263, "name": "WTVR-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wtvr.com/weather", "agency": "WTVR-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WWBT // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1123945 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.506771, "lon": -77.502576, "name": "WWBT-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nbc12.com/weather/", "agency": "WWBT-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Washington // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "WA": [ // Not in WMO Radar Database // WMO: N/A // NOAA Site: Langley Hill // NEXRAD List: LANGLEY HILL NW WASHINGTON // WUnderground: Langley Hill { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.116877, "lon": -124.106717, "name": "Langley Hill", "imagery_id": "lgx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Seattle // NOAA Site: Seattle/Tacoma // NEXRAD List: SEATTLE // WUnderground: Seattle-Tacoma { "wrd_page": "aStpdjdXWllIZkVkMGUya2NIMHRPUT09", "lat": 48.194561, "lon": -122.495751, "name": "Seattle / Tacoma", "imagery_id": "atx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "VHpmQmRoUFZlTk4xd2RjZ2t5cFB0QT09", "lat": 47.680383, "lon": -117.626814, "name": "Spokane", "imagery_id": "otx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // West Virginia // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "WV": [ { "wrd_page": "RzlqY1lXWklxZUNKZjVIbldLaVZBdz09", "lat": 38.311076, "lon": -81.722902, "name": "Charleston", "imagery_id": "rlx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Wisconsin // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "WI": [ // // // // NEXRAD or TDWR Radar Sites // // // { "wrd_page": "a2dwaThjMFN4WVl3eHh0V1BETFJTZz09", "lat": 44.498583, "lon": -88.111274, "name": "Green Bay", "imagery_id": "grb", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "Nm15TjFmUzVkaFdENW8vTjRsRm5CUT09", "lat": 43.822787, "lon": -91.191243, "name": "La Crosse", "imagery_id": "arx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "MStGUnVGSzJlbHVuc0FnRVdvYVZ3QT09", "lat": 42.967829, "lon": -88.550634, "name": "Milwaukee", "imagery_id": "mkx", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.819546, "lon": -88.046382, "name": "Milwaukee", "imagery_id": "mke", "range": 225, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": faaAgencyName, "usa_tdwr": 1 }, // // // // Other Radar Sites // // // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WBAY-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147662 // // The Wikipedia article mentions that they had a radar on // top of their station until 2015. That might possibly be // seen in Google Street View imagery: // https://www.google.com/maps/@44.5126515,-88.0120791,3a,15y,261.39h,106.75t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1saFH4eLao1NihclEPuJOPLA!2e0!5s20120701T000000!7i13312!8i6656 // Possible very old radar images from it: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX-g_6JTA3k // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGqPd5_oS-c // This one is different. { "wrd_page": "TDR4QXE5RXp3T3FHbUo5a0IyT093UT09", "lat": 44.512689, "lon": -88.163029, "name": "WBAY-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wbay.com/weather/", "agency": "WBAY-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WEAU // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1147761 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.799688, "lon": -91.466411, "name": "WEAU-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.weau.com/weather/", "agency": "WEAU-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WFRV-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2651090 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.296942, "lon": -88.317893, "name": "WFRV-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.wearegreenbay.com/weather/", "agency": "WFRV-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGBA-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2727106 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.490873, "lon": -88.092237, "name": "WGBA-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.nbc26.com/weather", "agency": "WGBA-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WITI_(TV) // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1126099 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.180767, "lon": -87.963969, "name": "WITI-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.fox6now.com/weather", "agency": "WITI-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTMJ-TV // https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=1123982 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.090161, "lon": -87.901369, "name": "WTMJ-TV", "imagery_url": "https://www.tmj4.com/weather", "agency": "WTMJ-TV", "usa_tv": 1, "window_content": usaTvStationsDefaultWindowContent } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Wyoming // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "WY": [ { "wrd_page": "VVp4K0tJSUJZT0dPU0RmL1o4Z2NlZz09", "lat": 41.151931, "lon": -104.806033, "name": "Cheyenne", "imagery_id": "cys", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 }, // WMO: Riverton/Lander // NOAA Site: Riverton // NEXRAD List: RIVERTON // WUnderground: Riverton { "wrd_page": "MnZGeTVXcW9JaHRPRkJhSldBQ25aUT09", "lat": 43.066071, "lon": -108.477285, "name": "Riverton", "imagery_id": "riw", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "nexrad": 1 } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Guantanamo Bay // // U.S. Navy // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "GITMO": [ // Screenshot of press release about radar upgrade: // https://www.facebook.com/243808672021/photos/a.10150227507057022/10159243614697022/ // https://www.facebook.com/243808672021/photos/a.10150227507057022/10159243617487022/ // Pictures of radar: // https://www.facebook.com/243808672021/photos/a.10150227507057022/10159243613987022/ // https://www.facebook.com/243808672021/photos/a.10150227507057022/10159243614492022/ // https://www.facebook.com/243808672021/photos/a.10150227507057022/10159243614332022/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 19.910390, "lon": -75.209163, "name": "Guantanamo Bay Naval Base", "imagery_url": "https://www.metoc.navy.mil/fwcn/fwcn.html#!/swr.html", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "U.S. Navy", "secondary": 1, "usa_gov_other": 1, "window_content": "This radar was upgraded in 2020. You can view a picture of it here." } ] // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Others // // Radars at military bases in Portugal (in Azores), Japan and // South Korea appear under those countries. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- }, // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // South America // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Argentina // // Argentina is expanding its radar network further in 2023-2024: // https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/avanza-la-instalacion-de-nuevos-radares-meteorologicos-para-vigilar-tormentas-en-el-pais // "The National System of Meteorological Radars (SINARAME) // begins its third stage that provides for the expansion of // the capabilities of the Operations Center (COP) and the // installation of 10 new meteorological radars (RMA) to thus // reach a coverage of 70% of the country's territory." // More info: // https://www.invap.com.ar/en/the-installation-of-new-weather-radars-to-monitor-storms-in-the-country-is-moving-forward/ // // 10 New Radar Sites: // // 1. Villa Reynolds, San Luis - // https://www.eldiariodelarepublica.com/nota/2023-7-7-19-40-0-la-provincia-tendra-un-radar-meteorologico-en-villa-reynolds // https://agenciasanluis.com/notas/2023/07/05/instalaran-un-nuevo-radar-meteorologico-en-villa-reynolds/ // V Brigada Aerea at Villa Reynolds Airport // 2. Las Lajitas, Salta - // 3. Las Catitas, Mendoza - // 4. Bolivar, Buenos Aires - Added // 5. Tostado, Santa Fe - // 6. Chamical, La Rioja - Added Estimated Coordinates // 7. Alejandro Roca, Córdoba - // https://twitter.com/HidroCordoba/status/1526277215876526081 // Might be scouting location, but can't find it. Two // pictures might be around: // -33.346572 -63.720972 // -33.345413 -63.719403 // 8. Ituzaingó, Corrientes - Added // 9. Las Grutas, Río Negro - Added // 10. Santa Isabel, La Pampa - // // Range and coordinates (when available): // https://radares.mininterior.gob.ar/api_radares/radares/?format=json // // A dynamic display here from SMN is no longer available: // // As well as another one here is no longer available: // https://radares.mininterior.gob.ar/ // // Weather radars in Argentina: // https://www.smn.gob.ar/noticias/los-radares-meteorol%C3%B3gicos-en-argentina // Image of network: // https://www.argentina.gob.ar/secretaria-de-infraestructura-y-politica-hidrica/mapas-de-radares // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on __________. (IN PROGRESS) // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ARG": [ // --------------------------------- // // SINARAME (SiNaRaMe) // // National Weather Radar System // Sistema Nacional de Radares Meteorologicos // (Sistema Nacional de Radares Meteorológicos) // // https://www.invap.com.ar/en/the-installation-of-new-weather-radars-to-monitor-storms-in-the-country-is-moving-forward/ // // About: // https://www.smn.gob.ar/noticias/los-radares-meteorol%C3%B3gicos-en-argentina // About new ones to be built: // https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/el-smn-contara-con-la-instalacion-de-10-nuevos-radares-meteorologicos-para-vigilar // // The WMO calls the agency "Subsecretaria de Recursos Hidricos - // Ministerio del Interior, Ob". // // This site: // https://www.smn.gob.ar/noticias/los-radares-meteorol%C3%B3gicos-en-argentina // Calls it "Secretaria de Infraestructura y Politica Hidrica" // (SIPH). The project is SiNaRaMe. The parent agency is // Ministerio de Obras Publicas. // // --------------------------------- // WMO Name: Espora // smn.gob.ar Name: Bahia Blanca (Buenos Aires) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Bahia Blanca // Name: Espora // // Code: RMA10 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A { "wrd_page": "YWpJalRqeGJScFBET2dWT1ZyQi9xZz09", "lat": -38.734240, "lon": -62.165444, "name": "Bahia Blanca", "name_html": "Bahía Blanca", "alt_name": "Comandante Espora Airport", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Bernardo de Irigoyen // smn.gob.ar Name: Bernardo de Irigoyen (Misiones) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Bernardo de Irigoyen // Name: N/A // // Code: RMA5 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A { "wrd_page": "ZENoTmo2a3dBSXNyNDVaUS8xNG9rUT09", "lat": -26.278113, "lon": -53.670901, "name": "Bernardo de Irigoyen", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: ? // // WMO Code: ? // argentina.gob.ar/INVAP Code: ? // // News article: // https://www.diariolamanana.com.ar/noticia/comenzo-la-instalacion-de-un-radar-meteorologico-en-bolivar/ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -36.189028, "lon": -61.070429, "name": "Bolivar", "name_html": "Bolívar", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This will be a new radar. When we checked in August 2023, we found information about its construction here. We do not know when it will be completed and become operational.

    " + argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: ? // // WMO Code: ? // argentina.gob.ar/INVAP Code: ? // // News article: // https://fralo.com.ar/en-patquia-se-emplaza-el-primer-radar-meteorologico-de-la-rioja/ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -30.030792, "lon": -66.876277, "name": "Chamical", "alt_name": "Patquia", "alt_name_html": "Patquía", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This will be a new radar. When we checked in August 2023, we found information about its construction here. We do not know when it will be completed and become operational.

    " + "The coordinates for this radar site are estimated. The location for this radar was found based on a description of the radar site and a picture of a road at the previous link. It might be up to about 30 meters off.

    " + argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Cordoba // smn.gob.ar Name: Cordoba // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Cordoba // Name: Cordoba // // Code: RMA1 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A { "wrd_page": "MW1VYmFyTURaSnpFYkl3VXplWjhoZz09", "lat": -31.441301, "lon": -64.191925, "name": "Cordoba", "name_html": "Córdoba", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Ezeiza // smn.gob.ar Name: Ezeiza (Buenos Aires) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Ezeiza // Name: Ezeiza (INA) // // Code: RMA2 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A // Name: INA? // // Based on satellite imagery, this radar was built during the // second half of 2015. // // This article mentions two radars in Ezeiza: // http://www.invap.com.ar/en/invap-2/newsroom/news-invap/1492-the-third-meteorological-radar-of-the-sinarame-series-was-inaugurated.html { "wrd_page": "Y3YxTi9TMC90d1dQaWRKWEwwNHVHdz09", "lat": -34.800832, "lon": -58.515570, "name": "Buenos Aires", "alt_name": "Ezeiza", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: ? // // WMO Code: ? // argentina.gob.ar/INVAP Code: ? // // News article: // https://www.ellitoral.com.ar/corrientes/2023-8-20-11-11-0-asi-es-el-nuevo-radar-instalado-en-corrientes-para-vigilar-las-tormentas { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -27.622261, "lon": -56.841731, "name": "Ituzaingó", "name_html": "Ituzaingó", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This will be a new radar. When we checked in August 2023, we found information about its construction here. We do not know when it will be completed and become operational.

    " + argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Las Grutas // // WMO Code: RMA12 // argentina.gob.ar/INVAP Code: RMA20 // // News articles: // https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/en-rio-negro-katopodis-soria-y-carreras-inauguraron-el-nuevo-radar-meteorologico-de-las // https://rionegro.gov.ar/articulo/46493/inauguraron-en-las-grutas-el-primer-radar-meteorologico-construido-en-invap { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "MFQyNWkxejJSME9PMUN6NW05RndqUT09", "lat": -40.772196, "lon": -65.076001, "name": "Las Grutas", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This is a new radar. It is one of 10 new radars in the current phase of radar expansion in Argentina. When we checked in August 2023, we couldn't find data online for this radar site yet. It was inaugurated in July 2023. You can read about that here and here.

    " + argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Las Lomitas // smn.gob.ar Name: Las Lomitas (Formosa) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Las Lomitas // Name: N/A // // Code: RMA3 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A { "wrd_page": "WnFWeG1UaU9YTjRwM0lPT09raVZBUT09", "lat": -24.730308, "lon": -60.551627, "name": "Las Lomitas", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Mar del Plata // smn.gob.ar Name: Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Mar del Plata // Name: Mar del Plata // // Code: RMA6 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A { "wrd_page": "ZDhZUjhkYjhkUHdIR2hUS0dJbzBWdz09", "lat": -37.913073, "lon": -57.527903, "name": "Mar del Plata", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Mercedes // smn.gob.ar Name: Mercedes (Corrientes) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Mercedes // Name: N/A // // Code: RMA8 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A // // Article about construction: // http://icaa.gov.ar/mercedes-se-efectua-armado-del-radar-meteorologico/ { "wrd_page": "d3pHQk1yd3JCL3ZYZXRXQ3UvTXZSZz09", "lat": -29.195947, "lon": -58.044841, "name": "Mercedes", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Neuquen // smn.gob.ar Name: Neuquen (Neuquen) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Neuquen // Name: N/A // // Code: RMA7 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A { "wrd_page": "dUJUNTB5VzdVSXlXTm93WXdhZHZ1dz09", "lat": -38.876552, "lon": -68.144778, "name": "Neuquen", "name_html": "Neuquén", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Resistencia // smn.gob.ar Name: Resistencia (Chaco) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Resistencia // Name: N/A // // Code: RMA4 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A { "wrd_page": "NS9PVG5jSll1cG9kU0xwcHBTVkkwZz09", "lat": -27.451688, "lon": -59.051085, "name": "Resistencia", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Rio Grande // smn.gob.ar Name: Rio Grande (Tierra del Fuego) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Rio Grande // Name: N/A // // Code: RMA9 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A // // A little about it when it was announced: // https://surenio.com.ar/2016/09/confirmado-instalaran-radar-meterologico-argentino-la-base-aeronaval-rio-grande { "wrd_page": "R0JJMDhBUmNtdWh6ZDBCSWExa1JOZz09", "lat": -53.783990, "lon": -67.744260, "name": "Rio Grande", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Termas de Rio Hondo // smn.gob.ar Name: Termas de Rio Hondo (Santiago del Estero) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: TermasRioHondo // Name: T Rio Hondo // // Code: RMA11 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // smn.gob.ar Agency: SiNaRaMe // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: N/A { "wrd_page": "UnE3ckRzdGZSVGdySzdtcG5UZjVBZz09", "lat": -27.502581, "lon": -64.905805, "name": "Santiago del Estero", "alt_name": "Termas de Rio Hondo", "alt_name_html": "Termas de Río Hondo", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": argentinaSiNaRaMeWindowContentHtml }, // WMO Name: Bariloche // // Code: RMA0 // // WMO Agency: SiNaRaMe // // Picture of site: // https://unsplash.com/photos/rayJ3YJYnvc // Info: // https://www.pronosticoextendido.net/articulo/sinarame-radar-meteorologico-instalado-bariloche-39/ // https://www.smn.gob.ar/noticias/los-radares-meteorol%C3%B3gicos-en-argentina // // This radar is a prototype. As of updating this page for this // country, data did not seem to be available online. There is a // smaller dome located right next to the larger radar tower at // this site. { "wrd_page": "c3BTL3l6LzgrTXJBTVhzWGY2TlBXQT09", "lat": -41.139681, "lon": -71.149739, "name": "Bariloche", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Information here says this radar was a prototype that was built before they expanded their radar network. A photograph of this radar site shows the word \"prototipo\" (prototype) written on the side of the tower. As of updating this page for this country, data did not seem to be available online. There is a smaller dome located right next to the larger radar tower at this site. Other radars of this type in the country have a range of 240km for publicly available imagery. No range is shown on the map since public imagery doesn't seem to be available." }, // --------------------------------- // // INTA // // - INTA // National Agricultural Technology Institute // Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria // (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) // // --------------------------------- // WMO Name: Anguil // smn.gob.ar Name: Anguil (La Pampa) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Anguil // Name: Anguil // // WMO Code: N/A // mininterior.gob.ar Code: AR8 // Code: AR8 // // WMO Coordinates: -36.539722 -63.99 // mininterior.gob.ar Coord: -36.53965000 -63.98984000 // Coord: -36.539653 -63.989841 { "wrd_page": "SFBKS1lCMmFWSUkxamN1a1BVc25pZz09", "lat": -36.539691, "lon": -63.989862, "name": "Anguil", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": argentinaIntaAgencyName, "agency_html": argentinaIntaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "" }, // WMO Name: Parana // smn.gob.ar Name: Parana (Entre Rios) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Parana // Name: Parana // // WMO Code: N/A // mininterior.gob.ar Code: AR7 // Code: AR7 // // WMO Coordinates: -31.848333 -60.537222 // mininterior.gob.ar Coord: -31.84849000 -60.53724000 // Coord: -31.84849 -60.537238 { "wrd_page": "dVpGeG1yYURzYkZUam15QnFmOEJPUT09", "lat": -31.848506, "lon": -60.537305, "name": "Parana", "name_html": "Paraná", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": argentinaIntaAgencyName, "agency_html": argentinaIntaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "" }, // WMO Name: Pergamino // smn.gob.ar Name: Pergamino (Buenos Aires) // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Pergamino // Name: Pergamino // // WMO Code: N/A // mininterior.gob.ar Code: AR5 // Code: AR5 // // WMO Coordinates: -33.946111 -60.5625 // mininterior.gob.ar Coord: -33.94612000 -60.56260000 // Coord: -33.946117 -60.562598 { "wrd_page": "dTNhSjYvRCtrWm9zQ0pSRm9veG9wdz09", "lat": -33.946089, "lon": -60.562592, "name": "Pergamino", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": argentinaIntaAgencyName, "agency_html": argentinaIntaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "" }, // --------------------------------- // // SMN // // - SMN // National Metereological Service // Servicio Meteorologico Nacional // (Servicio Meteorológico Nacional) // // --------------------------------- // WMO Name: Ezeiza International Airport // smn.gob.ar Name: Likely N/A // mininterior.gob.ar Name: Likely N/A // Name: Likely N/A // // WMO Code: N/A // mininterior.gob.ar Code: N/A // Code: N/A // // WMO Coordinates: -34.787778 -58.536667 // mininterior.gob.ar Coord: Likely N/A // Coord: Likely N/A // // WMO Agency: National Meteorological Service SMN // smn.gob.ar Agency: Likely N/A // mininterior.gob.ar Agy: Likely N/A { "wrd_page": "NTFxK28yWFhTOTVjSkVqSVJVTlZKdz09", "lat": -34.787627, "lon": -58.536566, "name": "Ezeiza (older radar)", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "National Metereological Service (Servicio Meteorologico Nacional, SMN)", "agency_html": "National Metereological Service (Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, SMN)", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This is an older Ezeiza radar, active since 1999, according to this document (PDF). Imagery from this radar site doesn't seem to be available publicly." }, // --------------------------------- // // DACC // // - Radars for hail // // - DACC // Directorate of Agriculture and Climate Contingencies of // the Mendoza province government // Direccion de Agricultura y Contingencias Climaticas // (Dirección de Agricultura y Contingencias // Climáticas) // // This document shows the approximate locations of the radars: // http://repositorio.smn.gob.ar/bitstream/handle/20.500.12160/625/Nota_Tecnica_SMN_2017-39.pdf // From: http://repositorio.smn.gob.ar/handle/20.500.12160/625 // // Other information: // https://www.smn.gob.ar/revista-meteoros/el-vino-y-el-hielo-una-relaci%C3%B3n-tormentosa // https://www.argentina.gob.ar/secretaria-de-infraestructura-y-politica-hidrica/mapas-de-radares // http://www.contingencias.mendoza.gov.ar/cientifica.php // https://contingencias.mendoza.gov.ar/lucha.php // https://contingencias.mendoza.gov.ar/web1/lucha_antigranizo/defensa_activa.html // PDF files here: http://www.contingencias.mendoza.gov.ar/web1/lucha_antigranizo/ // // --------------------------------- // La Llave, Mendoza Province, Argentina // San Rafael, Mendoza Province, Argentina { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -34.647656, "lon": -68.017184, "name": "San Rafael", "alt_name": "La Llave", "imagery_url": argentinaDaccRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "agency": argentinaDaccAgencyName, "agency_html": argentinaDaccAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": argentinaDaccWindowContent }, // San Martin, Mendoza Province, Argentina { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -33.071851, "lon": -68.464256, "name": "San Martin", "name_html": "San Martín", "alt_name": "Mendoza province", "imagery_url": argentinaDaccRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "agency": argentinaDaccAgencyName, "agency_html": argentinaDaccAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": argentinaDaccWindowContent }, // Tunuyan, Mendoza Province, Argentina // Tupungato, Mendoza Province, Argentina { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -33.443580, "lon": -68.965498, "name": "Tupungato", "alt_name": "Tunuyan", "alt_name_html": "Tunuyán", "imagery_url": argentinaDaccRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "agency": argentinaDaccAgencyName, "agency_html": argentinaDaccAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": argentinaDaccWindowContent }, // --------------------------------- // // Latitud Sur S.A. // // - An insurance company // // - Radar(s) for hail // // --------------------------------- // WMO Name: JUJUY-EEC // WMO Coordinates: -24.240278 -65.333056 // WMO Agency: Latitud Sur S.A. // // EEC (Enterprise Electronics Corporation) is manufacturer. // Installation Year: 2017 // // https://www.latitudsursa.com.ar/ // // https://repositorio.smn.gob.ar/bitstream/handle/20.500.12160/625/Nota_Tecnica_SMN_2017-39.pdf { "wrd_page": "eDNRYkpsSEpBZE5vMXp2UUF6K1N2dz09", "lat": -24.240235, "lon": -65.333255, "name": "San Salvador de Jujuy", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "agency": "Latser S.A. / Latitud Sur S.A.", "window_content": "As of last checking in August 2023, it didn't appear that radar data was publicly available. Based on satellite imagery, and the WMO Radar Database, this radar was built in 2017. Information here (PDF) indicates that this is the second radar in the region. It's unclear where the first one, which may have been installed in 1997, is. That first one is a Russian MRL-5 S-Band radar and might be mobile. The radars in the Jujuy province, like the ones in the Mendoza province, are for help with monitoring and combating hail. These radars do not operate all the time. They may operate during hail season or just for storms.

    " + "The agency listed as being responsible in that PDF file is Latser S.A. and the WMO Radar Database lists Latitud Sur S.A. as the owner." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Brazil // // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 29th, 2022. // // INPE Coordinates: // http://sigma.cptec.inpe.br/radar/json/menu.json // // REDEMET Coordinates: // https://www.redemet.aer.mil.br/?i=facilidades&p=rede-de-centros-e-estacoes // Under "Redes de Estacoes" select "ERM". (Estacao de Radar // Meteorologico) // Using the developer's console in Google Chrome, the // response captured from this file: // https://www.redemet.aer.mil.br/produtos/rede-de-centros-e-estacoes/plota_redes.php // Gave the coordinates. The file is blank if accessed // directly. // // INPE // // - INPE // National Institute for Space Research // Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais // // REDEMET // // - REDEMET // Meteorological Network of Aeronautics Command // Rede de Meteorologia do Comando da Aeronautica // (Rede de Meteorologia do Comando da Aeronáutica) // // Some radar sites also have an air traffic control radar. These // videos have some more information about those. // // DECEA (Vídeo Institucional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn8-RUMzhmU // CINDACTA I (Vídeo Institucional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbrMpdZr51U // CINDACTA II (Vídeo Institucional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEOpRx_hlYw // CINDACTA III (Vídeo Institucional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBgQXFWFfDo // CINDACTA IV (Vídeo Institucional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV_j7k3Rx8U // // Old document from 2013 with some radar links: // https://old.wmo.int/extranet/pages/prog/www/OSY/Meetings/ET-SBO_Workshop_Radar_Data_Ex/SBO-WxR_Exchange_3.1.3_JMauro.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BRA": [ // --------------------------------- // // CEMADEN-MCTIC // // - CEMADEN // National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of // Natural Disasters // Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres // Naturais // // - MCTIC // Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and // Communication // Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia, Inovacoes e // Comunicacoes // (Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, // Inovações e Comunicações) // // About: // http://www2.cemaden.gov.br/radares-meteorologicos-2/ // This page has the approximate times when they were // predicted to be operational. // 2013 // December Natal (RN) and Petrolina (PE) // 2014 // January Salvador (BA) // February Jaraguari (MS) and Maceio (AL) // March Sao Francisco (MG) and Tres Marias (MG) // April Santa Tereza (ES) // November Almenara (MG) // // CEMADEN Coordinates: // Their interface uses bounds rather than center point for // coordinates: // http://www.cemaden.gov.br/mapainterativo/js/interativo.js // However, their downloads contain center coordinates. // Select a site: // http://www.cemaden.gov.br/mapainterativo/download/downradares.php // Then select a ".vol" folder. Download and open a file // from there. Search for "lat" within it and you can find // center coordinates. // // --------------------------------- // WMO Coordinates: -16.201944 -40.674167 // CEMADEN Coords: -16.202030 -40.674250 // REDEMET Coords: - // INPE Coords: - { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "NDl2RnhRVXFybk85dVJSWnQzRm41QT09", "lat": -16.202195, "lon": -40.674297, "name": "Almenara", "imagery_url": cemadenRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": cemadenAgencyName, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site on October 29th 2022, imagery was last available on October 27th, 2022.

    " + cemadenRadarSitePartialHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -20.278611 -54.473889 // CEMADEN Coords: -20.278550 -54.473960 // REDEMET Coords: -20.27861728 -54.47401489 // INPE Coords: -20.1591 -54.4922 // // While there is another radar about 400 meters to the // northwest, based on video // (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_zeWKQiET4) and satellite // imagery that shows this being finished in 2014, this seems to // be the weather radar. (The radar was scheduled to become // operational in February 2014) The other is likely a CINDACTA // II radar (DTCEA-JGI) for air traffic control. { "wrd_page": "c2svMzRyTUs5QjUzNDZXeFFhWjd0QT09", "lat": -20.278625, "lon": -54.473991, "name": "Jaraguari", "imagery_url": cemadenRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": cemadenAgencyName, "window_content": "While there is another radar about 400 meters to the northwest, based on video and satellite imagery that shows this being finished in 2014, this seems to be the weather radar. (The radar was scheduled to become operational in February 2014 based on this site.) The other is likely a CINDACTA II radar (DTCEA-JGI) for air traffic control.

    " + cemadenRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + deceaRadarSiteOptionHtml + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -9.551111 -35.770556 // CEMADEN Coords: -9.551290 -35.770680 // REDEMET Coords: - // INPE Coords: -9.551389 -35.770833 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "a01ObE9nUnhHT05zRjc3dlFGbUgyUT09", "lat": -9.551329, "lon": -35.770819, "name": "Maceio", "name_html": "Maceió", "imagery_url": cemadenRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": cemadenAgencyName, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site on October 29th 2022, imagery was last available on October 26th, 2022.

    " + cemadenRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + deceaRadarSiteOptionHtml + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -5.904444 -35.253889 // CEMADEN Coords: -5.904480 -35.254010 // REDEMET Coords: -5.91918889 -35.25023333 // INPE Coords: -5.9044444444444 -35.254 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "OGdrVVY4SFFyTDQvNEU2U1JiekZxUT09", "lat": -5.904522, "lon": -35.254053, "name": "Natal", "imagery_url": cemadenRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": cemadenAgencyName, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site on October 29th 2022, imagery was last available on July 30th, 2022.

    " + cemadenRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + deceaRadarSiteOptionHtml + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -9.366944 -40.573056 // CEMADEN Coords: -9.367000 -40.573000 // REDEMET Coords: -9.36721341 -40.57287384 // INPE Coords: -9.367 -40.573 { "wrd_page": "S0o5Y200QW16R21vQXdkT01VRHFFQT09", "lat": -9.367226, "lon": -40.573027, "name": "Petrolina", "imagery_url": cemadenRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": cemadenAgencyName, "window_content": cemadenRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + deceaRadarSiteOptionHtml + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -12.9025 -38.326667 // CEMADEN Coords: -12.900000 -38.320000 // REDEMET Coords: -13.0125461 -38.5163255 // INPE Coords: -12.9025 -38.326666666667 // // The tower went up sometime between September 2014 and December // 2014 based on historical satellite imagery. The radar was // scheduled to become operational in January 2014. { "wrd_page": "UktFSTRaMms1ckRlWEFWd3JnTFJPQT09", "lat": -12.905652, "lon": -38.331422, "name": "Salvador", "imagery_url": cemadenRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": cemadenAgencyName, "window_content": cemadenRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + deceaRadarSiteOptionHtml + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Name: Santa Tereza // CEMADEN Name: S-Teresa-ES // REDEMET Name: Santa Teresa // // WMO Coordinates: -19.988889 -40.579444 // CEMADEN Coords: -19.988870 -40.579400 // REDEMET Coords: -19.98877500 -40.57287384 // INPE Coords: - // // While there is another radar about 600 meters to the // northwest, based on satellite imagery that shows this being // finished sometime between 2014 and 2016, this seems to be the // weather radar. (The radar was scheduled to become operational // in April 2014) The other is likely a CINDACTA I radar // (DTCEA-STA) for air traffic control. // // This article: // http://g1.globo.com/espirito-santo/estacao-inverno/2012/noticia/2012/06/conheca-o-radar-de-santa-teresa-que-controla-espaco-aereo-do-es.html // Shows the air traffic control radar in 2012 when it had a // green dome and there was no weather radar. Based on Google // Earth's historical imagery feature, the air traffic control // dome was replaced with a white dome in 2012 or 2013. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "SkdrT0NWTjJmVW9uWkZIRXZHTTVhZz09", "lat": -19.988915, "lon": -40.579334, "name": "Santa Teresa", "imagery_url": cemadenRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": cemadenAgencyName, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site on October 29th 2022, imagery was last available on August 24th, 2022.

    " + "While there is another radar about 600 meters to the northwest, based on satellite imagery that shows this being finished sometime between 2014 and 2016, this seems to be the weather radar. (The radar was scheduled to become operational in April 2014 based on this site.) The other is likely a CINDACTA I radar (DTCEA-STA) for air traffic control.

    " + cemadenRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + deceaRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -16.008889 -44.695833 // CEMADEN Coords: -16.008890 -44.695880 // REDEMET Coords: - // INPE Coords: -16.01735 -44.69525 { "wrd_page": "TncyNyt5T2VIcUZIdUFKZHVzdFlLQT09", "lat": -16.008822, "lon": -44.695950, "name": "Sao Francisco", "name_html": "São Francisco", "imagery_url": cemadenRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": cemadenAgencyName, "window_content": cemadenRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + deceaRadarSiteOptionHtml + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -18.207222 -45.460278 // CEMADEN Coords: -18.207110 -45.460190 // REDEMET Coords: -18.20711000 -45.4601800 // INPE Coords: -18.207222 -45.460556 // // While there is another radar about 750 meters to the north, // based on satellite imagery that shows this being finished // sometime between 2013 and 2014, this seems to be the weather // radar. (The radar was scheduled to become operational in March // 2014) The other is likely a CINDACTA I radar (DTCEA-TRM) for // air traffic control. { "wrd_page": "NUZxaUVWRmdVQ1JPOEhkYTNoZ2FiQT09", "lat": -18.207129, "lon": -45.460308, "name": "Tres Marias", "name_html": "Três Marias", "imagery_url": cemadenRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": cemadenAgencyName, "window_content": "While there is another radar about 750 meters to the north, based on satellite imagery that shows this being finished sometime between 2013 and 2014, this seems to be the weather radar. (The radar was scheduled to become operational in March 2014 based on this site.) The other is likely a CINDACTA I radar (DTCEA-TRM) for air traffic control.

    " + cemadenRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + deceaRadarSiteOptionHtml + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Name: - // CEMADEN Name: Valadares-MG // REDEMET Name: - // // WMO Coordinates: - // CEMADEN Coords: - // CEMADEN Bounds: Top Right: -17.985478077898733 -40.962490351233846 // Bottom Left: -19.783493631398734 -42.87068578909385 // REDEMET Coords: - // INPE Coords: - // // This was listed in the scripting at CEMADEN. Based on the // bounds, it was located on Pico da Ibituruna. The only thing // I could find was about a temporary 100km radar mentioned in // 2014 on this site: // https://www.cbhsuacui.org.br/geral/radar-meteorologico-movel-e-instalado-em-governador-valadares // It was to be a temporary radar until one was installed at // Santa Tereza. // // Picture of that peak: // https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MG_-_Pico_da_Ibituruna_-_Governador_Valadares.jpg // // This is not displayed as it is likely no longer used or // perhaps isn't even there any longer. Coordinates are // estimated based solely on bounds. { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -18.886, "lon": -41.919, "name": "Valadares", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "agency": cemadenAgencyName, "window_content": "This was listed in the scripting at CEMADEN. Based on the bounds, it was located on Pico da Ibituruna. The only thing I could find was about a temporary 100km radar mentioned in 2014 here. It was to be a temporary radar until one was installed at Santa Tereza. The coordinates are estimated based solely on the bounds they had as it is too hard to find the particular object on the mountain which has many objects." }, // --------------------------------- // // CEMIG/IGAM // // - CEMIG, a Brazilian power company // Energy Company of Minas Gerais // Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais // (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais) // // - IGAM // Ministry of Water Management in the state of Minas Gerais // Instituto Mineiro de Gestao das Aguas // (Instituto Mineiro de Gestão das Águas) // // --------------------------------- // WMO Coordinates: -19.945278 -44.434444 // // About radar: // https://www.cemig.com.br/en/usina-do-conhecimento/veja-como-funciona-o-radar-meteorologico-da-cemig/ // https://www.cemig.com.br/en-us/Company_and_Future/Sustainability/water_resources/Pages/meteorological_radar.aspx // Based on that page, it has a range of 250km to 350km. // These articles say 450km: // https://www.revistaencontro.com.br/canal/atualidades/2013/10/radar-meteorologico-ajuda-na-prevencao-de-desastres-causados-pelas-chu.html // https://www.em.com.br/app/noticia/gerais/2012/09/15/interna_gerais,317655/radar-meteorologico-esta-pronto-para-ajudar-a-prevenir-desastres-em-minas.shtml // Thid may also say 250km: // http://www.meioambiente.mg.gov.br/images/IGAM/CERH/GTs/02_Monitoramento/01_reuniao/Item_8._Apresenta%C3%A7%C3%A3o_CERH_vistoFLD.pdf { "wrd_page": "b29OTzlrVUZvWE9vck9uNTQ2cFA2dz09", "lat": -19.945528, "lon": -44.434566, "name": "Mateus Leme", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "Energy Company of Minas Gerais (Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais, CEMIG) / Ministry of Water Management in the state of Minas Gerais (Instituto Mineiro de Gestao das Aguas, IGAM)", "agency_html": "Energy Company of Minas Gerais (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais, CEMIG) / Ministry of Water Management in the state of Minas Gerais (Instituto Mineiro de Gestão das Águas, IGAM)", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar was installed by CEMIG, a Brazilian power company, but is operated by the Ministry of Water Management (IGAM, Instituto Mineiro de Gestao das Aguas) in the state of Minas Gerais. However, I have been unable to find the imagery online. There are also various values for the range from different sources. It's uncertain what range might be available if imagery becomes publicly available. Therefore, the range is not noted." }, // --------------------------------- // // DAEE // // - DAEE // Department of Water and Electricity in the state of Sao // Paulo // (Department of Water and Electricity in the state of // São Paulo) // Departamento de Aguas e Energia Eletrica // (Departamento de Águas e Energia Elétrica) // // Accessing the radar page directly doesn't work: // https://www.saisp.br/geral/logon.jsp?userid=Publico // // --------------------------------- // // Older radar site // // WMO Name: Salesopolis { "wrd_page": "V093YjVOMXU2Qms5dm1iWk5JS1FaZz09", "lat": -23.600677, "lon": -45.972753, "name": "Salesopolis (Older)", "name_html": "Salesópolis (Older)", "imagery_url": daeeRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": daeeAgencyName, "agency_html": daeeAgencyNameHtml, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The older radar site is located next to the new radar site. You can click the link above for imagery that is likely from the new site.

    " + daeeRadarSiteHtml }, // // Newer radar site // // WMO Name: Salesopolis (Nov 2013) { "wrd_page": "SVg3dENQYVJYL0JwWThEOUVGSmNsQT09", "lat": -23.600839, "lon": -45.972759, "name": "Salesopolis", "name_html": "Salesópolis", "imagery_url": daeeRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": daeeAgencyName, "agency_html": daeeAgencyNameHtml, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": daeeRadarSiteHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // DECEA // // - DECEA // Department of Airspace Control // Departamento de Controle do Espaco Aereo // (Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo) // // --------------------------------- // WMO Coordinates: -31.403889 -52.701667 // REDEMET Coords: -31.4038888889 -52.7016666667 // INPE Coords: -31.4039 -52.7016 // // There is another radar about 500 meters east-northeast of this // one. Coordinates from the WMO Radar Database, REDEMET and INPE // all reference this one as the weather radar. Additionally, // searching for what is there in Google Maps references the // weather radar being here and the other being a CINDACTA II // radar (DTCEA-CGU) for air traffic control. { "wrd_page": "OXhrdWROdXNLa0t4UUdDZlhKTFFjUT09", "lat": -31.403907, "lon": -52.701703, "name": "Cangucu", "name_html": "Canguçu", "imagery_url": deceaRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": deceaAgencyName, "agency_html": deceaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "There is another radar about 500 meters east-northeast of this one. Coordinates from the WMO Radar Database, " + redemetAgencyNameHtml + " and " + inpeAgencyName + " all reference this one as the weather radar. Additionally, searching for what is there in Google Maps references the weather radar being here and the other being a CINDACTA II radar (DTCEA-CGU) for air traffic control.

    " + deceaRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -15.976389 -48.016111 // REDEMET Coords: -15.9758333333 -48.05 // INPE Coords: -15.9764 -48.0161 { "wrd_page": "ak00VGRpZmxyelFsR3NkM1lZTjNnQT09", "lat": -15.976389, "lon": -48.016111, "name": "Gama", "imagery_url": deceaRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": deceaAgencyName, "agency_html": deceaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": deceaRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -28.128056 -49.471944 // REDEMET Coords: -28.0638888889 -49.4583333333 // INPE Coords: -28.1286 -49.4717 // // There is another radar about 400 meters northwest of this // location. Coordinates from the WMO Radar Database and INPE are // closer to the location noted. The noted radar is smaller than // the other radar. The larger radar is likely the CINDACTA II // radar (DTCEA-MDI) for air traffic control. // // Video about radar site: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09UB7V7P0uc // // PDF file that has some info about it: // https://web.archive.org/web/20120418093057/http://www.decea.gov.br/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/aeroespaco9.pdf { "wrd_page": "SE9UMmhkRzZIK0pXbnRPNTFtT2FKZz09", "lat": -28.128532, "lon": -49.471741, "name": "Morro da Igreja", "imagery_url": deceaRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": deceaAgencyName, "agency_html": deceaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "There is another radar about 400 meters northwest of this location. Coordinates from the WMO Radar Database and " + inpeAgencyName + " are closer to the location noted. The noted radar is smaller than the other radar. The larger radar is likely the CINDACTA II radar (DTCEA-MDI) for air traffic control.

    " + deceaRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -22.464167 -43.297222 // REDEMET Coords: -22.4641666667 -43.2972222222 // INPE Coords: -22.4644 -43.2973 // // There is another radar about 600 meters east of this one, but // coordinates from the WMO Radar Database, REDEMET and INPE all // reference this one as the weather radar. The other radar is // likely a CINDACTA I radar (DTCEA-PCO) for air traffic control. { "wrd_page": "STVWMEZnYStNN1NuaU1hZUJPVURUUT09", "lat": -22.464404, "lon": -43.297331, "name": "Pico do Couto", "imagery_url": deceaRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": deceaAgencyName, "agency_html": deceaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "There is another radar about 600 meters east of this one, but coordinates from the WMO Radar Database, " + redemetAgencyNameHtml + " and " + inpeAgencyName + " all reference this one as the weather radar. The other radar is likely a CINDACTA I radar (DTCEA-PCO) for air traffic control.

    " + deceaRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -29.230556 -54.93 // REDEMET Coords: -29.2305555556 -54.9294444444 // INPE Coords: -29.2252 -54.93 // // There is another radar about 550 meters north-northeast of // this one, but coordinates from the WMO Radar Database and // REDEMET have coordinates that are closer to this radar. The // INPE has coordinates that reference this one as the weather // radar. The other radar is likely a CINDACTA II radar // (DTCEA-STI) for air traffic control. { "wrd_page": "KzZ2Z1RoWDJVRTJvMjdkL0FwSGhqdz09", "lat": -29.225164, "lon": -54.930183, "name": "Santiago", "imagery_url": deceaRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": deceaAgencyName, "agency_html": deceaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "There is another radar about 550 meters north-northeast of this one, but coordinates from the WMO Radar Database and " + redemetAgencyNameHtml + " have coordinates that are closer to this radar. The " + inpeAgencyName + " has coordinates that reference this one as the weather radar. The other radar is likely a CINDACTA II radar (DTCEA-STI) for air traffic control.

    " + deceaRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -23.601944 -47.094167 // REDEMET Coords: -23.6019444444 -47.0941666667 // INPE Coords: -23.602 -47.0943 // // There is a radar about 500 meters northwest of this location. // Coordinates from the WMO Radar Database, REDEMET and INPE all // reference this location as the weather radar. Satellite // imagery is unclear as to whether there is a radar site at this // location. The other radar, where a dome is clearly visible, // might be a CINDACTA II radar (DTCEA-SRO) for air traffic // control. The location at the coordinates on the map do seem to // show a tower in some imagery seen with Google Earth's // historical imagery feature. Based on a very old picture from // the PDF file here: // https://web.archive.org/web/20120419060129/http://www.decea.gov.br/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/aeroespaco11.pdf // The meteorological radar might not appear as other radars do. // Sometime in 2014 or 2015 a white dome replaced a darker // colored dome, likely green, at the radar site 500 meters // northwest of these coordinates. That has happened at some of // the CINDACTA air traffic control radar sites. { "wrd_page": "clBZTnpqY1dMdk9Ha3RjdWlId2haZz09", "lat": -23.601915, "lon": -47.094338, "name": "Sao Roque", "name_html": "São Roque", "imagery_url": deceaRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": deceaAgencyName, "agency_html": deceaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "There is a radar about 500 meters northwest of this location. Coordinates from the WMO Radar Database, " + redemetAgencyNameHtml + " and " + inpeAgencyName + " all reference this location as the weather radar. Satellite imagery is unclear as to whether there is a radar site at this location. The other radar, where a dome is clearly visible, might be a CINDACTA II radar (DTCEA-SRO) for air traffic control. The location at the coordinates on the map do seem to show a tower in some imagery seen with Google Earth's historical imagery feature. Based on a very old picture from the PDF file here, the meteorological radar might not appear as other radars do. Sometime in 2014 or 2015 a white dome replaced a darker colored dome, likely green, at the radar site 500 meters northwest of these coordinates. That has happened at some of the CINDACTA air traffic control radar sites.

    " + deceaRadarSitePartialHtml + brazilWhenAvailableText + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // EPAGRI // // - EPAGRI // Agricultural Research and Rural Extension of the state // of Santa Catarina // Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuaria e Extensao Rural de // Santa Catarina // (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e // Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina) // // EPAGRI Coordinates: // Their interface uses bounds rather than center point for // coordinates: // http://sigsc.sc.gov.br/radarsc/ // // --------------------------------- // WMO Coordinates: - // EPAGRI Bounds: Top Right: -27.8463000 -48.1181247 // Bottom Left: -30.0178010 -50.6064640 // // This is a mobile radar that can be re-positioned. It may not // always be located at this location. // https://www.sc.gov.br/component/acymailing/listid-4/mailid-3438-radio-secom-radar-meteorologico-da-defesa-civil-estadual-e-inaugurado-em-ararangua-e-sc-passa-a-ter-100-de-cobertura { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -28.934583, "lon": -49.362673, "name": "Ararangua", "name_html": "Araranguá", "alt_name": "Morro dos Conventos", "imagery_url": epagriRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": epagriAgencyName, "agency_html": epagriAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "To view data for this location, select \"SUL\", for south, in the display. This is a mobile radar that can be re-positioned. It may not always be located at this location." }, // WMO Coordinates: - // EPAGRI Bounds: Top Right: -24.8625699 -50.1335368 // Bottom Left: -29.2106056 -55.0710069 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -27.048795, "lon": -52.603798, "name": "Chapeco", "name_html": "Chapecó", "imagery_url": epagriRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": epagriAgencyName, "agency_html": epagriAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "To view data for this location, select \"OESTE\", for west, in the display." }, // WMO Coordinates: -27.231111 -49.461667 // EPAGRI Bounds: Top Right: -25.0438317 -46.9908037 // Bottom Left: -29.3957249 -51.9326542 { "wrd_page": "Zld1Slp2bTY1Ri95Q1RqSkx2ZG1rQT09", "lat": -27.231147, "lon": -49.461605, "name": "Lontras", "imagery_url": epagriRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": epagriAgencyName, "agency_html": epagriAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "To view data for this location, select \"VALE\", for valley, in the display." }, // --------------------------------- // // FUNCEME // // - FUNCEME // Foundation for Meteorology and Water Resources in the // state of Ceara // (Foundation for Meteorology and Water Resources in the // state of Cearaá) // Fundacao Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hidricos // (Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e // Recursos Hídricos) // // FUNCEME Coordinates / Bounds: // http://www.funceme.br/app/radar/js/radar-openlayers.js // For Fortaleza, the center coordinates are under // "config.nome === 'radarx'". // For Quixeramobim, the coordinates are not centered on // the radar site. However, bounds are available. // // --------------------------------- // WMO Coordinates: -3.794167 -38.5575 // FUNCEME Coords: -3.794561 -38.557581 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "dTJjbEpSNTJaeU02M1IweWFOWjhUQT09", "lat": -3.794543, "lon": -38.557585, "name": "Fortaleza", "imagery_url": funcemeRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": funcemeAgencyName, "agency_html": funcemeAgencyNameHtml, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022, a translated message said \"Fortaleza Radar is under maintenance.\"

    " + "To view close-up imagery for Fortaleza, click \"Quixeramobim\" in the drop down menu and then select \"Fortaleza\"." }, // WMO Coordinates: -5.069167 -39.266944 // FUNCEME Coords: - // FUNCEME Bounds: Top Right: -1.4684507 -35.6750107 // Bottom Left: -8.6409340 -42.8899117 // // The center of the bounds is within a few kilometers of the // WMO coordinates, where a radar site is located on a hill. { "wrd_page": "bnpoeHB4bWRGT2lVRnRnR1U0VG5HZz09", "lat": -5.069182, "lon": -39.267082, "name": "Quixeramobim", "imagery_url": funcemeRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": funcemeAgencyName, "agency_html": funcemeAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "" }, // --------------------------------- // // Geo-Rio // // - Geo-Rio // Geotechnical Institute Foundation in the state of Rio // de Janeiro // Fundacao Instituto de Geotecnica // (Fundação Instituto de Geotécnica) // // Geo-Rio Bounds: // https://www.climatempo.com.br/alerta-rio/js/Radar.js // While there is a center set, it is not near the center // of the bounds. // // --------------------------------- // WMO Coordinates: -22.954444 -43.247778 // Geo-Rio Bounds: Top Right: -21.478793 -41.159092 // Bottom Left: -24.431566999999998 -45.336972 // // The center of the bounds is within about 3.5 kilometers of the // WMO coordinates, where a radar site is located on a hill. { "wrd_page": "V282ZE5QMDVVdmIwbEtleGxrU0xCZz09", "lat": -22.955366, "lon": -43.248306, "name": "Rio de Janeiro", "alt_name": "Morro do Sumare", "alt_name_html": "Morro do Sumaré", "imagery_url": georioRadarSiteImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": georioRadarSiteMirrorImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": "mirror", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Geotechnical Institute Foundation in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Fundacao Instituto de Geotecnica, Geo-Rio)", "agency_html": "Geotechnical Institute Foundation in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Fundação Instituto de Geotécnica, Geo-Rio)", "window_content": "" }, // --------------------------------- // // INEA // // - INEA // State Environmental Institute in the state of Rio de // Janeiro // Instituto Estadual do Ambiente // // The range of the radars seem to measure about 250km, but a // few sources say 240km. // http://www2.senado.leg.br/bdsf/bitstream/handle/id/429140/complemento_1.htm // http://g1.globo.com/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2014/08/novos-radares-vao-antecipar-previsao-de-tempestade-em-seis-horas-no-rj.html // // --------------------------------- // WMO Coordinates: -22.994167 -43.587778 { "wrd_page": "NjBxSlRSa0FHeU1DcDgvcmNzRWRiQT09", "lat": -22.993290, "lon": -43.587926, "name": "Guaratiba", "imagery_url": ineaRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": ineaAgencyName, "window_content": "" }, // There are two Macae radar listings in the WMO Radar Database. // One was listed in the planning stages: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/ZkdEdGNNTno4b25sVXVLcnE0aG82dz09 // We went with the one with a newer installation date of // 2015-07-10. They might have simply not removed the old // listing. Since the coordinates are the same, and within about // two years of each other, there wouldn't be two radars here. // // Article about radar: // http://g1.globo.com/rj/regiao-dos-lagos/noticia/2014/07/radares-meterologicos-poderao-prever-catastrofes-em-todo-o-rj.html { "wrd_page": "TWtMdFdRbkh1bkhVL3krMlZDZUlaZz09", "lat": -22.405926, "lon": -41.860536, "name": "Macae", "name_html": "Macaé", "imagery_url": ineaRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": ineaAgencyName, "window_content": "" }, // --------------------------------- // // IPMet/UNESP // // - IPMet // Meteorological Research Institute in the state of Sao // Paulo // (Meteorological Research Institute in the state of // São Paulo) // Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorologicas // (Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas) // // - UNESP // Sao Paulo State University // (São Paulo State University) // Universidade Estadual Paulista // // INPE Coords for "Bauru e Pres. Prudente - SP" were: // -22.223 -49.9493 // But that was for both together. // // IPMet History, with pictures of radar: // https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/2historico.php // Using pictures, both sites are verified. // // Range was measured and comes from old site: // https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/radar/ // https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/2historico.php // PPI: 450km // CAPPI: 240km // // Other radar data: // https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/2animRadar.php // https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/2radarCidades.php // https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/2imagemRadar.php // https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/alerta/ppigis/ // https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/cgi-bin/integrado.cgi // OLD: https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/radar/ // // --------------------------------- // WMO Coordinates: -22.357778 -49.026667 // IPMet Older Site: -22.358333 -49.027222 (https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/radar/coberbru.html) // // The WMO Radar Database, and the older IPMet site, have // coordinates that seem to be an observatory // (http://obsbauru.com.br/) 50 meters east of the weather radar. // The weather radar is pictured on this page: // https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/2historico.php { "wrd_page": "NmkxNGh2L09HVDFEdmJjL3N3ZE1KUT09", "lat": -22.358287, "lon": -49.027730, "name": "Bauru", "imagery_url": ipmetRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 450, "range_unit": "km", "agency": ipmetAgencyName, "agency_html": ipmetAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": ipmetRadarSitePartialHtml + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -22.175 -51.372778 // IPMet Older Site: -22.117778 -51.383611 (https://www.ipmetradar.com.br/radar/coberppr.html) // Older coordinates invalid. { "wrd_page": "emE2cWNabFJFR2NPaGlCUkxxRStvQT09", "lat": -22.175143, "lon": -51.374305, "name": "Presidente Prudente", "imagery_url": ipmetRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 450, "range_unit": "km", "agency": ipmetAgencyName, "agency_html": ipmetAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": ipmetRadarSitePartialHtml + inpeRadarSiteOptionHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // SIPAM // // - SIPAM // Amazon Protection System // Sistema de Protecao da Amazonia // (Sistema de Proteção da Amazônia) // // SIPAM Coordinates: // http://sosamazonia.sipam.gov.br/sosmanaus/dsajs/manaus.js // // SIPAM Old Site Coordinates: // http://www3.sipam.gov.br/NEW_RADAR2/mosaico.google.html // Click a radar site in the left column and then view the // source of the page to get coordinates of the map center. // // --------------------------------- // WMO Coordinates: -1.414444 -48.462222 // SIPAM Coordinates: -1.4066666666666665 -48.48166666666667 // REDEMET Coords: -1.40666667 -48.46138889 // SIPAM Old Page: -1.4067 -48.4618 { "wrd_page": "dTQyKzBmREgwczg0Q1BnZUxoL25JZz09", "lat": -1.407081, "lon": -48.462246, "name": "Belem", "name_html": "Belém", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022, imagery seemed like it might have last been available on July 26th, 2018." // sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: 2.844167 -60.7025 // SIPAM Coordinates: 2.8441666666666667 -60.70027777777778 // REDEMET Coords: 2.84416667 -60.70027778 // SIPAM Old Page: 2.84421 -60.7002 { "wrd_page": "d3VaZEpNMlAvTTRVOVIzVCtHMjltUT09", "lat": 2.843869, "lon": -60.700764, "name": "Boa Vista", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -7.595833 -72.767778 // SIPAM Coordinates: -7.595555555555555 -72.79972222222221 // REDEMET Coords: -7.59583333 -72.76777778 // SIPAM Old Page: -7.59553 -72.7697 // // When we checked in October 2022, it was not on DECEA's site. { "wrd_page": "NU5ISzlkQVM2QlJINzJhWTZlcnZzdz09", "lat": -7.595869, "lon": -72.770330, "name": "Cruzeiro do Sul", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "" // sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: 0.046944 -51.098611 // SIPAM Coordinates: 0.04555555555555556 -51.096944444444446 // REDEMET Coords: -0.04722222 -51.09777778 // SIPAM Old Page: -0.045597 -51.0969 // // There is another radar about 200 meters east-northeast of this // location. Coordinates from the WMO Radar Database reference // this location as the weather radar. A video: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV_j7k3Rx8U&t=364 // Which is highlighting CINDACTA radars, shows that other larger // radar and is likely the CINDACTA IV radar (DTCEA-MQ) for air // traffic control. { "wrd_page": "b0x0dG9sMUZrSjhKdUdUSWxhTERSdz09", "lat": 0.046586, "lon": -51.098639, "name": "Macapa", "name_html": "Macapá", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "There is another radar about 200 meters east-northeast of this location. Coordinates from the WMO Radar Database reference this location as the weather radar. A video here, which is highlighting CINDACTA radars, shows that other larger radar and is likely the CINDACTA IV radar (DTCEA-MQ) for air traffic control.

    " + sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -3.148889 -59.991389 // SIPAM Coordinates: -3.12369 -60 // REDEMET Coords: -3.01555556 -59.99138889 // SIPAM Old Page: -3.14889 -59.9914 // // The REDEMET coordinates seem very off. Other coordinates seem // to reflect the actual weather radar as seen on satellite // imagery. { "wrd_page": "RjBHQnBJMFBad2xDR0s5SGxUekRsUT09", "lat": -3.149252, "lon": -59.991955, "name": "Manaus", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -8.715 -63.893611 // SIPAM Coordinates: -8.715277777777777 -63.89388888888889 // REDEMET Coords: -8.71500000 -63.89388889 // SIPAM Old Page: -8.71514 -63.8838 // // There is another radar about 200 meters northeast of this // location. Coordinates from SIPAM are closer to the location // noted. The noted radar is smaller than the other radar. The // larger radar is likely the CINDACTA IV radar (DTCEA-PV) for // air traffic control. { "wrd_page": "ckJiOHVXelRXS25wZ0hmazVwNmtOdz09", "lat": -8.715502, "lon": -63.894345, "name": "Porto Velho", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "There is another radar about 200 meters northeast of this location. Coordinates from the " + sipamAgencyNameHtml + " are closer to the location noted. The noted radar is smaller than the other radar. The larger radar is likely the CINDACTA IV radar (DTCEA-PV) for air traffic control.

    " + sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -2.429722 -54.798889 // SIPAM Coordinates: -2.429722222222222 -54.79888888888889 // REDEMET Coords: -2.42972222 -54.79888889 // SIPAM Old Page: -2.42964 -54.799 // // There is another radar about 200 meters north-northeast of // this location. Coordinates from the WMO Radar Database, // REDEMET and SIPAM are closer to the location noted. A video // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV_j7k3Rx8U&t=348 // Which is highlighting CINDACTA radars, shows that other larger // radar and is likely the CINDACTA IV radar (DTCEA-SN) for air // traffic control. { "wrd_page": "TkVvWnhGWTlWTDVRSC9QYWg2NWxMQT09", "lat": -2.430036, "lon": -54.799436, "name": "Santarem", "name_html": "Santarém", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site on October 29th 2022, imagery was last available on October 7th, 2022.

    " + "There is another radar about 200 meters north-northeast of this location. Coordinates from the WMO Radar Database, " + redemetAgencyNameHtml + " and " + sipamAgencyNameHtml + " are closer to the location noted. A video here, which is highlighting CINDACTA radars, shows that other larger radar and is likely the CINDACTA IV radar (DTCEA-SN) for air traffic control." // + // "

    " + // sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira // SIPAM Name: Sao Gabriel // REDEMET Name: Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira // // WMO Coordinates: -0.143611 -67.056944 // SIPAM Coordinates: -0.1436111111111111 -67.05694444444444 // REDEMET Coords: -0.01027778 -67.05694444 // SIPAM Old Page: -0.143677 -67.057 // // The REDEMET coordinates seem very off. Other coordinates seem // to reflect the actual weather radar as seen on satellite // imagery. { "wrd_page": "TXpQQjNPb3hYUVQvYXdXR3o5Q21DZz09", "lat": -0.144050, "lon": -67.057488, "name": "Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira", "name_html": "São Gabriel da Cachoeira", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Sao Luiz // SIPAM Name: Sao Luis // REDEMET Name: Sao Luis // // WMO Coordinates: -2.597222 -44.239167 // SIPAM Coordinates: -2.6005555555555557 -44.239444444444445 // REDEMET Coords: -2.59722222 -44.23750000 // SIPAM Old Page: -2.60048 -44.2393 // // There is another radar about 300 meters northeast of this // location. Coordinates from SIPAM are closer to the location // noted. The noted radar is smaller than the other radar. The // larger radar is likely the CINDACTA IV radar (DTCEA-SL) for // air traffic control. // // This radar was built sometime between May 2007 and September // 2011. Imagery showed construction taking place in May 2007. // // Archived imagery at REDEMET seems available since August 2012. { "wrd_page": "K2loLzV0a2lBMEJyUVJjeGIyU1JPQT09", "lat": -2.600438, "lon": -44.239220, "name": "Sao Luis", "name_html": "São Luís", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "There is another radar about 300 meters northeast of this location. Coordinates from the " + sipamAgencyNameHtml + " are closer to the location noted. The noted radar is smaller than the other radar. The larger radar is likely the CINDACTA IV radar (DTCEA-SL) for air traffic control.

    " + sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -4.248333 -69.935556 // SIPAM Coordinates: -4.248333333333333 -69.93500 // REDEMET Coords: -4.24833333 -69.93500000 // SIPAM Old Page: -4.24839 -69.935 { "wrd_page": "VWVtY3dLOGoyUWVsaGFsRUZJeW5ZUT09", "lat": -4.248773, "lon": -69.935511, "name": "Tabatinga", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: -3.377222 -64.720556 // SIPAM Coordinates: -3.372777777777778 -64.69305555555556 // REDEMET Coords: -3.37722222 -64.72055556 // SIPAM Old Page: -3.3727 -64.6932 { "wrd_page": "eGtxcUNITjgyOUNkYTJLbUQrTTd5QT09", "lat": -3.377724, "lon": -64.721027, "name": "Tefe", "name_html": "Tefé", "imagery_url": sipamRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "agency": sipamAgencyName, "agency_html": sipamAgencyNameHtml, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site on October 29th 2022, imagery was last available on October 14th, 2022." // sipamRadarSiteHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // SIMEPAR // // - SIMEPAR // Parana Meteorological System // (Paraná Meteorological System) // Sistema Meteorologico Do Parana // (Sistema Meteorológico Do Paraná) // // --------------------------------- // WMO Coordinates: -24.875556 -53.525278 // SIMEPAR Coords: - // // This article gives the range as 480km: // http://g1.globo.com/pr/oeste-sudoeste/noticia/2014/04/radar-podera-prever-tempestades-com-12-horas-de-antecedencia-no-pr.html // 480km range also measured using radar imagery. { "wrd_page": "RzRxTUs4M1pUOEczbWlHR2swUUZjQT09", "lat": -24.876036, "lon": -53.525813, "name": "Cascavel", "imagery_url": simeparRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "agency": simeparAgencyName, "agency_html": simeparAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "" }, // WMO Coordinates: -25.505278 -50.361111 // SIMEPAR Coords: -25.505313 -50.361330 // // This page gives the range as 480km: // http://www.simepar.br/osimepar/tecnologia_radar.jsp // The page also has the coordinates. 480km range also measured // using radar imagery. { "wrd_page": "L050eDBYQ0lKbWhnTUNuMGozTS9KQT09", "lat": -25.505678, "lon": -50.361653, "name": "Teixeira Soares", "imagery_url": simeparRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "agency": simeparAgencyName, "agency_html": simeparAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "" }, // WMO Coordinates: - // SIMEPAR Coords: - // // This radar is a short range X-band radar on top of SIMEPAR's // headquarters in Curitiba. You can view info here: // https://www.oparana.com.br/noticia/radar-japones-e-instalado-no-parana // With a picture here, which is what the coordinates are based on: // https://asemananews.com.br/2018/02/05/comeca-a-funcionar-o-radar-que-monitora-a-grande-curitiba/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -25.451907, "lon": -49.237020, "name": "Curitiba", "imagery_url": simeparRadarSiteImageryUrl, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": simeparAgencyName, "agency_html": simeparAgencyNameHtml, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This short range X-band radar is located on top of the Paraná Meteorological System's (SIMEPAR, Sistema Meteorológico Do Paraná) headquarters in Curitiba. You can view an article here that has a picture of it. Since I couldn't find the range, the range is not shown. SIMEPAR's radar page seems to indicate that this radar is included in their mosaic. (when you click the \"i\" icon next to \"Radar - Mosaico\")" }, // --------------------------------- // // SOMAR // // - SOMAR // Somar Meteorologia // (Somar Meteorologia) // // --------------------------------- // WMO Name: Mogi // WMO Coordinates: -23.505 -46.095278 // // The coordinates come from the WMO Radar Database. { "wrd_page": "QnBMaGlWVlBDOVBWVlAwMzIrVXR5UT09", "lat": -23.504961, "lon": -46.095502, "name": "Mogi das Cruzes", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "SOMAR Meteorologia", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Because we couldn't find imagery from this radar site, the range of the radar is unknown and it is not shown on the map. We don't know if it is still in use.

    " + "You can find mention of the radar on SOMAR Meteorologia's site here. An old PDF document on the WMO's website here had a link to a site that may have previously had imagery, but the site no longer exists. You can view it here at the Internet Archive. We couldn't view archived imagery however. The older site mentioned that the radar was from Somar Meteorologia/Atmos." }, // The coordinates were verified using Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@-23.5632509,-46.7062239,3a,19y,277.13h,121.03t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sI_qyRxlx27iXNz5VPirm_Q!2e0!5s20170501T000000!7i13312!8i6656 // It was a small radar on top of a building. Sometime between // May 2017 and December 2017 the radar disappeared. { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "Z0VXMVNJU2lIc0Z1L0U4N2NPKy9vUT09", "lat": -23.563213, "lon": -46.706479, "name": "Somar X", "agency": "SOMAR Meteorologia", "window_content": "The coordinates for this site were verified using Google Street View here. It was a small radar on top of a building. Sometime between May 2017 and December 2017 the radar disappeared." }, // --------------------------------- // // UFPEL // // - UFPEL // Federal University of Pelotas // Universidade Federal de Pelotas // // Annoucement about activation in 2019 after upgrade: // https://ccs2.ufpel.edu.br/wp/2019/02/21/ufpel-ativa-novo-radar-meteorologico-digital/ // From searching "radar": // http://ccs2.ufpel.edu.br/wp/?s=radar // Center for Meteorological Research and Forecasting (CPPMet): // https://wp.ufpel.edu.br/cppmet/ // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "Q3JRWVp1andOMnZLQkNocmJzbUFqdz09", "lat": -31.716248, "lon": -52.309672, "name": "Universidade Federal de Pelotas", "imagery_url": "https://wp.ufpel.edu.br/cppmet/rada-ppi-400km/", "range": "400", "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Federal University of Pelotas (Universidade Federal de Pelotas, UFPEL)", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar was upgraded in 2019. The WMO Radar Database page reflects the radar before the upgrade.

    " + "When we checked this radar in October 2022, it said \"Em manutenção\". (under maintenance) The range listed said 400km. We do not draw the range on the map." }, // --------------------------------- // // Universidade de Sao Paulo // // - USP // University of Sao Paulo // Universidade de Sao Paulo // // --------------------------------- // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Parque+CienTec/@-23.6516391,-46.6220985,35a,33.4y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMBK_abEqUm30-QDqpc_w4zz6CiHFWl907YEczG!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMBK_abEqUm30-QDqpc_w4zz6CiHFWl907YEczG%3Dw203-h450-k-no!7i1470!8i3264!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x1f41c77d347d0ddf!8m2!3d-23.6516391!4d-46.6221252 // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Parque+CienTec/@-23.6491184,-46.6229916,3a,74.4y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMGsYkDZsK7BMvgD4vTuHKHrEUWqosJ6T6R64TJ!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMGsYkDZsK7BMvgD4vTuHKHrEUWqosJ6T6R64TJ%3Dw203-h101-k-no!7i4160!8i2080!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x1f41c77d347d0ddf!8m2!3d-23.6516391!4d-46.6221252 // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Parque+CienTec/@-23.6516391,-46.6225438,-3a,38.5y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPMcDyN1UxGdL1MlvYXAEi9FGNJzYybE43rTXMi!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPMcDyN1UxGdL1MlvYXAEi9FGNJzYybE43rTXMi%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x1f41c77d347d0ddf!8m2!3d-23.6516391!4d-46.6221252 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -23.652362, "lon": -46.623076, "name": "Sao Paulo", "name_html": "São Paulo", "alt_name": "Agua Funda", "alt_name_html": "Água Funda", "imagery_url": "https://chuvaonline.iag.usp.br/radar_xpol.php", "range": "58", "range_unit": "km", "agency": "University of Sao Paulo (Universidade de Sao Paulo, USP)", "agency_html": "University of São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo, USP", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range of this imagery measures 58km when measuring the circle in the imagery.

    " + "There are other radar displays on this site, accessible in the menu, but they didn't have current data as of checking. Pictures appear here (picture of sign on building), here (picture of tower) and here. (picture of map showing where the radar is at this location, which is labeled \"f\")" }, // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@-23.5616351,-46.7330914,3a,15y,273.53h,99.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0NL9A7uD690C9zgdKZUD8w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -23.561518, "lon": -46.734947, "name": "Sao Paulo", "name_html": "São Paulo", "alt_name": "USP - Cidade Univeritaria", "alt_name_html": "USP - Cidade Univeritária", "imagery_url": "https://www.chuvaonline.iag.usp.br/index_chuvaonline.php", "range": "21.5", "range_unit": "km", "agency": "University of Sao Paulo (Universidade de Sao Paulo, USP)", "agency_html": "University of São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo, USP", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This X-band radar last had data on July 29th, 2022. We do not draw the range on the map. This radar site appears in the display as \"USP\".

    " + "Another X-band radar, located at 23.482392S 46.500869W, appears in the same display as EACH, for USP Leste - Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades. That other radar last had data on May 16th, 2020. That other radar may no longer be there, based on satellite imagery and Google Street View imagery. (see imagery from June 2019 when it was still there)

    " + "You can learn more about their radar here." }, // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@-23.4858219,-46.5020321,3a,15y,17.62h,95.14t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sXGbLKlnuiLkmzkAu3b7q3A!2e0!5s20190601T000000!7i16384!8i8192 { "closed": 1, "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -23.482392, "lon": -46.500869, "name": "Sao Paulo", "name_html": "São Paulo", "alt_name": "USP Leste - Escola de Artes, Ciencias e Humanidades", "alt_name_html": "USP Leste - Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades", "imagery_url": "https://www.chuvaonline.iag.usp.br/index_chuvaonline.php", "range": "21.5", "range_unit": "km", "agency": "University of Sao Paulo (Universidade de Sao Paulo, USP)", "agency_html": "University of São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo, USP", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This X-band radar does not seem to be there any longer. You can see it in Google Street View here in June 2019. In later imagery, including satellite, it didn't appear to be there. Data was last available on May 16th, 2020.

    " + "Another X-band radar also appears in the same display. This radar appears in the display as \"EACH\".

    " + "You can learn more about their radar here." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Colombia // // Ranges measured using radar imagery. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "COL": [ // --------------------------------- // // SIATA // // - SIATA // Early Warning System of Medellin and the Aburra Valley // Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Medellin y el Valle de Aburra // (Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Medellín y el Valle de Aburrá) // // --------------------------------- // Medelin // // Location based on being named "Radar Doppler SIATA" in // Google Earth. // // Source for 240km range: // https://www.metropol.gov.co/ambiental/siata/Paginas/Hidrometeorologicas-y-sismos.aspx // // The alternate imagery URL link was last working September // 6th, 2018. At that time, the imagery was a single image, // not a loop. // // Imagery is under "Santa Elena" on IDEAM's site when // available. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 6.190801, "lon": -75.528711, "name": "Medelin", "alt_name": "Santa Elena", "imagery_url": "https://siata.gov.co/siata_nuevo/", "alt_imagery_url": "http://bart.ideam.gov.co/geotiff/satelite/gif/radar/SIATA_Basemap.gif", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Early Warning System of Medellin and the Aburra Valley (Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Medellin y el Valle de Aburra, SIATA)", "agency_html": "Early Warning System of Medellin and the Aburrá Valley (Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Medellín y el Valle de Aburrá, SIATA)", "window_content": "The map loads shorter range imagery upon load. To view other radar options, click the radar icon in the left column. You can animate the radar there by clicking \"Animación Radar\" and a new window will be available with other options. Under \"Último Barrido\" (last sweep) you can also find other reflectivity angles (like \"Reflectividad 0.5°\" which has longer range data) and velocity data. You will also find a national composite, \"Composición Nacional\", which may show some of the other radars in Colombia. (though as of updating this page for this country in August 2020 and in September 2021, only data from this radar site appeared to be in that composite)

    " + "You can also view data from this radar site through the " + ideamColombiaAgencyNameHtml + ". You can also view imagery at IDEAM zoomed in closer up on Medellín by clicking here.

    " }, // --------------------------------- // // IDEAM // // - IDEAM // Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies // Instituto de Hidrologia, Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales // (Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales) // // --------------------------------- // Barrancabermeja // // Video of site: // https://twitter.com/ADN_Bucaramanga/status/1098736491256258561 // // 250km range measured from radar overlay in Google Earth. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 6.932715, "lon": -73.762515, "name": "Barrancabermeja", "imagery_url": "http://bart.ideam.gov.co/geotiff/satelite/gif/radar/Barrancabermeja_Basemap.gif", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "agency": ideamColombiaAgencyName, "agency_html": ideamColombiaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": ideamColombiaSiteHtml }, // Carimagua // // Pictures of this radar site: // https://twitter.com/IDEAMColombia/status/1055530729516515329 // // 250km range measured from radar overlay in Google Earth. // // On PDF page 28 of the PDF file on the page here: // https://ct.anla.gov.co/GACETA/Consultar-gaceta/descargar?q=3562 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 4.563650, "lon": 71.332807, "name": "Carimagua", "imagery_url": "http://bart.ideam.gov.co/geotiff/satelite/gif/radar/Carimagua_Basemap.gif", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "agency": ideamColombiaAgencyName, "agency_html": ideamColombiaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": ideamColombiaSiteHtml }, // San Jose del Guaviare // // 300km range measured from radar overlay in Google Earth. // // Pictures: // https://twitter.com/IDEAMColombia/status/1111750583290085377 // https://twitter.com/FondoAdaptacion/status/1111714982469820417 // https://twitter.com/FondoAdaptacion/status/1111631441891389441 // Video (1:14 into the video) here: // https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=852085718474736 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 2.533704, "lon": -72.628501, "name": "San Jose del Guaviare", "name_html": "San José del Guaviare", "imagery_url": "http://bart.ideam.gov.co/geotiff/satelite/gif/radar/Guaviare_Basemap.gif", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "agency": ideamColombiaAgencyName, "agency_html": ideamColombiaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": ideamColombiaSiteHtml }, // Cerro Munchique // // The file here: // https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_X7m2XjlAPiT1JKaWF2SFFkbHM/view // From the page here: // https://www.fondoadaptacion.gov.co/index.php/component/sppagebuilder/?view=page&id=2786 // Has coordinates of 2°31'03.9"N 76°57'20.58"W. This // radar site is too new to view it on satellite imagery. The // picture of the site in the file linked above, taken before // the radar was installed, matches satellite imagery // available through Bing Maps here: // https://www.bing.com/maps?cp=2.517750~-76.955717&lvl=19&style=h // Additionally, when this radar imagery was overlaid in // Google Earth it matches extremely well to these // coordinates. // // 250km range measured from radar overlay in Google Earth. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 2.517750, "lon": -76.955717, "name": "Cerro Munchique", "imagery_url": "http://bart.ideam.gov.co/geotiff/satelite/gif/radar/Munchique_Basemap.gif", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "agency": ideamColombiaAgencyName, "agency_html": ideamColombiaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": ideamColombiaSiteHtml + "

    " + "The file here, from the page here, has coordinates of 2°31'03.9\"N 76°57'20.58\"W. This radar site is too new to view it on satellite imagery. The picture of the site in the file linked above, taken before the radar was installed, matches satellite imagery available through Bing Maps here. Additionally, when this radar imagery was overlaid in Google Earth it matches extremely well to these coordinates." }, // --------------------------------- // // Aeronautica Civil // // - Civil Aviation Authority of Colombia // Aeronautica Civil de Colombia // (Aeronáutica Civil de Colombia) // // --------------------------------- // Bogota (Tablazo) // // IDEAM site: Tablazo // Aeronautica Civil: Radar Site GTA // // Location based on pictures: // http://www.portafolio.co/economia/gobierno/inversion-aerocivil-tecnologia-aeronautica-495865 // https://www.google.com/search?q=Radar+Tablazo&tbm=isch // Other radar coordinates for the site: // http://www.aerocivil.gov.co/servicios-a-la-navegacion/servicio-de-informacion-aeronautica-ais/Documents/07%20ENR%201.6.pdf // From: http://www.aerocivil.gov.co/servicios-a-la-navegacion/servicio-de-informacion-aeronautica-ais/en-ruta // Satellite imagery is not clear over the area. Based on // other radars at the site, the coordinates are // approximated. // // The satellite imagery used was from Sentinel-2: // https://apps.sentinel-hub.com/eo-browser/ // // 300km range measured from radar overlay in Google Earth. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 5.011675, "lon": -74.205113, "name": "Bogota", "alt_name": "El Tablazo", "imagery_url": "http://bart.ideam.gov.co/geotiff/satelite/gif/radar/Tablazo_Basemap.gif", "alt_imagery_url": "http://meteorologia.aerocivil.gov.co/radar/loop/aoi/GTA/Reflectividad%20de%20Base%200.5%20deg", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "agency": aeroCivilColombiaAgencyName, "agency_html": aeroCivilColombiaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": "You can also view imagery zoomed in closer up here and even closer up on Bogota by clicking here.

    " + aeroCivilColombiaSiteHtml + "

    " + "Photographs (such as through Google Images) and low resolution satellite imagery, since high resolution imagery is not yet available for free as of updating this radar site, were used to estimate the location of this radar site on top of the mountain. It could be around 50 meters off." }, // Corozal (Las Brujas Airport) // // IDEAM site: Corozal (when listed) // Aeronautica Civil: Radar Site CZU (when listed) // About codes: CZU (IATA), SKCZ (ICAO) // // Location based in part on Google Street View imagery. // // 300km range measured from radar overlay in Google Earth // when using Aeronautica Civil imagery. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 9.331353, "lon": -75.283001, "name": "Corozal", "alt_name": "Las Brujas Airport", "imagery_url": "http://bart.ideam.gov.co/geotiff/satelite/gif/radar/Corozal_Basemap.gif", // "alt_imagery_url": "http://meteorologia.aerocivil.gov.co/radar/loop/aoi/CZU/Reflectividad%20de%20Base%200.5%20deg", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "agency": aeroCivilColombiaAgencyName, "agency_html": aeroCivilColombiaAgencyNameHtml, "window_content": ideamColombiaSiteHtml + "

    " + aeroCivilColombiaSiteHtml }, // San Andres (Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport) // // IDEAM site: San Andres (when listed) // Aeronautica Civil: Radar Site ADZ (when listed) // About codes: ADZ (IATA), SKSP (ICAO) // // Location based on photos and historical satellite imagery in Google Earth: // https://thearchipielagopress.co/nuevo-radar-meteorologico-en-san-andres-para-ampliar-cobertura-nacional-de-aeronavegacion/ // https://thearchipielagopress.co/ya-esta-casi-terminado-el-nuevo-radar-meteorologico-de-la-aeronautica-civil/ // https://www.aeropuertos.net/aeropuerto-internacional-gustavo-rojas-pinilla-llegadas-de-vuelos/ // // 300km range measured from radar overlay in Google Earth. // (both Aeronautica Civil and IDEAM overlays) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 12.588580, "lon": -81.708106, "name": "San Andres Island", "alt_name": "Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport", "imagery_url": "http://bart.ideam.gov.co/geotiff/satelite/gif/radar/San_Andres_Basemap.gif", // "alt_imagery_url": "http://meteorologia.aerocivil.gov.co/radar/loop/aoi/ADZ/Reflectividad%20de%20Base%200.5%20deg", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "agency": aeroCivilColombiaAgencyName, "agency_html": aeroCivilColombiaAgencyNameHtml, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we tested this radar site in October 2022, after Hurricane Julia hit the island, radar data was not available. We do not draw the range on the map.

    " + ideamColombiaSiteHtml + "

    " + aeroCivilColombiaSiteHtml }, // Pasto // // While a radar range is shown on the mosaic image on // Aeronautica Civil's site, individual imagery is not // available. It also doesn't appear as though there is any // radar data for the Pasto radar on the mosaic, if there is // a radar there at all. // --------------------------------- // // IDIGER // // - IDIGER // Instituto Distrital de Gestion de Riesgos y Cambio // Climotico // (Instituto Distrital de Gestión de Riesgos y // Cambio Climático) // // --------------------------------- // A picture of the site is here: // https://twitter.com/colombiahumana_/status/677958083872714753 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 4.675125, "lon": -74.113954, "name": "Bogota (short range)", "imagery_url": "https://www.sire.gov.co/web/sab", "alt_imagery_url": "http://bart.ideam.gov.co/geotiff/satelite/gif/radar/Idiger_Basemap.gif", "range": 60, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Instituto Distrital de Gestion de Riesgos y Cambio Climatico", "agency_html": "Instituto Distrital de Gestión de Riesgos y Cambio Climático", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "window_content": "The first link is to an interactive map. For a GIF image of that map, which contains the date, click here.

    " + ideamColombiaSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ecuador // // Range is 60km: // http://www.serviciometeorologico.gob.ec/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2015/05/BOLETIN_23.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ECU": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -0.044029, "lon": -78.432319, "name": "Northern Quito", "alt_name": "Mitaloma", "range": 60, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": ecuadorSiteHtml }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -0.235627, "lon": -78.47786, "name": "Central Quito", "alt_name": "Monjas D.A.C. - Direccion General de Aviacion Civil", "alt_name_html": "Monjas D.A.C. - Dirección General de Aviación Civil", "range": 60, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": ecuadorSiteHtml }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -0.333505, "lon": -78.522577, "name": "Southern Quito", "alt_name": "El Troje", "range": 60, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": ecuadorSiteHtml }, ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // French Guiana // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "GUF": [ // Possibly: UFBUZ2NlR0VhOUx4N3NlNEhjTFJTQT09 // // France's meteorological service receives this radar data from // the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France's // space agency, which operates at the Centre Spatial Guyanais // (Guiana Space Center). // // The new weather radar (EEC radar named ROMUALD, "Radar // d'Observation Meteo d'Utilisation Aisee Localement et a // Distance", installed in 2000) seems to be the radar 25 meters // to the SW of the tracking radar at the site. The old weather // radar (THOMSON radar named RODIN, installed in 1980) seems to // have been located at 5.208832 -52.748237, about 15km northwest // of the new site. The old radar, which didn't have Doppler, // may eventually be upgraded to serve as a backup. // // It's confusing as to whether the area or the hill next to it // is called "Montagne des Peres" which some sites mention. // // The WMO Radar Database has coordinates of 4.833333 -52.366667 // for the radar named "Kourou, French Guiana", but those // coordinates are about 44km southeast of the actual radar site. // The database also mentions the manufacturer as "Enterprise // Electronics Corporation" (EEC). // // http://www.meteofrance.fr/prevoir-le-temps/observer-le-temps/moyens/les-radars-meteorologiques // http://ted.europa.eu/TED/notice/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:455015-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML // https://videotheque.cnes.fr/index.php?urlaction=doc&id_doc=23188 // 19:28 into this video it shows Grand Leblond when there // was only a tracking radar (Bretagne 1), not a weather // radar (ROMUALD): // http://www.cnes-csg.fr/web/CNES-CSG-fr/10070-les-moyens-de-localisation.php // Virtual visit of the Grand-Leblond Station: // http://static.zooomez.fr/medias/csg/gd-leblond/ // The radar the virtual visit shows on load seems to be // Bretagne 1, a tracking radar. There is also a virtual // visit for the older radar site: // http://static.zooomez.fr/medias/csg/meteo/ // October 18th, 2001 press release about new radar: // French: http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=6400 // English: http://spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=6401 // http://www.cnes-csg.fr/automne_modules_files/pArticles/public/r7110_f158_L5NS5_Web.pdf // https://www.capcomespace.net/dossiers/espace_europeen/ariane/CSG/station_meteo.htm // https://www.aeroplans.fr/europespace/rouge-meteo.html // https://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2012/01/Galliot_tracking_station // The radar is about 1.75km from the Galliot Tracking // Station (you can see the radar on the hill in the top // right corner) // http://www.cnes-csg.fr/web/CNES-CSG-fr/9793-les-moyens-de-telemesure-et-localisation.php // http://www.gsrt.gr/News/Files/New794/ESA%20PB-LAU%20(2013)52%20(1).pdf // http://www.esa.int/esapub/bulletin/bullet83/csg2083.htm // https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1464190900001416 // https://docslide.net/documents/romuald-doppler-weather-radar-application-for-ariane-45-launch-support.html // https://ams.confex.com/ams/30radar/webprogram/Paper21828.html // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guiana_Space_Centre#/media/File:Plan_Centre_Spatial_Guyanais-en.svg // { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 5.113879, "lon": -52.644831, "name": "Kourou", "alt_name": "Grand Leblond", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "France's meteorological service receives this radar data from the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France's space agency, which operates at the Centre Spatial Guyanais (Guiana Space Center).

    " + "You can view a Caribbean radar mosaic here.

    " + barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Guyana // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "GUY": [ { "wrd_page": "VHRiWkJhNURpZy9VUjdWbGpKbi9JQT09", "lat": 6.485888, "lon": -58.251641, "name": "Georgetown", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": barbadosWeatherIntroductionHtml + "" + curacaoEntireCaribbeanHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Nicaragua // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Radar had been here: // https://www.ineter.gob.ni/radar.html "NIC": [ // Coordinates found in the Javascript file that displays radar. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 12.008167, "lon": -86.288389, "name": "Managua", "range": 450, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "You can view their meteorological service here." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Paraguay // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "PRY": [ { "wrd_page": "RVVpUzZIamZaeW02aVNqTVg5Q0Njdz09", "lat": -25.333130, "lon": -57.523472, "name": "Asuncion", "name_html": "Asunción", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022, and March 2021, it was not available. The range is not shown on the map." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Peru // // 2020, another radar might eventually be available: // https://twitter.com/ktakahashig/status/1228456080801435650 // https://www.cooperacionsuiza.pe/monitorear-para-prevenir-en-el-marco-de-la-red-de-sistema-de-alerta-temprana-del-senamhi-la-cosude-apoya-el-fortalecimiento-de-sistema-de-observacion-en-la-cuenca-del-rio-rimac/ // // Jan 26, 2022: // https://twitter.com/Senamhiperu/status/1486370321200463875 // Translated: "#SENAMHI Executive President, Patricio // Valderrama indicated that the purchase of radar and // hydrometeorological stations for the Early Warning System // for rains in Piura will soon be carried out. Equipment // installation is expected to take place in the first months // of 2023" // // Peru also has a mobile radar (May 2022): // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct2ZBAICsIA // "Ribbon cutting to inaugurate SOPHy, an all Peruvian made // meteorological radar at Peru's Jicamarca Geophysical Radio // Institute with Yamina Silva Vidal, Peru's Vice Minister of // the Environment's for the Strategic Development of Natural // Resources (middle) cutting the ribbon, alongside Hernando // Tavera, Executive President of the Institute (right), and // Dr. Danny Scipión, Director of the Jicamarca Geophysical // Radio Institute (left)" // // Twitter thread: // https://twitter.com/MinamPeru/status/1522290227993321474 // https://twitter.com/MinamPeru/status/1522295139389083648 // https://twitter.com/MinamPeru/status/1522295152278183936 // https://twitter.com/MinamPeru/status/1522302149182603265 // https://twitter.com/MinamPeru/status/1522302652863991808 // https://twitter.com/MinamPeru/status/1522386851016892416 // https://larepublica.pe/ciencia/2022/05/06/peru-ingenieros-del-igp-presentan-a-sophy-el-primer-radar-de-lluvias-fabricado-en-peru/ // https://www.gob.pe/institucion/igp/noticias/604784-columna-de-opinion-sophy-el-radar-meteorologico-del-igp // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct2ZBAICsIA // https://www.igp.gob.pe/observatorios/radio-observatorio-jicamarca/realtime/ // https://web.archive.org/web/20221009032021/https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7Mbqg2nYXnkJ:https://www.igp.gob.pe/observatorios/radio-observatorio-jicamarca/realtime/plot/400/velocity/&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us // https://www.igp.gob.pe/observatorios/radio-observatorio-jicamarca/realtime/plot/400/velocity/ // https://www.igp.gob.pe/observatorios/radio-observatorio-jicamarca/realtime/plot/400/reflectivity/ // https://www.gob.pe/institucion/minam/noticias/604676-moderno-radar-medira-lluvias-y-nieve-para-evaluar-impacto-del-cambio-climatico-en-nevados-andinos // https://www.gob.pe/institucion/igp/noticias/585381-columna-de-opinion-radar-meteorologico-construido-por-manos-peruanas // https://www.gob.pe/institucion/igp/noticias/604784-columna-de-opinion-sophy-el-radar-meteorologico-del-igp // https://twitter.com/search?q=igp_peru%20radar // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "PER": [ // Example of imagery: // https://twitter.com/Senamhiperu/status/1236258250808389632 // Info: // https://www.udep.edu.pe/hoy/tema/radar-de-lluvias/ // https://www.udep.edu.pe/hoy/2019/05/investigaciones-con-el-nuevo-radar-buscan-beneficiar-a-la-region-norte-y-al-pais/ // https://www.petroperu.com.pe/english/petroperu-supported-the-implementation-of-the-first-scanner-radar-for-the-detection-of-rains-in-piura // https://innovateperu.gob.pe/noticias/noticias/item/1912-piura-presenta-primer-radar-escaner-que-detecta-lluvias-en-tiempo-real // Weather station: // http://udep.edu.pe/met/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -5.170441, "lon": -80.638935, "name": "Piura", "imagery_url": "https://www.senamhi.gob.pe/?p=satelites-RADAR", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Universidad de Piura (UDEP) / Innovate Peru", "agency_html": "Universidad de Piura (UDEP) / Innóvate Perú", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022 and September 2020, the website that seems like it might have imagery, which we link to, didn't have any available. Their Twitter feed has an image from March 2020 here showing radar data. The largest range circle on that imagery goes out to 100km. Based on other information, the range might be 120km. We list the range as 100km for now and do not draw the range on the map. You can find some more information about this radar site here.

    " + "Based on a tweet here, other radars might be installed by the Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú (SENAMHI). Translated by Google: \"#SENAMHI Executive President, Patricio Valderrama indicated that the purchase of radar and hydrometeorological stations for the Early Warning System for rains in Piura will soon be carried out. Equipment installation is expected to take place in the first months of 2023\".

    " + "As of 2022, there is also a mobile radar (SOPHy) from Peru's Jicamarca Radio Observatory. You can see various information: Articles (here and here), Twitter thread, YouTube. You can see some data in the pictures and video. It seems like it was probably linked from this page at the time, but it is no longer there. We saved a snapshot of the page that here, though it doesn't contain imagery. In that Twitter thread, in the tweet here, it says it would be installed in the Mantaro valley." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Suriname // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "SUR": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 5.449090, "lon": -55.204753, "name": "Paramaribo", "alt_name": "Zanderij", "range": 450, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we tested this radar site in August 2020, the imagery was from February 2020. The range is not shown on the map. A 250km range loop is available here, when imagery is available. You can view their meteorological service here." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Venezuela // // http://www.inameh.gob.ve/web/imagenes.php // http://www.inameh.gob.ve/web/radar.php // https://web.archive.org/web/20120108194900/http://www.inameh.gob.ve/mosaicor.php // Venezuela names. // https://old.wmo.int/extranet/pages/prog/www/OSY/Meetings/ET-SBO_Workshop_Radar_Data_Ex/SBO-WxR_Exchange_3.1.3_JMauro.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "VEN": [ // WMO Database Name: Karun // Venezuela Name: Karun // PDF Name: Karum // // There is a river called Rio Carun: // https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%ADo_Car%C3%BAn // And a town called Boca de Carun. We used imagery from // Microsoft Bing Maps. { "wrd_page": "VXh4eDVOSXZKb2xwN0pseU9tK0wrdz09", "lat": 5.315874, "lon": -63.403092, "name": "Barceloneta parish", "alt_name": "Boca de Carun", "alt_name_html": "Boca de Carún", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": venezuelaSiteHtml }, // WMO Database Name: Capuchino { "wrd_page": "SUJGMzNaL0ZKVnJkRDNub280cEFtQT09", "lat": 10.549694, "lon": -63.351620, "name": "Carupano", "name_html": "Carúpano", // "name": "Capuchino", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": venezuelaSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "WkJRUUFIZ1VDTTk0dVIzUHRlcjNUdz09", "lat": 7.206680, "lon": -70.761354, "name": "Guasdualito", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": venezuelaSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "aTJpS1pnSWM4aGp5cUlPeVQ4MjZOZz09", "lat": 10.411955, "lon": -67.217551, "name": "Jeremba", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": venezuelaSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "ckVxOVlGMmV1VXdWUExqRGNjaEVVdz09", "lat": 10.562691, "lon": -71.718760, "name": "Maracaibo", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": venezuelaSiteHtml }, // Imagery has not been available since at least 2016 for this site. // http://www.inameh.gob.ve/web/radares/ { "wrd_page": "UHBhV0J2U282TnRpWis2N0F3RTJudz09", "lat": 5.651264, "lon": -67.604191, "name": "Puerto Ayacucho", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": venezuelaSiteHtml // "window_content": "As of updating this page for this country, imagery has not been available since at least 2016 for this site." } /* , // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/SG14cm9lOTVQcEs2bDZWR3FCWU5wZz09 // // A tower of some kind is at 4.568617 -61.076671. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "SG14cm9lOTVQcEs2bDZWR3FCWU5wZz09", "lat": 4.5689, "lon": -61.0769, "name": "Santa Elena", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "A radar is listed as planned in the WMO Radar Database for this location. We use coordinates from the WMO Radar Database. A PDF file here indicates that as of 2013 it was under construction. Based on the earliest available free satellite imagery in 2009, a tower looked to already have been built. We don't see any dome on it, though satellite imagery isn't very clear. We don't know if this radar was ever built." } */ /* , // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/VkQvaWZyL0VIQkU2ZW1MUTRsMXpiUT09 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "VkQvaWZyL0VIQkU2ZW1MUTRsMXpiUT09", "lat": 7.7742, "lon": -63.0514, "name": "Guri", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "A radar is listed as planned in the WMO Radar Database for this location. We use coordinates from the WMO Radar Database. A PDF file here indicates that as of 2013 it was under construction. As of reviewing satellite imagery from 2020, we could not find a radar at this location. A possible transmission tower seems to be nearby, but there is no evidence of a radar there. We don't know if this radar was ever built." } */ ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Europe // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Albania // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ALB": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.405469, "lon": 19.398406, "name": "Durres", "name_html": "Durrës", "alt_name": "Bisht Palle", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "General Directorate of Civil Emergencies (GDCE) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The imagery from this radar was available here in the past. The date of the last available imagery is from 2016. (as of October 2019) It's uncertain if this radar is still operational.

    " + "The location of this radar may not be accurate. Based on satellite imagery, photographs of the radar, and using radar imagery, it is likely that these coordinates are close to the actual coordinates of the radar. A picture of the small radar, as well as of the tower it is on, can be found in the PDF document here. Based on that document, it is a MicroStep-MIS MMR-50 X-band radar. That document says that the installation of the radar was completed in March 2015. It also says that the tower was new. Using historical satellite imagery in Google Earth, it seems like this is the tower that is most likely the one the radar is on. Because current imagery from the radar couldn't be found online, the range is not noted on the map.

    " + "You can learn more about ADRIARadNet, the project this radar was a part of, on the site here. It's possible that an application on the site here might have data, but it requires a password. (when we tested this site in October 2022 it didn't load)" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Austria // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on November 2nd, 2022. // // The report here has pictures of the radar network: // https://library.wmo.int/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=20185 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "AUT": [ { "wrd_page": "ajA5ZHMvWXJlT1BjZUcwb0U5c085UT09", "lat": 47.071717, "lon": 14.559877, "name": "Graz", "alt_name": "Zirbitzkogel", "range": 224, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": austriaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "WUUwUE1mOUNUTXVZRUFYZDhhb2lNQT09", "lat": 47.208646, "lon": 11.460247, "name": "Innsbruck", "alt_name": "Patscherkofel", "range": 224, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": austriaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "Mld4ckZGVEYzZkFhK0x0am9KZWk2QT09", "lat": 48.064675, "lon": 13.061373, "name": "Salzburg", "alt_name": "Feldkirchen bei Mattighofen", "range": 224, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": austriaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "OTJzVUFuRkhLQU1iTTVJUnM5Zko3QT09", "lat": 48.076060, "lon": 16.535050, "name": "Vienna", "alt_name": "Rauchenwarth", "range": 224, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": austriaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // // // // Closed // // // // Data had been here too: // https://niederschlag.lwz-vorarlberg.at/rincaportal/ // Austria's weather service had linked to that site from: // https://www.zamg.ac.at/cms/de/wetter/news/neues-wetterservice-fuer-land-vorarlberg { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "K1hHenQ1MWFBcmJXaHY2RVJMcTNSUT09", "lat": 47.157500, "lon": 10.213056, "name": "St. Anton am Arlberg", "alt_name": "Valluga", "range": 224, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar is no longer active. Based on satellite imagery, the dome disappeared sometime between August 2016 and August 2020. The OPERA database lists this radar site with a finish year of \"2019\"." }, ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Belarus // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BLR": [ // An older radar had been at 52.114777N 23.914258E, about 1km // east. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 52.115427, "lon": 23.898491, "name": "Brest", "imagery_id": "UMBB", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km" }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "SnM1eUlLcDgxNDR4aEowTlJpbjh3Zz09", "lat": 52.114777, "lon": 23.914258, "name": "Brest", "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. In 2021, the dome was removed. A new radar was built about 1km away." }, { "wrd_page": "aVNwM3JTd21SUFZYTUpLOFJXSEphdz09", "lat": 52.523619, "lon": 30.998330, "name": "Gomel", "imagery_id": "UMGG", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // This is a new radar: // https://www.belta.by/regions/view/prognozy-stanut-tochnee-pod-grodno-otkryli-doplerovskij-meteorologicheskij-radiolokator-401643-2020/ // https://eng.belta.by/photonews/view/new-doppler-weather-radar-near-grodno-6386/ // https://minpriroda.gov.by/ru/photos-ru/getRubric/573062/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 53.651866, "lon": 24.049177, "name": "Grodno", "imagery_id": "UMMG", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "Y0ZhVWFIS2VKLzRKQytGNzlSY2ZBZz09", "lat": 53.865741, "lon": 28.040450, "name": "Minsk", "imagery_id": "UMMN", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar was moved due to construction of a new runway at Minsk National Airport. The previous location was at 53.885151N 28.057465E, about 2.5km north-northeast." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 55.140453, "lon": 30.348348, "name": "Vitebsk", "imagery_id": "UMII", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar site has a range of at least 200km, though it is higher in the corners of the image." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Belgium // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 31st, 2022. // // https://www.meteo.be/en/instruments/weather-radars // Information on agencies and image of ranges. // https://www.meteo.be/en/research-v1/scope-of-research/weather-radar // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BEL": [ // // // // Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium // // // // 300km range: // https://web.archive.org/web/20210126081116/http://radar.meteo.be/en/8243137-Jabbeke.html { "wrd_page": "M2M0TTNOT3ZaZG5BVTdDVUI5Y0tRZz09", "lat": 51.191698, "lon": 3.064095, "name": "Jabbeke", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // 240km range: // https://web.archive.org/web/20210126084535/http://radar.meteo.be/en/1683054-Wideumont.html { "wrd_page": "SUVWcXJHbWQwMWNPd0toTHNVQlVPUT09", "lat": 49.913506, "lon": 5.504403, "name": "Wideumont", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, // // // // Others that are part of the network // // // // 250km range: // https://web.archive.org/web/20210126082235/https://radar.meteo.be/en/1683057-Zaventem.html { "wrd_page": "Z2I4TjdNeVZqbkMyaTFCZVhBVkE4QT09", "lat": 50.905424, "lon": 4.457885, "name": "Brussels", "alt_name": "Zaventem", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Skeyes (air traffic safety)" }, // 200km according to OPERA database and measured on image of // ranges. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 51.069188, "lon": 5.406172, "name": "Houthalen-Helchteren", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Flanders Environment Agency (Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij, VMM)" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Bulgaria // // Their met. service (https://www.meteo.bg/en) uses radar data from // the Hail Suppression Agency according to: // https://old.wmo.int/extranet/pages/prog/amp/pwsp/linkedfiles/NIMH_Bulgaria.pptx // // This site previously mentioned radar data but doesn't seem to // have it: // https://weather.bg/0index.php?lng=1 // // So I don't know where NIMH radar data might be. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BGR": [ // --------------------------------- // // Hail Suppression Agency // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.590611, "lon": 23.235431, "name": "Montana", "alt_name": "Dolno Tserovene", "imagery_id": "dce-en", "alt_imagery_url": "https://cap.weathermod-bg.eu/DCECAP_G.jpg", "alt_imagery_url_text": "150km image", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": bulgariaRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.590611, "lon": 23.235431, "name": "Montana", "alt_name": "Dolno Tserovene", "imagery_id": "dce-en", "alt_imagery_url": "https://cap.weathermod-bg.eu/DCECAP_G.jpg", "alt_imagery_url_text": "150km image", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": bulgariaRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.300491, "lon": 24.633864, "name": "Plovdiv", "alt_name": "Golyam Chardak", "imagery_id": "gcd-en", "alt_imagery_url": "https://cap.weathermod-bg.eu/GCDCAP_G.jpg", "alt_imagery_url_text": "150km image", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": bulgariaRadarSiteHtml }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.123051, "lon": 25.072330, "name": "Plovdiv", "alt_name": "Popovitsa", "imagery_id": "pop-en", "alt_imagery_url": "https://cap.weathermod-bg.eu/POPCAP_G.jpg", "alt_imagery_url_text": "150km image", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The coordinates for this radar site are a little uncertain. This was the only dome I could find in the area. In imagery from Bing maps, the dome has red rings that seem to match some of the other radar sites.

    " + bulgariaRadarSiteHtml }, // Photos: // https://www.bgonair.bg/a/2-bulgaria/231868-radar-v-shumen-osiguryava-neprekasnato-nablyudenie-v-tsyalata-strana-zaradu-gradushkite // https://bnr.bg/shumen/post/101493688/radar-bdi-za-gradushki // https://www.shum.bg/article/213078/8/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.258299, "lon": 26.913819, "name": "Shumen", "alt_name": "", "imagery_id": "smn-bg", "alt_imagery_url": "https://cap.weathermod-bg.eu/SMNCAP_G.jpg", "alt_imagery_url_text": "150km image", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": bulgariaRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.562134, "lon": 26.142242, "name": "Sliven", "alt_name": "Staro Selo", "imagery_id": "sts-en", "alt_imagery_url": "https://cap.weathermod-bg.eu/STSCAP_G.jpg", "alt_imagery_url_text": "150km image", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "I was able to measure a small amount of returns from this radar site near 290km. I couldn't tell if that was the edge of the radar. Because most of the other radar sites have a range of 300km, I use that for the range of this radar site.

    " + bulgariaRadarSiteHtml }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.477554, "lon": 23.225419, "name": "Sofia", "alt_name": "Yarlovo", "imagery_id": "jar-en", "alt_imagery_url": "https://cap.weathermod-bg.eu/JARCAP_G.jpg", "alt_imagery_url_text": "150km image", "range": 220, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "I don't know the range of this radar. This radar is newer than any of the others. It was built sometime between late 2018 and late 2019 based on satellite imagery. I was able to measure a small amount of returns from this radar site near 220km. I use that for the range of this radar. I will need to check this radar site in the future to measure the returns.

    " + bulgariaRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.542489, "lon": 23.953970, "name": "Vratsa", "alt_name": "Bardarski Geran", "imagery_id": "brd-en", "alt_imagery_url": "https://cap.weathermod-bg.eu/BRDCAP_G.jpg", "alt_imagery_url_text": "150km image", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": bulgariaRadarSiteHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) // // --------------------------------- { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "ZVZIUEpoL2d6Qk1PdTkvQS9nb2hMdz09", "lat": 43.277111, "lon": 27.796864, "name": "Varna", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": bulgariaMeteorologicalServiceAgency, "agency_html": bulgariaMeteorologicalServiceAgencyHtml, "window_content": "This radar site is in the WMO Radar Database. It is owned by NIMH according to the WMO Radar Database. Their site is here. I can't find the imagery from the NIMH radar sites online. They link to their weather site here, which mentions radar data in the source code of the page, but we couldn't find any data there.

    " + "According to a WMO Radar Database page here, there is also a radar site in Sofia owned by NIMH that is located at the coordinates 42.695 23.4081. Those exact coordinates are for a runway at Sofia Airport. There might have been a radar at 42.700541N 23.406028E, about 640 meters away from the WMO Radar Database's coordinates, but between August 2015 and February 2016 the dome disappeared. The Sofia Airport radar is not on the map as it may not even exist any longer. The WMO Radar Database says it is a C-band radar, but if it is a small X-band radar, it could be located at 42.689377 23.402470, where there appears to be a small radar on top of what appears to be an air traffic control tower. Those coordinates are about 800 meters southwest of the WMO coordinates." }, /* // There might have been a radar at 2.700541N 23.406028E, about // 640 meters away from the WMO Radar Database's coordinates, but // between August 2015 and February 2016 the dome disappeared. // If this were a small X-band radar, though the WMO Radar // Database says it is a C-band, here are some possible pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/@42.6888044,23.4027766,3a,16.5y,339.29h,107.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sz4tJlpErgJmXerwYYXdBhw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMtkbZFqqPT2zSPewQjd4HLV7J2B8yjeTAsCoSX=w2048 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "aEZEOTVoUDV0TVN6K1dLdFpvNkgrZz09", "lat": 42.700541, "lon": 23.406028, "name": "Sofia", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": bulgariaMeteorologicalServiceAgency, "agency_html": bulgariaMeteorologicalServiceAgencyHtml, "window_content": "According to the WMO Radar Database, there is a radar site in Sofia owned by NIMH that is located at the coordinates 42.69500000 23.40810000. Those exact coordinates are for a runway at Sofia Airport. There might have been a radar at 42.700541N 23.406028E, about 640 meters away from the WMO Radar Database's coordinates, but between August 2015 and February 2016 the dome disappeared. The Sofia Airport radar is not on the map as it may not even exist any longer. The WMO Radar Database says it is a C-band radar, but if it is a small X-band radar, it could be located at 42.689377 23.402470, where there appears to be a small radar on top of what appears to be an air traffic control tower. Those coordinates are about 800 meters southwest of the WMO coordinates." } */ { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "NDE3ajExQWJHaGd4SHhpSDVQQWREdz09", "lat": 42.270517, "lon": 24.325091, "name": "Gelemenovo", "window_content": "This radar site is listed in the WMO Radar Database as being closed and in the OPERA database is listed in its archive, though it doesn't include an end year." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Croatia // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 17th, 2022. // // More radars to be added: // Uljenje (Peljesac peninsula) and MRC Puntijarka (Medvednica) // // Pictures and information is here for some of the radar sites: // https://meteo.hr/objave_najave_natjecaji.php?section=onn¶m=objave&el=priopcenja&daj=pr01072022 // https://www.skyscrapercity.com/threads/radari-an-fps-117-e-1t.2333043/page-6 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "HRV": [ // Picture: // https://klima.hr/razno/priopcenja/pr01072022_2.jpg { "wrd_page": "R1kzWmFzSXpTT2wyRGhzOTJpYlhqQT09", "lat": 45.883520, "lon": 17.200516, "name": "Bilogora", "imagery_id": "bilogora", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, // Picture: // https://klima.hr/razno/priopcenja/pr01072022_3.jpg { "wrd_page": "NXl5YzlGSkJOMHA0ZG41YXZLVXNVdz09", "lat": 44.045109, "lon": 15.376376, "name": "Debeljak", "imagery_id": "debeljak", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, // Picture: // https://klima.hr/razno/priopcenja/pr01072022_4.jpg { "wrd_page": "TGh0QnRWTG1wek5hZWowTEMvK1h1QT09", "lat": 45.020467, "lon": 14.122341, "name": "Istria County", "alt_name": "Goli", "imagery_id": "goli", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, // Picture: // https://klima.hr/razno/priopcenja/pr01072022_1.jpg { "wrd_page": "M1Bxb0tMNXE4VlhSQzY1V3NMYjFLQT09", "lat": 45.159178, "lon": 18.703256, "name": "Gradiste", "name_html": "Gradište", "imagery_id": "gradiste", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "V0tBRm02cXlIVkdxUm9XTkdvbHJPUT09", "lat": 45.502597, "lon": 18.561325, "name": "Osijek", "imagery_id": "osijek", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "When we tested this radar site in October 2022, imagery was last available on April 4th, 2022. This radar site is no longer listed on their site. A new radar is in Gradište, about 40 km south-southeast. We do not draw the range on the map. Since Croatia is building new radars to cover the entire country, this radar is no longer needed. For now, we will leave it on the map as it might still operate. We will remove it if it is torn down." }, // Based on the links below, and the OPERA database // (45.9078 15.9683), the large dome is not the weather radar. // https://www.sibenik-meteo.com/apps/blog/show/44510642-moderniziran-radar-na-sljemenu // https://www.fer.unizg.hr/zkist/studenti/posjeti?@=2vk02 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "dmZUTWRGeTlaZkZndk84NGxzaFdQQT09", "lat": 45.907807, "lon": 15.968354, "name": "Puntijarka", "imagery_id": "puntijarka", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "A new radar is going to be built, perhaps where the old radar was. The page here, from July 2022, says a new radar will be built at Puntijarka (Medvednica). That is where the old radar is, though we don't know if it will be in the same footprint as the old one.

    " + "As for the old radar, it is also no longer listed on their site. Looking at the Internet Archive, this radar site disappeared from the composite sometime in either August or September 2021. We do not draw the range on the map. We currently use the coordinates of the old radar." }, // WMO Coordinates: 42.89401 17.47882 // OPERA Coords: 42.894 17.4788 // // Foundation laid: // https://twitter.com/DHMZ_HR/status/1524018627757883394 // https://twitter.com/DHMZ_HR/status/1576226773318004737 // https://www.skyscrapercity.com/threads/radari-an-fps-117-e-1t.2333043/page-6#post-178904807 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "azFxa09NNHdUVFpKL2VWcXNNNFFPQT09", "lat": 42.89401, "lon": 17.47882, "name": "Uljenje", "alt_name": "Peljesac peninsula", "alt_name_html": "Pelješac peninsula", "imagery_id": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar is under construction as of when we checked in October 2022. A tweet from May 10th, 2022 said that the foundation had been laid. A tweet from October 1st, 2022 again mentioned the foundation. The coordinates we use come from the WMO Radar Database and the OPERA Database. A picture of the foundation seems to be here, posted in June 2022. A few posts below, there also seems to be a picture from far away. Recent enough satellite imagery to see the foundation was not available, but based on the pictures, the coordinates are likely within 25 meters or less of the actual location the radar will be at." }, // // // // Others // // // // Picture: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOhC473TllIZPMvL9ExVpTDZ9Q3APnNE3DZtmaC=w8192 // From: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Faculty+of+Civil+Engineering/@45.32855,14.4677472,3a,15.3y,141.05h,84.97t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOhC473TllIZPMvL9ExVpTDZ9Q3APnNE3DZtmaC!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOhC473TllIZPMvL9ExVpTDZ9Q3APnNE3DZtmaC%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-20-ya280-ro-0-fo100!7i8192!8i4096!4m5!3m4!1s0x4764a1abf75d32e7:0x86fe049750be023d!8m2!3d45.328822!4d14.4678149 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.329223, "lon": 14.467502, "name": "Rijeka", "imagery_url": "", "range": 30, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "", "secondary": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "It's uncertain if this radar is still operational. The coordinates for this radar come from the OPERA (Operational Programme for the Exchange of Weather Radar Information) database. Based on the PDF file here, this is a small X-band FURUNO radar, with a range of 30km, that is located in Rijeka on top of the Civil Engineering building at the University of Rijeka. A picture can be seen here. The PDF file says that this radar was installed in November 2012. The OPERA database lists the start year as 2013." }, // A picture of the site is here: // https://cetemps.aquila.infn.it/adriaradnet/documents/Newsletters/Newsletter_n4_eng.pdf { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.635813, "lon": 18.139578, "name": "Dubrovnik", "imagery_url": "", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Dubrovnik-Neretva County", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The imagery from this radar was available here in the past. There is no date on the imagery, but other radar data on that page was last available in 2016 or 2017. It's uncertain if this radar is still operational or there.

    " + "The range noted comes from the OPERA (Operational Programme for the Exchange of Weather Radar Information) database which lists this as the maximum range of this small X-band radar. Because current imagery from the radar couldn't be found online, the range is not noted on the map. The range in the old imagery mentioned above measures at about 110km in Google Earth, but because there are no returns on the image we don't know if the radar actually extends that far. A picture of the small radar can be found in the PDF document here. Based on satellite imagery, and that picture, the coordinates should be very close to the coordinates of the radar. (The coordinates I selected are about 30 meters from the ones in the OPERA database.)

    " + "You can learn more about ADRIARadNet, the project this radar was a part of, on the site here. It's possible that an application on the site here might have data, but it requires a password. (when we tested this site in October 2022 it didn't load)

    " + "The PDF file mentioned above says that this radar was installed in October 2014. The OPERA database lists the start year as 2014." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Czechia (Czech Republic) // // Radar links from: // https://www.chmi.cz/aktualni-situace/aktualni-stav-pocasi/ceska-republika/radary // // This site has coordinates and ranges: // https://www.chmi.cz/files/portal/docs/meteo/rad/info_czrad/ // 256km and 260km range listed. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "CZE": [ // // // // Czech Hydrometeorological Institute // // // { "wrd_page": "cjVjYnVvcndSelZrMi9XMXhENkp3QT09", "lat": 49.658282, "lon": 13.817863, "name": "Prague", "alt_name": "Brdy", "imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["CZE"]["radar_url"], "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["CZE"]["radar_url2"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "interactive map", "range": 260, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": czechiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "b2cwSkhLUDYyeVJ6ZWY1Z3FEeHplUT09", "lat": 49.501067, "lon": 16.788499, "name": "Benesov", "name_html": "Benešov", "alt_name": "Skalky", "imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["CZE"]["radar_url"], "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["CZE"]["radar_url2"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "interactive map", "range": 260, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": czechiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // // // // Meteopress // // // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@49.4843006,15.6973988,3a,15.1y,76.44h,95.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssAvehMIPFRZA0fYNH-c7pw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "dDBKVUlzZndyemlhY1FQSzZkMVh6dz09", "lat": 49.484399, "lon": 15.698241, "name": "Jihlava", "imagery_url": meteopressRadarUrl, "alt_imagery_url": idokepHuRadarUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": meteopressWindowContentForMultipleSitesInVariousCountries }, // Might be picture, if it doesn't look like others: // https://www.google.com/maps/@50.4145983,14.9551839,3a,15y,103.87h,95.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scfQXTyUY-gFzPuY5UgUxqA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "YmhMK2ltTHZlTWhnSFNJanhzZHNXQT09", "lat": 50.414410, "lon": 14.956452, "name": "Mlada Boleslav", "name_html": "Mladá Boleslav", "imagery_url": meteopressRadarUrl, "alt_imagery_url": idokepHuRadarUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The location of this radar is a little uncertain. A picture of it might be here, if it doesn't have a dome like some of their other radars.

    " + meteopressWindowContentForMultipleSitesInVariousCountries }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "T2lnaUQ4ZHlNSTk5ODRNT1Z3WHhXdz09", "lat": 49.559474, "lon": 17.261260, "name": "Olomouc", "imagery_url": meteopressRadarUrl, "alt_imagery_url": idokepHuRadarUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": meteopressWindowContentForMultipleSitesInVariousCountries }, // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@49.7046552,13.214249,3a,15y,3.83h,94.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_zVqHlMErIQUE0ySISCt3A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "b3NOZHhxTE9ySzlOSEpaVUVhRTNFUT09", "lat": 49.707112, "lon": 13.214463, "name": "Pilsen", "alt_name": "Plzen", "alt_name_html": "Plzeň", "imagery_url": meteopressRadarUrl, "alt_imagery_url": idokepHuRadarUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": meteopressWindowContentForMultipleSitesInVariousCountries }, // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@50.0971583,13.6905829,3a,15.3y,139.64h,102.17t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQ4jBjLQri-pkQd4bxl-MPQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "WTJ6ajhNc05QRVRvODdBUnpsYUNadz09", "lat": 50.096843, "lon": 13.691001, "name": "Rakovnik", "name_html": "Rakovník", "imagery_url": meteopressRadarUrl, "alt_imagery_url": idokepHuRadarUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": meteopressWindowContentForMultipleSitesInVariousCountries }, // Might be picture, if it doesn't look like others: // https://www.google.com/maps/@49.2501098,14.715321,3a,15y,35.47h,102.65t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOPHiQ8q7o3iQfeiQf_W1-aB_vNE9GH8Hhh2mw1!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOPHiQ8q7o3iQfeiQf_W1-aB_vNE9GH8Hhh2mw1%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya126.47844-ro0-fo100!7i8704!8i4352 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "MjdjTGQ0MVNzNmRLVWJZcTZ4R2NtUT09", "lat": 49.250460, "lon": 14.715697, "name": "Sobeslav", "name_html": "Soběslav", "imagery_url": meteopressRadarUrl, "alt_imagery_url": idokepHuRadarUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": meteopressWindowContentForMultipleSitesInVariousCountries }, // Picture from very far possibly: // https://www.google.com/maps/@48.8188646,16.0761781,3a,15y,267.74h,90.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4Zf1dnqIOzNDv68hoQZ-Kw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "UnFtV0NsYVp3QXdQejNFNTNONmNzZz09", "lat": 48.818590, "lon": 16.067324, "name": "Znojmo", "imagery_url": meteopressRadarUrl, "alt_imagery_url": idokepHuRadarUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": meteopressWindowContentForMultipleSitesInVariousCountries } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Denmark // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "DNK": [ // WMO Name: Bovuholm // WMO Coordinates: 55.399722 14.5 // // The coordinates at the WMO are in the water, about 40km NW of // the actual site. { "wrd_page": "UVNjZkhXQ2tzUzYxbjRFUHlNQkg2dz09", "lat": 55.112804, "lon": 14.887444, "name": "Bornholm", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": denmarkSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "YWF4THFBWlJRbkE2SDJPVWdPcy9Ddz09", "lat": 55.172598, "lon": 8.550421, "name": "Romo", "name_html": "Römö", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": denmarkSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "bkt2VUFkckVDQU1kVGpxWDhSK3BoQT09", "lat": 57.488728, "lon": 10.135290, "name": "Sindal", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": denmarkSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Steuns { "wrd_page": "WDFnL3l6dWkwb2VnNlNDc1pUNnNWQT09", "lat": 55.325614, "lon": 12.448202, "name": "Stevns", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": denmarkSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 56.023993, "lon": 10.024917, "name": "Virring", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": denmarkSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Estonia // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "EST": [ { "wrd_page": "RU9FTGp5MGNlYnB3Q2pleWF4MVU2UT09", "lat": 59.397630, "lon": 24.601847, "name": "Harku", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": estoniaSiteHtml }, // The WMO Radar Database lists the radar at 58.933333 25.518333 // but there is no radar there. That's about 50km from the // coordinates we selected, where there is a radar. It's likely // the latitude is simply wrong in the WMO Radar Database as the // longitude is accurate. { "wrd_page": "VlgrWUNvakZtUDM0UWZZOVJpZU5IQT09", "lat": 58.482277, "lon": 25.518352, "name": "Surgavere", "name_html": "Sürgavere", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database lists the radar at 58.933333N 25.518333E, but there is no radar there. That's about 50km from the coordinates we selected, where there is a radar. It's likely the latitude is simply wrong in the WMO Radar Database as the longitude is accurate.

    " + estoniaSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Finland // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 17th, 2022. // // Radar listing with coordinates: // https://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/observation-stations?p_p_id=stationlistingportlet_WAR_fmiwwwweatherportlets&_stationlistingportlet_WAR_fmiwwwweatherportlets_stationGroup=RADAR // https://en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/fmi-radar-network // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "FIN": [ // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Radars from the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // WMO Name: N/A // FMI Name: Vimpeli Lakeaharju // // https://laavu.info/ylisenharju-la { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 61.810806, "lon": 22.502271, "name": "Kankaanpaa", "name_html": "Kankaanpää", "alt_name": "Ylisenharju", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Anjalankoski // FMI Name: Kouvola Kaipiainen // // Anjalankoski was consolidated with other cities: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anjalankoski { "wrd_page": "WVRlTTcySlZDa3lUcFp6czNwbHl4QT09", "lat": 60.903994, "lon": 27.108231, "name": "Kouvola", "alt_name": "Kaipiainen / Anjalankoski", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: KES // FMI Name: Kitee Kesalahti // (Kitee Kesälahti) // // Kesalahti consolidated with Kitee: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kes%C3%A4lahti { "wrd_page": "ck9ScmM2QzlyOWUxU3BZSTJFWkdVdz09", "lat": 61.906983, "lon": 29.797585, "name": "Kitee", "alt_name": "Kesalahti", "alt_name_html": "Kesälahti", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Korpo // FMI Name: Parainen Rumar // // Korpo consolidated with other towns into Pargas: // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korpo // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pargas // Pargas (Finnish: Parainen) { "wrd_page": "bmc3elVuWGROc3JRL3RPQTBrU2dadz09", "lat": 60.128474, "lon": 21.643409, "name": "Parainen / Pargas", "alt_name": "Rumar / Korpo", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Kuopio // FMI Name: Kuopio Rytky { "wrd_page": "SmNxWnFzemcvcUkvdndUbTJGc2RQdz09", "lat": 62.862670, "lon": 27.381509, "name": "Kuopio", "alt_name": "Rytky", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Luosto // FMI Name: Sodankyla Luosto // (Sodankylä Luosto) { "wrd_page": "UkJNaEl6ZHRVYXNaMzZhZG9BbS9ZZz09", "lat": 67.139161, "lon": 26.896826, "name": "Sodankyla", "name_html": "Sodankylä", "alt_name": "Luosto", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Nurmes // FMI Name: Nurmes Mujejarvi Riihivaara // (Nurmes Mujejärvi Riihivaara) // // WMO Coordinates: 63.8378 29.4488 // OPERA Coordinates: 63.8378 29.4489 // FMI Coordinates: 63.84 29.45 // // Installed/start in 2019 according to WMO and OPERA. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "RmF0SUQvWWNWYStOR3o4amVlT3pBQT09", "lat": 63.837804, "lon": 29.449056, "name": "Nurmes", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "When we added this radar site in October 2022, high resolution satellite imagery from June 2019 showed concrete that was laid and the new road to the radar site. A small circle was in the middle of that new area built. We use that for our coordinates. We also used the Sentinel Hub EO Browser to search for low resolution imagery and it matched well with the coordinates we selected. The radar should not be more than 20 meters off from the actual coordinates.

    " + finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: PET // FMI Name: Petajavesi Kintaus // (Petäjävesi Kintaus) { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "MVRKam5yMi9MV05IazBhbzRWZ1lqdz09", "lat": 62.304521, "lon": 25.440092, "name": "Petajavesi", "name_html": "Petäjävesi", "alt_name": "Kintaus", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Utajarvi (Utajärvi) // FMI Name: Utajarvi Korkiakangas // (Utajärvi Korkiakangas) { "wrd_page": "ZTRtc1ZMMDVZUndLYzE3OG05UFZsQT09", "lat": 64.774922, "lon": 26.318960, "name": "Utajarvi", "name_html": "Utajärvi", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // FMI Name: Vihti Ylimmainen // (Vihti Ylimmäinen) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 60.556195, "lon": 24.495608, "name": "Vihti", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Vimpeli // FMI Name: Vimpeli Lakeaharju // // https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakeaharju { "wrd_page": "YjZWMkl0blljQ1VHNkF0dnlXWGtkdz09", "lat": 63.104843, "lon": 23.820829, "name": "Vimpeli", "alt_name": "Lakeaharju", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": finlandSiteHtml }, // // // // These are not listed on their site... // // // // WMO Name: Ikaalinen // FMI Name: Ikaalinen Hakumaki // (Ikaalinen Hakumäki) // // The WMO Radar Database says this was installed in 1994. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "ZTAzWS82RlRYbkNEbWJDcG96WUc0UT09", "lat": 61.767341, "lon": 23.076514, "name": "Ikaalinen", "alt_name": "Hakumaki", "alt_name_html": "Hakumäki", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar site is not listed among the radar sites listed on Finland's site. Therefore, we do not draw a range for this site. It is likely no longer used. It was built in 1994 according to the WMO and OPERA radar databases. A new radar site, that started in 2022 according to the OPERA database, is about 30km west. The OPERA Database lists the finish years for this radar as 2022, so we will likely remove it from our map in the future.

    " + finlandSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Vantaa // FMI Name: Vantaa Kaivoksela // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vantaa // // https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaivoksela // Finnish: Kaivoksela // Swedish: Gruvsta // // The WMO Radar Database says this was installed in 1993. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "TEJrTHhZODZmSXhoblFvSGtlbkFMQT09", "lat": 60.270587, "lon": 24.868927, "name": "Helsinki", "alt_name": "Vantaa / Kaivoksela", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar site is not listed among the radar sites listed on Finland's site. Therefore, we do not draw a range for this site. It may no longer be used. It was built in 1993 according to the WMO and OPERA radar databases. A new radar site, that started in 2021 according to the OPERA database, is about 38km north-northwest.

    " + finlandSiteHtml }, // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Other Radars // // About both when they were used in study: // https://www.vaisala.com/sites/default/files/documents/05_ERAD2010_0247_extended.pdf // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Imagery could not be easily loaded as of updating this page // for this country. The images that could be loaded indicated a // range of 100km N/S/E/W but NE/SE/SW/NW the range was about // 140km. The range is not shown on the map in case this radar is // not available very much. If it is, then a polygon should be // used. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "VHpIb0kyVG5JeC9TOUROanV0bnlFZz09", "lat": 60.204444, "lon": 24.963156, "name": "Kumpula", "imagery_url": "https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/UH_RADAR/radar.php", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we tested this radar site in October 2022, imagery was not available. The range is not shown on the map.

    " + "This radar is located at the University of Helsinki in Kumpula. It was installed in December 2004. When available, imagery can be found at the link above. You can learn more about it here." }, // Imagery could not be viewed as of updating this page for this // country. Because the images could not be loaded, the range is // not available. // // About (no longer exists, see display instead): // http://go.vaisala.com/keravaradar/info.htm { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "azR4Q3NLbkNtWDZaTFh2bWgxUGpxZz09", "lat": 60.388043, "lon": 25.114086, "name": "Kerava", "imagery_url": "http://go.vaisala.com/keravaradar/", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we tested this radar site in October 2022, imagery was from June 2021. The range is not shown on the map.

    " + "This radar is owned by Vaisala. It is a radar built for testing purposes. When available, imagery can be found at the link above. You can learn more about it by clicking the \"ABOUT\" link on the page." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // France // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "FRA": [ { "wrd_page": "YW40a21pdTU1cnJxOGt6dm43ZEdoZz09", "lat": 50.135949, "lon": 1.834712, "name": "Abbeville", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "cHB1ek11VGJRSTBKODVVSGhJYm85QT09", "lat": 41.953131, "lon": 8.700538, "name": "Ajaccio", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "NU16V0IxVEJzQXdmTTBKOEJsWUVWQT09", "lat": 42.129759, "lon": 9.496413, "name": "Aleria", "name_html": "Aléria", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "UEJPZGxjcUxvWWdkWmFLRUpZanJQUT09", "lat": 48.462095, "lon": 4.309334, "name": "Arcis-sur-Aube", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "WVFiQzIxdEdNc05oVW1HVEY4b2pjdz09", "lat": 50.128335, "lon": 3.811893, "name": "Avesnes", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "Q2NJN3ZtTkZSOGpFbXg3d0wwQkhUUT09", "lat": 47.355142, "lon": 4.775943, "name": "Blaisy-Haut", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "K2thMWVwUnRxd1VPWDg1SXBtcE9Edz09", "lat": 44.322964, "lon": 4.762164, "name": "Bollene", "name_html": "Bollène", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "VGtyWEJwQXMzbmNlMlA3VmhMWFQ2QT09", "lat": 44.831464, "lon": -0.691876, "name": "Bordeaux", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "K3Fkd0UxYnF3T05SZWhDdG9xQUgwUT09", "lat": 47.058639, "lon": 2.359538, "name": "Bourges", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "eEFEYng2dWFVUjJGUU5xZkJUcGRaZz09", "lat": 46.698638, "lon": 0.065527, "name": "Cherves", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "cTkrS1dqUVVhZVI4a3dsR01hZ1MwZz09", "lat": 43.216563, "lon": 6.372910, "name": "Collobrieres", "name_html": "Collobrières", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "VE5TS3g2RDlDRVRXejVsY0ZLREVqdz09", "lat": 48.927156, "lon": -0.149550, "name": "Falaise", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "WjNUbVprTDh4SjN4RXhLaUptMHZqQT09", "lat": 45.104398, "lon": 1.369701, "name": "Grezes", "name_html": "Grèzes", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "TE9UUDFUV3Bpa3ovMHJJVGtuUHZVdz09", "lat": 43.624471, "lon": -0.609381, "name": "Momuy", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "ZmI1emlGTDFxM0FGMldPZ1lGNkpvdz09", "lat": 44.496164, "lon": 6.220634, "name": "Mont Colombis", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "Y2VvYktEVHJ3bndoaFdLd1JDejJiUT09", "lat": 44.012679, "lon": 6.529337, "name": "Mont Maurel", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "czdhbFFEYXlva2RRZVdUWGNrMFd4dz09", "lat": 47.368612, "lon": 7.018984, "name": "Montancy", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "Q3J0T2ZJTGNIdXVGd1BzbDlDMnU2QT09", "lat": 43.990488, "lon": 2.609667, "name": "Montclar", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "c2ZNYXZpdkZPVkdYSmZFWHZpY1IyUT09", "lat": 45.147741, "lon": 5.639365, "name": "Moucherotte", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "dzdoVmp3YWdGNU0yWEgraVIwbmRqZz09", "lat": 48.715779, "lon": 6.581545, "name": "Nancy", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "UXBNZmtLbnJrWnV3cE5aWkw3T1ovdz09", "lat": 43.806146, "lon": 4.502693, "name": "Nimes", "name_html": "Nîmes", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "VXNyVDdHbmxna2s4cG1iMGQ2NlM3QT09", "lat": 48.046823, "lon": -2.894239, "name": "Noyal-Pontivy", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "aFZiZWkvUllycnd0UGkzV1gwQ1A2QT09", "lat": 42.918394, "lon": 2.864996, "name": "Opoul", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "TE9sZFVvdVErcU9Ka0VreVUrNnZEQT09", "lat": 48.460860, "lon": -4.429856, "name": "Plabennec", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "Uys0Mk9kelpxamVmMUYrMkRHSFcyZz09", "lat": 46.067801, "lon": 4.445386, "name": "Saint-Nizier", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "cm93ZXNJOC9Zdy96TEh0Qk5aNWVlQT09", "lat": 46.066518, "lon": 2.960626, "name": "Saint-Remy-de-Blot", "name_html": "Saint-Rémy-de-Blot", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "a1lFcnlHNXNYMFlueG8xL0ZOZnU0Zz09", "lat": 45.289208, "lon": 3.709514, "name": "Sembadel", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "MU90V01YZ0RxenhmbFdsU21iUHh2Zz09", "lat": 43.574300, "lon": 1.376295, "name": "Toulouse", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "UE1YYmk0TnR5TnoycHlYbzNnbkFIZz09", "lat": 48.774573, "lon": 2.008310, "name": "Trappes", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "dnF4TTdwbEcwbTFHazAwZUtOMVRBQT09", "lat": 47.337403, "lon": -1.656337, "name": "Treillieres", "name_html": "Treillières", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" }, // Start year according to OPERA: 2013 // // This station is not yet on recent satellite imagery, from // 2012. The station was not there at the time. // // WMO Coordinates: 44.5875 6.653056 // OPERA Coordinates: 44.5876 6.6531 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "OWhsL04ycHdTUllRVnM4N2lYZWovZz09", "lat": 44.5875, "lon": 6.653056, "name": "Vars", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Germany // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 24th, 2022. // // Some places on Germany's site have 150km for the range and other // places have 180km. OPERA database has 180km. // // https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/radar_products/radar_products.html // "As part of its meteorological monitoring activities, the DWD // operates a network of 17 operational weather radars that are // equipped with the latest dual polarization Doppler technology. // The network also includes an additional weather radar which is // located at the Hohenpeissenberg Meteorological Observatory and // serves the purposes of quality assurance and testing of new // hardware and software." // https://www.dwd.de/DE/derdwd/messnetz/atmosphaerenbeobachtung/_functions/Teasergroup/radarverbund_teaser5.html // Coordinates: // https://www.dwd.de/DE/derdwd/messnetz/atmosphaerenbeobachtung/_functions/HaeufigGesucht/koordinaten-radarverbund.pdf // https://www.dwd.de/DE/derdwd/messnetz/atmosphaerenbeobachtung/_functions/HaeufigGesucht/koordinaten-radarverbund.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=5 // Other Info: // https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan_info/radolan_radvor_op_komposit_format_pdf.pdf // https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan_info/radolan_radvor_op_komposit_format_pdf.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=16 // ASR = Ausfallsicherungsradar = Failover Radar/Fail-safe radar // https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radarniederschlag/rn_info/home_freie_radarstatus_kartendaten.html // https://www.dwd.de/DE/forschung/atmosphaerenbeob/wetterradar/wetterradar_node.html // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "DEU": [ // This radar replaced Emden's radar in 2018, though Emden's // might still be in operation. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 53.564011, "lon": 6.748292, "name": "Borkum", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "WVRuR0RteGpiQ0JmWU9MZXRLcS9ydz09", "lat": 54.004381, "lon": 10.046899, "name": "Boostedt", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "a05CZmFhT0JWY0lBd2g0cW80S0xiZz09", "lat": 51.124639, "lon": 13.768639, "name": "Dresden", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "UGRkblliSHZUa0J0VEpDZUJwdFhxQT09", "lat": 49.540667, "lon": 12.402788, "name": "Eisberg", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "cmdTdG5vU0IwKzBFR20rQnpuZEYzdz09", "lat": 51.405649, "lon": 6.967111, "name": "Essen", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "NzdtemNPTS95VEYzSENIYnFVb1VZZz09", "lat": 47.873702, "lon": 8.003980, "name": "Feldberg", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "eCttUlF6WlJZd2NhUWh1Q3VoOFBRZz09", "lat": 51.311197, "lon": 8.801998, "name": "Flechtdorf", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "L05PT3BXNUlnZkhNRWxxbzRjcWZFQT09", "lat": 52.460083, "lon": 9.694533, "name": "Hanover", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // Germany Name: Isen { "wrd_page": "aUxFWmRpSFBQVE5LVGQ1a20vNGJZdz09", "lat": 48.174705, "lon": 12.101779, "name": "Munich", "alt_name": "Isen", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "UlVHeWdscFRDRmNvQmFueHYvSG4zUT09", "lat": 48.042145, "lon": 10.219222, "name": "Memmingen", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // Germany Name: Neuhaus { "wrd_page": "TEptbDV0QlRORVl6cjl0THhMbk02Zz09", "lat": 50.500114, "lon": 11.135034, "name": "Neuhaus am Rennweg", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "dk5rNjVEWEM4WGE4L25ram10ejdmZz09", "lat": 50.109656, "lon": 6.548328, "name": "Neuheilenbach", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // Germany Name: Offenthal { "wrd_page": "NFBtUE9GbnVyL2Vmb3hvTUsrNDlkUT09", "lat": 49.984745, "lon": 8.712933, "name": "Frankfurt", "alt_name": "Offenthal", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // Germany Name: Protzel { "wrd_page": "bkcwd0l2ckRRT0U0amxVSFhpUEx4Zz09", "lat": 52.648667, "lon": 13.858212, "name": "Berlin", "alt_name": "Protzel", "alt_name_html": "Prötzel", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "SWhBUEVPdVhwN0dTREZWMkxCU3RzZz09", "lat": 54.175660, "lon": 12.058076, "name": "Rostock", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // Germany Name: Turkheim { "wrd_page": "elphU2NQeHZPQlhkRlZ5b1k2cUFwZz09", "lat": 48.585379, "lon": 9.782675, "name": "Geislingen an der Steige", "alt_name": "Turkheim", "alt_name_html": "Türkheim", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // Germany's weather service has coordinates as: // 52.160096 11.176091 { "wrd_page": "OUxpRHI5dWVlT3JkcEc1K3pYOWJBUT09", "lat": 52.160214, "lon": 11.176144, "name": "Ummendorf", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // // // // Other Radars (from OPERA Database) // // // // Frankfurt Airport (IATA: FRA, ICAO: EDDF) // OPERA Database Start Year: 2014 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 50.038645, "lon": 8.527259, "name": "Frankfurt Airport", "imagery_url": "", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar is in the OPERA radar database. We don't know if data is available online. We do not draw the range on the map." }, // Munich Airport (IATA: MUC, ICAO: EDDM) // OPERA Database Start Year: 2014 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 48.351557, "lon": 11.789332, "name": "Munich Airport", "imagery_url": "", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar is in the OPERA radar database. We don't know if data is available online. We do not draw the range on the map." }, // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Wasserstra%C3%9Fen-+und+Schifffahrtsamt+Emden/@53.3386327,7.0229285,321m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x47b62f942901c1ad:0x6d2851d3c4d087f1!8m2!3d53.3386864!4d7.0241193 // https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasserstra%C3%9Fen-_und_Schifffahrtsamt_Emden // // One site last had data from Emden at 12:55Z on February 27th, 2018: // https://weather.us/singleradar/radar-emden/20180227-1255z.html // That same site has data from Borkum starting from what seems // to be 9:50Z on February 2nd, 2018: // https://weather.us/singleradar/radar-borkum/20180202-0950z.html { "wrd_page": "NTVUaUI4bDNBR1NpZDFLZTBISStpdz09", "lat": 53.338763, "lon": 7.023613, "name": "Emden", "imagery_url": "", "range": 180, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (Wasserstrassen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes)", "agency_html": "Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes)", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar is in the WMO and OPERA radar databases. We don't know if data is currently available online. It had been previously. We do not draw the range on the map.

    " + "A PDF file here seems to indicate that the Borkum radar replaced the Emden radar. We don't know if it is still used, though the OPERA database has not indicated that it no longer operates. We also don't know what agency is responsible for the radar. The WMO Radar Database indicates DWD is, or was, at least in part.

    " + "Their website seems to be here." }, // // // // Closed // // Some of them also appear here: // https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan_info/radolan_radvor_op_komposit_format_pdf.pdf // // Many years ago, data was here for some: // https://web.archive.org/web/20170802074404/http://www.pa.op.dlr.de:80/cleocd/dwdrad/s.htm // Other info: // https://www.dlr.de/pa/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-8858/15305_read-42506/ // // // { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "Mzh6ZDZ3VXg3bzRtUUVtRkZOZUpZdz09", "lat": 52.477837, "lon": 13.386894, "name": "Berlin", "window_content": "The finish year listed for this radar in the OPERA database is 2015. It is also listed as \"closed\" in the WMO Radar Database. As of September 2021, the dome is still there on a building." }, /* // WMO Coordinates: 51.335 8.8525 // OPERA Coords: 51.3119 8.8033 // // WMO Elevation: 550m // WMO Tower height: 72 // // OPERA Start Year: 1997 // OPERA Height of // Station 550 // OPERA Range 180km { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "aWpHRGF4UVBjZTVEODBHMTV4R0xUUT09", "lat": , "lon": , "name": "Flechtdorf", "window_content": "We're not sure where this older radar was." }, */ { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "biszcFRCUnVKUXNnTDZvWnA3ZWtyUT09", "lat": 50.022433, "lon": 8.558517, "name": "Frankfurt", "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. The finish year listed for this radar in the OPERA database is 2010. It was torn down sometime between December 2009 and July 2013." }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "QmZheG9BZGdza0FBVkRJakpGZENmZz09", "lat": 53.621280, "lon": 9.996481, "name": "Hamburg", "window_content": "The finish year listed for this radar in the OPERA database is 2011. It is also listed as \"closed\" in the WMO Radar Database. As of March 2022, the dome is still there on a building." }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "eDUyUFFYcUdLWnIyQ0VDVkorZWlGZz09", "lat": 52.462394, "lon": 9.697269, "name": "Hanover", "window_content": "The finish year listed for this radar in the OPERA database is 2013. It is also listed as \"closed\" in the WMO Radar Database. As of April 2022, the dome is still there on its tower. This radar is about 300 meters from a newer radar." }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "dlluMytKMXJMbjBIK2VGZFpiVEtuQT09", "lat": 48.336357, "lon": 11.611459, "name": "Munich", "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. The finish year listed for this radar in the OPERA database is 2014. It was torn down in 2015." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Greece // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 14th, 2022. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "GRC": [ // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Hellenic National Meteorological Service (HNMS) // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "UDcvQkFtYkYyZnFvelVHVVA3RWFlZz09", "lat": 37.720976, "lon": 23.496554, "name": "Aegina", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": greeceRadarSiteNotAvailableWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "Wmt4Y3hjemdpWHNKT3IraS9tQ0daUT09", "lat": 37.922453, "lon": 21.287134, "name": "Andravida", "range": "180", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In Greece's composite imagery we measured the range of this radar to be around 180km." }, { "wrd_page": "MkRHOVloV20xUEV4Q3U5Um1JSWhqUT09", "lat": 36.599286, "lon": 26.440343, "name": "Astypalaia", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": greeceRadarSiteNotAvailableWindowHtml }, // WMO Coordinates: 37.9467 23.8139 // OPERA Coords: 37.9461 23.8138 // // Likely on Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@37.9510361,23.8113321,3a,15y,156.43h,105.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQZXiTehyifjHr5T9VtlNTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "MjBKRUIyZk1kTW1xa0NXVUdyOXZWZz09", "lat": 37.946249, "lon": 23.813876, "name": "Athens", "alt_name": "Mount Hymettus", "range": 180, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": greeceRadarSiteNotAvailableWindowHtml + "

    " + "When data from this radar site was previously available, we measured the range of this radar in Greece's composite imagery to be around 180km." }, { "wrd_page": "djU3R2RNWElDYVQwS0RxWU96RWo0UT09", "lat": 40.927933, "lon": 24.633280, "name": "Chrysoupoli", "alt_name": "Kavala", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": greeceRadarSiteNotAvailableWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "c1kyUHB0ZGo2Z1dxWDk5cm9nYTFLQT09", "lat": 39.644650, "lon": 22.460220, "name": "Larissa", "range": "170", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In Greece's composite imagery we measured the range of this radar to be around 170km." }, { "wrd_page": "bzgrSStyVElNMkxjUlllQVJhbVQ4QT09", "lat": 38.916642, "lon": 20.755023, "name": "Preveza", "alt_name": "Aktion", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In Greece's composite imagery we measured the range of this radar to be around 150km." }, { "wrd_page": "ZC9zYkEzZzdnQTJ0TEc4QTB5ZTdQQT09", "lat": 40.528231, "lon": 22.975687, "name": "Thessaloniki", "range": 170, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": greeceRadarSiteNotAvailableWindowHtml + "

    " + "When data from this radar site was previously available, we measured the range of this radar in Greece's composite imagery to be around 170km." }, // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // U.S. Navy // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // NSA Souda Bay (Naval Support Activity, Souda Bay) // // https://www.cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnreurafcent/installations/nsa_souda_bay.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.579246, "lon": 24.147891, "name": "NSA Souda Bay (Naval Support Activity, Souda Bay)", "imagery_url": "https://www.metoc.navy.mil/fwcn/fwcn.html#!/swr.html", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "U.S. Navy", "secondary": 1 } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Hungary // // Pictures of Hungary radars: // https://www.met.hu/downloads.php?fn=/ismertetok/radar_ismerteto.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "HUN": [ // In the WMO Radar Database, this radar was listed with an // installation date of 2016-05-10. Another page in the database // lists an installation date of 1999-12-01: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/TG9FZXhWWFFoS2N5RmxNall1M0FvZz09 // On satellite it doesn't look like anything changed, though it // could have inside the dome. Or, they might have added other // details for it and created a new page. { "wrd_page": "UVp1SDFhN25Zek5CMDhyeWdhU1Z1QT09", "lat": 47.429601, "lon": 19.181802, "name": "Budapest", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 46.177380, "lon": 18.337161, "name": "Harmashegy", "name_html": "Hármashegy", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, // In the WMO Radar Database, this radar was listed with an // installation date of 2017-01-13. Another page in the database // lists an installation date of 2003-12-01: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/M0ZTR1hmQnROUy9WL0tOcXBCM3BzUT09 // On satellite it doesn't look like anything changed, though it // could have inside the dome. Or, they might have added other // details for it and created a new page. { "wrd_page": "cTVzZ3RCWDVnSE9pZEQvOW9XSWZpQT09", "lat": 47.962307, "lon": 21.886588, "name": "Nyiregyhaza", "name_html": "Nyíregyháza", "alt_name": "Napkor", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, // In the WMO Radar Database, this radar was listed with an // installation date of 2016-10-04. Another page in the database // lists an installation date of 2004-12-01: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/UldISkZTdTJmUy84NlNhYjB0bHVSdz09 // On satellite it doesn't look like anything changed, though it // could have inside the dome. Or, they might have added other // details for it and created a new page. { "wrd_page": "cldOY0VhMHVKbmVQZWQrMmtoVGcwQT09", "lat": 46.660307, "lon": 17.062480, "name": "Zalaegerszeg", "alt_name": "Poganyvar", "alt_name_html": "Pogányvár", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, // In the WMO Radar Database, this radar was listed with an // installation date of 2014-01-01. Another page in the database // lists an installation date of 2014-07-01: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/WENXY0lCRmlXL2hUTVRLM1g3QnU5dz09 // We went with the slightly older one because it had more // details. Since other radars in the country have had additional // pages in their database with more info, we went with the one // with more info for this radar. { "wrd_page": "MWxFRkdRVWRSWTZ6U25hK1ZJY3FzQT09", "lat": 46.639689, "lon": 20.432484, "name": "Szentes", "alt_name": "Lapisto", "alt_name_html": "Lapistó", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Iceland // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on August 23rd, 2023. // // We don't include their mobile X-band radars. // Huginn: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/dlJxYUxmZDFweWdEVitXWGIzWVNDQT09 // Muninn: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/SUlOTlVpbWM4dHlta1p6VEZwTEZ1dz09 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ISL": [ { "wrd_page": "aVQ2SWNibXAveWhEczhXSGJsK2Zjdz09", "lat": 64.025725, "lon": -22.635392, "name": "Keflavik", "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["ISL"]["radar_url2"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "more radar data", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, // Picture: // http://en.vedur.is/about-imo/news/nr/2528 // On Bing imagery. { "wrd_page": "ODdVS3FPSjJFS29YeDhRMHNGOHRXQT09", "lat": 65.027962, "lon": -15.038203, "name": "Fljotsdalsherad", "name_html": "Fljótsdalshérað", "alt_name": "Teigsbjarg", "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["ISL"]["radar_url2"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "more radar data", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, // Started in 2022 according to OPERA database { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 66.055658, "lon": -20.268118, "name": "Skagabyggd", "name_html": "Skagabyggð", "alt_name": "Skagi Peninsula", "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["ISL"]["radar_url2"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "more radar data", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ireland (also see United Kingdom) // // 240km range // https://met.ie/aviation/shannon.asp // http://archive.met.ie/aviation/shannon.asp // http://archive.met.ie/news/display.asp?ID=411 // // Not MetOffice radars, but are included on their site. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "IRL": [ { "wrd_page": "ZVJ1WWN4aTRDK2Z1dHZGTnVHbFN0dz09", "lat": 53.429706, "lon": -6.243738, "name": "Dublin", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": irelandSiteHtml, "map_title": "Dublin, Ireland" }, { "wrd_page": "QkJMVnVxQnFUTzMxcXpMcWZmeE90UT09", "lat": 52.692781, "lon": -8.920055, "name": "Shannon", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": irelandSiteHtml, "map_title": "Shannon, Ireland" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Italy // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ITA": [ // --------------------------------- // // DPC - Department of Civil Protection // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.112247, "lon": 14.835268, "name": "Buccheri", "alt_name": "Monte Lauro", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": dpcItalyAgencyName }, // Photo of radar: // https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Radar_ceneri_aeroporto_di_Catania_-Protezione_Civile.jpeg { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.461699, "lon": 15.049817, "name": "Catania", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "agency": dpcItalyAgencyName, "window_content": "This is a mobile X-band radar. The range is estimated to be 100km. The mobile radar in Reggio Calabria has a range of 100km based on measuring the returns in imagery from the DPC's site. Because there are other radars with a further range nearby in the composite on the DPC's site, it isn't possible to determine what range is available from imagery from this radar site. An article here gives a range of 80km for both this site and Reggio Calabria, but the ranges shown for both in that article measure at 100km. We use 100km on our map." }, { "wrd_page": "L2VuVmFsRkhNc1Q5M3hkSm5pSnlIUT09", "lat": 41.9396676, "lon": 14.621176, "name": "Chieti", "alt_name": "Monte Il Monte / Tufillo", "alt_imagery_url": "http://cfa.aquila.infn.it/osservazioni/radarmeteo/tufillo.html", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Civil Protection - Abruzzo Region", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": dpcItalyAgencyName, "window_content": "The range on the DPC map gives a range of 200km. A Regione Abruzzo site gives the range as 175km. 200km is used on our map. When we visited the Abruzzo region site on August 30th 2020, the imagery was from July 1st, 2020. The DPC map showed current data according to the DPC map." }, { "wrd_page": "WEJqcmVxcHQ0dzVvMUhwK0hYWjRmZz09", "lat": 39.369827, "lon": 16.617950, "name": "Cosenza", "alt_name": "Monte Pettinascura", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": dpcItalyAgencyName }, { "wrd_page": "dWhmNFl6WXYyR093R2NjTGM3NG9idz09", "lat": 43.961461, "lon": 10.610248, "name": "Lucca", "alt_name": "Pizzorne", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": dpcItalyAgencyName }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.880091, "lon": 14.275524, "name": "Naples International Airport", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "agency": dpcItalyAgencyName, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This is a mobile X-band radar. When we checked the DPC map in August 2020, this radar site was not available. The range is not shown on the map." }, { "wrd_page": "UXpybkZiRXJGeUVCREdGTW5MMVJLQT09", "lat": 42.865962, "lon": 12.800051, "name": "Perugia", "alt_name": "Monte Serano", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": dpcItalyAgencyName }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.077200, "lon": 15.641360, "name": "Reggio Calabria", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "agency": dpcItalyAgencyName, "window_content": "This is a mobile X-band radar." }, { "wrd_page": "NTdHM1BiQXJXUHAyUUNoMXNabkRwZz09", "lat": 46.562638, "lon": 12.970110, "name": "Tolmezzo", "alt_name": "Monte Zouf Plan", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": dpcItalyAgencyName }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.882264, "lon": 9.493720, "name": "Tortoli", "name_html": "Tortolì", "alt_name": "Monte Armidda", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": dpcItalyAgencyName }, // --------------------------------- // // Regione Emilia-Romagna // // Photos: // https://www.arpae.it/it/temi-ambientali/meteo/scopri-di-piu/i-radar-meteorologici-in-emilia-romagna // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "RjhwOFhnQm9Na2piQWZrOFd5Zmp1Zz09", "lat": 44.655205, "lon": 11.622964, "name": "Bologna", "alt_name": "San Pietro Capofiume", "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.arpae.it/it/temi-ambientali/meteo/dati-e-osservazioni/stima-radar-della-pioggia", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Emilia-Romagna region", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Emilia-Romagna", "window_content": "" }, { "wrd_page": "elJzMTFDZWI0bS9OcGptMVFWNEdhdz09", "lat": 44.790864, "lon": 10.498388, "name": "Parma", "alt_name": "Gattatico", "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.arpae.it/it/temi-ambientali/meteo/dati-e-osservazioni/stima-radar-della-pioggia", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Emilia-Romagna region", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Emilia-Romagna", "window_content": "" }, // --------------------------------- // // Autonomous Provinces of Bolzano and Trento // // --------------------------------- // About radar: // http://www.bacino-adige.it/sito/index.php/attivita-studio?id=147 // Owners: Provinces of Trento and Bolzano (South Tyrol) // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trentino // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Tyrol { "wrd_page": "ZCtqYzNJb1ZyZ3FDMjhadldoSWwrUT09", "lat": 46.493998, "lon": 11.208822, "name": "Bolzano", "alt_name": "Monte Macaion", "alt_imagery_url": "https://weather.provinz.bz.it/weather-radar.asp", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Bolzano province", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Autonomous Provinces of Bolzano (South Tyrol) and Trento (Trentino)", "window_content": "You can also view data from this radar site here on the website of Meteotrentino. (from the region of Trento) Click the \"Radar\" tab in the left column. You can also visit another part of that website here for radar data. You can get data in Google Earth for this radar site here." }, // --------------------------------- // // Regione Sardegna // // --------------------------------- // About the radar: // http://www.sar.sardegna.it/documentazione/strumenti/radar.asp { "wrd_page": "S2ViU1dwVTlpSXRwU1MvendHN05Cdz09", "lat": 40.421689, "lon": 9.004559, "name": "Bono", "alt_name": "Monte Rasu", "alt_imagery_url": "http://www.sar.sardegna.it/servizi/meteo/imgradar_uk.asp", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Sardegna region", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Sardegna" }, // --------------------------------- // // Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare Italiana) // // PDF file of article from 2002: // https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228969836 // // The OPERA start years do not make sense for some radars // unless they were upgraded. // // --------------------------------- // OPERA Start Year: 1972 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.566802, "lon": 8.158617, "name": "Capo Caccia", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare Italiana)", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked the DPC map in August 2020, this radar site was not available. The range is not shown on the map." }, // The location of this radar is uncertain. It may no longer // exist. // // Picture from February 2011: // https://www.google.com/maps/@40.6605258,17.9573863,3a,55.4y,232.94h,107.45t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMLLNE-k8JQNK2al1myZ8cg!2e0!5s20110201T000000!7i13312!8i6656 // // OPERA Start Year: 2005 // // WMO Coordinates: 40.6497 17.9497 // Opera Coordinates: 40.65 17.95 // PDF File Coordinates: 40.633333 17.95 // // PDF File: // Manufacturer: Alenia // Doppler: Yes // Band: C // Dual polarization: Yes // Radome: No // Altitude: 25 m. // // WMO: // Band: C // Tower height: 25 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "UVMzY2pGV3kyWjhLYm9UTEdtYk52Zz09", "lat": 40.660161, "lon": 17.956703, "name": "Brindisi", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": italyItalianAirForceAgency, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The location of this radar is uncertain. It may no longer exist. The WMO Radar Database has coordinates of 40.6497N 17.9497E. The OPERA database has coordinates of 40.65N 17.95E. We chose a location that is about 1.3km from those coordinates. A picture of some kind of radar can be seen in Google Street View here from February 2011. By August 2012, it was gone. The radar was one that looked something like this, without a dome, based on the PDF file here from 2002. We found various towers around, but none seemed to have a radar when we checked satellite and Google Street View imagery in October 2022. (40.648303N 17.949672E, 40.651305N 17.945378E, 40.652159N 17.943928E, 40.658912N 17.940743E) We also looked at previous imagery.

    " + italyItalianAirForceUnknownStatusWindowHtml }, // OPERA Start Year: 2005 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "NkZSMmVGdk1Rdzh4Qm8vL1RBS3NnUT09", "lat": 39.339520, "lon": 8.969200, "name": "Decimomannu", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": italyItalianAirForceAgency, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": italyItalianAirForceUnknownStatusWindowHtml }, // OPERA Start Year: 1996 // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@40.6606083,17.957264,3a,15y,222.39h,107.4t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s_6ucRpMHyB_fXf8dJgdvow!2e0!5s20110201T000000!7i13312!8i6656 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "bkZ2NDZsYno2VDR2di9TZldvUUExdz09", "lat": 41.052324, "lon": 14.071314, "name": "Grazzanise", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": italyItalianAirForceAgency, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": italyItalianAirForceUnknownStatusWindowHtml }, // OPERA Start Year: 1995 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "MnBlci91MjhhS1Fxb1ZmS2NCVUxVZz09", "lat": 45.688249, "lon": 12.081675, "name": "Istrana", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": italyItalianAirForceAgency, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": italyItalianAirForceUnknownStatusWindowHtml }, // OPERA Start Year: 2005 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "bWJLbGZJZXBoaTQ1VC9LQkZRa1NzQT09", "lat": 43.691731, "lon": 10.386911, "name": "Pisa", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": italyItalianAirForceAgency, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": italyItalianAirForceUnknownStatusWindowHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // LaMMA (Laboratorio di Meteorologia Modellistica Ambientale) Consortium // // Pictures of Castiglione della Pescaia and Elba radars: // http://www.isac.cnr.it/~ipwg/meetings/bologna-2016/Bologna2016_Orals/5-4_Melani.pdf // More information: // http://www.lamma.rete.toscana.it/en/node/11549 // // --------------------------------- // Photo of radar: // https://www.google.com/maps/@42.7719799,10.89127,3a,15y,1.09h,93.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDESuJizW7yf1QdpND3Oh0Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.772723, "lon": 10.891321, "name": "Castiglione della Pescaia", "imagery_url": italyLammaConsortiumRadarUrl, "range": 108, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "LaMMA (Laboratorio di Meteorologia Modellistica Ambientale) Consortium", "window_content": "This is a X-band radar installed on top of a building." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.800322, "lon": 10.392070, "name": "Elba", "imagery_url": italyLammaConsortiumRadarUrl, "range": 108, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "LaMMA (Laboratorio di Meteorologia Modellistica Ambientale) Consortium", "window_content": "This is a X-band radar installed on a mountain on Elba Island." }, // --------------------------------- // // Regione Veneto // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "YzRUNnQ0NHIyYXFBeDI5RVpRVXVyUT09", "lat": 45.694156, "lon": 12.785789, "name": "Concordia Sagittaria", "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.arpa.veneto.it/bollettini/meteo/radar/radar.php?type=loncon250", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Veneto region", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Veneto", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in August 2020 it was not available. You can view a short range radar here, when available. The range of this radar is not available on the map." + venetoRadarSitesHtml }, { "wrd_page": "OHpDcnRSSHlqM29XRmROaUtQUHdoQT09", "lat": 45.361942, "lon": 11.672840, "name": "Teolo", "alt_name": "Monte Grande", "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.arpa.veneto.it/bollettini/meteo/radar/radar.php?type=teolo250", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Veneto region", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Veneto", "window_content": "You can view a short range radar of about 125km here." + venetoRadarSitesHtml }, // Photos: // https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Left-new-X-band-radar-at-Valeggio-sul-Mincio-red-circle-completing-the-radar-network_fig13_228968049 // https://valeggio.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/castello-scaligero-valeggio-proloco-lanfredi5.jpg { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.352924, "lon": 10.730188, "name": "Valeggio sul Mincio", "imagery_url": "https://www.arpa.veneto.it/bollettini/meteo/radar/radar.php?type=valeggio", "range": 72, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Veneto", "window_content": "This is a X-band radar installed at Castello Scaligero." + venetoRadarSitesHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "MDNRYkxNYzdGaG1XY2hrM256MlRLQT09", "lat": 45.726533, "lon": 13.477366, "name": "Fossalon di Grado", "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.meteo.fvg.it/radar.php", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Friuli Venezia Giulia region", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When updating our information for this radar site in August 2020, there appears to have been no data from this radar since September 23rd, 2017 based on looking through their archive here. The Friuli Venezia Giulia region site had data from other radars on their page. No range is shown on our map. They have a page with an interactive map of radar data here, with a loop here, that has data from Teolo (Monte Grande), Italy and Pasja Ravan, Slovenia." }, // --------------------------------- // // Regione Abruzzo // // Radar data on Protezione Civile Regione Abruzzo site. // // Pictures: // http://satollo.aquila.infn.it/midia/ref/MMidia_Prodotti_e_Catena_di_Elaborazione.pdf // // --------------------------------- /* // Data was last available in 2018. // A small, low quality, picture of this radar is here: // http://satollo.aquila.infn.it/midia/ref/MMidia_Prodotti_e_Catena_di_Elaborazione.pdf // But it doesn't seem to match location I selected. // Picture of people related to ADRIARadNet that seem to be on // this building or the one west of it. // https://cetemps.aquila.infn.it/adriaradnet/documents/Second_Meeting_Presentations/LB_Cetemps_Status_Tirana.pdf // Weather Station page is here: // http://meteorema.aquila.infn.it/tempaq/main.html // From: https://cetemps.aquila.infn.it/osservazione/ // It has coordinates of 42 deg 22' N 13 deg 21' E. Those are not // very precise. But it does have a station info page with pictures: // http://meteorema.aquila.infn.it/tempaq/info.html // The weather station is on the building I chose coordinates // for. There is a white dome on the building best seen with // Microsoft Bird's Eye imagery: // https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=0ee2736c-57c0-4006-985b-1f5caed510f2&cp=42.368173~13.350564&lvl=20&style=v&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.368173, "lon": 13.350564, "name": "L'Aquila", "imagery_url": "http://radarweb.aquila.infn.it/wr25xp/", "range": 60, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "I don't know exactly where this radar is. I don't know if it is still there. As of updating this radar site in August 2020, data was last available in 2018. This is a X-band radar that is, or was, installed on top of a building. Based on measuring returns, and a meteorological station on top of a building, it seems to be located at the Università degli Studi dell'Aquila. I found a white dome that could be the radar. It is best seen using Microsoft's Bird's Eye imagery here. However, the one small low quality picture I could find of the radar doesn't seem to match the coordinates I chose. The range of this radar is not drawn on the map." }, */ { "wrd_page": "SUxBOHlMN0xLTVVhRU1pbFhkSUVTQT09", "lat": 42.057576, "lon": 13.177376, "name": "Monte Midia", "alt_imagery_url": "http://cfa.aquila.infn.it/osservazioni/radarmeteo/monte-midia.html", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Civil Protection - Abruzzo Region", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Abruzzo" }, // Photo of radar: // https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3998557,14.1436066,3a,24.8y,144.29h,107.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shbguu4PtrFWZBGiRG6h4ug!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.399509, "lon": 14.143956, "name": "Pescara", "alt_name": "Cepagatti", "imagery_url": "http://cfa.aquila.infn.it/osservazioni/radarmeteo/cepagatti.html", "range": 108, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Abruzzo", "window_content": "This is a X-band radar installed on top of a building." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.785642, "lon": 13.947086, "name": "Tortoreto", "imagery_url": "http://cfa.aquila.infn.it/osservazioni/radarmeteo/tortoreto.html", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Abruzzo", "window_content": "This is a X-band radar installed on top of a building." }, // --------------------------------- // // Livorno Port Authority (Autorita Portuale di Livorno) // Livorno Port Authority (Autorità Portuale di Livorno) // // --------------------------------- // Archived image from this radar site: // https://web.archive.org/web/20171004094623/http://www.lamma.rete.toscana.it/radar/livorno/images/PPI_1080_0005_25.png { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.562213, "lon": 10.304104, "name": "Livorno", "imagery_url": "", "range": 108, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "agency": "Livorno Port Authority (Autorita Portuale di Livorno)", "agency_html": "Livorno Port Authority (Autorità Portuale di Livorno)", "window_content": "When updating our information for this radar site in November 2019 and August 2020, the page here said that the radar is currently being repaired. That message was added in 2018. We could only find one radar image from this site at Archive.org. That archived image was from October 4th, 2017 and noted the range as 108km. This radar is managed by the LaMMA (Laboratorio di Meteorologia Modellistica Ambientale) Consortium. The range of this radar is not drawn on the map." }, // --------------------------------- // // ENAV S.p.A. (Italian air navigation service provider) // // This PDF file talks about the two radars they own: // https://www.enav.it/enavWebPortalStatic/meteo/workshop/UseMetRadarDataForATM.pdf // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "ckJyVXRMT05MWTNpaW9mdnVseFk0Zz09", "lat": 45.343784, "lon": 9.288287, "name": "Milan", "alt_name": "near Milan Linate Airport", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "ENAV S.p.A. (Italian air navigation service provider)" }, { "wrd_page": "NFY4KzRSUjAxMGZuTktUZ2dGb3JpZz09", "lat": 41.910437, "lon": 12.234348, "name": "Rome", "alt_name": "near Fiumicino Airport", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "ENAV S.p.A. (Italian air navigation service provider)" }, // --------------------------------- // // Regione Piemonte and Regione Liguria // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "SGJsZ0s5RjRyTWN1eDNyUERzbTI0Zz09", "lat": 44.245910, "lon": 8.197444, "name": "Savona", "alt_name": "Monte Settepani", "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.arpal.liguria.it/homepage/meteo/radar/riflettivita-movie.html", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Liguria region", "range": 170, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Piemonte and Regione Liguria", "window_content": "The range on the " + dpcItalyAgencyName + " map is 170km. On the Liguria region site, some areas of the radar extend out to 250km in parts of the image. Our map shows a range of 170km. Imagery on the Liguria region site also contains imagery from Piemonte. You can view close-up radar imagery of the Ligurian region here by selecting options under \"Regione Liguria\". That is linked from Liguria's site and comes from here as well. You can also view imagery on the Piemonte region site here that shows radar data from Liguria. You can view an animated GIF of their radar data here." }, // --------------------------------- // // Regione Piemonte // // --------------------------------- // This page includes a picture: // https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stazione_meteorologica_di_Torino-Bric_della_Croce // // About this radar: // https://www.arpa.piemonte.it/approfondimenti/temi-ambientali/idrologia-e-neve/neve-e-valanghe/radar { "wrd_page": "TGxjV3pqZjBpUHNBUU53clFjTkJoQT09", "lat": 45.034071, "lon": 7.732672, "name": "Turin", "alt_name": "Bric della Croce", "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.arpa.piemonte.it/rischinaturali/tematismi/meteo/osservazioni/radar/intensita-precipitazione.html", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Piemonte region", "range": 170, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Regione Piemonte", "window_content": "The range on the " + dpcItalyAgencyName + " map is 170km. On the Piemonte region site, some areas of the imagery only extends out around 115km in parts of the image. Our map shows a range of 170km. Imagery on the Piemonte region site also contains imagery from Liguria. You can also view imagery on the Liguria region site here that shows radar data from Piemonte. You can view an animated GIF of their radar data here." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Jersey (also see United Kingdom) // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on November 2nd, 2022. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "JEY": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.177189, "lon": -2.223931, "name": "La Moye", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "Radar data for the U.K. can be viewed at the United Kingdom's Met Office." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Latvia // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "LVA": [ { "wrd_page": "MEZOSDc0dTlBYnI0eHo0QVhHRjY4UT09", "lat": 56.914281, "lon": 23.989725, "name": "Riga", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "Click the image on the page to view a loop." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Lithuania // // http://www.meteo.lt/documents/20181/0/1at_veikla_142597459247.pdf/b91cf941-da07-4249-b774-b3c4e17667df // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "LTU": [ // Looked up station for Laukuva in PDF file. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 55.609042, "lon": 22.239506, "name": "Laukuva", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "" }, // Looked up station for Vilnius in PDF file. Also looked at // historical Google Earth imagery in Traku Voke and found the // radar was built around 2013 and 2014 based on the imagery, // which matches other information. // https://www.elsis.lt/en/meteorologinis-radiolokatorius/ // https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://old.meteo.lt/vkl_projektas.php?prid=1 // https://www.geocaching.com/seek/gallery.aspx?guid=de30f412-9bb2-4ac2-9c00-2935ed3ab8ae // https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5GTJK_voks-meteorologijos-stotis?guid=de30f412-9bb2-4ac2-9c00-2935ed3ab8ae // https://www.delfi.lt/grynas/aplinka/naujas-prietaisas-leis-atostogaujantiems-ramiau-ilsetis-pajuryje.d?id=67515430 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 54.626198, "lon": 25.106679, "name": "Traku Voke", "name_html": "Trakų Vokė", "alt_name": "Vilnius", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Malta // // https://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20130907/local/new-radar-enables-mia-met-office-to-issue-earlier-storm-warnings.485184 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MLT": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.852905, "lon": 14.474778, "name": "Malta International Airport", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Moldova // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MDA": [ // Old picture (taller tower is the newer radar): // https://blogs.worldbank.org/europeandcentralasia/better-weather-forecasting-and-warnings-save-lives-and-property-insights // Other info: // https://old.wmo.int/extranet/pages/prog/hwrp/RA6/documents/PDF/Moldova.pdf // https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/mdanc3.pdf { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 46.932365, "lon": 28.950759, "name": "Chisinau International Airport", "name_html": "Chișinău International Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": "Imagery doesn't appear to be publicly available. Their old site's front page had a link that was named \"Harta radar comună ANM și SHS\" (Google Translate: Joint radar map ANM and SHS). Those are the abbreviations of Moldova's and Romania's meteorological services and the link was to Romania's radar display here. I couldn't find evidence that this radar, built in 2013, might be integrated into Romania's display. Because I don't know the range of any possible publicly available imagery, no range is shown on the map." }, // // // // MRL-5 Radars (from WMO Radar Database) // // // { "wrd_page": "dFR2SnV5Ly9tWEpvVnVYU1NCYUJsdz09", "lat": 47.222052, "lon": 28.289998, "name": "Calarasi", "name_html": "Călărași", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": "There are two domes at this location. We picked the one closest to the WMO Radar Database's coordinates. The other dome is about 60 meters northeast.

    " + moldovaMrl5RadarHtml }, { "wrd_page": "Wk1sYU03SVQ5cWk0K3o2MzFvbnovQT09", "lat": 46.030891, "lon": 28.820124, "name": "Ceadir-Lunga", "name_html": "Ceadîr-Lunga", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": moldovaMrl5RadarHtml }, { "wrd_page": "ekt2TXRzTk5TMWVUdlY4REE0c1orQT09", "lat": 46.492972, "lon": 28.744106, "name": "Cimislia", "name_html": "Cimișlia", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": moldovaMrl5RadarHtml }, { "wrd_page": "OXFyeHJJUEJZRVdGWlEwRVZRRnMwdz09", "lat": 47.395144, "lon": 27.985988, "name": "Cornesti", "name_html": "Cornești", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": moldovaMrl5RadarHtml }, { "wrd_page": "eU03dUJnZHlTQm02b09HblV4V3ZRUT09", "lat": 48.204261, "lon": 27.353385, "name": "Edinet", "name_html": "Edineț", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": moldovaMrl5RadarHtml }, { "wrd_page": "TW5iUmV2amErbGxlV3Z6VENKbWhidz09", "lat": 47.693022, "lon": 27.639361, "name": "Falesti", "name_html": "Fălești", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": "There are two domes at this location. We picked the one closest to the WMO Radar Database's coordinates. The other dome is about 40 meters south-southwest.

    " + moldovaMrl5RadarHtml }, { "wrd_page": "eWpoZ3RkbjJmcUk0N3dWQjRMeFpOQT09", "lat": 47.624548, "lon": 28.355869, "name": "Pepeni", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": "There are two domes at this location. We picked the one closest to the WMO Radar Database's coordinates. The other dome is about 70 meters east-northeast.

    " + moldovaMrl5RadarHtml }, { "wrd_page": "Ly93K2FnemFENEVEOXhJbnkyM3Fsdz09", "lat": 48.121581, "lon": 28.070852, "name": "Soroca", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": moldovaMrl5RadarHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 46.645114, "lon": 29.632624, "name": "Stefan Voda", "name_html": "Ștefan Vodă", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": moldovaMrl5RadarHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Netherlands // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "NLD": [ { "wrd_page": "bkMwTFBHLzZSWmwxUDR4YVN0VkZtdz09", "lat": 52.101685, "lon": 5.178365, "name": "De Bilt", "range": 320, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The Herwijnen and Den Helder radars are listed on the Netherlands site as being the radars the imagery on their site contains. It's unclear if this one is included as well since their site only has a composite." }, { "wrd_page": "Mkt1SFdWbWdZa1hKZ2FtRU1NaHRsUT09", "lat": 52.952722, "lon": 4.790735, "name": "Den Helder", "range": 320, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1 }, { "wrd_page": "eUJLTHlRSlMyZlIzUFB0VnN2YzRoQT09", "lat": 51.836945, "lon": 5.138001, "name": "Herwijnen", "range": 320, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1 }, // // // // Others // // // // https://www.alliance-technologies.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/GAMIC_poster_LVNL_Schiphol_web.pdf // https://www.gamic.com/references { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 52.331730, "lon": 4.717950, "name": "Amsterdam", "alt_name": "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "We couldn't find data from this radar available online." }, // http://www.raingain.eu/en/actualite/radar-inauguration-rotterdam // http://www.raingain.eu/en/rotterdam { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 51.924288, "lon": 4.471885, "name": "Rotterdam", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "RainGain project", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "We're not sure if data from this radar is still available. You can find more information here and here. The site data is supposed to be on was not working when we tried it in October 2022." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // North Macedonia // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MKD": [ { "wrd_page": "UmFtRjhLbkVnOFFyQnFvejZoay9Pdz09", "lat": 41.898941, "lon": 21.836042, "name": "Sveti Nikole", "alt_name": "Meteorological Station Gjurishte", "alt_name_html": "Meteorological Station Gjurishte, Macedonian: Метеоролошка Станица Ѓуриште", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": northMacedoniaRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "eTBMdGxzbzNIT3U1bWpJQlUyYTBuUT09", "lat": 41.240412, "lon": 21.433165, "name": "Topolchani", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": northMacedoniaRadarSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Norway // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including // the addition of any new ones, concluded on August 23rd, 2023. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "NOR": [ { "wrd_page": "L2lNQW9xWUo5TFhkQ0RMbEJadEdDUT09", "lat": 69.241508, "lon": 16.002778, "name": "Andoya", "name_html": "Andøya", "imagery_id": "5-87110/Norway/Nordland/And%C3%B8y/And%C3%B8ya%20LH", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "QlcxUHlnUDN1MVFueEdmSE9mSVZjUT09", "lat": 70.510753, "lon": 29.018346, "name": "Berlevag", "name_html": "Berlevåg", "imagery_id": "1-329158/Norway/Troms%20og%20Finnmark/Berlev%C3%A5g/Berlev%C3%A5g", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "dGpXQWRaRHRhUzhlbTE2TzNVU0pTUT09", "lat": 59.853700, "lon": 5.089804, "name": "Bomlo", "name_html": "Bømlo", "imagery_id": "1-50029/Norway/Vestland/B%C3%B8mlo/B%C3%B8mlo", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "aDJqeEc4MTJlOWRaRWFOQ1Q4UE5UQT09", "lat": 58.360192, "lon": 7.164801, "name": "Haegebostad", "name_html": "Hægebostad", "imagery_id": "1-2605582/Norway/Agder/Lindesnes/H%C3%A6gebostad", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, // The installation year in the WMO Radar Database is 2016. As of // updating this site, close-up Google Earth imagery is only // through 2013. We used Esri which had coordinates from a higher // altitude. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "MXpjYk0rdnVLVm12WUxpYzBXaUliUT09", "lat": 61.231804, "lon": 10.527292, "name": "Hafjell", "imagery_id": "1-143300/Norway/Innlandet/%C3%98yer/Hafjell", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "bkRIV0dia0dPKzV3WUZEZllpbXdkQT09", "lat": 70.605150, "lon": 22.442904, "name": "Hasvik", "imagery_id": "1-320932/Norway/Troms%20og%20Finnmark/Hasvik/Hasvik", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "UVVIU29pbkJOOHFtRzE2c3BZRFN0dz09", "lat": 59.627210, "lon": 10.564517, "name": "Oslo", "alt_name": "Hurum", "imagery_id": "1-72837/Norway/Oslo/Oslo/Oslo", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 69.218598, "lon": 23.439746, "name": "Rassegalvarri", "imagery_id": "1-298429/Norway/Troms%20og%20Finnmark/Kautokeino/Rassegalvarri", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "Z1ZoK1V5dGxNUGc1cHFsdmgweitmdz09", "lat": 63.690490, "lon": 10.203826, "name": "Rissa", "imagery_id": "1-2209679/Norway/Tr%C3%B8ndelag/Indre%20Fosen/Rissa", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "NGFxSy9BUVlUN0RrVklTNjU3UnJBdz09", "lat": 67.530441, "lon": 12.099072, "name": "Rost", "name_html": "Røst", "imagery_id": "1-272622/Norway/Nordland/R%C3%B8st/R%C3%B8st", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "VWJOZm41SzBhMmFLVnEzQkMrZ2k2QT09", "lat": 65.219883, "lon": 11.992218, "name": "Somna", "name_html": "Sømna", "imagery_id": "2-3137701/Norway/Nordland/S%C3%B8mna/S%C3%B8mna", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stad_(peninsula) { "wrd_page": "dDZNdkh0dEUwRENsOVhnL1phWTZKUT09", "lat": 62.187032, "lon": 5.127288, "name": "Stad", "imagery_id": "1-174633/Norway/Vestland/Stad/Stad", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": norwaySiteHtml }, // OPERA Database and WMO Radar Database mark this as no longer // active. OPERA database says the start year was 1987. It looks // to be at least partially torn down based on Google Earth // imagery. The dome disappeared between 2010 and 2012. // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/M2hEdm93ZjVTbmJvVnRFSit3YkxWZz09 { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "M2hEdm93ZjVTbmJvVnRFSit3YkxWZz09", "lat": 59.857134, "lon": 10.379104, "name": "Noosl", "window_content": "This radar site is listed in the WMO Radar Database as being closed and in the OPERA database is listed in its archive, though it doesn't include an end year." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Poland // // https://awiacja.imgw.pl/?product=burzrad // http://rad1.imgw.pl/ // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "POL": [ { "wrd_page": "cHNYaFdzOVJTV1JRZ0V0a1B5ZmZXZz09", "lat": 50.394173, "lon": 20.083247, "name": "Brzuchania", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": polandSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "TlJUeGVxdWY0eTlmTHB5Y0FPd3pIQT09", "lat": 54.384254, "lon": 18.456321, "name": "Gdansk", "name_html": "Gdańsk", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": polandSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "SVRkeHg0UmZUL0h6N0JLRmtSbzNpdz09", "lat": 52.405333, "lon": 20.961098, "name": "Legionowo", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": polandSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "TGtWNEN0ZERnc05mY0pyaVNJR2FNUT09", "lat": 50.892463, "lon": 16.039497, "name": "Pastewnik", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": polandSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "ejAwRFY4L3k3VXZpbzF2cFo0amlGZz09", "lat": 52.411431, "lon": 16.793591, "name": "Poznan", "name_html": "Poznań", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": polandSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "ZW16TjJSZkxtZG40ME1lTUJPRHVmdz09", "lat": 50.151332, "lon": 18.725074, "name": "Ramza", "name_html": "Ramża", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": polandSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "QjFRZTg2YnBaZXFuL3RHWW04Zjh0UT09", "lat": 50.114062, "lon": 22.036999, "name": "Rzeszow", "name_html": "Rzeszów", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": polandSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "RmpZME13VjBGcm1RWXo0dG5KdmJJQT09", "lat": 53.795817, "lon": 15.836812, "name": "Swidwin", "name_html": "Świdwin", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": polandSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Portugal // // https://www.ipma.pt/pt/educativa/observar.tempo/index.jsp?page=radar01.xml // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "PRT": [ // http://www.aroucageopark.pt/en/explore/what-visit/museums-and-interpretive-units/weather-tower-arouca/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.845032, "lon": -8.279694, "name": "Arouca", "alt_name": "Pico do Gralheiro", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": portugalSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "bS9KSngrWGVCMXdYOW5neWZuMnBvUT09", "lat": 39.071345, "lon": -8.400135, "name": "Coruche", "alt_name": "Cruz do Leao", "alt_name_html": "Cruz do Leão", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": portugalSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "ZStzeER0K2RqWm1uL1NsUlJWVmFqdz09", "lat": 37.304080, "lon": -7.953087, "name": "Loule", "alt_name": "Cavalos do Caldeirao", "alt_name_html": "Cavalos do Caldeirão", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": portugalSiteHtml }, // // // // Madeira // // // // Video: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8EtzBn8cRA // Which was shared on Facebook here: // https://www.facebook.com/ipma.pt/posts/d41d8cd9/1541782492526123/ // It is located on Pico do Espigao. // https://www.ipma.pt/pt/media/noticias/news.detail.jsp?f=/pt/media/noticias/arquivo/2013/radar-madeira_2013.html // More about the radar: // https://web.archive.org/web/20180811103806/https://www.ipma.pt/pt/media/noticias/news.detail.jsp?f=/pt/media/noticias/textos/radar-madeira-2018.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.037649, "lon": -16.383744, "name": "Porto Santo Island, Madeira archipelago", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "To view imagery, click the link above and for \"Selecione RADAR\", select \"Porto Santo/PE\". Then, for \"Selecione produto\", select \"Máximos Reflectividade (dBZ)\"." }, // // // // Azores (IPMA) // // // // It is located on Serra de Santa Barbara. // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Miradouro+da+Serra+de+Santa+B%C3%A1rbara/@38.7296978,-27.3187142,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPinn8UoS_dnLQ5BbPbrb4-LdeF114eR6xln4aA!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPinn8UoS_dnLQ5BbPbrb4-LdeF114eR6xln4aA%3Dw203-h114-k-no!7i4032!8i2268!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x0:0x5c443dfac221da4!2zMzjCsDQzJzQ4LjMiTiAyN8KwMTknMTQuNSJX!3b1!8m2!3d38.730089!4d-27.320685!3m4!1s0xb467a86ea053a33:0xda4b9cae36278f47!8m2!3d38.7296978!4d-27.3187142 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPinn8UoS_dnLQ5BbPbrb4-LdeF114eR6xln4aA=w4032 // // Operational in March 2021: // https://www.acorianooriental.pt/noticia/radar-meteorologico-da-terceira-inicia-exploracao-operacional-324130 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.730089, "lon": -27.320685, "name": "Terceira Island, Azores archipelago", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "To view imagery, click the link above and for \"Selecione RADAR\", select \"Terceira/SB\". Then, for \"Selecione produto\", select \"Máximos Reflectividade (dBZ)\".

    " + "A U.S. NEXRAD radar used to be located here, for Lajes Field, but it was decommissioned in 2016 or before. This radar became operational in March 2021." }, // // // // Azores (U.S. Military) // // // // Lajes Field (LPLA) (owned by USAF) // // Listed in NEXRAD stations file. // // 2001-03-24: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/datasets/NEXRAD2/stations/NEXRAD:LPLA/detail // // A post from the US NEXRAD Radar Operations Center Facebook // page on October 5, 2016: // https://www.facebook.com/731982933501285/photos/a.734699859896259/1286198271413079/ // Said: "A beautiful photo by SrA Ryan Mathews of the WSR-88D // at Lajes AFB, Azores. After serving the USAF decommissioned // by the Department of Defense" // // An IPMA radar was built in its place and became operational // in March 2021. // // --------------------------------- { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "TXlNMVhyWDNYd245NTR5MG1uc29WUT09", "lat": 38.730069, "lon": -27.320705, "name": "Lajes Field", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1, "window_content": "This radar was decommissioned. You can read a post about it here on Facebook on October 5th, 2016.

    " + "Portugal constructed its own radar here that became operational in March 2021. (and is also shown on our map) We offset the location of this radar slightly so both can appear when zoomed in close." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Romania // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on November 2nd, 2022. // // Range of radars from old site: // https://web.archive.org/web/20121116192831/http://www.meteoromania.ro/index.php?id=435 // Information about radars: // http://www.meteoromania.ro/despre-noi/meteorologie-operationala/activitati-de-baza/radar/reteaua-nationala-radar/ // https://web.archive.org/web/20121116192822/http://www.meteoromania.ro/index.php?id=433 // https://web.archive.org/web/20121116192817/http://www.meteoromania.ro/index.php?id=432 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ROU": [ { "wrd_page": "b3ViU0ZwV2swYkFzbHkzSnZaQkdaUT09", "lat": 44.511414, "lon": 26.077723, "name": "Bucharest", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": romaniaCBandRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "d1VEUWN1THRObnZGN1IrcTh4OE5Fdz09", "lat": 44.310520, "lon": 23.867647, "name": "Craiova", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": romaniaCBandRadarSitesWindowHtml }, // Romania's coordinates are very off from the other coordinates, // where the radar actually seems to be. // // Romania Coords: 47.167 27.633 // WMO Coordinates: 47.0128 27.5828 // OPERA Coords: 47.0122 27.5826 { "wrd_page": "cHdxZXRhSVRNR0Y2TXV0UmYyVjVNUT09", "lat": 47.012318, "lon": 27.582713, "name": "Iasi", "name_html": "Iași", "alt_name": "Barnova", "alt_name_html": "Bârnova", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "R1FoWENGbVpGeFBMWVJ2UGdTaFpSdz09", "lat": 44.242595, "lon": 28.251468, "name": "Medgidia", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // Sat. Appearance: < 2004-03-03 // // Romania Coords: 47.033 21.900 // WMO Coordinates: 47.0328 21.9 // OPERA Coords: 47.0357 21.8987 // OPERA Range: 230km { "wrd_page": "YVl1ZEI3ZXh4d0ZpcW5PVXhBVlB1Zz09", "lat": 47.035735, "lon": 21.898629, "name": "Oradea", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "There might be another Oradea radar right next to this one, within about 15 meters. It is colored like an MRL-5 radar.

    " + "In addition to that, there is another Oradea radar about 7km away, at 47.092133N 21.942904E. In the OPERA database that radar is listed in its archive, though it doesn't include an end year. Romania's site, the WMO Radar Database and OPERA database have coordinates for the current radar within 350 meters or less of the actual coordinates of the radar. The elevation for this radar more closely matches the elevation listed in the WMO Radar Database for the Oradea radar. The radar tower here closely matches other radars from the same manufacturer that are installed in Romania. For these reasons, this seems to be the Oradea radar that is listed in the WMO Radar Database and we link to that page." }, { "wrd_page": "d0F6cktLVEdQMnVGVy9NSjJ2Tlh1QT09", "lat": 46.360065, "lon": 24.225534, "name": "Targu Mures", "name_html": "Târgu Mureș", "alt_name": "Bobohalma", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "UVBrOVBySmN5NXVLYm0wRTVCemRJUT09", "lat": 45.771386, "lon": 21.259142, "name": "Timisoara", "name_html": "Timișoara", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // // // // Closed // // // // Sat. Appearance: < 2011-05-13 // // Romania Coords: N/A // WMO Coordinates: N/A // OPERA Coords: 47.0900 21.9400 // OPERA Range: 240km { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.092133, "lon": 21.942904, "name": "Oradea", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "In the OPERA database, this radar is listed in its archive, though it doesn't include an end year. The current Oradea radar site is 7km away from this one." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Serbia // // Pictures: // https://www.preventionweb.net/files/38803_sin4768801358gal8vs4m7sj73jvufatkhk[3].pdf // // Locations of some, including old ones: // https://www.hidmet.gov.rs/eng/osmotreni/radarska.php // // More info: // http://www.seevccc.rs/SEECOF/SEECOF-10/COF/MHEWS%20in%20Serbia%20-%20RA%20VI%20RCC-SEEVCCC%20D%20Spasova.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "SRB": [ // --------------------------------- // // Three Main Radars // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "Si8wS0pVcDhRUTJidGFnSzl5UDIxZz09", "lat": 45.187616, "lon": 20.770664, "name": "Kovacica", "name_html": "Kovačica", "alt_name": "Samos", "alt_name_html": "Samoš", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we tested this radar site in October 2022, it did not appear in the composite for Serbia.

    " + serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "bGpsb0ZYRktSVFJCR2ZEV2ZLczVrZz09", "lat": 45.157266, "lon": 19.810579, "name": "Novi Sad", "alt_name": "Fruska Gora", "alt_name_html": "Fruška Gora", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we tested this radar site in October 2022, it did not appear in the composite for Serbia.

    " + serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.391085, "lon": 21.443362, "name": "Velika Plana", "alt_name": "Jastrebac", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // Belgrade Local Area Weather Radar (LAWR) // // --------------------------------- // Likely picture on Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@44.7730126,20.4239549,3a,15y,167.51h,99.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5HByIEFuGZyUDTgnlHRPQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.7717067, "lon": 20.424344, "name": "Belgrade LAWR", "alt_name": "Local Area Weather Radar", "imagery_url": "https://www.hidmet.gov.rs/eng/osmotreni/lawr.php", "range": 70, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This seems to be a X-band radar installed on top of a building. I think it is visible in the Google Street View image here. (the horizontal cylindrical tube.) When we checked this radar in September 2020, the last image available was from June 29th, 2020. The range is not shown on the map. The range seems to be about 70km based on radar returns from the last imagery available, though the OPERA database lists the range for this radar as 60km.

    " + serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // Other Radars Listed On Their Site // // All ranges come from Opera radar database. // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "NTN2WkN5cW10UkdndTJNZnI4OE9CQT09", "lat": 44.298408, "lon": 20.528777, "name": "Arandelovac", "name_html": "Aranđelovac", "alt_name": "Bukulja", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "N2dXYzJqTjJiMURlVFVxMXVqUkVqdz09", "lat": 45.786892, "lon": 19.593337, "name": "Backa Topola", "name_html": "Bačka Topola", "alt_name": "Bajsa", "alt_name_html": "Bajša", "range": 400, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "cEFETGpKdW51UWRtVHJ1bVJXZXBvUT09", "lat": 44.771872, "lon": 20.424767, "name": "Belgrade", "alt_name": "Kosutnjak", "alt_name_html": "Košutnjak", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "WURnZ0FOTmd1WnhzNWdVZkNKQmlMdz09", "lat": 44.129886, "lon": 21.964503, "name": "Bor", "alt_name": "Crni Vrh", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "dzAwMlNiT2granl4d0daTVNqbW9WQT09", "lat": 43.996932, "lon": 21.047830, "name": "Kragujevac", "alt_name": "Besnjaja", "alt_name_html": "Bešnjaja", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "cHdwS041eDlldE03d1JQcjJOVWc5Zz09", "lat": 43.622703, "lon": 21.252587, "name": "Krusevac", "name_html": "Kruševac", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "V3FlSUU0aWh3OHFaVzBvOEViRVlNZz09", "lat": 42.790795, "lon": 21.946667, "name": "Leskovac", "alt_name": "Kukavica", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "V3RrS3oyd293b2dScGJ1OGt6bnBhdz09", "lat": 43.404201, "lon": 21.947308, "name": "Nis", "name_html": "Niš", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "bHBPRThLUXl0OFU3ZFdoRXRuY2dYdz09", "lat": 44.325631, "lon": 21.336860, "name": "Petrovac", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "cHdJRkltWU5ZeEk2UHlpL25KYlZtZz09", "lat": 43.261380, "lon": 19.973444, "name": "Sjenica", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "ejBRekFBdXE5anFOVC96TmJwWGN1Zz09", "lat": 43.887491, "lon": 19.840471, "name": "Uzice", "name_html": "Užice", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "NVQ2MmdYc3ozTmo2UzhWUnhHMWQyUT09", "lat": 44.373961, "lon": 19.918043, "name": "Valjevo", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": serbiaRadarSitesWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Slovakia // // Interactive map: // https://www.shmu.sk/en/?page=1&id=meteo_radar // Or: // https://www.shmu.sk/en/?page=2322 // // Has each individial site: // https://www.shmu.sk/en/?page=65 // // About 4 radars, including coordinates: // https://www.shmu.sk/sk/?page=1566 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "SVK": [ { "wrd_page": "aERMbC9IZDZWak1reTcxd1licHhTUT09", "lat": 48.782784, "lon": 20.987314, "name": "Kosice", "name_html": "Košice", "alt_name": "Kojsovska hola", "alt_name_html": "Kojšovská hoľa", "imagery_id": "4", "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["SVK"]["radar_url"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "interactive map", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "MnpJNGF4bm1PN3RYRkMweGNPdTFjQT09", "lat": 49.271640, "lon": 19.249283, "name": "Dolny Kubin", "name_html": "Dolný Kubín", "alt_name": "Kubinska hola", "alt_name_html": "Kubínska hoľa", "imagery_id": "5", "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["SVK"]["radar_url"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "interactive map", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "ZWloQ2FKM09vUERjQ3VYZ3lPY1FNdz09", "lat": 48.255615, "lon": 17.152325, "name": "Bratislava", "alt_name": "Maly Javornik", "alt_name_html": "Malý Javorník", "imagery_id": "3", "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["SVK"]["radar_url"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "interactive map", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "QytaeWNNK2xvU1RnQVcyblBTVFg5QT09", "lat": 48.240400, "lon": 19.257320, "name": "Velky Krtis", "name_html": "Veľký Krtíš", "alt_name": "Spani laz", "alt_name_html": "Španí laz", "imagery_id": "6", "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["SVK"]["radar_url"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "interactive map", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Slovenia // // The range was measured in Google Earth and estimated to be // 250km based on old imagery: // https://web.archive.org/web/20130806094721/http://www.arso.gov.si/vreme/napovedi%20in%20podatki/radar.gif // https://web.archive.org/web/20150317014032/http://www.arso.gov.si/vreme/napovedi%20in%20podatki/radar_anim.gif // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "SVN": [ { "wrd_page": "VlczcSt1TGlXZHh3NWdyclUrZmo4QT09", "lat": 46.067628, "lon": 15.285018, "name": "Lisca", "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["SVN"]["radar_url2"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "interactive map", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": sloveniaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 46.098043, "lon": 14.228238, "name": "Pasja Ravan", "alt_name": "Pasji ravni", "alt_imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["SVN"]["radar_url2"], "alt_imagery_url_text": "interactive map", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": sloveniaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Spain // // Also includes Canary Islands. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ESP": [ // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Meteorological Service of Catalonia // // About the four radars: // http://www.meteo.cat/wpweb/divulgacio/equipaments-meteorologics/radar-meteorologic/xarxa-de-radars-xrad/ // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.888863, "lon": 2.997202, "name": "Puig d'Arques", "imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["ESP"]["catalonia_radar_url"], "range": 130, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "window_content": cataloniaSpainRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.0917031, "lon": 0.863487, "name": "Tivissa-Llaberia", "imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["ESP"]["catalonia_radar_url"], "range": 130, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "window_content": cataloniaSpainRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.373376, "lon": 1.882228, "name": "Vallirana", "imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["ESP"]["catalonia_radar_url"], "range": 130, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "window_content": cataloniaSpainRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.601822, "lon": 1.402754, "name": "La Panadella", "imagery_url": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["ESP"]["catalonia_radar_url"], "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "window_content": cataloniaSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Canary Islands from AEMET, Spain's meteorological service. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // OPERA Name: Artenara (Gran Canaria) { "wrd_page": "cnJ6eGYvSHBqK1J0SWFVSTlSNnJQQT09", "lat": 28.018806, "lon": -15.614457, "name": "Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Artenara), Canary Islands", "imagery_id": "ca", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // // // // Article from 2015 about a proposed second radar in the Canary // Islands: // https://www.tiempo.com/ram/187672/nuevo-radar-meteorologico-en-canarias/ // // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Rest of Spain from AEMET, Spain's meteorological service. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // OPERA Name: Cerceda (La Coruna) { "wrd_page": "UDZYVHAzWUtudkJhTjdSY1c2bmRSUT09", "lat": 43.169020, "lon": -8.526900, "name": "A Coruna", "name_html": "A Coruña", "alt_name": "Cerceda", "imagery_id": "co", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Nijar (Almeria) { "wrd_page": "WExkaGhzZG9qU0xTV2RoSklpYSthdz09", "lat": 36.832433, "lon": -2.082090, "name": "Almeria", "name_html": "Almería", "alt_name": "Nijar", "alt_name_html": "Níjar", "imagery_id": "am", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Aguion (Asturias) // Aguión (Asturias) { "wrd_page": "Q1F1RFMyc3J1WVhaTFc3Tk9DUVdXQT09", "lat": 43.462548, "lon": -6.302165, "name": "Asturias", "imagery_id": "sa", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Corbera (Barcelona) { "wrd_page": "SGRUZEFGV2RXR2FiTFNoT0V6MlBkdz09", "lat": 41.408184, "lon": 1.884920, "name": "Barcelona", "alt_name": "Corbera de Llobregat", "imagery_id": "ba", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Sierra de Fuentes (Caceres) { "wrd_page": "VXN0aE12bytXZTlSdmNpY0NUQW5XZz09", "lat": 39.428766, "lon": -6.285140, "name": "Caceres", "name_html": "Cáceres", "alt_name": "Sierra de Fuentes", "imagery_id": "cc", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Llucmajor (Baleares) { "wrd_page": "NVY1NzVLaXpxRlFycjBRcjgzR21odz09", "lat": 39.379775, "lon": 2.785096, "name": "Illes Balears", "alt_name": "Llucmajor / Balearic Islands", "imagery_id": "pm", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml + " Includes the islands of Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca and Formentera." }, // OPERA Name: Torrejon de Velasco (Madrid) { "wrd_page": "Wjd5WWpqa3FFZlkxQ0xCb1FaZTgydz09", "lat": 40.175938, "lon": -3.713664, "name": "Madrid", "alt_name": "Torrejon de Velasco", "alt_name_html": "Torrejón de Velasco", "imagery_id": "ma", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Alhaurin el Grande (Malaga) { "wrd_page": "NXJjNlJRN1p5b1FyNjcxQStXblVMQT09", "lat": 36.613430, "lon": -4.659320, "name": "Malaga", "name_html": "Málaga", "alt_name": "Alhaurin el Grande", "alt_name_html": "Alhaurín el Grande", "imagery_id": "ml", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Fortuna (Murcia) { "wrd_page": "dnlSSnFPZzk2V0QrNmIvV2RkeWxPZz09", "lat": 38.264389, "lon": -1.189593, "name": "Murcia", "alt_name": "Fortuna", "imagery_id": "mu", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Autilla Pino (Palencia) { "wrd_page": "bnBJLzF1R2pWVkkvZFUvdkxxdm5rQT09", "lat": 41.995693, "lon": -4.602730, "name": "Palencia", "alt_name": "Autilla del Pino", "imagery_id": "vd", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Castillo las Guardas (Sevilla) { "wrd_page": "M25tTklZd2JDQUl1UmNDeWtRdENBQT09", "lat": 37.687466, "lon": -6.334434, "name": "Sevilla", "alt_name": "El Castillo de las Guardas", "imagery_id": "se", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Cullera (Valencia) { "wrd_page": "Z0taR0NVVDB5V21PRWlYZ1dyRllwQT09", "lat": 39.176288, "lon": -0.250976, "name": "Valencia", "alt_name": "Cullera", "imagery_id": "va", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: Baquio (Vizcaya) { "wrd_page": "Y0Y1SlBmVURXaUpZa1ZUemJhdHc2Zz09", "lat": 43.403333, "lon": -2.841976, "name": "Vizcaya", "alt_name": "Baquio", "imagery_id": "ss", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml }, // OPERA Name: (Zaragoza) { "wrd_page": "VjcwOHpzc1Vma1U3NDY2NlJpZlQvQT09", "lat": 41.734009, "lon": -0.545879, "name": "Zaragoza", "imagery_id": "za", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": aemetSpainRadarSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sweden // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including // the addition of any new ones, concluded on October 24th, 2022. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "SWE": [ { "wrd_page": "Z1p0RVp4aVB5aWZZMzhhZG9uQXM2UT09", "lat": 56.367453, "lon": 12.851706, "name": "Angelholm", "name_html": "Ängelholm", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "RWxQQlFzQmFIVkxsY3c5U05YcFNXQT09", "lat": 59.611005, "lon": 17.583354, "name": "Balsta", "name_html": "Bålsta", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "SWNDQTdHV05RdExjSW16Z0NWSUQ2QT09", "lat": 59.654405, "lon": 17.946385, "name": "Stockholm", "alt_name": "Stockholm Arlanda Airport", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar closed in 2019 based on the OPERA database." }, { "wrd_page": "ZkZ1TlVIbWl6WllmUGh3MmVDdWh3QT09", "lat": 57.303437, "lon": 18.400188, "name": "Hemse", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "cjFSaG5xaW1ma2F4ZjFmY0h0bjNFUT09", "lat": 61.577128, "lon": 16.714401, "name": "Hudiksvall", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "VTdEeUhhaUdJRkJkQmdTcU9zR2tGUT09", "lat": 56.295617, "lon": 15.610177, "name": "Karlskrona", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "TTFzV2ZFRnRmN25ZSjZ0YVVFUTdCdz09", "lat": 67.708759, "lon": 20.617794, "name": "Kiruna", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "Z3lhdVlYRElna21kdWNHYjlIMk1xUT09", "lat": 60.723046, "lon": 14.877648, "name": "Leksand", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "SUp2RjMzdE1SRlU0a3Iwb2R5VEJ5dz09", "lat": 65.430900, "lon": 21.865000, "name": "Lulea", "name_html": "Luleå", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "R2oyV1J1NTFtUGNLWnVoN082YUlvZz09", "lat": 63.639439, "lon": 18.401940, "name": "Ornskoldsvik", "name_html": "Örnsköldsvik", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "d1l4T1IxaklhbmhKd2FGVVZmRy9tZz09", "lat": 63.295074, "lon": 14.759152, "name": "Ostersund", "name_html": "Östersund", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "YlVsNGJIdlpzOVprWFpNcGhDbGk2QT09", "lat": 58.255749, "lon": 12.825992, "name": "Vara", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "aHJmcFd0Y1NwSEJyNTRRN0ZPYU15QT09", "lat": 58.105937, "lon": 15.936266, "name": "Vilebo", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": swedenSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Switzerland // // Information about their radars, including videos: // https://www.meteoswiss.admin.ch/home/measurement-and-forecasting-systems/atmosphere/weather-radar-network.html // // This document has approximate coordinates: // https://www.meteoswiss.admin.ch/content/dam/meteoswiss/fr/Mess-und-Prognosesysteme/doc/meteoswiss_operational_use_of_radar.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "CHE": [ { "wrd_page": "djBBQ1Jzd015Q2xVaGNNcUhyakVJQT09", "lat": 46.835022, "lon": 9.794393, "name": "Davos", "alt_name": "Weissfluh", "range": 246, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": switzerlandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "cmw2WjhUaVc5aHFXNnZucW8velVoQT09", "lat": 46.425116, "lon": 6.099512, "name": "Geneva", "alt_name": "La Dole", "alt_name_html": "La Dôle", "range": 246, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": switzerlandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "djNGVnJZYW9NVk9hNTVDalZpN0ZkQT09", "lat": 46.040764, "lon": 8.833236, "name": "Lugano", "alt_name": "Monte Lema", "range": 246, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": switzerlandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "RlBTMVNjWndCdFQydE96K2dLaGxpUT09", "lat": 46.370657, "lon": 7.486528, "name": "Sierre", "alt_name": "Pointe de la Plaine Morte", "range": 246, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": switzerlandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "dDYxUzRDK1FZTHljSVM3TUxzVi9ZUT09", "lat": 47.284406, "lon": 8.512028, "name": "Zurich", "alt_name": "Albis", "range": 246, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": switzerlandWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Ukraine // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "UKR": [ // --------------------------------- // // Ukraine's Site Only // // --------------------------------- // This radar site is mentioned on their about page: // https://meteo.gov.ua/en/33345/meteorology/meteorology_about_department/ // This radar might have been out of order in part of 2018 and // 2019. // https://www.unian.net/pogoda/news/10532037-ukrainskiy-aviacionnyy-meteocentr-zapustil-v-rabotu-radar-dlya-otslezhivaniya-realnoy-pogodnoy-situacii.html // Picture: // https://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=50.329930&lon=30.887439&z=19&show=/11010923/Radar&search=Boryspil // // When available, our map had a rectangle to show the area // imagery was available for. When available, they had the last // seven days of data available. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 50.329895, "lon": 30.887382, "name": "Kyiv", "alt_name": "Boryspil", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": ukraineRadarSitesWindowHtml + "

    " + "When available, the imagery available from Ukraine's site was rectangular. We were able to measure returns as far out as 250km. Therefore, that is the range we list." }, // --------------------------------- // // Belarus' Site Only // // --------------------------------- { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.878422, "lon": 35.310799, "name": "Zaporizhzhia", // "imagery_url": "https://pogoda.by/observation/radars/UKDE", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": ukraineRadarSitesWindowHtml + "

    " + "The imagery from this radar site had previously on Belarus' radar site. The imagery had shown a range of at least 200km, though it might have been higher in each corner of the image. I am uncertain of the exact location of this radar site. There is also a tower of some kind at 47.842073 35.291016 which is a little over 4km SSW of the coordinates we selected on the map. It doesn't look like a radar, however it seems to match up better to imagery available than the coordinates we selected at the airport." }, // // Additional Radars from UkSATSE // // Information: // https://uksatse.ua/index.php?act=Part&CODE=341 // https://uksatse.ua/index.php?act=Part&CODE=322 // https://www.contractors.com.ua/en/customer/19477064 // // // Kharkiv // // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/@49.9239415,36.3608382,3a,41.3y,316.71h,95.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suqkytGVabXegF6BvEM_XyQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 // https://youtu.be/EsDhLWQEF80?t=245 // https://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=49.924807&lon=36.359274&z=17&m=w&show=/15219966/ru/%D0%94%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9-%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%8F%D0%BA&search=49.924864%2036.359533 // // Previous note: // While radar data from this radar might be available online, // it requires registration and approval. // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.924864, "lon": 36.359533, "name": "Kharkiv", "imagery_url": "http://meteo.uksatse.ua/", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise (UkSATSE)", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": ukraineRadarSitesWindowHtml }, // // Lviv // // Pictures: // https://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=49.847551&lon=23.898418&z=17&m=w&show=/20851977/-LO-NDB-(LOM)&search=49.848320%2023.900732 // // Previous note: // While radar data from this radar might be available online, // it requires registration and approval. // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.848320, "lon": 23.900732, "name": "Lviv", "imagery_url": "http://meteo.uksatse.ua/", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise (UkSATSE)", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": ukraineRadarSitesWindowHtml }, // // Radars in the Crimean region, controlled by Russia. // { "wrd_page": "eGY3M0dNYy8yejBpVEhpb3NvVmNTUT09", "lat": 45.521640, "lon": 34.324938, "name": "Krasnohvardiiske", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": ukraineRadarSitesInCrimeaWindowHtml }, // Based on: // https://www.contractors.com.ua/en/customer/19477064 // Likely pictures during construction: // http://www.tws-ua.com/index.php/en/company/projects/meteor-635c // Video: // https://youtu.be/vy_YgE22Fxw?t=316 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.052703, "lon": 33.969984, "name": "Simferopol", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": ukraineRadarSitesInCrimeaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "YUxZN2xUSTZTVU1RK0F0ajBtQlNsdz09", "lat": 45.117449, "lon": 35.003453, "name": "Zolote Pole", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": ukraineRadarSitesInCrimeaWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // United Kingdom // // https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/binaries/content/assets/mohippo/pdf/j/h/fact_sheet_no._15.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "GBR": [ // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // England // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "WWZDMk5ISGhNVkhIdHF4MGd6cis0Zz09", "lat": 52.398551, "lon": -2.595403, "name": "Clee Hill", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Clee Hill, England, U.K." }, { "wrd_page": "c0Rhc1pieWxzK2VLdnJvTUhoUFVKdz09", "lat": 53.754790, "lon": -2.289209, "name": "Hameldon Hill", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Hameldon Hill, England, U.K." }, { "wrd_page": "Z1hKbjMyNmQ0N2xTOC9rYktJbnlWZz09", "lat": 51.689495, "lon": -0.530315, "name": "Chenies", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Chenies, England, U.K." }, { "wrd_page": "NlZHMldVREFyNXcrUHFKbVQ2ang5QT09", "lat": 50.003403, "lon": -5.222951, "name": "Predannack", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Predannack, England, U.K." }, { "wrd_page": "RFNTT3ByTklVbmcwYUpKYlRCYU52dz09", "lat": 53.334762, "lon": -0.559516, "name": "Ingham", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Ingham, England, U.K." }, { "wrd_page": "bkV3cUIweGdsTlBqL0UyYzEzYytCdz09", "lat": 50.963889, "lon": -3.452145, "name": "Cobbacombe Cross", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Cobbacombe Cross, England, U.K." }, { "wrd_page": "dUVtRWNqM2lXS2RXamFVM3BNVUFJUT09", "lat": 51.294780, "lon": 0.604340, "name": "Thurnham", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Thurnham, England, U.K." }, // This replaced the Wardon Hill radar in 2005. { "wrd_page": "bUZyWnYzWTQzb1Z0REpYWnVKWnB5QT09", "lat": 51.030648, "lon": -1.653403, "name": "Dean Hill", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Dean Hill, England, U.K." }, { "wrd_page": "MFRFN3hWRnlRUGcwaVdMVmZxdG04Zz09", "lat": 54.803427, "lon": -1.474616, "name": "High Moorsley", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "High Moorsley, England, U.K." }, // // // // Closed // // // // Picture: // https://www.themountainguide.co.uk/photos/corse-hill-13031.htm { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 55.691235, "lon": -4.231145, "name": "Corse Hill", "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Sometime between December 2005 and August 2010 the radar disappeared from satellite imagery." }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "dnVJQUlwNS8xei9GNnBtd0UxRXpodz09", "lat": 50.819232, "lon": -2.556300, "name": "Wardon Hill", "window_content": "The Dean Hill radar replaced this one in 2005 according to the article here. However, as of August 2022 the dome and tower were still there. The WMO Radar Database lists this radar as having been installed in 1988. It lists its operating status as \"Non-reporting\". We list this radar as being \"closed\" since the U.K. site says the Dean Hill radar replaced this one. The OPERA database does not list this radar." }, // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Scotland // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "a2lITk52SGhHVUROL1RLbVE5eDFSZz09", "lat": 58.211653, "lon": -6.182075, "name": "Druim a'Starraig", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Druim a'Starraig, Scotland, U.K." }, { "wrd_page": "QW5uVGdYSnA0Q3Buam9sRTFTeVdQUT09", "lat": 57.430427, "lon": -2.036661, "name": "Hill Of Dudwick", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Hill Of Dudwick, Scotland, U.K." }, { "wrd_page": "UFEzaVBLdVo2R2N2YlVuaDRHSVVVZz09", "lat": 56.018085, "lon": -4.217347, "name": "Holehead", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Holehead, Scotland, U.K." }, { "wrd_page": "Y3JwenhEMkdCN3JtcHh0aTBmbWFKZz09", "lat": 56.214828, "lon": -3.311683, "name": "Munduff Hill", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Munduff Hill, Scotland, U.K." }, // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Wales // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "V2YvbEIvb2kwVUhuQ1cycFA4M0JyZz09", "lat": 51.979844, "lon": -4.444603, "name": "Crug-y-Gorllwyn", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Crug-y-Gorllwyn, Wales, U.K." }, // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Northern Ireland // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "UHdaWUdZNHpkelZuY2dleWpKeVhQQT09", "lat": 54.502057, "lon": -6.342858, "name": "Castor Bay", "range": 255, "range_unit": "km", "map_title": "Castor Bay, Northern Ireland, U.K." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Africa // // Canary Islands are grouped with Spain under Europe. // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Botswana // // Has not been available on South Africa's site since 2007. // https://web.archive.org/web/20081223151852/http://metsys.weathersa.co.za:80/GB_VEL.html // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BWA": [ // Bokaa/Gaborone { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -24.435686, "lon": 26.030815, "name": "Bokaa", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The radar from Botswana (Bokaa) was last available on South Africa's site in 2007. This country does not appear to have the radar data on their own site as of updating this page for this country. You can click here to view their meteorological service." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Kenya // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "KEN": [ { "wrd_page": "M0MzTDdLT1htMmk4R0xtaDJKL1dJQT09", "lat": -3.270463, "lon": 40.050010, "name": "Malindi", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": kenyaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "WTNHekJ6MWZiLzc1NFBTcGNnOE5MUT09", "lat": -1.321383, "lon": 36.939639, "name": "Nairobi", "alt_name": "Jomo Kenyatta International Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": kenyaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Mali // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- "MLI": [ // Pictures: // http://www.africa.ucar.edu/documents/3.9.07%20Gates%20present-%20Unidata.pdf { "wrd_page": "YXh1QWtDd1NBZmJSSGQyRnl6QU5DUT09", "lat": 12.554044, "lon": -7.963456, "name": "Bamako", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": maliWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Pictures: // https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276897924_Mali-Meteo_Environmental_Agency_AEDD_Institutional_Analysis_Report_2014 { "wrd_page": "c3R5ZjVuZXJiaU96d21vYzI3Q1pMdz09", "lat": 13.205689, "lon": -10.429650, "name": "Manantali", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": maliWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/114232086770391378934/place/ChIJ4R1s_1wTOQ4RzBF5XtjQ8Q8/ { "wrd_page": "MlQ2ZDdDVlI5VUFjaVUzdTZwUmd5UT09", "lat": 14.511100, "lon": -4.088037, "name": "Mopti", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": maliWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Mauritius // // Images of radar site: // https://www.zinfos974.com/Le-nouveau-radar-meteo-de-Maurice-operationnel_a133411.html // https://maunewsonline.uitvconnect.com/mauritius-pm-pravind-jugnauth-inaugurates-the-most-efficient-radar-of-africa/ // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MUS": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -20.318871, "lon": 57.509828, "name": "Trou Aux Cerfs", "range": "450", "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "You can view their meteorological service here." }, ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Morocco // // The range is likely 240km for many, if not all, of these radar // sites. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MAR": [ { "wrd_page": "QmhpamxEZTExYjJzUnllOFlMeEhaUT09", "lat": 30.327531, "lon": -9.397660, "name": "Agadir", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": moroccoRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "VVNNVWJIaG9RSmUrSllIaWdyZFNtZz09", "lat": 32.121071, "lon": -7.896822, "name": "Ben Guerir", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": moroccoRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "cHZSUGYxWTFNbWdqa0RRRXNkMk9WUT09", "lat": 33.958414, "lon": -3.048548, "name": "Debdou", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": moroccoRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "VTNjc1JZZXRNZ3BndjN4TzRSQzM0QT09", "lat": 33.930724, "lon": -4.974009, "name": "Fes", "name_html": "Fès", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": moroccoRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "Zks5RjBsZ3J5aHE5enJmK0I0c1lqUT09", "lat": 32.855083, "lon": -6.956769, "name": "Khouribga", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": moroccoRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "b0d6WnIxcEx4a0ppUXlzU3Z1NW1UZz09", "lat": 35.163556, "lon": -6.116673, "name": "Larache", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": moroccoRadarSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "blNTZWMzL1ZwdUlNcnNVcm5lVVJOZz09", "lat": 33.368710, "lon": -7.576936, "name": "Casablanca", "alt_name": "Nouaceur", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": moroccoRadarSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Mozambique // // Have not been available on South Africa's site since 2007. // Beira: // https://web.archive.org/web/20081208072013/http://metsys.weathersa.co.za:80/BR.html // XaiXai: // https://web.archive.org/web/20070218201441/http://metsys.weathersa.co.za:80/XX.html // // Strategic Plan: // http://www.inam.gov.mz/images/pdfs/Meteorology-Strat-Plan-2013-2016-English.pdf // From: // http://www.inam.gov.mz/index.php/pt/quem-somos/plano-estrategico // // "During an evaluation INAM by the World Bank in 2011 and 2012, // it was noted that the NWP models and the forecast production // system were not operating. Management of communication and data // system deteriorated with the lack of maintenance. The // meteorological radars were not operating and many automatic // meteorological stations stopped working because of the lack of // the right upkeep." // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- "MOZ": [ // The location of this radar was found visually in satellite // imagery after using old radar imagery to determine where the // radar should be. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -19.795007, "lon": 34.892334, "name": "Beira", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": mozambiqueRadarSiteHtml }, // The location of this radar was found visually in satellite // imagery after using old radar imagery to determine where the // radar should be. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -25.054651, "lon": 33.737672, "name": "Xai-Xai", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": mozambiqueRadarSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Nigeria // // There may be four additional radars. (Kano, Lagos, Maiduguri and // Yola) // // Information: // https://nimet.gov.ng/safety-infrastructure // https://www.adaptation-undp.org/sites/default/files/resources/17._nimet_sabubakar.pdf // https://old.wmo.int/extranet/pages/prog/www/IMOP/publications/IOM-104_TECO-2010/P5_2_Aderinto_Nigeria.docx // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "NGA": [ // Photos here: // https://www.facebook.com/nigerianmetagency/photos/a.1729844993699929/1729844923699936/ // https://nimet.gov.ng/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/NiMet-building2.jpg { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 9.007630, "lon": 7.274913, "name": "Abuja", "alt_name": "Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": nigeriaRadarSiteHtml }, // Photo here: // https://twitter.com/PHCAirport/status/750293362159345664 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 5.008688, "lon": 6.950538, "name": "Port Harcourt", "alt_name": "Port Harcourt International Airport", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": nigeriaRadarSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Reunion (France) // // Images of two radar sites: // http://pluiesextremes.meteo.fr/lareunion/Les-radars.html // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "REU": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -20.911799, "lon": 55.421930, "name": "Colorado", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": reunionWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -21.190456, "lon": 55.573474, "name": "Piton Villers", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": reunionWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Rwanda // // Picture of site: // http://www.meteorwanda.gov.rw/fileadmin/user_upload/Meteo_Rwanda_Magazine_July_2017.pdf // // Facebook: // https://www.facebook.com/Rwanda-Meteorology-Agency-524167677619475/ // Twitter: // https://twitter.com/MeteoRwanda // // Hon. Minister of Environment visits Maranyundo Radar Station in // Bugesera District: // https://meteorwanda.gov.rw/index.php?id=114&tx_news_pi1%5Bnews%5D=343&tx_news_pi1%5Bcontroller%5D=News&tx_news_pi1%5Baction%5D=detail&cHash=78bef8392f3f3a5f224796f7c810f130 // // Pictures: // https://twitter.com/search?q=MeteoRwanda%20radar&f=live // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "RWA": [ // A place for radar imagery used to be on their front page, but // it didn't load. It is no longer on the page. // // An image was posted to Twitter of radar data: // https://twitter.com/MeteoRwanda/status/985774283992588289 // // Video: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLpO9F1AyvQ { "wrd_page": "TGw1eC90N1pHMTYza2Vjbm9LUWVKQT09", "lat": -2.158000, "lon": 30.113184, "name": "Rwanda", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "A radar image is not available in real time as of updating this page for this country, but it has been posted to their Twitter feed occasionally. (example) The range on the image, when posted on Twitter, is around 200 to 250km depending on what direction you are looking at. A video about their meteorological service, and the radar as well, is available here. (Kinyarwanda language)" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // South Africa // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ZAF": [ // --------------------------------- // // South African Weather Service // // The previous radar data available does not seem to be // available any longer for free to the general public. A // radar storm tracker page exists here for the public: // https://www.weathersa.co.za/home/radarst // // A subscription page here: // http://aviation.weathersa.co.za/#showPackages // Says: "Until a pay-portal is implemented access to the // site will be limited to aviation users meeting the // requirements above." In the charts on that page it says // that radar imagery, either national or provincial, will // not be free when the pay-portal is implemented. For now // someone can access that data only if they are a "Valid // Aviation User". // // Old site was originally used for coordinates and ranges: // https://web.archive.org/web/2010*/http://metsys.weathersa.co.za:80/nwrn.htm // // Radar storm tracker page from old site (2014 to March 2019): // https://web.archive.org/web/2019*/http://www.weathersa.co.za/observations/radar // // Subscription page (2011 to 2013): // https://web.archive.org/web/2013*/http://www.weathersa.co.za/web/SubsChoices.asp?sp=1&f=&z=Ctry&v=7&g=gT&h=0&m=Strm&anim=aStr&av=AvWarn&uid=&p=&dbug=&TL=&PC=&mw=w&ht=&mw=w // // Radar page from old site (2001 to 2010): // https://web.archive.org/web/2010*/http://metsys.weathersa.co.za/RadarGeneral.htm // // Radar page from old site (2004 to 2009): // https://web.archive.org/web/2009*/http://www.weathersa.co.za/Menus/WXandClimate.jsp // // Their site says they have 14 radars: // http://www.weathersa.co.za/home/overview // // The API here: // https://developers.afrigis.co.za/portfolio/weather-api/#radarlocations // Gives the locations. Click "Click to expand Sample // Response" under "weather.radar.locations". // // --------------------------------- // WMO Name: Bethlehem // AfriGIS Name: Bethlehem // // WMO Coordinates: -28.09830000 28.16330000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -28.0984 28.1632 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 9 // // The old Enterprise C-Band radar was likely located at around // -28.249635 28.333476 and imagery had a range of 200km. // // Pictures: // https://web.archive.org/web/20010814090616/http://metsys.weathersa.co.za:80/image/bethrad.gif // https://web.archive.org/web/20010814091934/http://metsys.weathersa.co.za:80/image/office.gif // // Witbanksfontein's MRL-5 S-Band (Northwest of Bethlehem) // eventually became Bethlehem's radar image: // https://web.archive.org/web/20010417232044/http://metsys.weathersa.co.za:80/general_radar.htm { "wrd_page": "a3dPY0FKcXNjQ09zQ3g3NTNyUFZndz09", "lat": -28.098375, "lon": 28.163071, "name": "Bethlehem", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Bloemfontein // AfriGIS Name: Bloemfontein // // WMO Coordinates: -29.16640000 26.05110000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -29.1663 26.0511 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 8 // // The old radar was located at -29.104029 26.297698 and imagery // had a range of 300km. { "wrd_page": "S3R4V1NBTmt4RjZORW1uLzVjYnpBZz09", "lat": -29.166177, "lon": 26.051042, "name": "Bloemfontein", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Cape Town // AfriGIS Name: Cape Town // // WMO Coordinates: -34.05420000 18.38530000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -34.0541 18.3853 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 1 // // Radar imagery on their older site had a range of 300km. { "wrd_page": "b1YwdjRXbGQ0eDdJaWdReVRqWXlhQT09", "lat": -34.053975, "lon": 18.385452, "name": "Cape Town (Constantiaberg)", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // No longer there. // // WMO Name: Cape Town Int. Airport // AfriGIS Name: Not listed // // WMO Coordinates: -33.95470000 18.60060000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: Not listed // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: Not listed { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "NFBHYmVEUTBYdXJ3NTFFQ1VteTFyUT09", "lat": -33.954833, "lon": 18.600280, "name": "Cape Town International Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": "This radar, from the WMO Radar Database, seems to have been built in 2012 or 2013 based on historical imagery from Google Earth. However, by January or February of 2015 it was gone." }, // WMO Name: De aar // AfriGIS Name: De Aar // // WMO Coordinates: -30.66470000 23.99280000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -30.6648 23.9927 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 6 // // Radar imagery on their older site had a range of 200km. { "wrd_page": "TUZldExiWWpCdWs2L0MyK045WGJWQT09", "lat": -30.664779, "lon": 23.992644, "name": "De Aar", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Durban // AfriGIS Name: Durban // // WMO Coordinates: -29.70720000 31.08170000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -29.7072 31.0815 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 7 // // The old radar was located at 30.013183S 30.926685E and imagery // had a range of 300km. It doesn't appear to be there any longer // based on satellite imagery. // // This radar seems to have been built in 2011 based on // historical imagery from Google Earth. The older radar was // about 37 km south-southwest. { "wrd_page": "UGNibTByS2QvR2RhbVdab3UxWG9Zdz09", "lat": -29.707344, "lon": 31.081800, "name": "Durban", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: East London // AfriGIS Name: East London // // WMO Coordinates: -32.75560000 27.66170000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -32.7557 27.6616 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 4 // // The old radar was likely located at 32.938966S 27.814641E and // imagery had a range of 200km. It may not be there any longer // based on satellite imagery. The exact location of the older // radar is unclear based on satellite imagery. Those coordinates // for the old radar were about 0.6 km east-southeast of the // coordinates on a no longer available page on the South African // Weather Service's site which had 32.9367S 27.8083E. (see top // section of this country for link) // // This radar seems to have been built in 2012 based on // historical imagery from Google Earth. The older radar was // about 24 to 25 km southeast. { "wrd_page": "ajYwZDI2cytEY3ZxQUFld203cVJLQT09", "lat": -32.755684, "lon": 27.661531, "name": "East London", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Ermelo // AfriGIS Name: Ermelo // // WMO Coordinates: -26.49810000 29.98390000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -26.498 29.9841 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 11 // // Radar imagery on their older site had a range of 200km. { "wrd_page": "YzFGdXZ0OGplMURxWmZiUE1abDdWZz09", "lat": -26.498011, "lon": 29.983993, "name": "Ermelo", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // No longer there on Google Earth. // // WMO Name: George // AfriGIS Name: George // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 2 { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "eTEzVzdqdzlycFpSd2dDTmtoaDVQZz09", "lat": -34.219407, "lon": 21.782679, "name": "George", "window_content": "Sometime between April 2019 and May 2020 this radar disappeared from satellite imagery." }, // WMO Name: Irene // AfriGIS Name: Irene // // WMO Coordinates: -25.91190000 28.21080000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -25.9119 28.2107 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 12 // // The old radar was likely located at 25.910773S 28.210304E and // imagery had a range of 300km. Those coordinates for the old // radar were about 900 meters southeast of the coordinates on a // no longer available page on the South African Weather // Service's site which had 25.9051S 28.2035E. (see top section // of this country for link) // // This radar seems to have been built between 2008 and 2009 // based on historical imagery from Google Earth. The older radar // seemed to be about 125 meters north-northwest. // // New radar seems to be the one with a WIGOS Id. { "wrd_page": "RU82T3FSUlN6UHdVR0Z5N1pRUlNxZz09", "lat": -25.911877, "lon": 28.210748, "name": "Irene", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Mthatha // AfriGIS Name: Mthatha // // WMO Coordinates: -31.53720000 28.76440000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -31.5371 28.7645 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 5 // // Radar imagery on their older site had a range of 200km. { "wrd_page": "RzZxYkt1MzRKamdtL0toZW5YdTdOUT09", "lat": -31.537174, "lon": 28.764402, "name": "Mthatha", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Ottosdal // AfriGIS Name: Ottosdal // // WMO Coordinates: -26.73530000 26.08780000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -26.7352 26.0877 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 10 { "wrd_page": "S0Uwc3hOSkZOU1ozVkZ1Wk4yZ2h6dz09", "lat": -26.735252, "lon": 26.087650, "name": "Ottosdal", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Polokwane // AfriGIS Name: Polokwane // // WMO Coordinates: -23.89360000 29.50560000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -23.8936 29.5057 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 14 // // The old radar was located at 23.853527S 29.461783E and imagery // had a range of 300km. It doesn't appear to be there any longer // based on satellite imagery. // // This radar seems to have been built sometime between 2009 and // 2012 based on historical imagery from Google Earth. The older // radar was about 6km northwest. { "wrd_page": "YzVEYlo5MVplU2NaM2NtT2daTzB6UT09", "lat": -23.893546, "lon": 29.505550, "name": "Polokwane", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Port Elizaberth (misspelled) // AfriGIS Name: Port Elizabeth // // WMO Coordinates: -33.98470000 25.61080000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -33.9847 25.6107 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 3 // // Radar imagery on their older site had a range of 300km. { "wrd_page": "cGhhaFNLNnhLSHNGdEIzQ1R5WDZlZz09", "lat": -33.984667, "lon": 25.610732, "name": "Port Elizabeth", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Skukuza // AfriGIS Name: Skukuza // // WMO Coordinates: -24.97390000 31.60060000 // AfriGIS Coordinates: -24.974 31.6006 // // AfriGIS Imagery Id: 13 // // Radar imagery on their older site cannot be pulled up from the // Internet Archive for this radar site so the range of imagery // available at that time is not available. { "wrd_page": "c2Z3NXhPcEVIM3p3S0RIM2k5cUo0dz09", "lat": -24.973931, "lon": 31.600583, "name": "Skukuza", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": southAfricaRadarSiteHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // North-West University (NWU) Lekwena Radar // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -26.619344, "lon": 27.166678, "name": "NWU Lekwena Radar on Lekwena Wildlife Estate", "imagery_url": "http://www.lekwenaradar.co.za/", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "North-West University (NWU)", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Sometimes we don't include the range of this radar on our map because it is often not available. Make sure to check the date if the imagery loads. \"The NWU Lekwena radar is a test bed for students to learn and develop creative solutions related to weather forecasting and now-casting. This means that the Radar can be switched off for maintenance or it could be broken on purpose in the name of learning. The radar should not be used as a tool to make any severe weather alerts as the South-African Weather Service is the only credible institution to do this. The radar should only be viewed as a tool for the development of young scientists and something interesting to look at.\"" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Tanzania // // They are exanding their radar network. // // New sites seem to also planned for: // // Mbeya // Kigoma // // https://dailynews.co.tz/majaliwa-stresses-timely-weather-information/ // https://www.ippmedia.com/en/news/tma-us-firm-agree-state-art-radar // https://www.tanzanianewsreports.com/rada-mbeya-and-kigoma/ // Sites no longer available: // https://dailynews.co.tz/news/2018-10-205bcaacdbc7047.aspx // https://www.habarimtaa.com/2019/04/nditiye-ashuhudia-serikali-ikisaini.html // // Meeting in Enterprise City, Alabama in July 2022: // https://www.meteo.go.tz/news/dkt-agnes-kijazi-akabidhiwa-ufunguo-wa-jiji-la-enterprise-alabama-marekani // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "TZA": [ // Pictures: // http://www.mtaakwamtaa.co.tz/2016/07/bodi-ya-ushauri-ya-mamlaka-ya-hali-ya.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -6.863858, "lon": 39.115862, "name": "Dar es Salaam", "alt_name": "Bangulo", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": tanzaniaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -10.307328, "lon": 40.132089, "name": "Mtwara", "alt_name": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": tanzaniaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Pictures: // https://web.archive.org/web/20210201065504/http://www.meteo.go.tz/uploads/gallery/1550395589-radar%20mwanza.JPG // Had been from the front page slideshow. // https://twitter.com/eecweathertech/status/1054483154600370178 // http://eecradar.com/pdf/TMA-Press-Release.pdf { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -2.475000, "lon": 32.930120, "name": "Mwanza", "alt_name": "Kiseke", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": tanzaniaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Tunisia // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "TUN": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "eElibk8yWVNaUEZmV0s2MHZIWHNqUT09", "lat": 36.475006, "lon": 10.324354, "name": "Tunis", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When checking their site in October 2022, data doesn't seem to be publicly available. According to the WMO Radar Database, and a previous page on their meteorological service's website (archived here from 2020 since it is no longer available on their website), they have one radar. You can view their current site here. It's uncertain if it is still operating. The HTML on the front page of their website has a hidden section for radar, but it was not being displayed." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Zimbabwe // // Radars are also being installed at: // Buffalo Range Airport (sat. from June 2020) // Victoria Falls Airport (sat. from Mar. 2021, cloudy Sep. 2021) // Kariba Airport (sat. from Feb. 2019 or Aug. 2021) // When checking in October 2022, imagery was from date noted. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ZWE": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -20.010938, "lon": 28.622211, "name": "Bulawayo", "alt_name": "Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo International Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Based on when this tower appeared, this is likely the new radar at this airport.

    " + zimbabweWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -17.831399, "lon": 31.017978, "name": "Harare", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": zimbabweWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Asia // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Armenia // // We're unsure what their main site is. Or what their name is // currently. // // The WMO member page lists this website which no longer works: // http://www.meteo.am/ // But shows "mes.am" in an image from Internet Archive: // https://web.archive.org/web/20141003094436/http://www.meteo.am/am/ // And this name (also on meteo history page, having been renamed): // Armenian State Hydrometeorological and Monitoring Service // Various sites: // https://www.gov.am/en/ // Ministry of Emergency Situations // https://www.gov.am/en/structure/228/ // http://mes.am/en/ // http://mes.am/en/weather/ // http://mes.am/en/meteo-history/ // Ministry of Environment // https://www.gov.am/en/structure/274/ // http://env.am/en // http://env.am/en/environment/environmental-monitoring // // Mentions outdated radars: // https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/684751548347371395/pdf/134019-WP-P167315-Hydrometeorological-Report-Armenia-September2018-Final.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ARM": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "dWNJQmlueW9FTlo3UVNBUzg2TVN2QT09", "lat": 40.379683, "lon": 44.375399, "name": "Aragatsotn Province", "alt_name": "near Mount Aragats", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": armeniaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "ZmdsMWJITTBVZjFVMk1nVGFFb3lXUT09", "lat": 40.960066, "lon": 44.676234, "name": "Dsegh", "alt_name": "Lori Province", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": armeniaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "RXRRS2VQWkx6OFI0dnlvZk8reFQwQT09", "lat": 40.145634, "lon": 44.389689, "name": "Zvartnots", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": armeniaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Azerbaijan // // https://www.baronweather.com/news/azerbaijan-radars/ // https://vimeo.com/526270265 // https://twitter.com/BaronWeather/status/1454085764594245633 // https://twitter.com/BaronWeather/status/1380150998639984640 // https://azeristeel.com/en/layiheler/176.html // https://www.azernews.az/nation/155268.html // https://report.az/en/ecology/operational-weather-radars-to-be-installed-in-azerbaijan-s-two-region/ // Document from United Nations: // https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/FNC%20report.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "AZE": [ // // // // Newer Radars // // // // Pictures: // https://www.baronweather.com/news/azerbaijan-radars/ // https://www.baronweather.com/wp-content/uploads/Radar-Azerbaijan-1.jpg // https://azeristeel.com/en/layiheler/176.html { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.513112, "lon": 46.345982, "name": "Goygol", "name_html": "Göygöl", "imagery_id": "68", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "window_content": azerbaijanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // An older MRL-5 radar was likely previously here. We therefore // do not link to the WMO Radar Database page for that radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/MUJSWE0wWllYZXpYbVVyb3M0TzFzQT09 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.683702, "lon": 48.642592, "name": "Shamakhi", "alt_name": "Samaxi", "alt_name_html": "Şamaxı", "imagery_id": "69", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": azerbaijanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "MUJSWE0wWllYZXpYbVVyb3M0TzFzQT09", "lat": 40.683764, "lon": 48.642777, "name": "Shamakhi", "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Sometime between May 2019 and May 2020 the tower was taken down and the new radar was built.

    " + "We offset the location of this radar slightly so both can appear when zoomed in close." }, // // // // Older MRL-5 Radar // // // { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "eDc0NW40clFnRjl4UVVSQnJsMDl2QT09", "lat": 41.067834, "lon": 45.521591, "name": "Aghstafa", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The location of this radar is uncertain. The WMO coordinates (41.0833N 45.5E) are about 2.5km northwest of the coordinates we chose. There looks to be one or two radars here. If there are two, one might not be a weather radar. Because the WMO coordinates are somewhat estimated, as that is 41°5'0\"N 45°30'0\"E in degrees minutes and seconds, which means it's rounded, our coordinates might be close to correct. There are two objects here. Based on a picture from Baron Weather of what we think is the Goygol site, this could be a very small radar. We actually chose an object that is 25 meters from the object that looks more like a radar because that other object looks like the picture of what we think is the other MRL-5 radar.

    " + azerbaijanWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Bahrain // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BHR": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.261091, "lon": 50.642998, "name": "Bahrain", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "" }, ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Bangladesh // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 17th, 2022. // // Information, and pictures, of some of the radars: // https://openjicareport.jica.go.jp/pdf/12184198_01.pdf // https://old.wmo.int/extranet/pages/prog/amp/pwsp/documents/1-2-2_MdSanaulHoqueMONDAL_Bangladesh.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BGD": [ // --------------------------------- // // Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "S1RwWTZhNjlwQ0dYZStDN08xekplUT09", "lat": 21.434193, "lon": 91.976385, "name": "Cox's Bazar", "imagery_id": "cox", "range": 440, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0 }, // https://dailyasianage.com/news/26485/move-to-modernize-bmd-radar-system // https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/621791542124490960-0310022018/original/MomenulIslamBANGLADESHModernizationofBMDAndItsServices.pdf { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "MndsM1czUG03N21JY2NrbVVDbVJKUT09", "lat": 23.778094, "lon": 90.379475, "name": "Dhaka", "imagery_id": "dhaka", "range": 440, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022, imagery was last available February 3rd, 2022. We do not draw the range on the map.

    " + "Even though the range rings go out to 500km, in the few instances we have looked, we were only able to measure returns out to around 440km. That happens to be the range of some of their others radars.

    " + "This radar is about 275 meters away from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department building which also seems to have a radar at it. That dome is at 23.780325N 90.378246E and is not on our map." }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "WWt2bFZrbFpHUU9wMHNNcVhGMFlQQT09", "lat": 21.987643, "lon": 90.220083, "name": "Khepupara", "alt_name": "a.k.a. Kalapara", "imagery_id": "khepupara", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022 and September 2020, imagery wasn't available. We don't know what the range is of publicly available imagery, when available. The range is not drawn on the map.

    " + "The document here indicates the maximum observation range of this radar is 440km." }, { "wrd_page": "ZTIzK09Xc215dS9oL2FoY0hQVnQrUT09", "lat": 24.485382, "lon": 91.775086, "name": "Moulvibazar", "alt_name": "spelled Molvibazar on their site", "imagery_id": "molvibazar", "range": 440, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0 }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "dXBJVERjU1RUUnJ6ZGgrVitOOVBZUT09", "lat": 25.733015, "lon": 89.252992, "name": "Rangpur", "imagery_id": "rangpur", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022 and September 2020, imagery wasn't available. We don't know what the range is of publicly available imagery, when available. The range is not drawn on the map.

    " + "The document here indicates the maximum observation range of this radar is 450km." }, // --------------------------------- // // Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) // // These radars are mentioned here: // https://www.baronweather.com/news/baf_radar/ // // These are marked as secondary since a loop is not available. // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.257600, "lon": 91.811780, "name": "Chattogram", "alt_name": "a.k.a. Chittagong", "imagery_url": "https://met.baf.mil.bd/ZhrRadar", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "agency": bangladeshAirForceAgencyName, "agency_html": bangladeshAirForceAgencyNameHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The radar returns we measured on multiple occasions seem to indicate that the range of publicly available imagery is 300km, even though the range circles go out to 400km in their imagery." }, // The range is handled where we draw custom polygons. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.182632, "lon": 89.150913, "name": "Jashore", "alt_name": "a.k.a. Jessore", "imagery_url": "https://met.baf.mil.bd/Radar", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "agency": bangladeshAirForceAgencyName, "agency_html": bangladeshAirForceAgencyNameHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The range of this radar is up to 480km, but imagery shows as little as 290km to the south and 400km to the north. The area shown on the map reflects the shape of the available imagery." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Brunei // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "BRN": [ { "wrd_page": "dVNXMm9sNktUOW5EY0pWZEgzSlZNdz09", "lat": 4.952557, "lon": 114.939587, "name": "Brunei", "range": 190, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "As of June 2019, when we updated this radar site on our map, the radar imagery for this radar site was last updated on April 24th, 2019. Additionally, the image shown was zoomed in on a close-up area along the coast and was duplicated for a total of three rows showing the same image. When available, and not zoomed in close with duplicated images, the range has been about 190km. However, due to the cropping of the imagery the top and right sides of the 190km range are not shown when the imagery is available. To view the imagery, go to the bottom of the page where you will find a tab for \"Radar Images\". You can also view the imagery here." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Cambodia // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "KHM": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 11.529556, "lon": 104.926942, "name": "Phnom Penh", "range": 450, "range_unit": "km" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // China // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "CHN": [ // China Id: Z9002 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.074501, "lon": 120.957900, "name": "Shanghai", "name_html": "Shanghai, 上海", "alt_name": "Qingpu District", "alt_name_html": "Qingpu District, 青浦区", "imagery_id": "shang-hai/qing-pu", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9010 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.808735, "lon": 116.471687, "name": "Beijing", "name_html": "Beijing, 北京", "alt_name": "Daxing District", "alt_name_html": "Daxing District, 大兴区", "imagery_id": "bei-jing/da-xing", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9060 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.611033, "lon": 110.338932, "name": "Shennongjia", "name_html": "Shennongjia (神农架)", "imagery_id": "hu-bei/shen-nong-jia", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9070 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 18.227902, "lon": 109.592095, "name": "Sanya", "name_html": "Sanya (三亚)", "imagery_id": "hai-nan/san-ya", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9071 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 16.833503, "lon": 112.333228, "name": "Paracel Islands", "alt_name": "Xisha Islands", "alt_name_html": "Xisha Islands, 西沙群岛", "imagery_id": "hai-nan/xi-sha", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9080 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.381897, "lon": 84.102310, "name": "Kuytun", "name_html": "Kuytun (奎屯)", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/kui-tun", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9081 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.148669, "lon": 87.553834, "name": "Wujiaqu", "name_html": "Wujiaqu (五家渠)", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/wu-jia-qu", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9084 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 48.868089, "lon": 125.292951, "name": "Nenjiang City", "name_html": "Nenjiang City, 嫩江市", "alt_name": "Shuangshanzhen", "alt_name_html": "Shuangshanzhen, 双山镇", "imagery_id": "hei-long-jiang/jiu-san", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9085 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.268003, "lon": 132.626712, "name": "Jiansanjiang", "name_html": "Jiansanjiang (建三江)", "imagery_id": "hei-long-jiang/jian-san-jiang", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9090 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.802862, "lon": 108.683409, "name": "Wanzhou", "name_html": "Wanzhou (万州)", "imagery_id": "chong-qing/wan-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9091 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.591707, "lon": 108.727077, "name": "Qianjiang", "name_html": "Qianjiang (黔江)", "imagery_id": "chong-qing/qian-jiang", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9092 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.240513, "lon": 105.833186, "name": "Yongchuan", "name_html": "Yongchuan (永川)", "imagery_id": "chong-qing/yong-chuan", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9200 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.003965, "lon": 113.355367, "name": "Guangzhou", "name_html": "Guangzhou (广州)", "imagery_id": "guang-dong/guang-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9210 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.007342, "lon": 121.882532, "name": "Shanghai", "name_html": "Shanghai, 上海", "alt_name": "Nanhui", "alt_name_html": "Nanhui, 南汇", "imagery_id": "shang-hai/nan-hui", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9220 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.043734, "lon": 117.718354, "name": "Tianjin, 天津", "name_html": "formerly Tanggu District, 塘沽区", "imagery_id": "tian-jin/tian-jin", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9230 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.522608, "lon": 106.489076, "name": "Chongqing", "name_html": "Chongqing (重庆)", "imagery_id": "chong-qing/chong-qing", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9240 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.923200, "lon": 123.649272, "name": "Shenyang", "name_html": "Shenyang (沈阳)", "imagery_id": "liao-ning/shen-yang", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9250 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.191327, "lon": 118.697038, "name": "Nanjing", "name_html": "Nanjing (南京)", "imagery_id": "jiang-su/nan-jing", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9270 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.516820, "lon": 114.377999, "name": "Wuhan", "name_html": "Wuhan (武汉)", "imagery_id": "hu-bei/wu-han", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9280 // // In 2015 this article mentioned it might be moved: // http://sc.sina.com.cn/news/b/2015-08-22/detail-ifxhehqr6159550.shtml // As of 2020 it doesn't look like it has moved. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.663377, "lon": 104.015925, "name": "Chengdu", "name_html": "Chengdu (成都)", "imagery_id": "si-chuan/cheng-du", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9290 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.444666, "lon": 108.972333, "name": "Xi'an", "name_html": "Xi'an (西安)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/xi-an", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9311 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.351208, "lon": 114.711700, "name": "Shijiazhuang", "name_html": "Shijiazhuang (石家庄)", "imagery_id": "he-bei/shi-jia-zhuang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9313 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.155704, "lon": 114.693723, "name": "Zhangjiakou", "name_html": "Zhangjiakou (张家口)", "imagery_id": "he-bei/zhang-jia-kou", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The coordinates China gives for this radar site (41.0900 114.4200) are about 24km from the coordinates we chose. We did not find a radar near their coordinates. The coordinates we chose are for a radar we found that is close to the center crosshairs in China's imagery for this radar site." }, // China Id: Z9314 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.974078, "lon": 117.919368, "name": "Chengde", "name_html": "Chengde (承德)", "imagery_id": "he-bei/cheng-de", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9317 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.279438, "lon": 116.805249, "name": "Cangzhou", "name_html": "Cangzhou (沧州)", "imagery_id": "he-bei/cang-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9335 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.881107, "lon": 118.880867, "name": "Qinhuangdao", "name_html": "Qinhuangdao (秦皇岛)", "imagery_id": "he-bei/qin-huang-dao", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9351 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.735078, "lon": 112.579356, "name": "Taiyuan", "name_html": "Taiyuan (太原)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/tai-yuan", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9352 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.072092, "lon": 113.390280, "name": "Datong", "name_html": "Datong (大同)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/da-tong", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9355 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.223994, "lon": 113.053857, "name": "Changzhi", "name_html": "Changzhi (长治)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/chang-zhi", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9357 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.062403, "lon": 111.494226, "name": "Linfen", "name_html": "Linfen (临汾)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/lin-fen", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "There are two domes, both on buildings. For the coordinates, I went with the older one that is on a tower. The newer dome is about 95 meters east-southeast (36.062042 111.495170) on a different building. A photo of one of them, perhaps the older one, is here." }, // China Id: Z9370 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.412634, "lon": 115.632186, "name": "Shangqiu", "name_html": "Shangqiu (商丘)", "imagery_id": "he-nan/shang-qiu", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9371 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.704424, "lon": 113.697354, "name": "Zhengzhou", "name_html": "Zhengzhou (郑州)", "imagery_id": "he-nan/zheng-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9377 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.020649, "lon": 112.493022, "name": "Nanyang", "name_html": "Nanyang (南阳)", "imagery_id": "he-nan/nan-yang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9379 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.562030, "lon": 112.449327, "name": "Luoyang", "name_html": "Luoyang (洛阳)", "imagery_id": "he-nan/luo-yang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9393 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.775781, "lon": 114.944601, "name": "Puyang", "name_html": "Puyang (濮阳)", "imagery_id": "he-nan/pu-yang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9396 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.009264, "lon": 114.019717, "name": "Zhumadian", "name_html": "Zhumadian (驻马店)", "imagery_id": "he-nan/zhu-ma-dian", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9398 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.678889, "lon": 111.129536, "name": "Sanmenxia", "name_html": "Sanmenxia (三门峡)", "imagery_id": "he-nan/san-men-xia", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9411 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.908248, "lon": 121.648096, "name": "Dalian", "name_html": "Dalian (大连)", "imagery_id": "liao-ning/da-lian", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9417 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.673489, "lon": 122.272560, "name": "Yingkou", "name_html": "Yingkou (营口)", "imagery_id": "liao-ning/ying-kou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9421 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.535324, "lon": 120.499976, "name": "Chaoyang", "name_html": "Chaoyang (朝阳)", "imagery_id": "liao-ning/chao-yang", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9431 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.899416, "lon": 125.246359, "name": "Changchun", "name_html": "Changchun (长春)", "imagery_id": "ji-lin/chang-chun", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "There are three domes, all on buildings. For the coordinates, I went with the one on the taller building that appears to most likely be the radar. The other two domes are on a building next to the other one that isn't as tall. All of the domes are within about 75 meters of each other. A picture of the radar we have the coordinates for is here. That picture, on the website of China's meteorological service, focuses on the dome we chose. A picture here shows the domes on the other building." }, // China Id: Z9433 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.839163, "lon": 129.472859, "name": "Yanji", "name_html": "Yanji (延吉)", "imagery_id": "ji-lin/yan-ji", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9436 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.614704, "lon": 122.796166, "name": "Baicheng", "name_html": "Baicheng (白城)", "imagery_id": "ji-lin/bai-cheng", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9437 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.902075, "lon": 125.153477, "name": "Liaoyuan", "name_html": "Liaoyuan (辽源)", "imagery_id": "ji-lin/liao-yuan", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9439 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.971347, "lon": 126.198031, "name": "Baishan", "name_html": "Baishan (白山)", "imagery_id": "ji-lin/bai-shan", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9451 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.724149, "lon": 126.728249, "name": "Harbin", "name_html": "Harbin (哈尔滨)", "imagery_id": "hei-long-jiang/ha-er-bin", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9452 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.366722, "lon": 123.934542, "name": "Qiqihar", "name_html": "Qiqihar (齐齐哈尔)", "imagery_id": "hei-long-jiang/qi-qi-ha-er", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9453 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.591245, "lon": 129.599683, "name": "Mudanjiang", "name_html": "Mudanjiang (牡丹江)", "imagery_id": "hei-long-jiang/mu-dan-jiang", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9454 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 46.796151, "lon": 130.317956, "name": "Jiamusi", "name_html": "Jiamusi (佳木斯)", "imagery_id": "hei-long-jiang/jia-mu-si", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9456 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 50.179924, "lon": 127.314046, "name": "Heihe", "name_html": "Heihe (黑河)", "imagery_id": "hei-long-jiang/hei-he", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The coordinates China gives for this radar site (50.2170 127.5330) are about 16km from the coordinates we chose. We did not find a radar near their coordinates. The coordinates we chose are for a radar we found that is close to the center crosshairs in China's imagery for this radar site." }, // China Id: Z9457 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 50.408612, "lon": 124.117852, "name": "Jiagedaqi", "name_html": "Jiagedaqi (加格达奇)", "imagery_id": "hei-long-jiang/jia-ge-da-qi", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9458 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.700122, "lon": 128.914468, "name": "Yichun", "name_html": "Yichun, 伊春", "alt_name": "Heilongjiang Province", "alt_name_html": "Heilongjiang Province, 黑龙江省", "imagery_id": "hei-long-jiang/yi-chun", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9470 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.204171, "lon": 119.752569, "name": "Hailar", "name_html": "Hailar (海拉尔)", "imagery_id": "nei-meng/hai-la-er", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9471 // // Picture: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNJg0OAdTV8ESyd8wtq6QlHCsIFiFs2fvEQIhRH=w1024 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.981984, "lon": 111.699828, "name": "Hohhot", "name_html": "Hohhot (呼和浩特)", "imagery_id": "nei-meng/hu-he-hao-te", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9475 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.620147, "lon": 122.260688, "name": "Tongliao", "name_html": "Tongliao (通辽)", "imagery_id": "nei-meng/tong-liao", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9476 // // Picture: https://www.hotbak.net/key/%E5%86%85%E8%92%99%E5%8F%A4%E8%B5%A4%E5%B3%B0%E6%96%B0%E4%B8%80%E4%BB%A3%E5%A4%A9%E6%B0%94%E9%9B%B7%E8%BE%BE%E5%A4%A7%E4%BF%AE%E9%80%9A%E8%BF%87%E9%AA%8C%E6%94%B6%E6%AD%A3%E5%BC%8F%E4%B8%9A%E5%8A%A1%E8%BF%90%E8%A1%8C%E9%9B%B7%E8%BE%BE.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.232704, "lon": 118.966710, "name": "Chifeng", "name_html": "Chifeng (赤峰)", "imagery_id": "nei-meng/chi-feng", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9477 // // Picture: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNIpitiHnBirTGpk7k1BMYK2AYqVZrB34zIuOnx=h1440 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.813559, "lon": 110.040677, "name": "Ordos", "name_html": "Ordos (鄂尔多斯)", "imagery_id": "nei-meng/e-er-duo-si", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9478 // // Picture: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOMhUFiMKCPXcL9gp-5YPno4MnvK2-9XWer2R4t=h1440 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 40.734618, "lon": 107.368755, "name": "Linhe District", "name_html": "Linhe District (临河区)", "imagery_id": "nei-meng/lin-he", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9513 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.076226, "lon": 120.975579, "name": "Nantong", "name_html": "Nantong (南通)", "imagery_id": "jiang-su/nan-tong", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The location I chose for this radar is a little uncertain. I chose coordinates for what seems to be a radar at an airport. The coordinates are about 1,300 meters away from the China's coordinates (32.0790 120.9620) for the radar. There were other radars that were also off on the coordinates like that, but in this case the coordinates for both the coordinates I selected, and theirs, are about 13km away from the center crosshairs in China's imagery for this radar site. The crosshairs have been wrong for other radar imagery as well, so this radar could still be accurate." }, // China Id: Z9515 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.430559, "lon": 120.199461, "name": "Yancheng", "name_html": "Yancheng (盐城)", "imagery_id": "jiang-su/yan-cheng", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9516 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.293208, "lon": 117.151438, "name": "Xuzhou", "name_html": "Xuzhou (徐州)", "imagery_id": "jiang-su/xu-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9518 // // Picture: http://www.cms1924.org/kpjd/WebPage/Base_1_39.aspx { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.650592, "lon": 119.295541, "name": "Lianyungang", "name_html": "Lianyungang (连云港)", "imagery_id": "jiang-su/lian-yun-gang", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9519 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.900501, "lon": 119.780171, "name": "Changzhou", "name_html": "Changzhou (常州)", "imagery_id": "jiang-su/chang-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9523 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.557866, "lon": 119.994143, "name": "Taizhou", "name_html": "Taizhou, 泰州", "alt_name": "Jiangsu Province", "alt_name_html": "Jiangsu Province, 江苏省", "imagery_id": "jiang-su/tai-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9531 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.803396, "lon": 116.781805, "name": "Jinan", "name_html": "Jinan (济南)", "imagery_id": "shan-dong/ji-nan", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9532 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.988642, "lon": 120.230287, "name": "Qingdao", "name_html": "Qingdao (青岛)", "imagery_id": "shan-dong/qing-dao", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9535 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.498728, "lon": 121.389094, "name": "Yantai", "name_html": "Yantai (烟台)", "imagery_id": "shan-dong/yan-tai", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9538 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.256023, "lon": 117.105641, "name": "Tai'an", "name_html": "Tai'an, 泰安", "alt_name": "Taishan Mountain", "alt_name_html": "Taishan Mountain, 泰山", "imagery_id": "shan-dong/tai-shan", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9539 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.051012, "lon": 118.348425, "name": "Linyi", "name_html": "Linyi (临沂)", "imagery_id": "shan-dong/lin-yi", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9543 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.366632, "lon": 118.001563, "name": "Binzhou", "name_html": "Binzhou (滨州)", "imagery_id": "shan-dong/bin-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9551 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.866077, "lon": 117.239566, "name": "Hefei", "name_html": "Hefei (合肥)", "imagery_id": "an-hui/he-fei", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9552 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.917747, "lon": 117.444994, "name": "Bengbu", "name_html": "Bengbu (蚌埠)", "imagery_id": "an-hui/beng-bu", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9555 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.701885, "lon": 118.516136, "name": "Ma'anshan", "name_html": "Ma'anshan (马鞍山)", "imagery_id": "an-hui/ma-an-shan", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The coordinates for this radar site reflect the coordinates that come from China. There is a radar at these coordinates. However, the imagery on China's site for Ma'anshan has the center crosshairs about 35km away from these coordinates. Based upon radar returns, there definitely appears to be a radar of some sort near the center crosshairs in the image. There is something on a hill at 31.434007 118.346433 that could be an X-band radar. Based on historical satellite imagery, there seems to be an object that spins there. It's around 3km away from the center crosshairs. There could have been a radar about 10km from the center crosshairs at 31.393833 118.404673 at an airport, but whatever dome was there disappeared sometime between March 2019 and December 2020. When we checked this radar site in October 2022, the background did not appear in imagery. That made it impossible to see where the rain actually was and to try to determine where the radar was again.

    " + "We do not draw a range on the map for this radar since we don't know exactly where the radar data comes from on the image. China's radar imagery for Ma'anshan previously listed the range as 150km. When we checked in October 2022, it listed 138km." }, // China Id: Z9556 // // Picture: http://www.cma.gov.cn/2011xwzx/2011xqxxw/2011xqxyw/202001/t20200120_545311.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.617078, "lon": 116.791528, "name": "Anqing", "name_html": "Anqing (安庆)", "imagery_id": "an-hui/an-qing", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9558 // // Picture: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOY9mv_TAmVQpKv_PHKVdv16HYmUR36XxVJCwH9=w1440-h1440-pd { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.878941, "lon": 115.741278, "name": "Fuyang", "name_html": "Fuyang (阜阳)", "imagery_id": "an-hui/fu-yang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9559 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.134546, "lon": 118.163788, "name": "Huangshan", "name_html": "Huangshan (黄山)", "imagery_id": "an-hui/huang-shan", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9562 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.952711, "lon": 118.033900, "name": "Tongling", "name_html": "Tongling (铜陵)", "imagery_id": "an-hui/tong-ling", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The coordinates China gives for this radar site (30.5720 118.0140) are about 42km from the coordinates we chose. We did not find a radar near their coordinates. The coordinates we chose are for a radar we found that is close to the center crosshairs in China's imagery for this radar site." }, // China Id: Z9570 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.085335, "lon": 118.702567, "name": "Quzhou", "name_html": "Quzhou (衢州)", "imagery_id": "zhe-jiang/qu-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9571 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.273455, "lon": 120.337416, "name": "Hangzhou", "name_html": "Hangzhou (杭州)", "imagery_id": "zhe-jiang/hang-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9574 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.069787, "lon": 121.509467, "name": "Ningbo", "name_html": "Ningbo (宁波)", "imagery_id": "zhe-jiang/ning-bo", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "There is another dome about 70 meters west-southwest (30.069635 121.508788) of the dome we chose." }, // China Id: Z9576 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.618097, "lon": 121.522237, "name": "Taizhou", "name_html": "Taizhou (台州)", "imagery_id": "zhe-jiang/tai-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9577 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.895440, "lon": 120.745589, "name": "Wenzhou", "name_html": "Wenzhou (温州)", "imagery_id": "zhe-jiang/wen-zhou", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9579 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.218678, "lon": 119.644840, "name": "Jinhua", "name_html": "Jinhua (金华)", "imagery_id": "zhe-jiang/jin-hua", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9580 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.068993, "lon": 122.109095, "name": "Zhoushan", "name_html": "Zhoushan (舟山)", "imagery_id": "zhe-jiang/zhou-shan", "range": 332, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9591 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.991447, "lon": 119.540556, "name": "Fuzhou", "name_html": "Fuzhou, 福州", "alt_name": "Fujian Province", "alt_name_html": "Fujian Province, 福建省", "imagery_id": "fu-jian/fu-zhou", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9592 // // Picture: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPXt_0ORB86ryf6Qk_wuT6cX_1XPQkGYP1KuM3u=h1440 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.484820, "lon": 118.080018, "name": "Xiamen", "name_html": "Xiamen (厦门)", "imagery_id": "fu-jian/xia-men", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9597 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.064447, "lon": 117.186622, "name": "Longyan", "name_html": "Longyan (龙岩)", "imagery_id": "fu-jian/long-yan", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9598 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.008419, "lon": 117.080619, "name": "Sanming", "name_html": "Sanming (三明)", "imagery_id": "fu-jian/san-ming", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9599 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.349464, "lon": 118.101884, "name": "Jianyang", "name_html": "Jianyang (建阳)", "imagery_id": "fu-jian/jian-yang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9660 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.818298, "lon": 115.355951, "name": "Shanwei", "name_html": "Shanwei (汕尾)", "imagery_id": "guang-dong/shan-wei", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9662 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 21.845721, "lon": 111.979362, "name": "Yangjiang", "name_html": "Yangjiang (阳江)", "imagery_id": "guang-dong/yang-jiang", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9692 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.489309, "lon": 98.344578, "name": "Dehong", "name_html": "Dehong (德宏)", "imagery_id": "yun-nan/de-hong", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", }, // China Id: Z9716 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.352204, "lon": 112.148146, "name": "Jingzhou", "name_html": "Jingzhou (荆州)", "imagery_id": "hu-bei/jing-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9717 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.701953, "lon": 111.296362, "name": "Yichang", "name_html": "Yichang (宜昌)", "imagery_id": "hu-bei/yi-chang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9718 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.286388, "lon": 109.258828, "name": "Enshi", "name_html": "Enshi (恩施)", "imagery_id": "hu-bei/en-shi", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9719 // // Picture: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPyy7eZbQRv6r1UoAXiyRPNeR7hLbV2aN_PGGhb=h1440 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.599396, "lon": 110.743526, "name": "Shiyan", "name_html": "Shiyan (十堰)", "imagery_id": "hu-bei/shi-yan", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9722 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.716856, "lon": 113.387156, "name": "Suizhou", "name_html": "Suizhou (随州)", "imagery_id": "hu-bei/sui-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9730 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.299626, "lon": 113.103047, "name": "Yueyang", "name_html": "Yueyang (岳阳)", "imagery_id": "hu-nan/yue-yang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9731 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.459938, "lon": 113.014871, "name": "Changsha", "name_html": "Changsha (长沙)", "imagery_id": "hu-nan/chang-sha", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9735 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.734154, "lon": 112.974941, "name": "Chenzhou", "name_html": "Chenzhou (郴州)", "imagery_id": "hu-nan/chen-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9736 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.175306, "lon": 111.703977, "name": "Changde", "name_html": "Changde (常德)", "imagery_id": "hu-nan/chang-de", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9739 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.207333, "lon": 111.445836, "name": "Shaoyang", "name_html": "Shaoyang (邵阳)", "imagery_id": "hu-nan/shao-yang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9745 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.565655, "lon": 110.003085, "name": "Huaihua", "name_html": "Huaihua (怀化)", "imagery_id": "hu-nan/huai-hua", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9746 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.225433, "lon": 111.616634, "name": "Yongzhou", "name_html": "Yongzhou (永州)", "imagery_id": "hu-nan/yong-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9751 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.791556, "lon": 113.566274, "name": "Shaoguan", "name_html": "Shaoguan (韶关)", "imagery_id": "guang-dong/shao-guan", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9753 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.255786, "lon": 115.974802, "name": "Meizhou", "name_html": "Meizhou (梅州)", "imagery_id": "guang-dong/mei-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9754 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.282528, "lon": 116.741690, "name": "Shantou", "name_html": "Shantou (汕头)", "imagery_id": "guang-dong/shan-tou", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9755 // // Article: // http://weather.sz.gov.cn/xingxigongkai/gongzuodongtai/content/post_3593815.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.645561, "lon": 113.846394, "name": "Shenzhen", "name_html": "Shenzhen (深圳)", "imagery_id": "guang-dong/shen-zhen", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is a newer radar that may have replaced an older one. The older radar is 20km to the southeast. (22.541721 114.005437)" }, // China Id: N/A { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.541721, "lon": 114.005437, "name": "Shenzhen (older radar)", "name_html": "Shenzhen, 深圳 (older radar)", "imagery_id": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This is an older radar that may have been replaced by a newer one. You can view an article about the newer one here. The newer radar is 20km to the northwest. (22.645561 113.846394) We don't know if it is still in use. We do not draw a range for this radar." }, // China Id: Z9758 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.928122, "lon": 112.563233, "name": "Zhaoqing", "name_html": "Zhaoqing (肇庆)", "imagery_id": "guang-dong/zhao-qing", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9759 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 21.012360, "lon": 110.526105, "name": "Zhanjiang", "name_html": "Zhanjiang (湛江)", "imagery_id": "guang-dong/zhan-jiang", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The coordinates China gives for this radar site (21.0430 110.3130) are about 22km from the coordinates we chose. We did not find a radar near their coordinates. The coordinates we chose are for a radar we found that is close to the center crosshairs in China's imagery for this radar site." }, // China Id: Z9762 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.698958, "lon": 114.594164, "name": "Heyuan", "name_html": "Heyuan (河源)", "imagery_id": "guang-dong/he-yuan", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9771 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.803901, "lon": 108.404489, "name": "Nanning", "name_html": "Nanning (南宁)", "imagery_id": "guang-xi/nan-ning", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar might eventually be moved based on the information here (site was not loading when we tried it in October 2022)." }, // China Id: Z9772 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.357138, "lon": 109.456492, "name": "Liuzhou", "name_html": "Liuzhou (柳州)", "imagery_id": "guang-xi/liu-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The coordinates China gives for this radar site (24.3350 109.4000) are about 6km from the coordinates we chose. We did not find a radar near their coordinates. The coordinates we chose are for a radar we found that is close to the center crosshairs in China's imagery for this radar site." }, // China Id: Z9773 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.323137, "lon": 110.302897, "name": "Guilin", "name_html": "Guilin (桂林)", "imagery_id": "guang-xi/gui-lin", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9774 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.479576, "lon": 111.304414, "name": "Wuzhou", "name_html": "Wuzhou (梧州)", "imagery_id": "guang-xi/wu-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9776 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.904007, "lon": 106.603185, "name": "Baise", "name_html": "Baise (百色)", "imagery_id": "guang-xi/bai-se", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9778 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.989280, "lon": 107.508265, "name": "Hechi", "name_html": "Hechi (河池)", "imagery_id": "guang-xi/he-chi", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9779 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 21.454791, "lon": 109.052007, "name": "Beihai", "name_html": "Beihai (北海)", "imagery_id": "guang-xi/bei-hai", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9791 // // Picture: http://jx.cma.gov.cn/zwxx/qxkp/201708/t20170831_1208126.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.588837, "lon": 115.901345, "name": "Nanchang", "name_html": "Nanchang (南昌)", "imagery_id": "jiang-xi/nan-chang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9792 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.535808, "lon": 115.954445, "name": "Jiujiang", "name_html": "Jiujiang (九江)", "imagery_id": "jiang-xi/jiu-jiang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9793 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.442940, "lon": 117.977618, "name": "Shangrao", "name_html": "Shangrao (上饶)", "imagery_id": "jiang-xi/shang-rao", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9796 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.042759, "lon": 114.913952, "name": "Ji'an", "name_html": "Ji'an (吉安)", "imagery_id": "jiang-xi/ji-an", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9797 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.879625, "lon": 114.969737, "name": "Ganzhou", "name_html": "Ganzhou (赣州)", "imagery_id": "jiang-xi/gan-zhou", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9816 // // Picture: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipO3-mXlgbQ9s6UHj7L6jYI6e7HJx5wnwfkn--T6=w1440-h1440-pd { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.452906, "lon": 104.765347, "name": "Mianyang", "name_html": "Mianyang (绵阳)", "imagery_id": "si-chuan/mian-yang", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9817 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.822070, "lon": 106.077834, "name": "Nanchong", "name_html": "Nanchong (南充)", "imagery_id": "si-chuan/nan-chong", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9818 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.165212, "lon": 107.533796, "name": "Dazhou", "name_html": "Dazhou (达州)", "imagery_id": "si-chuan/da-zhou", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9831 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.820204, "lon": 104.578089, "name": "Yibin", "name_html": "Yibin (宜宾)", "imagery_id": "si-chuan/yi-bin", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "There are two domes. We chose one closer to China's coordinates. (28.8170 104.5670) There is another dome 700 meters east. (28.820529 104.585324) A picture of both is here." }, // China Id: Z9833 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.406846, "lon": 103.824475, "name": "Leshan", "name_html": "Leshan (乐山)", "imagery_id": "si-chuan/le-shan", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9834 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.879650, "lon": 102.410604, "name": "Xichang", "name_html": "Xichang (西昌)", "imagery_id": "si-chuan/xi-chang", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9839 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.397146, "lon": 105.810507, "name": "Guangyuan", "name_html": "Guangyuan (广元)", "imagery_id": "si-chuan/guang-yuan", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9851 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.588935, "lon": 106.727823, "name": "Guiyang", "name_html": "Guiyang (贵阳)", "imagery_id": "gui-zhou/gui-yan", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9852 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.682460, "lon": 106.912993, "name": "Zunyi", "name_html": "Zunyi (遵义)", "imagery_id": "gui-zhou/zun-yi", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9854 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.323063, "lon": 107.514819, "name": "Duyun", "name_html": "Duyun (都匀)", "imagery_id": "gui-zhou/dou-yun", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9855 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.963409, "lon": 108.688564, "name": "Sansui County", "name_html": "Sansui County (三穗县)", "imagery_id": "gui-zhou/qian-dong-nan", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9856 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.822137, "lon": 109.217976, "name": "Tongren", "name_html": "Tongren (铜仁)", "imagery_id": "gui-zhou/tong-ren", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9857 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.304116, "lon": 105.300947, "name": "Bijie", "name_html": "Bijie (毕节)", "imagery_id": "gui-zhou/bi-jie", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The coordinates China gives for this radar site (27.3360 105.3150) are about 4km from the coordinates we chose. We did not find a radar near their coordinates. The coordinates we chose are for a radar we found that is close to the center crosshairs in China's imagery for this radar site." }, // China Id: Z9859 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.088309, "lon": 104.896878, "name": "Xingyi", "name_html": "Xingyi (兴义)", "imagery_id": "gui-zhou/xing-yi", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9870 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.352433, "lon": 103.719799, "name": "Zhaotong", "name_html": "Zhaotong (昭通)", "imagery_id": "yun-nan/zhao-tong", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9871 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.051661, "lon": 102.578392, "name": "Kunming", "name_html": "Kunming (昆明)", "imagery_id": "yun-nan/kun-ming", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "There is another dome 30 meters south-southwest (25.051378 102.578332), though the dome we selected is on more of a tower." }, // China Id: Z9872 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.608437, "lon": 100.397864, "name": "Dali", "name_html": "Dali (大理)", "imagery_id": "yun-nan/da-li", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9876 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.476907, "lon": 104.250231, "name": "Wenshan", "name_html": "Wenshan (文山)", "imagery_id": "yun-nan/wen-shan", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9879 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.824985, "lon": 101.020116, "name": "Simao", "name_html": "Simao (思茅)", "imagery_id": "yun-nan/si-mao", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9888 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.727945, "lon": 100.042871, "name": "Lijiang", "name_html": "Lijiang (丽江)", "imagery_id": "yun-nan/li-jiang", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9891 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.659681, "lon": 91.133958, "name": "Lhasa", "name_html": "Lhasa (拉萨)", "imagery_id": "xi-cang/la-sa", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9892 // // Picture: https://map.baidu.com/poi/%E6%97%A5%E5%96%80%E5%88%99%E5%B8%82%E6%B0%94%E8%B1%A1%E5%B1%80/@9896477.89,3388499.72,19z#panoid=01024100001309221208063725B&panotype=street&heading=324.2&pitch=25.71&l=19&tn=B_NORMAL_MAP&sc=0&newmap=1&shareurl=1&pid=01024100001309221208063725B // Overlay of radar: // http://www.fx361.com/page/2019/1030/5941262.shtml { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.263193, "lon": 88.892828, "name": "Shigatse", "name_html": "Shigatse, 日喀则", "alt_name": "Rikaze / Xigaze", "imagery_id": "xi-cang/ri-ka-ze", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9894 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.632769, "lon": 94.396225, "name": "Nyingchi", "name_html": "Nyingchi, 林芝", "alt_name": "Linzhi", "imagery_id": "xi-cang/lin-zhi", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9896 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.480602, "lon": 92.060681, "name": "Nagqu", "name_html": "Nagqu (那曲)", "imagery_id": "xi-cang/na-qu", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9898 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 19.996311, "lon": 110.245763, "name": "Haikou", "name_html": "Haikou (海口)", "imagery_id": "hai-nan/hai-kou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9903 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.027044, "lon": 79.832247, "name": "Hotan", "name_html": "Hotan, 和田", "alt_name": "also known as Hetian", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/he-tian", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9911 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.609670, "lon": 109.488461, "name": "Yan'an", "name_html": "Yan'an (延安)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/yan-an", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9912 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.269381, "lon": 109.780024, "name": "Yulin", "name_html": "Yulin, 榆林", "alt_name": "Shaanxi Province", "alt_name_html": "Shaanxi Province, 陕西省", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/yu-lin", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9914 // // Picture: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPlcHI_QzBm_FDPYLCrdnUrPs_-Yvm_O2ejRSy4=h1440 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.883949, "lon": 109.941688, "name": "Shangluo", "name_html": "Shangluo (商洛)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/shang-luo", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9915 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.693275, "lon": 109.042938, "name": "Ankang", "name_html": "Ankang (安康)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/an-kang", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9916 // // Found using: http://wxd.shaanxi.gov.cn/newstyle/pub_newsshow.asp?id=1045873&chid=100408 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.129817, "lon": 107.047690, "name": "Hanzhong", "name_html": "Hanzhong (汉中)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/han-zhong", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9917 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.537563, "lon": 107.241225, "name": "Baoji", "name_html": "Baoji (宝鸡)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/bao-ji", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9931 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.008835, "lon": 103.852211, "name": "Lanzhou", "name_html": "Lanzhou (兰州)", "imagery_id": "gan-su/lan-zhou", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9934 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.905143, "lon": 107.626688, "name": "Xifeng District", "name_html": "Xifeng District (西峰区)", "imagery_id": "gan-su/xi-feng", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The coordinates China gives for this radar site (35.7000 107.6170) are about 23km from the coordinates we chose. We did not find a radar near their coordinates. The coordinates we chose are for a radar we found that is close to the center crosshairs in China's imagery for this radar site." }, // China Id: Z9936 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.087214, "lon": 100.277005, "name": "Zhangye", "name_html": "Zhangye (张掖)", "imagery_id": "gan-su/zhang-ye", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The coordinates China gives for this radar site (39.5000 100.1600) are about 47km from the coordinates we chose. We did not find a radar near their coordinates. The coordinates we chose are for a radar we found that is close to the center crosshairs in China's imagery for this radar site." }, // China Id: Z9937 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.764645, "lon": 98.297647, "name": "Jiayuguan", "name_html": "Jiayuguan (嘉峪关)", "imagery_id": "gan-su/jia-yu-guan", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9938 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.602497, "lon": 105.637317, "name": "Tianshui", "name_html": "Tianshui (天水)", "imagery_id": "gan-su/tian-shui", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9941 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.910184, "lon": 102.891500, "name": "Gannan", "name_html": "Gannan (甘南)", "imagery_id": "gan-su/gan-nan", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9951 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 38.479663, "lon": 106.214815, "name": "Yinchuan", "name_html": "Yinchuan (银川)", "imagery_id": "ning-xia/yin-chuan", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9954 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.663275, "lon": 106.202087, "name": "Guyuan", "name_html": "Guyuan (固原)", "imagery_id": "ning-xia/gu-yuan", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9970 // // Picture: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipO7ixxjsOfFWguugPgXcra85Eq-jh86Zykicsc=h1440 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.950402, "lon": 100.905727, "name": "Haibei", "name_html": "Haibei (海北)", "imagery_id": "qing-hai/hai-bei", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9971 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.599408, "lon": 101.778221, "name": "Xining", "name_html": "Xining (西宁)", "imagery_id": "qing-hai/xi-ning", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9990 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.469919, "lon": 84.963871, "name": "Karamay", "name_html": "Karamay (克拉玛依)", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/ke-la-ma-yi", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9991 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.916164, "lon": 87.392678, "name": "Urumqi", "name_html": "Urumqi (乌鲁木齐)", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/wu-lu-mu-qi", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9993 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.286812, "lon": 85.974980, "name": "Shihezi", "name_html": "Shihezi (石河子)", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/shi-he-zi", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9996 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.759833, "lon": 86.203544, "name": "Korla", "name_html": "Korla, 库尔勒", "alt_name": "also known as Kuerle", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/ku-er-le", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9997 // // This appears to be the radar based on the location of the // meteorological building on the map here: // https://map.baidu.com/poi/%E9%98%BF%E5%85%8B%E8%8B%8F%E5%9C%B0%E5%8C%BA%E6%B0%94%E8%B1%A1%E5%B1%80/@8932705.05,5009191.285,17z?uid=be54cde920b5245978f79672&querytype=detailConInfo { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.163402, "lon": 80.234935, "name": "Aksu", "name_html": "Aksu, 阿克苏", "alt_name": "also known as Akesu", "imagery_id": "", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This dome appears to be the radar based on the map here that shows the shape of the building the dome is on. There is a smaller dome 90 meters to the south-southwest on another building." }, // China Id: Z9998 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.459683, "lon": 76.027398, "name": "Kashgar", "name_html": "Kashgar (喀什)", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/ka-shen", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // China Id: Z9999 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.942072, "lon": 81.325215, "name": "Yining", "name_html": "Yining (伊宁)", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/yi-ning", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // // // // // // // // // // Radars Without An Id // // // // // // // // // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.462648, "lon": 114.666456, "name": "Handan", "name_html": "Handan (邯郸)", "imagery_id": "he-bei/han-dan", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.526305, "lon": 111.139648, "name": "Luliang", "name_html": "Lüliang (吕梁)", "imagery_id": "shan-xi/lv-liang", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This appears to be the location of the radar. There is a dome here on top of what seems to be a meteorological museum based on the information here." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.013802, "lon": 113.084706, "name": "Ulanqab", "name_html": "Ulanqab, 乌兰察布", "alt_name": "also known as Wulanchabu", "alt_name_html": "also known as Wūlánchábù", "imagery_id": "nei-meng/wu-lan-cha-bu", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.550387, "lon": 119.644875, "name": "Holingol", "name_html": "Holingol, 霍林郭勒", "alt_name": "also known as Huolinguole", "alt_name_html": "also known as Huòlínguōlè", "imagery_id": "nei-meng/huo-lin-guo-le", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // Picture: http://nm.cma.gov.cn/xwzx/whyd/qxmt/201710/t20171018_1313570.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.584615, "lon": 117.326716, "name": "Manzhouli", "name_html": "Manzhouli (满洲里)", "imagery_id": "nei-meng/man-zhou-li", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 46.590912, "lon": 126.974229, "name": "Suihua", "name_html": "Suihua (绥化)", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/tianqishikuang/leidatu/danzhanleida/heilongjiang/suihua/index.html", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // Picture: https://m.weibo.cn/status/FoYh9uTRz { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.243200, "lon": 118.826186, "name": "Huai'an", "name_html": "Huai'an (淮安)", "imagery_id": "jiang-su/huai-an", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "While not on our map, an older radar, on a building, might be 44km north-northeast. (33.614651 119.001899) A picture of that radar is here." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.837968, "lon": 120.205123, "name": "Huzhou", "name_html": "Huzhou (湖州)", "imagery_id": "zhe-jiang/hu-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.544598, "lon": 119.927490, "name": "Lishui", "name_html": "Lishui (丽水)", "imagery_id": "zhe-jiang/li-shui", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.895637, "lon": 118.497683, "name": "Quanzhou", "name_html": "Quanzhou (泉州)", "imagery_id": "fu-jian/quan-zhou", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is likely the location of this radar based on the page here. It seems the radar is located on Zimao Mountain. The crosshairs in the radar image is about 15km from this radar location, but given the range of the radar, and how some of the crosshairs for other images have also been incorrect, this might be the correct position." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.598948, "lon": 117.400259, "name": "Zhangzhou", "name_html": "Zhangzhou (漳州)", "imagery_id": "fu-jian/zhang-zhou", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.952261, "lon": 120.217791, "name": "Ningde", "name_html": "Ningde (宁德)", "imagery_id": "fu-jian/ning-de", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is likely the location of this radar based on the page here. (site did not load when we tested it in October 2022) It seems like that page says the radar might be around Sanshazhen in Xiapu County. The crosshairs in the radar image is about 11km from this radar location, but given the range of the radar, and how some of the crosshairs for other images have also been incorrect, this might be the correct position." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.797803, "lon": 114.310561, "name": "Yichun", "name_html": "Yichun, 宜春", "alt_name": "Jiangxi Province", "alt_name_html": "Jiangxi Province, 江西省", "imagery_id": "jiang-xi/yi-chun", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // The coordinates for this radar come from: // https://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%8A%9A%E5%B7%9E%E5%B8%82%E6%96%B0%E4%B8%80%E4%BB%A3%E5%A4%A9%E6%B0%94%E9%9B%B7%E8%BE%BE%E6%8E%A2%E6%B5%8B%E7%8E%AF%E5%A2%83%E5%92%8C%E6%8E%A2%E6%B5%8B%E8%AE%BE%E6%96%BD%E4%BF%9D%E6%8A%A4%E5%8A%9E%E6%B3%95 // // Picture: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a2c3fb560102vfja.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.894003, "lon": 116.262224, "name": "Fuzhou", "name_html": "Fuzhou, 抚州", "alt_name": "Jiangxi Province", "alt_name_html": "Jiangxi Province, 江西省", "imagery_id": "jiang-xi/fu-zhou", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.361055, "lon": 117.214472, "name": "Jingdezhen", "name_html": "Jingdezhen (景德镇)", "imagery_id": "jiang-xi/jing-de-zhen", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // This radar was found using imagery from the article here: // http://html.rhhz.net/qxxb_cn/html/2015082.htm // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.150123, "lon": 122.377372, "name": "Rongcheng", "name_html": "Rongcheng, 荣成", "alt_name": "Shandong Province", "alt_name_html": "Shandong Province, 山东省", "imagery_id": "shan-dong/rong-cheng", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is likely the location of this radar based on imagery from the page here. The crosshairs in the radar image on China's site is about 11km from this radar location, but given the range of the radar, the page noted, and how some of the crosshairs for other images have also been incorrect, this is likely the correct position." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.662211, "lon": 118.911227, "name": "Weifang", "name_html": "Weifang (潍坊)", "imagery_id": "shan-dong/wei-fang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.769891, "lon": 113.120170, "name": "Pingdingshan", "name_html": "Pingdingshan (平顶山)", "imagery_id": "he-nan/ping-ding-shan", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.071703, "lon": 114.076468, "name": "Xinyang", "name_html": "Xinyang (信阳)", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/tianqishikuang/leidatu/danzhanleida/henan/xinyang/index.html", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.199820, "lon": 112.213132, "name": "Xiangyang", "name_html": "Xiangyang (襄阳)", "imagery_id": "hu-bei/xiang-yang", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.393329, "lon": 115.386679, "name": "Macheng", "name_html": "Macheng (麻城)", "imagery_id": "hu-bei/ma-cheng", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.042106, "lon": 110.472050, "name": "Zhangjiajie", "name_html": "Zhangjiajie (张家界)", "imagery_id": "hu-nan/zhang-jia-jie", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.935031, "lon": 112.582425, "name": "Hengyang", "name_html": "Hengyang (衡阳)", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/tianqishikuang/leidatu/danzhanleida/hunan/hengyang/index.html", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, // Picture: http://gx.cma.gov.cn/yls/bmgk_10266/dwgk_10267/201901/t20190129_123288.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.646555, "lon": 110.221253, "name": "Yulin", "name_html": "Yulin, 玉林", "alt_name": "Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region", "alt_name_html": "Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 广西壮族自治区", "imagery_id": "guang-xi/yu-lin", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 21.533022, "lon": 108.265334, "name": "Fangchenggang", "name_html": "Fangchenggang (防城港)", "imagery_id": "guang-xi/fang-cheng-gang", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.373131, "lon": 107.386817, "name": "Chongzuo", "name_html": "Chongzuo (崇左)", "imagery_id": "guang-xi/chong-zuo", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.148987, "lon": 101.728965, "name": "Kangding", "name_html": "Kangding (康定)", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/tianqishikuang/leidatu/danzhanleida/sichuan/kangding/index.html", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.945142, "lon": 103.040382, "name": "Ya'an", "name_html": "Ya'an (雅安)", "imagery_id": "si-chuan/ya-an", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.549665, "lon": 104.937762, "name": "Liupanshui", "name_html": "Liupanshui (六盘水)", "imagery_id": "gui-zhou/liu-pan-shui", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.480049, "lon": 103.715768, "name": "Qujing", "name_html": "Qujing (曲靖)", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/tianqishikuang/leidatu/danzhanleida/yunnan/qujing/index.html", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.909807, "lon": 100.188477, "name": "Lincang", "name_html": "Lincang (临沧)", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/tianqishikuang/leidatu/danzhanleida/yunnan/lincang/index.html", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.477773, "lon": 105.151010, "name": "Longnan", "name_html": "Longnan (陇南)", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/tianqishikuang/leidatu/danzhanleida/gansu/longnan/index.html", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, // Picture: https://web.archive.org/web/20201029094832/https://new.qq.com/omn/20190703/20190703A07IAG.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 36.286434, "lon": 100.898258, "name": "Hainan", "name_html": "Hainan, 海南", "alt_name": "Qinghai Province", "alt_name_html": "Qinghai Province, 青海省", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "http://www.nmc.cn/publish/tianqishikuang/leidatu/danzhanleida/qinghai/hainan/index.html", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "A picture of this radar site, on Mt. Waliguan, can be seen here. Some information about when it was put into operation is here. When we checked satellite imagery in Google Earth for this radar site, imagery was most recently available from 2004. We needed to use more recent imagery, from Esri, to find the location of this radar since it was built since then." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.421010, "lon": 106.045342, "name": "Wuzhong", "name_html": "Wuzhong, 吴忠", "alt_name": "Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region", "alt_name_html": "Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, 宁夏回族自治区", "imagery_id": "ning-xia/wu-zhong", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.871175, "lon": 79.085747, "name": "Tumxuk", "name_html": "Tumxuk, 图木舒克", "alt_name": "also known as Tumushuke", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/tu-mu-shu-ke", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.828975, "lon": 82.349043, "name": "Shuanghe", "name_html": "Shuanghe, 双河市", "imagery_id": "xin-jiang/si-ta-er-hai", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km" }, // // // // // // // // // // Radars With Data That Are Not On China's Main Site // // // // // // // // // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 19.215139, "lon": 108.731335, "name": "Dongfang", "name_html": "Dongfang, 东方", "alt_name": "Hainan Province", "alt_name_html": "Hainan Province, 海南省", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "http://www.hainanqx.cn/UI/LiveData/LiveData.aspx?target=1", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "Once on the page, click \"东方\" (Dongfang) to view radar data. When we updated the information for this radar site we did not find data for it on China's main site." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.732486, "lon": 112.401606, "name": "Lianzhou", "name_html": "Lianzhou, 连州", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "https://weather.cma.cn/web/channel-3846.html", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "When we updated the information for this radar site we did not find data for it on China's main site." }, // // // // // // // // // // Radars With No Data That Are Not On China's Main Site // // // // // // // // // { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 39.945225, "lon": 116.290671, "name": "Beijing", "name_html": "Beijing, 北京", "alt_name": "other radar", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": "While looking for other radars, I came across this one on a building. I don't know if it is currently active or if data is available online." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Cyprus // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 17th, 2022. // // Previous website we linked to: // // Was mentioned here: // http://www.moa.gov.cy/moa/environment/environmentnew.nsf/All/C15CD89954708638C2257FF1003494BD/$file/2%CE%B7%20%CE%B5%CE%BA%CE%B8%CE%B5%CF%83%CE%B7%20%CF%80%CF%81%CE%BF%CE%BF%CE%B4%CE%BF%CF%85%20%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%B1%20%CF%84%CE%B7%CE%BD%20%CF%80%CF%81%CE%BF%CF%83%CE%B1%CF%81%CE%BC%CE%BF%CE%B3%CE%B7%20%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B7%CE%BD%20%CE%9A%CE%91_19.11.2019_FINAL.pdf // New site was in menu of http://www.moa.gov.cy/: // http://weather.cyi.ac.cy/en/radar/ // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "CYP": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "NEFta3p2Q2hTK1F3Yjl2ZEMvQUs1UT09", "lat": 34.936708, "lon": 33.566677, "name": "Larnaca", "alt_name": "Aradippou", // "range": 350, "range": 175, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": cyprusRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "TzBldXlhQ2VuWWU1Ky8xVXdMTTlyZz09", "lat": 34.770900, "lon": 32.547205, "name": "Paphos", "alt_name": "Nata", // "range": 350, "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": cyprusRadarSitesWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Georgia // // If they ever do have data online, these sites should be checked: // http://airnav.ge/index.php?page=ms&fullstory=51 // https://meteo.airnav.ge/ // https://nea.gov.ge/ // https://nea.gov.ge/ge/ // http://meteo.gov.ge/ // https://www.hydromet.ge/ // // Pictures of computer screens that show imagery: // https://www.facebook.com/nea.georgia/photos/a.2135875206464556/2135876899797720/ // https://www.facebook.com/nea.georgia/photos/a.2135875206464556/2135876359797774/ // https://www.facebook.com/nea.georgia/photos/a.2315165628535512/2315169288535146/ // // Various information: // https://www.undp.org/georgia/publications/assessment-hazard-mapping-system-georgia-and-recommended-actions // PDF: https://www.undp.org/sites/g/files/zskgke326/files/migration/ge/UNDP_GE_EE_Hazard-Mapping-System-in-Georgia_Recommedations_ENG.pdf // https://erad2016.mgm.gov.tr/storage/images/_abstract/extended_abstract/ORP.P31.pdf // https://www.ungm.org/UNUser/Documents/DownloadPublicDocument?docId=596234 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "GEO": [ // Facebook post before it was installed, though the picture is // of another radar: // https://www.facebook.com/nea.georgia/photos/a.2062226613829416/2062272387158172/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.247636, "lon": 42.624517, "name": "Kutaisi", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": georgiaANSPAndNEAAgency, "agency_html": georgiaANSPAndNEAAgencyHtml, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": georgiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "MGorellUNUQrZHppK3ljL0l4OHgzdz09", "lat": 42.167758, "lon": 41.695933, "name": "Poti", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": georgiaANSPAndNEAAgency, "agency_html": georgiaANSPAndNEAAgencyHtml, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": georgiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "K2RGY0gzd29KdzNIcytDWHovM1c4QT09", "lat": 41.759351, "lon": 44.916462, "name": "Tbilisi", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": georgiaANSPAndNEAAgency, "agency_html": georgiaANSPAndNEAAgencyHtml, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": georgiaRadarSitesWindowHtml }, // Picture: // https://www.georgianjournal.ge/military/30680-protecting-georgian-villages-from-hailstorms-takes-on-a-political-meaning.html // Video: // https://mod.gov.ge/en/news/read/3657/%E2%80%9Cdelta%E2%80%9D-created-anti-hail-radar // About system, in general: // http://www.delta.gov.ge/en/product/anti-hail-system/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 41.625952, "lon": 45.879552, "name": "Sighnaghi", "alt_name": "anti-hail", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Ministry of Defense of Georgia", "agency_html": "Ministry of Defense of Georgia (საქართველოს თავდაცვის სამინისტრო)", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": georgiaRadarSitesWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Hong Kong // // Historical Pictures from their Radar Image Gallery: // https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/wxinfo/radars/radar_gallery/historical.htm // Has photos of some of the radar sites. // // About Weather Radar Observations In Hong Kong: // https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/wservice/tsheet/radmet.htm // // Other information: // https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/wxinfo/radars/radar_gallery/files/Radar-50years.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "HKG": [ // Terminal Doppler Weather Radar - Likely not on imagery // // Commissioning of the Brothers Point Terminal Doppler Weather Radar Station: // https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/hkonews/SideLights_BPTDWR.htm { "wrd_page": "dWtvY3AxTFdjZmhhd0Z1UmpuTDdUQT09", "lat": 22.358499, "lon": 114.021026, "name": "Brothers Point (TDWR)", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": hongKongSiteHtml }, // Terminal Doppler Weather Radar - Likely not on imagery { "wrd_page": "TFNYdFJuejZQcDMzdU94bitGNG9CUT09", "lat": 22.362798, "lon": 114.011264, "name": "Tai Lam Chung (TDWR)", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": hongKongSiteHtml }, { "wrd_page": "c0Z2WnJQUm5kRzVyOXE2dkJUM1dSQT09", "lat": 22.411647, "lon": 114.123695, "name": "Tai Mo Shan", "alt_imagery_url": hongKongInteractiveMapUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": "interactive map", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": hongKongSiteHtml }, // Tate's Cairn photo: // https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/education/package/pack01_severe_wx/TCR_radar_station.htm { "wrd_page": "UUROM3lMeGsxZ0czT2xFeEJsK0VWZz09", "lat": 22.357878, "lon": 114.217681, "name": "Tate's Cairn", "alt_imagery_url": hongKongInteractiveMapUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": "interactive map", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": hongKongSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // India // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 19th, 2022. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "IND": [ { "wrd_page": "azczYjdPSzBaOVIrZDZjNEJHZWtxdz09", "lat": 23.887512, "lon": 91.249497, "name": "Agartala", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Agartala", "alt_imagery_id": "Agartala", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "eHVjVTJCOGk4TEloeTdXclhXVWkwdz09", "lat": 23.241388, "lon": 77.423869, "name": "Bhopal", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Bhopal", "alt_imagery_id": "Bhopal", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "Zlo1U2QvTDdNbmlyNUdGQ29meVM0dz09", "lat": 23.241722, "lon": 69.645831, "name": "Bhuj", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Bhuj", "alt_imagery_id": "Bhuj", "range": 490, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, // This seems like it has been upgraded: // https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/chennai-second-radar-in-niot-energised-to-go-live-in-april/articleshow/81442243.cms // https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/chennai/2018/mar/24/india-meteorological-department-plans-to-upgrade-ageing-chennai-doppler-weather-radar-1791774.html // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@13.0856346,80.2890731,3a,15y,155.52h,99.47t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdBkUsVYQQI0EYFYWWI5mSQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "a1BCaGhYbjQ0WE5paWl3N0o0T21OUT09", "lat": 13.083853, "lon": 80.289992, "name": "Chennai", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Chennai", "alt_imagery_id": "Chennai", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar seems to have been upgraded, likely in 2022.

    " + "While we still link to the WMO Radar Database page, some, if not all, of the details will reflect the old radar.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, // This mentions this X-band radar and the upgraded radar in // Chennai: // https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/chennai-second-radar-in-niot-energised-to-go-live-in-april/articleshow/81442243.cms { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 12.945147, "lon": 80.211432, "name": "Chennai (X-band)", "imagery_url": "", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This is an X-band radar that seems to have started operating in 2021. Since then, another radar that is about 17.5km north-northeast of this one, in Chennai, has been upgraded.

    " + "Before the radar in Chennai was upgraded, this radar did have imagery on their site. However, it was not linked from their map when we checked in October 2022. We do not draw the range since we couldn't find imagery online, though this radar may also continue to be in operation.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, // Delhi (Palam) { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "UTdaWGdjVVZTMWRYSG1GeHZVeGFndz09", "lat": 28.560076, "lon": 77.071737, "name": "Delhi", "alt_name": "Palam", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Palam", "alt_imagery_id": "Palam", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022 and February 2022, imagery was no longer on their site for this location. It no longer appears on their map. We do not draw the range.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, // New Delhi { "wrd_page": "Ui8wUHlzc0tuUEFxN21WYkdsT2ZSZz09", "lat": 28.589786, "lon": 77.221957, "name": "New Delhi", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Delhi", "alt_imagery_id": "Delhi", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "d1lOcGQvRXNpbVlzUUIwRTBwWTYyQT09", "lat": 15.491658, "lon": 73.824874, "name": "Goa", "alt_name": "Panaji", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Goa", "alt_imagery_id": "Goa", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "YlUxZTNBYUVPLzNHWk1OUE0vMlZ4QT09", "lat": 19.262283, "lon": 84.897984, "name": "Gopalpur", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Gopalpur", "alt_imagery_id": "Gopalpur", "range": 490, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "d1VpZzE0YlhqR3NCdXM0Vk1UYnFkdz09", "lat": 17.446039, "lon": 78.473568, "name": "Hyderabad", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Hyderabad", "alt_imagery_id": "Hyderabad", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "L1phZGdhdWxFMVIxVHp6VlBXcUs5QT09", "lat": 26.820693, "lon": 75.817545, "name": "Jaipur", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Jaipur", "alt_imagery_id": "Jaipur", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we tested this radar site on October 19th, 2022, imagery was from October 13th, 2022. We do not draw the range on the map.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, // https://jknewsline.com/doppler-weather-radar-installed-in-jammu-for-accurate-weather-predictions/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 32.780967, "lon": 74.830589, "name": "Jammu", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Jammu", "alt_imagery_id": "Jammu", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 10.913399, "lon": 79.841734, "name": "Karaikal", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Karaikal", "alt_imagery_id": "Karaikal", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 9.926472, "lon": 76.262238, "name": "Kochi", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Kochi", "alt_imagery_id": "Kochi", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, // Picture: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOtq2Uvm_wOR2bcJg37eCJc2944ZNF6hZEVwxQj=w720-h720-pd { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "M3JOSUhGbXVPYmZLNTJUZXRIR1h2Zz09", "lat": 22.569661, "lon": 88.343396, "name": "Kolkata", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Kolkata", "alt_imagery_id": "Kolkata", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we tested this radar site in October 2022, imagery was not available. It said \"Radar under maintenance\". We do not draw the range on the map.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, // Picture: // https://twitter.com/Indiametdept/status/1350020136166584320 // https://indianexpress.com/article/india/indigenously-built-first-pair-of-weather-radars-installed-over-himalayas-7148178/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.097697, "lon": 77.265422, "name": "Kufri", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Kufri", "alt_imagery_id": "Kufri", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "SEZPUzMvd3lqeTJkZ29BSUxqb2R3dz09", "lat": 26.773831, "lon": 80.883351, "name": "Lucknow", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Lucknow", "alt_imagery_id": "Lucknow", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we tested this radar site in October 2022, imagery was not available. It said \"Radar under maintenance\". We do not draw the range on the map.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "amxKeVF5OU1iYVVIbCtmT1ZzVkhyUT09", "lat": 16.182272, "lon": 81.152918, "name": "Machilipatnam", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Machilipatnam", "alt_imagery_id": "Machilipatnam", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "ZnM2Z0VyNEtoSUlITllUWW43WjBKQT09", "lat": 27.477112, "lon": 95.016944, "name": "Dibrugarh", "alt_name": "Mohanbari", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Mohanbari", "alt_imagery_id": "Mohanbari", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, // Picture: // https://twitter.com/Indian_Rivers/status/1450437975381135365 // https://en.gaonconnection.com/uttarakhand-gets-its-first-doppler-radar-to-predict-extreme-weather-events-two-more-radars-in-the-offing/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.459933, "lon": 79.659204, "name": "Mukteshwar", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Mukteshwar", "alt_imagery_id": "Mukteshwar", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "NU9WaDZDZjZNUXNyUEtSRUVxTHY4Zz09", "lat": 18.901560, "lon": 72.807743, "name": "Mumbai", "alt_name": "Colaba", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Mumbai", "alt_imagery_id": "Mumbai", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar site no longer appears on their website. A new radar is about 27km to the north-northeast. We do not draw the range on the map.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 19.134199, "lon": 72.876216, "name": "Mumbai", "alt_name": "Veravali", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Veravali", "alt_imagery_id": "Veravali", "range": 399, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The imagery for this radar site lists the range as 399km in two places on the image, so that is what we use.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "ZlhSTVh1U2hmNlhxdWRtUXNTcGNqZz09", "lat": 21.097686, "lon": 79.061466, "name": "Nagpur", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Nagpur", "alt_imagery_id": "Nagpur", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "OGhOM0RLblp4QVJRQ3VrOGJSTG0yZz09", "lat": 20.258850, "lon": 86.653543, "name": "Paradip", "alt_name": "Paradeep", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Paradip", "alt_imagery_id": "Paradip", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "VWtYR3BvK0dJNmVCUyt2OFg4WXM0QT09", "lat": 30.357580, "lon": 76.449581, "name": "Patiala", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Patiala", "alt_imagery_id": "Patiala", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we tested this radar site in October 2022, imagery was not available. It said \"DWR under preventive maintenance\". We do not draw the range on the map.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "bGJLU1dDWE5JNjdMYWRPSzJHbW54QT09", "lat": 25.581848, "lon": 85.086264, "name": "Patna", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Patna", "alt_imagery_id": "Patna", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.268749, "lon": 91.733297, "name": "Sohra", "alt_name": "Cherrapunji", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Sohra", "alt_imagery_id": "Sohra", "range": 490, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 13.664572, "lon": 80.227550, "name": "Sriharikota Island", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Sriharikota", "alt_imagery_id": "Sriharikota", "range": 490, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/lMD+Met+centre+Srinagar/@34.0513641,74.8044839,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOeVhClbnpEdOEKjCDhOA-liyMZvGmNbyow_ZQ!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOeVhClbnpEdOEKjCDhOA-liyMZvGmNbyow_ZQ%3Dw203-h270-k-no!7i3456!8i4608!4m5!3m4!1s0x38e18fb805631a2b:0x4f213d72b9116fd2!8m2!3d34.051171!4d74.8047012 // close-up: // https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/japanese-doppler-radar-in-srinagar-for-weather-forecasting-47313.html // Info: // https://www.asia.toshiba.com/press-release/english/toshiba-wins-major-order-in-india-for-x-band-dual-polarization-transportable-doppler-weather-radar-system { "wrd_page": "RFJiNTBvSnFCeEdzelZlRmJKL2VTQT09", "lat": 34.050487, "lon": 74.803923, "name": "Srinagar", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Srinagar", "alt_imagery_id": "Srinagar", "range": 100, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is a small X-band radar. You can see a picture of it here.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, // Picture: // https://www.pioneeredge.in/doppler-radar-at-surkanda-expected-to-enhance-disaster-preparedness/ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 30.411634, "lon": 78.287791, "name": "Surkandaji", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Surkandaji", "alt_imagery_id": "Surkandaji", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022, satellite imagery wasn't recent enough to see the tower. However, we could see the platform being built in imagery from April 2021. The coordinates we selected are likely within 5 meters of the actual coordinates of the radar.

    " + indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 8.537322, "lon": 76.865827, "name": "Thiruvananthapuram", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Thiruvananthapuram", "alt_imagery_id": "Thiruvananthapuram", "range": "365", "range_unit": "km", "window_content": indiaWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "N3dVUlV1ci9DQWlONFZoc3Uxb1czUT09", "lat": 17.748129, "lon": 83.345572, "name": "Visakhapatnam", "alt_imagery_url_text": "loops", "imagery_id": "Visakhapatnam", "alt_imagery_id": "Visakhapatnam", "range": 500, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indiaWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Indonesia // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on November 5th, 2022. // // Indonesia has rapidly expanded their radar network. // // Some of the coordinates from the BMKG site were from the // scripting of this section of their site which is no longer // there: // http://radar.bmkg.go.id/bmkg2/ // Such as here: // http://radar.bmkg.go.id/bmkg2/radar.php?radar=CILA&radarproduct=Reflectivity/tilt1&terrain=0&user=bmkg_enc2&zone=UTC&account_type=BMKG2&onload=1 // // Approximate coordinates can be found in a 2017 document from the // Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC): // https://cdn.bmkg.go.id/Web/YMC_Implementation_Plan_20170918.pdf // Or slightly newer version: // http://www.jamstec.go.jp/ymc/docs/IPs/YMC_Implementation_Plan_20171222rev.pdf // // A listing of each weather radar site with name, manufacturer and // band of each radar as of March 2017: // https://cdn.bmkg.go.id/Web/Day1_12_RirisAdriyanto.pdf // Shows a map with 40 existing radars at the time as well as a map // of 20 planned radar sites. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "IDN": [ // WMO Name: Ambon // BMKG Site Name: Ambon // // WMO Coord: -3.729722 128.163056 // BMKG Site Coord: -3.711747 128.095617 // // BMKG Ident: AMBO // // Was likely built in different location from original planned // position: // https://web.archive.org/web/20180818092049/https://siwalimanews.com/post/kejari_ambon_agendakan_pemeriksaan_mantan_kepala_bmkg { "wrd_page": "U3V3MUthSzVSM3RKSEJEYk93Z2Jqdz09", "lat": -3.711783, "lon": 128.095737, "name": "Ambon", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Balikpapan // BMKG Site Name: Balikpapan // // WMO Coord: -1.26 116.896667 // BMKG Site Coord: -1.259868 116.897042 // // BMKG Ident: BALI { "wrd_page": "aWhSR0ViS3hxc1hWZlZEbExjNVpDUT09", "lat": -1.259937, "lon": 116.897070, "name": "Balikpapan", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Banda aceh // BMKG Site Name: Banda Aceh // // WMO Coord: 5.541111 95.5 // BMKG Site Coord: 5.541242 95.50004 // // BMKG Ident: ACEH { "wrd_page": "RTFpdjFKTXBSd0MzMVNoazEzd05Ldz09", "lat": 5.541274, "lon": 95.500112, "name": "Banda Aceh", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Banjarmasin // BMKG Site Name: Banjarmasin // // WMO Coord: -3.462222 114.840833 // BMKG Site Coord: -3.46225 114.84084 // // BMKG Ident: BANJ { "wrd_page": "TkpBaDZBbmVyNEhCWm1DbWhnaXUwZz09", "lat": -3.461481, "lon": 114.841111, "name": "Banjarmasin", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // BMKG Site Name: Batam // // WMO Coord: N/A // BMKG Site Coord: N/A // // BMKG Ident: BATA // // Picture: // http://hangnadim.kepri.bmkg.go.id/galleri.html // http://hangnadim.kepri.bmkg.go.id/uploads/galleri/2015/02/20022015090340_Tower_radar.JPG { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 1.124755, "lon": 104.111697, "name": "Batam", "range": "200", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Bengkulu // BMKG Site Name: Bengkulu // // WMO Coord: -3.858333 102.341111 // BMKG Site Coord: -3.858467 102.341243 // // BMKG Ident: BENG { "wrd_page": "Z1l4anBhVVZyR0pSQmdiL3VMdmhjUT09", "lat": -3.858514, "lon": 102.341207, "name": "Bengkulu", "range": "220", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Biak // BMKG Site Name: Biak // // WMO Coord: -1.162778 136.088056 // BMKG Site Coord: -1.16285 136.08801 // // BMKG Ident: BIAK { "wrd_page": "REdXbUdSVjIzUlJTT0Z5Vy9Rd3ZmQT09", "lat": -1.162933, "lon": 136.088044, "name": "Biak", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Bima // BMKG Site Name: Bima // // WMO Coord: -8.543889 118.683889 // BMKG Site Coord: -8.53174 118.6994 // // BMKG Ident: BIMA { "wrd_page": "eHNUZGIwSjlsL0lRNjB0c2VhMGowQT09", "lat": -8.531692, "lon": 118.699488, "name": "Bima", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, /* // This X-band radar might not be there any longer. // https://www.eecindonesia.co.id/ // We have removed it from the map for now since we never could // find it definitively. // // WMO Name: N/A // BMKG Site Name: Cilacap // // WMO Coord: N/A // BMKG Site Coord: -7.718559 109.014582 // JAMSTEC Coord: -7.73 109.02 // // BMKG Ident: CILA // // COORDINATES LIKELY INCORRECT. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -7.719026, "lon": 109.014879, "name": "Cilacap", "range": "", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The coordinates for this site are likely not correct. As of updating this country's radars on our map in June 2019, this radar site did not have radar imagery listed on BMKG's main radar page. We therefore couldn't determine from imagery where the radar site was actually located. BMKG had coordinates of -7.718559 109.014582 in scripting on their site that we can no longer find. (was here) That is the location of their meteorological office in Cilacap. As of 2017 this radar was listed as an X-band radar, made by EEC, in the document here. These radars can potentially be extremely small. The location on our map is near the corner of a small building at their meteorological office where a very small white dome is, but that is probably not the radar. (these coordinates are about 60 meters from BMKG's coordinates) You can view a picture of the observing tools behind their meteorological office in the picture here, which shows the small half-dome shaped object that we chose for our coordinates.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, */ // WMO Name: Denpasar // BMKG Site Name: Denpasar // // WMO Coord: -8.736111 115.173889 // BMKG Site Coord: -8.736 115.174 // // BMKG Ident: DENP { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "VUgxYW9RNHZMS3JqN3VQekk2TFcwUT09", "lat": -8.739087, "lon": 115.178784, "name": "Denpasar", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "We were able to measure returns out to 200km in individual imagery, though it is unclear if that is the maximum available. In archived images from 2016 at the Internet Archive, the larger map on BMKG's main radar page also had imagery in which we could measure the range. The range appeared to be about 250km on the large map. However, that was an older version of their map.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Gorontalo // BMKG Site Name: Gorontalo // // WMO Coord: -0.636111 123.010556 // BMKG Site Coord: 0.636 123.0106 // // BMKG Ident: GORO { "wrd_page": "V2VRNUtXUHJLYW1nSEVjbjRyWWhCUT09", "lat": 0.636013, "lon": 123.010550, "name": "Gorontalo", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Jambi // BMKG Site Name: Jambi // // WMO Coord: -1.630833 103.642222 // BMKG Site Coord: -1.6309 103.6422 // // BMKG Ident: JAMB { "wrd_page": "N2VuNlFZbkJwV1VmS2VES1pmVlFkQT09", "lat": -1.630819, "lon": 103.642324, "name": "Jambi", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Jayapura // BMKG Site Name: Jayapura // // WMO Coord: -2.598611 140.527778 // BMKG Site Coord: -2.59875 140.52775 // // BMKG Ident: JAYA { "wrd_page": "bXNVb1pmZndqUDhKWElUSjhZRitidz09", "lat": -2.598781, "lon": 140.527751, "name": "Jayapura", "range": "200", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Kendari // BMKG Site Name: Kendari // // WMO Coord: -4.055556 122.449167 // BMKG Site Coord: -4.055678 122.449264 // // BMKG Ident: KEND { "wrd_page": "RzAwU0pFTlNCL2RQNk9NTGJFNW9FQT09", "lat": -4.055716, "lon": 122.449318, "name": "Kendari", "range": 220, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "We were able to measure returns out to 220km in individual imagery, though it is unclear if that is the maximum available.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Kupang // BMKG Site Name: Kupang // // WMO Coord: -10.218056 123.623889 // BMKG Site Coord: -10.2165 123.63249 // // BMKG Ident: KUPA // // Older imagery had a range of at least 138km based on imagery // downloaded from Archive.org. { "wrd_page": "eVp0d2JDQmlzZzRVc2FESkNvZThPdz09", "lat": -10.218018, "lon": 123.624439, "name": "Kupang", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022, imagery was last available on October 30th, 2021.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Lampung // BMKG Site Name: Lampung // // WMO Coord: -5.208333 105.175556 // BMKG Site Coord: -5.20833 105.175278 // // BMKG Ident: LAMP // // Lampung is the province. Bandar Lampung is a nearby large // city. { "wrd_page": "ZjZ6MXlacGJNR0JaaHBPRSs0TzNUdz09", "lat": -5.208325, "lon": 105.175200, "name": "Bandar Lampung", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // BMKG Site Name: Majene // // WMO Coord: N/A // BMKG Site Coord: N/A // // BMKG Ident: MAJE { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -3.550743, "lon": 118.980592, "name": "Majene", "range": "90", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "This is an X-band radar.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Makassar // BMKG Site Name: Makassar // // WMO Coord: -4.997778 119.571944 // BMKG Site Coord: -4.9978 119.57202 // // BMKG Ident: MAKA { "wrd_page": "dmhsbUpvaVJRT1lrd1M5S1ljOXp0UT09", "lat": -4.997730, "lon": 119.572010, "name": "Makassar", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Manado // BMKG Site Name: Manado // // WMO Coord: 1.500833 129.918611 // BMKG Site Coord: 1.5011 124.949 // // BMKG Ident: MANA // // Picture: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPwR6SDNu1Wjt1Hrft2Lpkdk16CtJnxTn7iSEas=w1440-h1440-pd { "wrd_page": "RENZUkJkYU5uNnRqcW1XS2hraVhNUT09", "lat": 1.500846, "lon": 124.918487, "name": "Manado", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // BMKG Site Name: Masamba // // WMO Coord: N/A // BMKG Site Coord: N/A // // BMKG Ident: MASA { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -2.554564, "lon": 120.324015, "name": "Masamba", "range": "90", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "This is an X-band radar.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Mataram // BMKG Site Name: Mataram // Lombok (scripting on site) // // WMO Coord: -8.753333 116.249722 // BMKG Site Coord: -8.753056 116.249444 // // BMKG Ident: LOMB { "wrd_page": "RlhRaVVlRW9CYkJJdXJBeVZaL2xjdz09", "lat": -8.752982, "lon": 116.249466, "name": "Mataram", "alt_name": "Lombok island", "range": "200", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // BMKG Site Name: Maumere // // WMO Coord: N/A // BMKG Site Coord: N/A // // BMKG Ident: MAUM // // Picture: // http://dyahpdj.blogspot.com/2016/01/welcome-to-maumere-flores.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -8.612028, "lon": 122.201364, "name": "Maumere", "range": "150", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "We were able to measure returns out to 150km in individual imagery, though it is unclear if that is the maximum available.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Medan // BMKG Site Name: Medan // // WMO Coord: 3.539722 98.637222 // BMKG Site Coord: 3.5398 98.63699 // // BMKG Ident: MEDA // // Older imagery had a range of at least 228km based on imagery // downloaded from Archive.org. { "wrd_page": "VklTZWpaVk4zZ3VCVGlycHRKVmxwQT09", "lat": 3.539732, "lon": 98.637058, "name": "Medan", "range": "200", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "We were able to measure returns out to 200km in individual imagery, though it is unclear if that is the maximum available.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Merauke // BMKG Site Name: Merauke // // WMO Coord: -8.492778 140.388611 // BMKG Site Coord: -8.492525 140.388583 // // BMKG Ident: MERA { "wrd_page": "Z0o2eUMwVUZDSGFoL1F1ZWJHWVVwZz09", "lat": -8.492708, "lon": 140.388579, "name": "Merauke", "range": "200", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // BMKG Site Name: Nias // // WMO Coord: N/A // BMKG Site Coord: N/A // // BMKG Ident: NIAS { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 1.164468, "lon": 97.703487, "name": "Nias", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Padang // BMKG Site Name: Padang // // WMO Coord: 0.786111 100.305 // BMKG Site Coord: -0.7862 100.305099 // // BMKG Ident: PADA { "wrd_page": "WnFhSGhLZ2xHNmlZdkRRYzRsaG5Hdz09", "lat": -0.785896, "lon": 100.304958, "name": "Padang", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Palangkaraya // BMKG Site Name: Palangkaraya // // WMO Coord: -2.250278 113.944722 // BMKG Site Coord: -2.251243 113.944716 // // BMKG Ident: PALA { "wrd_page": "eHEwRmg2VUZjY2lWNWNYaVhQK1h4QT09", "lat": -2.251268, "lon": 113.944840, "name": "Palangkaraya", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Palembang // BMKG Site Name: Palembang // // WMO Coord: -2.916944 104.701944 // BMKG Site Coord: -2.917444 104.702553 // // BMKG Ident: PALE { "wrd_page": "U29xWGVBMjRYRktHZE1HdlNtTCtRZz09", "lat": -2.917475, "lon": 104.702576, "name": "Palembang", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Palu // BMKG Site Name: Palu // // WMO Coord: -0.668333 119.819167 // BMKG Site Coord: -0.668548 119.819037 // // BMKG Ident: PALU { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "dytUaThGb1k1OTZIYWg3bkFGU25CZz09", "lat": -0.668639, "lon": 119.818884, "name": "Palu", "range": "90", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "This is an X-band radar. We were able to measure returns out to nearly 90km. While a dot might have indicated the range might be 100km, we're uncertain. We went with the range we measured for other X-band radars.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Pangkal Pinang // BMKG Site Name: Pangkal Pinang // // WMO Coord: -2.161667 106.136389 // BMKG Site Coord: -2.1615 106.136528 // // BMKG Ident: PAPI { "wrd_page": "bkhzQTU3S1psMWZpbFcyZThJZjZldz09", "lat": -2.161562, "lon": 106.136563, "name": "Pangkal Pinang", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Pangkalan Bun // BMKG Site Name: Pangkalan Bun // // WMO Coord: -2.736389 111.640278 // BMKG Site Coord: -2.736467 111.6403 // // BMKG Ident: PANG { "wrd_page": "VloyN1BEbjZpV25pdWR1aFdtY1Q2Zz09", "lat": -2.736518, "lon": 111.640378, "name": "Pangkalan Bun", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Pekanbaru // BMKG Site Name: Pekanbaru // // WMO Coord: -0.454167 110.464167 // BMKG Site Coord: 0.456494 101.464079 // // BMKG Ident: PEKA { "wrd_page": "bTFuU0ZmNTJqeHpraHRVWDQxYXNEQT09", "lat": 0.456485, "lon": 101.464019, "name": "Pekanbaru", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // BMKG Site Name: Pondok Betung (from BMKG PDF file) // // WMO Coord: N/A // BMKG Site Coord: N/A // // BMKG Ident: N/A // // This is marked as secondary so that the Tangerang site, which // has individual imagery, is more easily clickable on the map. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -6.264873, "lon": 106.748714, "name": "South Tangerang", "alt_name": "Pondok Betung", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "There is another radar for this region 15km to the northwest. When we checked in October 2022 and June 2019, radar data from this radar site was not listed on their website. We don't know if it is still active. Radar data for Tangerang on their site comes from the other radar based on viewing radar returns in that other imagery. We do not draw the range on the map for this radar.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Pontianak // BMKG Site Name: Pontianak // // WMO Coord: 0.088889 109.393056 // BMKG Site Coord: -0.089786 109.393272 // // BMKG Ident: PONT { "wrd_page": "d3ZjM280TU9FanlkdDRETUV5aVdndz09", "lat": -0.089748, "lon": 109.393283, "name": "Pontianak", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Semarang // BMKG Site Name: Semarang // // WMO Coord: -6.993333 110.375278 // BMKG Site Coord: -6.993111 110.375472 // // BMKG Ident: SEMA { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "ME4xN1lOa1hRV3BHcXhZVFRJR1RNZz09", "lat": -6.993141, "lon": 110.375453, "name": "Semarang", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022, imagery was last available on March 5th, 2020.

    " + "In older imagery, we were able to measure returns out to nearly 200km in individual imagery, though it is unclear if that is the maximum available when this radar is active.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // BMKG Site Name: Sintang // // WMO Coord: N/A // BMKG Site Coord: N/A // // BMKG Ident: SINT // // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Radar+Cuaca+BMKG+Sintang/@-0.0425496,111.4598323,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNDN5Mzu_f484tZIuIrCxdBz_j_gMY0kU_ey2I!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNDN5Mzu_f484tZIuIrCxdBz_j_gMY0kU_ey2I%3Dw86-h114-k-no!7i3096!8i4128!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e01e11ebf033465:0x902d752dd6588b03!8m2!3d-0.0425496!4d111.4598323 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPlEOD6bNUrXBkFZiIgjB2LB_DjR9dEDiqFyK8=w3096 // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Radar+Cuaca+BMKG+Sintang/@-0.0425496,111.4598323,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNes1Nc5elmuxqUIZyjjpkIB-LWSovYSXTnpuzs!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNes1Nc5elmuxqUIZyjjpkIB-LWSovYSXTnpuzs%3Dw203-h270-k-no!7i3000!8i4000!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e01e11ebf033465:0x902d752dd6588b03!8m2!3d-0.0425496!4d111.4598323 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNes1Nc5elmuxqUIZyjjpkIB-LWSovYSXTnpuzs=w3000 // https://www.google.com/maps/place/BMKG+Stasiun+Meteorologi+Sintang/@-0.042621,111.4594652,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPlwE6dx3vA9YHP2M5p1B4aGXmTmWpF2MN8bwof!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPlwE6dx3vA9YHP2M5p1B4aGXmTmWpF2MN8bwof%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i1600!8i1200!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e01e148307ba801:0x6f9d9a0be7458fe2!8m2!3d-0.0425739!4d111.4594942 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPlwE6dx3vA9YHP2M5p1B4aGXmTmWpF2MN8bwof=w1600 // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Radar+Cuaca+BMKG+Sintang/@-0.0425496,111.4598323,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPmXEOTrCxTHR5lxJ-db0z1p1h-bYcvXxNNVVU!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPmXEOTrCxTHR5lxJ-db0z1p1h-bYcvXxNNVVU%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i4128!8i3096!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e01e11ebf033465:0x902d752dd6588b03!8m2!3d-0.0425496!4d111.4598323 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPmXEOTrCxTHR5lxJ-db0z1p1h-bYcvXxNNVVU=w4128 // Instruments: // https://www.bmkg.go.id/berita/?p=kunjungan-kerja-deputi-bidang-meteorologi-di-kalimantan-barat { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -0.042602, "lon": 111.459758, "name": "Sintang", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The coordinates for this radar might be off by 5 to 10 meters. You can view a picture of this radar here.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // BMKG Site Name: Sorong // // BMKG Ident: SORO { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -0.890164, "lon": 131.286104, "name": "Sorong", "range": "200", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Sorong // WMO Coord: -0.89 131.285833 // // BMKG Site Coord: -0.8903 131.2903 { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "VVI1dzBRc2c0MUY5VWZObWMrVU01UT09", "lat": -0.890178, "lon": 131.285687, "name": "Sorong", "window_content": "This radar no longer exists. Sometime between May 2019 and February 2020 the dome was taken down and a new radar was built next to it, about 40 meters away." }, // WMO Name: Surabaya // BMKG Site Name: Surabaya // // WMO Coord: -7.433056 112.841944 // BMKG Site Coord: -7.3841 112.7791 // // BMKG Ident: SURA // // Picture: // https://foursquare.com/v/weather-radar-site-of-surabaya/4c845be677be76b0bcc1ae76/photos { "wrd_page": "ZTlwdzkycFhsYk9KbXNOYm8yQXV0dz09", "lat": -7.410251, "lon": 112.760503, "name": "Surabaya", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Tangerang // BMKG Site Name: Tangerang // // WMO Coord: -6.125556 106.658889 // BMKG Site Coord: -6.171444 106.646528 // // BMKG Ident: TANG { "wrd_page": "TkFMNjl1eC9uUlBMSVdIWmdaZE00UT09", "lat": -6.171429, "lon": 106.646587, "name": "Jakarta", "alt_name": "Tangerang", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Tarakan // BMKG Site Name: Tarakan // // WMO Coord: -3.313333 117.581389 // BMKG Site Coord: 3.316417 117.588917 // // BMKG Ident: TARA { "wrd_page": "Z1JySjg0dm1Fb3dSSmlMd3loaWNLZz09", "lat": 3.313333, "lon": 117.581389, "name": "Tarakan", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Ternate // BMKG Site Name: Ternate // // WMO Coord: -0.855833 127.838889 // BMKG Site Coord: 0.8555758 127.3473 // // BMKG Ident: TERN { "wrd_page": "VUIyQktiYVVGYzA5dzc2OTcxdm9HUT09", "lat": 0.855736, "lon": 127.347244, "name": "Ternate", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // BMKG Site Name: Timika // // WMO Coord: N/A // BMKG Site Coord: -4.529873 136.893076 // // BMKG Ident: TIMI { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -4.528808, "lon": 136.893103, "name": "Timika", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // BMKG Site Name: Wamena // // WMO Coord: N/A // BMKG Site Coord: N/A // // BMKG Ident: WAME { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -4.088513, "lon": 138.946185, "name": "Wamena", "range": "90", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "Based on the range, this seems to be an X-band radar.

    " + indonesiaSiteHtml }, // WMO Name: Yogyakarta // BMKG Site Name: Yogyakarta (from BMKG PDF file) // Jogjakarta (scripting on site) // // WMO Coord: -7.731389 110.354167 // BMKG Site Coord: -7.731498 110.354348 // // BMKG Ident: JOGJ { "wrd_page": "My9vbnU2ejA5S3prZ1lHaWM1M2VWdz09", "lat": -7.731664, "lon": 110.354293, "name": "Yogyakarta", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": indonesiaSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Iran // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "IRN": [ { "wrd_page": "TGhjd20rVms2VHJvQ1NiSDgrWjhyQT09", "lat": 31.247126, "lon": 48.545350, "name": "Ahvaz", "alt_imagery_id": "ahvaz", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": iranWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "YW1wVWE0Y0RleEJZUkJDSGpqUVJ2Zz09", "lat": 38.886600, "lon": 47.942378, "name": "Ardabil", "alt_imagery_id": "ardebil", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": iranWindowContentForMultipleSites // "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in September 2020, data was not available. We do not draw the range on the map." }, { "wrd_page": "UmUwM3hzV2FpVGNwZzRvdUxRZzdzZz09", "lat": 28.928340, "lon": 50.892784, "name": "Bushehr", "alt_imagery_id": "boshehr", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": iranWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "a0VSNCtqK0Z1aU1RS0pFSG5HRjdTQT09", "lat": 37.431189, "lon": 49.893820, "name": "Gilan Province", "alt_name": "Kiashahr", "alt_imagery_id": "gilan", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": iranWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "TExGa0tXS2g0TFR3c1p6RmhVbndoUT09", "lat": 34.289635, "lon": 46.115001, "name": "Kermanshah", "alt_imagery_id": "kermanshah", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": iranWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "ZEdXSEpOaWFqNFZvNW1vaXpXY29Zdz09", "lat": 36.855134, "lon": 53.386609, "name": "Mazandaran Province", "alt_name": "Amirabad, Behshahr_County", "alt_imagery_id": "mazandaran", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": iranWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "eERpM3QvcGRNVmpTSHBGYlVMS20yZz09", "lat": 29.680889, "lon": 52.403769, "name": "Fars Province", "alt_name": "Shiraz", "alt_imagery_id": "shiraz", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": iranWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "OXI0LzZpbXFmSytkNjgwSklRKyt6dz09", "lat": 37.923271, "lon": 46.157393, "name": "Tabriz", "alt_imagery_id": "tabriz", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": iranWindowContentForMultipleSites // "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in September 2020, data was not available. We do not draw the range on the map." }, { "wrd_page": "QTgwSExKbmNxR2dXQ29VNDlib0l3QT09", "lat": 35.485806, "lon": 50.990366, "name": "Tehran", "alt_imagery_id": "tehran", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": iranWindowContentForMultipleSites // "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in September 2020, data was not available. We do not draw the range on the map." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Israel // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ISR": [ // --------------------------------- // // Israel Meteorological Service (IMS) // // --------------------------------- // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/@32.0080392,34.8134961,3a,15y,137.08h,94.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skJdTW89kSj_4ipz7vAOvUw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Israel+Meteorological+Service/@32.00731,34.8139562,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipM1_5Rq0AR4icVjoP8Z702CMGvvAzhWPMEje8iv!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipM1_5Rq0AR4icVjoP8Z702CMGvvAzhWPMEje8iv%3Dw144-h86-k-no!7i4028!8i2393!4m5!3m4!1s0x1502b53c7e6bc0ff:0x4f073ae14819ff!8m2!3d32.0073095!4d34.8139559 { "wrd_page": "TUx2d1hodjFkUGVxLzh1T2szZjhqZz09", "lat": 32.006981, "lon": 34.814590, "name": "Tel Aviv", "alt_name": "Israel Meteorological Service", "imagery_url": "https://ims.gov.il/en/RadarSatellite", "range": 280, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Israel Meteorological Service (IMS)", "agency_html": "Israel Meteorological Service, IMS (השירות המטאורולוגי הישראלי)", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Click the \"Radar\" link on the page to view data. When we checked this radar site in September 2020 the radar said \"Radar stopped due to technical maintenance\". An article here and here talks about how the radar failed in 2018, but I don't know if it came back online after that. For now, the range is not included on our map." }, // --------------------------------- // // EMS Mekorot Projects // // --------------------------------- // Pictures: // Last two on this site, looks like golf ball on orange and // white tower: // https://www.mekorot.co.il/Eng/newsite/Solutions/RainEnhancement/Pages/default.aspx { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.029294, "lon": 35.471761, "name": "Dalton", "imagery_url": "https://www.emsmekorotprojects.com/?CategoryID=390", "range": 165, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "EMS Mekorot Projects", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar is related to rain enhancement. You can learn more about that here. When we checked this radar site in September 2020, the map didn't load properly because the Mapbox token wasn't valid and the map didn't load. Imagery wasn't current, about three days old. We were able to download a radar scan and get the bounds of the image from the source of the page. We then added the overlay to Google Earth and were able to measure the range of the radar as being about 165km. The range is not currently drawn on our map." }, // Described here: // https://www.mekorot.co.il/Eng/newsite/Solutions/RainEnhancement/Pages/OperationalActivity.aspx // Pictures: // First two on this site, with blue on part of the roof of // small building next to it: // https://www.mekorot.co.il/Eng/newsite/Solutions/RainEnhancement/Pages/default.aspx // https://www.google.com/maps/@31.9880829,34.9059689,3a,15y,289.97h,91.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGvzy4n0yGEJ27Laj_Wj_nQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPAwI2X1j4YVFLnfxSUzyno4Y79SPNOUn_FVH3L=w1440-h1440-pd { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.989159, "lon": 34.902261, "name": "Ben Gurion Airport", "imagery_url": "", "range": 185, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "EMS Mekorot Projects", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar is related to rain enhancement. This radar site doesn't seem to have radar data available to the public. See the other radar site near Tel Aviv for data from the Israel Meteorological Service. This radar site is described here. The range for this radar site, which comes from that page, is not drawn on the map." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Japan // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "JPN": [ // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // // Japan Meteorological Agency // // http://www.jma.go.jp/en/radnowc/index.html?areaCode=201 // http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/en/Activities/radar/radar.html // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Mt. Kenashi-yama, Otaru-shi, Hokkaido { "wrd_page": "QzdZSmlzeG1qc1RGLzB2YlMwTDJBZz09", "lat": 43.138974, "lon": 141.009532, "name": "Hokkaido, Northwest", "alt_name": "Sapporo", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Konbumori, Kushiro-gun, Hokkaido { "wrd_page": "N0VJWlZIYVpWSTJqYlU3RExiSksrQT09", "lat": 42.960963, "lon": 144.517598, "name": "Hokkaido, East", "alt_name": "Kushiro", "do_not_draw_range": 1 }, // Mt. Yokotsu-dake, Kameda-gun, Hokkaido { "wrd_page": "dGVNaWVZV01BRk90RnM3ZlB2UVNJUT09", "lat": 41.933606, "lon": 140.781526, "name": "Hokkaido, Southwest", "alt_name": "Hakodate", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Akita Local Met. Office, Akita-shi, Akita { "wrd_page": "V2w4dFkwdFNLNU5mSE95Und2UDRMQT09", "lat": 39.717916, "lon": 140.099273, "name": "Tohoku, North", "alt_name": "Akita", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Sendai Regional Headquarters, Miyagino-ku, Seidai-shi, Miyagi { "wrd_page": "SENxVDdSbVprRGF2Sk91UTdGcVdTdz09", "lat": 38.262276, "lon": 140.897375, "name": "Tohoku, South", "alt_name": "Sendai", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Mt. Yahiko-yama, Nishikan-ku, Niigata-shi, Niigata { "wrd_page": "U2ZHQmZIWVpXeWRDL2s2enowQjU3QT09", "lat": 37.718646, "lon": 138.815979, "name": "Hokuriku, East", "alt_name": "Niigata", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Mt. Kuruma-yama, Chino-shi, Nagano { "wrd_page": "WGFodnJNclBJWkRkRFNibDlTYm9JZz09", "lat": 36.103034, "lon": 138.196989, "name": "Koshin", "alt_name": "Nagano", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Meteorological College, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba { "wrd_page": "dFo0QThveXYycUIyRXB1S3NCK21FZz09", "lat": 35.859808, "lon": 139.959708, "name": "Kanto", "alt_name": "Tokyo", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Makinohara, Kikugawa-shi, Shizuoka { "wrd_page": "WVJ1ekI3NzNYeFNqVDdaUjRoWHVjQT09", "lat": 34.742621, "lon": 138.133625, "name": "Tokai", "alt_name": "Shizuoka", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Nagoya Local Met. Office, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi { "wrd_page": "TXA0UG00OHJ5Vk9HejNCUXMwMTUwUT09", "lat": 35.168176, "lon": 136.965258, "name": "Kinki", "alt_name": "Nagoya", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Tojinbo, Sakai-shi, Fukui { "wrd_page": "VkVtWXVRRWNLV2F6anltMnY0dDNiQT09", "lat": 36.237647, "lon": 136.142333, "name": "Hokuriku, West", "alt_name": "Fukui", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Mt. Takayasu-yama, Yao-shi, Osaka { "wrd_page": "eXVXZTBUem40VlQxQk5VaUVZSGc3QT09", "lat": 34.616260, "lon": 135.656197, "name": "Kinki", "alt_name": "Osaka", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Mt. Misaka-yama, Matsue-shi, Shimane { "wrd_page": "bHMrcVZYRTVMTG1YL1owMXp6Uy9Wdz09", "lat": 35.541616, "lon": 133.103420, "name": "Chugoku", "alt_name": "Matsue", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Mt. Haiga-mine, Kure-shi, Hiroshima { "wrd_page": "S1RMUWRYb0NWc0Y5L05QQkxzcWw3Zz09", "lat": 34.270274, "lon": 132.593321, "name": "Shikoku", "alt_name": "Hiroshima", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Murotomisaki Special Weather Observation Stations, Muroto-shi, Kochi { "wrd_page": "UklLSnFZZnMzMlJiSWpMOExJODIrQT09", "lat": 33.252114, "lon": 134.177160, "name": "Shikoku", "alt_name": "Murotomisaki", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Mt. Sefuri-san, Kanzaki-shi, Saga { "wrd_page": "OE1KOFBPSnNPY0MvUVRlR25wcytUdz09", "lat": 33.434449, "lon": 130.356950, "name": "Kyushu, North", "alt_name": "Fukuoka", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Nakatane, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima { "wrd_page": "N3MySnVZS3IwT1NtbjBoeXpvSHMvdz09", "lat": 30.639493, "lon": 130.978860, "name": "Kyushu, South", "alt_name": "Tanegashima", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Funcha-toge, Amami-shi, Kagoshima { "wrd_page": "RmszeUFFQU5yRXNjNHpJZGEzY1JRQT09", "lat": 28.394061, "lon": 129.552016, "name": "Amami", "alt_name": "Naze", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Itokazu, Nanjo-shi, Okinawa { "wrd_page": "ZGU1dXVpd2poTHJIY2YxMnVmN2Rndz09", "lat": 26.153217, "lon": 127.764980, "name": "Okinawa", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Mt. Omoto-dake, Ishigaki-shi, Okinawa { "wrd_page": "b2tXcDFla1EyRGhxR0IrcEJ4dDFjUT09", "lat": 24.426531, "lon": 124.182183, "name": "Miyakojima / Yaeyama", "alt_name": "Ishigakijima", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // // // // Additional ones we added in October 2022 for JMA // (according to WMO Radar Database) // // // { "wrd_page": "ZzBrcmpMbnAyV1RzRG1EaDNvZ3VIZz09", "lat": 42.796110, "lon": 141.676599, "name": "Chitose", "alt_name": "New Chitose Airport", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "K2NwR1FQMWE5YVhKYnFmdEE0SlQyQT09", "lat": 33.585161, "lon": 130.442032, "name": "Fukuoka", "alt_name": "Fukuoka Airport", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "SHZCL3FYSC9xVWRxek12dlpTeE1Mdz09", "lat": 31.795025, "lon": 130.718982, "name": "Kagoshima", "alt_name": "Kagoshima Airport", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "VHpUK3MrOVd6dTJjcHdoQ1Z6TGlmUT09", "lat": 35.774933, "lon": 140.382093, "name": "Narita", "alt_name": "Narita International Airport", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "R1lONkliWXNyUjRqMUdlL2NXK0k2dz09", "lat": 34.442991, "lon": 135.259476, "name": "Osaka", "alt_name": "Kansai International Airport", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "OEF5TzREZjErRlVMMXNXRC93amorQT09", "lat": 34.796663, "lon": 135.436208, "name": "Osaka", "alt_name": "Osaka International Airport", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "MFZ0emxUcHBxOTB2R2F4Sk5oT2hqQT09", "lat": 34.876276, "lon": 136.807532, "name": "Tokoname", "alt_name": "Chubu Centrair International Airport", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "MTVRQXRzUDNYdzRJVGFnVmZWRDE0UT09", "lat": 35.556256, "lon": 139.756270, "name": "Tokyo", "alt_name": "Tokyo International Airport", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // // Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) // // https://www.mlit.go.jp/river/basic_info/english/pdf/conf_04-3.pdf // https://www.mlit.go.jp/river/pamphlet_jirei/pdf/xrain_en.pdf // https://ams.confex.com/ams/35Radar/webprogram/Paper191685.html // https://ams.confex.com/ams/35Radar/webprogram/Manuscript/Paper191685/35RADAR_Maesaka.pdf // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------- // // C-Band // // --------------------------------- // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "VWVWNkUrK1U1Vk5zOW9GYzVWblE1UT09", "lat": 36.539941, "lon": 139.176312, "name": "Akagiyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Akagi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "aUZmcDRFOU0rM1VFTGVUenkzT0FJQT09", "lat": 44.665718, "lon": 142.411706, "name": "Hakodake", "alt_name": "Mt. Hako", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "Vlljb2J4emFnbWZ5UjZVMXpULzJvZz09", "lat": 32.693898, "lon": 128.756975, "name": "Happongiyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Happongi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Hijirikougen // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "MUJpQzhuQ0wwd2czRWpwaCtrRGRCUT09", "lat": 36.488096, "lon": 137.997545, "name": "Hijirikogen", "alt_name": "Hijiri Plateau", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Houtatsuyama // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "RzgrSTA2N1JVYnNINmpoaVNKdk5ndz09", "lat": 36.781647, "lon": 136.813134, "name": "Houdatsuyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Houdatsu", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Jyogamoriyama // WMO Frequency Band: C { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "ZDBBem9YSk5MNmxnRUxuNDh4UmgrQT09", "lat": 34.036212, "lon": 135.508386, "name": "Jogamoriyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Jogamori", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The name of this site is uncertain. The WMO Radar Database gives the name as \"Jyogamoriyama\". A PDF file here gives the name as \"Mt. Johgamori\". The name \"Jogamoriyama\" shows this location on Google.

    " + japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "ZlkwaXBEZFYvVGgvYVV0SS9rb2QzZz09", "lat": 31.311423, "lon": 131.012271, "name": "Kunimiyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Kunimi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Jyatouge // WMO Frequency Band: C { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "VzZOUjBrMkR3cVM5UXozb2ltNk1YZz09", "lat": 35.342744, "lon": 137.686367, "name": "Mt. Jyatoge", "alt_name": "Mt. Jatoge", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The name of this site is uncertain. The WMO Radar Database gives the name as \"Jyatouge\". A PDF file here gives the name as \"Mt. Jyatoge\".

    " + japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Mitsutouge // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "bGtxWjQrMS9hN3kxZ3N5SmYrZEZVZz09", "lat": 35.553734, "lon": 138.807861, "name": "Mitsutogeyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Mitsutoge", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "YTdIRSsvOERJcXAxQWlXZlBXbzhzUT09", "lat": 35.041144, "lon": 135.377748, "name": "Miyama", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "d29NNUpscnR1NjBkK2pSejJrMkh6Zz09", "lat": 39.201022, "lon": 141.402621, "name": "Monomiyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Monomi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Gozaisyo // WMO Frequency Band: C { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "alJiNEZDUFVIeGVJYXVTVlZHb0RCUT09", "lat": 35.020237, "lon": 136.424678, "name": "Mt. Gozaisyo", "alt_name": "Mt. Gozaisho", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database gives the name as \"Gozaisyo\", but when searching online the name \"Gozaisho\" seems to also be used.

    " + japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Rakanzan // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "QmwzYmEyaUxKY1RBekFHam85Y3R6dz09", "lat": 34.356025, "lon": 132.068617, "name": "Mt. Rakan", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C // // Picture: // http://club-des-ecrins.com/news/20201114100741.html { "wrd_page": "N2RPTWRHRnJWVzlKVm55TWNrNXJnUT09", "lat": 43.015519, "lon": 143.720158, "name": "Muriyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Muri", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Myoujinyama // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "Ni9Sai9XV0lVYkpseTdMUXJ2M25XQT09", "lat": 33.575581, "lon": 133.046338, "name": "Mt. Myojin", "alt_name": "", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "QUtza09CV2pLVS91am5kN08rU0o3dz09", "lat": 26.204135, "lon": 127.651028, "name": "Naha Airport", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "TldZWGdhRzRoOVFqdUhPSkVJWEt0QT09", "lat": 40.085712, "lon": 141.171587, "name": "Nishidake", "alt_name": "Mt. Nishi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Okusuyama // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "MW5QdE5Gb2N0YkVqUzJsaFdESHVyZz09", "lat": 35.249703, "lon": 139.625248, "name": "Ogusuyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Ogusu", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "azRwYUt0RlRnM2xGa3BCcitEeEkxUT09", "lat": 42.039794, "lon": 140.274292, "name": "Otobedake", "alt_name": "Mt. Otobe", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "Y21YSUxLVTdzYVFuRTlZRjdsNHpaUT09", "lat": 43.491956, "lon": 141.706307, "name": "Pinneshiri", "alt_name": "Kabato Mountains", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "Ni8xYThQUEhpQm1TempBWGtsUVJTZz09", "lat": 33.187545, "lon": 130.888862, "name": "Shakadake", "alt_name": "Mt. Shaka", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "Rm5lUmpxTG5Nc3R5L0FpRUVIRXZMdz09", "lat": 38.226544, "lon": 140.164618, "name": "Shiratakayama", "alt_name": "Mt. Shirataka", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Jyubusan // WMO Frequency Band: X { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "elkzRVNVdTR1ckNZUXVsTGJNdTZGZz09", "lat": 34.834228, "lon": 135.914210, "name": "Soraku District", "alt_name": "Mt. Jubu", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database lists the name as \"Jyubusan\". A mountain nearby is Mt. Jubu and that is the name we go with for the alternate name.

    " + japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Takashiroyama // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "Z3BjWDZZWVU1K3NjQW9hcFE3VDkrQT09", "lat": 33.891648, "lon": 134.242035, "name": "Takagiyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Takagi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "K0xxU2VxVGJCT0FkWXpjd08vUmdZZz09", "lat": 36.620498, "lon": 140.587579, "name": "Takasuzuyama", "alt_name": "Mt. Takasuzu", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mount+Yae/@26.6355962,127.9278453,3a,40.6y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOy2D8f6wJTp8en0okTsSj0rQ4Y7O02N1Ab85ku!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOy2D8f6wJTp8en0okTsSj0rQ4Y7O02N1Ab85ku%3Dw203-h106-k-no!7i2193!8i1154!4m5!3m4!1s0x34e4f92c549d498b:0x960fb3c3c8d06760!8m2!3d26.635702!4d127.9285757!5m1!1e4 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOy2D8f6wJTp8en0okTsSj0rQ4Y7O02N1Ab85ku=w2193 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "THVvM0lqenhwYjBiWStjL0tIOEZqZz09", "lat": 26.633868, "lon": 127.927696, "name": "Yaedake", "alt_name": "Mt. Yae", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The location of this radar is a little uncertain. There is another dome on this mountain, but it may be related to air traffic. The WMO Radar Database gives coordinates that are just 20 meters away from the dome we selected. The other dome is about 160 meters away." + japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: C { "wrd_page": "SW1xbFdxTXk0MGNBTUkyMW5vZFU5UT09", "lat": 37.476580, "lon": 138.714970, "name": "Yakushidake", "alt_name": "Mt. Yakushi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Oowasann // WMO Frequency Band: C // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E5%A4%A7%E5%92%8C%E4%BD%90%E5%B1%B1%E5%9F%8E%E8%B7%A1/@34.8247535,133.6923863,5a,38.3y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMtCgGYRiPm2Nl5tkvPyHu-QOjhsXtpbJnv8HIs!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMtCgGYRiPm2Nl5tkvPyHu-QOjhsXtpbJnv8HIs%3Dw203-h114-k-no!7i3840!8i2160!4m5!3m4!1s0x3556afcd7005d683:0xab329f749a6178e2!8m2!3d34.8245233!4d133.6930334 { "wrd_page": "R2lvMVEwN0lOdG43RkRFQ0taKzh4QT09", "lat": 34.824503, "lon": 133.691098, "name": "Yamatoyama", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database lists the name as \"Oowasann\". A picture of the sign at this radar site here reads: \"大和山レーダ雨量観測所\". That image was translated using Google Lens to \"Yamatoyama Radar Precipitation Observatory\". (\"Yamatoyama Radar Rainfall Observatory\" on Bing Microsoft Translator)

    " + japanMlitWindowHtml }, // --------------------------------- // // X-Band // // --------------------------------- // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "TGtnVUJ4Ym8xR1lvWUpRMjRGR2xidz09", "lat": 37.821266, "lon": 139.164955, "name": "Agano", "alt_name": "Kyogase Station", "alt_name_html": "Kyōgase Station", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Anjyo // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "RldQUEg0Z1ZhamdzSEZTTFBYcWZ0UT09", "lat": 34.890750, "lon": 137.067919, "name": "Anjo", "name_html": "Anjō", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Date // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "dUM0NnVnbUFSOUVmdEx6ZFR4UlBhdz09", "lat": 37.851096, "lon": 140.563953, "name": "Date-shi", "alt_name": "Fukushima Prefecture", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "ZlA5VnN0WjR2dlRtbW9pVWRYQmZaUT09", "lat": 35.240651, "lon": 138.616748, "name": "Fujinomiya", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "cTc0clNNa05CRVc5ODRVditicEF0UT09", "lat": 35.695735, "lon": 140.007202, "name": "Funabashi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "SjdGOS9zUjZSS1RlaGx3WEV5TmR5UT09", "lat": 34.728829, "lon": 137.811967, "name": "Hamamatsu", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Nogaibara // WMO Frequency Band: X { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "Ui8zblJ2djYwN2NiUzVlQjZNQ3B6UT09", "lat": 34.372822, "lon": 132.276641, "name": "Hatsukaichi", "alt_name": "Mt. Nogaihara", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database lists the name as \"Nogaibara\", though we found 野貝原山 nearby which translates to Mt. Nogaihara.

    " + japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Tanokuchi // WMO Frequency Band: X // // While WMO name is Tanokuchi, the only thing close is what // Google calls Tanokuchiyama Elementary School. However, when // translating the Japanese to English, it translates to // Taguchiyama Elementary School. Some other things nearby have // Taguchiyama as well. That is what we go with as the alternate // name. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "MC9yQituYUUzQVFtTkFVUUpSbHoyQT09", "lat": 34.825546, "lon": 135.691982, "name": "Hirakata", "alt_name": "Taguchiyama", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database lists the name as \"Tanokuchi\". The only thing close is what Google calls Tanokuchiyama Elementary School. However, when translating the Japanese to English, it translates to Taguchiyama Elementary School. Some other things nearby have Taguchiyama as well. That is what we go with as the alternate name.

    " + japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Ushioyama // WMO Frequency Band: X // // WMO name is Ushioyama. We couldn't find anything like that nearby. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "eVlBRVpUalhTeklERUpockJBS2lBQT09", "lat": 34.504741, "lon": 132.550279, "name": "Hiroshima", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database lists the name as \"Ushioyama\". We couldn't find anything like that nearby. That likely means \"Mt. Ushio\", but we couldn't find it.

    " + japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X // // Wikipedia says Bisai merged with another city in 2005 to form // Ichinomiya. { "wrd_page": "UFQwSjRpOTdydy9FMnpaRTBCaXJWQT09", "lat": 35.299377, "lon": 136.734479, "name": "Ichinomiya", "alt_name": "Bisai", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Yattajima // WMO Frequency Band: X // // Yattajima might be a neighborhood. There were a lot of // listings in Google Maps, so we keep that name as the // alternate. { "wrd_page": "WVpvS2hMUEFIdTVLV0dOU0xpUHRMdz09", "lat": 36.264757, "lon": 139.197393, "name": "Isesaki", "alt_name": "Yattajima", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "OGUrQUR6TktMMTZEYXQxd3hpN2dOdz09", "lat": 43.200566, "lon": 141.332092, "name": "Ishikari", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "ckpUaFhnMStLWHNUVTJYWVJaSmUxQT09", "lat": 38.077042, "lon": 140.862108, "name": "Iwanuma", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "TFdDcnRtVXM1MFM5UTRGSGN3N29KUT09", "lat": 34.347864, "lon": 135.437000, "name": "Katsuragi", "alt_name": "Mount Izumi Katsuragi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Takanosu // WMO Frequency Band: X // // Wikipedia says Takanosu merged with some other cities in 2005 // to form Kitaakita. { "wrd_page": "TU9TZWxTcGUxTzg3M3oyUURoS3RrUT09", "lat": 40.232418, "lon": 140.360839, "name": "Kitaakita", "alt_name": "Takanosu", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "TXVPTVRvanNZbmlZcC8rM0N2c1BVZz09", "lat": 42.995885, "lon": 141.584689, "name": "Kitahiroshima", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "NndEZ2FScmFhSS92Uzl3dmxsSytRdz09", "lat": 33.932904, "lon": 130.957097, "name": "Kitakyushu", "alt_name": "Kazashiyama", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "WWp4YnFxblhQTWNDak5RRWQ0RGRTZz09", "lat": 34.769860, "lon": 135.261872, "name": "Kobe", "alt_name": "Mount Rokko", "alt_name_html": "Mount Rokkō", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "eWxhV2JqdHVvSFo1RFZuZ0wxaWdlZz09", "lat": 33.805047, "lon": 130.641139, "name": "Kurate", "alt_name": "Mt. Furutsuki", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database lists the name as \"Furutsukiyama\" (Mt. Furutsuki). To find results in Google we had to search in Japanese using \"古月山\".

    " + japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "dVd2bnNValBtZ1Bpay9TZmdkblFMUT09", "lat": 39.754622, "lon": 141.145762, "name": "Morioka", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Kusenbu // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "NzQ5eVJJR3VldlJYZmQ5QUVjS3Vndz09", "lat": 33.419524, "lon": 130.448821, "name": "Nakagawa", "alt_name": "Kusenbuyama", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "amozNjVpTWJTME9WNkxkV1IzT3J1UT09", "lat": 36.458806, "lon": 136.551246, "name": "Nomi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X // // Mt. Kanuki { "wrd_page": "eXN5aGpuWmtmcVlFT3ZLeTU4VjRIdz09", "lat": 35.092036, "lon": 138.877518, "name": "Numazu", "alt_name": "Kanukiyama", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Kumayama // WMO Frequency Band: X // // Kumayama might be Mt. Kuma. { "wrd_page": "QVFGVDBmeXdlTlJrMjk2dnRYR0dCdz09", "lat": 34.757098, "lon": 134.119364, "name": "Okayama", "alt_name": "Kumayama", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Kanto // WMO Frequency Band: X // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/Saitama+Shintoshin+Joint+Government+Building+No.1/@35.8922658,139.6334492,3a,61.5y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPi5mSNuyH_Hc5wwnvsUqgPolAUoicg5t3XwP7P!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPi5mSNuyH_Hc5wwnvsUqgPolAUoicg5t3XwP7P%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i2048!8i1536!4m15!1m7!3m6!1s0x0:0x341a82f385cf925a!2zMzXCsDUzJzMyLjciTiAxMznCsDM4JzAwLjEiRQ!3b1!8m2!3d35.892427!4d139.633351!3m6!1s0x6018c10baecfeecd:0xe053f129cfcbc2d8!8m2!3d35.8922658!4d139.6332116!14m1!1BCgIgAQ // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPi5mSNuyH_Hc5wwnvsUqgPolAUoicg5t3XwP7P=w2048 { "wrd_page": "UE9Tajlucy91a0Vyckd1Uk1GS09pUT09", "lat": 35.892454, "lon": 139.633412, "name": "Saitama", "alt_name": "Kanto region", "alt_name_html": "Kantō region", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Ujiie // WMO Frequency Band: X // // Wikipedia says Ujiie merged with another city in 2005 to form // Sakura. { "wrd_page": "c1RUVURtQllmVGFDR20vakUyaW55dz09", "lat": 36.684310, "lon": 139.947493, "name": "Sakura", "alt_name": "Ujiie", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "RlVaRlEvWEg0TXVCV0EwOU1MSVhJUT09", "lat": 33.658496, "lon": 130.574403, "name": "Sasaguri", "alt_name": "Sugadake", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Shizuokakita // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "SGcxRzVja1NwL1JCZlJ6SVZuRGZSUT09", "lat": 34.969455, "lon": 138.364138, "name": "Shizuoka", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "MnVLQVpTRkxjVmRPR3ZWWG53dE5VQT09", "lat": 34.525053, "lon": 133.887156, "name": "Tamano", "alt_name": "Tsuneyama", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "WnR1OXdwaEdMQ1BpWWZPeWMzV25jdz09", "lat": 37.426143, "lon": 140.568039, "name": "Tamura", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Sakurajima // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "dzA0Z0Jtb3lXd0hObHpydHpqWGZIUT09", "lat": 31.488539, "lon": 130.694623, "name": "Tarumizu", "alt_name": "near Sakurajima Volcano", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Mizuhashi // WMO Frequency Band: X // // Mizuhashi is the WMO name. There are various names, like // Mizuhashi Iseya and Mizuhashi Station. We keep Mizuhashi as // the alternate. { "wrd_page": "WE0vbEJvRXI4d3JNZEV0cHZTcEpIQT09", "lat": 36.705812, "lon": 137.278639, "name": "Toyama", "alt_name": "Mizuhashi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X // // Wikipedia says Nakanokuchi merged with some other cities in // 2005. However, it is not that close to the city we chose. { "wrd_page": "ZitQVFZjOTBUa1ZCNEc5TTZHOHhyUT09", "lat": 37.631330, "lon": 138.919014, "name": "Tsubame", "alt_name": "Nakanokuchi", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "SDYwK3dBem9XT0xvYnl6UEhQWERnQT09", "lat": 32.668786, "lon": 130.616968, "name": "Uki", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "NjU1Z1pkdnF1dDlCUUsvajhDTXFFdz09", "lat": 38.557335, "lon": 141.177839, "name": "Wakuya", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X { "wrd_page": "eTBGQ01kUDlVekJKdFh3NU9RU2VGQT09", "lat": 33.010714, "lon": 130.692549, "name": "Yamaga", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Suzuka // WMO Frequency Band: X // // While WMO name is Suzuka, it actually sits just outside // according to Google in Yokkaichi. The neighborhood might be // Kawaradacho. { "wrd_page": "WEdQWTJuZW1oeWo4K25XUm5rRmU4Zz09", "lat": 34.907808, "lon": 136.597488, "name": "Yokkaichi", "alt_name": "Suzuka", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // WMO Frequency Band: X // // Not in Shinyokohama, but near it, according to Google. { "wrd_page": "andOQ3BMR3ZrcE05WC8vTEZqclJrUT09", "lat": 35.512446, "lon": 139.599416, "name": "Yokohama", "alt_name": "Shinyokohama", "imagery_url": japanMlitImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url": japanMlitAltImageryUrl, "alt_imagery_url_text": japanMlitAltImageryUrlText, "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": japanMlitAgency, "agency_html": japanMlitAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanMlitWindowHtml }, // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // // Phased Array Weather Radars // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // NICT Kobe PAWR { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.710461, "lon": 134.951174, "name": "NICT Kobe Phased Array Weather Radar (PAWR)", "alt_name": "", "imagery_url": "https://pawr.nict.go.jp/kobe/index_en.html", "range": "60", "range_unit": "km", "agency": japanNictPawrRadarsAgency, "agency_html": japanNictPawrRadarsAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanNictPawrRadarsWindowHtml }, // NICT Okinawa PAWR { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.498657, "lon": 127.843307, "name": "NICT Okinawa Phased Array Weather Radar (PAWR)", "alt_name": "", "imagery_url": "https://pawr.nict.go.jp/okinawa/index_en.html", "range": "60", "range_unit": "km", "agency": japanNictPawrRadarsAgency, "agency_html": japanNictPawrRadarsAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanNictPawrRadarsWindowHtml }, // Osaka University PAWR { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.823286, "lon": 135.522787, "name": "Osaka University Phased Array Weather Radar (PAWR)", "alt_name": "", "imagery_url": "https://pawr.nict.go.jp/suita/index_en.html", "range": "60", "range_unit": "km", "agency": japanNictPawrRadarsAgency, "agency_html": japanNictPawrRadarsAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanNictPawrRadarsWindowHtml }, // Saitama University PAWR { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 35.861565, "lon": 139.608958, "name": "Saitama University Phased Array Weather Radar (PAWR)", "alt_name": "", "imagery_url": "https://pawr.nict.go.jp/saitama/index_en.html", "range": "60", "range_unit": "km", "agency": japanNictPawrRadarsAgency, "agency_html": japanNictPawrRadarsAgencyHtml, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": japanNictPawrRadarsWindowHtml }, // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // // U.S. Military Bases // // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Kadena AFB (owned by USAF) - RODN // // An older radar (26.306163N 127.908655E) was located about // 550 meters from this newer radar. It was destroyed in 2011 // by a typhoon. WMO Radar Database id for that older radar is // "RVhBb3FvK2dkdjU2ZUh2SVFQcFhKdz09". // Article from 2015: // https://www.kadena.af.mil/News/Article/770275/18th-wing-rebuilds-next-generation-weather-radar/ // // NEXRAD details: // https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/datasets/NEXRAD2/stations/NEXRAD:RODN/detail { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.307763, "lon": 127.903461, "name": "Kadena AFB", "imagery_url": asiaNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl, "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.weathernerds.org/radar/rad.html?initsite=RODN", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "secondary": 1, "nexrad": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": usNexradSitesAtUSMilitaryBasesInternationallyWindowContent }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "RVhBb3FvK2dkdjU2ZUh2SVFQcFhKdz09", "lat": 26.306163, "lon": 127.908655, "name": "Kadena AFB", "agency": dodAgencyName, "window_content": "This radar was destroyed by Typhoon Songda in 2011 according to the article here. A new one was built 550 meters away." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Jordan // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Satellite imagery indicates Amman radar site I found was built in // late 2017. Archive.org has a page saved from August 2016 that says // the Kafurus Radtec radar site was active: // https://web.archive.org/web/20160826155352/http://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/db/search-country.aspx?l=en&c=JO&o= // Therefore, it doesn't seem like that radar site is the one I found // so I don't include the WMO Radar Database page id: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/SFZtTkxUS2JKNExpNS9uOTBycDAxZz09 // The coordinates for the radar site I found are about 7km south of // the coordinates for the Kafurus Radtec radar site in WMO Radar // Database. I couldn't find what that name meant either. // // Jordan Meteorological Department, JMD (English): // http://jmd.gov.jo/en // "Air Radar" (translated) page, under construction since 2016: // http://jometeo.gov.jo/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D9%82%D8%B3/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D9%88%D9%8A // JMD's Facebook page: // https://www.facebook.com/300254436847118/ // In 2018, talking about link not available yet: // https://www.facebook.com/300254436847118/photos/a.303369706535591/882963788576177/ // Also in 2018, talking about link not available: // https://samajordan.com/news/%D8%AD%D9%82%D9%8A%D9%82%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%B7%D9%84-%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D9%82%D8%B3 "JOR": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 31.917807, "lon": 35.985525, "name": "Amman", "imagery_url": "", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "agency": "Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD)", "agency_html": "Jordan Meteorological Department, JMD (دائرة الارصاد الجوية الاردنية)", "window_content": "Their radar doesn't appear to be publicly available in real-time yet. They do post radar imagery to their Facebook page occasionally. An example is here. In 2018, some people asked about getting the link and their response was, translated using Google Translate: \"The radar belongs to the Meteorological Department and is now under test. The link to it cannot currently be published.\" We do not currently draw the range for this radar on our map. There is a page here that translates as being titled \"Air Radar\". It has said it is \"Under Construction\" since 2016. It's uncertain if that is the page it might be added to. This newer radar was built in 2017. The English language version of their website is here, though as of checking their site they don't have that \"Air Radar\" page in that version of their site." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Kazakhstan // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 21st, 2022. // // Radar network of RSE "Kazhydromet" // https://kazhydromet.kz/en/meteologiya/radarnaya-set // https://kazhydromet.kz/en/meteologiya/pogodnye-radary // // Baron: // https://baronweather.com/news/kazakhstan-utilizing-powerful-baron-weather-radar-technology/ // // EEC: // https://twitter.com/eecweathertech/status/1430905227851427848 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "KAZ": [ // // // // Airport Radars // // Some based on: // https://skymax.kz/en/catalog/doppler-weather-radars-60/ // "Doppler meteorological radars of dual polarization and // special software for International airports in the // cities of Pavlodar, Uralsk, Aktau, Aktobe, Atyrau, // Almaty, Taraz, Nur-Sultan, Kokshetau, Karaganda." // https://skymaxinnovations.kz/project/doplerovskie-meteorologicheskie-radiolokatory-26/ // // Is there one at Kostanay airport? Or just in the province? // // And more on this: // https://www.ans.kz/en/ais/eaip // https://www.ans.kz/AIP/eAIP/2021-12-02-AIRAC/html/UA_cover_en.pdf // // // // Aktau Airport (Aktau International Airport) // // Picture: // https://ans.kz/kz/news/article/2469 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.867230, "lon": 51.088605, "name": "Aktau", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Aktobe Airport (Aktobe International Airport) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 50.237616, "lon": 57.226497, "name": "Aktobe", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Almaty International Airport // // Video: // https://youtu.be/mlFZ1FYbdZA?t=408 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.355531, "lon": 77.034735, "name": "Almaty", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Atyrau Airport (Atyrau International Airport) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.135133, "lon": 51.815799, "name": "Atyrau", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Karaganda Airport (Sary-Arka Airport) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.684012, "lon": 73.357577, "name": "Karaganda", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Kokshetau Airport (Kokshetau International Airport) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 53.329726, "lon": 69.579803, "name": "Kokshetau", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Kyzylorda Airport { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.715058, "lon": 65.603296, "name": "Kyzylorda", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Nursultan Nazarbayev International Airport // (formerly Astana International Airport) // // A MORAVA M-10S radar, an airport surveillance radar, was also // built around the same time. That seems to be the white dome at // 51.024279 71.477598. // https://www.ans.kz/en/news/article/3040 // // Video of both weather radar and that one: // https://youtu.be/TWRUya23ZCw?t=666 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 51.019900, "lon": 71.469382, "name": "Nur-Sultan", "alt_name": "Astana", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Oskemen Airport / Ust-Kamenogorsk Airport { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 50.028929, "lon": 82.515016, "name": "Oskemen", "alt_name": "Ust-Kamenogorsk", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Pavlodar Airport (Pavlodar International Airport) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 52.205739, "lon": 77.080993, "name": "Pavlodar", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Petropavl Airport { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 54.780194, "lon": 69.191040, "name": "Petropavl", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Uralsk Airport (Oral Ak Zhol Airport) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 51.157471, "lon": 51.546420, "name": "Uralsk", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // // // // New Radars // // Based on: // https://kazhydromet.kz/en/post/1274 // https://kazhydromet.kz/en/post/1171 // // // // Shalkar, Aktobe Province - Baron radar // // Pictures: // https://kazhydromet.kz/en/post/1274 // https://kazhydromet.kz/uploads/news/1274/image.jpg // https://www.baronweather.com/news/kazakhstan-radar/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.848926, "lon": 59.592459, "name": "Shalkar", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": "You can see pictures here and here (from the article here).

    " + kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Taldykorgan (Almaty Region) - EEC radar { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.023514, "lon": 78.436229, "name": "Taldykorgan", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Taraz (Jambyl Region) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 42.861336, "lon": 71.287232, "name": "Taraz", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Turgay (Kostanay Region) - EEC radar { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 49.640214, "lon": 63.480516, "name": "Torgai", "alt_name": "Turgay", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Zhezkazgan (Karaganda Region) - Baron radar { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.772269, "lon": 67.690267, "name": "Zhezkazgan", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "window_content": kazakhstanWindowContentForMultipleSites } // "review_needed": // Balkhash (Karaganda Region) - Planned for 2022 // https://kazhydromet.kz/en/post/1319 ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Kuwait // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "KWT": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.198999, "lon": 48.033973, "name": "Kuwait", "range": 125, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The imagery says that the range of this radar is 130km. However, the largest range ring is 125km and seems to show the area of what is available. The map extends 130km to the north, south, east and west. We use 125km on our map." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Laos // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "LAO": [ // Vientiane, Laos // // There is a new website that we found by searching Google, // but we don't know if it is actually their site. It doesn't // have imagery. // http://www.newcdmh.com/ // But then that domain was for sale. // // Document here from South Korea has information about the // country: // http://www.kma.go.kr/down/Presentation%202-5_Hydromet_moderniaztion_in_Laos.pdf { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 17.969803, "lon": 102.570129, "name": "Laos", "range": 121, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Laos used to have radar imagery for their radar site in Vientiane. Their old website is no longer available.

    " + "Radar data may have also been available in these locations previously, though the pages that would have contained the radar imagery are not available through Archive.org (links to imagery don't work):

    " + "Link 1 (based on the Archive.org page here)
    " + "Link 2 (based on the Archive.org page here)

    " + "There are other sites that are not available as of posting this, but could be in the future. (here, which wasn't working when we tested it in October 2022, and here) Some of these links either come from, or have a similar domain as, the site that is available here.

    " + "Their site used to have imagery with a range of 121km for the rain rate and 300km for the rainfall accumulation." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Lebanon // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "LBN": [ // Lebanon { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.763359, "lon": 35.557788, "name": "Lebanon", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Macau (China) // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MAC": [ // WMO Name: Macau / Macao, China // WMO Coord: 22.159722 113.562222 { "wrd_page": "T1lUL21XOFREUmx0Y3lIV0J2dktMQT09", "lat": 22.158758, "lon": 113.566366, "name": "Macau", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar site comes from the WMO Radar Database. We couldn't find imagery for this location. Therefore, the range is not known and a range is not shown on the map." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.026578, "lon": 113.370400, "name": "Macau", "alt_name": "Zhuhai Jinwan Airport", "imagery_url": "https://www.smg.gov.mo/en/subpage/73/radar", // "alt_imagery_url": "http://www.zhmb.org.cn/jeecms/web/qxjc/ldtx", "range": 230, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (Portuguese: Direccao dos Servicos Meteorologicos e Geofisicos, SMG) / Zhuhai Meteorological Bureau", "agency_html": "Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (Portuguese: Direcção dos Serviços Meteorológicos e Geofísicos, SMG; Chinese: 地球物理暨氣象局) / Zhuhai Meteorological Bureau", "window_content": "This radar is located near Zhuhai Jinwan Airport. While the range on the imagery says 239km, it measures around 230km." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Malaysia // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MYS": [ { "wrd_page": "dVp3MUEyOTBMRktSOE9XOG1ZTkpOUT09", "lat": 6.182573, "lon": 100.407973, "name": "Alor Setar", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "Q1QvNVRPMGQ2cW9sWEREeU81NnVRZz09", "lat": 3.217903, "lon": 113.079863, "name": "Bintulu", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "ZDJIejRXMWIzTUY4ckRjRlNtVjB6UT09", "lat": 5.462342, "lon": 100.387153, "name": "Butterworth", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "RDVxeTlSSVRDbzlOSDJDQXBMT1pTQT09", "lat": 2.014705, "lon": 103.316594, "name": "Kluang", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "a2xrNlVwMlFvY29vSXBLd3E5Q1c5dz09", "lat": 6.152785, "lon": 102.310737, "name": "Kota Bharu", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "YmRLT0JFWFpPbmRyUFFrQ0IwcmhRZz09", "lat": 5.933423, "lon": 116.047015, "name": "Kota Kinabalu", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "d2E2R0xaSU84UGNnUFlJZTY2S1Yzdz09", "lat": 3.756273, "lon": 103.198688, "name": "Kuantan", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "OTB5bXRVcTFhMFJwcWg4SENxaSttdz09", "lat": 1.468925, "lon": 110.323598, "name": "Kuching", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "dVpBVFFzMnpuZXJrQ0JBUUpMVzNxQT09", "lat": 4.386492, "lon": 113.994300, "name": "Miri", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "VmE3Ukd2d25GUW9iVzZKeVdGV2RrUT09", "lat": 5.895058, "lon": 118.073992, "name": "Sandakan", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // WMO Name: TDR Subang { "wrd_page": "TEdiZTBGRTJTeW5jNnFpa0xvS3VyQT09", "lat": 3.144822, "lon": 101.558628, "name": "Kuala Lumpur", "alt_name": "Subang", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "There is another radar site about 35km south-southeast from this one. Measuring the ranges of imagery available in the composite image on Malaysia's site, it appears that the Subang radar site is the one contributing imagery to the composite on their site." }, // WMO Name: TDR KLIA { "wrd_page": "Z1JENTRoRjVGOXF2VDNoUUhLSkpWZz09", "lat": 2.847023, "lon": 101.672425, "name": "Dengkil", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Imagery from this radar site doesn't appear to be on Malaysia's site. This radar site is about 35km south-southeast from another radar site which is located nearer to Kuala Lumpur. Measuring the ranges of imagery available in the composite image on their site, it appears that the other radar site is the one contributing imagery to the composite on their site. This radar site is about 8km north-northwest of Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Because imagery doesn't appear to be available, the range is not known and no range is shown on the map." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Maldives // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MDV": [ // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/@4.1939283,73.5396379,3a,75y,321.95h,107.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipM2GRo-DPeDJH3bGDeJFB2Ntjk_HxxGKhm-eACE!2e10!3e11!7i5760!8i2880 // https://corporatemaldives.com/installation-of-radar-system-at-via-almost-complete/ // https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Ln4mrCR7QLw/W6K2z8Q5yJI/AAAAAAAAU0I/DhtX33EXBiY7M_2PQBShXzUKMySMmBeiACLIBGAYYCw/w544-h306-k-no/ // // Radar imagery examples: // https://www.facebook.com/MetMaldives/photos/a.1685092801559266/1685092814892598/ // // // https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/jma-eng/satellite/ra2wigosproject/documents/5th_meeting_program_presentation/CountryReport/Maldives.pdf // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27Hn5SaSZt4&t=341 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 4.193680, "lon": 73.539300, "name": "Male", "name_html": "Malé", "alt_name": "Velana International Airport", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Radar imagery doesn't appear to be available in real time. You can view their meteorological service at the link above. On occasion, they post radar imagery through social media, on Facebook and Twitter. You can find examples here and here. There were returns out to about 300km in that imagery. Because imagery is not available in real time, and rarely posted to social media, we don't draw the range on the map.

    " + "They have an app that references radar imagery in it but it has a message that says \"Radar images not available\". You can download it here: Google Play (Android) | Apple App Store (iOS)" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Mongolia // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MNG": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.827756, "lon": 106.726593, "name": "Ulaanbaatar", "range": 180, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "Their radar data is on their front page. Near the bottom of the page, where you see a map, you must click the \"РАДАР\" (\"radar\") tab.

    " + "There appears to be a smaller dome about 20 meters west-southwest of the coordinates we selected. We chose the large dome for our coordinates. We don't know which is the radar." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Myanmar (Burma) // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MMR": [ { "wrd_page": "QVdlN2E5MzZpdFkzbmpkUDhFd3Y0Zz09", "lat": 19.286326, "lon": 93.523983, "name": "Kyaukpyu", "imagery_id": 1, "range": 450, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 21.784273, "lon": 96.032930, "name": "Mandalay", "imagery_id": 3, "range": 450, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 16.865627, "lon": 96.153773, "name": "Yangon", "imagery_id": 2, "range": 450, "range_unit": "km" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Nepal // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 21st, 2022. // // Bidding documents for Ribdikot, Palpa and Chitre Danda, Udayapur // radars which contain coordinates: // http://old.dhm.gov.np/uploads/getnotice/1318460172SBD_Radar%20ICB-1-2018%20(1).pdf // https://bolpatra.gov.np/egp/download?alfId=cm:Bidding_Documentsnull/cm:Y2018/cm:M11@@@@@9c284f11-ae72-42fc-8f6d-f1df063c4ed4&docId=60815271 // // Access road coordinates for Ribdikot, Palpa: // https://bolpatra.gov.np/egp/download?alfId=ed89c130-ee93-4b47-b2d5-492edae06543&docId=336201 // // Access road coordinates for Chitre Danda, Udayapur: // https://bolpatra.gov.np/egp/download?alfId=f1bccede-b14a-434d-a1fb-6af8857fc908&docId=336210 // // Meteorological Forecasting Division: // http://www.mfd.gov.np/ // // Helipad at Chitre Danda, Udayapur: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOocy6bjBpcS0Kk2oiALiQsTKL9qk6cyIufRRLL=h1440 // // Other info: // http://therisingnepal.org.np/news/28355 // http://therisingnepal.org.np/news/30778 // https://www.facebook.com/mfd.gov.np/ // https://www.slideshare.net/ICIMOD/swarmairbmmodule25-role-of-hydrometeorological-monitoring-for-irbm-in-nepal-rishi-ram-sharma // https://www.meteorologicaltechnologyinternational.com/news/developing-countries/eec-expands-weather-radar-network-in-nepal.html // https://www.aviationnepal.com/installment-state-art-weather-radar-progress-surkhet/ // // Radar Imagery: // https://www.dhm.gov.np/mfd/radar // https://www.dhm.gov.np/mfd/radar?id=2 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "NPL": [ // Picture of tower under construction: // https://www.facebook.com/structonepal/photos/a.157454041005775/1876862665731562/ // Contains pictures after it was finished: // https://web.archive.org/web/20200420154004/http://brch.dhm.gov.np/gallery/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.674810, "lon": 81.638620, "name": "Birendranagar", "alt_name": "Ratanangla, Surkhet / Gurase Tower", "range": "240", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": nepalSiteHtml }, // Construction was taking place in most recent satellite imagery { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.831047, "lon": 83.434764, "name": "Butwal", "alt_name": "Ribdikot, Palpa", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": nepalSiteHtml }, // Construction was taking place in most recent satellite imagery { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.019044, "lon": 86.613751, "name": "Triyuga", "alt_name": "Chitre Danda, Udayapur", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": nepalSiteHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Oman // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "OMN": [ { "wrd_page": "U0thUjRHbzVJWkVRSDB1aXVHYUdsZz09", "lat": 19.499018, "lon": 57.623846, "name": "Duqm", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": omanRadarSites }, { "wrd_page": "M3o0d2t5dkpXbzZnK1ZMU09HQWdXZz09", "lat": 22.302537, "lon": 56.495091, "name": "Fahud", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": omanRadarSites }, { "wrd_page": "Qk44ZGJpZUVTd1NCbTdZZldSNGlmdz09", "lat": 23.566953, "lon": 58.291348, "name": "Muscat", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database lists this radar site as \"Planned\". Based on satellite imagery, construction on a tower started around January 2015 or a little before. Based on satellite imagery through 2020, it doesn't appear as though a dome is at the top of the tower. There appears to be a hole in the center of the platform at the top based on the sun shining through it and not having a shadow on the ground for the center of the platform. This radar site may not be finished.

    " + omanRadarSites }, { "wrd_page": "a2JhQk1JWVNVM0JMUEcvRTZSdUxBZz09", "lat": 22.299029, "lon": 59.813227, "name": "Ras Al Hadd", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": omanRadarSites }, { "wrd_page": "N2NVYVRjaUk2Mkt6a2x2Zmk2OGtOdz09", "lat": 17.125627, "lon": 53.932796, "name": "Salalah", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": omanRadarSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Pakistan // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 21st, 2022. // // Coordinates: // July 2020 (Page 30): // https://openjicareport.jica.go.jp/pdf/12359386_01.pdf // March 2013 (Page 44): // https://openjicareport.jica.go.jp/pdf/12120507.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "PAK": [ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "akhBTUg3b1NjSUNJTExVbE4xT2NMUT09", "lat": 31.836181, "lon": 70.917073, "name": "Dera Ismail Khan", "alt_imagery_url": "https://ffd.pmd.gov.pk/ffd_radars/dikhan.bmp", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "As of checking this radar site in October 2022, imagery was last manually added on October 25th, 2015. The imagery for this radar says that the range is 300km, but some of the returns in the image seem to be beyond that, perhaps closer to 400km.

    " + pakistanWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.682661, "lon": 73.064138, "name": "Islamabad", "alt_imagery_url": "https://radar.pmd.gov.pk/islamabad/jbirds/", "range": 450, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "Based on satellite imagery, this newer radar was completed in late 2017 or early 2018. The old radar is about 25 meters to the northwest. Since the WMO Radar Database page for the Islamabad radar is likely for the old radar, we do not link to it in the section below. You can visit the database page here.

    " + pakistanWindowHtml }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "aTZGTG80UHorbWFkbEgyVmo5SS80QT09", "lat": 33.682828, "lon": 73.063920, "name": "Islamabad", "window_content": "This is an older radar that is 25 meters from the new radar. The dome on the new radar appeared in 2017. As of August 2022, this older radar still existed." }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.928231, "lon": 67.143444, "name": "Karachi", "alt_imagery_url": "https://radar.pmd.gov.pk/jbirds/", "range": "450", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "This is a newer radar. Based on satellite imagery, it was completed in 2019. The older radar was 250 meters to the northeast of the new one.

    " + pakistanWindowHtml }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "NmtlUFVIK1QzS0pxQnFmWmlZWHBqZz09", "lat": 24.930150, "lon": 67.144943, "name": "Karachi", "window_content": "This radar was replaced by one that was built 250 meters away." }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "WUptSkZUMDlSbXNYSGJJaHpLaHVrQT09", "lat": 31.542570, "lon": 74.324696, "name": "Lahore", "alt_imagery_url": "https://ffd.pmd.gov.pk/ffd_radars/lahore.html", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "As of checking this radar site in October 2022, imagery was last available on October 23rd, 2021. When we checked this radar site in September 2020, an image was available that appeared to be 12 hours old when we looked at it.

    " + pakistanWindowHtml }, // There is some uncertainty with the location of Mangla's radar. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 33.127534, "lon": 73.651591, "name": "Mangla", "alt_imagery_url": "https://ffd.pmd.gov.pk/ffd_radars/mangla.html", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The range is not drawn on our map. When we checked this radar site in October 2022, a screenshot of a computer screen that had data had a clock on the computer that had a date of September 29th, 2022. When checking earlier in September 2022, imagery was last available on May 15th, 2022.

    " + "There is some uncertainty with the location of Mangla's radar. There might be two radars, but I couldn't find information saying there was. Documents here (July 2020, PDF page 30) and here (March 2013, PDF page 44), as well as coordinates from the WMO Radar Database, seem to indicate that what looks like it could be a radar at 33.066265 73.633037 is the radar. The first document says the radar was installed in 2004. The second document gives the establishment year as 2007. Based on satellite imagery, this radar was likely built in 2010 or earlier. Imagery from 2006 doesn't seem to show it, but the imagery isn't clear enough. The coordinates are essentially the same however, with the radar also being described as an S-band radar established, or with financial support provided by, the Asian Development Bank (ADB). However, imagery doesn't seem to line up with radar data being from a possible radar there. The coordinates we select are for a radar that is pictured in the document here on the WMO's site and in a picture here that seems to line up well with available radar imagery. It lines up with imagery we found through the Internet Archive from 2015. That radar also seems to have been built sometime between 2006 and 2010 based on satellite imagery. We do not map the radar, if it is one, that does not line up with radar imagery. That possible radar is located about 7km south-southwest of the coordinates we selected. The WMO Radar Database page for the Mangla radar is here, but we don't know which one that is for. The first PDF document we mentioned above, from July 2020, says the Mangla radar mentioned in that file was manufactured by the Enterprise Electronics Corporation (EEC). The WMO Radar Database page also says the same.

    " + pakistanWindowHtml }, // Picture of building: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMpgCpLYLWvzSonarOyHTlmR84uk95OVPvOdFSR=w4000 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 34.291332, "lon": 71.877725, "name": "Mardan", "alt_imagery_url": "https://radar.pmd.gov.pk/mardan/index.php", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022, an image was available that appeared to be less than a few hours old. When we checked this radar site in September 2022, an image was available that appeared to be less than 6 hours old. The same was true when we checked in September 2020. We draw the range on our map. This seems to be an X-band radar based on available information. A picture of the building that the radar seems to be on is here.

    " + pakistanWindowHtml }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "OXA5V0V0c1NhM09HUnZ4UHhnaHlWZz09", "lat": 28.393054, "lon": 70.287736, "name": "Rahim Yar Khan", "alt_imagery_url": "https://ffd.pmd.gov.pk/ffd_radars/rykhan.html", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Radar data for this site is likely added manually, so it doesn't update too often. When we checked this radar site in October 2022, imagery was last available on March 30th, 2022. When we checked this radar site in September 2020, an image was available that appeared to be over 5 days old when we looked at it. The range for this radar seemed to be 300km based on the largest radar range circle in the available imagery.

    " + pakistanWindowHtml }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "QVRkWkZ6Nnh1ZEg0bzYycW5GMkpndz09", "lat": 32.520243, "lon": 74.575631, "name": "Sialkot", "alt_imagery_url": "https://ffd.pmd.gov.pk/ffd_radars/sialkot.html", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "Radar data for this site is added manually, so it doesn't update too often. When we checked this radar site in October 2022 and Septemeber 2022, only a screenshot of a computer display was available that was from the prior day. When we checked this radar site in September 2020, an image was available that appeared to be less than 6 hours old when we looked at it. It was not a screenshot of a computer display at that time. The range is based on the size of available imagery. We were also able to measure returns between 230km and 240km from the radar site. A picture of this radar site is in the document here.

    " + "The coordinates we use are based on the picture from the document above. Other sources, including the WMO Radar Database, have the radar as being located up to 4km away. However, there appears to be no radar near the coordinates from other sources. One of the sources shows the radar as being at the Seerat Study Centre, but a picture of that location shows that it is not a radar dome. Satellite imagery was clear enough to match the picture above to the coordinates we select, with the stairs even visible in some satellite imagery.

    " + pakistanWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Philippines // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on October 21st, 2022. // // Coordinates were found from various sources, including: // https://philippineradarnetwork.wordpress.com/the-radar-network/ // Coordinates for Busuanga were here: // https://cetiphilippines.com/uploads/3/4/5/0/3450968/weather_forecast_drrm-compressed.pdf // More information, such as info on new sites: // https://www.typhooncommittee.org/13IWS/docs/Members%20REport/Philippines/WGM_Philippines.pdf // Has some pictures and ranges. // https://www.restec.or.jp/geoss_ap9/_public/20170111/20170111_cr11.pdf // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAGASA // https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PAGASA_Doppler_Radar_Network.png // // https://twitter.com/arielrojasPH/status/1550302230439686144 // From a question about what radars there are and where they // are: // July 21st, 2022: "Hi, radar maven. Per Gren: 19 installed // radars: 2 new but non-op yet (Masbate & Laoang); 10 // operational (Baler, Subic, Tagaytay, Busuanga, Quezon // [Palawan], Daet, Mactan, Bohol, Guiuan, Hinatuan); 7 down // (Basco, Aparri, Baguio, Virac, Iloilo, Zamboanga, Tampakan)." // // https://noah.up.edu.ph/noah-studio // http://old-noah.up.edu.ph/ // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "PHL": [ // Agno (Barangay Boboy, Agno, Pangasinan) // // A document here: // https://pubfiles.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/pagasaweb/files/procurement//BR,NOA,NTP&CONTRACT_D&B%20Agno_compressed.pdf // Says the location is: // Brgy. Patad, Bario Boboy, Agno, Pangasinan { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 16.153317, "lon": 119.775152, "name": "Agno", "alt_name": "Pangasinan Province", "range": "240", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The range from this radar is estimated. We use the range for other S-band Magnetron radars in the PDF file.

    " + "We're unsure if this radar is active yet. We do not draw the range.

    " + "The coordinates for this radar are a little uncertain. When we added this radar site in October 2022, high resolution satellite inagery was available from November 2020. It showed what looked to be a tower, that was under construction, that was like some of the other radar towers in the Philippines. A document here said the radar was located in \"Brgy. Patad, Bario Boboy, Agno, Pangasinan.\"

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Aparri, Cagayan // // Max range on imagery observed on: 2022-10-21 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 18.359746, "lon": 121.630246, "name": "Aparri", "range": 360, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In October 2022, we were able to measure radar returns out to about 360km in the composite.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Baguio, Benguet { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 16.356273, "lon": 120.558981, "name": "Baguio", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Baler, Aurora { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 15.748957, "lon": 121.632169, "name": "Baler", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Bohol (Barangay Basacdacu, Alburquerque, Bohol) // // Video: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRdBRm2R6nk&t=280s { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 9.646943, "lon": 123.950831, "name": "Alburquerque", "alt_name": "Bohol Province", "range": "240", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range from this radar is estimated. We use the range for other S-band Magnetron radars in the PDF file.

    " + "A video here seems to show the radar.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Basco, Batanes { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 20.427730, "lon": 121.970521, "name": "Basco", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Busuanga, Palawan { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 12.089013, "lon": 119.937585, "name": "Busuanga", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Masbate (Barangay San Rafael, Cataingan, Masbate) // // https://bagong.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/index.php/press-release/121 // http://bicolexpress.news/masbate-gets-new-doppler-radar-from-dost/ // // Older video from 2020: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJOfK3yQ5lw // And from 2022: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0yhJR4lLmw { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 12.028466, "lon": 123.978457, "name": "Cataingan", "alt_name": "Masbate Island", "range": "240", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range from this radar is estimated. We use the lowest range from the PDF file for a newer radar.

    " + "This radar began operation in 2022.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Mactan Island, Cebu (province) // Near to Cebu City, Cebu { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 10.322548, "lon": 123.980271, "name": "Cebu City", "alt_name": "Mactan Island", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Daet, Camarines Norte // // Max range on imagery observed on: 2022-10-21 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 14.128581, "lon": 122.982866, "name": "Daet", // "range": 480, "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In October 2022, we were able to measure radar returns out to about 240km in the composite.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Guiuan, Eastern Samar { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 11.045123, "lon": 125.755600, "name": "Guiuan", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 8.367473, "lon": 126.338377, "name": "Hinatuan", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Iloilo City, Iloilo { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 10.772908, "lon": 122.579487, "name": "Iloilo City", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Laoang (Barangay Cagaasan, Laoang, Northern Samar) // // Picture: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMfbwZps_h4sE2eEMGY68XEMhPsunqk9eF6v3yx=w828 // From: // https://www.google.com/maps/place/PAGASA+DOPPLER+RADAR/@12.5759116,125.0344031,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMfbwZps_h4sE2eEMGY68XEMhPsunqk9eF6v3yx!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMfbwZps_h4sE2eEMGY68XEMhPsunqk9eF6v3yx%3Dw203-h418-k-no!7i828!8i1705!4m11!1m2!2m1!1spagasa+Laoang!3m7!1s0x0:0xedab2af84870b1b7!8m2!3d12.5760669!4d125.0347049!14m1!1BCgIgAQ!15sCg1wYWdhc2EgTGFvYW5nkgERZ292ZXJubWVudF9vZmZpY2XgAQA { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 12.575601, "lon": 125.035481, "name": "Laoang", "alt_name": "Northern Samar Province", "range": "240", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range from this radar is estimated. We use the lowest range from the PDF file for a newer radar.

    " + "When adding this radar site in October 2022, high resolution satellite imagery that we could view was from April 2021. We could see what looked like the start of the tower, but we're uncertain. You can see a picture here of it being constructed. We're not sure if the radar is operational yet.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Quezon, Palawan { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 9.230673, "lon": 118.005478, "name": "Quezon, Palawan (province)", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Subic, Zambales { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 14.822041, "lon": 120.363765, "name": "Subic", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Tagaytay, Cavite { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 14.142124, "lon": 121.022252, "name": "Tagaytay", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Tampakan, South Cotabato { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 6.417570, "lon": 125.030887, "name": "Tampakan", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Virac, Catanduanes { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 13.629518, "lon": 124.334194, "name": "Virac", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 6.915473, "lon": 122.041544, "name": "Zamboanga City", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "The range is from the PDF file.

    " + philippinesWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Qatar // // RainViewer also lists another around 25.258268 51.562169. Might // be a small tower around 25.258010N 51.563805E. However, might be // something like a FURUNO radar at 25.258216N 51.562158E. See: // https://www.google.com/maps/@25.2571933,51.5622416,3a,15y,6.19h,108.65t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipOkHVG7Dn5lfLEpfjr3QXj8xqYXUcROL3npeDXS!2e10!3e11!7i5376!8i2688 // But imagery doesn't line up well with it being possibly there. // // There is another radar somewhere based on this picture: // https://twitter.com/qatarweather/status/1126758131697049600 // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "QAT": [ // Pictures: // https://www.bayanatengineering.qa/banayat_project/design-build-of-mukaynis-meteorology-center-qatar/ // https://www.qatar-tribune.com/article/172274/FIRSTPAGE/PM-inaugurates-Mukaynis-Meteorological-Center // // Radar data: // https://twitter.com/qatarweather/status/1180053765690466305 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.103654, "lon": 51.173395, "name": "Qatar", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The link above links to their radar data which normally resides in a frame. Their main site is here. When we tested the site they have for weather data in October 2022, February 2022 and January 2022, their site was not responding. However, imagery from this radar site is posted on Twitter occasionally." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Russia // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "RUS": [ // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Id: RUAP // Sat. Appearance: < 2003-02-17 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 45.005168, "lon": 37.363615, "name": "Anapa", "alt_name": "Vityazevo; Anapa International Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Ardon, MRL-5 // WMO Band: S // Id: RUAJ // Sat. Appearance: < 2002-08-18 { "wrd_page": "UklHZTdZMzk2TW1wQW5WaHorcm1qdz09", "lat": 43.181609, "lon": 44.339125, "name": "Ardon", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Arhangelsk // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2012-2013 // Id: RUDX // // 250km measured. Might also be another old radar nearby. { "wrd_page": "YzErd1UranNYbE1YZnQrOGc1djhxUT09", "lat": 64.624008, "lon": 40.512119, "name": "Arkhangelsk", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "There might be two other older radars. One possible radar is 150 meters west of the newer radar tower. The second possible one is 100 meters north-northwest and it might be an X-band radar. You can see both of them on Google Street View here.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Kyzburun, MRL-5 // WMO Band: SX // Sat. Appearance: < 2003-05-11 // Id: N/A // // THESE COORDINATES ARE SLIGHTLY INCORRECT. There appears to be // two radars and the coordinates are between the two. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "TklTRmxpQ3RQOG1PVHhXcGJ4YXVPUT09", "lat": 43.678931, "lon": 43.405334, "name": "Atazhukino", "alt_name": "Kyzburun Pervyy", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The coordinates are at least 35 meters off. There appears to be two radars at this location that are 70 meters apart. We chose coordinates directly between the two. One of the domes is at 43.679143 43.404998 and the other is at 43.678721 43.405676.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Barabinsk // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2010-2014 // Id: RUBD { "wrd_page": "WHloWHZrK2E4bjVMNDk1WWhXVTJBUT09", "lat": 55.355410, "lon": 78.307965, "name": "Barabinsk", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "Data from this radar site isn't available in Russia's composite. However, another site might have the data. It's also possible that what they are displaying is purely a forecast. It might be a mix of current radar data and forecast data. You can view it here. We do not draw a range on the map.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Belgorod // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2014 // Id: RABG { "wrd_page": "SU81aklpZGZ2ZVBEejhGWFh1Q2g3Zz09", "lat": 50.475464, "lon": 36.297454, "name": "Belgorod", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Bryansk // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2011-2013 // Id: RUDB { "wrd_page": "VlA2RTlJNGhKNzR1RG0xa0d6eVF1Zz09", "lat": 53.218892, "lon": 34.184012, "name": "Bryansk", "alt_imagery_url": "https://pogoda.by/observation/radars/RUDB", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Belarus' site", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Chamlik, MRL-5 // WMO Band: S // Sat. Appearance: < 2009-05-15 // Id: N/A { "wrd_page": "QUZETlM1SXU5eDlNakxFWGxSS1dxQT09", "lat": 44.735761, "lon": 40.863479, "name": "Chamlykskaya", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Cherkessk, MRL-5 // WMO Band: S // Sat. Appearance: < 2003-03-28 // Id: N/A { "wrd_page": "d3NtSmZ1MjFtUW1Dck1kWCtaMThaZz09", "lat": 44.215873, "lon": 41.953981, "name": "Cherkessk", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This appears to be the location of this radar. You can see it part of a dome, from a distance, on Google Street View here.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Elista // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2015 // Id: RAYL { "wrd_page": "dFcvUEJQQnREdk14bldSK09QVjJNZz09", "lat": 46.349973, "lon": 44.262548, "name": "Elista", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Izhevsk // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2011-2014 // Id: RUDI // // Picture: // https://www.orel.kp.ru/daily/27107.5/4182599/ // Far off picture on Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@56.8471423,53.4567141,3a,15y,181.88h,91.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWoePMrV23KvQiIQ42qGQlw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "MExQbWZsRE1YenRTVlk5RlByWmFudz09", "lat": 56.836743, "lon": 53.456209, "name": "Izhevsk", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "A picture of this radar tower is here. An older radar appears to be about 35 meters west. (56.836687 53.455646)

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: 2014-2017 // Id: N/A // // Pictures: // https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0_(%D0%B0%D1%8D%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82) { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 65.208344, "lon": 31.140686, "name": "Kalevala", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // Newer Radar // // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: 2014-2016 // Id: RAKL // // An older MRL-5 radar has an id of RUKL. // https://web.archive.org/web/20150411131848/http://pogoda.by:80/thumbnails/?map=radar_map // // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/@54.5674859,36.3299828,3a,44.3y,75.4h,107.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sE7EOc19AynYjC0NjwAL__g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 54.567839, "lon": 36.331415, "name": "Kaluga", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "An older MRL-5 radar is about 60 meters southwest. The page in the WMO Radar Database for the older radar is here. A picture of both radars, from Google Street View, is here.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Kazan // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2012-2013 // Id: RUDZ { "wrd_page": "d1RwcmFWdDlRVnMxcEluK1g1U1JCdz09", "lat": 55.589191, "lon": 49.278343, "name": "Kazan", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: 2002-2005 // Id: RUHB // // Picture: // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOKzw9Mwa43bmV6UdR-vlVjWdQb2V8hgLGuryqg=w1440-h1440-pd { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 48.528471, "lon": 135.194633, "name": "Khabarovsk", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "I am unsure if this is the correct position for this radar. This radar was referenced on an older page here. A picture of the dome is here. It is not listed in the WMO Radar Database.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Kirov // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2014 // Id: RAKW { "wrd_page": "dFF2OVlmNEZvakNjS09qVDVsUmJ1QT09", "lat": 58.457544, "lon": 49.347262, "name": "Kirov", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Kostroma // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2011-2013 // Id: RUDK // // The "Sokerkino" name appears here: // https://web.archive.org/web/20150411131848/http://pogoda.by:80/thumbnails/?map=radar_map // https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE_(%D0%B0%D1%8D%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82) { "wrd_page": "dWhBODR2QXJQQ2gvRTVLRVVmM1Jidz09", "lat": 57.808704, "lon": 41.018752, "name": "Kostroma", "alt_name": "Sokerkino", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: KOTLAS // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2014 // Id: RAKT { "wrd_page": "WWEyMDBGWlhxM0pKeWR1czE0ckdBZz09", "lat": 61.241214, "lon": 46.708867, "name": "Kotlas", "alt_name": "Kotlas Airport", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Krasnodar // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2014 // Id: RAKD // // Pictures: // https://www.google.com/maps/@45.0445408,39.1486831,3a,15y,133.1h,92.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxDJ2zSCQ45fiPuwzkRSG-g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "VlI3L1FWYTBFOHl1emxRNCtoTk0vZz09", "lat": 45.042010, "lon": 39.152560, "name": "Krasnodar", "alt_name": "Krasnodar International Airport", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "An older radar appears to be about 25 meters south. (45.041790 39.152632) A picture of both radars, from Google Street View, is here.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: KrasnyKut // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2021-04-01 // Id: // // Pictures: // https://www.sgu.ru/structure/geographic/news/2021-04-29/studenty-meteorologi-posetili-krasnokutskoe-letnoe { "wrd_page": "T2FkWE15NHo3RGZQN0hUVExyOEV2QT09", "lat": 50.945545, "lon": 47.019225, "name": "Krasny Kut", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Kuba-Taba, MRL-5 // WMO Band: S // Sat. Appearance: < 2003-05-11 // Id: RUKB { "wrd_page": "clNDTER0dEw1RklZbUNWRHhWK3B6QT09", "lat": 43.816506, "lon": 43.408265, "name": "Kuba-Taba", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: KURSK // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2014 // Id: RAKU { "wrd_page": "SWR3cm13ZHRvMkJXSjZMRUlvWlVjdz09", "lat": 51.880724, "lon": 36.134107, "name": "Kursk", "alt_imagery_url": "https://pogoda.by/observation/radars/RAKU", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Belarus' site", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: < 2002-04-11 // Id: RUSM { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 53.511837, "lon": 50.146384, "name": "Kurumoch", "alt_name": "Kurumoch International Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar may no longer exist. Based on satellite imagery, it appears the dome may have been removed in 2018 or 2019.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Labinsk, MRL-5 // WMO Band: SX // Sat. Appearance: < 2013-10-20 // Id: N/A { "wrd_page": "eC9INGhBdzlhSjhTSzdWRmNPOFdNUT09", "lat": 44.478465, "lon": 40.922095, "name": "Labinsk", "alt_name": "Mostovskoy", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Millerovo // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2012-2014 // Id: RAMI { "wrd_page": "L0g5SHZlditrREFOQW1QR1NlcTVKUT09", "lat": 48.936828, "lon": 40.412290, "name": "Millerovo", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Mineralnye Vody // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2011-2014 // Id: RUDM // // Possible Picture: // https://www.yamal.kp.ru/daily/25885.5/2847525/ { "wrd_page": "ZXlhRnRvT3BMM2xoSzVCS0YxMUt2dz09", "lat": 44.227571, "lon": 43.063868, "name": "Mineralnye Vody", "alt_name": "Mineralnye Vody Airport", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "A possible picture of this radar might be in the article here. An older radar was probably located about 4km east-southeast of the newer radar. (44.208894 43.107479) Based on satellite imagery, the radar has been demolished, with the beginning of the demolition in 2019 and continuing into 2020.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Moscow Krylatskoe // WMO Band: X // Sat. Appearance: < 2003-08-21 // Id: RUKT // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@55.7527686,37.4121422,3a,16.3y,248.68h,119.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8BNas_tyUogIADsORxwvTA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "VXYvb3pWTXc4d1g2eVN1UzZvaXRzUT09", "lat": 55.752392, "lon": 37.410388, "name": "Moscow", "alt_name": "Krylatskoye District", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database lists this radar's operating status as \"closed\". A picture of this radar, from Google Street View, is here.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Moscow-Profsoyuznaya // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2011 // Id: RUDF // // Photos of radar on top of tall building (ZhK Dirizhabl): // https://www.google.com/maps/place/ZhK+Dirizhabl/@55.6649944,37.5493001,9a,24.5y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNUC4tuTITiGBR1RQFJR25wX-hFEK1OCti39OM4!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNUC4tuTITiGBR1RQFJR25wX-hFEK1OCti39OM4%3Dw203-h305-k-no!7i1874!8i2824!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x0:0x0!2zNTXCsDM5JzU0LjciTiAzN8KwMzInNTEuNCJF!3b1!8m2!3d55.66518!4d37.547619!3m4!1s0x46b54cdf10656987:0x7b0b0ec7db2b8567!8m2!3d55.665425!4d37.5476237 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipNywr_98S2dazHV-RurwxTQcWb3klW2AuynxooR=w1440-h1440-pd // PDF page 31: http://www.cao-rhms.ru/cao_mini.pdf // // Photos of what appears to be another radar too (as well as the // one on the tallest building): // // { "wrd_page": "b1ZHMk5udEJXQjFZU3JQY2FveHhYUT09", "lat": 55.665174, "lon": 37.547723, "name": "Moscow", "alt_name": "Profsoyuznaya", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "This appears to be the radar. There is a picture of the radar on the site here under the \"Meteorological Support\" section. There is also a picture of the building in the PDF file here, on PDF page 31. It is located on a high-rise that seems to be named \"ZhK Dirizhabl\". There seems to be another radar 600 meters south-southwest of that radar. (55.660151 37.542753) Pictures of both radars can be seen here and here.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Sheremetyevo // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2012-2013 // Id: RUDE { "wrd_page": "QVhOK1JyMytoVmx1MHJneWpHaFVSQT09", "lat": 55.924278, "lon": 37.519117, "name": "Moscow", "alt_name": "near Sheremetyevo International Airport", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Vnukovo // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2006-2009 // Id: RAVN { "wrd_page": "ZlliWUE2THBzQ2c0cVlMSTF3OG11Zz09", "lat": 55.584323, "lon": 37.249508, "name": "Moscow", "alt_name": "Vnukovo International Airport", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Nizhny Novgorod // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2014 // Id: RUNN { "wrd_page": "OXZWVzlsakM5TlFFTm0xSW5OMThkdz09", "lat": 56.293943, "lon": 43.978355, "name": "Nizhny Novgorod", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "In 2013 or 2014 this radar was installed on top of a building. Another radar used to be on a building adjacent to this one, about 70 meters east-southeast of the newer radar. The old radar was at 56.293752 43.979405. Based on satellite imagery, it was removed in 2014 or 2015.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Novokubanskiy, MRL-5 // WMO Band: SX // Sat. Appearance: < 2013-04-30 // Id: RUNO { "wrd_page": "ci8rbEF4eHgya0gvN09wSFdwblNNQT09", "lat": 45.025205, "lon": 41.151908, "name": "Novokubansk", "alt_name": "Novokubanskiy; Armavir", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Novosibirsk // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2014 // Id: RANT { "wrd_page": "SnlMWm4yS3dqUEJ0MDJWZWcrL1ZoUT09", "lat": 55.016591, "lon": 82.616419, "name": "Novosibirsk", "alt_name": "Tolmachevo Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "Data from this radar site isn't available in Russia's composite. However, another site might have the data. It's also possible that what they are displaying is purely a forecast. It might be a mix of current radar data and forecast data. You can view it here. We do not draw a range on the map.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Orenburg // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2011-2013 // Id: RUDO { "wrd_page": "WTFFbUkzQXVRclZvd2VMSjRlT0M5UT09", "lat": 51.693227, "lon": 55.077370, "name": "Orenburg", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Otradnenskiy, MRL-5 // WMO Band: X // Sat. Appearance: < 2013-10-20 // Id: RUOT { "wrd_page": "SFpJNlhSYVlvcUpuSEh0QmRyYi84UT09", "lat": 44.216373, "lon": 41.379838, "name": "Otradnensky District", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: < 2007-09-19 // Id: RUPM { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 57.896833, "lon": 56.028927, "name": "Perm", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2014 // Id: RAPK { "wrd_page": "RS9yd2FwOEFNcWFJSDNlTTlBS0wrZz09", "lat": 53.000917, "lon": 158.710957, "name": "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky", "alt_name": "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Petrozavodsk // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2012-2013 // Id: RUDP { "wrd_page": "SXF4U1JzZU53cXBzdlpjUTlJTE1VQT09", "lat": 61.818961, "lon": 34.253180, "name": "Petrozavodsk", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Poputneskiy, MRL-5 // WMO Band: SX // Sat. Appearance: 2014-2016 // Id: N/A { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 44.475715, "lon": 41.398103, "name": "Poputnaya", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "There might be two radars. We chose the newer dome, which appeared sometime between 2014 and 2016 based on satellite imagery, for the coordinates we chose. The older dome, which is about 40 meters to the north-northeast, existed at least since 2008 based on available imagery. The coordinates for that one are 44.476060 41.398262. Since we don't know which location is the radar in the WMO Radar Database, we do not include the page id. You can view that page here.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // Psynabo Radars // // WMO Id: cWZBbjQ1dmppbzRHM0U1R2w0TXZwQT09 // WMO Name: Psinabo, MRL-5 // WMO Band: SX // Sat. Appearance: < 2012-03-29 // Id: One of them is RUPS. // // WMO Id: dGpxalFXSDlWWXBRS2VvK2pYRnZmQT09 // WMO Name: MRL-5, Psinabo // WMO Band: S // Sat. Appearance: < 2012-03-29 // Id: One of them is RUPS. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.525405, "lon": 43.902658, "name": "Psynabo, MRL-5 (1 of 2)", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianPsynaboRadarsWindowHtml + russianWindowHtml }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.525759, "lon": 43.903164, "name": "Psynabo, MRL-5 (2 of 2)", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianPsynaboRadarsWindowHtml + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: < 2004-11-06 // Id: RURD // // Likely no longer active. Dome might have been removed in 2019. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 47.246869, "lon": 39.812858, "name": "Rostov-on-Don", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar is likely no longer active. Based on satellite imagery, the dome might have been removed in 2019. The airport it is at, Rostov-on-Don Airport, seems as if it was closed when a new airport, Platov International Airport, was built about 27km north-northeast.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: 2017 // Id: N/A // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@54.5049538,39.9250935,3a,15y,171.77h,92.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxA-7P14DEXCbUFuQw52qIg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 54.501601, "lon": 39.926037, "name": "Ryazan", "alt_name": "Protasovo", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "A picture of this radar is here from Google Street View. An article discusses it here.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Pulkovo, Meteor 500C // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2009-2011 // Id: RUSP { "wrd_page": "ODBycjNTTWEzekVuQXpmNjRxU1pHUT09", "lat": 59.806637, "lon": 30.227855, "name": "Saint Petersburg", "alt_name": "Pulkovo Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: ? // Id: N/A // // Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@59.8969525,30.2880884,3a,15.5y,240.9h,101.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssYIuDvA3FqqT6yoU7aZw4g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 59.896396, "lon": 30.286540, "name": "Saint Petersburg", "alt_name": "KONTUR-NIIRS", "imagery_url": "https://kontur-niirs.ru/meteo/", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The location of this radar is uncertain. This is likely a small radar on top of a building. You can see what might be it on Google Street View here. There are two small objects that might be the radar. We selected the one that might more likely be the radar. We found this using the business address on the website that has the radar image. The location we selected doesn't seem to quite line up with the imagery, so we are unsure if this is the correct location. We're unsure of the range. While there is imagery for this particular radar site, the image extends beyond the circles that are drawn. The largest circle would indicate a range of about 250km." }, // WMO Name: Samara // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2014 // Id: RASM // // http://www.pogoda-sv.ru/news/2293 { "wrd_page": "TVl2VHNLcTJkMGlyOWl4UjFadHF4UT09", "lat": 52.971452, "lon": 49.429056, "name": "Samara", "alt_name": "Bezenchuk", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Smolensk // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2010-2012 // Id: RUSL or RUDL { "wrd_page": "NjNsYTJjZ3ZZQ2c4YTdFd1JJVmlUZz09", "lat": 54.845881, "lon": 32.003195, "name": "Smolensk", "alt_imagery_url": "https://pogoda.by/observation/radars/RUDL", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Belarus' site", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "An older radar appears to be about 60 meters west. (54.845862 32.002213)

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: < 2005-04-11 // Id: RUAD { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 43.451626, "lon": 39.934361, "name": "Sochi", "alt_name": "Adler", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "There is a newer radar for Sochi on Mount Akhun.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Sochi-Akhun, WRM200 // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2011-2013 // Id: RUSI { "wrd_page": "MUFnWGVlOURLWWl1d1NqSWpZWXcvZz09", "lat": 43.548203, "lon": 39.851355, "name": "Sochi", "alt_name": "Mount Akhun", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Stavropol // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2012-2013 // Id: RUDT // // Two older domes as well. // (45.117690 42.101324 and 45.113716 42.100530) // // Picture of all three domes: // https://www.google.com/maps/@45.11835,42.1006423,3a,29.1y,162.47h,91.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swkPLh3AVTUV8_Rb6NMIlPg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "SWtqby9LQytuL3c5TFc5RW54WGc4Zz09", "lat": 45.113584, "lon": 42.102756, "name": "Stavropol", "alt_name": "Stavropol Shpakovskoye Airport", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "There are two other older domes. One is about 475 meters north-northwest. (45.117690 42.101324) Another is about 175 meters west. (45.113716 42.100530) You can see a picture of all three domes here from Google Street View.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Tambov // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2011-2013 // Id: RUTD { "wrd_page": "dmNsT0p0ZzVwaG0wN3ZsZ1FvUnNCQT09", "lat": 52.776368, "lon": 41.747981, "name": "Tambov", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Tula // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2014 // Id: RATL // // Picture: // http://www.meteorf.ru/press/news/18661/ { "wrd_page": "ME5qMjF2ZUl3MHBMeGh5aUxJUkFkdz09", "lat": 53.985601, "lon": 38.136656, "name": "Tula", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Tver // WMO Band: X // Sat. Appearance: < 2003-05-19 // Id: RUTW // // Photo: // https://www.google.com/maps/@56.8150338,35.9885343,3a,15y,150.11h,114.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEmkLq1C1zN-Ki-FK8vPXTA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "YngrR1A0WmlKN2ptOUM1eGxOS3B3Zz09", "lat": 56.814285, "lon": 35.989286, "name": "Tver", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "A photo of this radar, which is on top of a building, is here from Google Street View.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Tyumen // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2016-2017 // Id: N/A // // Info: // https://gge.ru/press-center/projects/stroitelstvo-doplerovskogo-meteorologicheskogo-radiolokatora-v-tyumenskoy-oblasti/ { "wrd_page": "Vk93cWRoVUE2M214ck53cm9EbUFzdz09", "lat": 56.677618, "lon": 66.341238, "name": "Tyumen", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Ufa // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: < 2007-05-27 // Id: RUDU // // Photos: // https://www.google.com/maps/@54.5665256,55.8882427,3a,15.2y,190.05h,96.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svZAwtMJnfqU7SiU9HDBgcw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 // https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipP4NGgl8gGLQEsLxjv3B21kGilEUGV2_mcv24v8=h720 { "wrd_page": "Tk00TCtrdTlqbkpDUDVXVi95ZmtuQT09", "lat": 54.564953, "lon": 55.887636, "name": "Ufa", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: < 2010-07-30 // Id: RUUL { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 54.265999, "lon": 48.214789, "name": "Ulyanovsk", "alt_name": "Baratayevka", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Valday // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2011-2012 // Id: RUWJ // // Photo: // https://www.google.com/maps/@57.9529492,33.2771508,3a,51.8y,13.19h,99.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2ixjLFToAGtjaKLD2Fy2fQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 // https://wikimapia.org/21421909/ru/%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80 { "wrd_page": "d0FxY0VpSko0ck1VY2p0U0hzaVpwdz09", "lat": 57.953624, "lon": 33.277061, "name": "Valday", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "An older radar appears to be about 20 meters south-southeast. (57.953453 33.277188) A picture of both radars, from Google Street View, is here.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Velikie Luki // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2014 // Id: RAVL { "wrd_page": "aGp2eDY2dWdSbm1PZVJxa1ZnR3prQT09", "lat": 56.386387, "lon": 30.635598, "name": "Velikiye Luki", "alt_imagery_url": "https://pogoda.by/observation/radars/RAVL", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Belarus' site", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Vladimir // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2014-2017 // Id: N/A // // Info: // https://vladtv.ru/society/102776/ // Got that link from: http://meteoclub.ru/index.php?action=vthread&forum=7&topic=1746&page=120 // Photo: // https://www.google.com/maps/@56.2802745,40.1986256,3a,47.8y,255.9h,94.96t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssXw1jCaNL9En9YsLAP67xg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 // http://www.meteorf.ru/press/news/19808/ { "wrd_page": "TGtsWFZ6UzlQSXJSdlBjWVgwYnkydz09", "lat": 56.280007, "lon": 40.196696, "name": "Vladimir", "alt_name": "Staryy Dvor", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Vladivostok // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2012-2013 // Id: RUDH { "wrd_page": "SnFxclFmUjhlVlhQMzFGb2Zhd3JGQT09", "lat": 43.353537, "lon": 132.053037, "name": "Vladivostok", "alt_name": "Uglovoye Air Base", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Volgograd // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2011-2014 // Id: RUVG { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "bFQ0TXpVZHZoS1huVGg2b054STZKUT09", "lat": 48.792985, "lon": 44.336854, "name": "Volgograd", "alt_name": "Volgograd International Airport", "alt_imagery_url": "https://meteo34.ru/radar/", "alt_imagery_url_text": "Volgograd CGMS, a meteorological site", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "An older MRL-5 radar is 30 meters east-southeast. (48.792886 44.337265) The WMO Radar Database page for that radar is here. According to the database, the older radar's operating status is listed as \"closed\".

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Vologda // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2014 // Id: RUDV // // Photo: // https://www.google.com/maps/@59.2825194,39.9192813,3a,15y,136.49h,90.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0uKPQZ7jQkwwAUMJyaWLng!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "eWYwbC9GbTR5RDVUMTRDQXhLaHpIQT09", "lat": 59.279694, "lon": 39.924835, "name": "Vologda", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "An older radar appears to be about 15 meters north-northwest. (57.953453 33.277188) A picture of both radars, from Google Street View, is here.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Voeikovo // WMO Band: C // Sat. Appearance: 2013-2014 // Id: RAVO // // Photo: // https://www.google.com/maps/@59.9455733,30.705673,3a,30.6y,253.52h,120.17t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szWWNfxARQM498k_WQM029w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 // Photo of other domes: // https://www.google.com/maps/@59.9475278,30.7045722,3a,75y,29.92h,98.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQmKOqkyX3KeQ1SWlqBVGBA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 // Also see: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Observatoriya/@59.9476663,30.7024034,275m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x46962b6bfa530be1:0x3d2c39c9fe3e3bce!8m2!3d59.947527!4d30.7029133 { "wrd_page": "UDJ6K3ZCMThabCtZTHVLQjloOG13QT09", "lat": 59.945480, "lon": 30.704937, "name": "Voyeykovo", "alt_name": "Voeikovo", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "This appears like it is the radar. However, there is also an older dome about 275 meters north of this location at 59.947899 30.704534. There is also another dome on that building as well. There was even another dome next to that building that no longer exists. A photo of the radar tower, at the coordinates we selected, is here from Google Street View. A photo of the two other domes is here from Google Street View.

    " + russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: N/A // WMO Band: N/A // Sat. Appearance: < 2002-07-28 // Id: RUEK { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 56.751643, "lon": 60.794731, "name": "Yekaterinburg", "alt_name": "Koltsovo International Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": russianWindowHtml }, // WMO Name: Zelenokumsk, MRL-5 // WMO Band: SX // Sat. Appearance: 2003-2013? // Id: N/A { "wrd_page": "V0RCZ01wa1pxTlpjR3k2TnVWU2wwdz09", "lat": 44.433539, "lon": 43.903050, "name": "Zelenokumsk", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Briefly, there were two domes here. Sometime between March 2014 and May 2016 a dome appeared 20 meters from the one on our map. Between April 2017 and June 2018 it disappeared. We assume that the WMO Radar Database page here might have been for that dome and that the one we link to is for the other radar.

    " + russianWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Saudi Arabia // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "SAU": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 18.237287, "lon": 42.652856, "name": "Abha", "name_html": "Abha (Arabic: أبها)", "imagery_id": "ABHA", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 20.295133, "lon": 41.642990, "name": "Al Bahah", "name_html": "Al Bahah (Arabic: الباحة)", "imagery_id": "BAHA", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.537469, "lon": 49.864732, "name": "Dammam", "name_html": "Dammam (Arabic: الدمام)", "imagery_id": "DAMMAM", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "There appears to be two radar towers at this location. For coordinates, we selected the larger one that is newer. The older one is about 15 meters east-northeast.

    " + saudiArabiaWindowContent }, // a.k.a Al Duwadimi { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.440064, "lon": 44.131084, "name": "Dawadmi", "name_html": "Dawadmi (Arabic: الدوادمي)", "imagery_id": "DAWADMI", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked the composite imagery for Saudi Arabia in October 2022, imagery wasn't available in the composite for this site. We do not draw the range on the map.

    " + saudiArabiaWindowContent }, // a.k.a Jizan, Jazan, Gizan or Gazan { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 16.896271, "lon": 42.583542, "name": "Gizan / Jazan / Jizan", "name_html": "Gizan / Jazan / Jizan (Arabic: جازان)", "imagery_id": "GIZAN", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": // "When we checked the imagery for this radar site on September 13th, 2020, \"IRIS\" imagery wasn't available. When we looked at \"TITAN\" imagery, the date was September 8th, 2020.

    " + saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 27.434808, "lon": 41.691371, "name": "Ha'il", "name_html": "Ha'il (Arabic: حائل)", "imagery_id": "HAIL", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "There is another tower of some kind near the tower we selected. For coordinates, we selected the larger one that is newer. The older one is about 125 meters west-northwest. The location we selected is also reflected from coordinates on the United Arab Emirates' website.

    " + saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 21.709991, "lon": 39.188662, "name": "Jeddah", "name_html": "Jeddah (Arabic: جدة)", "imagery_id": "JEDDAH", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "What looks to be an older radar, that doesn't appear on our map, is about 360 meters away at 21.710767N 39.185295E. That older radar has been there since at least 2002. This radar appeared in satellite imagery in 2018.

    " + saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 29.789121, "lon": 40.098060, "name": "Al Jouf", "name_html": "Al Jouf (Arabic: الجوف)", "imagery_id": "JOUF", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 26.311686, "lon": 43.764582, "name": "Al Qassim", "name_html": "Al Qassim (Arabic: القصيم)", "imagery_id": "QASSIM", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "There appears to be two radar towers at this location. For coordinates, we selected the larger one that is newer. The older one is about 30 meters northeast.

    " + saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.925569, "lon": 46.721777, "name": "Riyadh", "name_html": "Riyadh (Arabic: الرياض)", "imagery_id": "RIYADH", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "There appears to be two radar towers at this location. For coordinates, we selected the larger one that is newer. The older one is about 15 meters southwest.

    " + saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 17.469248, "lon": 47.108886, "name": "Sharurah", "name_html": "Sharurah (Arabic: شرورة)", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.377057, "lon": 36.606079, "name": "Tabuk", "name_html": "Tabuk (Arabic: تبوك)", "imagery_id": "TABUK", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 21.479882, "lon": 40.560649, "name": "Ta'if", "name_html": "Ta'if (Arabic: الطائف)", "imagery_id": "TAIF", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 20.497539, "lon": 45.208802, "name": "Wadi ad-Dawasir", "name_html": "Wadi ad-Dawasir (Arabic: وادي الدواسر)", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": saudiArabiaWindowContent }, // WMO Radar Database coordinates are about 20km from the actual // coordinates, so we don't link to it. // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/L000WG4vTmtBWGpzVzVFK1ptQmJIUT09 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.141306, "lon": 38.059374, "name": "Yanbu", "name_html": "Yanbu (Arabic: ينبع)", "imagery_id": "YANBU", // "alt_imagery_url": saudiArabiaMetGamepIrisUrl, "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "There appears to be two radar towers at this location. For coordinates, we selected the larger one that is newer. The older one is about 80 meters northeast.

    " + saudiArabiaWindowContent }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 28.322209, "lon": 46.141418, "name": "Al Qaisumah", "name_html": "Al Qaisumah (Arabic: القيصومة‎)", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": saudiArabiaWindowContent } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Singapore // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "SGP": [ // https://www.google.com/maps/@1.3494386,103.9705416,3a,90y,112.84h,114.02t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sHR088N4qwSOnWzRLNG60qQ!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DHR088N4qwSOnWzRLNG60qQ%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D72.671135%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "ZUpFNjk2T1BxZDFoN1pVbVBBYUtUdz09", "lat": 1.349027, "lon": 103.970838, "name": "Changi Airport", "imagery_url": "http://www.weather.gov.sg/weather-rain-area-480km/", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "Singapore has two radars that are within about 12km of each other. Based on overlaying the 480km image in Google Earth, it appears that this radar site is the one that has imagery available. It is uncertain if imagery from the other site is ever available." }, { "wrd_page": "MTZvZGRzb3I0UGdtN2tFdUFPcVVqZz09", "lat": 1.414999, "lon": 103.883357, "name": "Seletar Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "Singapore has two radars that are within about 12km of each other. Based on overlaying the 480km image in Google Earth, it appears that this radar site is not the one that has imagery available. It is uncertain if imagery from this site is ever available." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // South Korea // // Pictures of radar locations: // https://radar.kma.go.kr/lecture/radar/network.do // https://radar.kma.go.kr/eng/notification/radar/network.do // // Data: // South Korean: https://radar.kma.go.kr/radar/main.do // https://radar.kma.go.kr/eng/radar/main.do // https://radar.kma.go.kr/eng/radar/individual.do // https://www.kma.go.kr/weather/images/rader_integrate.jsp // https://www.weather.go.kr/wgis-nuri/html/map.html // More ways to get data: // https://radar.kma.go.kr/radar/ppi0.do // https://www.weather.go.kr/w/image/radar.do // https://www.kma.go.kr/eng/weather/images/radar.jsp // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "KOR": [ { "wrd_page": "YzZYZ2xGbWUrZldIdm1HUFJlN00rQT09", "lat": 37.967491, "lon": 124.630385, "name": "Baengnyeongdo", // "imagery_id": "BRI", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // This is a new radar. WMO Radar database page for older radar: // https://wrd.mgm.gov.tr/Radar/Details/aEsxTjI4N0lpRERLWTFId2VnazhWQT09 { "wrd_page": "aEsxTjI4N0lpRERLWTFId2VnazhWQT09", "lat": 37.817692, "lon": 128.865715, "name": "Gangneung", // "imagery_id": "GNG", "range": "480", "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "At least part of this radar was replaced in 2019. A translated message at the time said \"Observations will be discontinued between May 29 and November 2019 due to Gangneung weather radar replacement.\" We still link to the WMO radar database for the older radar since the tower hasn't changed. At the time of checking this radar site, the WMO radar database had a date of 2010, so parts of their page will therefore be invalid if that is still the case.

    " + "The range of individual imagery for this particular radar site is 280km. The range on composite imagery is 480km.

    " + southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "eXdkdkFJSGNwYUdPVzNDcE4xV0x6UT09", "lat": 33.294341, "lon": 126.163000, "name": "Gosan", "alt_name": "Jeju Island", // "imagery_id": "GSN", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "NGpYVXptL2NrNFpVZ3FOc3NybHhWUT09", "lat": 35.118747, "lon": 128.999804, "name": "Busan", "alt_name": "Gudeoksan; Mt. Gudeok", // "imagery_id": "PSN", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "WFVycnVldktORUdPZjBoa1VUMlVNdz09", "lat": 37.444242, "lon": 126.963816, "name": "Seoul", "alt_name": "Gwanaksan; Mt. Gwanak", // "imagery_id": "KWK", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "QzhoN2xlWko0UTVxczlESnpzWjFmdz09", "lat": 38.117385, "lon": 127.433573, "name": "Gwangdeoksan", "alt_name": "Mt. Gwangdeok; Hwacheon County / Cheorwon County", // "imagery_id": "GDK", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "M2dYNWdDam5mQUEwdjRtN0VHVm92dz09", "lat": 34.472489, "lon": 126.323953, "name": "Jindo Island", // "imagery_id": "JNI", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "UDFYYXRhR0hwVFpWSVllVzNiRHJJZz09", "lat": 36.179268, "lon": 128.997390, "name": "Myeonbongsan", "alt_name": "Mt. Myeonbong; Cheongsong / Pohang City", // "imagery_id": "MYN", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The range of single site radar imagery for this particular site is about 285km. The range shown on the map is 480km.

    " + southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "YTJZM3Q0MHRRYU1HdkRQRFJ6dnNWZz09", "lat": 36.012652, "lon": 126.784071, "name": "Gunsan", "alt_name": "Oseongsan; Mt. Oseong", // "imagery_id": "KSN", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "enlDemxNWnpDNG9jV2M3ZUZpdnluUT09", "lat": 33.387109, "lon": 126.879966, "name": "Seongsan", "alt_name": "Seongsan-eup", // "imagery_id": "SSP", "range": 480, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 37.454617, "lon": 126.481956, "name": "Incheon International Airport", "alt_name": "Yeongjongdo", // "imagery_id": "IIA", "range": 130, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "It's uncertain whether this radar is available in the radar composite imagery. We do not draw the range on the map. This radar site used to be available on a different version of South Korea's site, but no longer seems to be.

    " + southKoreaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // U.S. Military Bases // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Camp Humphreys (owned by USAF) - RKSG // // Old location was at 36.959345 127.019082. // // About move (December 31, 2007 article): // https://www.stripes.com/news/nexrad-back-in-service-at-new-hilltop-location-1.72957 // "In what became a two-year, $6 million project, U.S. // military officials decided to move the radar to a U.S. // Army site called Hill 448, a steep edifice in the town // of Yangji, which is in the Suwon region, just under an // hour’s drive north of Camp Humphreys." // // The coordinates of the new location were found here: // https://www.roc.noaa.gov/WSR88D/Program/SiteID.aspx // // This page has old coordinates: // https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/datasets/NEXRAD2/stations/NEXRAD:RKSG/detail { "wrd_page": "YUk1dUJkekZWQitXZUFIOVBjT0xuZz09", "lat": 37.207617, "lon": 127.285879, "name": "Camp Humphreys", "imagery_url": asiaNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl, "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.weathernerds.org/radar/rad.html?initsite=RKSG", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "secondary": 1, "nexrad": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": usNexradSitesAtUSMilitaryBasesInternationallyWindowContent + "

    " + "This radar was previously located at 36.959345 127.019082. The page in the WMO Radar Database for this radar was updated to include coordinates that were closer to the new radar site. (we don't know what other data was updated) The July 30th, 2019 installation date noted on that page is likely when the page was updated since four radars share that same date. (in Japan, South Korea and Guam) It was moved in 2007 to its new location. You can read about that here. The coordinates of the new location were found using the \"Advanced Search\" here where they were listed as 37°12'27.25\"N 127°17'08.02\"E." }, // Kunsan AFB (owned by USAF) - RKJK // // https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/datasets/NEXRAD2/stations/NEXRAD:RKJK/detail { "wrd_page": "ODJQZW1SK1QwdDFwME4vZStFNjNHZz09", "lat": 35.924217, "lon": 126.622082, "name": "Kunsan AFB", "imagery_url": asiaNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl, "alt_imagery_url": "https://www.weathernerds.org/radar/rad.html?initsite=RKJK", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "secondary": 1, "nexrad": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": usNexradSitesAtUSMilitaryBasesInternationallyWindowContent } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sri Lanka // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "LKA": [ // Possible pictures: // http://public.wmo.int/en/projects/improving-severe-weather-forecasting-capacity-department-meteorology-sri-lanka // https://www.newsfirst.lk/2020/06/24/sri-lankas-million-dollar-doppler-radar-system-project-riddled-in-irregularities/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 6.385800, "lon": 80.650336, "name": "Deniyaya", "alt_name": "Gongala Mountain", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar may not yet be active. We couldn't find imagery online. Based on information available online, there have been issues trying to get this radar operational. We link to their meteorological service above. The WMO seems to have a picture of this radar site here. You can view a news article here from June 2020 about some of the issues." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Taiwan // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including the // addition of any new ones, concluded on February 5, 2022. // // Radar coordinates and ranges: // https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333251314_A_Vortex-Based_Doppler_Velocity_Dealiasing_Algorithm_for_Tropical_Cyclones // In-depth info: // https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/bams/102/3/BAMS-D-20-0043.1.xml // Some of the ranges are based on what is shown here: // https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V8/C/W/OBS_Radar_Description.html // Radar site info (see in Internet Archive): // https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V7/eservice/docs/overview/observation/radar/conver.htm // https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V7e/observe/radar/radar_coverage.htm // Info in Chinese (PDF): // https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V7/eservice/docs/overview/weather.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "TWN": [ // // // // Central Weather Bureau - 460km // // // // Radar Code: RCCG // Bureau Station Code: 467780 // (station number canceled June 1st, 2016) // Range: 460km // // Station code canceled based on: // https://e-service.cwb.gov.tw/wdps/obs/state.htm // // THIS RADAR SITE IS BEING MOVED. Unsure if the new radar will // have the old radar equipment or be a new radar. // // Article from September 7th, 2021 with a picture of the construction: // https://www.cdns.com.tw/articles/453304 // From article, translated using Google Translate: // "The new station project of Qigu Radar Weather Station // is currently in progress and is expected to be completed // in mid-October. Radar and other equipment will be // installed next year." // Pictures of groundbreaking from government website: // https://www.tainan.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=13370&s=4111865 // From article, translated using Google Translate: // "Ye Tianjiang, director of the Central Meteorological // Administration, pointed out that the old weather station // has been in service for about 18 years, and it is the // time when the equipment needs to be updated." // Article and video of groundbreaking in 2019: // https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/2862661 // Video of groundbreaking in 2019: // https://www.facebook.com/kbront/videos/2221366881309340/ // Articles in 2018 about relocation: // https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/2454628 // https://www.chinatimes.com/cn/realtimenews/20180611003495-260405 // // Old Info Page (look at Internet Archive): // https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V7/eservice/docs/overview/observation/radar/rcck.htm // (was for RCCG but page was labeled RCCK) { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.146709, "lon": 120.086030, "name": "Tainan City", "alt_name": "Cigu District", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The id for this radar is RCCG.

    " + "The location of this radar site is changing. Based on low resolution satellite imagery, it appears that it is likely moving to around 23.159409N 120.076447E. That location is about 1.7km northwest of where the radar site is moving from. Those coordinates that we will eventually use, unless we get better satellite imagery, might be up to about 150 meters off. Based upon pictures of the groundbreaking, and low resolution satellite imagery, we think the coordinates we chose are within a few dozen meters of the new radar site. The new radar site will likely become active sometime in 2022. We're uncertain if the old radar equipment will be moved from the old radar site or if there will be new radar equipment at the new site.

    " + "You can see pictures and/or videos of the groundbreaking in 2019 on the new radar site here, here and here. An article from September 7th, 2021 here has a picture of the construction in progress.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Radar Code: RCKT // Bureau Station Code: 46779 or 467790 // https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V8/C/A/organ/46779.html // Range: 460km // // https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A2%BE%E4%B8%81%E6%B0%A3%E8%B1%A1%E9%9B%B7%E9%81%94%E7%AB%99 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 21.901092, "lon": 120.854943, "name": "Pingtung County", "alt_name": "Kenting National Park", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The id for this radar is RCKT.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Radar Code: RCHL // Bureau Station Code: 46699 or 466990 // https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V8/C/A/organ/46699R.html // Range: 460km // // https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%8A%B1%E8%93%AE%E6%B0%A3%E8%B1%A1%E9%9B%B7%E9%81%94%E7%AB%99 // Pictures: // https://blog.xuite.net/tornadohsu/blog/319404332 // // An older radar is about 50 meters west. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.988514, "lon": 121.628770, "name": "Hualien County", "alt_name": "Hualien City", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The id for this radar is RCHL.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Radar Code: RCWF // Bureau Station Code: 46685 or 466850 // https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V8/C/A/organ/46685.html // Range: 460km // // https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V8/C/A/organ/46685.html // https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BA%94%E5%88%86%E5%B1%B1%E6%B0%A3%E8%B1%A1%E9%9B%B7%E9%81%94%E7%AB%99 // // Two radars here. From this document: // https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/bams/102/3/BAMS-D-20-0043.1.xml // "RCMD is a special radar collocated with RCWF for the // calibration, training, and scan strategy design of the // C-pol radars." // Based on this: // https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V8/C/A/organ/46685.html // It seems smaller radar, RCMD, is that one based on when it // appeared. // Picture of when radar had been damaged by typhoon: // https://www.merit-times.com/NewsPage.aspx?unid=532666 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.071399, "lon": 121.781200, "name": "New Taipei City", "alt_name": "Wufenshan", "range": 460, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The id for this radar is RCWF.

    " + "A second radar, a C-band radar with the id RCMD, is also at this location. It is about 35 meters north of the S-band radar.

    " + "The journal article here says that \"RCMD is a special radar collocated with RCWF for the calibration, training, and scan strategy design of the C-pol radars.\" You can view more information here.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // // // // Central Weather Bureau - More // // // // Radar Code: RCLY { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.526089, "lon": 120.379449, "name": "Kaohsiung City", "alt_name": "Linyuan District", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The id for this radar is RCLY. We don't know what range might be included in the composite imagery on Taiwan's site. However, approximately 150km range imagery is available when you click the \"Rain Radar\" tab.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Radar Code: RCNT { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.144244, "lon": 120.579448, "name": "Taichung City", "alt_name": "Nantun District", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The id for this radar is RCNT. We don't know what range might be included in the composite imagery on Taiwan's site. However, approximately 150km range imagery is available when you click the \"Rain Radar\" tab.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Radar Code: RCSL // // Youtube video: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA1onZr5dlk { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.003843, "lon": 121.400589, "name": "New Taipei City", "alt_name": "Shulin District", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The id for this radar is RCSL. We don't know what range might be included in the composite imagery on Taiwan's site. However, approximately 150km range imagery is available when you click the \"Rain Radar\" tab.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // // // // Taiwan Air Force // // // // Radar Code: RCGI { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 22.652527, "lon": 121.483336, "name": "Green Island", "alt_name": "Ludao Township", "alt_name_html": "Lüdao Township", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "Taiwan Air Force", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The id for this radar is RCGI. We don't include the range for this radar because we don't know if it is included in Taiwan's composite reflectivity. A PDF file we link to below says that the reflectivity for this radar site might be 400km.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Radar Code: RCMK // // Google Street View of what seems to be new radar: // https://www.google.com/maps/@23.5671484,119.634976,3a,15.1y,263.72h,92.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4gwjmWfY6g4UrQ6NOGJD3Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 // Google Street View of old radar (from 2015): // https://www.google.com/maps/@23.564048,119.6355454,3a,15y,239.93h,91.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKv7YwwmZc4NA9Xu4Pl4BHA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 23.566807, "lon": 119.631472, "name": "Penghu County", "alt_name": "Huxi Township", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "Taiwan Air Force", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The id for this radar is RCMK. We don't include the range for this radar because we don't know if it is included in Taiwan's composite reflectivity. A PDF file we link to below says that the reflectivity for this radar site might be 300km.

    " + "This radar was previously located at 23.562926N 119.633420E. Based on satellite imagery, the dome disappeared between October 27th, 2017 and December 4th, 2017. During that same time period, a dome appeared at the coordinates we chose. The coordinates we chose are about 475 meters north-northwest of where a dome was previously. You can view the tower we chose on Google Street View here.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Radar Code: RCCK { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.250981, "lon": 120.634284, "name": "Taichung City", "alt_name": "Daya District", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "Taiwan Air Force", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The id for this radar is RCCK. We don't include the range for this radar because we don't know if it is included in Taiwan's composite reflectivity. A PDF file we link to below says that the reflectivity for this radar site might be 300km.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // // // // Air Navigation and Weather Services (ANWS), CAA, MOTC // // // // Picture: // https://www.anws.gov.tw/english/FlightServiceEN/AEF/SurveillanceEn.htm // Old radar image, from 2006, here: // https://www.anws.gov.tw/FlightService/Weather/Service.htm { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.078435, "lon": 121.217083, "name": "Taoyuan International Airport", "imagery_url": "https://aoaws.anws.gov.tw/AWS/showradar.php?lang=en", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": "Air Navigation and Weather Services (ANWS), CAA, MOTC", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "We don't know if imagery is available from this radar site online. While we link to a radar display on their site, it says that it comes from the Central Weather Bureau. We don't know if radar data from this radar is included. That also means we don't draw a range for this radar.

    " + "You can view a picture of the weather radar tower here. You can view an old radar image, from 2006, on the page here.

    " + "In the agency name, CAA stands for Civil Aeronautics Administration and MOTC stands for Ministry of Transportation and Communications.

    " + taiwanWindowContentForMultipleSites }, ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Tajikistan // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "TJK": [ { "wrd_page": "a20vdFhMY1RQOHVmVTZQUG02eEZYQT09", "lat": 38.549664, "lon": 68.620594, "name": "Dushanbe", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": tajikistanWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "YUdKUVBVOHJWTnBNU1U0VXhlOGVPdz09", "lat": 37.661061, "lon": 68.654169, "name": "Kolkhozabad", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": tajikistanWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "VVEzRlFJQ0h5NGxZUmg4dGNyL2pmdz09", "lat": 38.469927, "lon": 68.193285, "name": "Tursunzoda", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": tajikistanWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "MEJmNVVHUC9LVExINEdDTEpHbUt5UT09", "lat": 38.237058, "lon": 68.909452, "name": "Yovon", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": tajikistanWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Thailand // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "THA": [ // --------------------------------- // // Thai Meteorological Department // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "ZDVFelF4RXVwNHFETlBzVGN2dWpFdz09", "lat": 19.961391, "lon": 99.881539, "name": "Chiang Rai", "imagery_id": "criLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "6&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "ZVhVQnJjRkYyTGdhNGQwV0loaHNjdz09", "lat": 10.498710, "lon": 99.188378, "name": "Chumphon", "imagery_id": "cmpLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "14&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "dktKTVFkUENwZG5pNFYza3dwUC90UT09", "lat": 12.578103, "lon": 99.954019, "name": "Hua Hin", "imagery_id": "hhnLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "13&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 16.462262, "lon": 102.785874, "name": "Khon Kaen", "imagery_id": "kknLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "10&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": "The WMO coordinates for the radar site named as \"Kkn\" in the WMO Radar Database, on the page here, are about 40km off from the location of the Khon Kaen radar site.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // In August 2019, when we updated this radar site on our map, // the radar imagery for this radar site was last updated on May // 30th, 2019. { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "NkIxWThER1lPRHFhTW5iM1FLOThGdz09", "lat": 8.103727, "lon": 98.975097, "name": "Krabi", "alt_name": "Nuea Khlong", "imagery_id": "krbLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "22&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we tested this radar site, it had not been working for over 500 days.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "MTBZYmcxWXhtR29rKzFzOHhBdGhHUT09", "lat": 18.566611, "lon": 99.038763, "name": "Lamphun", "imagery_id": "lmpLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "24&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@19.2997028,97.97271,3a,48.8y,346.63h,110.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smfUSkOYxiE3AS2BR7j_tjg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 19.299932, "lon": 97.972583, "name": "Mae Hong Son", "imagery_id": "mhs240", "alt_imagery_id": "", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": "This radar seems to have been built sometime between November 2020 and June 2021. An X-band radar used to be next to this radar, about 25 meters away, before this one was built. In October 2022, we did not see this radar site on the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation site.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@19.2995905,97.9729602,3a,45y,327.82h,99.05t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sfcBiZu5jzXG4k7W_pLQ0xg!2e0!5s20190601T000000!7i16384!8i8192 { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "YXFlMWZPWkZTWVR3MXAvUDdrcXMxUT09", "lat": 19.300099, "lon": 97.972700, "name": "Mae Hong Son", "window_content": "This X-band radar no longer exists. Sometime between November 2020 and June 2021 it was torn down. You can see what it looked like here. A new radar was built about 25 meters away." }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "NU5HRlpLRWZxRXRYaG5TOU1iU3Z4UT09", "lat": 14.362092, "lon": 101.392852, "name": "Nakhon Nayok", "imagery_id": "kkw240", "alt_imagery_id": "23&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we tested this radar site, it had not been working for over 200 days according to the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation site.

    " + "We link to a page where data had previously appeared.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 19.123075, "lon": 100.812907, "name": "Nan", "alt_name": "Tha Wang Pha", "imagery_id": "nan120Loop", "alt_imagery_id": "33&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": "You can view a 120km range loop on the " + thailandMetDeptName + " site at the first link. You can also view a 240km range image on their site here. You can view a 240km range slideshow on the " + thailandHuaHinAgencyName + " site at the second link.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "THl6Qk9mR1NwcUovQkRNQ2RaUmkvZz09", "lat": 6.426864, "lon": 101.825148, "name": "Narathiwat", "alt_name": "Bang Nak", "imagery_id": "nrtLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "28&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // As of August 2019, when we updated this radar site on our map, // the radar imagery for this radar site was last updated on // April 2nd, 2017. { "wrd_page": "OThUME4xdWRod1pQTGMyQ0Z6dEVVQT09", "lat": 15.657017, "lon": 101.105666, "name": "Phetchabun", "alt_name": "Tha Rong", "imagery_id": "phbLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "25&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we tested this radar site, it had not been working for over 200 days.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "bExBamRSSmJyNmZTdndtV05vZFFuZz09", "lat": 16.775393, "lon": 100.217966, "name": "Phitsanulok", "imagery_id": "phsLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "8&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "cS9zS2REbUl3eWpHQU5zMVN4cW9udz09", "lat": 8.133369, "lon": 98.329506, "name": "Phuket", "alt_name": "Mai Khao", "imagery_id": "pkt240Loop", "alt_imagery_id": "19&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // As of August 2019, when we updated this radar site on our map, // the radar imagery for this radar site was last updated on // March 16th, 2019. { "wrd_page": "UVFyT0MwYUJrNnc2Q1dWVHJBVTlPUT09", "lat": 12.633442, "lon": 101.340570, "name": "Rayong", "imagery_id": "rygLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "20&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we tested this radar site, it had not been working for over 400 days.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "enpmc3g1VWFWRUJLK1pXNDZwNGpzQT09", "lat": 17.156275, "lon": 104.133121, "name": "Sakon Nakhon", "imagery_id": "sknLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "9&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 13.407664, "lon": 100.031980, "name": "Samut Songkhram", "alt_name": "Bang Kaeo", "imagery_id": "skm120Loop", "alt_imagery_id": "30&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": "You can view a 120km range loop on the " + thailandMetDeptName + " site at the first link. You can also view a 240km range image on their site here. You can view a 240km range slideshow on the " + thailandHuaHinAgencyName + " site at the second link.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "MFArUmdpVjRnM1hFeGlLeE9Vekw4QT09", "lat": 7.451269, "lon": 100.451810, "name": "Sathing Phra", "imagery_id": "stpLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "15&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "MWltdGdhOHBITG0xTWhiNTVZZ1dzQT09", "lat": 9.134069, "lon": 99.151832, "name": "Surat Thani", "alt_name": "Hua Toei", "imagery_id": "srtLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "16&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "cXpqMSttODBMTEJBa1licTF5TmZzQT09", "lat": 13.686292, "lon": 100.767561, "name": "Bangkok", "alt_name": "Suvarnabhumi Airport", "imagery_id": "svp120Loop", "alt_imagery_id": "21&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": "You can view a 120km range loop on the " + thailandMetDeptName + " site at the first link. You can also view a 240km range image on their site here. You can view a 240km range slideshow on the " + thailandHuaHinAgencyName + " site at the second link.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 15.245205, "lon": 104.870989, "name": "Ubon Ratchathani", "imagery_id": "ubnLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "11&type=PPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "window_content": "The WMO coordinates for the radar site named as \"Urt\" in the WMO Radar Database are about 11km off from the location of the Ubon Ratchathani radar site. It might be for this radar. Since we don't know, we don't include the WMO Radar Database page. You can view it here.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // // // More sites... // // // Dome was gone in July 2022, but a new platform could mean a // new radar, though one exists about 24km away. // // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@18.7719268,98.9688793,3a,23.2y,146.06h,106.68t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sb4ImnoZNVdLUzjM-sWrKWQ!2e0!5s20210801T000000!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "V0FwTGw0UkE5bkJCeEhoN3NkSUVydz09", "lat": 18.771323, "lon": 98.969299, "name": "Chiang Mai", "imagery_id": "cmi240", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we tested this radar site, it had not been working for over 2,600 days according to the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation site.

    " + "There were two domes at this location that seemed to have radars. The dome on a shorter tower disappeared by November 2020. The dome on the taller tower, which we use for coordinates, disappeared sometime between August 2021 and January 2022. However, an orange platform appeared in satellite imagery from January 2022 and was still there in Google Street View imagery from July 2022. Since that platform was new, it's possible that a new radar might be constructed at some point, though a radar already exists about 24km away. We leave this radar site in our database for now and we don't draw the range.

    " + "We link to a page where data had previously appeared.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "THNmSTNWMkZsZFZ4TWRHSGpadEx6UT09", "lat": 13.909017, "lon": 100.593590, "name": "Don Mueang", "imagery_id": "dmg240", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we tested this radar site, it had not been working for over 2,600 days according to the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation site.

    " + "We link to a page where data had previously appeared.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "bFVIOFl0MnoxQmxqUG1KMWhPa21rUT09", "lat": 6.939800, "lon": 100.392402, "name": "Hat Yai", "imagery_id": "hyi", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we tested this radar site, it had not been working for over 2,300 days according to the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation site.

    " + "We link to a page where data had likely previously appeared. We couldn't view older data so we don't know what the range of this radar is.

    " + "We link to a page where data had previously appeared.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@9.7847656,98.592947,3a,49y,294.61h,113.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sYEoxFIvI5C_ykPz7fiMsOQ!2e0!5s20200801T000000!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "OVdMQ1kxSmlITllqM2ZlNVdwWkVXZz09", "lat": 9.784894, "lon": 98.592543, "name": "Ranong", // "imagery_id": "rng", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we finally found this radar site, we found that it was torn down. It had been an X-band radar. It was in satellite imagery from December 2020, but was gone in January 2022. The radar was at a meteorological station. There had been an X-band radar in Mae Hong Son, but sometime between 2020 and 2022 they built an upgraded radar. We'll leave this radar site on the map for now in case that happens with this one too. You can view a picture of what this radar site looked like here." }, // Picture: // https://www.google.com/maps/@7.5130884,99.6206052,3a,27.4y,174.03h,108.98t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3DCkSjODZmfxd6BjyudJug!2e0!5s20220501T000000!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "aEdGL0RjVURuNTJTaFEveTdQQnlHdz09", "lat": 7.512344, "lon": 99.620730, "name": "Trang", // "imagery_id": "trg", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "agency": thailandMetDeptName, "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we tested this radar site, we could not find data from this older radar online. It is likely that this is an X-band radar based on the PDF file here. (PDF page 4)" }, // --------------------------------- // // Bangkok Metropolitan Administration // // --------------------------------- { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 13.834780, "lon": 100.846355, "name": "Bangkok", "alt_name": "Nong Chok", "imagery_id": "bma_ncLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "35&type=PPI%25", "range": 120, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandBangkokMetAdminAgencyName, "window_content": "In addition to the above links, you can also view imagery from the " + thailandBangkokMetAdminAgencyName + ":
    " + "- Static Image
    " + "- Loop
    " + "- High Resolution Static Image

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 13.737728, "lon": 100.358857, "name": "Bangkok", "alt_name": "Nong Khaem", "imagery_id": "bma_nkLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "34&type=PPI%25", "range": 150, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandBangkokMetAdminAgencyName, "window_content": "In addition to the above links, you can also view imagery from the " + thailandBangkokMetAdminAgencyName + ":
    " + "- Static Image
    " + "- Loop
    " + "- Static Image in Google Maps

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // --------------------------------- // // Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation // Hua-Hin Royal Rainmaking Center // // --------------------------------- // https://www.ichiangmaipr.com/2021/03/%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%9D%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%87%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%B0%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%A9%E0%B8%95/ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 17.798333, "lon": 98.432480, "name": "Omkoi", "alt_name": "Yang Piang", "imagery_id": "omkLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "3&type=CAPPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandHuaHinAgencyName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 8.848189, "lon": 98.809490, "name": "Phanom", "imagery_id": "phanom", "alt_imagery_id": "29&type=CAPPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandHuaHinAgencyName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 15.181805, "lon": 102.564134, "name": "Phimai", "alt_name": "Rang Ka Yai", "imagery_id": "pimai", "alt_imagery_id": "4&type=CAPPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandHuaHinAgencyName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 12.649144, "lon": 100.962796, "name": "Sattahip", "imagery_id": "satLoop", "alt_imagery_id": "2&type=CAPPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandHuaHinAgencyName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@7.331685,100.4278071,3a,15.2y,229.83h,93.92t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sgm8UMSb-PcjBEiuqtjX6WA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dgm8UMSb-PcjBEiuqtjX6WA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D245.8777%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 7.331064, "lon": 100.427096, "name": "Singhanakhon", "imagery_id": "", "alt_imagery_id": "43&type=CAPPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandHuaHinAgencyName, "window_content": thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 15.250906, "lon": 100.336902, "name": "Takhli", "imagery_id": "takhli", "alt_imagery_id": "5&type=CAPPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandHuaHinAgencyName, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "In October 2022, when we tested this radar site, it had not been working for over 80 days.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // // // // Mobile Radars // // // // Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@17.5627181,102.6839382,3a,15y,15.12h,91.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3yE1aeMsEDs9kqIUrDM8dA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "is_mobile": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 17.564704, "lon": 102.684516, "name": "Ban Phue", "imagery_id": "", "alt_imagery_id": "40&type=CAPPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandHuaHinAgencyName, "window_content": "This is a mobile radar based on the page here.

    " + "While this radar is mobile, you can see from Google StreetView imagery here that it seems to have been built onto a modular tower they built." + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Possible pictures: // https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=618169081667123 // https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=692553787561985 // Might be a very quick glimpse: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iep8LfsTu0k&t=648s // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijmELIlXlro&t=126s { "review_needed": 1, "is_mobile": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 10.716729, "lon": 99.361632, "name": "Pathio", "imagery_id": "", "alt_imagery_id": "31&type=CAPPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandHuaHinAgencyName, "window_content": "The location of this radar is uncertain. This is a mobile radar based on the page here. Based on a picture here that might be the radar, we think it might be located at the coordinates we chose. Satellite imagery was not detailed enough to know for sure. In October 2022, we were able to see satellite imagery from March 2017. We were able to seemingly match the two tall poles and the smaller dish on the ground. However, the buildings

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Google Street View: // https://www.google.com/maps/@15.3123538,104.1112048,3a,15y,343.85h,92.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQMZzeJsjSN1iYlHvoKN9-A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 // https://www.google.com/maps/@15.3128411,104.1115058,3a,18.4y,320.37h,93.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDTZAUQq82GshzqfeRm0v9Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 { "review_needed": 1, "is_mobile": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 15.313581, "lon": 104.110844, "name": "Rasi Salai", "imagery_id": "", "alt_imagery_id": "42&type=CAPPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandHuaHinAgencyName, "window_content": "This is a mobile radar based on the page here.

    " + "While this radar is mobile, you can see from Google StreetView imagery here that it seems to have been built onto a modular tower they built." + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "review_needed": 1, "is_mobile": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 18.322634, "lon": 100.302051, "name": "Rong Kwang", "imagery_id": "", "alt_imagery_id": "37&type=CAPPI%25", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "agency": thailandHuaHinAgencyName, "window_content": "These coordinates are estimated. This is a mobile radar based on the page here. We chose an object on satellite that could possibly be the mobile radar. A shadow might be visible in imagery from February 2021 due to the modular tower the radar is likely on. Imagery wasn't detailed enough to know and we didn't see any pictures of the site.

    " + thailandWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Turkey // // Photos of the radars: // https://www.mgm.gov.tr/genel/meteorolojiradarlari.aspx?s=radaragi // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "TUR": [ { "wrd_page": "V0tYMFA0VGFUUkIvbTFxSEc1ZHNxdz09", "lat": 38.401542, "lon": 30.419124, "name": "Afyonkarahisar", "imagery_id": "03", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "bllhczhwaGtFZWd2SngyRVo2cDIwdz09", "lat": 39.798352, "lon": 32.971431, "name": "Ankara", "imagery_id": "06", "range": 350, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "bDlpZVMzL21LTUFJQnhEU0VMZEQ0Zz09", "lat": 36.266243, "lon": 30.437435, "name": "Antalya", "alt_name": "Kumluca", "imagery_id": "07", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "c0szL0FwR3F1QXc5OVJmSUJaVEQrQT09", "lat": 36.904270, "lon": 30.815168, "name": "Antalya", "alt_name": "Antalya Airport X-band", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When checking radar data for this country in September 2020, it didn't seem like data for this radar site was available. A radar with data available was about 80km south-southwest of this radar. You can view a picture of this radar on this page. On that page there is a sentence about this radar. Rough translation from Google Translate: \"introduction of an X-band radar working with LIDAR within the ASRÜKUS (Low Level Wind Break Warning System) system established at Antalya airport in 2019\". Based on satellite data, and the WMO radar database, it was built in 2018." }, { "wrd_page": "YTRzVjg2c284M2FLOGoyWW5YcWl6QT09", "lat": 39.740215, "lon": 27.618600, "name": "Balikesir", "name_html": "Balıkesir", "imagery_id": "10", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "R2M5SWdqOWFsck1uT3ZsVnRsZklGZz09", "lat": 40.538386, "lon": 29.903638, "name": "Bursa", "imagery_id": "16", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "RW5KYzUrRloxQjdvUThLcXNTemxVdz09", "lat": 40.158596, "lon": 41.554371, "name": "Erzurum", "imagery_id": "25", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "SkNlaHdkY3FYUXlVNEY1b0lzQ3VMQT09", "lat": 37.137264, "lon": 37.137330, "name": "Gaziantep", "imagery_id": "27", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "dnhRQW8vak05bDJJQWp0QkNsUW51dz09", "lat": 36.317858, "lon": 35.787676, "name": "Hatay", "imagery_id": "31", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "RTJzVDFEajZ6Qm5jN0M0UnF5NWYrZz09", "lat": 41.341337, "lon": 28.356691, "name": "Istanbul", "name_html": "İstanbul", "imagery_id": "34C", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "OEJCNGZrbWczdlpzV3FPL0ZTWUxiQT09", "lat": 38.311452, "lon": 27.001237, "name": "Izmir", "name_html": "İzmir", "imagery_id": "35", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "VWE1QTZ0OGgwY2RlMmVvZ21sdnRhdz09", "lat": 37.391681, "lon": 33.138858, "name": "Karaman", "imagery_id": "70", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "ZnI5ektoVmg5T0NLcU8vSEFka0owdz09", "lat": 36.746747, "lon": 37.118386, "name": "Kilis", "alt_name": "mobile X-band", "imagery_id": "79", "range": 70, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is a mobile radar which could be moved as it has been in the past. You can view a picture of this radar on this page. That page also says, translated using Google Translate: \"Mobile X-band radar installed at Atatürk Airport in 2014 was moved to Kilis in 2018 and continues to serve.\" We last checked the imagery for this radar site in September 2020." }, { "wrd_page": "aVlxQnA4aDNMMm4yQ1NPSHE4RjIxZz09", "lat": 36.885933, "lon": 28.332615, "name": "Mugla", "name_html": "Muğla", "imagery_id": "48", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "KzVxUUNON09WUi8wekRyVmJQcm9tZz09", "lat": 41.314455, "lon": 36.037059, "name": "Samsun", "imagery_id": "55", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, // // The coordinates for this radar site are an estimate. // // Close-up picture on this page: // https://www.mgm.gov.tr/genel/meteorolojiradarlari.aspx?s=radaragi // Possible picture from far away: // https://www.haberurfa.com/siverek/siverek-karacadag-kayak-merkezi-protokolu-imzalandi-h3202.html // { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "YnpIci81WkxEc01YRUtpVmhuV3Fjdz09", "lat": 37.715072, "lon": 39.828895, "name": "Sanliurfa", "name_html": "Şanlıurfa", "alt_name": "also known as Urfa", "imagery_id": "63", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "dXNIcUtwSDlGdUNaQzlOSm9iYjJFQT09", "lat": 39.765080, "lon": 36.854663, "name": "Sivas", "imagery_id": "58", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "ZDFQTGwzd2JCWXNhcHJtdUVOOWVtZz09", "lat": 41.074644, "lon": 39.468531, "name": "Trabzon", "imagery_id": "61", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "RFh6Y1MxUFVkV0xzZi9BajFleDBDdz09", "lat": 41.181124, "lon": 31.798500, "name": "Zonguldak", "imagery_id": "67", "range": 370, "range_unit": "km" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // United Arab Emirates // // The WMO Radar Database also lists two other radars, a mobile one // and one in Fujairah. The Fujairah radar might also be a mobile // radar based on the file here: // http://www.gccmet.net/libraries/download/5 // We do not include either. The WMO Radar Database says the // Fujairah radar is "Closed". // // Radar data: // https://www.ncm.ae/en#!/Radar_UAE_Merge // https://www.ncm.ae/ghaith/v2/?lang=en // https://albahar.ncm.ae/ar/marine-radars-and-satellites // http://www.gccmet.net/#radar/uae // // This research paper contains old imagery for Al Dhafra, Delma // Island and Dubai International Airport: // https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229042126_P1_5_THE_AP_GROUND_CLUTTER_MITIGATION_SCHEME_FOR_THE_WSR-88D // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "ARE": [ // WMO Install Year: 2011 // Sat. Appearance: 2009-2012 // UAE Range: 250km { "wrd_page": "OUYrN09Kb2hyOVp2N3B6TG9yZGNzUT09", "lat": 24.371569, "lon": 54.466776, "name": "Abu Dhabi", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml }, // WMO Install Year: 2011 // Sat. Appearance: Earlier than 2004-03-23 // UAE Range: 250km { "wrd_page": "dDRBa3JqbjB3cDFsWGEzLy9ZODZUQT09", "lat": 24.266220, "lon": 55.619809, "name": "Al Ain", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml }, // WMO Install Year: 2000 // Sat. Appearance: 2007 or earlier // UAE Range: N/A { "wrd_page": "K2xtL3FWR2tSWHIvZlp6SUh6UGJwQT09", "lat": 24.255695, "lon": 54.550902, "name": "Al Dhafra", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "There appears to be some kind of smaller tower 40 meters to the north. It's uncertain which is the radar tower. We went with the larger one.

    " + "This radar does not appear on UAE's website and we don't list a range.

    " + unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml }, // WMO Install Year: N/A // Sat. Appearance: 2017?-2018? // UAE Range: 250km // UAE Coordinates: 24.34823 51.60429 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.349650, "lon": 51.599433, "name": "Al Sila", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "This is about 520 meters away from the coordinates on UAE's site.

    " + unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml }, // WMO Install Year: 2011 // Sat. Appearance: 2011-2012 // UAE Range: N/A { "wrd_page": "MEZUclk0dWw1aXEyTTFvM1Q5VVVrUT09", "lat": 24.235655, "lon": 55.539556, "name": "Al Yahar", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar does not appear on UAE's website and we don't list a range.

    " + unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml }, // WMO Install Year: 1998 // Sat. Appearance: Earlier than 2005-05-12 // UAE Range: N/A { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "Qzg4dkY4THlsOEt0SC9XMGtxckVsdz09", "lat": 24.504249, "lon": 52.332909, "name": "Delma Island", "alt_name": "a.k.a. Dalma Island", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "The WMO Radar Database lists this radar's operating status as \"Closed\".

    " + "This radar does not appear on UAE's website and we don't list a range.

    " + unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml }, // WMO Install Year: N/A // Sat. Appearance: 2014 // UAE Range: 250km { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 24.913944, "lon": 55.099742, "name": "Dubai", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml }, // WMO Install Year: N/A // Sat. Appearance: 2002-2004 // UAE Range: N/A { "wrd_page": "QlBnczIvc1dONzU2TVB5OHFmaWNmUT09", "lat": 25.262602, "lon": 55.362534, "name": "Dubai International Airport", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "secondary": 1, "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "This radar does not appear on UAE's website and we don't list a range.

    " + unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml }, // WMO Install Year: N/A // Sat. Appearance: 2022 // UAE Range: 250km { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 25.176802, "lon": 56.345715, "name": "Fujairah", "range": "250", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml }, // This seems like a mobile radar. // // WMO Install Year: N/A // Sat. Appearance: 2014-2020 // UAE Range: 220km // UAE Coordinates: 22.77972 55.051781 { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "QlFpZWNtUWljVHBBbmRWa0FuTCtCZz09", "lat": 22.779647, "lon": 55.051818, "name": "Gasyoura", "range": "220", "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 0, "window_content": "This radar seems to be a mobile radar. The coordinates we selected are less than 10 meters from the coordinates on UAE's website. Satellite imagery seems to show something parked on a roadway that looks like a mobile radar. The range is also listed as 220km on their site, less than their radars that have a range of 250km, so it likely is a mobile radar.

    " + "UAE has a mobile radar listed in the WMO Radar Database. We don't know if that is this one, but since the timing would work out from the install date listed in the WMO Radar Database, we do link to that page in the database.

    " + unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml }, // WMO Install Year: N/A // Sat. Appearance: Earlier than 2003-03-02 // UAE Range: 250km // // Possible picture: // https://wam.ae/ar/details/1395302795090 { "wrd_page": "cGdtWDNieU5HSDJwMHRBdDY0ckpjZz09", "lat": 23.104928, "lon": 53.754611, "name": "Liwa Oasis", "alt_name": "Mezaira / Mezairaa / Muzaira", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "There appears to be some kind of smaller tower, built sometime between 2015 and 2018, 300 meters to the south-southwest. We selected the larger tower for coordinates. The radar for this location has been around since at least 2003 or earlier based on satellite imagery, though we don't know if another one could have been constructed. It's uncertain, but a picture of the radar tower we have coordinates for might be here. The radar on that website is not named, but seems to match somewhat with the location.

    " + unitedArabEmiratesWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Uzbekistan // // Ranges and radar imagery for Samarkand and Tashkent: // https://old.wmo.int/extranet/pages/prog/www/IMOP/publications/IOM-109_TECO-2012/Session2/O2_05_Riksiev_Uzbekistan.pdf // Baron Installs Doppler Weather Radar Systems in Uzbekistan // (January 23, 2012) // https://www.hmei.org/attachments/MemberNews/Baron-uzbekistan-installationJan2012.pdf // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "UZB": [ { "wrd_page": "bTN1UmVIV2dWVGhEYUVnZGpWRitvQT09", "lat": 42.515669, "lon": 59.605347, "name": "Nukus", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": uzbekistanWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "RW5pYVpNbjJlbUszWVc4VVQ1eStQZz09", "lat": 39.694826, "lon": 66.996819, "name": "Samarkand", "range": 250, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": uzbekistanWindowHtml }, { "wrd_page": "UnBUOXlmZ3IzTWlNV3hIam4wSHBGdz09", "lat": 41.192301, "lon": 69.237632, "name": "Tashkent", "range": 240, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": uzbekistanWindowHtml } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Vietnam // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "VNM": [ { "wrd_page": "MmNJZDVQQ21aaGU3ZldwNVpmY05XZz09", "lat": 16.804978, "lon": 107.092098, "name": "Dong Ha", "name_html": "Đông Hà", "imagery_id": "DHA", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 10.659430, "lon": 106.728005, "name": "Ho Chi Minh City", "name_html": "Hồ Chí Minh City", "alt_name": "Nha Be", "alt_name_html": "Nhà Bè", "imagery_id": "NHB", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // About obstructions: // Page gone: http://www.cem.gov.vn/VN/TINTRANGCHU_Content/tabid/330/cat/115/nfriend/3751529/language/vi-VN/Default.aspx // https://news.zing.vn/lo-nui-o-nha-trang-radar-bi-bit-mat-khong-quan-trac-duoc-mua-post894389.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 12.250025, "lon": 109.194500, "name": "Nha Trang", "imagery_id": "NHT", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar has a lot of obstructions due to high-rise buildings. You can read more about that here. (in Vietnamese)" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 21.571473, "lon": 103.516957, "name": "Deo Pha Din", "name_html": "Đèo Pha Đin", "alt_name": "Pha Din Pass", "imagery_id": "PHA", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 20.805577, "lon": 106.630919, "name": "Hai Phong", "name_html": "Hải Phòng", "alt_name": "Phu Lien", "alt_name_html": "Phù Liễn", "imagery_id": "PLI", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The range of this radar site in the composite image on the AMO site is 450km, but in individual radar imagery it is 200km. On our map we use 200km." }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 14.034539, "lon": 107.984005, "name": "Pleiku", "imagery_id": "PLE", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 13.748323, "lon": 109.192101, "name": "Quy Nhon", "alt_name_html": "Quy Nhơn", "imagery_id": "QNH", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 15.567471, "lon": 108.462350, "name": "Tam Ky", "name_html": "Tam Kỳ", "imagery_id": "TKY", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "R215YXl4SkJUTGEzV2FCMVJCQTRYdz09", "lat": 21.323205, "lon": 105.397013, "name": "Viet Tri", "name_html": "Việt Trì", "imagery_id": "VTR", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 18.647251, "lon": 105.699946, "name": "Vinh", "imagery_id": "VIN", "range": 200, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The range of this radar site in the composite image on the AMO site might be around 450km, but in individual radar imagery it is 200km. On our map we use 200km." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Oceania // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Australia // // A complete review by us of this country's radars, including // the addition of any new ones, concluded on April 7, 2021. // // Norfolk Island is handled as a country and does not appear // here. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "AUS": { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Australian Capital Territory // // A radar site in New South Wales already covers the // territory. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- /* "ACT": [ ], */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // New South Wales // (and covering Australian Capital Territory) // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NSW": [ // BOM Site Coord: -29.969 146.812 // // Video of construction (July 21, 2020 posted): // https://twitter.com/BOM_NSW/status/1285739155989901314 // https://www.facebook.com/bureauofmeteorology/videos/599378780780232/ // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caddzMdDoPs // // February 25, 2019 - NSW GOVERNMENT DELIVERING DOPPLER RADAR COVERAGE TO WESTERN NSW: // https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/873081/Doppler-barilaro.pdf // November 3, 2020 - Construction completed: // https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/about-us/media-centre/releases/2020/ministerial/construction-of-brewarrina-radar-complete // "construction of the new multi-million dollar // Brewarrina Doppler weather radar has been completed // only four months after the first sod was turned" { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -29.970770, "lon": 146.813540, "name": "Brewarrina", "imagery_id": "93", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "agency": australiaNswAgencyName + " / " + defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["AUS"]["agency"], "window_content": "Using the coordinates for this radar site from the HTML of the page that data is on, we then looked up low resolution satellite imagery using the Sentinel Hub EO Browser and found a bright spot near where the new radar was supposed to be built. Based upon an artist impression of the radar here, the radar was to be located next to Aerodrome Road. The coordinates we selected were about 250 meters from the coordinates of the Bureau of Meteorology and appears to be where the radar is likely located.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Canberra Captains Flat // BOM Site: Canberra (Captains Flat) { "wrd_page": "ZnlBN2dhYzlKVXNOVE5KRjQvbW1JZz09", "lat": -35.661396, "lon": 149.512299, "name": "Captains Flat", "alt_name": "Canberra, Australian Capital Territory", "imagery_id": "40", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "MllIeUZSeEVMRDhJS0V2RDlWTWZVdz09", "lat": -29.620682, "lon": 152.963366, "name": "Grafton", "imagery_id": "28", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // BOM Site Name: Hillston // // BOM Site Coord: -33.552 145.529 // // YouTube video of construction: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yks8kg8gagU // Constuction began on December 17, 2020: // https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/about-us/media-centre/releases/2020/ministerial/new-hillston-ivanhoe-doppler-radar-construction-fast-tracked // Powered on August 3, 2021: // https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/about-us/media-centre/releases/2021/ministerial/nsw-government-powers-on-hillston-radar { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -33.55215, "lon": 145.52862, "name": "Hillston", "imagery_id": "94", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "agency": australiaNswAgencyName + " / " + defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["AUS"]["agency"], "window_content": "Using the coordinates for this radar site from the HTML of the page that data is on, we then looked up low resolution satellite imagery using the Sentinel Hub EO Browser. The coordinates we selected were about 40 meters from the coordinates of the Bureau of Meteorology.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Mention of Kurnell radar: // https://ams.confex.com/ams/28SLS/webprogram/Paper301711.html { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -34.014758, "lon": 151.226253, "name": "Kurnell", "imagery_id": "", "imagery_url": "", "range": "", "range_unit": "", "not_available": 0, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "agency": australiaNswAgencyName + " / " + defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["AUS"]["agency"], "window_content": "We couldn't find data for this radar on their site. Information here indicates that in December 2015 it was operational when a tornado passed nearby. We don't know the range and therefore don't draw it on the map. We also don't know if it is still operational.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "bHpCeHcramFmSWtPSis1N1p3cG1vUT09", "lat": -29.490342, "lon": 149.846223, "name": "Moree", "imagery_id": "53", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Namoi // BOM Site: Namoi (Blackjack Mountain) { "wrd_page": "OU50VWJMTnJuWjV0K1laSXp6d0YrZz09", "lat": -31.024244, "lon": 150.191964, "name": "Gunnedah", "alt_name": "Blackjack Mountain in Naomi region", "imagery_id": "69", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Newcastle Williamtown // BOM Site: Newcastle { "wrd_page": "c1pnS3V5UDB2aFd5bWU1WW9FeFRudz09", "lat": -32.729797, "lon": 152.025416, "name": "Newcastle", "imagery_id": "04", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Sydney Terrey Hills // BOM Site: Sydney (Terrey Hills) { "wrd_page": "d3ozYlUxdG1GQWpHYTAyWThUMDIydz09", "lat": -33.700831, "lon": 151.209436, "name": "Sydney", "alt_name": "Terrey Hills", "imagery_id": "71", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "SWxEL3dDRzV6MklUeXc5VXlCUmZXZz09", "lat": -35.158173, "lon": 147.456334, "name": "Wagga Wagga", "imagery_id": "55", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Wollongong Appin // BOM Site: Wollongong (Appin) { "wrd_page": "V1RYL2wrcVdQY2dwQ1QvRXEzSEE5UT09", "lat": -34.262375, "lon": 150.875192, "name": "Wollongong", "alt_name": "Appin", "imagery_id": "03", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/about-us/media-centre/releases/2021/ministerial/yeoval-radar-on-track-for-2022-completion { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -32.744413, "lon": 148.708134, "name": "Yeoval", "imagery_id": "96", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "agency": australiaNswAgencyName + " / " + defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["AUS"]["agency"], "window_content": "The coordinates for this radar site are estimated. On satellite imagery, as of imagery from September 2021, you could see construction of the radar starting at the coordinates given by their website. (32.744S 148.708E) We chose a location about 50 meters away, about where it looks like the radar will likely be built. The coordinates we chose are likely less than 20 meters from the actual location of the radar.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Northern Territory // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "NT": [ { "wrd_page": "OHR6bUdJa2RXbFc5ZGJFNmlOdGdKUT09", "lat": -23.795055, "lon": 133.888907, "name": "Alice Springs", "imagery_id": "25", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO Name: Darwin Airport // BOM Site Name: Darwin Airport // // WMO Coord: -12.424722 130.892222 // BOM Site Coord: N/A { "wrd_page": "NkwwUGRiVklINHRKV1lxbUlUNE1pZz09", "lat": -12.424608, "lon": 130.892159, "name": "Darwin Airport", "imagery_id": "10", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "window_content": "As of updating this page for this country, this radar site was not listed on the " + defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["AUS"]["agency"] + "'s website. However, based on the time, it did seem to have current data on the page for the radar site.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO Name: Darwin Berrimah // BOM Site Name: Darwin (Berrimah) // // WMO Coord: -12.455833 130.926667 // BOM Site Coord: -12.46 130.93 { "wrd_page": "N0ludktUY0VRQlQwejcwVkNIb0xMZz09", "lat": -12.455930, "lon": 130.926602, "name": "Darwin", "alt_name": "Berrimah", "imagery_id": "63", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "U0k0NEoxQjdOVEhqNjJYSGI0a2VkUT09", "lat": -12.274982, "lon": 136.819914, "name": "Gove", "imagery_id": "09", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "V293NXd6VU9SZlB2em5BTWIyVFRqZz09", "lat": -14.510948, "lon": 132.447018, "name": "Katherine", "alt_name": "Tindal", "imagery_id": "42", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "Ykw1TzJiV3Q4R2ZBY1B4ZGVpazMyUT09", "lat": -11.648489, "lon": 133.380001, "name": "Warruwi", "imagery_id": "77", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Listed in the WMO Radar Database as closed. It has been // decommissioned: // http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/radar/about/barkley_the_future.shtml { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "N3RRZXMvaGMzYzRkNEhLLzZSM04rUT09", "lat": -19.642196, "lon": 134.183267, "name": "Tennant Creek", "imagery_id": "65", "range": "256", "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar has been decommissioned based on the page here." } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Queensland // // "In the 2019-20 Budget, the Australian Government // committed $77.2 million to install and operate four new // dual-polarised Doppler radars to fill significant coverage // gaps in Queensland. The new radars are expected to become // operational between 2021 and 2023." // // "The radars will cover the regions of the Darling Downs // (near Oakey), southern Queensland (near Taroom), Upper // Burdekin (between Charters Towers and Hughenden) and the // Flinders catchment (near Maxwelton)." // // http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/radar/includes/RadarFactSheet.pdf // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "QLD": [ { "wrd_page": "S3NMdGdWNzlKUU5DeTFKU1pKRjVtQT09", "lat": -19.885738, "lon": 148.075662, "name": "Bowen", "alt_name": "Abbot Point", "imagery_id": "24", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "cGR4Y2phbHVaNXkwQlVDVkJmS3ZhUT09", "lat": -27.606338, "lon": 152.540110, "name": "Brisbane", "alt_name": "Marburg", "imagery_id": "50", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "eDcrQXpxM3VwY2w3am5PaEZoOGhoQT09", "lat": -27.717744, "lon": 153.240021, "name": "Brisbane", "alt_name": "Mount Stapylton", "imagery_id": "66", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "a2dmWVpNazdhaHRhK1ZCNG5NTTdJUT09", "lat": -16.818177, "lon": 145.663015, "name": "Cairns", "alt_name": "Saddle Mountain", "imagery_id": "19", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Emerald // BOM Site: Emerald (Central Highlands) { "wrd_page": "UEVYWXdaOTBoazl6UHJSRHU3T2NvUT09", "lat": -23.549558, "lon": 148.239161, "name": "Emerald", "alt_name": "Central Highlands region", "imagery_id": "72", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "eENlSHdrY1RoYjlkdGVnOUhnWDZudz09", "lat": -23.855055, "lon": 151.262570, "name": "Gladstone", "imagery_id": "23", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // BOM Site Coord: -18.997 144.996 // // Went live on November 30, 2021: // https://minister.awe.gov.au/ley/media-releases/new-radar-online-la-nina-hits-north-queensland // // Pictures: // https://www.northweststar.com.au/story/7543563/north-qld-to-benefit-from-new-greenvale-weather-radar/ // https://twitter.com/OfficeNorthAus/status/1468512068340961282 // // Article about tower construction of multiple radars on // March 3, 2021: // https://cqtoday.com.au/news/2021/03/11/xtreme-on-the-radar/ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -18.997620, "lon": 144.995930, "name": "Greenvale", "imagery_id": "74", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "Using the coordinates for this radar site from the HTML of the page that data is on, we then looked up low resolution satellite imagery using the Sentinel Hub EO Browser. We found a bright spot close to where the new radar was supposed to be built. We used that for the coordinates we chose. The coordinates we selected were about 70 meters south from the coordinates of the Bureau of Meteorology. Some pictures of the radar are here and here.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Gympie Mt Kanighan // BOM Site: Gympie (Mt Kanigan) { "wrd_page": "NzdYYnVyaWYyZ2JtS2JmUytzaDZHZz09", "lat": -25.957341, "lon": 152.576905, "name": "Gympie", "alt_name": "Mount Kanighan", "imagery_id": "08", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/longreach/photos.shtml { "wrd_page": "TlhpNzFkWmJoODBuT0Z4YldsWlVzZz09", "lat": -23.439778, "lon": 144.282264, "name": "Longreach", "imagery_id": "56", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/mackay/photos.shtml { "wrd_page": "bmp5NGdZcm5naWVNT3BuMDV2OG9OZz09", "lat": -21.117243, "lon": 149.217239, "name": "Mackay", "imagery_id": "22", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Mornington Island // BOM Site: Gulf of Carpentaria (Mornington Island) // // The satellite imagery isn't too clear here. These pictures // seem to indicate the radar is at the location noted by the // coordinates selected. // http://sites.rootsweb.com/~ausgen/Territories/Islands/Mornington/images/gununa.jpg // https://www.northqueenslandregister.com.au/story/4496506/public-housing-to-be-upgraded-on-mornington-island/ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "TFR2ZGN1MEltazdqOUlibjIvQUQ3QT09", "lat": -16.664038, "lon": 139.181273, "name": "Mornington Island", "imagery_id": "36", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Mount Isa Telstra Hill // BOM Site: Mount Isa { "wrd_page": "MTJPa3piT2xOQzBXRlEvTEpsSGJJZz09", "lat": -20.711221, "lon": 139.555273, "name": "Mount Isa", "imagery_id": "75", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -20.751720, "lon": 143.141500, "name": "Richmond", "imagery_id": "98", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The location of this radar is estimated based on low resolution satellite imagery from the Sentinel Hub EO Browser showing a bright spot near the coordinates on Australia's website. Recent enough high resolution free satellite imagery was not available. The coordinates we chose are about 95 meters from the coordinates they give.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "", "lat": -25.696160, "lon": 149.898230, "name": "Taroom", "imagery_id": "98", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "The location of this radar is estimated based on low resolution satellite imagery from the Sentinel Hub EO Browser showing a bright spot near the coordinates on Australia's website. Recent enough high resolution free satellite imagery was not available. The coordinates we chose are about 30 meters from the coordinates they give.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Townsville Hervey Range // BOM Site: Townsville (Hervey Range) // // WMO Coord: -19.252778 146.550833 // BOM Site Coord: -19.42 146.55 { "wrd_page": "dmdCZDduejcwUHl5NEdSUDZmZXZRQT09", "lat": -19.419804, "lon": 146.550954, "name": "Townsville", "alt_name": "Hervey Range", "imagery_id": "73", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "N0tCWmpPK29reFVpNlUwNEFkWWt4dz09", "lat": -26.440189, "lon": 147.349123, "name": "Warrego", "imagery_id": "67", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "U25hRjVRb2JER2VkWDNENDc5aUgxZz09", "lat": -12.666419, "lon": 141.924597, "name": "Weipa", "imagery_id": "78", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO Name: Willis Island // BOM Site Name: Willis Island // // WMO Coord: -16.287778 149.965 // BOM Site Coord: -16.288 149.965 // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willis_Island#/media/File:Willis_Island.JPG { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "SUxucTJLME42Zmcwc1N6Wk5wQ1N1UT09", "lat": -16.287451, "lon": 149.964654, "name": "Willis Island", "imagery_id": "41", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "For this radar site we verified the location using Microsoft's free Bing maps.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // South Australia // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "SA": [ // WMO: Adelaide Buckland Park // BOM Site: Adelaide (Buckland Park) { "wrd_page": "MVViZC96WEJZY1FqWVRzWm1PNzdKUT09", "lat": -34.617018, "lon": 138.468777, "name": "Adelaide", "alt_name": "Buckland Park", "imagery_id": "64", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Adelaide Sellicks Hill // BOM Site: Adelaide (Sellicks Hill) { "wrd_page": "Zk5SdWVFOVF5SlFyTjBDekE1VGpPZz09", "lat": -35.329557, "lon": 138.502509, "name": "Adelaide", "alt_name": "Sellicks Hill", "imagery_id": "46", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "VDVkV0daRjlNU0ZJNGNnamQ0SlE3Zz09", "lat": -32.129839, "lon": 133.696326, "name": "Ceduna", "imagery_id": "33", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "RVMxSWdLc0JwT1pUckNxcnlsMGdvdz09", "lat": -37.747727, "lon": 140.774602, "name": "Mount Gambier", "imagery_id": "14", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "S2tvM0ZTMDM2UTl1WTJlSlI5b29SZz09", "lat": -31.155820, "lon": 136.804385, "name": "Woomera", "imagery_id": "27", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Tasmania // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "TAS": [ // WMO Name: Hobart Airport // BOM Site Name: Hobart Airport // // WMO Coord: -42.837222 147.500833 // BOM Site Coord: -42.83 147.51 { "wrd_page": "aTE1RWVlN2RmbTJWdEVUOCtlTVhYdz09", "lat": -42.837370, "lon": 147.500857, "name": "Hobart Airport", "imagery_id": "37", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "\"This installation is primarily a windfinding radar. The coverage in weather watch mode is poor. Surrounded by mountains and hills in most directions, it provides coverage for the immediate area surrounding Hobart Airport, about 40km along the Coal River Valley to the northwest and to the southeast over Frederick Henry Bay to the Tasman Peninsula.\" Quote from the page here.

    " + "\"The Bureau's radar network is comprised of two types of radar - Dedicated 24 hour weather watch radars and part-time windfinding radars. Part-time windfinding radars are used by the Bureau to track weather balloons to measure the wind conditions of the upper atmosphere. Upper atmosphere wind conditions are a vital piece of information to assist forecasters in preparing accurate forecasts.\" Quote from the page here.

    " + "\"Part-time Windfinding Radars have routine periods when weather watch coverage is not available. This normally occurs, up to 4 times a day, for approximately 1.5 hours as shown in the table [at the link here]. During these periods these radars will be engaged in tracking of high-level balloons for the measurement of winds in the upper atmosphere.\"

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO Name: Hobart Mt Koonya // BOM Site Name: Hobart (Mt Koonya) // // WMO Coord: -43.112222 147.805833 // BOM Site Coord: -43.1122 147.8061 { "wrd_page": "WnAxdEEwejZDaStMVTJJUVF5b0pJdz09", "lat": -43.112587, "lon": 147.805245, "name": "Hobart", "alt_name": "Mount Koonya", "imagery_id": "76", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: NW Tasmania West Takone // BOM Site: N.W. Tasmania (West Takone) { "wrd_page": "bHhtMkRHSkxkaitJUkdZNlBlYUVTUT09", "lat": -41.179143, "lon": 145.579993, "name": "N.W. Tasmania", "alt_name": "West Takone", "imagery_id": "52", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Victoria // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "VIC": [ // WMO: Gippsland Bairnsdale // BOM Site: Bairnsdale { "wrd_page": "MjlyOHJRQm1TN0NuNDdsMGlKeGx1QT09", "lat": -37.887570, "lon": 147.575485, "name": "Bairnsdale", "imagery_id": "68", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Melbourne Laverton // BOM Site: Melbourne // // WMO Coord: -37.855278 144.755556 // BOM Site Coord: -37.86 144.76 { "wrd_page": "STBacEJkcHV6bHZxQnBNS050Ulpxdz09", "lat": -37.855252, "lon": 144.755455, "name": "Melbourne", "alt_name": "Laverton", "imagery_id": "02", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Melbourne Broadmeadows // BOM Site: Melbourne (Broadmeadows) // // WMO Coord: -37.69 144.9472 // BOM Site Coord: N/A // // This might be a backup or training radar: // https://twitter.com/BOM_Vic/status/1340910676047478784 // https://www.willyweather.com.au/news/7004/melbourne+bom+radar+goes+offline+for+six+weeks%2C+so+how+can+weather+watchers+ride+out+the+storm%3F.html { "wrd_page": "d1ZmcitHWGJ4N2lhMVo3a3k4djAwQT09", "lat": -37.689845, "lon": 144.947291, "name": "Melbourne", "alt_name": "Broadmeadows", "imagery_id": "01", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "window_content": "This radar is not listed on their main map.

    "+ australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // This is the newer Mildura radar, which was relocated and // upgraded. This is the new location. The old location // (34.235104S 142.086135E) was 45km east. A previous message // on the old page said: "The Bureau of Meteorology is // relocating and upgrading the current Mildura radar. From // 15 March 2021, the new Mildura radar can be found on the // National Radar Loop page - // http://www.bom.gov.au/products/national_radar_sat.loop.shtml\". { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -34.287095, "lon": 141.598256, "name": "Mildura", "imagery_id": "97", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "cDlZRGdEQURHdyt5MUQ0MnZjaHpaUT09", "lat": -34.235104, "lon": 142.086135, "name": "Mildura", "imagery_id": "30", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This is the old radar for Mildura. A previous message on the old page said: \"The Bureau of Meteorology is relocating and upgrading the current Mildura radar. From 15 March 2021, the new Mildura radar can be found on the National Radar Loop page - http://www.bom.gov.au/products/national_radar_sat.loop.shtml\".

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Video: // https://www.facebook.com/agriculturevictoria/videos/rainbow-radar/669702186938432/ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "bUNGS20zMllBYzRHZXM2eHg1MDhlQT09", "lat": -35.997590, "lon": 142.013420, "name": "Rainbow", "imagery_id": "95", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "Using the coordinates for this radar site from the HTML of the page that data is on, we then looked up low resolution satellite imagery using EOS LandViewer. Using video from here we selected coordinates that were about 60 meters from the coordinates of the Bureau of Meteorology.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "OHZVNW0zRVYrSWYzTVpMbXlLWHE0Zz09", "lat": -36.029626, "lon": 146.022764, "name": "Yarrawonga", "imagery_id": "49", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Western Australia // // Pictures of Newdegate, South Doodlakine and Watheroo radar // sites (Wheatbelt Radars Project from Government of Western // Australia's Department of Primary Industries and Regional // Development, DPIRD): // http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/radar/about/wheatbelt_project.shtml // https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/r4r/doppler-radar-investment // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- "WA": [ { "wrd_page": "QzB6S2R2Z3BndTBkTUx3Q1N3SUhldz09", "lat": -34.941838, "lon": 117.816367, "name": "Albany", "imagery_id": "31", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "OURyY1ZNRTJ6NzdsSXNLMFhrcFc3Zz09", "lat": -17.948287, "lon": 122.235325, "name": "Broome", "imagery_id": "17", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Canarvon WA // BOM Site: Carnarvon { "wrd_page": "ZmV4RThmMDRFN3RzVGNreTdiRFQ1dz09", "lat": -24.887968, "lon": 113.669400, "name": "Carnarvon", "imagery_id": "05", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Photographs of the new radar and old radar: // https://twitter.com/BOM_WA/status/1333646800348069891 // About the damage to the old radar in a cyclone (Damien) in // 2020: // https://twitter.com/bom_wa/status/1232156722174799872 { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -20.653563, "lon": 116.683345, "name": "Dampier", "imagery_id": "15", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "In 2020, an older radar at this location was significantly damaged by a tropical cyclone (Damien). It was then replaced with a new radar that is located next to where the old one was. Because the WMO Radar Database reflects the old radar on the page here, we do not include the page id.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "cDM1RXhHZGRTU1dyZ0Q3MU9sbUYxUT09", "lat": -33.830156, "lon": 121.891739, "name": "Esperance", "imagery_id": "32", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Listed in the WMO Radar Database as closed. It has been // decommissioned: // http://www.bom.gov.au/weather-services/announcements/radar/eucla_tennant_creek_dec2012.shtml { "closed": 1, "wrd_page": "MGJwQ3haUzNOOWYyYTdsNzlOeUloUT09", "lat": -31.679218, "lon": 128.895014, "name": "Eucla", "imagery_id": "45", "range": "256", "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "This radar has been decommissioned based on the page here." }, { "wrd_page": "RGY0OEQybFIrNEE1S0lnaFVYMDlwdz09", "lat": -28.804687, "lon": 114.697318, "name": "Geraldton", "imagery_id": "06", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // Satellite imagery was a bit unclear. Pictures and video // helped confirm the location. // https://www.google.com/search?q=Giles+meteorological+station&tbm=isch // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2ig_I05YgA { "wrd_page": "bkdYMmlWMWljSkZzeE00Z2wzc29SZz09", "lat": -25.033224, "lon": 128.301742, "name": "Giles", "imagery_id": "44", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "bSt5TkxOMmxGQlpOaE9ySUQrTDRnZz09", "lat": -18.228905, "lon": 127.662825, "name": "Halls Creek", "imagery_id": "39", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Kalgoorlie // BOM Site: Kalgoorlie ... Kalgoorlie-Boulder on // radar sites information page. { "wrd_page": "VXd1YU9xSjBxZTZKUHpJME1tTFFnQT09", "lat": -30.784219, "lon": 121.454810, "name": "Kalgoorlie", "alt_name": "Boulder", "imagery_id": "48", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Learmonth Cape Range // BOM Site: Learmonth ... Cape Range National Park { "wrd_page": "MHg3c00rZzJkS2xlZS9xeW9ZODFOdz09", "lat": -22.103190, "lon": 113.999677, "name": "Learmonth", "alt_name": "Cape Range National Park", "imagery_id": "29", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "eWZQTzBRanl4Zll4WnBnRDBWMEYwUT09", "lat": -33.096967, "lon": 119.008836, "name": "Newdegate", "imagery_id": "38", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Perth Airport // BOM Site: Perth Airport { "wrd_page": "aDJ3MmtiQytIZ3pFSHFiblQ2WW42dz09", "lat": -31.927258, "lon": 115.975570, "name": "Perth", "alt_name": "Perth Airport", "imagery_id": "26", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "secondary": 1, "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Perth Serpentine // BOM Site: Perth (Serpentine) { "wrd_page": "Sm5WTkZUOGwxaHlROXZPTEZxakpVdz09", "lat": -32.391775, "lon": 115.866970, "name": "Perth", "alt_name": "Serpentine", "imagery_id": "70", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "RTJ5b3p5UncxN1lPMGFSMk96cFludz09", "lat": -20.371847, "lon": 118.631659, "name": "Port Hedland", "imagery_id": "16", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "M2I3VWZRMHBWL0RWWDBUNi9rOHZTQT09", "lat": -31.777778, "lon": 117.952797, "name": "South Doodlakine", "imagery_id": "58", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "agency": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["AUS"]["agency"] + " / " + australiaDpirdAgencyName, "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "R3MzL2hKd0Z3OHZsZ1hWRmdDQnEyZz09", "lat": -30.360278, "lon": 116.289722, "name": "Watheroo", "imagery_id": "79", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "agency": defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"]["AUS"]["agency"] + " / " + australiaDpirdAgencyName, "window_content": "As of updating this page for this country, recent detailed satellite imagery was not available in Google Earth. Based on pictures of the radar site and satellite imagery at a higher altitude from Esri that shows the radar tower, the WMO Radar Database coordinates are extremely close (perhaps within around 10 meters) and that is what is used for this site.

    " + australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, // WMO: Wyndham West Bastion // BOM Site: Wyndham ... Five Rivers Bastion, // overlooking the town of // Wyndham { "wrd_page": "ZGRRakg2RHlJdDBLamVwUUlyQzR3QT09", "lat": -15.451696, "lon": 128.120871, "name": "Wyndham", "imagery_id": "07", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": australiaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ] }, // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Fiji // // All found visually. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "FJI": [ // https://www.fiji.gov.fj/Media-Centre/News/Vanua-Levu-weather-surveillance-radar-data-available-online // https://babasiga.blogspot.com/2011/03/vinaka-gary-eckert-and-fiji.html // https://babasiga.blogspot.com/2011/03/weather-radar-tower-for-vatuadova.html { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -16.431923, "lon": 179.271211, "name": "Labasa", "imagery_id": "labasa/loop/animated_lab.gif", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // https://www.met.gov.fj/Instrumentpostera4.pdf // https://plus.google.com/photos/photo/115582150659511593447/6449042581265743762 // http://www.airportsfiji.com/gallery/pic/afl_1.jpg { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -17.762882, "lon": 177.433086, "name": "Nadi", "imagery_id": "nadi/loop/animated_nad.gif", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // https://fijivillage.com/news/Weather-radars-in-Nadi-and-Nausori-are-both-out-of-order---Nadi-Weather-Office--52sr9k/ // https://www.airportia.com/fiji/nausori-international-airport/photo/4554989/Nausori_Airport_near_Suva_Fiji._View_to_the_north_east. { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -18.036762, "lon": 178.560794, "name": "Nausori", "imagery_id": "nausori/loop/animated_nau.gif", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "not_available": 1, "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": "When we checked this radar site in October 2022, imagery was last available on May 22nd, 2022. A note on the page said: \"Nausori Radar images will be unavailable due to technical issues. We apologize for the inconvenience caused!\"" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Guam (U.S.) // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "GUM": [ // Agana was renamed. // WMO: Andersen Afb (owned by USAF) // NOAA Site: Andersen Air Force Base // NEXRAD List: ANDERSEN AFB AGANA // WUnderground: Agana { "wrd_page": "cDR0M3dkeS9yWDNoU3Nrb2s5MXA3dz09", "lat": 13.455920, "lon": 144.811078, "name": "Hagatna", "name_html": "Hagåtña", "alt_name": "Andersen AFB", "imagery_id": "gua", "range": 248, "range_unit": "nm", "agency": dodAgencyName, "nexrad": 1, "extra_window_content": "The July 30th, 2019 installation date noted on the WMO Radar Database page is likely when the page was updated in some way since four radars share that same date, in Japan, South Korea and Guam, and this radar existed before then." } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Norfolk Island (Australia) // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "NFK": [ // WMO Name: Norfolk Is // BOM Site Name: Norfolk Island // WUnderground Name: Norfolk Island // // WMO Coord: -29.039722 167.939722 // BOM Site Coord: -29.033 167.933 // WUnderground Coord: -29.033 167.933 { "wrd_page": "Z2FEOWJEME1ySWE0YjdVMFh2RTVzZz09", "lat": -29.038287, "lon": 167.941397, "name": "Norfolk Island", "imagery_id": "62", "range": 256, "range_unit": "km" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Marshall Islands // // This was found visually using the picture on this page: // https://www.rts-wx.com/about-kpol-weather-radar // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "MHL": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": 8.717935, "lon": 167.732508, "name": "Kwajalein Island", "range": 350, "range_unit": "km", "agency": "Atmospheric Science Technology" } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // New Caledonia (France) // // Images of three radar sites: // http://www.meteo.nc/en-savoir-plus/comprendre-la-meteo/observation/obs-moy-tech#radars // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "NCL": [ { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -20.459676, "lon": 164.214813, "name": "Tiebaghi", "name_html": "Tiébaghi", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": newCaledoniaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -22.276308, "lon": 166.453358, "name": "Noumea", "name_html": "Nouméa", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": newCaledoniaWindowContentForMultipleSites }, { "wrd_page": "", "lat": -20.938847, "lon": 167.217863, "name": "Lifou", "do_not_draw_range": 1, "window_content": newCaledoniaWindowContentForMultipleSites } ], // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // New Zealand // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- "NZL": [ // WMO: Kaeo Northland // MetService: Northland { "wrd_page": "WmVLL3l0KzI5OGs1VWp0Nm5yWGdOQT09", "lat": -35.080592, "lon": 173.805392, "name": "Northland", "alt_name": "Kaeo", "imagery_id": "northland", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // WMO: Tamahunga // MetService: Auckland // // Picture on PDF page 14: // https://www.waternz.org.nz/Folder?Action=View%20File&Folder_id=135&File=milsom_g.pdf { "wrd_page": "OHdtUFUzaURLcXl1d2dwRWt0a0lRZz09", "lat": -36.300265, "lon": 174.711385, "name": "Auckland", "alt_name": "Tamahunga", "imagery_id": "auckland", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // WMO: Mamuku // MetService: Bay of Plenty { "wrd_page": "ZEVXcEhRVkYvV0JlbDJSc0poaHRTdz09", "lat": -38.065662, "lon": 176.062107, "name": "Bay of Plenty", "alt_name": "Mamuku", "imagery_id": "bay-of-plenty", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // WMO: New Plymouth // MetService: Taranaki { "wrd_page": "Z3FKeTJ2MWF5ckR1cU1EOFljVlRYUT09", "lat": -39.010645, "lon": 174.176329, "name": "Taranaki", "alt_name": "New Plymouth", "imagery_id": "new-plymouth", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // WMO: Mahia // MetService: Gisborne / Hawke's Bay { "wrd_page": "OWVnb0pTcVdOaGYwQitsVkY2TVd2dz09", "lat": -39.168029, "lon": 177.888251, "name": "Gisborne / Hawke's Bay", "alt_name": "Mahia", "imagery_id": "mahia", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // WMO: Outlook Hill // MetService: Wellington { "wrd_page": "OEJOaitpV3VhWUpSeTF2MW1oTk1nUT09", "lat": -41.311318, "lon": 174.646316, "name": "Wellington", "alt_name": "Outlook Hill", "imagery_id": "wellington", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // WMO: Hokitika // MetService: Westland { "wrd_page": "cGRwc29rWVYxS1c5bHNibXRjbVNZUT09", "lat": -42.737831, "lon": 171.061133, "name": "Westland", "alt_name": "Hokitika", "imagery_id": "westland", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // WMO: Rakaia // MetService: Canterbury { "wrd_page": "Sm02MzFheGRKZGk1dXBLTW0vazRzZz09", "lat": -43.784812, "lon": 172.023107, "name": "Canterbury", "alt_name": "Rakaia", "imagery_id": "christchurch", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" }, // WMO: Lambhill (Lamb Hill) // MetService: Otago // // YouTube video: // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIiSOWDdvyQ // Pictures: // https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/new-28m-weather-radar-closer // https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/3m-weather-radar-powered-and-scanning // Before starting: // https://www.facebook.com/MetService/posts/metservice-breaks-ground-near-lamb-hill-25-kilometres-northwest-of-dunedin-next-/2921245351270837/ { "review_needed": 1, "wrd_page": "TVQ0dUp2Ly9hSWxHNVNWVTVDbmgvdz09", "lat": -45.68951000, "lon": 170.41858000, "name": "Otago", "alt_name": "Dunedin", "imagery_id": "otago", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km", "window_content": "Coordinates for the Otago radar come from the WMO radar database. While Google Earth imagery was not recent enough as of updating this radar site, based upon overlaying imagery from the YouTube video here, the WMO's Radar Database coordinates are likely within 10 to 15 meters or less of the actual radar site and those are the coordinates we currently use." }, // WMO: Invercargill // MetService: Southland { "wrd_page": "dGlsb3RERWE5RzJVQ2ZOa3FhSnJ5UT09", "lat": -46.418096, "lon": 168.330576, "name": "Southland", "alt_name": "Invercargill", "imagery_id": "invercargill", "range": 300, "range_unit": "km" } ] } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Start Code // // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 3-D doesn't work well in Internet Explorer 11 so we don't allow it. var isIE11 = !!window.MSInputMethodContext && !!document.documentMode; if (isIE11) { allow3DOption = 0; } if (!allow3DOption) { load3DView = 0; } var radarMapId = "tg_radar_map"; var radarListId = "tg_radar_list"; var mapContainerDivId = radarMapId + "_container_div"; var listContainerDivId = radarListId + "_container_div"; var mapArcGisMapContainerDivId = radarMapId + "_arcgis_map_container_div"; var mapRadarSiteLabelOnHoverContainerDivId = radarMapId + "_radar_site_label_on_hover_container_div"; var mapAboutPanelDivId = radarMapId + "_about_panel_div"; var mapArcGisToggleViewTypeButton = radarMapId + "_arcgis_view_type_button"; var optionsPanelDivId = "tg_radar_db_options_container_div"; var listPanelDivId = "tg_radar_db_list_container_div"; var exportPanelDivId = "tg_radar_db_export_container_div"; var arcGisMap; var arcGisMapView; var specialRadarRangeDataAddedObject = {}; var appConfig = { "mapView": null, "sceneView": null, "activeView": null, "container": mapArcGisMapContainerDivId }; var radarSitePointsGraphicsLayer = {}; var radarSitePrimaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer = {}; var radarSiteSecondaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer = {}; var radarSitePrimaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer = {}; var radarSitePrimaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer = {}; var radarSiteSecondaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer = {}; var radarSiteSecondaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer = {}; var radarSiteRangeNotAvailableCircleGraphicsLayer = {}; var lightGrayVectorTileLayer = {}; var darkGrayVectorTileLayer = {}; var layerIdForLightGrayVectorTileLayer = "no_label_light_gray_vector_tile_layer"; var layerIdForDarkGrayVectorTileLayer = "no_label_dark_gray_vector_tile_layer"; var vectorTileLayerToLoad; var currentlyShowingHoverDiv = 0; var currently3D = 0; var toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOptionButtonId = "tg_toggle_range_of_publicly_available_imagery_button"; var toggleUsaTDWRSitesOptionButtonId = "tg_toggle_usa_tdwr_sites_button"; var toggleUsaTvStationsOptionButtonId = "tg_toggle_usa_tv_stations_button"; var toggleClosedStationsOptionButtonId = "tg_toggle_closed_stations_button"; var monthShortArray = [ "Jan.", "Feb.", "Mar.", "Apr.", "May", "Jun.", "Jul.", "Aug.", "Sep.", "Oct.", "Nov.", "Dec." ]; var countryDataFullNameObject = {}; Object.keys(countryDataObject["countries"]).forEach(function(siteCountryId) { var countryFullName = countryDataObject["countries"][siteCountryId]["name"]; countryDataFullNameObject[countryFullName] = siteCountryId; }); var usaStateFullNameObject = {}; Object.keys(usaStateObject).forEach(function(usaStateId) { var usaStateFullName = usaStateObject[usaStateId]["name"]; usaStateFullNameObject[usaStateFullName] = usaStateId; }); var canadaProvinceFullNameObject = {}; Object.keys(canadaProvinceObject).forEach(function(canadaProvinceId) { var canadaProvinceFullName = canadaProvinceObject[canadaProvinceId]["name"]; canadaProvinceFullNameObject[canadaProvinceFullName] = canadaProvinceId; }); var australiaStateFullNameObject = {}; Object.keys(australiaStateObject).forEach(function(australiaStateId) { var australiaStateFullName = australiaStateObject[australiaStateId]["name"]; australiaStateFullNameObject[australiaStateFullName] = australiaStateId; }); var kmlFileRadarIconBase64 = "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"; // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Get Element Shortcut // // Function to make the code shorter to call an element by its "id". // // This: // document.getElementById("something"); // // Shortens to: // getElementShortcut("something"); // // This code will become shorter if optimized. // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function getElementShortcut( element ) { "use strict"; if (typeof element === "string") { element = document.getElementById(element); } return element; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Add Commas // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function addCommas( unformattedNumber ) { "use strict"; // https://stackoverflow.com/q/2901102/ if (isNaN(unformattedNumber)) { return unformattedNumber; } else { var parts = unformattedNumber.toString().split("."); return ( parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + ( parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "" ) ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function toggleElement( elementToToggleId, elementToToggleDisplay ) { "use strict"; var elementToToggleStyle = getElementShortcut(elementToToggleId).style; elementToToggleStyle.display = elementToToggleDisplay; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // About Section Content // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function aboutSectionContent() { "use strict"; var aboutSectionContentHtml = "
    " + "About the Map" + "
    " + "
    " + "For the United States, by default we mostly only have NEXRAD and Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) sites displayed on the map. You can also choose to view radar sites from U.S. television stations by selecting that option in the options panel on the map.

    " + "Click a radar site on the map for more information, including a link to imagery if available.

    " + "When you choose to show the range of the imagery on the map, green circles indicate radars for which radar data is publicly available. Eventually, we may use red circles to indicate radars that do not currently have data available to the public in real-time, but either have in the past (and the radar could still be operating), could eventually be available in real-time, or at times have had imagery occasionally released (such as through social media). If we eventually add more options to the map we may add red circles again, which we were using initially, to give people the ability to hide them.

    " + "When you export radar sites from the map, only the radar sites you have chosen to display will be exported.

    " + "You can export an HTML file from our map that contains a complete listing of the radar sites in our database."; if (isTropicalGlobe || isHurricaneCity) { aboutSectionContentHtml += " You can also view the list in your browser here."; } aboutSectionContentHtml += "
    " + "
    " + "About the Database" + "
    " + "
    " + "The ranges in our database indicate the maximum range of publicly available data, either currently available or in the past. Because of obstacles, such as mountains, the range noted for many radars does not indicate the actual coverage of the radar. Additionally, while some radars have long ranges, due to the curvature of the Earth the radar will not be able to see lower levels of the atmosphere at these extended ranges.

    " + "Some radar sites have no range noted, but may be included for other reasons.

    " + "Our database will never have a complete listing of all radar sites. It is intended to be mostly about radar sites that currently have radar data available publicly.

    " + "Some of the radar locations in the sources we used were estimated. We verified the location of each radar in our database using satellite imagery. The coordinates we use are not official. We used coordinates we selected based on the location of the radar in either Google Earth or another similar source we used for satellite imagery.

    " + "For links to most of the world's meteorological services, including for countries that we couldn't find radar data for, view the list of National Services for WMO Members.

    " + "If you would like to view some of the supporting information for this project, released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, view the unminifed JavaScript file here for more information about some of the radar sites. If you want to use our interactive map on your own website, please download the map page (including all scripts and the CSS file) and upload it to your own site. You can download and use the script however you like for free, with or without attribution to us. (ArcGIS attributions on the map are required)" + "
    " + "
    " + "How We Find Radar Locations" + "
    " + "
    " + "We use a lot of different methods to try to find weather radars. We have spent thousands of hours looking for weather radars.

    " + "It should be noted that this will never be anything close to a complete list. We mostly want to have a list of radars in which data is publicly available. There are many organizations that have weather radars and we can't possibly know of all of them. It wouldn't be too helpful to know of a private company that has a weather radar, but never releases that data publicly. While most U.S. television stations don't have radar data available online from their own radars, we include them because they may include this data on-air.

    " + "We use Google to search for various websites, documents and images to help us locate weather radars. Who owns a radar? Who built the radar? Construction company? Who operates the radar? We search for records on bidding, contracts and permits. In some cases we even search land ownership records, though some radars are put on land that is leased.

    " + "If we know a radar is near a location, we might search for pictures and videos of the location, such as a city skyline, or the top of a mountain, rather than just a radar itself, and try to find the radar. Then we have a better idea of where to look in satellite imagery.

    " + "We use various search engines. We mostly use Google, but also use Microsoft Bing sometimes too. We will also use a search engine that is popular for the region we are searching, such as Baidu (China) and Yandex (Russia). We'll also search Google News.

    " + "We might try to look for a weather station, or meteorological bureau, in the hope that the radar is at the location or is listed with that name. We might zoom in to a city in Google Earth and then search for weather office or station, or with a word from the local language, to get results in that particular city. (or the national weather service name, or abbreviation, for the country)

    " + "It's sometimes tricky to determine which are weather radars and which are surveillance radars at airports.

    " + "Imagery Sources:" + "" + "Data Sources & Other Tools Used:" + "" + "
    " + "
    " + "Map Troubleshooting" + "
    " + "
    " + "If the \"3D\" option on our map doesn't work, you may need to enable hardware acceleration or unblock your graphics card. Click here to learn more about how to adjust your browser's settings." + "
    "; if (isTropicalGlobe) { aboutSectionContentHtml += "
    " + "Database Updates" + "
    " + "
    " + "Due to the massive number of radar sites in our database, we don't routinely check all the radar sites. If you know of a radar site that is not on our map, or find a link that no longer works, please contact us.

    " + "There are a lot of radar sites from TV stations in the United States. While we have added some of them, there are likely many that we have missed. If you know of some we missed, let us know. For other countries, we mostly only include radar sites from government agencies, though we would be interested in adding others as well, especially if there is less coverage for that area available." + "
    "; } return aboutSectionContentHtml; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // About Database // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function aboutDatabase() { "use strict"; var aboutSectionContentHtml = aboutSectionContent(); var aboutSectionPanelHtml = "
    " + "
    " + "" + "
    " + "
    " + aboutSectionContentHtml + "
    " + "
    "; getElementShortcut(mapAboutPanelDivId).innerHTML = aboutSectionPanelHtml; getElementShortcut(mapAboutPanelDivId).style.display = "block"; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Prepared Radar Site Content // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function preparedRadarSiteContent( returnContentType, radarSiteCountryId, radarSiteStateId, radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData ) { "use strict"; var radarObjectToUse = {}; if (radarSiteStateId) { // United States, Canada and Australia radarObjectToUse = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteStateId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]; } else { // Other Countries radarObjectToUse = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]; } var radarSiteIsClosedStation = radarObjectToUse["closed"]; var radarSiteWorldRadarDatabasePageId = radarObjectToUse["wrd_page"]; var radarSiteLatitude = radarObjectToUse["lat"]; var radarSiteLongitude = radarObjectToUse["lon"]; var radarSiteName = radarObjectToUse["name"]; var radarSiteNameHtml = radarObjectToUse["name_html"]; var radarSiteAlternateName = radarObjectToUse["alt_name"]; var radarSiteAlternateNameHtml = radarObjectToUse["alt_name_html"]; var radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery = radarObjectToUse["imagery_id"]; var radarSiteAltIdForLinkToImagery = radarObjectToUse["alt_imagery_id"]; var radarSiteImageryUrl = radarObjectToUse["imagery_url"]; var radarSiteAlternateImageryUrl = radarObjectToUse["alt_imagery_url"]; var radarSiteAlternateImageryUrlText = radarObjectToUse["alt_imagery_url_text"]; var radarSiteRange = radarObjectToUse["range"]; var radarSiteRangeUnit = radarObjectToUse["range_unit"]; var radarSiteAgencyName = radarObjectToUse["agency"]; var radarSiteAgencyNameHtml = radarObjectToUse["agency_html"]; var radarSiteIsUsaNEXRAD = radarObjectToUse["nexrad"]; var radarSiteIsUsaTDWR = radarObjectToUse["usa_tdwr"]; var radarSiteIsUsaGovOther = radarObjectToUse["usa_gov_other"]; var radarSiteIsEdu = radarObjectToUse["edu"]; var radarSiteIsUsaTvStation = radarObjectToUse["usa_tv"]; var radarSiteIsOther = radarObjectToUse["other"]; var radarSiteMakeRadarRangeSecondary = radarObjectToUse["secondary"]; var radarSiteNotAvailable = radarObjectToUse["not_available"]; var radarSiteDoNotDrawRange = radarObjectToUse["do_not_draw_range"]; var radarSiteReviewNeeded = radarObjectToUse["review_needed"]; var radarSiteWindowMainContent = radarObjectToUse["window_content"]; var radarSiteExtraWindowContent = radarObjectToUse["extra_window_content"]; if ( (radarSiteCountryId === "BHS") && (isTropicalGlobe || isHurricaneCity) ) { radarSiteAlternateImageryUrl = "https://hurricanecity.com/radars/live/bahamas/"; radarSiteAlternateImageryUrlText = "HurricaneCity mirror"; } if (radarSiteIsClosedStation === undefined) { radarSiteIsClosedStation = ""; } if (radarSiteWorldRadarDatabasePageId === undefined) { radarSiteWorldRadarDatabasePageId = ""; } if (radarSiteLatitude === undefined) { radarSiteLatitude = ""; } if (radarSiteLongitude === undefined) { radarSiteLongitude = ""; } if (radarSiteName === undefined) { radarSiteName = ""; } if (radarSiteNameHtml === undefined) { radarSiteNameHtml = ""; } if (radarSiteAlternateName === undefined) { radarSiteAlternateName = ""; } if (radarSiteAlternateNameHtml === undefined) { radarSiteAlternateNameHtml = ""; } if (radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery === undefined) { radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery = ""; } if (radarSiteAltIdForLinkToImagery === undefined) { radarSiteAltIdForLinkToImagery = ""; } var doNotIncludeMainLinkToImagery = 0; if ( (radarSiteImageryUrl !== undefined) && (radarSiteImageryUrl === "") ) { doNotIncludeMainLinkToImagery = 1; } if (radarSiteImageryUrl === undefined) { radarSiteImageryUrl = ""; } if (radarSiteAlternateImageryUrl === undefined) { radarSiteAlternateImageryUrl = ""; } if (radarSiteAlternateImageryUrlText === undefined) { radarSiteAlternateImageryUrlText = ""; } if (radarSiteRange === undefined) { radarSiteRange = ""; } if (radarSiteRangeUnit === undefined) { radarSiteRangeUnit = ""; } // Agency handled later if (radarSiteIsUsaNEXRAD === undefined) { radarSiteIsUsaNEXRAD = ""; } if (radarSiteIsUsaTDWR === undefined) { radarSiteIsUsaTDWR = ""; } if (radarSiteIsUsaGovOther === undefined) { radarSiteIsUsaGovOther = ""; } if (radarSiteIsEdu === undefined) { radarSiteIsEdu = ""; } if (radarSiteIsUsaTvStation === undefined) { radarSiteIsUsaTvStation = ""; } if (radarSiteIsOther === undefined) { radarSiteIsOther = ""; } if (radarSiteMakeRadarRangeSecondary === undefined) { radarSiteMakeRadarRangeSecondary = ""; } if (radarSiteNotAvailable === undefined) { radarSiteNotAvailable = ""; } if (radarSiteDoNotDrawRange === undefined) { radarSiteDoNotDrawRange = ""; } if (radarSiteReviewNeeded === undefined) { radarSiteReviewNeeded = ""; } if (radarSiteWindowMainContent === undefined) { radarSiteWindowMainContent = ""; } if (radarSiteExtraWindowContent === undefined) { radarSiteExtraWindowContent = ""; } if (radarSiteIsClosedStation) { if (!closedStationsVisibility) { return ""; } radarSiteNotAvailable = 1; radarSiteDoNotDrawRange = 1; } var countryFullName = radarSiteCountryId; var countryFullNameHtml = ""; var countryShortName = ""; if ( (countryDataObject["countries"] !== undefined) && (countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId] !== undefined) && (countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["name"] !== undefined) ) { countryFullName = countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["name"]; if (countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["name_html"] !== undefined) { countryFullNameHtml = countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["name_html"]; } if (countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["short_name"] !== undefined) { countryShortName = countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["short_name"]; } } var hasWindowContent = 0; if (radarSiteWindowMainContent) { hasWindowContent = 1; } var stateOrProvinceFullName = ""; var niceSiteStateForHtml = ""; if (radarSiteStateId === undefined) { radarSiteStateId = ""; } else if (radarSiteStateId) { niceSiteStateForHtml = radarSiteStateId; if (radarSiteCountryId === "USA") { if (usaStateObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"] !== undefined) { stateOrProvinceFullName = usaStateObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"]; } } else if (radarSiteCountryId === "CAN") { if (canadaProvinceObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"] !== undefined) { stateOrProvinceFullName = canadaProvinceObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"]; } } else if (radarSiteCountryId === "AUS") { if (australiaStateObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"] !== undefined) { stateOrProvinceFullName = australiaStateObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"]; } } if (stateOrProvinceFullName) { niceSiteStateForHtml = stateOrProvinceFullName; } } if (radarSiteIsUsaTDWR) { if (!usaTDWRSitesVisibility) { return ""; } } if (radarSiteIsUsaTvStation) { if (!usaTvStationsVisibility) { return ""; } } var niceSiteNameForHtml = radarSiteName; if (radarSiteNameHtml) { niceSiteNameForHtml = radarSiteNameHtml; } if (radarSiteName !== countryFullName) { if (radarSiteAlternateName) { if (radarSiteAlternateNameHtml) { niceSiteNameForHtml += " (" + radarSiteAlternateNameHtml + ")"; } else { niceSiteNameForHtml += " (" + radarSiteAlternateName + ")"; } } if (niceSiteStateForHtml) { niceSiteNameForHtml += ", " + niceSiteStateForHtml; } if (countryShortName) { niceSiteNameForHtml += ", " + countryShortName; } else if (countryFullNameHtml) { niceSiteNameForHtml += ", " + countryFullNameHtml; } else { niceSiteNameForHtml += ", " + countryFullName; } } var countryAssociatedWithCountryId = ""; var countryAssociatedWithFullName = ""; var countryAssociatedWithFullNameHtml = ""; var countryAssociatedWithShortName = ""; if (countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["associate_with"] !== undefined) { countryAssociatedWithCountryId = countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["associate_with"]; countryAssociatedWithFullName = countryDataObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["name"]; if (countryDataObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["name_html"] !== undefined) { countryAssociatedWithFullNameHtml = countryDataObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["name_html"]; } if (countryDataObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["short_name"] !== undefined) { countryAssociatedWithShortName = countryDataObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["short_name"]; } var countryAssociatedWithNameToUse = countryAssociatedWithFullName; if (countryAssociatedWithShortName) { countryAssociatedWithNameToUse = countryAssociatedWithShortName; } else if (countryAssociatedWithFullNameHtml) { countryAssociatedWithNameToUse = countryAssociatedWithFullNameHtml; } niceSiteNameForHtml += " (" + countryAssociatedWithNameToUse + ")"; } var baseLinkToImagery = ""; var baseLinkToImageryEnding = ""; var altBaseLinkToImagery = ""; var altBaseLinkToImageryEnding = ""; var defaultLinkForCountryRadar = ""; var defaultAgencyName = ""; var defaultAgencyNameHtml = ""; var defaultLinkForMainSite = ""; if ( (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"] !== undefined) && (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId] !== undefined) ) { if ( countryAssociatedWithCountryId && (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["main_site"] === undefined) ) { if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["base_link"] !== undefined) { baseLinkToImagery = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["base_link"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["base_link_ending"] !== undefined) { baseLinkToImageryEnding = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["base_link_ending"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["alt_base_link"] !== undefined) { altBaseLinkToImagery = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["alt_base_link"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["alt_base_link_ending"] !== undefined) { altBaseLinkToImageryEnding = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["alt_base_link_ending"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["radar_url"] !== undefined) { defaultLinkForCountryRadar = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["radar_url"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["agency"] !== undefined) { defaultAgencyName = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["agency"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["agency_html"] !== undefined) { defaultAgencyNameHtml = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["agency_html"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["main_site"] !== undefined) { defaultLinkForMainSite = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["main_site"]; } } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["base_link"] !== undefined) { baseLinkToImagery = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["base_link"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["base_link_ending"] !== undefined) { baseLinkToImageryEnding = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["base_link_ending"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["alt_base_link"] !== undefined) { altBaseLinkToImagery = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["alt_base_link"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["alt_base_link_ending"] !== undefined) { altBaseLinkToImageryEnding = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["alt_base_link_ending"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["radar_url"] !== undefined) { defaultLinkForCountryRadar = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["radar_url"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["agency"] !== undefined) { defaultAgencyName = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["agency"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["agency_html"] !== undefined) { defaultAgencyNameHtml = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["agency_html"]; } if (defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["main_site"] !== undefined) { defaultLinkForMainSite = defaultLinksForCountryObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["main_site"]; } } var linkForImagery = ""; if (doNotIncludeMainLinkToImagery) { // We do not include main link in popup window. } else if (radarSiteImageryUrl) { linkForImagery = radarSiteImageryUrl; } else if ( baseLinkToImagery && radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery ) { linkForImagery = baseLinkToImagery + radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery + baseLinkToImageryEnding; } else if (defaultLinkForCountryRadar) { linkForImagery = defaultLinkForCountryRadar; } else if (defaultLinkForMainSite) { linkForImagery = defaultLinkForMainSite; } if (radarSiteIsClosedStation) { linkForImagery = ""; } var radarSiteWindowTitle = ""; var radarSiteKmlWindowTitle = ""; var firstLinkInTitle = ""; var secondLinkInTitle = ""; if (linkForImagery) { radarSiteWindowTitle = "" + niceSiteNameForHtml + ""; firstLinkInTitle = linkForImagery; } else { radarSiteWindowTitle = niceSiteNameForHtml; } if (!radarSiteIsClosedStation) { if (radarSiteAlternateImageryUrl) { if (!radarSiteAlternateImageryUrlText) { radarSiteAlternateImageryUrlText = "alternate link"; } radarSiteWindowTitle += " (" + radarSiteAlternateImageryUrlText + ")"; secondLinkInTitle = radarSiteAlternateImageryUrl; } else if ( altBaseLinkToImagery && radarSiteAltIdForLinkToImagery ) { radarSiteAlternateImageryUrl = altBaseLinkToImagery + radarSiteAltIdForLinkToImagery + altBaseLinkToImageryEnding; if (!radarSiteAlternateImageryUrlText) { radarSiteAlternateImageryUrlText = "alternate link"; } radarSiteWindowTitle += " (" + radarSiteAlternateImageryUrlText + ")"; secondLinkInTitle = radarSiteAlternateImageryUrl; } } if ( (radarSiteCountryId === "USA") || (radarSiteCountryId === "GUM") || (radarSiteCountryId === "PRI") ) { if (!radarSiteImageryUrl) { radarSiteWindowTitle = niceSiteNameForHtml; } if (!radarSiteWindowMainContent) { if ( (radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery !== undefined) && radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery ) { if (radarSiteIsUsaTDWR) { // TDWR Radar Site radarSiteWindowMainContent += "NOAA: RIDGE2 Display

    " + "To select a TDWR site from the front page of NOAA's radar display, you have to first select a regular NEXRAD site. (WSR-88D) " + "After that, from the menu which you can access by clicking three vertical dots, you can then select \"TDWR\" as the \"Station Type\". " + "To make things easier, the link we have is for a specific radar site, but it does show icons you can click for other TDWR radar sites."; if (includePlymouthStateLinksForTdwrInUSA) { radarSiteWindowMainContent += "

    " + "Plymouth State TDWR products:" + ""; } if ( includeWundergroundNexradLinksForUSA && wundergroundPartialLinkForNexradObject[radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery] ) { if (!includePlymouthStateLinksForTdwrInUSA) { radarSiteWindowMainContent += "

    "; } radarSiteWindowMainContent += "Weather Underground: " + "Short Range (long range in menu)

    " + "Weather Underground no longer has many options working for TDWR radar sites. For some radar sites, nothing may work. (it also gives a false message about the radar being down for maintenance when data might be available on other sites) You can try some of the options in the drop down menu for the TDWR site you want to view."; } } else { var noaaMainInteractiveRadarDisplayUrl = mainNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl; if (radarSiteStateId === "HI") { noaaMainInteractiveRadarDisplayUrl = hawaiiNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl; } else if (radarSiteStateId === "AK") { noaaMainInteractiveRadarDisplayUrl = alaskaNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl; } else if (radarSiteCountryId === "GUM") { noaaMainInteractiveRadarDisplayUrl = asiaNoaaInteractiveDisplayRadarSiteSelectionUrl; } var noaaStandardRadarDisplayId = "k" + radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery; if ( (radarSiteStateId === "HI") || (radarSiteStateId === "AK") || (radarSiteCountryId === "GUM") ) { noaaStandardRadarDisplayId = "p" + radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery; } else if (radarSiteCountryId === "PRI") { noaaStandardRadarDisplayId = "t" + radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery; } // NEXRAD Radar Site radarSiteWindowMainContent += "NOAA:" + ""; if ( includeWundergroundNexradLinksForUSA && wundergroundPartialLinkForNexradObject[radarSiteIdForLinkToImagery] ) { radarSiteWindowMainContent += "
    " + "Weather Underground: " + "Short Range (long range in menu)"; } } } } } /* else if (radarSiteCountryId === "CAN") { } else if ( (radarSiteCountryId === "AUS") || (radarSiteCountryId === "NFK") ) { } */ if (radarSiteIsUsaTDWR) { radarSiteWindowTitle += "
    " + "Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR)"; } if (!hasWindowContent && radarSiteExtraWindowContent) { radarSiteWindowMainContent += radarSiteExtraWindowContent; } var latitudeWithHemisphere = radarSiteLatitude; var longitudeWithHemisphere = radarSiteLongitude; if (latitudeWithHemisphere < 0) { latitudeWithHemisphere *= -1; latitudeWithHemisphere += "S"; } else { latitudeWithHemisphere += "N"; } if (longitudeWithHemisphere < 0) { longitudeWithHemisphere *= -1; longitudeWithHemisphere += "W"; } else { longitudeWithHemisphere += "E"; } var radarSiteKmlWindowMainContent = ""; if (radarSiteWindowMainContent) { // Remove any extra line breaks at the start of the content. radarSiteWindowMainContent = radarSiteWindowMainContent.replace(/^/i, ""); radarSiteKmlWindowMainContent = radarSiteWindowMainContent; if (/(<\/div>|<\/ul>)$/.test(radarSiteWindowMainContent) === false) { radarSiteWindowMainContent += "

    "; } } var radarSiteWindowTableContent = "
    "; if (radarSiteIsClosedStation) { radarSiteWindowTableContent += "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    "; } radarSiteWindowTableContent += "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + latitudeWithHemisphere + " " + longitudeWithHemisphere + "
    " + "
    "; var radarSiteKmlWindowBottomTableContent = ""; if (radarSiteIsClosedStation) { radarSiteKmlWindowBottomTableContent += "Status:Closed"; } radarSiteKmlWindowBottomTableContent += "Coordinates:" + latitudeWithHemisphere + " " + longitudeWithHemisphere + ""; var radarSiteHtmlFileTableContent = "
    "; if (radarSiteIsClosedStation) { radarSiteHtmlFileTableContent += "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    "; } radarSiteHtmlFileTableContent += "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + latitudeWithHemisphere + " " + longitudeWithHemisphere + "
    " + "
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    " + "
    " + "
    " + radarSiteRange + " " + fullUnitName + "
    " + "
    "; radarSiteKmlWindowBottomTableContent += "Range of Imagery:" + radarSiteRange + " " + fullUnitName + ""; radarSiteHtmlFileTableContent += "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + radarSiteRange + " " + fullUnitName + "
    " + "
    "; } var agencyName = ""; var agencyNameHtml = ""; if (typeof radarSiteAgencyName === "string") { agencyName = radarSiteAgencyName; if (typeof radarSiteAgencyNameHtml === "string") { agencyNameHtml = radarSiteAgencyNameHtml; } } else if (defaultAgencyName) { agencyName = defaultAgencyName; if (defaultAgencyNameHtml) { agencyNameHtml = defaultAgencyNameHtml; } } var agencyNameToUseInWindow = agencyName; if (agencyNameHtml) { agencyNameToUseInWindow = agencyNameHtml; } if (agencyNameToUseInWindow) { radarSiteWindowTableContent += "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + agencyNameToUseInWindow + "
    " + "
    "; radarSiteKmlWindowBottomTableContent += "Agency:" + agencyNameToUseInWindow + ""; radarSiteHtmlFileTableContent += "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + agencyNameToUseInWindow + "
    " + "
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    " + "
    More Info:
    " + " " + "
    "; radarSiteKmlWindowBottomTableContent += "More Info:" + "" + "View page in WMO Radar Database" + "" + ""; radarSiteHtmlFileTableContent += "
    " + "
    More Info:
    " + " " + "
    "; } radarSiteWindowTableContent += "
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var csvFileLine = ""; csvFileFieldsArray.forEach(function(csvFileFieldName) { var csvFileFieldValue = String(csvFileFieldsObject[csvFileFieldName]); if (csvFileFieldValue === undefined) { csvFileFieldValue = ""; } var hasDoubleQuotes = csvFileFieldValue.search("\""); var hasCommas = csvFileFieldValue.search(","); if (hasDoubleQuotes) { csvFileFieldValue = csvFileFieldValue.replace(/\"/g, "\"\""); } if (hasDoubleQuotes || hasCommas) { csvFileFieldValue = "\"" + csvFileFieldValue + "\""; } csvFileLine += csvFileFieldValue + ","; }); csvFileLine = csvFileLine.replace(/,$/, "\n"); return csvFileLine; // Could eventually allow choosing the fields you want to export for CSV file? } else if (returnContentType === "html") { var radarSiteSectionHtml = ""; if (radarSiteWindowMainContent) { radarSiteSectionHtml += radarSiteWindowMainContent; } radarSiteSectionHtml += radarSiteHtmlFileTableContent; var titleForSorting = radarSiteName; if (!radarSiteName) { titleForSorting = "zz"; } var partialIdForHashtagLink = radarSiteName.toLowerCase(); partialIdForHashtagLink = partialIdForHashtagLink.replace(/ /g, "_"); partialIdForHashtagLink = partialIdForHashtagLink.replace(/\W+/g, ""); if (radarSiteIsUsaTDWR) { partialIdForHashtagLink += "_tdwr"; } var radarSiteNameForList = radarSiteName; if (radarSiteNameHtml) { radarSiteNameForList = radarSiteNameHtml; } if (radarSiteName !== countryFullName) { if (radarSiteAlternateName) { if (radarSiteAlternateNameHtml) { radarSiteNameForList += " (" + radarSiteAlternateNameHtml + ")"; } else { radarSiteNameForList += " (" + radarSiteAlternateName + ")"; } } } if (radarSiteIsUsaNEXRAD) { radarSiteNameForList += " - NEXRAD"; } else if (radarSiteIsUsaTDWR) { radarSiteNameForList += " - TDWR"; } var radarSiteSectionObject = { "title_for_sorting": titleForSorting, "radar_site_name_for_list": radarSiteNameForList, "html_site_name": radarSiteWindowTitle, "partial_id_for_hashtag_link": partialIdForHashtagLink, "section_content": radarSiteSectionHtml, "latitude": radarSiteLatitude, "longitude": radarSiteLongitude, "closed": radarSiteIsClosedStation }; return radarSiteSectionObject; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Ordinal Indicator // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function ordinalIndicator(ordIndicator) { "use strict"; if (ordIndicator.toString().match(/^(?:1|21|31)$/g) !== null) { return 'st'; } else if (ordIndicator.toString().match(/^(?:2|22)$/g) !== null) { return 'nd'; } else if (ordIndicator.toString().match(/^(?:3|23)$/g) !== null) { return 'rd'; } else { return 'th'; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Create Sorting Object For Export File // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function createSortingObjectForExportFile( returnContentType ) { "use strict"; var exportFileContentsObject = {}; var countryDataObjectKeys = Object.keys(radarDataObject["radars"]); countryDataObjectKeys.forEach(function(siteCountryId) { if (exportFileContentsObject[siteCountryId] === undefined) { exportFileContentsObject[siteCountryId] = {}; } if ( (siteCountryId === "USA") || (siteCountryId === "CAN") || (siteCountryId === "AUS") ) { var stateObjectKeys = Object.keys(radarDataObject["radars"][siteCountryId]); stateObjectKeys.forEach(function(siteStateId) { if (exportFileContentsObject[siteCountryId][siteStateId] === undefined) { exportFileContentsObject[siteCountryId][siteStateId] = {}; } var radarSitesInStateArray = radarDataObject["radars"][siteCountryId][siteStateId]; radarSitesInStateArray.forEach(function(radarSiteInStateObject, radarSitesInStateArrayLocation) { var radarSiteShouldBeAdded = checkIfRadarSiteShouldBeAdded( siteCountryId, siteStateId, radarSitesInStateArrayLocation ); if (radarSiteShouldBeAdded) { var radarSiteDataObject = preparedRadarSiteContent( returnContentType, siteCountryId, siteStateId, radarSitesInStateArrayLocation ); var titleForSorting = radarSiteDataObject["title_for_sorting"] + radarSitesInStateArrayLocation; exportFileContentsObject[siteCountryId][siteStateId][titleForSorting] = radarSiteDataObject; } }); }); } else { var radarSitesInCountryArray = radarDataObject["radars"][siteCountryId]; radarSitesInCountryArray.forEach(function(radarSiteInCountryObject, radarSitesInCountryArrayLocation) { var radarSiteShouldBeAdded = checkIfRadarSiteShouldBeAdded( siteCountryId, "", // siteStateId radarSitesInCountryArrayLocation ); if (radarSiteShouldBeAdded) { var radarSiteDataObject = preparedRadarSiteContent( returnContentType, siteCountryId, "", // siteStateId radarSitesInCountryArrayLocation ); var titleForSorting = radarSiteDataObject["title_for_sorting"] + radarSitesInCountryArrayLocation; exportFileContentsObject[siteCountryId][titleForSorting] = radarSiteDataObject; } }); } }); return exportFileContentsObject; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Adjust Coordinates For Google Earth // // Adjust the coordinates by reversing coordinates and adjusting them // around International Date Line if needed. // // From: // [[lat1, lon1], [lat2, lon2]] // To: // [[lon1, lat1], [lon2, lat2]] // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function adjustCoordinatesForGoogleEarth( lineArray ) { "use strict"; var adjustedLineArray = []; var prevLat = ""; var prevLon = ""; lineArray.forEach(function(coordinateArray) { var currentLat = coordinateArray[1]; var currentLon = coordinateArray[0]; var adjustedCurrentLon = currentLon; if (prevLat || prevLon) { if ( (prevLon > 90) && (currentLon < -90) ) { // Line going from Eastern Hemisphere to Western Hemisphere adjustedCurrentLon = 180 + (180 + currentLon); } else if ( (prevLon < -90) && (currentLon > 90) ) { // Line going from Western Hemisphere to Eastern Hemisphere adjustedCurrentLon = (currentLon - 180) - 180; } } var currentCoordinatePair = [currentLat, adjustedCurrentLon]; adjustedLineArray.push(currentCoordinatePair); prevLat = currentLat; prevLon = adjustedCurrentLon; }); return adjustedLineArray; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Create Circle Kml // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function createCircleKml( circleCenterLatitudeDegrees, circleCenterLongitudeDegrees, circleRadius, circleRadiusUnit, bearingIncrementDegrees ) { "use strict"; var coordinateDecimalPlaces = 2; var circleCenterLatitudeRadians = circleCenterLatitudeDegrees * ( mathPi / 180 ); var circleCenterLongitudeRadians = circleCenterLongitudeDegrees * ( mathPi / 180 ); if (!bearingIncrementDegrees) { bearingIncrementDegrees = 1; } var earthRadius; if ( (circleRadiusUnit === "km") || (circleRadiusUnit === "nm") ) { earthRadius = earthRadiusConversionObject[circleRadiusUnit]; } else { return ""; } if ( circleRadius == 0 ) { return ""; } var circleCoordinateArray = []; for ( var bearingDegrees = 0; bearingDegrees <= 360; bearingDegrees += bearingIncrementDegrees ) { var bearingRadians = -bearingDegrees * ( mathPi / 180 ); var latitudeOfPointOnCircleRadians = Math.asin( Math.sin(circleCenterLatitudeRadians) * Math.cos(circleRadius / earthRadius) + Math.cos(circleCenterLatitudeRadians) * Math.sin(circleRadius / earthRadius) * Math.cos(bearingRadians) ); var dlon = Math.atan2( ( Math.sin(bearingRadians) * Math.sin(circleRadius / earthRadius) * Math.cos(circleCenterLatitudeRadians) ), ( Math.cos(circleRadius / earthRadius) - Math.sin(circleCenterLatitudeRadians) * Math.sin(latitudeOfPointOnCircleRadians) ) ); var longitudeOfPointOnCircleRadians = ( ( circleCenterLongitudeRadians - dlon + mathPi ) - ( 2 * mathPi ) * Math.round( ( circleCenterLongitudeRadians - dlon + mathPi ) / ( 2 * mathPi ) ) ) - mathPi; var roundingValue = Math.pow(10, coordinateDecimalPlaces); var latitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees = Math.round( ( latitudeOfPointOnCircleRadians * (180 / mathPi) ) * roundingValue ) / roundingValue; var longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees = (longitudeOfPointOnCircleRadians * (180 / mathPi)); if (longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees < -180) { longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees += 360; } if (longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees > 180) { longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees -= 360; } longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees = Math.round( longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees * roundingValue ) / roundingValue; circleCoordinateArray.push( [ longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees, latitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees ] ); } // Adjust coordinates circleCoordinateArray = adjustCoordinatesForGoogleEarth(circleCoordinateArray); var circleKml = ""; circleCoordinateArray.forEach(function(coordinateArray) { var latitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees = coordinateArray[0]; var longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees = coordinateArray[1]; circleKml += longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees + "," + latitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees + " "; }); return circleKml; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Alpha To Hex // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function createGoogleEarthHexColor( twoCharR, twoCharG, twoCharB, alphaOpacity ) { "use strict"; var hexOpacity = ( "0" + Math.round( Math.min( Math.max(alphaOpacity, 0), 1 ) * 255 ).toString(16) ).slice(-2).toUpperCase(); var googleEarthHexColor = hexOpacity + ("0" + twoCharB.toString(16)).slice(-2).toUpperCase() + ("0" + twoCharG.toString(16)).slice(-2).toUpperCase() + ("0" + twoCharR.toString(16)).slice(-2).toUpperCase(); return googleEarthHexColor; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Export Google Earth KMZ File // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function exportKMZ() { "use strict"; 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" + "For information about \"Tropical Globe's Database of Publicly Accessible Weather Radars\", please visit our website.]]>" + ""; } else if (isHurricaneCity) { exportKmlFileContents += "HurricaneCity's Radar Database" + "" + "here.]]>" + ""; } exportKmlFileContents += "#main_folder" + ""; } else { exportKmlFileContents += "Radar Database"; } var radarSiteBalloon = "" + "fffdfdfd" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
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    " + "Any range noted is the range of publicly available imagery. Any agency noted might be the owner of the radar or the website on which imagery is available. Some of the links to radar imagery cannot be opened within Google Earth and must be instead copied and opened in a browser." + "
    " + "
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if (specialRadarRangeNotAvailable) { radarSiteRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha = radarSiteNotAvailableRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha radarSiteRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha = radarSiteNotAvailableRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha } if (!specialRadarRangeDoNotDrawRange) { specialRadarRangePath = adjustCoordinatesForGoogleEarth(specialRadarRangePath); var polygonCoordinatesKml = ""; specialRadarRangePath.forEach(function(coordinateArray) { var latitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees = coordinateArray[0]; var longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees = coordinateArray[1]; polygonCoordinatesKml += longitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees + "," + latitudeOfPointOnCircleDegrees + " "; }); var styleId = "g"; if (specialRadarRangeNotAvailable) { styleId = "r"; } placemarksKml += "" + "" + "#" + styleId + "" + "" + "1" + "" + "" + "" + polygonCoordinatesKml + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; } }); if (placemarksKml) { exportKmlFileContents += "" + "Range" + placemarksKml + "#h" + ""; } } var radarSiteKmlFunction = function (radarSiteKmlWindowObject) { var radarSiteName = radarSiteKmlWindowObject["site_name"]; 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    " + "" + "
    " + "
    "; } htmlFileBodyContents += "
    " + "

    "; if (isTropicalGlobe) { htmlFileBodyContents += "Tropical Globe's Database of Publicly Accessible Weather Radars"; } else if (isHurricaneCity) { htmlFileBodyContents += "HurricaneCity's Database of Publicly Accessible Weather Radars"; } else { htmlFileBodyContents += "Database of Publicly Accessible Weather Radars"; } htmlFileBodyContents += "

    " + "
    " + "
    " + "This page contains " + addCommas(radarSitesOnPageCount) + " radars in " + countriesAndTerritoriesOnPageCount + " countries and territories. "; if (isTropicalGlobe || isHurricaneCity) { htmlFileBodyContents += "To view the radar sites on this page on a map, click here. "; } htmlFileBodyContents += "

    " + "This database is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. This page was created on " + fileCreationDateHtml + ". (This is the date you are viewing, or have downloaded, the page and not a reflection of when it was updated.)" + "
    " + "
    " + "Countries & Territories" + "
    " + "
    " + "
      "; Object.keys(countryDataFullNameObject).sort().forEach(function(countryFullName) { var siteCountryIdInLoop = countryDataFullNameObject[countryFullName]; if (exportHtmlFileContentsObject[siteCountryIdInLoop] !== undefined) { var lowercaseSiteCountryIdInLoop = siteCountryIdInLoop.toLowerCase(); htmlFileBodyContents += "
    • " + countryFullName + "
    • "; } }); var mapBasemapsHtml = ""; mapBasemapsArray.forEach(function(mapBasemap) { mapBasemapsHtml += "\"" + mapBasemap + "\", "; }); mapBasemapsHtml = mapBasemapsHtml.replace(/, ("\w+"), $/g, " and $1"); var aboutSectionContentHtml = aboutSectionContent(); htmlFileBodyContents += "
    " + "
    " + aboutSectionContentHtml; if (isTropicalGlobe) { htmlFileBodyContents += "
    " + ""; } htmlFileBodyContents += htmlFileRadarSiteListHtml + "
    " + "
    " + "This page was created on " + fileCreationDateHtml + "." + "
    " + "
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We run this through a link checker to determine which links are no longer working."; if (allOtherLinksArray.length > 0) { exportLinksFileContents += "\n

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Any error is reported to the browser's // console log. try { currentlyShowingHoverDiv = 1; var radarSiteInfoArray = graphicId.split("-"); var graphicType = radarSiteInfoArray[0]; var radarSiteCountryId = radarSiteInfoArray[1]; var radarSiteMapTitle = ""; if (graphicType === "polygon") { radarSiteMapTitle = countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["name"]; } else { var radarSiteStateId = ""; var radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData; var radarSiteLatitude; var radarSiteLongitude; var radarSiteName; var radarSiteAlternateName; var radarSiteIsUsaNEXRAD; var radarSiteIsUsaTDWR; if (radarSiteInfoArray.length === 4) { // United States, Canada and Australia radarSiteStateId = radarSiteInfoArray[2]; radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData = radarSiteInfoArray[3]; radarSiteLatitude = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteStateId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["lat"]; radarSiteLongitude = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteStateId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["lon"]; radarSiteName = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteStateId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["name"]; radarSiteAlternateName = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteStateId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["alt_name"]; radarSiteMapTitle = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteStateId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["map_title"]; radarSiteIsUsaNEXRAD = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteStateId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["nexrad"]; radarSiteIsUsaTDWR = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteStateId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["usa_tdwr"]; } else { // Other Countries radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData = radarSiteInfoArray[2]; radarSiteLatitude = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["lat"]; radarSiteLongitude = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["lon"]; radarSiteName = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["name"]; radarSiteAlternateName = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["alt_name"]; radarSiteMapTitle = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["map_title"]; radarSiteIsUsaNEXRAD = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["nexrad"]; radarSiteIsUsaTDWR = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]["usa_tdwr"]; } var niceSiteCountryNameForTitle = radarSiteCountryId; var niceSiteCountryShortNameForTitle = ""; if ( (countryDataObject["countries"] !== undefined) && (countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId] !== undefined) && (countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["name"] !== undefined) ) { niceSiteCountryNameForTitle = countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["name"]; if (countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["short_name"] !== undefined) { niceSiteCountryShortNameForTitle = countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["short_name"]; } } var niceSiteStateForTitle = ""; if (radarSiteStateId) { niceSiteStateForTitle = radarSiteStateId; if (radarSiteCountryId === "USA") { if (usaStateObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"] !== undefined) { niceSiteStateForTitle = usaStateObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"]; } } else if (radarSiteCountryId === "CAN") { if (canadaProvinceObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"] !== undefined) { niceSiteStateForTitle = canadaProvinceObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"]; } } else if (radarSiteCountryId === "AUS") { if (australiaStateObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"] !== undefined) { niceSiteStateForTitle = australiaStateObject[radarSiteStateId]["name"]; } } } if (radarSiteAlternateName === undefined) { radarSiteAlternateName = ""; } var niceSiteNameForTitleAttribute = radarSiteName; if (niceSiteNameForTitleAttribute !== niceSiteCountryNameForTitle) { if (radarSiteAlternateName) { niceSiteNameForTitleAttribute += " (" + radarSiteAlternateName + ")"; } if (niceSiteStateForTitle) { niceSiteNameForTitleAttribute += ", " + niceSiteStateForTitle; } if (niceSiteCountryShortNameForTitle) { niceSiteNameForTitleAttribute += ", " + niceSiteCountryShortNameForTitle; } else { niceSiteNameForTitleAttribute += ", " + niceSiteCountryNameForTitle; } } if ( (radarSiteMapTitle === undefined) || !radarSiteMapTitle ) { if (countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["associate_with"] !== undefined) { var countryAssociatedWithCountryId = countryDataObject["countries"][radarSiteCountryId]["associate_with"]; var countryAssociatedWithName = countryDataObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["name"]; if (countryDataObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["short_name"] !== undefined) { countryAssociatedWithName = countryDataObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["short_name"]; } else if (countryDataObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["name_html"] !== undefined) { countryAssociatedWithName = countryDataObject["countries"][countryAssociatedWithCountryId]["name_html"]; } niceSiteNameForTitleAttribute += " (" + countryAssociatedWithName + ")"; } radarSiteMapTitle = niceSiteNameForTitleAttribute; } if (radarSiteIsUsaNEXRAD) { radarSiteMapTitle += " - NEXRAD"; } else if (radarSiteIsUsaTDWR) { radarSiteMapTitle += " - TDWR"; } } var radarSiteHoverDivHtml = "
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getElementShortcut(mapRadarSiteLabelOnHoverContainerDivId).innerHTML = ""; getElementShortcut(mapContainerDivId).style.cursor = "default"; currentlyShowingHoverDiv = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Radar Map Event Handling // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function radarMapEventHandling( event ) { "use strict"; var showHoverDivNow = 0; appConfig["activeView"]["hitTest"](event).then(function (response) { if (response.results.length) { var graphic = response.results.filter(function (result) { return result["graphic"]["layer"]; })[0]["graphic"]; var layerId = graphic["layer"].id; if ( ( (layerId === "radar_site_points") || (layerId === "radar_site_primary_invisible_points") || (layerId === "radar_site_secondary_invisible_points") || (layerId === "radar_site_invisible_range_circles") || (layerId === "radar_site_primary_range_circles") || (layerId === "radar_site_secondary_range_circles") || (layerId === "radar_site_range_not_available_circles") ) || ( ( (layerId === "radar_site_primary_range_polygons") || (layerId === "radar_site_secondary_range_polygons") ) && (event.type !== "click") ) ) { var graphicId = graphic.attributes.id; if (event.type === "click") { // Show window if (currentlyShowingHoverDiv) { hideHoverDiv(); } showPopupWindow( event, graphicId, graphic ); } else { // Show small popup showHoverDivNow = 1; showHoverDiv( event, graphicId ); } } } }); if ( currentlyShowingHoverDiv && !showHoverDivNow ) { hideHoverDiv(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Toggle Basemap // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function toggleBasemap() { "use strict"; if (arcGisMap !== undefined) { var newMapType = getElementShortcut(radarMapId + "_toggle_basemap").value; if ( (newMapType === layerIdForLightGrayVectorTileLayer) || (newMapType === layerIdForDarkGrayVectorTileLayer) ) { require([ "esri/layers/VectorTileLayer" ], function( VectorTileLayer ) { if (newMapType === layerIdForLightGrayVectorTileLayer) { lightGrayVectorTileLayer = new VectorTileLayer({ "url": lightGrayVectorTileLayerUrl }); arcGisMap.add(lightGrayVectorTileLayer); if (useNoLabelDarkGrayVectorTileLayer) { arcGisMap.remove(darkGrayVectorTileLayer); } arcGisMap["reorder"](lightGrayVectorTileLayer, 0); } else if (newMapType === layerIdForDarkGrayVectorTileLayer) { darkGrayVectorTileLayer = new VectorTileLayer({ "url": darkGrayVectorTileLayerUrl }); if (useNoLabelLightGrayVectorTileLayer) { arcGisMap.remove(lightGrayVectorTileLayer); } arcGisMap.add(darkGrayVectorTileLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](darkGrayVectorTileLayer, 0); } newMapType = undefined; }); } else { if (useNoLabelLightGrayVectorTileLayer) { arcGisMap.remove(lightGrayVectorTileLayer); } if (useNoLabelDarkGrayVectorTileLayer) { arcGisMap.remove(darkGrayVectorTileLayer); } } arcGisMap["basemap"] = newMapType; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Add Radar Site To Map // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function addRadarSiteToMap( siteCountryId, siteStateId, locationInArrayOfData ) { "use strict"; var radarDataObjectToUse = {}; if (siteStateId) { radarDataObjectToUse = radarDataObject["radars"][siteCountryId][siteStateId][locationInArrayOfData]; } else { radarDataObjectToUse = radarDataObject["radars"][siteCountryId][locationInArrayOfData]; } var isClosedStation = radarDataObjectToUse["closed"]; var siteName = radarDataObjectToUse["name"]; var siteLat = radarDataObjectToUse["lat"]; var siteLon = radarDataObjectToUse["lon"]; var siteRange = radarDataObjectToUse["range"]; var siteRangeUnit = radarDataObjectToUse["range_unit"]; var siteIsUsaTDWR = radarDataObjectToUse["usa_tdwr"]; var siteIsUsaTvStation = radarDataObjectToUse["usa_tv"]; var doNotDrawRange = radarDataObjectToUse["do_not_draw_range"]; var notAvailable = radarDataObjectToUse["not_available"]; var makeRadarRangeSecondary = radarDataObjectToUse["secondary"]; if (isClosedStation) { doNotDrawRange = 1; notAvailable = 1; makeRadarRangeSecondary = 1; } require([ "esri/geometry/Circle", "esri/geometry/Polygon", "esri/Graphic", "esri/geometry/support/normalizeUtils", "esri/geometry/geometryEngine" ], function( Circle, Polygon, Graphic, normalizeUtils, geometryEngine ) { if ( (siteCountryId === undefined) || (siteName === undefined) || (siteLat === undefined) || (siteLon === undefined) ) { return ""; } var radarDataId = ""; if (siteStateId) { radarDataId = siteCountryId + "-" + siteStateId + "-" + locationInArrayOfData; } else { radarDataId = siteCountryId + "-" + locationInArrayOfData; } if (siteIsUsaTDWR) { siteIsUsaTDWR = 1; makeRadarRangeSecondary = 1; } else { siteIsUsaTDWR = 0; } if (siteIsUsaTvStation) { siteIsUsaTvStation = 1; makeRadarRangeSecondary = 1; } else { siteIsUsaTvStation = 0; } if (siteRange === undefined) { doNotDrawRange = 1; } if (doNotDrawRange === undefined) { doNotDrawRange = 0; } if (makeRadarRangeSecondary === undefined) { makeRadarRangeSecondary = 0; } var siteRangeKilometers = 0; if (siteRangeUnit === "km") { siteRangeKilometers = siteRange; } else if (siteRangeUnit === "nm") { siteRangeKilometers = (siteRange * 1.852); } else { doNotDrawRange = 1; } var radarSiteRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha = radarSiteNormalRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha; var radarSiteRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha = radarSiteNormalRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha; if (notAvailable) { radarSiteRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha = radarSiteNotAvailableRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha radarSiteRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha = radarSiteNotAvailableRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha } if ( (siteCountryId === "USA") || (siteCountryId === "ASM") || (siteCountryId === "GUM") || (siteCountryId === "MHL") || (siteCountryId === "MNP") || (siteCountryId === "PRI") || (siteCountryId === "UMI") || (siteCountryId === "VIR") ) { if (!notAvailable) { radarSiteRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha["a"] = 0.06; radarSiteRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha["a"] = 0.10; } } // // Point Denoting Radar Site // var radarSiteLocationPointGeometry = { "type": "point", "latitude": siteLat, "longitude": siteLon //, // "hasM": false, // "hasZ": true, // "z": 0 }; var radarSiteLocationPointSymbol = { "type": "simple-marker", "size": radarSiteLocationPointSize, "color": radarSiteLocationPointFillColorAndAlpha, "outline": { "color": radarSiteLocationPointOutlineColorAndAlpha, "width": radarSiteLocationPointOutlineWidth } }; var radarSiteLocationPointGraphicId = "point-" + radarDataId; var radarSiteLocationPointGraphic = new Graphic({ "geometry": radarSiteLocationPointGeometry, "symbol": radarSiteLocationPointSymbol, "attributes": { "id": radarSiteLocationPointGraphicId } }); radarSitePointsGraphicsLayer["graphics"].add(radarSiteLocationPointGraphic); if (rangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryVisibility) { if (!doNotDrawRange) { // // Circle Denoting Radar Range // var radarSiteRangeCirclePoint = { "type": "point", "latitude": siteLat, "longitude": siteLon, "spatialReference": 3857 //, // "hasM": false, // "hasZ": true, // "z": 0 }; normalizeUtils.normalizeCentralMeridian(radarSiteRangeCirclePoint).then(function(normalizedRadarSiteRangeCirclePointArray){ var normalizedRadarSiteRangeCirclePoint = normalizedRadarSiteRangeCirclePointArray[0]; var radarSiteRangeCircleGeometry = new Circle({ "center": normalizedRadarSiteRangeCirclePoint, "geodesic": true, "radius": siteRangeKilometers, "radiusUnit": "kilometers", "spatialReference": 3857 //, // "hasM": false, // "hasZ": false }); normalizeUtils.normalizeCentralMeridian(radarSiteRangeCircleGeometry).then(function(normalizedRadarSiteRangeCircleGeometryArray){ var normalizedRadarSiteRangeCircleGeometry = normalizedRadarSiteRangeCircleGeometryArray[0]; var radarSiteRangeCircleGeometryOutlineObject = { "color": radarSiteRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha, "width": 1 }; if (normalizedRadarSiteRangeCircleGeometry["rings"].length > 1) { // When a circle crosses the International Date // Line it need to be split into two circles to // view the circle properly in 3D. You also can't // use an outline when we do this, as the outline // would draw a line where the International Date // Line is. radarSiteRangeCircleGeometryOutlineObject = null; } var radarSiteRangeCircleSymbol = { "type": "simple-fill", "color": radarSiteRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha, "outline": radarSiteRangeCircleGeometryOutlineObject }; var radarSiteRangeCircleGraphicId = "circle-" + radarDataId; var radarSiteRangeCircleGraphic = new Graphic({ "geometry": normalizedRadarSiteRangeCircleGeometry, "symbol": radarSiteRangeCircleSymbol, "attributes": { "id": radarSiteRangeCircleGraphicId } }); if (notAvailable) { radarSiteRangeNotAvailableCircleGraphicsLayer.add(radarSiteRangeCircleGraphic); } else { if (makeRadarRangeSecondary) { radarSiteSecondaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer.add(radarSiteRangeCircleGraphic); } else { radarSitePrimaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer.add(radarSiteRangeCircleGraphic); } } }); }); } else { if ( (specialRadarRangeDataObject["countries"] !== undefined) && (specialRadarRangeDataObject["countries"][siteCountryId] !== undefined) && !specialRadarRangeDataAddedObject[siteCountryId] ) { var specialRadarRangeDataForCountryArray = specialRadarRangeDataObject["countries"][siteCountryId]; specialRadarRangeDataForCountryArray.forEach(function(specialRadarRangeDataForSpecificRing, specialRadarRangeDataForSpecificRingsArrayLocation) { var specialRadarRangeSecondary = specialRadarRangeDataForSpecificRing["secondary"]; var specialRadarRangeNotAvailable = specialRadarRangeDataForSpecificRing["not_available"]; var specialRadarRangeDoNotDrawRange = specialRadarRangeDataForSpecificRing["do_not_draw_range"]; var specialRadarRangePath = specialRadarRangeDataForSpecificRing["path"]; if (specialRadarRangeSecondary === undefined) { specialRadarRangeSecondary = 0; } if (specialRadarRangeNotAvailable === undefined) { specialRadarRangeNotAvailable = 0; } if (specialRadarRangeDoNotDrawRange === undefined) { specialRadarRangeDoNotDrawRange = 0; } if (specialRadarRangePath === undefined) { specialRadarRangeDoNotDrawRange = 1; } var radarSiteRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha = radarSiteNormalRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha; var radarSiteRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha = radarSiteNormalRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha; if (specialRadarRangeNotAvailable) { radarSiteRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha = radarSiteNotAvailableRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha radarSiteRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha = radarSiteNotAvailableRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha } if (!specialRadarRangeDoNotDrawRange) { var radarSiteRangePolygonGeometry = new Polygon({ "rings": [specialRadarRangePath] }); var radarSiteRangePolygonDensifiedGeometry = geometryEngine.geodesicDensify( radarSiteRangePolygonGeometry, 1000000 ); normalizeUtils.normalizeCentralMeridian(radarSiteRangePolygonDensifiedGeometry).then(function(normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryArray){ var normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometry = normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryArray[0]; var radarSiteRangePolygonGeometryOutlineObject = { "color": radarSiteRangeCircleOutlineColorAndAlpha, "width": 1 }; var radarSiteRangePolygonGraphicId = "polygon-" + siteCountryId + "-"; if (siteStateId) { radarSiteRangePolygonGraphicId += siteStateId + "-"; } radarSiteRangePolygonGraphicId += specialRadarRangeDataForSpecificRingsArrayLocation; if (normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometry["rings"].length > 1) { // When a polygon crosses the // International Date Line it needs to be // split into more than one polygon so // that the polygon can seemingly cross // it. You also can't use an outline when // we do this, as the outline would draw // a line where the International Date // Line is. radarSiteRangePolygonGeometryOutlineObject = null; // Points in a ring must be clockwise in // 3D. If needed, we must revere the // order of points in rings after the // first. var normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRingsArray = normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometry["rings"]; var updatedNormalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRingsArray = []; normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRingsArray.forEach(function(normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRing, normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRingsArrayLocation) { if (!normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometry.isClockwise(normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRing)) { // Ring is not clockwise. We must // remove the ring, reverse the // order and add the ring again // to make it work. var updatedRingArray = normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRing.slice(); updatedRingArray.reverse(); updatedNormalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRingsArray.push(updatedRingArray); } else { updatedNormalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRingsArray.push(normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRing); } }); normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometry = new Polygon({ "rings": updatedNormalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometryRingsArray }); radarSiteRangePolygonGeometry = normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometry; } var radarSiteRangePolygonSymbol = { "type": "simple-fill", "color": radarSiteRangeCircleFillColorAndAlpha, "outline": radarSiteRangePolygonGeometryOutlineObject }; var radarSiteRangePolygonGraphic = new Graphic({ "geometry": normalizedRadarSiteRangePolygonGeometry, "symbol": radarSiteRangePolygonSymbol, "attributes": { "id": radarSiteRangePolygonGraphicId } }); if (specialRadarRangeNotAvailable) { radarSiteRangeNotAvailableCircleGraphicsLayer.add(radarSiteRangePolygonGraphic); } else { if (specialRadarRangeSecondary) { radarSiteSecondaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer.add(radarSiteRangePolygonGraphic); } else { radarSitePrimaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer.add(radarSiteRangePolygonGraphic); } } }); } }); specialRadarRangeDataAddedObject[siteCountryId] = 1; } } } // // Invisible Clickable Marker Icon For InfoWindow // var radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointGeometry = { "type": "point", "latitude": siteLat, "longitude": siteLon //, // "hasM": false, // "hasZ": true, // "z": 0 }; var sizeOfRadarSiteLocationInvisiblePointSymbol = "25px"; if (siteIsUsaTDWR) { sizeOfRadarSiteLocationInvisiblePointSymbol = "25px"; } else if (siteIsUsaTvStation) { sizeOfRadarSiteLocationInvisiblePointSymbol = "25px"; } var radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointSymbol = { "type": "simple-marker", "size": sizeOfRadarSiteLocationInvisiblePointSymbol, "color": radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointFillColorAndAlpha, "outline": null }; var radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointGraphicId = "invisible_point-" + radarDataId; var radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointGraphic = new Graphic({ "geometry": radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointGeometry, "symbol": radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointSymbol, "attributes": { "id": radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointGraphicId } }); if (makeRadarRangeSecondary) { radarSiteSecondaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer["graphics"].add(radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointGraphic); } else { radarSitePrimaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer["graphics"].add(radarSiteLocationInvisiblePointGraphic); } }); } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Check If Radar Site Should Be Added // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function checkIfRadarSiteShouldBeAdded( radarSiteCountryId, radarSiteStateId, radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData ) { "use strict"; var radarObjectToUse = {}; if (radarSiteStateId) { // United States, Canada and Australia radarObjectToUse = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteStateId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]; } else { // Other Countries radarObjectToUse = radarDataObject["radars"][radarSiteCountryId][radarSiteLocationInArrayOfData]; } var isClosedStation = radarObjectToUse["closed"]; if ( isClosedStation && !closedStationsVisibility ) { return 0; } var radarSiteIsUsaTDWR = radarObjectToUse["usa_tdwr"]; if ( radarSiteIsUsaTDWR && !usaTDWRSitesVisibility ) { return 0; } // What if radar is from both university and TV station? // Currently, I would hide unless both are selected. var radarSiteIsUsaTvStation = radarObjectToUse["usa_tv"]; if ( radarSiteIsUsaTvStation && !usaTvStationsVisibility ) { return 0; } // Radar site should be added return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Draw Map Content // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function drawMapContent( drawOptionsObject ) { "use strict"; var firstLoad = 0; if ( (typeof drawOptionsObject !== "undefined") && (typeof drawOptionsObject["first_load"] !== "undefined") && drawOptionsObject["first_load"] ) { firstLoad = 1; } else { // // Remove Radar Map Events // // We are updating the map. We want to make sure no one clicks on // any options while we do that. // removeRadarMapEvents(); } if (!firstLoad) { // We must remove all of the current content on the map and reset // various variables. specialRadarRangeDataAddedObject = {}; arcGisMap.remove(radarSitePointsGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap.remove(radarSitePrimaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap.remove(radarSiteSecondaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap.remove(radarSitePrimaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap.remove(radarSitePrimaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap.remove(radarSiteSecondaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap.remove(radarSiteSecondaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap.remove(radarSiteRangeNotAvailableCircleGraphicsLayer); } require([ "esri/layers/GraphicsLayer" ], function( GraphicsLayer ) { // need to add secondary points layer var elevationInfo = { "mode": "relative-to-ground", "featureExpressionInfo": { "expression": 0 }, "unit": "meters" } radarSitePointsGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer( { "id": "radar_site_points", "elevationInfo": elevationInfo } ); arcGisMap.add(radarSitePointsGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](radarSitePointsGraphicsLayer, 1); radarSitePrimaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer( { "id": "radar_site_primary_invisible_points", "elevationInfo": elevationInfo } ); arcGisMap.add(radarSitePrimaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](radarSitePrimaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer, 1); radarSiteSecondaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer( { "id": "radar_site_secondary_invisible_points", "elevationInfo": elevationInfo } ); arcGisMap.add(radarSiteSecondaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](radarSiteSecondaryInvisiblePointsGraphicsLayer, 1); radarSitePrimaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer( { "id": "radar_site_primary_range_circles", "elevationInfo": "on-the-ground" } ); arcGisMap.add(radarSitePrimaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](radarSitePrimaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer, 1); radarSitePrimaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer( { "id": "radar_site_primary_range_polygons", "elevationInfo": "on-the-ground" } ); arcGisMap.add(radarSitePrimaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](radarSitePrimaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer, 1); radarSiteSecondaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer( { "id": "radar_site_secondary_range_circles", "elevationInfo": "on-the-ground" } ); arcGisMap.add(radarSiteSecondaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](radarSiteSecondaryRangeCircleGraphicsLayer, 1); radarSiteSecondaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer( { "id": "radar_site_secondary_range_polygons", "elevationInfo": "on-the-ground" } ); arcGisMap.add(radarSiteSecondaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](radarSiteSecondaryRangePolygonGraphicsLayer, 1); radarSiteRangeNotAvailableCircleGraphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer( { "id": "radar_site_range_not_available_circles", "elevationInfo": "on-the-ground" } ); arcGisMap.add(radarSiteRangeNotAvailableCircleGraphicsLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](radarSiteRangeNotAvailableCircleGraphicsLayer, 1); }); var countryDataObjectKeys = Object.keys(radarDataObject["radars"]); countryDataObjectKeys.forEach(function(siteCountryId) { if ( (siteCountryId === "USA") || (siteCountryId === "CAN") || (siteCountryId === "AUS") ) { var stateObjectKeys = Object.keys(radarDataObject["radars"][siteCountryId]); stateObjectKeys.forEach(function(siteStateId) { var radarSitesInStateArray = radarDataObject["radars"][siteCountryId][siteStateId]; radarSitesInStateArray.forEach(function(radarSiteInStateObject, radarSitesInStateArrayLocation) { var radarSiteShouldBeAdded = checkIfRadarSiteShouldBeAdded( siteCountryId, siteStateId, radarSitesInStateArrayLocation ); if (radarSiteShouldBeAdded) { addRadarSiteToMap( siteCountryId, siteStateId, radarSitesInStateArrayLocation ); } }); }); } else { var radarSitesInCountryArray = radarDataObject["radars"][siteCountryId]; radarSitesInCountryArray.forEach(function(radarSiteInCountryObject, radarSitesInCountryArrayLocation) { var radarSiteShouldBeAdded = checkIfRadarSiteShouldBeAdded( siteCountryId, "", // siteStateId radarSitesInCountryArrayLocation ); if (radarSiteShouldBeAdded) { addRadarSiteToMap( siteCountryId, "", // siteStateId radarSitesInCountryArrayLocation ); } }); } }); addRadarMapEvents(); } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Toggle Range Of Publicly Available Imagery // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImagery() { "use strict"; if (getElementShortcut(toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOptionButtonId).checked) { rangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryVisibility = 1; } else { rangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryVisibility = 0; } drawMapContent(""); } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Toggle U.S. TDWR Radars Option // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function toggleUsaTDWRSites() { "use strict"; if (getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTDWRSitesOptionButtonId).checked) { usaTDWRSitesVisibility = 1; } else { usaTDWRSitesVisibility = 0; } drawMapContent(""); } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Toggle U.S. TV Stations Option // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function toggleUsaTvStations() { "use strict"; if (getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTvStationsOptionButtonId).checked) { usaTvStationsVisibility = 1; } else { usaTvStationsVisibility = 0; } drawMapContent(""); } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Toggle Closed Stations Option // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function toggleClosedStations() { "use strict"; if (getElementShortcut(toggleClosedStationsOptionButtonId).checked) { closedStationsVisibility = 1; } else { closedStationsVisibility = 0; } drawMapContent(""); } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Add Radar Map Events // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function addRadarMapEvents() { "use strict"; // // // // Menu Panel // // // // // // // Options Panel // // // // // Toggle Range Of Publicly Available Imagery Option // if (getElementShortcut(toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOptionButtonId) !== null) { getElementShortcut(toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOptionButtonId).onclick = function() { toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImagery(); }; getElementShortcut(toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOptionButtonId).disabled = false; } // // Toggle U.S. TDWR Radars Option // if (getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTDWRSitesOptionButtonId) !== null) { getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTDWRSitesOptionButtonId).onclick = function() { toggleUsaTDWRSites(); }; getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTDWRSitesOptionButtonId).disabled = false; } // // Toggle U.S. TV Stations Option // if (getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTvStationsOptionButtonId) !== null) { getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTvStationsOptionButtonId).onclick = function() { toggleUsaTvStations(); }; getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTvStationsOptionButtonId).disabled = false; } // // Toggle Closed Stations Option // if (getElementShortcut(toggleClosedStationsOptionButtonId) !== null) { getElementShortcut(toggleClosedStationsOptionButtonId).onclick = function() { toggleClosedStations(); }; getElementShortcut(toggleClosedStationsOptionButtonId).disabled = false; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Remove Radar Map Events // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function removeRadarMapEvents() { "use strict"; // // // // Menu Panel // // // // // // // Options Panel // // // // // Toggle Range Of Publicly Available Imagery Option // if (getElementShortcut(toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOptionButtonId) !== null) { getElementShortcut(toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOptionButtonId).onclick = null; getElementShortcut(toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOptionButtonId).disabled = true; } // // Toggle U.S. TDWR Radars Option // if (getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTDWRSitesOptionButtonId) !== null) { getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTDWRSitesOptionButtonId).onclick = null; getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTDWRSitesOptionButtonId).disabled = true; } // // Toggle U.S. TV Stations Option // if (getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTvStationsOptionButtonId) !== null) { getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTvStationsOptionButtonId).onclick = null; getElementShortcut(toggleUsaTvStationsOptionButtonId).disabled = true; } // // Toggle Closed Stations Option // if (getElementShortcut(toggleClosedStationsOptionButtonId) !== null) { getElementShortcut(toggleClosedStationsOptionButtonId).onclick = null; getElementShortcut(toggleClosedStationsOptionButtonId).disabled = true; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Load Url Variables // // Optional variables in the URL to override the defaults. // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function loadUrlVariables() { "use strict"; if (window.location.search.length < 1000) { urlVariablesObject = {}; var urlVariablesArray = window.location.search.replace(/^\?/, "").split("&"); urlHash = window.location.hash.replace(/^#/, ""); urlVariablesArray.forEach(function(variablePair) { var variablePairArray = variablePair.split("="); urlVariablesObject[variablePairArray[0]] = variablePairArray[1]; }); } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Check Coordinates // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function checkCoordinates( latitude, longitude ) { "use strict"; if ( !latitude || !longitude || !(new RegExp(/^[\-]?\d{0,2}(?:[.]\d{0,6})?$/).test(latitude)) || !(new RegExp(/^[\-]?\d{0,3}(?:[.]\d{0,6})?$/).test(longitude)) || ( latitude > 90 ) || ( latitude <= -90 ) || ( longitude > 180 ) || ( longitude < -180 ) ) { // Return 1 if the coordinates are bad return 1; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Load Radar List // // On separate page from map // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function loadRadarList() { "use strict"; usaTDWRSitesVisibility = 1; usaTvStationsVisibility = 1; closedStationsVisibility = 1; var returnOnlyHtmlBody = 1; var htmlFileBodyContents = exportHTML(returnOnlyHtmlBody); getElementShortcut(listContainerDivId).innerHTML = htmlFileBodyContents; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Toggle Options Panel // // Show/hide the options panel. // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function toggleOptionsPanel() { "use strict"; var currentOptionsPanelDisplay = window.getComputedStyle(getElementShortcut(optionsPanelDivId), null).getPropertyValue("display"); if (currentOptionsPanelDisplay === "block") { getElementShortcut(optionsPanelDivId).style.display = "none"; } else { getElementShortcut(optionsPanelDivId).style.display = "block"; getElementShortcut(listPanelDivId).style.display = "none"; getElementShortcut(exportPanelDivId).style.display = "none"; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Toggle Radar List Panel // // Show/hide the radar list panel. // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function toggleListPanel() { "use strict"; var currentListPanelDisplay = window.getComputedStyle(getElementShortcut(listPanelDivId), null).getPropertyValue("display"); if (currentListPanelDisplay === "block") { getElementShortcut(listPanelDivId).style.display = "none"; } else { getElementShortcut(listPanelDivId).style.display = "block"; getElementShortcut(optionsPanelDivId).style.display = "none"; getElementShortcut(exportPanelDivId).style.display = "none"; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Toggle Export Panel // // Show/hide the export panel. // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function toggleExportPanel() { "use strict"; var currentExportPanelDisplay = window.getComputedStyle(getElementShortcut(exportPanelDivId), null).getPropertyValue("display"); if (currentExportPanelDisplay === "block") { getElementShortcut(exportPanelDivId).style.display = "none"; } else { getElementShortcut(exportPanelDivId).style.display = "block"; getElementShortcut(optionsPanelDivId).style.display = "none"; getElementShortcut(listPanelDivId).style.display = "none"; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Load ArcGis Radar Map // // Also load options panel. // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function loadArcGisRadarDatabaseMap() { "use strict"; loadUrlVariables(); if ( (typeof urlVariablesObject["zoom"] !== "undefined") && (urlVariablesObject["zoom"].match(/^(?:1[0-5]|[1-9])$/)) ) { mapZoom = urlVariablesObject["zoom"]; } if (typeof urlVariablesObject["basemap"] !== "undefined") { var urlMapBasemap = urlVariablesObject["basemap"].toLowerCase(); if (mapBasemapsArrayToUse.indexOf(urlMapBasemap) > -1) { arcGisMapBasemapId = urlMapBasemap; loadVectorTileLayerOnLoad = 0; vectorTileLayerToLoad = ""; } else if (urlMapBasemap === "light_gray_no_labels") { vectorTileLayerToLoad = layerIdForLightGrayVectorTileLayer; } else if (urlMapBasemap === "dark_gray_no_labels") { vectorTileLayerToLoad = layerIdForDarkGrayVectorTileLayer; } } if (loadVectorTileLayerOnLoad && !vectorTileLayerToLoad) { if (arcGisMapTheme === "light") { vectorTileLayerToLoad = layerIdForLightGrayVectorTileLayer; } else { vectorTileLayerToLoad = layerIdForDarkGrayVectorTileLayer; } } if (typeof urlVariablesObject["center"] !== "undefined") { var urlMapCenter = urlVariablesObject["center"]; var urlMapCenterArray = urlMapCenter.split(","); var urlMapCenterLatitude = urlMapCenterArray[0]; var urlMapCenterLongitude = urlMapCenterArray[1]; var urlMapCenterCoordinatesAreInvalid = checkCoordinates( urlMapCenterLatitude, urlMapCenterLongitude ); if (!urlMapCenterCoordinatesAreInvalid) { mapCenterLatitude = urlMapCenterLatitude; mapCenterLongitude = urlMapCenterLongitude; } } require([ "esri/Map", "esri/views/MapView", "esri/views/SceneView", "esri/layers/GraphicsLayer", "esri/widgets/Fullscreen", "esri/layers/VectorTileLayer" ], function( Map, MapView, SceneView, GraphicsLayer, Fullscreen, VectorTileLayer ) { // Basemap IDs: // https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-Map.html#basemap if (loadVectorTileLayerOnLoad) { arcGisMapBasemapId = undefined; if (vectorTileLayerToLoad === layerIdForLightGrayVectorTileLayer) { lightGrayVectorTileLayer = new VectorTileLayer({ "url": lightGrayVectorTileLayerUrl }); } else { darkGrayVectorTileLayer = new VectorTileLayer({ "url": darkGrayVectorTileLayerUrl }); } } if (useNoLabelLightGrayVectorTileLayer) { mapBasemapsArrayToUse.unshift(layerIdForLightGrayVectorTileLayer); mapBasemapsObject[layerIdForLightGrayVectorTileLayer] = "Light Gray (No Labels)"; } if (useNoLabelDarkGrayVectorTileLayer) { mapBasemapsArrayToUse.unshift(layerIdForDarkGrayVectorTileLayer); mapBasemapsObject[layerIdForDarkGrayVectorTileLayer] = "Dark Gray (No Labels)"; } var htmlFor3DOptionButtonDivVisibility = ""; if (!allow3DOption) { htmlFor3DOptionButtonDivVisibility = " style=\"display: none;\""; } var mapContainerHtml = "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + " " + "
    " + "
    " + " " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    "; if (siteLogoBase64 && siteLogoMainLink) { mapContainerHtml += "
    " + " " + "
    "; } mapContainerHtml += "
    "; // // // // Options Container // // // mapContainerHtml += "
    "; // // Toggle Range Of Publicly Available Imagery Option // if (showRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOption) { var toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOptionCheckboxCheckedHtml = ""; if (rangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryVisibility) { toggleRangeOfPubliclyAvailableImageryOptionCheckboxCheckedHtml = " checked=\"checked\""; } mapContainerHtml += "
    " + " " + "
    "; } // // Toggle U.S. TDWR Radars Option // if (showUsaTDWRSitesOption) { var toggleUsaTDWRSitesOptionCheckboxCheckedHtml = ""; if (usaTDWRSitesVisibility) { toggleUsaTDWRSitesOptionCheckboxCheckedHtml = " checked=\"checked\""; } mapContainerHtml += "
    " + " " + "
    "; } // // Toggle U.S. TV Stations Option // if (showUsaTvStationsOption) { var toggleUsaTvStationsOptionCheckboxCheckedHtml = ""; if (usaTvStationsVisibility) { toggleUsaTvStationsOptionCheckboxCheckedHtml = " checked=\"checked\""; } mapContainerHtml += "
    " + " " + "
    "; } // // Toggle Closed Stations Option // if (showClosedStationsOption) { var toggleClosedStationsOptionCheckboxCheckedHtml = ""; if (closedStationsVisibility) { toggleClosedStationsOptionCheckboxCheckedHtml = " checked=\"checked\""; } mapContainerHtml += "
    " + " " + "
    "; } mapContainerHtml += "
    "; // // // // List Container // // // if (isTropicalGlobe || isHurricaneCity) { mapContainerHtml += "
    " + " Click here to view a list of all the weather radar sites in our database. (on their own web page, without a map)" + "
    "; } // // // // Export Container // // // if (showExportOptions) { mapContainerHtml += "
    " + " Export radar sites:" + " " + "
    "; } mapContainerHtml += "
    "; // // // // Menu Container // // // mapContainerHtml += "
    " + "
    "; if (isTropicalGlobe || isHurricaneCity) { mapContainerHtml += "
    "; } if (showExportOptions) { mapContainerHtml += "
    "; } mapContainerHtml += "
    " + "
    " + "
    " + "
    "; //here // Future Options Panel // // Map // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // View Full Screen (in browser window) Export Data: CSV | Google Earth (kmz) // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Radar Location (search city and country names using English alphabet): [________________________________] // // [x] Show range of publicly available imagery // [x] Show radar site dot // [_] Draw range even if radar unavailable // Basemap: [Light Gray (minimal labels)] // 3D: [Yes / No] // Countries: // All (when selected, unselect all others) // A // B // United States // Z // Range circle fill for radar sites available: // Color: [#xxxxxx] // Opacity: [100%] // Range circle outline for radar sites available: // Color: [#xxxxxx] // Opacity: [100%] // Range circle fill for radar sites not available: // Color: [#xxxxxx] // Opacity: [100%] // Range circle outline for radar sites not available: // Color: [#xxxxxx] // Opacity: [100%] // Radar site dot: // Point Width: [3px] // Color: [#xxxxxx] // Opacity: [100%] // Radar Agency Type: // Show All // U.S. NEXRAD nexrad radarSiteIsUsaNEXRAD // U.S. TDWR tdwr radarSiteIsUsaTDWR // Other U.S. Gov. Radar usa_gov_other radarSiteIsUsaGovOther // College / University edu radarSiteIsEdu // U.S. TV Stations tv radarSiteIsUsaTvStation // All Others / Uncategorized other radarSiteIsOther // Radar Agency: // Show All (when selected, unselect all others) // A // B // NOAA // Z // Rules To Use: // [_] Radar Range: [___] to [___] // [_] Has Link To WMO Database [Yes / No] // [_] Has Radar Imagery [Yes / No] getElementShortcut(mapContainerDivId).innerHTML = mapContainerHtml; getElementShortcut(radarMapId + "_toggle_basemap").onchange = function(){ toggleBasemap(); }; if (arcGisMapTheme === "dark") { if ( (arcGisMapBasemapId === "streets-navigation-vector") || (arcGisMapBasemapId === "streets-vector") ) { arcGisMapBasemapId = "streets-night-vector"; } else if (arcGisMapBasemapId === "gray-vector") { arcGisMapBasemapId = "dark-gray-vector"; } } arcGisMap = new Map({ "basemap": arcGisMapBasemapId }); var initialViewParams = { "container": appConfig["container"], "map": arcGisMap, "center": { "latitude": mapCenterLatitude, "longitude": mapCenterLongitude }, "zoom": mapZoom, "constraints": { // "maxZoom": 15, "minZoom": 2 } }; if (loadVectorTileLayerOnLoad) { if (vectorTileLayerToLoad === layerIdForLightGrayVectorTileLayer) { arcGisMap.add(lightGrayVectorTileLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](lightGrayVectorTileLayer, 0); } else if (vectorTileLayerToLoad === layerIdForDarkGrayVectorTileLayer) { arcGisMap.add(darkGrayVectorTileLayer); arcGisMap["reorder"](darkGrayVectorTileLayer, 0); } } // Switch view from 2D to 3D: // https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/views-switch-2d-3d/ var switchButton = null; if (allow3DOption) { switchButton = getElementShortcut(mapArcGisToggleViewTypeButton); } if (load3DView) { currently3D = 1; // create 3D view and and set active appConfig["sceneView"] = createView(initialViewParams, "3d"); appConfig["sceneView"]["map"] = arcGisMap; appConfig["activeView"] = appConfig["sceneView"]; // create 2D view, won't initialize until container is set initialViewParams["container"] = null; initialViewParams["map"] = arcGisMap; appConfig["mapView"] = createView(initialViewParams, "2d"); switchButton.value = "2D"; } else { currently3D = 0; // create 2D view and and set active appConfig["mapView"] = createView(initialViewParams, "2d"); appConfig["mapView"]["map"] = arcGisMap; appConfig["activeView"] = appConfig["mapView"]; if (allow3DOption) { // create 3D view, won't initialize until container is set initialViewParams["container"] = null; initialViewParams["map"] = arcGisMap; appConfig["sceneView"] = createView(initialViewParams, "3d"); switchButton.value = "3D"; } } if (allow3DOption) { var switchView = function() { var is3D = appConfig["activeView"].type === "3d"; appConfig["activeView"]["viewpoint"]["rotation"] = 0; var activeViewpoint = appConfig["activeView"]["viewpoint"].clone(); appConfig["activeView"]["container"] = null; if (is3D) { // Switch to 2D appConfig["mapView"]["viewpoint"] = activeViewpoint; appConfig["mapView"]["container"] = appConfig["container"]; appConfig["activeView"] = appConfig["mapView"]; switchButton.value = "3D"; currently3D = 0; } else { // Switch to 3D appConfig["sceneView"]["viewpoint"] = activeViewpoint; appConfig["sceneView"]["container"] = appConfig["container"]; appConfig["activeView"] = appConfig["sceneView"]; switchButton.value = "2D"; currently3D = 1; } } switchButton.addEventListener("click", function(){ switchView(); }); } // convenience function for creating a 2D or 3D view function createView(params, type) { var is2D = type === "2d"; if (is2D) { arcGisMapView = new MapView(params); } else { arcGisMapView = new SceneView(params); } arcGisMapView["ui"].add(new Fullscreen({ "view": arcGisMapView, "element": getElementShortcut(mapContainerDivId), "id": "tg_radar_db_fullscreen_widget" }), "top-right"); // arcGisMapView["ui"]["move"]("zoom", "bottom-right"); arcGisMapView["ui"]["move"]([ { "component": "zoom", "position": "bottom-right" }, { "component": "navigation-toggle", "position": "manual" }, { "component": "compass", "position": "manual" } ]); arcGisMapView["on"]("pointer-move", radarMapEventHandling); arcGisMapView["on"]("click", radarMapEventHandling); arcGisMapView["popup"]["collapseEnabled"] = false; getElementShortcut(mapRadarSiteLabelOnHoverContainerDivId).addEventListener("mouseover", hideHoverDiv); getElementShortcut(mapContainerDivId).addEventListener("mouseout", hideHoverDiv); //here //https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-api-for-javascript/api-for-js-how-to-know-when-a-graphicslayer-s-drawing-is-done/m-p/111825 // https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-portal-PortalItem.html#loadStatus //new GraphicsLayer( //https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-layers-GraphicsLayer.html#loaded // https://www.google.com/search?q=+arcgis+javascript+wait+until+layers+have+content&ei=zX9pYMfENZq0tQad5aS4CA&oq=+arcgis+javascript+wait+until+layers+have+content&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQghEKABOgQIABBDOgIIADoGCAAQBxAeOgYIABAWEB46BwghEAoQoAE6BQghEKsCOggIIRAWEB0QHjoECCEQClDRphxYpokdYJ-KHWgZcAJ4AIABywGIAbEckgEGMzMuNS4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwiH34zTnOTvAhUaWs0KHZ0yCYcQ4dUDCA0&uact=5 // arcGisMapView.when(function(evt) { // }); // arcGisMapView.watch("updating", function(newValue) { // }); // arcGisMapView.watch("stationary", function(newValue) { // }); return arcGisMapView; } var drawOptionsObject = { "first_load": 1 }; drawMapContent( drawOptionsObject ); /* arcGisMapView.watch("updating", function(newValue) { //here console.log("updating property changed: ", newValue); }); */ /* view.on(name, function(value) { eventRow.className = "event active"; if (eventRow.highlightTimeout) { clearTimeout(eventRow.highlightTimeout); } eventRow.highlightTimeout = setTimeout(function() { // after a timeout of one second disable the highlight eventRow.className = "event inactive"; }, 1000); }); */ }); } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Get Cookie // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function getCookie( cookieName ) { "use strict"; var cookieNameToLookFor = cookieName + "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var cookiePairsArray = decodedCookie.split(";"); var cookieValue = ""; cookiePairsArray.forEach(function(cookiePair) { while (cookiePair.charAt(0) === " ") { cookiePair = cookiePair.substring(1); } if (cookiePair.indexOf(cookieNameToLookFor) === 0) { cookieValue = cookiePair.substring(cookieNameToLookFor.length, cookiePair.length); } }); return cookieValue; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Apply Classes To Html Tag // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function applyClassesToHtmlTag() { "use strict"; var regExp; var matchesArray; var rootElement = document.documentElement; var currentTheme = getCookie("tg_theme"); if (currentTheme) { regExp = /^(?:tg_light|tg_dark)$/; matchesArray = currentTheme.match(regExp); if (matchesArray !== null) { rootElement.classList.add(currentTheme); } } else { if ( window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches ) { currentTheme = "tg_dark"; } } if (currentTheme === "tg_dark") { arcGisMapTheme = "dark"; } var currentFontFamilyFromCookie = getCookie("tg_font_family"); if ( currentFontFamilyFromCookie && (currentFontFamilyFromCookie !== "default") ) { var isContainedInArray = fontFamiliesArray.some(element => { return element.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "_") === currentFontFamilyFromCookie.toLowerCase(); }); if (isContainedInArray) { currentFontFamilyFromCookie = currentFontFamilyFromCookie.replace(/ /g, "_"); rootElement.classList.add("tg_font_" + currentFontFamilyFromCookie); } } var currentFontSizeFromCookie = getCookie("tg_font_size"); if ((/^\d{2}$/.test(currentFontSizeFromCookie))) { currentFontSizeFromCookie = Number(currentFontSizeFromCookie); if ( (currentFontSizeFromCookie >= fontSizeMinimum) && (currentFontSizeFromCookie <= fontSizeMaximum) ) { rootElement.classList.add("tg_font_size_" + currentFontSizeFromCookie); } } var currentFontScalingIsOff = getCookie("tg_font_scaling"); if (currentFontScalingIsOff === "none") { rootElement.classList.add("tg_no_font_scaling"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Load ArcGis Files // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function loadArcGisFiles( divIdToLoadArcGisMapDisplayInto, functionToRunAfterArcGisFilesLoaded ) { "use strict"; var browserNotSupported = 0; var infoTextMessage = "Map is loading..."; if (document.all || window.msCrypto) { // For Internet Explorer, this map will not work. // // https://tanalin.com/en/articles/ie-version-js/ browserNotSupported = 1; infoTextMessage = "Our mapping is not supported in your browser. Please try another browser."; } getElementShortcut(divIdToLoadArcGisMapDisplayInto).innerHTML = "
    " + infoTextMessage + "
    "; if (browserNotSupported) { return; } var arcGisScriptUrl = "https://js.arcgis.com/" + arcGisMapVersion + "/"; var arcGisCssStyleSheetUrl = "https://js.arcgis.com/" + arcGisMapVersion + "/esri/themes/" + arcGisMapTheme + "/main.css"; // Load CSS Stylesheet var cssStylesheet = document.createElement("link"); cssStylesheet.rel = "stylesheet"; cssStylesheet.type = "text/css"; cssStylesheet.href = arcGisCssStyleSheetUrl; cssStylesheet.onload = function() { // Load ArcGIS Script var arcGisScript = document.createElement("script"); arcGisScript.type = "text/javascript"; arcGisScript.src = arcGisScriptUrl; arcGisScript.onload = function() { functionToRunAfterArcGisFilesLoaded(); }; document.head.appendChild(arcGisScript); }; document.head.appendChild(cssStylesheet); } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // // // Prepare Page // // // ------------------------------------------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- function preparePage() { "use strict"; applyClassesToHtmlTag(); var divIdToLoadRadarMapInto = mapContainerDivId; var divIdToLoadRadarListInto = listContainerDivId; window.addEventListener( "load", function() { if (getElementShortcut(divIdToLoadRadarMapInto) !== null) { var functionToRunAfterArcGisFilesLoaded = function() { loadArcGisRadarDatabaseMap(); }; loadArcGisFiles( divIdToLoadRadarMapInto, functionToRunAfterArcGisFilesLoaded ); } else if (getElementShortcut(divIdToLoadRadarListInto) !== null) { loadRadarList(); } }, false ); } // // Prepare page when the script loads // preparePage();